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George Hutton
Course Structure
Why These Structures Work
Content vs. Structure
Broken Stories
Nested Stories
Nuts and Bolts
Image Streaming
Bare Bones Structure
Increasing Desire - One
Increasing Desire - Two
Increasing Desire - Three
Increasing Desire - Four
Increasing Desire - Five
Increasing Desire - Six
Increasing Desire - Seven
Intimacy - One
Intimacy - Two
Intimacy - Three
Intimacy - Four
Intimacy - Five
Intimacy - Six
Intimacy - Seven
Generate Passion - One
Generate Passion - Two
Generate Passion - Three
Generate Passion - Four
Generate Passion - Five
Generate Passion - Six
Generate Passion - Seven
How To Use Effectively
How To Practice
Final Words
Free Mind Programming
Mind Persuasion Kindle Books


Why Hypnotic Patterns?

Imagine you wanted to build a birdhouse. But all you know about birdhouse
carpentry was that you had to use nails, wood, maybe some paint, and there
should be some kind of enclosed structure with a door. Further, when you tried
to build this contraption, you did it with a blindfold. You had to feel your way
around, cutting and nailing haphazardly. Would you produce birdhouse, or
would you produce a trip to the emergency room, with you explaining to the
horrified doctor why you thought it was a good idea to start sawing things in half
while blindfolded?

OK, goofy metaphor. How about this one. Let's say you wanted to go to an
amusement park. And you had a good idea that amusement parks are near big
parking lots, so you figured if you just checked out all the large parking lots in
your neighborhood, you'd find it eventually. And supposing you picked up your
buddies and explained your plans? Would they agree it was a good plan, and
relax and wait for you to eventually find the amusement park? Or would they get
out of the car, call an Uber and leave you behind?

OK, that didn't make any sense. Let's try another metaphor. Let's say you
watched this really cool cooking video on YouTube. It was about thirty minutes
long, (and you got kind of bored halfway through) but at the end, the guy ended
up with a really delicious looking chocolate cake. So there you are, a couple
days later, in your kitchen. You think there were some eggs in there, and maybe
some flour, and the chocolate came from somewhere. You've got half a cartoon
of chocolate milk so you figure that'll do. You throw in some other stuff just in
case (better safe than sorry, right?) and mix it all up and stick it in the oven. Or
maybe it was supposed to be in a frying pan. Anyhow, you check it an hour later
and it's a burnt, smelly mess.

OK, OK, that didn't make any sense either. Or did it? This is about the extent of
what guys do who try and create romantic or sexual desire in females. The
bumble around haphazardly, and hope that the end product is a girl who wants to
get busy. And they nearly always fail.

Three Types of Seduction

We can take three separate categories of guys and their attempts to get girls
interested in them. (We won't count the strategy of sitting on the sidelines and
waiting for it to happen magically). Then we'll find they are all trying to do the
same thing, only with different levels of success.

Regular Dating

This is when guys do anything they can to spend time alone with the object of
their desire. This is really not much better than the "sitting on the sidelines and
hoping strategy." In that the guy is leaving much of the process up to random
chance. He acts a little bit "nicer" than usual. He tries to be a bit more
"friendlier" than usual. The idea being that simply by spending a few hours here
and there together, the girl will start to "like him," although how and why that
happens isn't understood. An equivalent metaphor would be a tribe of ancient
cavemen piling up a bunch of dry leaves and hoping for lightning to strike in
hopes of getting a fire started. This is better than not doing anything, but it's still
pretty hit and miss. Sure, they could a put up a big tall pole in the middle of their
pile of leaves, and keep the leaves dry if it starts to rain (which would increase
their chances) but ultimately, they'd be at the mercy of the gods.


These are guys that are naturally attractive to a large number of women. They
don't have to do anything. The way they talk and act naturally is enough for most
women to become attracted. Lucky for these guys, this creates a very wonderful
self-sustaining loop of seductive success. The more girls they find looking at
them with eyes of lust, the more they build their belief that "all girls dig me."
The more they have their belief, the more girls will fall for them quickly. This
also creates massive amounts of social proof. The natural walks into a place, and
not only are all the girls checking him out, but they also notice each other
checking him out, which creates intense subconscious competition. This triggers
the Cialdini Law of Social Proof and Scarcity at the same time (one guy, many
girls) and this guy doesn't even have to lift a finger. Make some flirty eye
contact, say, "Hey," and he's in like Flynn. Since you're reading this now, I'm
guessing this ain't you.

The Future You

Then there's you. Or the future you. Somebody who will soon understand that no
matter how a girl falls for a guy, it always follows the same structural process.
She goes through the same series of emotions. The same feelings which lead to a
conscious understanding of "I want this guy." Because you will soon understand
this, you will have the best of both worlds. While Naturals are rarely ever
worried about "getting some," they also are always unsure of exactly what it is
they are doing. They're naturals, which means they've never really thought about
how they do what they do. For most girls, this is OK. Naturals show up, pick
from the hottest girls in the place, and away they go. But if he happens to come
across a girl who's not moved by his natural seductive powers, what then? Since
he doesn't really know how he works his magic, when his magic doesn't work,
he's no better off than those guys on the sidelines waiting around for magic. But
when you understand that deep romantic and sexual desires are a result of certain
emotions a woman must feel before feeling what she describes as "love" or "love
at first sight," and you understand how to create them, you'll never worry again.

Sound good?

Before we get started, we'll need to know what to never do. And when I say
never, I mean never ever do. It is a common mistake, and the reasons for it are
beyond the scope of this guide. It will help if we understand how both men and
women are wired, and what "attraction" really means.


What is hunger? It is a feeling that spurs us to action. To eat something.
Anything? No, not anything. It compels us to eat certain foods. Because Mother
Nature knows that we humans are as dumb as rocks, and if we had to actually
remember to eat we'd starve, she gave this never-ending feeling in our guts that
force us to eat if we wait long enough. This feeling which drives our behavior to
satisfy that craving is an instinct. Something it always there. A raw feeling. We
satisfy it, of course, by eating. In the caveman days, we ate anything that we
could. But nowadays, we have a lot of choice. We may be hungry, but we can
afford to shop around. Buy or cook what we want. Unless we are really starving,
we tend to be pretty picky. Imagine you were hungry, and you're at your local
food court. Chances are there would be some things you liked, and some things
you didn't like, right? When given lots of choices, we are very picky about how
we satisfy our hunger. Let's say for the sake of argument, that you're looking at
the cheeseburger shop. You've just decided to buy the Triple Heart Attack
express, which comes with eighteen slices of cheese and half a pound of bacon.
Then you hear a voice to your right.

"Wait! We really want your business! We've been watching you for the last few
minutes, it would make is so happy if you bought something from us! Please?"

And further imagine that person got down on their knees to beg. You were
curious, so you looked up at their shop. BroccoliOn-A-Stick. And let's suppose
that person was really, really, desperate. They said they'd do anything if you
bought some broccoli from them. Now maybe, if they were really screaming and
even threatening to go up to the roof and jump off, you'd buy some broccoli. Not
because you wanted some, but only to get them to shut up. Think about this
question. Think deeply. Is there anything that person could do or say that would
make you want broccoli more than the cheeseburger? Probably not.

How Attraction Works

No doubt you've heard the famous line, "Attraction isn't a choice." Which is
absolutely true. This is true of all of our human instincts. We can't choose to be
or not be hungry. We can't choose to not be scared out our mind if we woke up
next to an angry rattlesnake. We can't choose to not be thirsty if we find
ourselves lost in the middle of the Sahara Desert. We can't choose to not feel
wonderful relief once we finally find a quiet tree to take a leak against.
Understanding the concepts in this guide will be a lot easier if you see attraction,
meaning sexual and romantic desire, just like any other instinct. You can't talk
yourself into it, you can't talk yourself out of it.

How Guys Become Attracted

It's been said that guys are visual creatures. This kind of misses the point. We're
not any more visual than females. In fact, in some areas, we are LESS visual
than females. It's just that what makes us attracted (or not attracted) to a female
is done primarily through our visual senses. Meaning what makes guys attracted
to a girl is how she looks, plain and simple. Sure, other things can augment that,
but ninety percent of that initial desire comes from her physical appearance.
Why is this? Because her physical appearance is all our ancient brethren needed
to know to see if she was capable of having healthy kids, or not. That which
drives male attraction are the same things that gave our ancient cave ancestors
the most chance of having kids that lived long enough to have kids of their own.
It's got nothing to do with social conditioning. She has to be relatively slim, and
her breasts have to relatively firm, and the more symmetry she has, the better.
Several pages could be filled with examples, but suffice it to say that all a guy
needs to become physically attractive is a female that appears to be physically
attractive. And when it happens, a guy doesn't have a choice. If she's not hot,
there's nothing she can say that will make him think she is.

How Girls Become Attracted

Girls are different. They become attracted through personality. Conversation
skills. Social skills. Why? Because while a woman has to be young and healthy
(sorry ladies, that's about all that was important to our caveman ancestors) a man
has to be socially capable. He's the one that's got to bring home the bacon every
day for the next decade while the kids are growing up. If she messed up and
chooses the wrong guy, she's in for some serious problems, at least from a
caveman perspective.

She Must Decide

The girl must feel the attraction building from the inside out. She's got to feel it
for a while. Sure, nowadays plenty of girls sleep with guys they aren't really
"attracted to," since it is socially acceptable. But to actually crave a guy, to think
about him when he's not around, to want to be with him any chance she has, she
has to feel that attraction welling up within. And it has to feel like it's her choice.
This brings us to the most important, unbreakable rule in this guide. One that if
you do break, will destroy all your forward progress and force you to start over
again on level one with another girl. What rule is that?

Never Talk About Seduction

As much as girls love the feeling of being in love, they are hypersensitive to any
idea that some guy is going to "trick her." Any feeling on her part that you are
trying to talk your way into her pants (which you absolutely are, make no
mistake about it) will ruin everything. There are only two ways to go about
seducing her. Be a straightforward, confident player. Or put the patterns so
deeply into your communication that she'll have no idea why she's falling so
hard for you so fast.

Confusing Variables

Human communication is very complicated. There are plenty of things going on
consciously and unconsciously. To try and keep track of all of them, even some
of the time, is impossible. For our purposes, let's imagine a guy who has a decent
track record with females. He's been with a lot of girls. Not quite a natural, but
higher than average. He picks up a book on Seduction Patterns and plays around
with them. Some of them are pretty blatant, and it's clear they are metaphors for
sex. But when he uses them, he's playful and confident. They work, and the guy
attributes it to the patterns. But was it really the patterns? Or his confident and
playful delivery of the patterns? If you take a pattern that is pretty sexual, but
you deliver it with even a hint of nervousness, it's going to come across very
creepy. Some patterns are blatantly sexual, and will only work with guys that are
absolutely comfortable talking about blatantly sexual things.

Better Safe Than Sorry

Even if you do have your fair share of success, and your fairly confident in using
some pretty blatant patterns that any girl with half a brain will know are
metaphors for sex, it's better to steer clear. One reason is that she'll have a clear
understanding that you talked your way into her pants. Meaning the next day she
might not feel so hot. Two is that if you are having an "off night" for one reason
or another, you'll go from mad success to failing creep in no time. Blatantly
sexual patterns only work if you are 100% confident and congruent. If you are
only 90% on either, you'll go from winner to loser very quickly.

Deep Patterns

The patterns you will be learning in this guide are not sexual. At least not on the
surface. They are designed to be used so if she does catch a whiff of sexual
innuendo coming from them, she won't think it's coming from you. You will
have very plausible and believable excuse, one she'll believe. So let's review the
most important rule.

Never Talk About Seduction

The surface structure reason for you talking to her can never have anything to do
with sex. If she ever stops you in the middle of a conversation and asks, "What
are we talking about?" The answer can never be sex, which means you must
always have another answer ready. And if you use these patterns you will.
Meaning if she ever thinks you are talking about sex, you'll show her it was her
mistake to think that. Seriously. And she'll believe it. But that requires you stick
to the number one rule. Never ever talk about sex or seduction or anything
related. The idea is to build up the desire so deeply within her that she is as
obvious as she can be with her desire for you. She will be the one apologizing to
you the next morning when she wakes up and feels a little guilty for coming on
too strong. However, this will only happen if you promise yourself, here and
now, to never talk about sex or seduction. Leave it up to her to come that
conclusion, on her own. If you use the patterns in this book correctly, she will.
Course Structure

This guide will be short on theory and long on tools. The bulk will be patterns
you can use, word for word. They will have within them not just the words, but
the pauses, the gestures, and the tonality to give them the best effect. In order to
do that, you'll need to understand what these terms mean. So before you get to
the patterns themselves, we'll have to go through a crash course in Ericksonian
Hypnosis. When you first read these patterns, see them as script to be read by an
actor. Take some time to memorize them. There will be some tips on doing that,
so it will be a lot easier than it may seem. The patterns themselves will take two
or three minutes to get through. You'll also learn a few tips on how to "test" for
her attraction. Since this isn't a full blown guide on what to do, when to do it,
and how to do it, you'll have to "wing it" once sufficient attraction has been
generated. You can think of going through this book on two different levels.

Level One

This is when you take the time to memorize the words, and understand the
delivery technique. There will be plenty of patterns in here so that once you've
found three or four that are your "favorites" you'll be able to use them on any girl
you meet, and have her respond similarly. To reach this level of success, you'll
need time to understand the patterns and how to deliver them. How long that
takes is up to you. But with enough focus and practice, you should have several
of these seduction scripts memorized within a few weeks or less. Then it's just a
matter of getting out and using them. You'll learn some tips on how to do that,
but understand this isn't a pick up guide, filled with ideas on approaching and
starting conversations. We'll leave that up to you. For being able to create deep
desire in most females within a few minutes after talking to them, or at least
sufficient interest so she'll want you to keep talking, you should be able to hit the
ground running in two weeks or less. After that, it's just a matter of fine tuning
your delivery, and dealing with your ever increasing "sales funnel" of women.
But what happens if you find a gal you like? One that is going to get tired of
hearing the same patterns over and over again?

Level Two This is when you can see how the patterns themselves are
constructed, and you can begin building your own. This will take you to a whole
new level of understanding about human communication. Creating sexual and
romantic desire is one thing, but what about creating deep loyalty, or installing
increased self-confidence, or even a sense of sexual adventure? Once you have
some basic success with some of these patterns, you'll want to start to create
your own. Hold off on level two until you've had sufficient success with level
one. After you are getting consistently good results, you'll start to naturally want
to expand your skills set. That is normal. How long should you spend on level
one, before moving on to level two? That is completely up to you. Perhaps you'll
never need level two. Perhaps with these level one patterns (where level one is
pre-written patterns and level two is self-written by you) you'll never need level
two. Perhaps your communication skills only need fine tuning in this one area.
All up to you. But give yourself time to read and digest the concepts, and then to
read and memorize a few of these patterns.

That being said, let's get started with the nuts and bolts of the patterns, how they
work, and how to deliver them.
Why These Structures Work

From now on, we'll stop using the term, "patterns" and start using the word
"structures." Patterns imply a short sentence, or perhaps a collection of
sentences. From a metaphorical, traditional dating standpoint, using a pattern
would be like walking up to a girl on the street and handing her a rose, and
hoping that would be enough to convince her to fall in love with you. Sure, it
might work sometimes, but it usually will only get you a smile. (Or maybe a
punch from her boyfriend.) On the other hand, a structure is much more robust.
Drawn out. Sticking with a metaphorical, traditional dating idea, a structure
would be more like the full date. The limousine drive from her house to the
restaurant, the main course, the desert, and the violins serenading you while you
eat. (Don't worry, this is just a metaphor to compare the idea of a language
"pattern" to a language "structure." You're not going to be taking any limo's or
listening to any violins unless that's your thing). What exactly are these
structures? More on that later. Much more on that later. But for now, we'll need
to know why you need them. And why when you start to think, "Jeez, I have to
remember all this?" you'll remember this chapter and answer your own question:
Yes, you really do need to remember all this!

Conscious Critic

All humans have a conscious critic. Here's a brief tour through our evolutionary
history to understand why. (Pro Tip: If you want a real thorough explanation of
why we humans are the way we are when it comes to sex, you can't go wrong
with Matt Ridley's, "The Red Queen.") Long time ago, we humans live in tribes
of hunter-gathers. Everybody knew everybody. Nobody cheated, and nobody
thought about cheating. The idea of lying to somebody, back then, would be the
equivalent of walking into a police station today and trying to steal a wallet from
a cop. So stupid it doesn't even warrant serious thought. Because in hunter-
gatherer tribes, you had to spend your entire life with the same group of people.
Eating, hunting, sleeping, pooping, and hopefully getting some now and then. So
the idea of blatantly lying to anybody, for any reason, didn't even cross
anybody's mind. But that all changed once we discovered agriculture, which led
to large societies. This led to people seeing people they'd never seen before, and
would maybe never see again. This opened up a whole new world for would-be
con artists. It was no longer "out of the question" to sell somebody a bag of
potatoes, and then run away before they discovered they were all rotten, or
maybe half of them were rocks, or dirt. This led to what Ridley calls an "Arms
Race" between liars. First there were people that lied to other people. Then as a
counter measure, people developed the ability to spot liars. Then the liars
developed a counter measure to that which was to lie to themselves, so the other
person wouldn't be able to tell they were lying. The end result is here we are
today, and we are super-hyper sensitive to anybody lying to us, especially when
it comes to money. Getting blatantly ripped off is one of the biggest fears. It's
why car salesman have such a bad rap. Think of the stereotypical snake oils
salesman. Where did he sell his stuff from? From inside an established shop?
Nope, he sold from the back of his wagon. Why? Because as soon as he sold his
stuff, he had to get the heck out of Dodge before the people realized they'd
bought useless bottles of colored water.

The Female Conscious Critic

Females are very picky about who they let inside the holiest of holies. (Well,
some women still are). This is for good reason. A cave girl gets knocked up, and
she's utterly dependent on other people for at least three years. That's how long
she'll have to watch junior like a hawk until he can sort of walk around on his
own. And in the cave man world, this mean that she only allows herself to be
"taken" by some cave guy she knows is going to stick around. Of course,
modern females have birth control and nobody thinks, "Hmm, I wonder if this
guy is going to stick around for three years if I go back to his place." But that
ancient fear is still there. Women are hard wired (even though most have been
able to overcome it with social conditioning) to be feel very cautious about who
they have sex with. This only comes across to them as a vague feeling,
something they might describe as "creepy" or "weird." The opposite feeling, on
the other hand is one of comfort, openness, trust, etc. Remember she won't
describe these feelings to herself in words, she'll just feel it with some guys, and
not feel it with other guys. And the thing that will most certainly make her not
feel it with any guy (or you) is any suspicion, conscious or unconscious, that you
are trying to talk your way into her pants using hypnotic trickery.

Always Her Idea

That's why you've got use these patterns the way they are described, and learn
how to subtly test to see if she's attracted. The entire time, from when the
conversation starts until you both wake up the next morning, she must feel and
believe that it was her idea. She must believe that she convinced you, or
persuaded you, or even manipulated you, into having sex with her. If she
suspects at all that you somehow tricked her, she'll want you in prison, and you
might very well end up there.

Mind Bending Question

OK, now for the million dollar question. Suppose you do use these patterns, and
they work beautifully. She believes one hundred percent that getting physical
was her idea. Even so much that she apologizes to you the next morning. Now,
in that situation, who's idea was it really? Let's say you've got a group of kids
sitting around an empty table. And you put a big bowl of ice cream with a bunch
of spoons in front of them. Of course, they eat the ice cream. But whose idea
was it to eat the ice cream? There's no way you could argue that you made the
kids eat the ice cream, or you tricked the kids into eating the ice cream. The kids
will believe in their heart of hearts that they saw the ice cream, they wanted to
eat the ice cream, and they chose to eat the ice cream. What did you do, as the
adult to facilitate this? You merely knew the mind of kids, and set up the
situation where you knew what they would choose. Do your best to see this
process you are learning here as the same. You are learning a communication
structure that you'll set up to let her choose what you have a good idea that she
will choose. Which is a romantic and physical relationship with you. Is it
manipulation? Not anymore that putting ice cream in front of kids, knowing that
they will eat it is manipulation.

She Must Choose

We'll hammer this point one last time before we get into the nuts and bolts of
these patterns. You must use these structures in a way that she'll interpret them
and act on them wholly of her own free will. And you must never, ever, let her
think otherwise. That would be like telling kids that you made them eat ice
cream! And that is not very nice!
Content vs. Structure

The first thing to understand is that structures moves people more than content.
A well told story about a hillbilly boy and his hound dog will create more tears
than a horribly told story that is a more traditional romance-tragedy. Joseph
Campbell studied mythology since the dawn of history and found all
mythological stories have more or less the same structure. A normal guy
becomes a hero and ends up killing some super human or magical beast. Even
Hollywood blockbusters tell the same "story" over and over. Why? It's not the
characters, it's not the plot, it's the structure that moves us.

Rubber and the Road

So when talking to girls, what structures are best? Structures that move her
emotions are much better than structures that don't. What kind of emotions?
What kind of emotions are in the typical romance novel? A girl meets a guy
she's not his type, he's a bad boy, a rebel, something about him is forbidden. She
is moved by her emotions to overcome social mores to get together with him.
What's the deep meaning? The romantic heroine is moved by her emotions, even
in doing things that she doesn't normally do, or things she isn't supposed to do.
This is the reason why every time Disney makes another version of Beauty and
the Beast, it makes a kajillion dollars. The heroine is following her heart, not
what society tells she should do. What are the emotions in that kind of story?
Forbidden attraction. Wanting something and being told you can't have it.
Wanting it enough to go for it and not care about the consequences. Attraction
that must be kept secret. Hidden. Away from the prying eyes of a moral society.
Adventure, risk taking, fear of losing, the ups and downs of every soap opera
that has ever been on TV. Finally getting close to getting the guy only to have
society throw up a roadblock. Then the two future lovers have to figure out a
way around the road block. Emotional uncertainty. Never feeling quite certain
that the object of desire is within reach. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Why
does the "cocky funny" routine work so well? Because it mimics the bad boy of
the romantic stories. Why does push-pull work so well? Because it mimics the "I
have it, wait, no I don't" feeling of romantic love stories. So why not just use
cocky-funny, and push pull techniques? Because they are hard to fake. It's hard
to be cocky and funny if you're not naturally cocky and funny. It's tough to use a
push-pull technique if you haven't been laid in ages. Unless you have a deep
feeling of sexual abundance, using any kind of push pull is difficult. Push pull
only works when it is genuine. When sometimes you actually want her, and
sometimes you actually don't want her. This is hard to fake. Which means if
you're faking, she'll know. But when you use these same ideas within these
structures? It will be a lot easier. Why?

Blurred Reality

Because you'll be using a hypnotic technique called "blurred reality." If you are
using cocky funny on its own, she'll know it's you that is being cocky funny. But
if you are using it within a blurred reality technique, she won't quite be sure. Her
"conscious critic" won't be nearly as effective in sniffing out any insincerity.
Largely because the character that will be doing all the push-pull and all the
cocky-funny will be just that. A character in a story. But it will be delivered in a
very careful way so she'll start to wonder if it's you that's being cocky and funny
or push-pull (or more accurately causing the deeper emotions that these surface
level techniques elicit) or the story, or maybe the character in the story?

Blurred Reality Example

This is the famous "quotes pattern" that everybody knows about. It's cute, but it
doesn't elicit emotions. It's more of a testing technique than a seduction
technique. Only few people use it that way. Instead, they use it more as some
kind of gimmick. Anyhow, here's how it works. Say you're sitting at the bar,
next to some girl you've just met. You look at all the people and see your buddy.
Then you lean over to the girl you've just started talking to and say: "See that
guy? He's really crazy. He'll walk right to some girl he doesn't even know and
say, you are so gorgeous, I'd love to give you orgasms all night long. What do
you think?"

Of course, when you say the "You're gorgeous" part, you look at the girl you're
sitting with and say it to her. The reason that this "quotes pattern" is considered a
simplified version of a much larger, "blurred reality" structure is part of her
thinks you're simply quoting your friend. Another part of her will think you're
actually saying it to her. But remember, patterns are one-liners that don't usually
work. Now, if you had been talking to her for an hour, and you said it, and she
kind of smiled when you did, then that's an indication that she's "good to go."
Meaning that if you then asked her to go home with you, she'd say yes. But in
this case, the statement itself didn't cause those feelings, it was simply a way to
test for those feelings. Meaning that if she kind of pulled back, or her pupils got
really tiny really quickly, then it's probably not a good idea to ask her back to
your place.

Extended Blurred Reality

But there's a much more eloquent and elegant way to extend these blurred
realities much longer than a one line gimmick. Within some of these patterns,
you'll be blurring realities all over the place, which means you'll be able to get
away with a lot more, all the while having plausible deniability, which also
means it will be her idea to start thinking of you in that way.

We'll learn that structure next.
Broken Stories

One of the most important structural element you'll be using is something called
"Nested Loops." They work for a number of reasons, and one of them is
whoever is listening to you will never be quite sure of what you're talking about.
This will cause them to pay much closer attention to what they are saying.
Compare this to how most people communicate. They talk, and if the content,
the stuff they are talking about, is interesting, people will pay attention. But the
more people are listening to the speaker, the more likely somebody who is
listening will not find it interesting, or might be desperately trying to come up
with something more interesting. Think about this next time you're in a group of
people that are having a non-directed (normal) conversation. Very rarely does
one person keep talking before something else takes over, and goes off on
another tangent. It's as if everybody in the conversation is desperately fighting
for the "conversation spotlight." This is because most people talk in linear
sequences. They talk about things in small, self-contained, "chunks." Some event
or opinion that usually has a beginning, middle, and end. And as soon as the
other people in the conversation sense they've passed the "middle" of that
"chunk" and are nearing the end, they begin to gear up to take over the
conversation, at least for the next few seconds.

Typical Strategy

What most people do to try to "win" more often is to come up with "better"
content. Remember, people think that "content" is what drives conversations, but
you'll soon see that structure is infinitely more powerful and effective. But since
most people are always using the same structure, most people believe there is
only content.

Human Brains Hate Unfinished Business

Here's what usually happens when a group of people are having a normal
conversation. Somebody starts talking, and people wait (both out of politeness
and out of necessity) until the person who is speaking starts to finish the chunk
or loop. Most people speak in single chunks, or single loops. Once a loop is
started, people pay attention because we naturally need to see things through to
their conclusion, even goofy stories that people tell during regular conversations.
As soon as the end of the story is in sight, people will pull back their attention
and start to think of another story they might tell that is related.

Nested Loops Are Never Finished

Nested loops work because they are designed to keep them focused for as long
as you want. That's because you shift to another story, or another loop, before
the first loop is finished. So long as you keep this structure, they will never get
that "finished" feeling that tells them to stop paying attention, or to pull back
enough to start thinking of what they might say next. They will continue
listening to you and they will be very reluctant to interrupt you, even if it's to ask
what the heck you're talking about. From a subconscious attention standpoint,
they will always feel that you are in the beginning stages of a story.

Pay attention to this if you can, to prove this to yourself. Next time you are in a
group of people (or even near a group of people) watch them as they take turns
talking. As soon as somebody starts a new loop, everybody will be completely
focused, if at least until they figure out what the other person is going to say.
This may be hard to see at first, but this is only because when most people speak
socially, what they are saying is both very common and not very interesting. So
long as there isn't an "attention hog" in the conversation, somebody that can't not
talk for more than a few seconds, as soon as somebody starts a new story,
everybody will start paying attention. Also pay attention to the other listeners’
body language. They'll be an obvious shift from "careful listening and 100%
focus" to "polite listening while trying to come up with their own story." As
soon as they make that subtle and external shift, they’ve lost interest and are
trying to come up with their own story or topic.

Always Shift

So long as you shift BEFORE that inflection point, where you deliver the
punchline of the story, or the mystery is solved, or the issue is resolved, it will be
very hard for them (or her) to NOT pay close attention.

Why Am I Paying Attention?

This is a very subtle, but extremely important point. Even if you don't use any
of the later technology and techniques, even if you don't specifically target any
emotions, if all you did was start to tell stories, and then start another one right
before the inflection point of the previous story, you will generate a lot of
attraction in a lot of women. (So long as your stories aren't about something
incredibly boring like that one time you decided to watch paint dry or grass
grow). Why? Because of the structure of your communication (loops that are
told in a specific way), she will be paying very close attention to you. She will
have to because of the way our minds are structured. But she will also need a
reason to. She will know that she is having a unique experience. It's very rare to
meet some guy, have him start talking, and then not be able to turn off your
concentration. This simply does not happen. Even more so, when it does happen,
it's usually because the content is extraordinary. Like maybe some guy just got
back from Africa, with Doctors without Borders, and had to operate on some kid
while a lion was stalking them outside the tent. In this case, it would be obvious
why they were enthralled by what he was talking about. But since you'll be using
regular old stories (so long as they aren't paint-drying stories) she won't know
why (at least in the beginning) she's so tuned in to whatever you are talking
about. So she'll have to come up with a reason. And that reason will be some
vague description about your personality, but something that is also very
positive. "He's got incredible energy," or "he's got a lot of natural charisma," or
"he has an intense amount of focus." None of these things really "mean"
anything. You can't measure charisma or personal magnetism with any kind of
electronic device. But they are convenient ways to describe somebody we find
attractive, especially when the reasons for the attraction are not obvious. But
think of what you are doing. You are attracting her. She can't get her mind, her
eyes, her body language, off you. The longer you tell this "broken" or "nested"
loops, the more she'll remain transfixed, and the more her natural attraction will

As you go through the pre-written patterns, you'll get a feel for how these work.
But now you know exactly why they work.

Nested Stories

If you simply break your stories apart, you can keep her, or them, in rapt
attention as long as you want. This will increase her general attraction of you.
But it won't be a sexual attraction, nor will it be a romantic attraction. To
generate these, you'll need to do a little bit more work. Or at the very least
understand this process, so when you begin to memorize the patterns contained
within this guide, you'll know why they are arranged in the way they are.

Open vs. Closed Loops

Broken loops are very similar to cliffhangers in TV shows. If you've ever
binged-watched anything on Netflix, now you know why it's so easy. They
specifically write each episode just so the last five minutes do one thing, and one
thing only. Create as much desire as possible to watch the next episode. Think of
it this way. When people "binge watch" they almost always watch the same TV
show. People never (or very rarely) binge watch a whole bunch of different
movies that have nothing to do with one another. Even thinking about that
doesn't make any sense! But binge watching a bunch of TV shows that were
specifically written to hook you right in the last five minutes? That's as natural as
eating a bag of potato chips. Binge watching a bunch of different movies would
be about as likely as opening up ten or twenty different kinds of snack foods and
only eating a couple from each one.

Closed Loops Are Forgotten

Plenty of studies have been done on our memory and how we deal with open and
closed loops. For example, take a waiter or waitress at a busy restaurant. The
tables where the people are still eating and haven't yet settled the bill are open
loops. But as soon as they get up and leave, the loop is closed. If you ask any
waiter or waitress about any of the information regarding an open loop, he or she
will remember everything. Their orders, drinks, any special requests they'd
made. But as soon as they pay? Poof! Gone. How can we utilize this? By being
very careful on when we start loops, when we break them off, and when we go
back and continue to close them, and which ones we choose to leave open.

Think of three stories. And let's assume that each story can be told in five scenes,
with scene three being the one that creates the most tension, or the one that
requires the most need for resolution. Now, most people would tell the stories in
this order: (where 1 is story one, and A through E are each scene from story

1A 1B 1C 1D 1E
2A 2B 2C 2D 2E
3A 3B 3C 3D 3E

If you were in a group, or even talking to a single person, it would be very
difficult to get through all of these stories in the above sequence without being
interrupted. But consider if you told them in this order: 1A 1B 1C
2A 2B 2C
3A 3B 3C 3D 3E
2D 2E
1D 1E

So long as part C sets up a conflict that NEEDED to be resolved (just like at the
end of every binge-watchable show), people would be very UNLIKELY to
interrupt you, because part of them would still need closure. So until you got to
1E, which closed off ALL the loops, they would be listening with rapt attention.
But the middle story (story 3) wouldn't include any broken parts. It would be a
self-contained loop. And since it won't be broken, and it's surrounded by broken
parts, they'll pay close attention to story 3, but they won't remember any of it.
They'll never need to because it's not broken. AND it's surrounded by broken
stories that are taking all of their focus and attention.

What's the Use?

What's the use of a story that they won't remember? This is where you can put
all of those powerful hypnotic suggestions. Remember the blurred reality
example, where the guy looked at the girl and supposedly quoted his friend, but
was really telling the girl that he wanted to take her home for a sex marathon?
That won't work (except to test to see if she's already interested) because it's so
blatant. But if you "hide it" in the middle section, it will hit her in a completely
different way. You can still use the "quotes pattern" so you don't actually have to
say it, but you can say it directly to her, and since she's in the middle of paying
close attention, what will happen? On one level, you'll be creating general
attraction (since she's paying such close attention to you) and this general
attraction will combined with whatever hypnotic commands you hide in the
middle of the story. This will create the feelings, which she'll keep, but the
content (the thing story 3 is actually about) will be completely forgotten. She'll
end up with a combination of general desire, and sexual attraction.

The Longer the Better

Just for the sake of argument, let's say you put the middle story, the one that's
told straight from beginning to end, in between six or seven other broken stories.
Let's say each story, on its own, is two minutes. That gives you a total of about
fifteen minutes of speaking time. Time that she'll be totally immersed in
whatever you are saying. What about the middle story? That middle story can be
filled with direct sexual suggestions, so long as you make sure you are not really
saying it to her, rather one character (in some story) is saying it another
character. Think about what this will allow you to do. You can talk to a girl you
barely know, and say two minute’s worth of nearly X-rated sex talk, and she will
barely remember it!

It's Not Me

Remember in the beginning, when we went over the most important rule? Let's
say your worst fears come true. She stops you smack dab in the middle of that
middle story, and says something like this: Her: "Hold up their buddy. Are you
trying to trick me into having sex with you?"

You: "What? What do you mean?"

Her: "Didn't you just look at me and say you wanted to give me a five hour

You: "Me? No! Why would you think that? I was telling you about this movie I

Her: "Oh, I, uh, wow, um OK."

So even if she "catches you" she'll have the combination of being feeling general
attraction (she will have been listening for a few minutes up to that point) and
then she'll have made the obvious mistake of thinking you were talking to her
about sex! She'll want to know why she thought that, and she may decide it's
because she really is sexually attracted to you! Or at the very least, if you are
caught, you always have plausible deniability. But if she's been listening long
enough to get to the middle part, unless she is purposely looking for secret
hypnotists, she'll have no idea what is going on!
Nuts and Bolts

Now we've got the basic structure explained, you'll need to know a few things
about your delivery. If you just stand there and spit out the memorized words, it
will have a bit of an effect, but it will have quite a lot more if you emphasize
certain words, pauses and other things within the speech. All of these will be
indicated in scripts, but using them effectively will take practice.

Embedded Commands

These are very powerful, but only if you use them correctly. Luckily, most of
that will be taken care of by the scripts themselves. But if you are going to create
these on your own, and start using them in your regular language (which you
should, as they are very effective) you'll need to know how they work. A
command is simply the imperative form of the verb. The present tense form, or
dictionary form, or plain form (sit, eat, run, look, etc.) followed by a very short
noun phrase. A phrase is simply more than one word. "Tree" is a noun. "Big
tree" is a noun phrase. "The big tree" is a noun phrase. "Phone number" is a noun
phrase. "Your phone number" is a noun phrase. A command would be "Give me
your phone number." The phrasal verb, (give me) followed by the noun phrase
(your phone number). Other simple commands are short statements or phrases
like, "eat breakfast," or "read the dictionary," or "practice embedded
commands." You embed them by putting them within a larger sentence. For
example, let's put "eat breakfast" into a larger sentence: "When I was a kid my
dad told us a good way to stay healthy was to eat breakfast every day, without

When you say the "eat breakfast" part, you pause slightly before the statement,
say it with a very slight downward intonation, and then pause slightly, and then
keep saying the rest of the sentence as if nothing is different. One of the most
common mistakes with embedded commands is thinking you only need one or
two. But as you'll see in the scripts themselves, the more you use the better. And
they should be set up in a certain order. Meaning if you start off telling a
customer, for example, to buy this product, they might be a little suspicious.
But you first told them to relax, and then sit down, and think about the ideal
future, and then maybe imagine owning this, and then consider the options
they'd like and they finally to make a decision of whether or not you want them
to buy this today.

Spatial Anchors

These are very easy, and very powerful. An anchor is when you take an internal
physiological response, and purposely connect to an external trigger which you
control. The most famous example is Pavlov and his dogs. He brought them
dinner, and the natural process was first they would smell the food, and then they
would salivate. But then he started to ring the bell when their dinner was ready,
and they would soon begin to salivate at the sound of the bell, even though there
wasn't any food. Usually this is taught in NLP seminars as touching somebody
when they feel a certain emotion, but that's not necessary. All you need to do is
separate your gestures. Gesture to one side (let's say your right side) whenever
you mention something "good" and then gesture to your left side whenever you
say something "bad." We'll use (R) to indicate a right side gesture and (L) to
indicate a left side gesture. There are two phases to these anchors. One is setting
them, and one is firing them. You set them by using the right whenever you talk
about something that is generally thought to be good, and the left whenever you
talk about something bad. Here's a quick example.

Yesterday I was walking down the street and I found a sack of money (R). I
opened it up, and inside was a note. The note said that whoever found the money
could keep it (R). I was walking to the bank, to make a deposit, but the bank was
closed (L). I turned around and saw a guy with a gun (L). I guess he was coming
to rob the bank (L) but it was closed. He asked me what was in the bag, and I
told him a pastrami sandwich. He said show me (L), and just when I thought I
was going to lose the money (L), I heard a police siren (R), and the guy with the
gun ran away (R). Just then I heard the lady at the bank open the doors. She said
they were open. I deposited the money (R) and they gave me a free toaster (R).

It's a good idea to get into the habit of using your gestures like this all the time.
In the scripts, the (R) and (L) will be indicated, but it will be assumed that you've
already done some work setting them up before starting off with the scripts.

When you fire them, you fire them whenever you use an embedded command. If
you've done enough work to set them before, your commands will be
subconsciously associated with good things.


You can also use self-pointing (SP) where you briefly gesture in any way toward
yourself. You can do this whenever you are saying something that is going to
generally thought to be good. For example, every time you mention the money
in the above story, you can quickly gesture to yourself. Then whoever is
listening will subconsciously associate money (good thing) with you. You can
also use SP whenever you are doing any kind of blurred reality. For example, if
one character is looking at another character in one of your inner-loop stories
and says something like, "come home with me," you can briefly gesture to
yourself. This seems like it might be too obvious, but remember, you are acting
like the character in your story is acting, not really saying it to the person in front
of you! You can also interchange self-pointing with good gestures (SP for R)
whenever you use any embedded commands. At the very least, you should get
into the habit of gesturing to your left whenever you mention something "bad"
and either to your right or to yourself whenever you mention something good.


When you start talking, a great way to make sure everybody hangs on your every
word is with strategically placed paused. Usually when people speak, they put a
pause where a period would be. But recall that the human mind doesn't like open
loops. Just put pauses that will create open loops at the sentence level. For
example: Yesterday I went to the (P) store to buy a can of (P) soup. On the way
there I saw this guy dressed in a (P) panda suit. He said he was on his way to a
(P) party, so I assumed it was a costume party, but he had this (P) surprised look
on his face, because he was looking at his (P) phone. He'd just gotten a text
telling him the costume party was (P) next week, the party he was going to was a
(P) toga party.

The pauses will be indicated in the scripts, but using them during your regular
speaking will also increase the amount of attention you get from others.


One common mistake is to pause slightly when shifting from one story to
another. But remember the whole purpose is to make your listeners feel as
though they are playing "catch up." Ideally, they'll hear one, maybe two
sentences of the new story, and still think you're in the old story. Then they'll
hear an element of the new story which will indicate you've made a change, but
they won't remember when, which will automatically increase their attention. It
may seem strange at first, but the idea is to just keep talking at the same speed,
and the same intonation etc. Make sure your external behavior shows no
indication that you've switched stories.
Image Streaming

This is going to be your absolute best and most secret weapon when it comes to
being able to hold crowds of gorgeous girls spellbound with your amazingly
confusing stories that are also causing them to feel irresistible feelings of
romantic attraction. What is Imagine Streaming? It is an incredibly easy
technique invented by Dr. Win Wenger, one of the leading researchers of human
intelligence. The process is simple. Close your eyes, and describe what you see.
You need to describe whatever visual images you see as quickly and as
specifically as you can. The idea is that mental images are created with one half
of your brain, and verbal descriptions are created with the other half. So when
you Image Stream, you are using one half of your brain to describe (out loud)
what is going on in the other half. This will necessarily create cross-
hemispherical connections. The more of these you have the more "whole
brained" you'll be. Initial tests suggest that for every hour of Image Streaming,
your I.Q. may go up as much as one point. This means that if you Image Stream
for ten minutes a day, you'll be increasing your I.Q. as much as one point per
week. That's fifty two points per year! However, that's not why you're Image
Streaming for the purposes of these guide.

Reason for Image Streaming

When you are telling stories and loops, you are basically describing imaginary
things in a way that other people hopefully find intriguing. If you aren't very
skilled in describing things, your stories will be less interesting, all else equal.
For example, consider this sentence: When I was a kid I had this dog, who was
really cool, I mean was like, just, you know, cool, right?

Now compare that to this:

When I was a kid, fourth, fifth grade, we had this maroon lab that was incredibly
smart. I mean she would come into my bedroom two minutes before my alarm
clock went off, but only on school days, she somehow knew it when it was
Saturday. She was also sitting by the door waiting for me, with this bored look
on her face, always made me feel guilty and even most of the time made me
hurry home because I knew she was waiting.

The more you image stream, the more you'll "wake up" your old memories and
make them more real. So somebody who hasn't done any image streaming might
hear somebody talking about a dog at a party, and want to relate their own
experience of their own "cool dog." But they might not be able to come up with
anything better than the first example. But somebody like you, who has been
Image Streaming, will come up with the second example, right there on the spot.
And when you combine the other things, like self-pointing, spatial anchoring,
etc., you will become a social event powerhouse!

How to Do It

Close your eyes, and start talking. Make sure you are describing things as
specifically as you can. This will seem difficult at first, and you'll need to push
yourself. When you start out, it will be difficult to do this for more than a
minute. Slowly work your way up until you're comfortably doing ten minutes
every day. Then continue doing ten minutes every day, until you're dead. This
will help you in ways you won't even expect. This will be one of the most
important things you'll ever do in your life. It will help you read people, it will
help you both project and interpret body language, and it will help you discuss
complicated emotional topics with ease. This will improve your memory, and
this will help how you process large, complicated ideas. However, because it is
so simple, and it is absolutely free, many people discount its power. It's one of
those things that smart people "know about" but never really do. Another
common mistake is to start out like gangbusters, and try to do an hour or more
per day. This will swiftly burn you out, just like starting off an exercise program
too quickly will. Start slow, and increase slowly. Start off with only a minute per
day, and only increase when doing a minute is easy. Give yourself a few months,
at the very least, before increasing to ten minutes. Once you are ten minutes, just
stay there.

Three Main Ingredients


The most important thing is that you speak as specifically as you can. "Square,
shiny red object, looks like it's made of metal, off to the right," is much better
than, "red thing over there."


Speak as quickly as you can. This will be difficult, and you'll need to force
yourself, but keep at it.


It's called Image Streaming because the images will stream on their own.
Imagine you're describing something that is completely out of your control.
Don't try to force images or hold on to images. Describe the ever changing
stream of images, as quickly and specifically as you can.

Conscious Unconscious

What you are doing is describing the boundaries between your conscious and
unconscious minds. The more you image stream, the stronger this connection
will be. This will make you a much better communicator, as you'll be much more
intuitive. Get started today, and Image Stream every day. Do not discount this
deceptively simple but insanely powerful practice. Combined with the rest of the
simple techniques in this guide, you will soon be a very powerful and irresistibly
persuasive communicator.
Bare Bones Structure

This is the structure the stories will be in.

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - First Story - Intro Story - Jumping off Point






Story Two - Second Story - First Transition Story






Story Three - Third Story - Contains Elements to Set Up the "Inner Story"






Story Four - Inner - This Has Most of the Commands






Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A -
1B -
1C -
2A -
2B -
2C -
3A -
3B -
3C -
4A -
4B -
4C -
4D -
4E -
3D -
3E -
2D -
2E -
1D -
1E -

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)
Increasing Desire - One

These will be four stories of five scenes each. They will be listed twice, and then
the entire script will be written out. Depending on how well you can remember,
you can choose either one to help you. All of the technical details will be listed
within the script itself. When telling the story, do so with as much of the
appropriate emotion as you possibly can. The more emotions you can show, the
more effective the scripts will be.

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - Looking Forward To Your Birthday As A Kid


When I was a kid I used to love the weeks leading up to my birthday.


My parents would always give me hints of what I was getting.


The morning of my birthday I was so excited. Except this one time I woke up
and there was nobody home! It was crazy! I was only ten, I didn't know what to


I walked around the house, looked out in front, but everybody's car was still


I heard a noise, and looked in the backyard, it was surprise party!

Story Two - A Gift Exchange Part At Work


I used to work in this office, and one year the boss decided to have a gift
exchange party.


We all drew names out of a hat, and we had to buy a gift for this person.


I thought it was silly, until we showed up at the restaurant, and I saw all the
presents people had purchases, all wrapped up like Christmas.


The person I bought a gift for was this older secretary, and she really liked it.


But the person who bought the gift I got, had a secret crush on me, and she
actually spent a lot of effort to make sure she got my name! She bought me a
really nice jacket. We ended up dating for a few months.

Story Three - Went Shopping With a Friend To Buy A Gift For His Wife


Had a friend at work who was worried about what to buy his wife.


He wanted to get her something special, but had no clue what.


After work we went to the jewelry counter at an expensive department store.


He ended up buying her a set of diamond earrings.


She really liked them, but got angry that he spent so much.

Story Four - Story About How She Fell In Love

(Note, this story is told to your friend, by the sales clerk, when you bought the
gift in story three).


This guy started to talk to me while I worked.


At first I thought he was nice, but I wasn't attracted.


All my friends told me that I was out of his league.


But because her persisted, I started to see him differently.


I saw something nobody else did, and we fell in love.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Enjoyed Birthdays as a kid
1B - Parents always give hints
1C - Birthday woke up, nobody home
2A - One year, had a gift exchange at work
2B - Didn't think it was a big deal
2C - At restaurant, lots of nice gifts
3A - Friend at work needed gift for wife
3B - Didn't know what, was worried
3C - Went to Jewelry counter, met older woman
4A - Younger, guy liked her
4B - Nice guy, but not attractive
4C - Below her league
4D - He didn't give up
4E - She finally fell in love
3D - Bought diamond earrings
3E - Wife loved them
2D - You got a gift from a secret admirer
2E - Nice jacket, you ended up dating
1D - Walked around the house
1E - Surprise party in backyard

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

Oh man, I love birthdays (R)! When I was a kid I loved looking forward to them.
At least a couple weeks before, my parents would always be (P) giving me hints.
The day of was the most exciting. But one year, I woke up, it was Saturday,
super excited (R)! But when I went out of my room, (P) nobody was home (L)!
We had this goofy gift exchange one year, I don't even remember if it was
Christmas, but my boss thought it would be good for morale or something. We
had to draw names out of a hat, and buy something. I didn't think it was a big
deal, but when we showed up to the restaurant, everybody bought some really
nice stuff (R)! Everybody was really excited, they would look at all the presents
and wonder what this was (SP). I had a buddy I used to work with that was (P)
panicked (L)! His wife's birthday was coming up, and he had no idea what to (P)
buy for her. I mean, no matter what he decided to buy, he didn't know if she
would like this (SP). So we went to the most expensive (R) department store,
and found the jewelry counter. There was a really attractive (SP) middle aged
woman there. My friend told her what he wanted, and she smiled (R) and started
telling us about she first fell in love (SP) with her husband. I guess at first he
really liked her thought she was really beautiful (SP) and would start to talk to
her. But she didn't think she could like this person (SP) because while he
seemed nice, she didn't think (P) she could feel the attraction (SP) that she
normally felt. And even her friends told her he wasn't (P) in her same level of
attraction. But he kept talking to her, and after a while, she started to really like
this person (SP). She told us that after a while she would start to see things (SP)
that nobody else saw. And that would make her feel things that made her feel
special when she thought about this person. And eventually (P) she was able to
fall in love with this person (SP) and they eventually got married. My friend
ended up getting a pair of diamond earrings (R), which she absolutely loved (R),
until they got their credit card bill (L)! It was pretty funny. The person who
received my gift was an older secretary, and she said this is really nice (SP), but
the person who got me? I guess she had (P) a secret crush on me (SP), and
bought me this nice jacket. We ended up dating for a while, but it didn't work
out. We're still friends though (R), but it's amazing how you can have feelings
for somebody (SP) without even knowing about them before. After I walked
around the house, I finally heard a sound, and everybody was waiting in the back
yard (R)! Since it was my tenth birthday, they'd planned a surprise (R). Later on
my friends came over, and before the party ended, my dad took me aside and
said, "You'd better appreciate this (SP), because it won't last for very long,
pretty soon you're going to grow up, and you can't have parties anymore." That
was probably my favorite (R) birthday party, when I turned ten.
Increasing Desire - Two

These will be four stories of five scenes each. They will be listed twice, and then
the entire script will be written out. Depending on how well you can remember,
you can choose either one to help you. All of the technical details will be listed
within the script itself.

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - Having Mock Job Interviews in High School


Back in high school, one of your classes you had mock interviews.


At first you were nervous, but then the teacher gave you pretend resumes, and
pretend jobs to apply for.


Your first interview was with you as the job seeker, and the hiring person as girl
you really liked.


You used the interview to show off your skills, and she was really impressed.


You ended up dating for real after that.

Story Two - Going on Interviews In College for Part Time Jobs


You had to earn money while in college, you never had enough.


You enjoyed going on interviews, because they were always interesting.


One job you were worried about because there were so many applicants. It was
for a part time office job, with really high pay.


You got the job because the hiring manager was an older lady who you
impressed, and flirted with.


The job ended up being pretty boring, but it paid pretty well.

Story Three - Friend Who Went To A Speed Dating Event


A female friend told you about how she tried speed dating with some of her


They people there were pretty interesting.


One guy in particular was just over the top goofy.


They ended up matching with each other, but your friend was only interested in
being friends.


He was always hitting on girls, and eventually found a girl who could put up
with him.

Story Four - Crazy Guy At The Speed Dating Event

(This is a description of how the crazy guy at the dating event interacted
with your female friend) 4A

At first he was incredibly interested.


Then he acted like he was in a job interview.


He started to list all of his qualifications as the ideal lover.


He had massive confidence and said the most sexually explicit things.


But it was obvious he was just doing it for fun.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Mock interviews in high school
1B - Teacher gave out fake resumes
1C - You were being interviewed by your crush
2A - Going on job interviews in college
2B - Mostly pretty simple
2C - One office job, many applicants
3A - Friend went to speed dating
3B - Lots of interesting people
3C - One guy was crazy
4A - Was really interested
4B - Started selling himself
4C - Applying for the job if ideal lover
4D - Extremely confident, blatantly sexual
4E - But really just having fun
3D - Your friend exchanged numbers
3E - Only friends
2D - Older woman interviewed you
2E - You flirted, got the job
1D - You impressed HS girl
1E - Ended up dating for a few months

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

Back in high school we had (P) this one class, I don't even remember the name,
but we were going to have these (P) mock job interviews. I thought it would be
pretty cool (R), just make stuff up, but then the teacher started (P) handing out
these fake resumes and fake job requirements. We were going to pair off and
have like job interview battles (L) or something. But the person who was
interviewing me was (P) this girl I had a secret crush on! I went on a lot of job
interviews in college, most of them were pretty simple, as they were for pretty
simple jobs. But one was surprising, because it was for something I really
wanted (R), but there were a whole lot of other people who also wanted this
(SP)! I didn't know what I was going to do! So I just sat down and started to get
ready to want the hiring person to want to choose me. I had a friend who went
to this speed dating thing. She went with a couple of other friends, I guess they
were trying to find a boyfriend (SP) or something, but she said there were some
interesting people there. She said one guy was amazing (SP), I mean this guy
(SP) was really confident (R). He sat down, and first looked at her, and started to
become really interested in her. I mean he was acting like he was going to fall
in love (SP) or something. But after he asked a couple normal sounding
questions, he started to act like he was in a job interview or something. He
would look at her and say, "I'd like to become your ideal lover (R). Let me list
my qualifications," and he would just start saying crazy things like, "I want to
make you feel really special, and I can't wait for you to discover magic between
us," and he kept going on and on. My friend said that this person was really
amazing (SP), but she, for some reason, didn't become attracted (R) to him, but
she did think that this person was really interesting, and she wanted to know this
person a lot more, so she said to him, "I'm not going to promise you anything,
but if you give me your phone number (R), maybe we can be friends." And
they ended up hanging out for a while, and I think later he found somebody to
fall in love with. When it was my turn to go into the interview, I really
impressed her (R). She was about twenty years older than me, but I figured, what
the heck right, may as well flirt with this person (SP) and see what happens. I
ended up getting the job. And it turns out that my crush in high school kind also
started to have feelings for me (SP). After flirting back and forth, we were both
thinking the same thing, that I like this person (R), and we ended up dating for a
while. Crazy how things work out, right?

Increasing Desire - Three

These will be four stories of five scenes each. They will be listed twice, and then
the entire script will be written out. Depending on how well you can remember,
you can choose either one to help you. All of the technical details will be listed
within the script itself.

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - Going on A Scavenger Hunt With Friends


Went on a scavenger hunt with friends.


Went door to door, excited to see who would find what first.


One woman answered, really angry.


She thought we were pranking her.


She ended up giving us everything, and we won.

Story Two - Swimming Pool Money Event


When very young, local swimming pool had this cool summer event.


Kid would swim and adults would throw coins into the pool.


It was the first time, and you were nervous, but it was really exciting, diving
down to get money off the bottom of the pool.


Some people threw in bills, which floated on the surface


You and your friends ended up getting way more money than you thought.

Story Three - Story from Acting Class


Took an acting class once for fun.


The teacher had you do some crazy exercises.


Once you had to go eavesdrop on people, and then come back and act out what
you'd heard.


Your story was the most detailed.


It really helped you to understand other people.

Story Four - Overheard A Couple in Love Talking


They were having an argument inside home depot.


They were buying things for their new home.


They were worried about finances.


They decided to take their time and grow slowly.


It was really intense but you got a lot of good information for class.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Scavenger Hunt
1B - Door to door contest
1C - Lady angry
2A - Event at swimming pool
2B - People throwing money
2C - Scary but really exciting
3A - Acting class
3B - Goofy exercises
3C - Eavesdrop and perform
4A - Couple at Home Depot
4B - Buying things for their new home
4C - Started to argue
4D - But decided to go slow
4E - Great information
3D - Acting class helped communication
3E - See how other people feel
2D - Money on the surface as well
2E - You and your friends got a lot
1D - Lady thought you were pranking her
1E - She ended up helping you get everything

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

When I was a kid we used to have these (P) scavenger hunt contests. Somebody
would come up with a list, or we'd get some list we used before, and we had to
break into teams, to see who could find the stuff the quickest. We'd go door to
door and ask people for things like a wooden clothespin, or a pencil or
something. It was fun (R), but this one (P) lady came to the door and as soon as
she opened the door, she looked really angry (L)! I thought she was going to (P)
call the police (L)! We used to have this event at the local swimming pool
sometimes. I remember the first time I went, I was (P) pretty nervous (L)
because there were so many people, but when it started it was (P) awesome (R).
The adults would throw money (R) into the pool, and we'd have to swim down
and get the coins off the bottom. It was really amazing (R), being able to see
something and want to get this (SP), push yourself down so you can get this
(SP) before somebody else does. At first I was nervous, but when I found out
how easy it was to enjoy this (SP), I was really able (P) to get into this. One of
the exercises we did in this acting class I took was to go and eavesdrop on
people. We did all kinds of (P) crazy things to expand how we see and
understand things. This one particular exercise was to go to a mall or
something and listen in on people's conversations. I mean to really pay attention
(SP), and try our best to understand everything that's going on, because our
teacher said there's a lot going on here (SP), and some people don't really see
this (R). So we found this couple in Home Depot. They were buying stuff for
their house, it sounded like they just bought it. We checked and they were (P)
married (R), so we stood really close. The guy was worried (L) that they were
spending too much money. But the wife said, "Don't worry, just go slowly, we
have each other. The most important thing is that we love each other (R), and
we are have decided to build a life together (SP). I know there might be
difficulties, but so long as we remember to stay open to each other, we can get
through any problem." I guess the woman was the strong one (R), and she
looked at him and said, "Trust me, do what I say, and I promise you'll be fine,"
so they decided to buy a lot less stuff. That was pretty intense, way more intense
that I'd thought. But when we got back to class, our skit, or redo of what they
did, was the best, because this one had the most emotion (SP). And it was a great
way to understand how people feel, to really see the beauty of this (SP), of
relationships, you know? But after I'd grabbed a bunch of dimes and quarters, I
noticed a bunch of bills (R) floating on the surface. I was only looking down, but
I didn't realize that good stuff (SP) is everywhere. Pretty soon I was able to
grand handfuls of good stuff, and me and my friends ended up able to get more
money (SP) than anybody else. After that lady glared at us, she asked us what
we wanted. We told her it was a scavenger hunt, that we were having a contest to
see who could find things the quickest. She ended up giving us everything, and
we won the contest.
Increasing Desire - Four

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - Went To The Movies With A Friend


Showed up at the movie theater with a couple of friends.


Didn't know what to see, there were 30 screens, nobody could decide.


Finally asked a group of girls for a recommendation.


They were also trying to decide and couldn't.


Everybody ended up going for drinks instead.

Story Two - Moved Into The Dorms - Lots of Parties


Moved into the dorms for college.


Surprised how many parties there were every night.


Met a few good friends within the first couple of weeks.


Eventually everything settled down.


The good students studied, while the party students kept partying.

Story Three - One Guy In College Was A Real Player


One of the friends you met was a real player.


Really friendly, everybody wanted him around.


He made the party more fun just by being there.


But he was also a good student.


Ended up in the top of his class in business.

Story Four - He Was Really Good at Sweet Talking Girls


He was really outgoing and charismatic.


Would always make girls smile.


Because of his playful attitude he could get away with saying crazy things.


One time he seduced a girl in front of everybody.


You thought she would be embarrassed but she loved it.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Movies with friends
1B - Don't know what to see
1C - Asked a group of girls for recommendation
2A - Moved into the dorms
2B - Lots of parties
2C - Met lots of cool people
3A - One guy was a real player
3B - Also really friendly and outgoing
3C - Made parties fun just by being there
4A - He was really good with ladies
4B - Always made them smile
4C - Really blatant
4D - Seduced a girl in front of everybody
4E - She enjoyed it
3D - He was also a good student
3E - Got top in his class in business
2D - Couple weeks things settled down
2E - Good students focused on studying
1D - Nobody could decide
1E - Ending up going for drinks

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

Once a bunch of friends and me went to the movies, we had no idea what we (P)
wanted to see. Somebody was supposed to check on the way over, but when we
got there, there were (P) tons of people and this really huge (L) line. When we
got to the front we still couldn't (L) decide. I mean there were thirty screens. We
went to the back and found a (P) group of girls, we figured it would be a good
excuse to talk to them (R), ask their recommendation. When I first went to
college, I moved into the dorms. I went down with my parents, and after they left
I wasn't sure (L) what to expect. But as soon as everybody else's parents left it
was like (P) instant party (SP) in every room. Everybody was drinking, and had
decided it was time to have fun (SP). At first nobody knew anybody, so we
started to make friends with people. Pretty soon I met some cool people (SP),
and one guy in particular, I mean this guy was really charismatic (SP). He was
really friendly, really outgoing, and this guy (SP) was really attractive. I mean
just the way he talked, girls would look at him and immediately want to get to
know this person. It didn't take long to find out that most girls liked to be
around this guy, so naturally I wanted to follow this person (SP) so I could
learn whatever I could, right? I mean this was the kind of guy that just made
everybody (P) feel really good when this guy was around. Everybody just
wanted to be with this guy. Once he playfully told this girl he was going to
seduce her, right in front of us. At first I thought he was just kidding, but she
kind of (P) dared him. And it wasn't like in the movies where they’re totally
serious, this guy was just clowning around, but at the same time he was saying
these really goofy things right to her. Like he told her that, "I've never met
anybody as beautiful as you, and I want to use my ninja skills to make you fall
in love with me, and once you realize how I can make you feel really good,
you'll never want to do anything but be with me," and he kept going and going.
And it was obvious that everything he was (P) saying made her feel really good,
I mean so much she started to forget everything else, and she kept looking at
this guy, and you could tell she wanted to be alone with this guy (SP), and
finally they started to kiss, and she seemed to really enjoy this (SP), even though
everybody was watching. I mean, I had no idea college was so (P) crazy, and
people would just follow your emotions. Eventually this guy got a degree in
business, and he did really well. He was in the top of his class or something. And
after a couple weeks went by, people kind of got into a schedule, where they
would study during the week, and then have fun (R) on the weekends. But after
talking to those girls for almost have an hour, nobody could decide, so
somebody said, "Why don't we have drinks together," and we went to some
nearby bar and had a lot of fun. I guess you never know, so long as you keep an
open mind, and make sure you take advantage of opportunities (SP) when
you see them, right?
Increasing Desire - Five

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - Went to A Buffet With Friends - See Who Could Eat The Most


A lunch party you went to with your friends.


Everybody was planning it for weeks.


Everybody didn't eat the day before, wanted to see who could eat the most.


Everybody ate a lot, and enjoyed themselves.


Nobody ate the next day.

Story Two - Real Estate Guru - Used Selling Tricks


Went to a free seminar to see a famous real estate guru.


The place was packed, over a thousand people.


He came out on stage and held out a hundred dollar bill before saying anything.


Finally one woman ran up and grabbed it, he smiled.


His point was to take advantage of opportunities.

Story Three - Movie About A Self Help Guru


Watched a movie on Lifetime about a killer.


Husband, the guy she killed, was a self-help guru.


He used some interesting techniques at his seminar.


He divorced his wife to get with this really pretty girl.


The pretty girl turned out to be psycho and killed him.

Story Four - Seminar With a Lot of Guided Visualization


Went to a self-development seminar.


Lots of guided visualization.


One was to open the box of your secret passion.


Another was to soul mate communication.


It was really useful, and you met a lot of interesting people after the seminar.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Buffet party with friends
1B - Got excited to eat a lot
1C - Everybody prepped by not eating
2A - Free seminar, famous real estate guy
2B - Got there, place was packed
2C - Came out and held a $100 bill
3A - Watched a movie about self-help guru
3B - True story about his killer GF
3C - Used interesting teaching techniques
4A - Went to a self-help seminar
4B - Did a lot of cool visualizations
4C - One was your secret passion
4D - Another was talking to soul mate
4E - Met a lot of cool people
3D – Self-help guru divorced his wife
3E - Crazy GF murdered him
2D - Lady grabbed the $100
2E - Take advantage of opportunities
1D - Ate a lot, it was awesome
1E - Nobody ate anything the next day

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

We had this one party (R) at work a while ago. I don't remember the reason, but
some catering company was coming and it was going to be (P) all you can eat
(R). My buddies and I all started bragging about who was going to eat the most.
The party was on a Friday, and after the party they were letting us leave early
(R), so we could really get excited. We prepared by not eating the day before so
we could enjoy this the most. I went to this really cool (P) real estate seminar a
couple years ago. Some famous guru was giving a free (R) one day seminar, I
was hoping to learn secrets about success or something. Anyway, the place was
(P) packed, everybody wanted to see this, and this guy comes out, doesn't say
anything and just holds out a hundred dollar (R) bill. It was like this movie I
saw, about this self-help type guru. It was more about his crazy (L) girlfriend, I
think it was a Lifetime movie, but it started showing one of his seminars. He
came out and looked at the audience, and started telling people to think about
what you really want. Think about your dreams. Think about your ideal future,
and as you think about this, think about what you are doing right now, and how
that will make your dreams come true (SP). It was kind of like this other
seminar I went to, where the instructors, a guy and his wife, led us through all
these really cool (R) visualization exercises. One was to close your eyes, and
imagine (P) you're walking up this big castle. It's the perfect castle, I mean
everything is just perfect (R), and you walk inside, and see this box. And inside
of this, is your life's purpose (R), and you walk toward your life's purpose, and
start to wonder what's inside (SP). And you slowly open this up, and let what's
in here really touch you. Another exercise was when we had an imaginary (P)
conversation with our ideal soul mate. When you would just think about this
person, and talk to this person, and really share what you want with this person
(SP). It was really amazing. But the best part was after the seminar, in the hotel
lobby, people just sitting around and talking, getting to know each other (SP).
But the crazy lady (L) started to stalk the self-help guru, and convinced him to
leave his wife (L), and start to be with her. She eventually (P) killed him (L), and
was arrested. Obviously it was a mistake (L) to leave his wife (L), I mean when
you are with somebody, you want to stay with this person (SP). This one
woman ran up on stage and grabbed (R) the hundred dollar bill, and the famous
real estate guru smiled and said, "See? When you see an opportunity (SP),
you'd better take advantage of this," which was a pretty good way to illustrate
the point instead of just teaching it. But that buffet was the best. I mean we took
our time, enjoyed everything (R) and really spent a lot of time just enjoying
ourselves (R), knowing we were going to go home when it was finished. Later I
found out none of us ate anything the day after, man that was delicious! (R)
Increasing Desire - Six

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - Little Kid In Class Before Summer Vacation


Last day of school before summer.


All the kids excited.


Teacher kept joking about giving out a massive homework assignment.


Everybody started counting down with five minutes left.


Everybody ran out, super excited.

Story Two - Took Home Economics During Another Summer


One time your buddy convinced you to take home-ec during summer school.


You made a lot of cool food.


You kept a detailed recipe book.


Back then you two were the only boys in class.


Now you know the importance of home economics.

Story Three - Loved Comic Books as a Kid. Ordered a Magic Spell Book


When you were a kid you loved comic books.


The best part was all the stuff for sale in the back.


Once you ordered a magic spell book.


You tried it but it didn't quite work.


But you weren't sure, because your mom took it away, thinking it was occult
type stuff.

Story Four - TV Show Where Guy Hypnotized Girls To Fall In Love


You saw a TV show about a hypnotist.


He would seduce girls in bars using hypnosis.


One of the girls was later found dead, killed by a serial killer.


The cops came to interview him and he kept hypnotizing them.


But he eventually found the killer, the hypnotized him, keeping him in a trance
until the cops showed up.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Last days before summer vacation
1B - All the kids excited
1C - Teacher kept joking about homework
2A - Took home-ec another summer
2B - Got to cook a lot of cool stuff
2C - Only two boys in class
3A - Loved comic books as a kid
3B - Stuff in the back was the best
3C - Ordered a magic spell book
4A - Watched a funny TV show
4B - Guy hypnotized girls in bars
4C - Some girl he was with later killed
4D - Police talked to him
4E - Hypnotist caught killer
3D - Practiced the spells, didn't work
3E - Mom took it, occult
2D - Kept details of recipes
2E - You know how to cook
1D - Everybody started counting down
1E - Sprinted out of class at the end

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

Man, I remember back in elementary school, the days leading up to (P) summer
vacation (R) were crazy! One year, it was second or third grade, the last week
was completely useless. Nobody studied or did homework (L), the teacher kept
joking she was going to give us this (P) monster homework (L) assignment to do
over the summer, something she'd negotiated with our next teacher. One summer
a few years later me and my friend took this (P) home economics class. My
friend talked me into it, said this is really cool (R), but didn't say why. We ended
up cooking all this (P) awesome (R) food, I mean it was only liked grilled cheese
and stuff but back then this is awesome (SP). I loved (P) comic books when I
was a kid, especially the stuff they'd sell in the back. One year I bought this book
of magic spells, and I couldn't wait to get this (SP) book. I got them and started
practicing, and they didn't work. It was like this TV show I watched, where this
hypnotist would hypnotize girls to fall in love (R). I mean he'd start talking, and
then would make girls feel really good (R) when they were around. And he'd
take them to different places, and use different techniques to make them feel
really attracted (SP), until they couldn't wait to make love (SP), over and over.
The way they showed this guy, or wrote him for the TV show, was this really
playful playboy (SP), that all the girls loved (SP). Even though he knew that he
was with a lot of girls he made them feel so special (R), they couldn't stop to
think about this guy (SP) all the time. The way they would look at this guy,
and just feel deep feelings, it was crazy. But one of the girl was (P) killed (L) by
this serial killer, and the cops thought he (L) did it. So they came and talked to
him, but he kept hypnotizing them. Pretty soon he was cleared, but it really
bothered him that one of his friends was killed. So he (P) found the killer (R),
and hypnotized him, keeping him in a trance until the cops showed up. But the
spells I had (P) didn't work (L), or hadn't worked, by the time my mom found
out that I was trying to create magic (R). She took them, thinking I was going to
start to (P) worship Satan (L) or something, but I was just trying to have fun (R).
But they were pretty cool. We had to write down all the recipes in that home-ec
class, so we could remember this, so we could do this later, back at home or
whatever, and my friend and I really learned how to do things together (R) at
home. Finally the teacher stopped pretending she was going to give us
homework, and we started to count down from like five minutes before the end
of class. We were all thinking about summer vacation, and we couldn't wait to
get this (SP), and really have fun with this. Finally we ran out, really excited,
but like all other summers, it was just went by. But it's really cool to look
forward to good things (SP), right?
Increasing Desire - Seven

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - Going Skiing As A Kid - First Time


Joined explorer scouts as a kid.


First time skiing, never been before.


Excited and nervous at the same time.


Scoutmaster's daughter taught how to ski.


End of the day it was really fun.

Story Two - Ordering Pizza as a Kid


When I was a kid, parents not a lot of money.


On special occasions they'd order a pizza.


Always excited on Pizza Night


Pizza was a way parents celebrated.


The family being happy together was the best part.

Story Three - First Dance in Junior High School


Had a dance in junior high school


Girl you liked went, so you went.


The dance was awkward and clumsy, everybody on different sides.


Finally went and asked a few girls.


Danced a few times, but still felt awkward and clumsy.

Story Four - High School Prom


Senior prom was the best.


You and your friends all had girlfriends.


Rented a hotel room, got everything set, everybody really excited.


Great experience.


Great memories.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Explorer Scouts
1B - Skiing for first time
1C - Taught by an older female
2A - Parents poor as a kid
2B - Sometimes bought pizza
2C - Super excited on pizza night
3A - Junior High first dance
3B - Nervous and awkward
3C - Everybody standing on separate sides
4A - Senior prom was awesome
4B - Friends all had girlfriends
4C - Rented a hotel room before
4D - Everybody had a blast
4E - Best experience
3D - Danced with a few girls
3E - Whole experience awkward
2D - Pizza night was always fun
2E - Family being together was best part
1D - Learned quickly
1E - By end of the day, skiing on own, proud of self

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

Man, I love (P, R) skiing! I'll never forget when I (P) learned the first time. I was
in explorer scouts, and one of the things we did was go skiing every winter (R) .
But when I joined I'd never (L) been skiing before, so the scoutmaster's daughter
(P) taught me (R). I was still in elementary school and she was in high school, so
it was (P) pretty cool (R). I was nervous (L) but I was really excited to do this
(SP). I just wanted to (P) have fun (R), so I was ready to (P) do anything to
make it happen (R). My parents would occasionally order pizza, I mean it was
rare, but when they did, (P) me and my sisters would always get really excited
(R). My parents were struggling when I was a kid, so it was rare that they would
decide to do something differently. And when they did, we all started (P) to
look forward to this. When I was in Junior High School they had a dance, and
my friends were going, and this girl I liked (R) was also going. But when I got
there it was (P) super awkward (L). All the guys on one side, all the girls on the
other side. I mean, everybody wanted this (SP), but nobody was (P) brave
enough to come and get this, you know? Senior prom was much different. My
buddies and I (P) all had girlfriends (R), so we could all relax and look forward
to this (SP), I mean we set everything up so we knew this is (P) going to be
perfect (R). We got a hotel, we rented a limo, we even stocked the hotel with
stuff, so when we got there, we knew that all the good stuff (SP) would be
waiting. And when I picked up my date, she was (P) gorgeous (R). I mean I just
looked her and I was like, you and me are so amazing! (SP) We had an awesome
night (R), everything was perfect, and we ended up staying together all night
(SP), everybody in this one room, just sharing each other (SP). If I knew before
how much this (SP) was going to be an awesome experience, I don't know. But
finally I walked across and started to ask a girl to dance, and she looked me, I
guess she decided to say OK, and we danced a few times. I was still pretty
nervous (L) though, I mean everybody's nervous but even if you're nervous, you
still have to take a chance (R), right? I think the best part about pizza night was
that everybody was together and happy, even if was something as goofy as
pizza, we were able to share each other (R). After about two hours, I was ready
to go off on my own, and by the end of the day I was comfortable going up and
down the medium difficulty slopes. Things can really be fun when you just
decide to take a chance (R) and see what happens, right?
Intimacy - One

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - Favorite Teddy Bear as a Kid


When you were super young, you had a stuffed animal you had to sleep with.


You couldn't ever sleep without it.


You felt like it was a protector or something.


Even though you stopped using it, you kept it.


Your mom didn't want to throw it out, so she kept it.

Story Two - Used to Love Thunder as a Kid


Loved the sound of thunder.


Especially at night, when it was loud.


Your sister hated it, but you loved it, especially with lightning.


When you were older, you'd go outside and wait for lightning.


Even today the sound of thunder makes you feel nostalgic.

Story Three - Parents would Always Lay on their Bed Together and Talk


When you were a kid, your parents would always hang out together after work.


They would lay on their bed and talk about whatever.


When you were a kid you thought all adults did that.


Today you always try to keep open in your relationships


It's helped you a lot.

Story Four - Goofy Love Story Movie You Saw


Really goofy movie you saw recently.


Some loser guy got lucky and was with a girl way above his league.


She ended up getting pregnant and panicked.


The movie was about him finally becoming an adult and taking responsibility.


All in all it was a good movie, happy ending, happy family together.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Had a teddy bear
1B - Needed it to sleep
1C - It protected you from evil
2A - Loved thunder
2B - Always loved it at night
2C - Loved the lightening even more
3A - Parents always hung out
3B - Would talk while lying on the bed
3C - You thought all adults did that
4A - Goofy love story
4B - Loser slacker got lucky
4C - Hooked up with a gorgeous girl
4D - She got pregnant
4E - Happy ending
3D - You assumed all adults are like that
3E - Even today you are open
2D - Went outside to see lighting
2E - Today thunder reminds you
1D - Mom still has stuffed animal
1E - Won't let you throw it out

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

When I was a kid, I had this (P) teddy bear (R), kind of embarrassing to talk
about, but I couldn't go to sleep without it. I mean I (P) would hold this (SP),
want to keep this close, I guess my mom said I couldn't sleep (L) without this. I
guess I thought this would keep things safe, keep evil away or something. Like
when I was sleeping, I always had to have this close (SP), just case I needed it. I
really loved thunderstorms as a kid. They never really scared me, like (P) my
sister would always go get in bed together with (P) my parents, but the sound of
thunder always (P) made me feel really safe in bed. Like I was protected or
something. I'd always curl up under the covers when I heard it, especially (P)
when the lightning came. I had my own little fort of protection, under the magic
covers, I knew nothing could hurt me. I was able to (P) just feel totally safe (R).
My parents would always go lie on the bed together when (P) my dad got home
from work. I guess they thought the bedroom was the best place to just open up
to each other, and share things that (P) they needed to talk about. When I was a
kid, I just assumed that's how grownups talked. They would just open, talk about
(P) things, feel safe together, and then (P) go make dinner or whatever. I saw
this really funny (R) movie the other night. A lot of famous people were in it but
before they (P) were famous. This guy was this slacker type, and he met this girl
(R) and the girl just decided to have fun (SP), and the slacker guy thought it was
the best thing ever (R). But then she got pregnant, and they talked about it, and
decided to stay together. The rest was a mix of comedy and drama, but it was
more about him turning into a responsible adult and (P) being able to share this
experience with her. In the end they were (P) really happy together, after he
finally was able to discover what is important. I have to say that as an adult,
after having (P) watched my parents communicate openly like that, it really
helped me to relate to others. I mean I can really open up, especially when (P)
emotional things happen. Later when I was old enough (P), my dad would let me
go outside with an umbrella to (P) watch the actual lighting as it streaked across
the sky. I was always able to get excited when I saw this (SP), something so (P)
rare, so (P) powerful, so (P) cool. My mom still has my stuffed animal, I don't
know where it is. Later when I was in elementary school I wanted to get rid of it,
but my mom decided to keep this (SP), just to remember these feelings I had
when I was young. I guess all moms are like that.
Intimacy - Two

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - Walking To School With Friend in Elementary School


Used to walk a few blocks to school with best friend in second grade.


A couple of bullies started to wait for you.


One day they were waiting and they looked like they wanted to fight.


You faced them and they ran away.


You didn't think you could have done it if your friend wasn't there.

Story Two - Friends Dog and Baby Sister


Your friend had this really big German Shepard


The dog would watch the friends' sister when she tried to walk.


The dog seemed to want to help when she would be balancing.


The little kid would hang on the dogs nose.


The dog would pull back, the kid would fall down and laugh hysterically.

Story Three - Visited Friend in Hospital When Her Kid Was Born


Had a friend you played racquetball with.


One day his wife had their kid unexpectedly, couple weeks early


You showed up to the hospital to see their kid.


First time you ever held a baby


Really changed the way you see people

Story Four - Soul Gazing Experiment (Where your friends met)


The two friends went to a relationship skills workshop


They were paired up for something called soul gazing.


They stare closely into each other's eyes.


The goal is to make themselves feel as open as possible


It was a way to both speak to the soul of your partner, as well as open your own
soul to your partner.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Walked to School
1B - Bullies met you
1C - Confronted them
2A - Friend had a German Shepard
2B - Friend had a baby sister
2C - Dog helped baby learn to walk
3A - Racquetball Friend
3B - Wife had a baby
3C - Visited the hospital
4B - Relationships skills seminar
4C - Did lots of exercises
4D - Soul Gazing
4E - Look into each other's soul
3D - First time held a baby
3E - Felt differently
2D - Baby learned to walk
2E - Dog very patient
1D - Defeated the bullies
1E - Couldn't have done it alone

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

When I was a kid me and my friend used to (P) walk to school together. It was
only a couple blocks but back then it seemed like forever. But once these two
other kids started to (P) follow us, and sometimes sneak up on us. At the time it
was pretty scary (L). Once we thought we'd cut through the parking lot of a
supermarket but (P) they were there (L) waiting for us. There was no way to
escape. His dog was this really big (P) German Shepard, and once when his little
sister started to walk, the dog was always very protective (R) of her. It was like
she knew she could feel safe with him, and the dog seemed to know what was
going on. It was like the dog was looking at her and would say things like, "I'm
(SP) not going to let you fall. As long as I'm (SP) around, I promise you'll be
safe," and she seemed to really understand this (R), even though she couldn't
talk. She would look up at the dog whenever she got ready to try and do this (R),
as if she were looking for (P) support (R). And when she saw that this (SP) is
safe, she tried to stand. Once I was supposed to meet my friend to (P) play
racquetball, but he didn't show up. I called him and found out he was in the
hospital (L). I guess his wife was two weeks early. By the time I got there, they'd
already had the kid, and she was back in the room with their new (P) little girl
(R). They went to this (P) relationship seminar, where they learned all these (P)
communication skills. He told me about one thing they did that was pretty
intense, called (P) Soul Gazing. They sat close to each other, and got their (P)
faces as close together as they could, and tried to become open, as much as
possible. To really (P) open up and feel each other. To simultaneous look
inside, as well as become totally open, so they could communicate on a deep
level. For about twenty minutes they would (P) each take turns, feeling things,
and taking the time to express things. Deep things, emotions, truths about
themselves and each other. They asked me to (P) hold their baby, and at first I
was terrified (L). I didn't know what would happen if I chose to hold this. But
when I did, I was able to feel this deep emotion, like nothing I've ever
experienced for. Like I was able to experience a deep sense of peace, I mean
that was the first time I'd ever held a kid. And after a while she learned how to
reach up and (P) hang on the dog's nose, to stand up, use this (SP) for support,
and the dog did it's best to stand still. But then the dog would eventually pull
back, she'd fall down and start laughing hysterically. It was the cutest thing! My
friend looked me and said we have to do this (SP), so we went and walked right
toward those two bullies. When we got close, they ran away, I guess they figured
we wouldn't go down easy. But if I was alone, I never would have done it had I
not had my friend for support. But the two of us (SP) together? Nobody can stop

Intimacy - Three

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - Acting Class Weird Experience With One Other Female


Took an acting class, did lots of goofy exercises.


One was where you stood in a circle and copied each other.


You could either "pass it on" or reflect it.


The girl next to you and you got into a weird loop.


It was really fun and you were both laughing really hard.

Story Two - Backpacking, Only Felt "At Home" At Camp


Went back packing in rugged terrain.


Always felt good when you were in camp.


Only felt at home in camp.


But as soon as you packed everything up, alone and vulnerable again.


Weird how that works.

Story Three - Mama Bear and Her Cub


One night you saw two eyes looking at you.


They were where you buried the leftover food.


Bear cub was stalking your camp.


Later you had to hang everything up.


Bears always follow the hikers.

Story Four - How Mama Bears and Cubs Survive in Wilderness


Mama Bears and cubs stick together.


Mama bears like humans more than papa bears.


Papa bears are dangerous to bear cubs.


Mama bears hide among humans for protection.


Papa bears afraid of humans.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Acting class
1B - Lots of crazy exercises
1C - One shouting match with another girl
2A - Used to do a lot of backpacking
2B - Vulnerable on the trail
2C - At home in camp
3A - One night saw two eyes
3B - Bear cub was digging up food
3C - Bears stalking you
4A - Mama and baby bears in the wild
4B - Don't like papa bear
4C - Stay near humans
4D - Everybody is safe
4E - Weird situation
3D - Had to hang up food
3E - Bears are really smart
2D - As soon as you packed everything up
2E - Easy to switch
1D - Both ended up laughing hysterically
1E - Great class

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

I took this crazy (P) acting class once. Very little was trying to remember lines
and putting on skits or whatever. Most of it was doing all of these (P) exercises
to expand the comfort zone (R). One was where we stood around in this circle,
and we had to do whatever to a person on either side of us. And they could either
do it back to us (SP), or we could pass it on (R). And me and other girl decided
to, I don't know, hook into each other (SP). I mean neither of us wanted to let
go, so we ended up screaming at each other while everybody else was watching.
I used to do a lot of backpacking, and it was always the weirdest thing. While we
were out hiking, on the trail, it was obvious we were in like (P) total wilderness.
But once we found a suitable place to stop, unpacked all of our stuff, we were
able to feel at home (R). One night we saw these two (P) eyes looking at us after
dark (L). It was pretty scary (L), but it turned out to be this (P) bear cub that had
been stalking (L) our camp. I guess mama bears and baby bears work in teams
(R) to try and get food from humans, it's crazy. The ranger told us all about it
before we left. I guess mama bears and baby bears always stay close together
(SP), I mean they really depend on each other. The male adults are pretty
dangerous, so the baby has to feel protected (R) by the mama. But the mama
somehow has learned to feel protected by humans. I mean they've learned that
when they smell humans, they know this is safe (SP), because male adults are
afraid of humans. So the mama bears learn to stay near us humans, because this
is so safe (SP), and because food is so easy to steal from us humans, they feel
really comfortable (R). So they've learned to work well together (R), in these
teams. And we'd forgotten that, and when we buried our food the baby was able
to find this (SP), and dig into the ground until she could find the good stuff
(SP). Later we had to hang out our food, because the bears are really smart (R).
But it was really weird how it was so easy (P) to feel comfortable after
everything was unpacked, but as soon as we'd packed everything up the next
day, it was total wilderness time, until we could find a safe place (SP) to stay
the night. And after we stood there screaming at each other for five or ten
minutes, we both collapsed, and laughed for another five or ten minutes. I ended
up doing a few scenes with that same girl, it was cool how we could (P) really
work well together, I mean we were really able (P) to play off each other. That
was a really cool class, it really helped me to (P) try new things and have fun
doing it.
Intimacy - Four

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One – New Junior High School


Started a new junior high school.


Didn't know anybody.


Made a couple of friends early.


By the end of the year was pretty popular.


Ended up doing really well.

Story Two – Weird Club You Started in High School


In high school started a new club.


At first it was a big joke, an "anti-club."


Lots of people came to join.


Ended up really popular.


But didn't really last, since nobody had a plan.

Story Three – Watched a Movie at Friend’s House


One weekend went to a friend’s house.


Supposed to be a party but something happened.


Ended up watching this weird Korean movie.


It was very long, and surprisingly good.


Everybody was sitting around on the living room floor, totally quite for three

Story Four – Movie Plot – Friends For Life


Four kids, best friends in elementary school


Went separate ways in college.


Two were detectives.


Two were criminals.


It was about the bonds of friendship vs. society.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Started new JHS
1B - Pretty nervous
1C - Made new friends
2A - Started joke club in HS
2B - Lots of people showed up
2C - Really fun at first
3A - Went to a party in high school
3B - Something happened, nobody came
3C - Watched a movie instead
4A - Four best friends in grade school
4B - Them vs. the world
4C - Separated in college
4D - Later cops vs. bad guys
4E - Friendship vs. society's rules
3D - Everybody sitting on the floor
3E - Mesmerized by the movie
2D - Club kind of disintegrated
2E - Really fun experiment
1D - End of year, lots of friends
1E - Great time at JHS

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

Wow, when I was (P) younger, I had to go to a completely new (P) Junior High
School. I'm not sure why, maybe they changed the rules or something, but I
didn't know anybody (L). I remember my first day, or my first week, I was
totally nervous (L). But after about two or three weeks, I could make new
friends (R) since a lot of other kids were in that same situation. Once in high
school me and a couple friends got tired of all these (P) goofy clubs that people
joined only because they (P) looked good on a college application. I mean we
wanted to start a cool club (R), with cool people (SP), just so we could hang out
together, you know? So we could do fun things together (SP). So we came up
with this crazy name, I don't even remember what it (P) was called, but the first
meeting was totally packed (R). Everybody wanted to do this (SP), it was
amazing. It was like everybody wanted to just hang out together (SP), not do
things just because it was socially expected (L) or whatever. Once my friends
were having this big party (R), or it was supposed to be a big party (R), but when
we showed up, there were only a few people there (L). I guess somebody's
parents found out (L), or somebody was worried, or whatever. So we just figured
we'd watch whatever was on cable, right? So there were these four kids, all best
friends, in this elementary school. I guess it was a pretty tough school (L), in a
bad part of town (L) or whatever, so these kids new they had to stay together
(SP), to keep each other safe, otherwise the world would get them. One of those
us (SP) against the world type stories. And the first third of the movie was about
them in elementary school, how they were slowly starting to get close to one
another, open up to each other, and really start to trust each other. But the
second third of the movie was how they split up (L), and kind of went their own
separate (L) ways. Choosing their own careers, and the last third was when they
got back together, but not (L) in a good way. Two of them were detectives, and
two of them were gangsters (L). And the end was the two detectives had to arrest
(L) the gangsters, but the gangsters had already agreed that there was no way
they were going to jail. So the end was when the two detectives had to kill their
two best friends (L). It was really sad, like a battle between real friendship,
doing things because you want to (R), and the way the world expects you to
behave (L), which is usually in the opposite of choosing to follow your heart
(R), to do things because this makes you feel good (R), because this is right (R),
but the tragedy is that sometimes society (L) pulls us apart. In the end, the movie
was like three hours, everybody was totally quiet. I mean were in high school,
nobody wanted to cry but we all felt like we wanted to express our emotions
(R). After a while that goofy club kind of fell apart (L), since we didn't really (P)
have a plan (R), but it's really awesome when something like just decides to
come together, to forget what you're supposed to do (L) and be spontaneous
(SP). And by the end of my first year of junior high school, I was able to make
friends with a lot of people. It was actually a great experience.
Intimacy - Five

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One – Communication Class


Took an interesting interpersonal communications class.


Not like public speaking, a lot different exercises.


Learned all about body language.


How people express different emotions.


How people express different levels of trust in a relationship.

Story Two – Write A Paper on a Movie


Had to write a paper on a Steve Martin movie.


Something about his daughter getting married.


All kinds of examples of miscommunication.


Many romantic comedies have that same theme.


Couples love each other but don't communicate it effectively.

Story Three – Noisy Roommates


Roommate was making a lot of noise.


Didn't feel like studying on campus.


Went to the local public library for free Internet.


Finished the paper later that afternoon.


That ended up being your secret study spot.

Story Four – Story You Overheard in the Library


Story time at the library.


Princess and the prince.


Kids were mesmerized.


Amazing how quickly kids fall into a trance.


Simple stories with powerful meanings.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Interpersonal communications class
1B - Not public speaking
1C - Lots of body language
2A - Had to write a paper on a movie
2B - Steve Martin
2C - Lots of miscommunication
3A - Roommate was making noise
3B - Wanted to go somewhere private
3C - Local public library
4A - Story time
4B - Princess and prince
4C - Kids love stories
4D - Easily fall into a trance
4E - Simple stories with deep meanings
3D - Ended up the secret study place
3E - Didn't tell anybody
2D - Same theme in all romantic comedies
2E - Love and miscommunication
1D - Lots of emotions through body language
1E - Everybody feels emotions all the time

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

One of the more interesting (P) classes I've taken was interpersonal
communication. At first I thought it was going to be a (P) speech, class, so I was
freaked (L), right? But it turned out to be how people communicate on a
personal level (R), like one on one. How we decide to open up to one another
(SP). And we studied a lot of (P) body language, and no matter what we do, it's a
method of being able to share our emotions (R). Once I had to write this paper
on a (P) Steve Martin movie, some kind of romantic comedy. I guess for the
class we had to watch this (R) and note all the communication problems, when
people want to share something (R), but they don't know how to express
yourself effectively, you know? But my roommate was (P) super noisy (L), and
I didn't feel like going to the library on campus. I wanted to find somewhere
private (R), where I could really think about this. I ended up going to a public
library, luckily, they had free (R) Internet, and I found a nice quiet table where I
could think about things, and really start to understand things. But right when
I got there, it was story time. One of the librarians, who was the expert
storyteller (SP), I guess, sat down and all these kids started sitting around her. I
guess they came there every week since they all were getting ready to
experience something wonderful (SP). And I couldn't help but sit and listen to
this (SP), the story, because the kids were so mesmerized. I mean they couldn't
take their eyes off this (SP). The story was pretty simple, king and queen and
prince and princess or whatever, but the way she told it, there was so much
emotion (R). The kids couldn't help but totally feel this (SP), and because I was
there to study miscommunication, I couldn't help but be totally amazed (R) by
the simplicity of this (SP). Those fairy tales are so simple, but this is so powerful
(SP), especially when you imagine those little kids (R), I mean they aren't afraid
at all to express emotion, to really feel the emotion of this story (SP), and when
I finally finished my paper later, I decided that was going to be my (P) private
study spot. Maybe it was because all of this (SP) is together. I kind of combined
it in this really good feeling (SP). I never told anybody about this spot, I wanted
to keep this secret (R), it was my own private study spot. But I've never been
able to watch another romantic comedy again, without seeing that they all have
the same element. Of two people who love each other (SP), but also can't really
communicate with each other. And of the things I learned from that class is
everybody is able to feel emotions all of the time. I mean we can't not feel
emotions (R), it's who we are. And our body language reflects our deeper truth.
And if you can open up that deeper truth, to experience this (SP), it makes
communication a lot easier.
Intimacy - Six

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - Neighbor Out Walking Their Dog


Saw an old lady out walking her dog.


Stopped to talk to her.


She'd had the dog for over fifteen years.


She bought the dog when her husband was still alive.


She believed that her husband's spirit left an imprint on the dog.

Story Two - Girlfriend Bought Twin Puppies


Girlfriend bought twin puppies.


They looked like wolves and had blue eyes.


They were always together.


They grew up quickly.


They would always protect her.

Story Three - Documentary about Dogs Saving Owners


Documentary on TV about dogs.


How dogs save their owners.


One dog woke up the family during a fire.


One dog ran ten miles to get help in the mountains.


History of dogs and humans.

Story Four - Story of Hachi, the Japanese Dog


Old professor in Japan.


Dog would walk with him to the train station, wait for him to come home.


Old guy died at school, never came home, but the dog still waited.


Statue of Hachi in Japan in Tokyo.


Loyalty is a wonderful trait.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Old lady walking her dog
1B - Talked to her
1C - Bought dog with husband
2A - Old girlfriend bought twin puppies
2B - They looked like wolves
2C - Grew up together
3A - Documentary on dogs
3B - Always protecting owners
3C - Dogs save people during fires
4A - Story of Hachi
4B - Followed master to station
4C - Master died, Hachi still waiting
4D - Now statue in Tokyo
4E - Loyalty is the best quality
3D - Dogs save people in mountains
3E - Long history of man and dog
2D - Dogs got old
2E - Always took care of girlfriend
1D - Husband died long ago
1E - Dog has his qualities

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

The other day I was out (P) taking a walk, and I saw one of my (P) neighbors. A
nice (R) old lady, I've never really (P) talked to her that much, so I decided to
stop and say hi. She was walking her dog, he looked pretty old, turns out she's
had him fifteen years. She and her husband (P) bought the dog back when he
was still alive (R), they actually went shopping for him a while. I had a girlfriend
once that decided with her sister to buy these (P) two puppies (R). They looked
like wolves, but they each had (P) one blue eye. Really beautiful (SP). She took
them home and kept telling them, "Don't worry baby, I'll take care of you," and
they were always (P) with each other (R), always decided to stay close together
(R). I watched this documentary on dogs once, it listed all the times that dogs (P)
saved people's lives (R). I always thought of dogs to take to the park or
whatever, I never really thought of dogs as protectors (R), but I guess that's what
they are. This one family's house was on fire, and they didn't have a smoke alarm
or anything, but they dog went through and woke everybody up (R), barking his
head off. He didn't want to go outside until everybody was safe (R). I guess for
dogs, this is really important, to stay safe (R). There's that famous Japanese dog,
Hachi. He was loyal (R) to his master, who was some professor or something.
Every day the professor would walk from his house to the station, and Hachi
would follow him (R). And then Hachi would sit there all day, waiting for him
to come back (R). That would be pretty cool, to feel comfortable knowing that
somebody (SP) is waiting for you. To be able to trust this person (SP)
completely (R), to know this person is always going to be watching out for you,
knowing that you can depend on this person (SP) completely, I mean he's only
a dog, that they sure act like people. But when the professor died, the dog just
kept waiting. He refused to leave, even after he was gone, the Hachi wanted to
wait. He wanted to be loyal (R), to keep waiting (R), and today they have a
statue of Hachi in Tokyo, and it's a famous meeting spot, especially with lovers.
Because the story is so romantic, you know? So when you want to wait for this
person (SP), everybody decided to wait together at the same spot, and it's really
good to wait for somebody special (SP). Then the documentary talked about
how long dogs and humans have been together. I guess we've been together (SP)
for a long time, much longer than people realize. Going back ten thousand years,
dogs and humans could always depend on each other (R), look out for each
other. When my girlfriend's dogs grew up, they still decided to stay together (R)
always. They turned out to be really good guard dogs. I could tell they really
loved this person (SP). And the lady was kind of embarrassed to tell me this, but
she said after her husband died, she started to see some of his qualities in the dog
they'd chosen together, it was really cool, how she could still feel this (R), after
all this time. I guess human emotions are really powerful, and when you can
really open to them (R), you start to see there's a lot more here (SP) than most
people realize.
Intimacy - Seven

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One – Valentine’s Day in High School


First girlfriend during Valentine’s Day.


Had no idea what to do, had to use TV characters as a reference.


Carried around a huge box of chocolates.


She loved it.


Turns out everybody secretly thought you were cool.

Story Two - Creative Writing in High School


Took a crazy creative writing class in high school.


Had to do all kinds of goofy activities.


One was these skits you did.


Had to make stuff up on the spot.


Really silly but really fun.

Story Three - Twilight Zone - Favorite Episode


Loved the twilight zone.


Would always watch the marathons on TV.


Favorite was the criminal on a planet with a robot girlfriend.


They came to take him home, but he had to leave his robot girlfriend.


He decided to choose the robot girlfriend instead of freedom.

Story Four - Gift of the Magi Story


Famous story by O. Henry.


Young couple in love, but really poor.


Each gave up their most prized possessions for the other.


On one hand, it was a tragedy.


But on the other hand, one of the greatest love stories ever.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - First Valentine’s Day with girlfriend
1B - Didn't know what to do
1C - Bought a huge box of candy
2A - Create writing class in high school
2B - Did lots of crazy activities
2C - One was doing skits in front of class
3A - Loved "The Twilight Zone"
3B - Favorite episode - guy on "prison-planet"
3C - Spaceship came to rescue him
4A - Gift of the Magi
4B - Young couple in love, but poor
4C - Gave each other most prized possession
4D - Tragedy on one level
4E - Beautiful love story on another
3D - Guy couldn't take his GF
3E - Decided to stay on the planet
2D - Some skits were really silly
2E - But very fun
1D - Felt like a goof carrying it around
1E - But everybody thought you were cool

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

I remember my first Valentine’s day, I mean when (P) I had a girlfriend. I didn't
know what I was supposed to do, so I had (P) to use whatever people on TV did,
which was buy a huge (P) box of chocolate. So, I carried this humongous box of
valentine chocolates (R) to school, not really sure if it was OK or not. I had this
crazy (P) creative writing class. We did all kinds of goofy activities (R), and me
and couple of my buddies for some reason started doing all these (P) crazy skits
(R). Like we would get up and try to have this (P) serious dialogue but we would
also try to be as (P) outlandish as possible (R). We would talk about the Twilight
Zone a lot in class, because it had a unique style, really (P) inventive for its time.
There was this guy that was sentenced to stay on this planet for some crime (L)
or something, but he had this girl (R) with him. And he they really (P) loved
each other (SP), and they really were able take care of each other (P) on a daily
basis. And one day the spaceship came to tell him he was free (R), and at first he
was really happy (R), he could feel overjoyed (R) because he could finally go
back to Earth or wherever and meet friends, and stuff. It was kind of like that
famous (P) Christmas story. About that young couple, really deep in love (R).
They would do anything for each other (SP), really wanted to take care of
each other (R) no matter what. But they each had their own most valuable
possession. And when it was Christmas, they wanted to do something special
(R) for each other, but they didn't have any money. So they decided to give up
everything (R) for each other. The guy sold his silver watch, to buy a brush (P)
for his wife. Because she had this really beautiful (P) long hair. But she cut her
hair, and sold it to the wig shop, to buy a chain for his silver watch. They
watched to give each other everything (R). And at first, from a Twilight Zone
perspective it's a horrible (L) tragedy, because then they had nothing. But that's
really the message of the story, because in giving up everything, they learned
that this love (SP) they share with each other, this love they give each other
(R), is the most beautiful thing there is. Unfortunately for the Twilight Zone guy
on the planet, they told him they couldn't (L) bring his girlfriend, which of
course he rejected. I mean him and his girlfriend absolutely couldn't help but
love each other (SP). But in the end you find out the girlfriend was really a
robot, but even then, he decided to choose love (SP) over everything else (L).
Some of the skits we did were the lamest (L) thing ever, but they were the most
fun (R). When we just let go of fear (R) and decided to have fun (R) in the
moment, it was probably my favorite class in high school. And after carrying
around that big box of chocolates like a goof, my girlfriend really loved it. And
everybody else at school, especially the girls, somehow thought that was a
reason to admire me (R), because somebody told me that they all wished they
had a guy that would do something like that (R), turned out I was a hero but I
thought I was a goof the whole time. Of course, all my friends were angry,
because I made them look bad, but I didn't care. When you are in a relationship,
all you want to do is make this person (SP) happy, right?
Generate Passion - One

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - Getting Lost At the Mall as a Kid


One time at the mall.


Turned around, mom was nowhere to be found.


Ran around and didn't see her, was terrified.


Eventually found her.


She was watching you the whole time.

Story Two - First High School Sports


Played football sophomore year in high school.


Games were always super intense, way different than practice.


Total focus and massive amounts of energy.


Losing sucked.


Winning was awesome.

Story Three - First Big Fight With Girlfriend


Had a girlfriend for a few months.


First big fight.


Neither of you knew how to argue well.


Both were totally emotion, mix of frustration, anger, inability to describe
feelings accurately.


Ended up having mad make up sex, even though you weren't sure what

Story Four - Super Sexy Movie You Saw By Accident


Went to see what you thought was a romantic comedy.


Turned out to be almost a porno.


Most of the time was spent in bed.


Lots of crying and fighting.


Very emotionally intense.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - At the mall
1B - Couldn't find mom
1C - Panicked
2A - High school football
2B - First game
2C - Powerful emotions
3A - First fight with girlfriend
3B - Screaming and yelling
3C - Mix of confusing emotional power
4A - Romantic comedy
4B - Turned out to be erotic
4C - Lots of fighting and lovemaking
4D - Tons of tension
4E - Emotional roller coaster
3D - Awesome makeup sex
3E - But had no clue what happened
2D - Losing sucked
2E - Winning was like a drug
1D - Found mom
1E - She knew what was up all along

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

Man, when I was a kid I had an absolutely (P) horrifying (L) experience! I was
at the mall with my mom, and like a little idiot (L) I wasn't (P) paying any
attention to anything, and I looked up and she was gone (L)! I ran around (P)
looking for her but I was sure something had happened. In high school my
friend convinced me to try out for (P) football, we figured that would be the best
way to (P) get girls (R), and I was amazed that I made the team. It was like
nothing I'd ever expected. I mean the (P) practices were long, grueling, like boot
camp (L) or something. But the games were amazing (R). Something about the
energy (R), I mean when you feel this energy (SP) when you can't help but feel
this passion, you just forget everything (R) and focus on the game. All the
homework problems (L) I had, parents whatever, when the game started it had a
way to make problems vanish (R). I had this girlfriend I'll never forget our first
fight (L). I mean neither of us knew (P) what the heck we were doing. We were
at this party, you know, able to enjoy each other (R), and somebody said
something and suddenly there was all this tension between us. We drove
somewhere and you could just feel the energy between us, and we just started
yelling (L) at each other, nobody knew what was going on, everybody was
crying. I was angry, but more angry that everything I felt, the feelings inside,
when I tried to describe this it just came out differently and made everything
worse, like we are surrounded in this (SP) ball of energy and you can just feel
this (R). We went to this movie once, I didn't really care, you know when you
are in love (SP), and you just want to be with this person (SP), you really don't
care what you're doing. So we picked this movie, thought it was a romantic (R)
comedy or whatever. But it turned into this near porno (R), I think it was a
remake of some famous French movie or something. But man this is so intense
(SP)! I mean the characters were either fighting, and by fighting I mean yelling
and screaming just staring at each other with all this (SP) mad passion, and then
a switch would go off and they'd just start to make love (R), like there was this
amazing energy, even just watching the movie, we could feel this energy (SP), I
mean there were a lot of people in the theater and you could tell that even the
people listening to this were able to feel massive passion (R), I mean this was
really unexpected, it just hit us, like bam! But I don't even know what happened
but one minute we were yelling at each other, and the next minute (P) we just
started to kiss each other (R), and right there in the car, that's the first time I was
ever able to experience make up sex (P), and Jesus Christ is this (SP) fantastic!
Whenever we lost, it absolutely sucked, but the few times we won, we didn't win
very often because our team was pretty lame, but when we did, this (SP) was
like nothing else. I mean I could feel this energy (SP) for a couple days, like
nothing I'd ever experienced before. And just when I was about to all 911, or
whatever little kids do when they have emergencies, my mom grabbed my hand
and asked me why I was trying to hide when she'd been watching me the whole
time. Crazy, right?
Generate Passion - Two

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - Climbing to the Top of a Tall Mountain


Decided to try it, didn't really plan much.


The longer it got, the harder it got.


For some reason, the harder it got, the more determined you got.


Finally made it to the top, nearly passed out from exhaustion.


Every time you think about that, you feel really good because you didn't quit.

Story Two - Huge Self Improvement Goal


Decided to train for a marathon.


Studied from a book for beginners.


Idea of a long run on the weekends.


Each week the long run got longer.


Every week you felt you had this massive goal to conquer.

Story Three - Friends Who Have Best Relationship


Best friends have known each other since high school.


Always give you expert advice on relationships.


Wish everybody was like them.


They moved away and you miss them.


Lucky for the Internet, you can keep in touch.

Story Four - Once They Had A Fight


One night you and your friend went drinking and you slept on the couch.


Friend and wife had a huge fight the next morning.


You heard everything from the couch. Intense emotions.


You thought they were going to get divorced and it was going to be your fault.


Happy ending, everybody embarrassed.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Went mountain climbing
1B - Didn't plan much
1C - Really hard
2A - Trained for marathon
2B - Started easy
2C - Each weekend longer and longer
3A - Great friends
3B - Always together
3C - Give great advice
4A - Went to a strip club
4B - Slept on friends couch
4C - Huge fight in the morning
4D - You felt super guilty
4E - Happy ending
3D - They moved away
3E - You still keep in touch
2D - Each weekend a goal in itself
2E - Finished easy, training best part
1D - Sheer determination
1E - Glad you finished

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

Man, once me and my friend seriously (P) bit off way more than we could chew.
We went for this one day hike, going up (P) a couple of hours, parking and then
hiking to this peak and back. On paper we thought we could (P) finish in one
day, but once we started hiking, we realized we'd made a big mistake (L). The
more we hiked, the steeper (L) it got and we thought maybe we should just give
up (L) and turn around. Once I decided to train for a marathon, I went to the
bookstore and looked around, bought a famous (R) book on training. It said to go
jogging every day, but only a mile or two. Then one day on the weekend was for
the (P) long run. Each week you just made the long run longer by one mile, the
idea being that if you planned long enough for the marathon, it would be easy
(R). But pretty soon each weekend was like running a marathon in itself. I mean,
once I started running I started to feel massive determination (R), I really had
to focus on this (SP), I mean I had to push everything out except for this (SP).
I've got these really great (R) friends, I've known them since high school. I mean
ever since I've known them they've been together. Went to their wedding,
watched their kids and everything. Also had my back whenever I needed
something, I mean I knew both him and her, I could really trust this person
(SP), but one time I thought I messed everything up (R). Me and the guy and
some other guy, I don't remember the reason, but we went to this strip club (L).
And I drank a lot so I stayed on this guy’s couch, and in the morning he and his
wife got into this massive (P) fight (L), I guess they forgot I was there. I mean
they were yelling (L) and screaming (L), this was before they had kids, and I
heard things that made me realize exactly what goes into a successful
relationship. I mean the depth of feelings between them, just lying there I could
feel the emotions (R), just totally feel the energy (R) between them. I was like
two people locked together, both in pain but both determined to fight it out, to
preserve this (R), to make sure this (SP) stays real, and I kept listening,
worrying I may have caused their divorce (L). But then we all had breakfast
together, and at first she was kind of embarrassed (R), but then everything was
normal. In a sense it was like seeing the real insides of a relationship, of being
able to feel the passion (P), to be able to feel the energy (P), to be able to, I
know it sounds lame, but feel the realness (SP), I mean when you just decide to
lay it out there (R), to take this chance and make it happen (R). Finally they
moved away, he got this awesome job, we still keep in touch, though. But the
closer I got to the full marathon length on the weekends, I just got more and
more determined. I didn't want anything to stop me, I mean I kept seeing my
goal in mind and I knew I had to get this (SP). I knew I absolutely had to have
this (SP). Finally when the marathon came, it was awesome. So much energy in
the air, and because I had trained properly, I knew beforehand, I had a feeling
that this will be successful (SP), you know? And both my friend and I kind of
simultaneously turned that hike into a fight, us against the mountain, we weren't
going to let anything stop us, and by the time we got to the top, we were both
exhausted, but we were also glad we didn't give up. Now whenever I think of
this (SP), I feel really good (R) knowing that we were able to make this
happen (R).
Generate Passion - Three

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - First Job In High School - Retail


First job in high school.


Working retail in a department store.


Had to interact with a lot of different people.


Nervous at first.


Soon found it very rewarding.

Story Two - Got Lost While Hiking


Hiking with a couple of friends.


Decided to take a short cut.


Got lost.


Freaked out at first.


Figured out where you were and kept everything under control.

Story Three - Weekend Retreat on HS Sports Team


Went on this weekend team building camp.


Lots of climbing and jumping.


The teacher was always telling stories.


Pretty fun.


Built team spirit, but still lost most of the games.

Story Four - Migrants During Gold Rush


Gold rush to California.


Biggest migration in human history.


People only had a dream and determination.


People had to stay in close groups.


Adventure of a lifetime.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - First job in high school
1B - Department store
1C - Intimidating at first
2A - Hiking with friends
2B - Tried a shortcut
2C - Got lost
3A - HS sports
3B - Team building camp
3C - Teacher told lots of stories
4A - California Gold Rush
4B - Lots of people going west
4C - Only dreams and determination
4D - Had to stay in tight groups
4E - Must have been epic
3D - Great teamwork
3E - Still lost games
2D - Freaked out
2E - Finally found friends
1D - Met lots of interesting people
1E - Great job experience

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

Yeah, I remember my first job like it was (P) yesterday. I didn't know anything
other than my parents said they were going to stop (L) giving me an allowance,
so I had to (P) make some cash (R) on my own. I just went around town and
handed in an application everywhere (P) I saw a "Help Wanted" sign. I ended up
getting hired (R) at this department store, they put me in the sporting goods
department. I was pretty nervous (L) at first, I thought people would be asking
me all these questions I didn't know the answers to. One weekend a couple of
buddies and I (P) went hiking, and we got about halfway to this peak, and I
decided I thought I could find an easier way (R), so I said I'd meet them there
and took off on my own. Man was that a mistake (L). It's one thing to be alone
when you know where you are, but when you're by yourself, in the mountains
and you get lost? It's pretty scary. I mean that's pretty intense, you can feel your
heart pounding (R), wondering if you are going to find this place (SP) or not,
and you decide to just keep going (R). My coach in high school thought we
could use some teamwork building exercises, you know, he thought it'd be better
if we could really (P) connect with each other (R) on a deep level, I mean to
really go through some experiences together (SP), so we went to this, like boot
camp place. Did all these drills, did things that were really scary, but I guess the
idea is you feel the fear (R), but at the same time you feel this trust (R), so it
will help you to use this energy (R) to overcome fears you have about this
(SP). The guy teaching thing was really cool. We'd do exercises, and then he'd
sit us in a big circle in the middle of the woods and tell us these inspirational
stories. He told us about the California Gold rush, one of the biggest migrations
ever. People who had nothing but a big dream, I mean every day they would
wake up and feel this huge desire (SP), something out there, something they
needed to find. They didn't even know if they were going to find this, they only
knew that if they could discover this (SP), they would find this amazing (SP).
But they also knew it was dangerous, so they really had to depend on each
other (R) so they could stay safe together (R). And man, I'll you, that camp
really helped us to build awesome relationships together (R). We still lost a lot
of games, but we had much better teamwork and camaraderie, I guess the coach
was happy. I mean I'm sure he would have preferred if we won more games (R),
but he was also happy that he showed us something about life that can only
come from the experience of being able to help each other (SP). After a while, I
finally gave up and went back to find my friends. I didn't want to be alone out
there, all by myself, so when I caught up with them I was glad that we could be
together (R) again. And I think after the first day on the job, I really started to
enjoy this (R). I was able to talk to people, all kinds of different people, connect
with people (SP)and find out what they wanted, so I could help them get this
(SP). I really started to appreciate people (SP), and how much everybody has to
offer. You just need to know how to find this (SP) within the person you are
talking to, right?
Generate Passion - Four

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - First Time Rock Climbing With a Friend


Friend invited you to go rock climbing.


Sounded exciting, wanted to go.


When started, really scary.


First half was slow, nervous.


By the end of the day, it was much more fun, you were much more confident.

Story Two - First Time Skydiving


With some buddies one day, bored.


Somebody suggested skydiving.


Everybody agreed, but secretly hoped somebody would say no.


You didn't believe it would happen until the plane took off.


When you jumped, it was terrifying, but it soon became exhilarating.

Story Three - Hands on Seminar on Canoe Making in Hawaii


Took this weird canoe making class.


More like watching some guy go through the motions.


But fascinating how they made them.


The only modern tool used was an axe.


Everything else was from nature.

Story Four - Early Polynesians Who Crossed Huge Oceans in Canoes


Hawaii discovered by Polynesians


Nobody really sure what motivated them.


They crossed huge oceans in canoes.


They navigated by stars.


Must have been a breathtaking experience.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Friend invites you rock climbing
1B - Excited to go
1C - Scary at the beginning
2A - Bunch of buddies talking
2B - Suggested to go skydiving
2C - Hoping somebody would back out
3A - Took a canoe building class
3B - Watched an expert
3C - Fascinating
4A - Hawaii discovered by Polynesians
4B - Bold explorers
4C - Crossed oceans with canoes
4D - Used stars to navigate
4E - Epic adventure
3D - Only used an axe
3E - Everything else was natural
2D - When the plane took it was real
2E - After jump, felt awesome
1D - Halfway up, gained confidence
1E - Really amazing after that

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

I used to work at this one place with this guy, he was an avid (P) rock climber.
He asked me to go along, and I did, not really sure what to expect. I guess I
thought it was going to be like (P) hiking or something. But when we got there,
and I saw how (P) steep the rock face was, nearly straight up, I started to have
second thoughts (L). But he seemed to be relaxed (R) and confident, so I just
figured I'd try this (SP), listen to this guy (R) and see what can happen (R). But
as soon as we started going up, man that was intense! (L) My heart was
pounding, and I could feel the endorphins (R) rushing through my veins. I was
terrified! (L) I was hanging out with a bunch of buddies on Saturday morning,
and somebody suggested we go (P) skydiving. There were three of us, and
nobody wanted to say (L) no, I mean nobody wanted to say, "This (SP) is so
intense, I don't think I can do this," so we all acted all cool and everything. But
we kept talking and nobody wanted to back out (L), I mean everybody was eager
(R) to do this. I was in Hawaii and we went to this kind of demonstration where
this guy showed us how they used to build those canoes. It was a pretty cool (R)
demonstration, I mean the guy was really thorough. I didn't know this but the
Polynesians discovered Hawaii (R) on these canoes, I mean exploring over land
is scary enough, but these guys went across (P) massive oceans, with only the
stars to guide them. It must have been (P) amazing (R). I mean, how do you even
train for something like that? Months at a time on a canoe, nothing but the stars
at night, only knowing or hoping that something amazing (SP) is out there. Just
to follow your instincts (R), trusting your gut, knowing in your heart that this
(SP) is worth it, that all the effort and risk you're putting in is going to be paid
off. I mean, just imagine that (R), being able to feel so much desire (R) for this
(SP), to keep pushing forward all day, surrounded by nothing, propelled only by
sheer belief that this (SP) is worth it. Turns out the only modern tool they used to
build those were steel axes. Everything else, they used natural ingredients.
Everything they had, they took their time to make this (SP), so that this would
last. And I'll tell you the truth, I was hoping somebody would bail out, but as
soon as we got on the plane and the engines started? Man, it was like, this is
happening (SP), there's nothing to do but embrace this (SP), just open up (R)
and let it happen (R). And I'll admit that jumping out of that plane was the
scariest thing I've ever done, but it was also the most exhilarating. Never in my
life had I been able to feel so much excitement (R), like nothing I'd ever
experienced before. And by the time we got halfway up that rock, I was starting
to feel more confident (R) in my abilities. I was really able to trust myself to
make the right decision (SP), to keep going, and when I got to the top, I was
really glad I decided to do this (SP).
Generate Passion - Five

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - Math Class in Elementary School


Math in grade school was pretty easy.


Remember learning multiplication.


Long division was kind of hard.


Fractions sucked.


But it wasn't hard to figure out.

Story Two - New School in JHS


Had to switch schools in JHS.


Had to make new friends.


Also had to go to different classes.


Pretty simple once you figured everything out.


Subjects were pretty simple.

Story Three - Intense HS Science Teacher


Really intense HS science teacher.


Would get really enthusiastic when explaining things.


Had a reputation as a crazy guy.


Tests were really difficult.


Hard to get a B.

Story Four - Scientific Discovery Story


Electricity has always been fascinating.


Faraday was a pioneer.


Discovered relationship between electricity and magnetism.


Showed how they interacted in near magical ways.


But without it our modern world wouldn't exist.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Elementary school math
1B - Mostly easy
1C - Multiplication was simple
2A - New JHS
2B - Confusing at first
2C - Different classes
3A - High school science teacher
3B - Really passionate about science
3C - Would always go off on crazy rants
4A - Discovery of electricity
4B - Faraday the genius
4C - Saw things others didn't
4D - Electricity and magnetism
4E - Modern world based on his discoveries
3D - Tests were always difficult
3E - Very hard to get a B
2D - Figured it out after a couple weeks
2E - Pretty easy after that
1D - Long division was complicated
1E - Fractions were complicated

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

When I was a kid math (P) was pretty easy. I mean I sort of remember math,
adding, subtracting, that stuff was pretty easy. Multiplication was also (P) pretty
easy, even those humongous problems she would write on the board and have us
(P) come up and do. I mean, I never really stressed to much about it. I had to go
to a (P) different (L) junior high school, I don't remember why, school districts
changed (L) or something. It was kind of sketchy (L) at first, I mean I was
worried, I didn't know if (P) I could figure this (SP) out. I knew I needed to (P)
at least make a friend (R), and figure stuff out. It was also the first time we had
to switch classes, instead of having one teacher always there, you know how you
can depend on this person (SP), right? I had this super (P) insane science
teacher (R) in high school. I mean this guy (SP) was super passionate. He would
start off by teaching some science thing, and then he would get really excited
(R) and start telling us the history behind the science, I mean everybody could
feel the passion (R), I mean this energy (SP) was so contagious, everybody in
class could feel this (R). We'd just forget everything (R), relax and watch this
person (SP). One time he started writing these equations, and then for the rest of
the class told us about Faraday, the guy who discovered electricity and
magnetism (R)? I mean it's not (L) intuitive at all, I mean all around is this
massive amount of electricity (SP), and Faraday was the first guy to discover
this, that this (SP) is magnetic as well, and how these two things are related.
How to put this together (R). He started making engines turn without touching
anything, realized all about magnetic lines of force that are attractive, and how
the magnets can feel this attraction (R) and it makes them move, like magic. I
mean back then, nobody really knew anything, but this guy (SP), this guy could
see things (R), I mean see things nobody else can, and he could feel so much
passion (R) about these things that he basically invented a whole new kind of
science. Because of this magnetism, we have all this (SP), and we can really
appreciate this (R) because this guy with all his passion was able to make this
possible (R). The guy was a super enthusiastic teacher, but man were his tests
hard (L)! I had to study harder than I ever had before just to get a B! But he was
able to make this really interesting (R), make this really compelling. After I
figured out where all my classes were in junior high school, after I was able to
make new friends (R), and find my classes it was pretty easy. The only math I
had problems with in elementary school was long division, and fractions. I mean
it wasn't too bad, all I had to do was think about this (R) for a while, like when
I would go home and think about this (R), and start to imagine this (R), and
pretty soon it made sense. I mean everything makes sense when you just decide
to understand this (R), right?
Generate Passion - Six

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - Book Report in Elementary School


First book report.


Really nervous.


Practiced for three days.


Used index cards to remember.


Went pretty well.

Story Two - Scary Job Interview in College


Job interview for internship.


Many applicants.


Guy asked really tough questions.


Barely made any eye contact.


Didn't get the job, but didn't want it.

Story Three - Interesting Job Interview


Another job interview.


Guy really friendly.


Asked weird questions.


Got an offer.


Turned it down, too far from home.

Story Four - Adventure-Romance Story from Novel


Shipwreck on an island.


Only a couple survived.


Before they hated each other.


But they had to work together to not die.


They ended up falling in love.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Elementary school book report
1B - Really nervous
1C - Practiced for days
2A - Tough job interview
2B - Lots of people
2C - Asked tough questions
3A - Easy job interview
3B - Interviewer really friendly
3C - Asked many strange questions
4A - Shipwreck story
4B - Couple on an island
4C - Hated each other at first
4D - Had to work together
4E - Fell in love
3D - Got an offer
3E - Refused, too far away
2D - Didn't get the job
2E - Didn't want the job
1D - Put everything on index cards
1E - Book report went well

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

I remember my first (P) book report in elementary school. Fifth grade I think,
man (P) I was nervous (L). I didn't know if I could do this! I mean the book was
simple (R), I could understand everything (R) and explain everything, but
when I thought about standing in front of people and talking about this? I was
(P) super nervous (L). It was like this job interview I had once. I got there, I
wore a (P) tie and everything. There were lots of other people there as well. I
waited (P) like an hour (L), kept wondering what was going to happen next,
what this guy was going to say, and when I got in there, he was really in a bad
mood (L). He asked me all these (P) difficult questions (L), I had no idea (P)
how to answer (L). The whole time he didn't even look at me (SP), I mean he
just kept looking down on his clipboard, asking me questions, checking off
boxes and stuff, it was a nightmare (L)! This other guy (SP) was really easy. I
mean I could tell right away, this guy (SP) is really friendly (R), it's really easy
to open up to this guy (SP), to share everything (R), you know? And he starts
to ask me all these goofy questions that don't really have anything to do with the
job, so I just say, hey, you can relax (R), and enjoy this (R), so we had this long
conversation. One of the questions he asked me was my favorite novel, I wasn't
expecting that, I don't even remember (P) what I told him, I just said the first
thing I could think of. Then he starts telling me about his favorite novel, and I'm
like, OK, I'll just relax (R), and listen to this (R), see what happens, right? And
it's like a romantic adventure of something, I didn't recognize it so I just decided
to listen to this story (R). This ship crashed on an island, and there were only
two people who survived. I guess they were divorced or something, or they
knew each other before, but once they were on the island, they realized they had
to work together (R), I mean they really had to trust one another (R), and so
they started to figure out how they would survive. They did regular island stuff
like build a hut or whatever, start fires, and of course since this (SP) is a romance
story, the two of them eventually had to fall in love (R), and start to see each
other (R) in a different light, I guess when you are forced to stretch the limits of
your experience, and start to think of things (R) in a new way, that's what
happened. But when this guy was telling me this romance story, I couldn't help
but realize he was able to feel a lot of passion (R), I mean just seeing how
animated the guy was I couldn't help but feel excited (R) as well. He ended up
giving me an offer, but after thinking about it, I mean I really decided that I like
this guy (SP), but it was too far away, so I had to tell this guy that we wouldn't
be able to work together (R). The first guy, the who didn't want to look at me,
he didn't give me an offer, but I didn't want one, that guy was scary (L)! But
after I stood up and started talking, I mean I had the whole book report on index
cards, so I could remember this (R), it was pretty easy. I mean I started to feel
really comfortable (R), and I ended up getting an A on my report.
Generate Passion - Seven

One - Stories In Their Natural Order

Story One - First Trip Abroad


Went to Europe to meet friends.


Arrived two days earlier.


Had everything planned out, but still exciting.


Had a lot of fun traveling on your own.


Met up with friends, had a great time.

Story Two - Learning Spanish in Junior High School


Had to take a foreign language.


Decided on Spanish over Chinese.


Was difficult at first, had to do skits in Spanish.


Pretty fun after a while.


Went to a Mexican restaurant near graduation.

Story Three - First Trip Alone to a Big City


Got a new job, in a new State.


Had to move on your own.


Didn't know anybody, and felt really awkward, met an old guy in the park.


Ended up joining a few clubs.


Made some decent friends.

Story Four - Story Told To You By an Old Man


When he was young his parents died.


He had to start work when he was only sixteen.


He worked construction, had to travel a lot.


Fell in love at a young age.


Stayed together for nearly fifty years.

Two - Stories In The Order To Tell

1A - Europe trip with friends
1B - Arrived two days earlier
1C - Everything planned, but still nervous
2A - Had to study a foreign language
2B - Chose Spanish
2C - Had to do skits
3A - New city, new job
3B - Didn't know anybody
3C - Met a guy in the park
4A - His parents died early
4B - Had to find his own way
4C - Traveled a lot
4D - Fell in love early
4E - Lifelong relationship
3D - Joined some clubs
3E - Made lots of friends
2D - Skits were fun
2E - Went to lunch together
1D - Went exploring on own
1E - Great experience

Three - Word for Word Script

(P) = Pause
(R) = Good anchor
(L) = Bad anchor
Bold Underline = embedded command (SP) = Self Point

(note, self-point and R can be used interchangeably)

I remember the first time I went abroad, not like I'm a (P) world traveler or
anything. I decided to meet some friends (R), but for some reason they were
coming (P) two days after I was arriving. I got a great deal (R) on the flight or
something. But even though it was only a couple of days, and I had everything
all (P) set up, hotels and everything, I was still (P) pretty nervous (L), you know?
I mean it was the first time (P) going to a foreign country and I was going alone,
I didn't know if I was going to meet somebody (SP), or find somebody
interesting (SP) or whatever. When I was in junior high school I had to (P) take
a foreign language (L), and I didn't even know until the last minute. So I chose
Spanish, the only other choice was (P) Chinese, and that seemed too difficult
(L). So, in Spanish class we had to do these skits (R). I mean we made to make
up these conversations, and have these in front of everybody. I mean you're just
standing there, feeling everybody looking at you, everybody is listening to
everything you say, it was pretty intense (L). I mean you could feel your
heartbeat (R), really focus on everything (R) being said. Once I had to go to a
new city to start a new job. So after I got set up in my apartment I just started (P)
wandering around. I found this park where these guys were (P) playing chess. I
played this one old guy and (P) he destroyed me (L). He bought me a cup of
coffee (R) after and pretty much told me his life story. When he was in high
school, both his parents died (L) so he had to figure everything out on his own
(R). I mean he didn't have anybody, where he could rely on this person (SP), he
had to just kind of take risks (R), try things and see what would happen (R).
He ended up being hired as like a helper on a construction site, and pretty soon
learned how to do things (R) on his own. He said it was pretty intense, but it he
was able to feel really confident (R) because he was able to take advantage of
this (SP). They traveled a lot, and that's when he met his wife (R). She was the
first girl he ever dated, and right off the bat he knew he could feel things for this
person (SP). He knew this person (SP) was special. He told her, (P) "I love
you," (P) after only knowing her for a few weeks. But they decided to get
together (R) , and for whatever reason they were able to stay together (R).
Then he started to give me advice, that if you find somebody (R), you may as
well try this (SP), and see. Because of all the things he'd done in his life, he said
that to find love (SP) is the most important. I ended up playing chess a couple
times a week, and I met some other guys and met a couple other days a week to
play pickup basketball. It was actually a pretty good experience. After I could
get over the nervousness, I started looking forward to doing those skits. To talk
to this person (SP), and I enjoyed to speak Spanish and enjoy the excitement
(R) that comes with having goofy conversations. I was kind of bummed when
my friends showed up, because I kind of enjoyed going around on my own,
exploring and stuff. It's really fun when you just put yourself out there (R), and
see how much fun you can have. If I were rich, I'd definitely travel a lot (R)
How To Use Effectively

Before you start using these structures, you'll need to practice them. The best
way to practice them is to work from the individual story chunks, or bits, that are
listed out before the actual word-for-word story. While it may be tempting to
memorize these word for word, it's not always guaranteed that you'll be able to
finish. If you get interrupted you'll need to keep track of where you were, and be
able to slowly guide the conversation back to the stories themselves.

Central Part

Story four is always the central part. This central story contains the themes and
most of the commands. So long as you keep the central story intact, they will
have an impact. Ideally you'll be able to start mixing these up, and even creating
the outer stories, mainly one and two, from your own experiences. If you feel
uncomfortable telling stories that aren't factually true, simply use whatever
experience most closely matches the outer stories (one and two).


This is a very simple concept, but unfortunately it's been used more of a
marketing gimmick, so there's a lot of confusion. Fractionation only means
speaking in "hypnotic" language and then speaking in normal language. The idea
was discovered by a hypnotist who found that when clients came back for repeat
visits, they fell into a much deeper trance on successive visits. He tried this
during a single session and it had the same results. Instead of hypnotizing them
for thirty minutes, for example, he would hypnotize them for ten minutes, bring
them out briefly, and then take them back down. Each time they would go back
into trance, they would go deeper. You can use this same technique with these
patterns. For our purposes, we can think of "speaking hypnotically" as telling
stories in "nested loop" or "broken loop" style. Start one, get just to the climax,
and then start another one. Do this for a few stories, and then speak normally.
Talk about normal things in normal order. Then switch back to speaking in

Typical Structure

This would be a typical conversation structure that you could easily fit into a
thirty minute conversation. You start by creating rapport if you are meeting
somebody for the first time. Start by talking about easy to talk about things.
Don't talk about yourself, don't talk about her. Only talk about the things around
you. The bar, the music, the weather. The things, the topic of the conversation,
you speak about during the first few minutes of a conversation are absolutely
irrelevant. The whole purpose is to build up a feeling of comfort (rapport) with
one another. Match her body language if you can, and watch hers if you can.
Once you’ve got some decent back and forth conversation, you can start with the
structures. How do you know if you've got some decent back and forth
conversation? If you are asking simple questions, and she's giving you decent
answers (as opposed to one word answers) and facing you at least fifty percent
of the time. Then tell one of these structures, all the way through. Ideally you'll
find a "jumping off point" where you can go from the rapport-building
conversation to the structures. Meaning the transition won't seem strange or
forced. The ideal conversation would go something like this.

Rapport Building 5-10 Minutes
First Structure 5 Minutes
Normal Conversation 5-10 Minutes
Second Structure 5 Minutes
Normal Conversation 5-10 Minutes
Third Structure 5 Minutes

How to Close

This is completely dependent on you, her, where you are, and how comfortable
you feel, and most importantly, the response you are getting from her. The third
structure should have commands that will give you a good idea. Meaning you
can say things like "go home with me," or "follow me," etc., within the fourth
stories for the third structure. For the first two structures, you don't need to worry
about paying close attention. But by the time you get to the third structure, be
sure to pay attention to how she responds to your commands in the fourth story
of the third structure. If she's looking directly at you for extended periods of
time, and slightly nodding, then that's about as a green a light as you are going to
get. On the other hand, if she seems disinterested and her eyes keep wandering,
it may be time to politely excuse yourself and find somebody else to talk to.

Test with Kino

Anytime during your storytelling, you can test with kino. Meaning you simply
lean over, and touch her on the shoulder or upper arm. If she doesn't recoil in
horror, that's a green light. If you get a positive response from kino, (you'll know
it when you see it!) and she's looking at you openly when you deliver the
embedded commands, it's time to close. Get her number, take her somewhere
else, or take her back to your place. Completely up to you. Do whatever you are
comfortable with that you feel is most appropriate for the situation.

What If I Run Out of Stories?

After you commit a few of these to memory, it will be pretty easy to start
creating your own. The structure is fairly simple. Stories one and two are really
just "warm up stories" and don't really need to be on any theme, so long as they
are somewhat related to human communication, new experiences, exploring,
anything like that. Story three can be seen as the introduction to story four,
which contains the main commands and techniques. The general structure is that
story four can be anything, completely made up, since it's not really happening
to you. It's either told to you by a character in story three, or it's told from one
character to another, or (as in many of these cases) it's even a famous romance
story. Think of stories one and two as "softeners" to get her conscious critic out
of the way, story three as a setup to story four, and story four as the main driver
of her emotions.

Any Order Is Fine

You don't necessarily need to use the exact structure listed here. So long as you
have one or two buffer stories, a set up story (story three), and a delivery story
(story four), you'll be fine. Once you get some experience with these, you can
start off with a couple of buffer stories, and then alternate with setup and
delivery stories (three and four in this case) as long as you want. The more you
do this, (go back and forth between type three and type four stories) the more
you'll leverage fractionation. If you are using these within an existing
relationship, you can lie in bed next to her and tell her these stories for hours.
You’ll find they have a fantastic strengthening effect on a relationship.
How To Practice

If this is your first time reading through this, you may be thinking something
like, "Yeah, there's NO WAY I'm going to remember all that stuff!" This is
actually good news. If it were really simple to memorize one or two lines and
have them be effective on most women, imagine the state of affairs that would
produce! All guys would be able to memorize those two or three "magic
patterns" and there would be no girls available! Luckily, it's not so easy, and
luckily, it will take some effort to learn these structures enough so you can use
them effectively. The easiest way would be to break them down into the smallest
chunks, the way they are listed before each set of stories is written out. Each
structure has four stories of five scenes each, equaling twenty scenes per story.
Here is a recommended way to get fluent with these as quickly as possible.

Step One

The first step would be to take any one set of stories, and write out the scenes on
individual flash cards. Then go through the flash cards until you can briefly
describe each scene. All you'll need to do is just say one short sentence to
describe the scene, much like they are written above the set of stories

Step Two

Once you can repeat the bare-bones scene descriptions, start to actually tell the
stories. Don't worry about saying them word for word, just go through and spend
a few seconds on each scene, saying three or four sentences. Continue with this
step until you can tell all twenty scenes without needing to pause to remember.
Make sure your transitions are smooth. At this point, don't worry about any of
the technology (embedded commands, pausing, gestures, etc.).

Step Three

Slowly add in the technology as you get more and more comfortable. Once you
get a feel for each (embedded commands, pausing, right and left gestures, self-
point) just keep at it until you feel comfortable. Work on one at a time. For
example, go through telling the stories and only use pauses. Once you can go
through the stories a few times with pauses, add in the right and left spatial
anchors. Once you've got those down, start to add in the self-pointing. Once
you've got that down, you can start to add in the embedded commands.

Step Four

Once you've got a full set of stories down with all the technology, you're ready
to go. Where do you practice? On whom do you practice? Anybody and

Friends - Guys Only

Whenever you're talking to your friends, hanging out, doing whatever, this is the
perfect time to practice this. Look for any opening, where the subject of
conversation can naturally lead you into using these patterns. What if you're
hanging out with a bunch of guys? You don't need to use any of the self-pointing
or the embedded commands. Practicing with your friends is a great way to prove
to yourself just now "trancey" these broken stories are. If you only use the nested
stories and the pauses, you'll soon see how easy it is to quickly and covertly take
control of everybody's consciousness in any group setting.

Friends - Mixed

This is when it becomes fun. If there are a couple of girls in your group, just start
telling the stories whenever you have a chance. When it comes time to use the
embedded commands, or when you are using a self-point (SP) and you aren't
sure who to look at, just spread the love around! Think of it this way. You'll be
creating a certain amount of desire in each of the females in the group. Once
you're done talking, you can then use whatever other technology you're
comfortable with to "test" to see who is the most attracted to you and proceed
accordingly. You may say something innocent like, "Who's up for some ice
cream?" And make sure you've got all females in focus. Whoever is most
interested in you will answer the quickest or agree the most readily.


If you have any chance to speak to a female one on one, use these structures.
Friends, coworkers, anybody that is in a position to listen to you for more than a
minute. If you live in a big city, chances are they have speed dating, or
something similar. Or just make a hobby to get any female off the Internet to
meet you somewhere for a cup of coffee. Even if you're not attracted to her, or
she's not your type, you can use that opportunity as practice. One big mistake
would be to memorize these patterns, be able to use them perfectly in front of a
mirror, but then only actually use them when you are with a woman you are
deeply attracted to. Ideally, you want to use this as often as possible, whenever
you possibly can, so they feel normal. That way, when you see a woman you're
attracted to, you won't feel like you are doing anything differently than your
normally do. For this reason, find as many opportunities to sit down with any
women you can in a one on one situation. If you’re really brave, make up an
online profile on any dating site and just say you need practice partners for
hypnotically seductive language patterns. You might be surprised what you find.

Open Mic Night

These are perfect for any kind of open mic night, especially if you've got then
down fairly tightly. People generally will be expecting a memorized speech or
set of stories of some kind, and these are perfect for this. You’ll also notice that
this is the very structure used by the world’s most famous comedians, so these
will fit right in.


This should be a must for anybody learning any kind of language patterns. One
is because people are usually very friendly, and will rarely, if ever, give you any
negative feedback. Two is that the people who go to Toastmasters are trying to
build confidence through public speaking. It's expected that you'll be nervous, be
relying in index cars, and give speeches that aren't all that exciting. Toastmasters
is therefore the ideal place if you are still in the index card stage. If you've got
twenty index cards, each with a scene description, you can practice telling these
goofy stories with more and more fluency.

In the Car

Whenever you are driving anywhere, turn off the radio! This is the perfect time
to practice these structures. Don't worry if you'll look funny, everybody will
think you're on the phone!

On the Phone

The phone is another great place to use these. While you won't be able to use
spatial anchors or self-pointing, you'll definitely be able to use the embedded
commands. If you are already in a relationship, (or happen to be in the friend
zone) the phone is the perfect place to use these. In fact, the phone might be the
perfect place to get right out of the friend zone and right where you want to be!
Final Words

Congratulations! You've made it to the end. But if you only have an intellectual
understanding of the material in this guide, it won't get you very far. Mark Twain
famously said the difference between somebody who can't read and somebody
who can but doesn't is nothing. Meaning that knowing how to read, but choosing
not to, makes you the same as somebody who is illiterate. If you are reading
these words for the first time, you've come further than most people. Most
people buy self-development tools and books (especially those on getting better
with women) but never consume more than ten percent of the material. This
means that just by reading these words you are already ahead of most
chuckleheads out there who complain about the dating market but never really
do anything about it. But if you stop now, you won't really be much different.
Sure, it's cool to know that these structures exist. Sure, it's cool to know that if
you did take the time to learn these patterns you'd have a lot more success.
Most people get to this part, and when they realize the real work is just starting,
they start to tell themselves some very commons stories.

Things like,

"Well, I don't really have time for dating, but now that I know I can learn how, I
can get back to my normal life."


"Well, I don't really want to have to use weird sounding language patterns to get
a girl to like me. She should just like me for me!"


"This is a joke! These techniques would never work anyway!"

All of these are ego protection mechanisms. Nobody likes to do anything
differently. So when an opportunity like this comes along, most people will tell
themselves any number of stories just to make sure they don't ever have to leave
the safety of their comfort zone. And guess what? Those stories work, and they
never do leave their comfort zone. And their lives never change. They never
make much more money, their dating lives never improve. (Yet they always
seem to find time to complain about things on Internet message boards!) Don't
be them!

Take It Slow

You don't have to run out today and talk to the most gorgeous girl you can find.
Give yourself plenty of time. Take one set of stories, and write them out. Then
take some time to practice. Follow some of the practice suggestions from the
previous chapter. Go as slow as you possibly can while still moving forward.
Get to the point where you can tell just a bunch of broken stories to a group of
dudes. When you see the blank expressions on their faces as they wonder what
the heck you are talking about, then you'll feel how powerfully these work. Just
keep going.

Enormous Rewards

When you become skilled enough to use a couple of these structures on a
woman, and enjoy the results, you will have learned a powerful skill few people
know exist. Just by taking the next year to memorize just the twenty one
structures in this book, you can create an unlimited series of relationships.
However many or few you want. But then you'll discover something. Once
you've learned the ability to talk a woman into feeling wonderful feeling of
romantic and sexual desire, nothing else will seem difficult. For most normal
men (who aren't sociopaths) talking confidently to attractive woman, and talking
to them in a way that will make them sexually interested in you, is the most
terrifying thing any man can do. Once you conquer this obstacle, nothing will
even compare. Job interviews will be a snap. Sales will be incredibly easy. If
you can talk a woman into bed within an hour of meeting her, you can sell
anything to anybody and easily earn a six figure income.

All's Fair in Love And War

This has been true since the dawn of time, and will be true as long as we humans
walk the Earth. There are precious few truly gorgeous woman around today, and
all the millions of slobbering goofs would eagerly give their right testicle to get
their undivided attention for a few minutes. Yet most have no clue how to even
talk to them. You now have a set of skills that you can use to sweep her off her
feet and right into your bed. These tools are incredibly powerful, but only if you
use them. These set of language structures could very well be the most important
thing you ever learn. Once you use these a few times and get a feeling for how
they are put together, you can start to create your own for your own purposes.
When you can do that, the world will be yours. You will have created a
persuasive set of language skills that few can resist. Money, financial security,
romance, emotional fulfillment will be within reach. Take your time and learn
these skills. When you do, the world will become yours.

Free Mind Programming

If you’d like to rapidly accelerate your comfort and confidence with these
patterns, please leave a review on Amazon. Send a link to the review to
[email protected], and in return you’ll receive 25, ten-minute,
powerful subliminal programming sessions designed to significantly increase
your seduction confidence. Combine the story structures in this guide with the
confidence inducing MP3 sessions and become an unstoppable seducer of
gorgeous women.

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Mind Persuasion Kindle Books

Hypnotic Storytelling
End Self Sabotage
Lazy Way Persuasion
Manifest Men
Manifest Women
Maximum Social Confidence
Objection Destruction
Mind Triggers
Covert Hypnosis
Charisma Generator
Law of Attraction
Natural Influence
Intelligence Accelerator
Frame Control
Girlfriend Generator
Emotional Freedom
Mental Alchemy
Money Love
Interpersonal Resonance

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