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On July 11, 1983, PAGCOR was created under PD 1869 to enable the Government to regulate and
centralize all games of chance authorized by existing franchise or permitted by law. Petitioners assailed the
validity of the law creating PAGCOR on constitutional grounds among others particularly citing that the
PAGCOR’s charter is against the constitutional provision on local autonomy. Petitioners contend that P.D.
1869 constitutes a waiver of the right of the City of Manila to impose taxes and legal fees; that Section 13
par. (2) of P.D. 1869 which exempts PAGCOR, as the franchise holder from paying any “tax of any kind or
form, income or otherwise, as well as fees, charges or levies of whatever nature, whether National or Local”
is violative of the local autonomy principle.


Whether or not PAGCOR’s charter created under P.D. 1869 is violative of the principle of local autonomy.


NO. Section 5, Article 10 of the 1987 Constitution provides:

Each local government unit shall have the power to create its own source of revenue and to levy
taxes, fees, and other charges subject to such guidelines and limitation as the congress may provide,
consistent with the basic policy on local autonomy. Such taxes, fees and charges shall accrue
exclusively to the local government.

A close reading of the above provision does not violate local autonomy particularly on taxing powers as it
was clearly stated that the taxing power of LGUs are subject to such guidelines and limitation as Congress
may provide. The Court also provided a citation in Bernas’ The Constitution of the Republic of the
Philippines Volume II which states that:

Local Government has been described as a political subdivision of a nation or state which is
constituted by law and has substantial control of affairs. In a unitary system of government, such as
the government under the Philippine Constitution, local governments can only be an intra sovereign
subdivision of one sovereign nation, it cannot be an imperium in imperio. Local government in such a
system can only mean a measure of decentralization of the function of government.
Hence, local autonomy does not make local governments sovereign within the state or an imperium in

Further, the City of Manila, being a mere Municipal corporation has no inherent right to impose taxes. The
Charter of the City of Manila is subject to control by Congress. It should be stressed that “municipal
corporations are mere creatures of Congress” which has the power to “create and abolish municipal
corporations” due to its “general legislative powers”. Congress, therefore, has the power of control over
Local governments. And if Congress can grant the City of Manila the power to tax certain matters, it can also
provide for exemptions or even take back the power.

Further still, local governments have no power to tax instrumentalities of the National Government.
PAGCOR is a government owned or controlled corporation with an original charter, PD 1869. All of its
shares of stocks are owned by the National Government. Otherwise, its operation might be burdened,
impeded or subjected to control by a mere Local government. This doctrine emanates from the
“supremacy” of the National Government over local governments.

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