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3rd January, 1945


A Rapid Fire 2 scenario V1.0 (28/8/08)

By Brad Smith

In early 1945, while Soviet forces were closing on Berlin, IV SS Panzer Corp was tasked with retaking Budapest in
Hungary. Spearheading the attack was SS Kampfgruppe Ney, supported by the 5th SS Panzer Division Wiking. As Axis
foces neared the town of Biscke, they were confronted with a powerful blocking force built around the 18th Tank Corps.

German armour and motorised infantry advance across the light snow
(Figures and vehicles from collection of Tim O’Connor, photos by Andrew Wheeler)

The Wargame Scenario

The game is played on an 9’ x 5’ table. The terrain is covered in light snow not affecting movement. Buildings start intact.
Woods are dense. Elevations are a continuous obstacle to movement. The game is 8 moves long.

Points are awarded for eliminating enemy forces (destruction, rout or surrender) as follows:

Type Points
Aircraft, JSII, Panther 10
Panzer IV, Hetzer 8
Su76, Sdkfz 141/1, Lynx 6
Truck, ATG, HT, S/car, A/car 4
Car 2
Infantry 1

To win the German forces must inflict at least 120 casualty points and have at least 50 points “worth” of combat capable
forces beyond the line A-B at the end of the game. To win, Soviet forces must inflict at least 120 casulaty points and
have at least 50 points “worth” of combat capable forces beyond the line C-D at the end of the game. If both sides
achieve their objective, or neither side does, it is a draw.

Battle for Budapest (Part 2) – Darren Makepeace and Richard Marsh

Battle for Budapest – 100 Days in World War II – K. Ungvary

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Soviet JSII heavy tanks (foreground) counterattack towards German held territory (background)
(Figures and vehicles from collection of Tim O’Connor, photos by Andrew Wheeler)

Soviet Order of Battle - all regular except where noted

elements of 18th Tank Corps

Guards Motor Rifle Brigade (3 battalions*) test @ 20 casualties each

HQ CO + 3 figures, 50mm mortar car / jeep
3 x rifle companies each 8 figures, truck
HW Company 14 figures, 2 x MMG, 2 x ATR, 81mm mortar, 57mm ATG, 2 x trucks
* elite for morale only ^ 45mm ATG in 1st battalion only

2 x Heavy Tank Regiments (regular) each:

2 x JSII

2 x Light SP Regiment (regular) each:

3 x SU76

Reconnaissance Platoon
White S/car (.50 cal), 4 figures

[off-board arillery]
Guards Mortar Battalion (regular)
2 x Katyushas (off-board), 2 figure OP team, car


Yak 9T 2 x HMG, 37mm cannon

AFVs test by regiment

Soviet scenario rules

Soviet forces start as per the map with troops embussed and guns towed. At the start of each turn, a D6 is rolled and
on a 5 or 6, a friendly aircraft appears that turn. Aircraft can test to target any forces not in woods or intact buildings.
Target switching rules apply to aircraft attacks and IDF. The Soviet player moves first.

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Axis Order of Battle - all regular except where noted
elements Kampfgruppe Ney and 5th SS Panzer DivisionWiking

Kampfgruppe Ney (2 battalions*) test @ 20 casualties each:

HQ CO + 3 figures, P/schrecke, car
2 x companies each 8 figures, P/faust, truck
1 x company 8 figures, P/faust, Sdkfz 251/1 HT
HW company 15 figures, 2 x MMG, 81mm mortar, 120mm mortar, 75mm ATG, 2 x trucks
* elite except for firing

1st Battalion Westland Panzer Grenadier Regiment

HQ CO + 3 figures, P/schrecke, car
3 x companies each 8 figures, P/faust^
^ tank riders (see below) – 4 figures per tank

5th SS Panzer Division Wiking (regular)

company 3 x Panthers^
company 3 x Panzer IV^
AT company 2 x Hetzers
Reconnaissance Coy Sdkfz 141/1 (20mm)
^ carrying tank riders

[air support]
Messerschmidt BF 109G (2 x HMG, 30mm cannon)

# AFVs test by company

German Panzer IVs setup a gunline

(Figures and vehicles from collection of Tim O’Connor, photos by Andrew Wheeler)

Axis scenario rules

Axis forces start as per the map with troops embussed and guns towed. At the start of each turn an axis aircraft is
available as per the allied scenario rules. German aircraft can appear no more than 2 turns. The German player moves

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Battle Map: Biscke

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