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Chona C.


Web-Based Management System with SMS and E-mail Notification for Binan Tricycle
Franchising and Regulatory Board

I. Introduction
a. Authors
Alfred J. Paldez , Ryan R. Pintucan, Erica S. Sere, Louie F. Agustin
College of Computer Studies, Trimex Colleges, Biñan Laguna, Philippines

b. Summary
This study focused on the current process of Binan Tricycle Franchising and Regulatory
Board (BTFRB), which still uses manual process of recording transactions. Like for
renewal and dropping of franchise, all approved application were recorded on the
logbook. This kind of record keeping resulted to difficulty in monitoring the status of all
registered tricycle franchise such as expired, renewed, cancelled and transferred
franchises. With these problems, the proponents would like to help the BTFRB to serve
the citizens of Biñan by developing a system which will be beneficial both for the BTFRB
staff and the tricycle operators and drivers in our project titled "Web-Based
Management System with SMS and e-mail Notification for Biñan Tricycle Franchising
and Regulatory Board".

II. a. Problem
The study assessed the Functionality of the Tricycle Regulation Unit of Tuguegarao City.
Specifically, the study answered the following questions:
In performing its powers and functions?
2. What violations do tricycle drivers and/or operators commit based on existing rules
and regulations and as covered for by powers and functions of the TRU?
3. What difficulty does TRU experienced in the implementation of the rules and
4. What difficulty do tricycle drivers experienced on their compliance to the
requirements of rules and regulations?

b. Literature Review
This study cited some of the issues, problems and benefits associated with tricycles. It
also mentioned the rules and regulations that drivers/operators should follow and the
role of the Tricycle Regulatory Unit in implementing these rules and regulations. They
also assessed how efficient or effective is the TRU in promoting and implementing its
rules and regulations, violations often committed by drivers/operators and the
difficulties experienced by TRU and the drivers on their compliance to the rules and

c. Method of Research
In administering this study, these are the following steps that the researchers have
1. A focus group interview with the Head of TRU;
2. Floating of questionnaires to the tricycle drivers and/or operators, tricycle
commuters/ passengers and traffic enforcers; and
3. The data gathered were summarized by the researchers.
The major instrument used in this study was the questionnaire, particularly a checklist.
The indicators involve in the questionnaire was based on the City Ordinance No. 08-
2017 also known as the Tuguegarao City Tricycle Ordinance 2013.

d. Results
This section presents the general findings of the research based on the specific
statements of the problem, to wit:
1. In regard to TRU’s exercise and practice of its powers and functions it is a general
finding in this study that said agency is consciously and conscientiously particular over
the compliance of tricycle drivers and/or operators on the basic documentary
requirements for the issuance of the franchise license. Relatively, TRU is likewise highly
dependable in terms of data and information access covering applicant’s personal and
vehicle’s physical identity. Moreover, it is a general finding that TRU regularly monitors
the nature and gravity of violations committed by the tricycle drivers and/or operators.
Finally, TRU has institutionalize appropriate legal and methodical procedures resolving
complaints and grievances not only according to the due process of law but also in a
way to come up with constructive interventions.
2. In regard to the violations among the tricycle drivers and/or operators against rules
and regulations, it is a general finding of this study that the aforementioned subjects
have strong tendency to be negligent as to what circumstances it may come and as to
who is finally held liable when there is transfer of ownership on the issued franchise
license. Relatively, it is noticed that there is a large number of cases of tricycle units
which are not properly identified due to the absence or improper placement/printing of
vehicle’s registration number and the corresponding printed name of barangay for the
route right identity. Lastly, it is a finding that after a number of years from the issuance
of franchise license tricycle drivers and/or operators seem to be unmindful on the
roadworthiness and dependability of vehicle (that appears to be their violation) due to
several factors which include inability of the operator to finance on regular basis the
cost of tear and wear (depreciation) of the tricycle unit.
3. It is likewise a general finding of this research that TRU experiences structural or
institutional problems relative to the efficient performance of its powers and functions
particularly along monitoring all violations in the field due to some constraints in the
existing manpower of the agency. Corollary to this is a difficulty on additional staff being
fielded on Saturdays and Sundays.
4. It is a general finding of this study that the TRU personnel are less responsive and less
officially conscious over the due process of law specifically in respect to the humane
manner in the investigation of alleged violations committed by tricycle drivers and/or
operators. One very deliberate justifying circumstance making tricycle drivers prone to
commission of violations would exist in the fact that some are young or new drivers who
lack yet complete awareness on the rules and regulations. Lastly, the tricycle driver’s
difficulty rests in the fact that they are economically constraints due to most cases of
them are on a “boundary basis.”
5. Finally, it is a general finding that TRU is strictly negating colorum tricycle units to
operate yet they lack as to the protection of passengers in connection to the violations
committed by tricycle drivers and/operators.

e. Recommendation
1. It is suggested that TRU closely monitor the transfer of ownership on franchise license
and liberalize the requirements of paper processing and making the processing time
done in few minutes only as per predetermined in anti-red tape act.
2. TRU is suggested to improve the staffing pattern.
3. While TRU has mandated powers and functions to punish the culprits the rules and
regulations, it is still a standing policy for its personnel to observe ethical manners and
procedures that would be instrumental to the constructive investigation and the
provisions of intervention.
4. Regular orientation to remind the tricycle drivers and/or operators of the adverse or
negative consequences of their violations on overloading, overcharging and refusal to
convey passengers.

III. Conclusion
TRU follows its institutional mandates on the proper issuance of the franchise license, on
the safe record keeping, and on technical monitoring of the nature and gravity of the
violations. The inability of tricycle drivers and/or operators to abide by the rules and
regulations of TRU is grounded by a reality that, i.e., transfer of ownership entails delay and
expenditure on their part. The difficulty of the TRU in its optimum compliance of efficiently
performing its powers and functions is constraints by internal organizational staffing
problem. While TRU has clear rules and regulations and powers and functions, a humane
requirement of their practice to investigate requires further appropriateness in the practice
of manners and procedures of investigations. While the TRU is exceptionally disallowing the
presence of colorum, it is also a case that this agency is yet deficient in protecting
passengers due to some cases of overloading, overcharging and refusal to convey

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