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The structural and functional unit of the living beings is known as cell. All the living things
are composed of cells. An adult human body consists of about 50 to 100 trillion cells. The cell
was first discovered by English scientist Robert Hook in 1665.Now a days, different kinds of
cells are investigates though scientific research. Some living beings have only one cell called
unicellular, E.G:- Amoeba, bacteria, virus, paramecium etc, and the some living beings which
have more than one cell are called multicellular E.g.:- Human, animal. The human body is
composed of:
Cell Tissue Organ system Body.
Structurally the cell is of two types:
(A) Prokaryotic cell
(B)Eukaryotic cell
No. Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell
1. This is simple cell. This is developing cell.
2. The cytoplasmic organelles are absent in nt Theincytoplasmic organelles are present
cytoplasm. in cytoplasm.
3. The nuclear membrane is absent. The nuclear membrane is present.
4. The nucleolus is absent. The nucleolus is present.
5. DNA protein is absent. DNA protein is present.
6. E.g.:- Bacteria, Actinomyccosis. E.g.:- animal and plants.
As seen from electron microscope, the cell is divided into three parts:
 Cell membrane/Plasma membrane
 Cytoplasm
 Nucleus

The covering part of cell is called cell membrane. It is also known as plasma membrane. The
cell membrane is separates the cell body from the fluid surrounding the cell. The cell
membrane is a protective sheath, enveloping the cell body.

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This membrane separates the fluid outside the cell called extracellular fluid and the fluid
inside the cell called intracellular fluid. The cell membrane is semi permeable membrane so
there is free exchange of certain substances between the extracellular and intracellular fluid.
The cell membrane is consists of two layers of phospholipids (fatty substance) with protein
and sugar molecules, embedded in them. The phospholipids molecules have a head which is
electrically charged and hydrophilic (water loving) and a tail which has no charge and is
hydrophobic (water hating).The cell membrane is composed of three types of substance.
Functions of cell membrane
 It provides shape for cell.
 The cell membrane protects the cytoplasm and the organelles of the cytoplasm.
 The nutrients are absorbed into the cell through the cell membrane.
 The metabolic and other waste products from the cell are excreted out through the cell
 Oxygen enters the cell from the blood and carbon dioxide leaves the cell and enters
the blood through the cell membrane.
 The cell membrane responsible for the maintenance of shape and size of the cell.
The cytoplasm is the fluid present inside the cell. It is also known as protoplasm .It
contains a clear liquid portion called cytosol and various particles of different shape and
size. The particles are proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, or electrolytes in nature. The
cytoplasm also contains many organelles with different in structure and functions.
Organelles in cytoplasm
The entire cell in the body contains some common structures called organelles in
cytoplasm. The organelles carry out of the various functions of cell.
 Endoplasmic reticulum
 Golgi body
 Mitochondria
 Ribosome
 Lysosomes
 Centrioles or centrosome
The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of tubules and flattened sacs that serve a variety
of functions in the cell. The endoplasmic reticulum is of two types:

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Rough endoplasmic reticulum:-This is part of endoplasmic reticulum to which the
granular ribosomes are attached to the outer surface. It is also called as granular
endoplasmic reticulum.
 Its synthesis of protein.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum:-This is part of endoplasmic reticulum to which the
granular ribosomes are not attached in the outer surface. Many enzymes present on the
outer surface of this part of the reticulum.
This type of endoplasmic reticulum is concern with fatty acid and steroid synthesis. Also,
they store and release calcium.
It is also known as golgi apparatus or golgi complex. The golgi body is present in all the
cells except red blood cells. It is a situated near the nucleus. Each golgi body consists of
5-8 membranous sacs the sacs are usually flattened and are called the cisterna. It is more
prominent in secretory cell. This body functions in closed association with endoplasmic
Functions of Golgi body
 The major functions of golgi body are the processing and delivery of protein
molecules to different parts of the cells. The proteins synthesized in endoplasmic
reticulum are transported to golgi body in the form of reticular vesicles.
Mitochondria are a rod or oval shaped structure with a diameter of 0.5-5microne .This is
also known as “power house” of cell because they are responsible for converting the
ingested food into energy. They are involved in the chemical process by which energy is
made available in the cell in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), ATP is a high
energy unstable compound derived from the catabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
Functions of mitochondria
 It produces energy for cell from glucose in the presence of oxygen.
 It helps in completion of cellular respiration.
Lysosomes are the vesicular organelles situated throughout the cytoplasm. The lysosomes
have a thickest covering membrane. The membrane is formed by bilayer lipid material.
Many small granules are present in the lysosomes.
Functions of lysosomes
 Digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, or and nucleic acids.

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 Destruction of bacteria and other foreign bodies.
 Removal of excessive secretary product in the cells of the glands. Removal of
unwanted cells in embryo.
Ribosome are granular structures with a diameter of 15nm.The ribosome contain 65% of
RNA and 35% of proteins some ribosomes are attached to rough endoplasmic reticulum
and the remaining are present as free ribosomes in the cytoplasm. It is also known as
factory of proteins.
Functions of ribosome
 Synthesis of proteins these organelles are called protein factories.
 The ribosome’s attached with endoplasmic reticulum are involved the synthesis of
proteins like the proteins of hormones.
 The free ribosomes are responsible for the synthesis of protein like protein part of
It is a spherical body near the nucleus. They are short rod shaped bodies of tubular
structure which normally lie at the right angles to one onother.It is composed of
ribonucleic acid and protein.
 It helps in cell division, during mitosis the pairs of controls undergoes self replication
and each pair then moves to opposite poles of the nucleus, where they take part in the
formation of the mitotic bundle
Nucleus is the most prominent and the largest cellular organs. It has a diameter of 10-12
µ and occupies about 10% of total volume of cell. Nucleus is present in all the cells
except red blood cells (erythrocytes). It is present in the center of cell. The nucleus is
covered by a membrane called nuclear membrane. The nucleus is composed of nuclear
envelop, chromatin, nucleolus and nucleoplasm.Nucleus acts as controlling center or
brain for the cell. In the nucleus of every cell has the chromosome which contains genes
composed of segments of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), in a spiral helical arrangement
DNA store genetic information. A small spherical shape inside the nucleus is called
nucleolus which synthesizes RNA and protein.
Function of nucleus
 It controls all the activities of cell including metabolism, protein synthesis, growth and
 The genes present in the nucleus control the cell division.
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 The hereditary information is stored in the genes of nucleus and transformed from one
generation of the species to the next.
 It synthesizes proteins and RNA.
A cell cycle is the series of changes that a cell undergoes from the time it is formed
until it has completed a division and reproduced itself. Cell division takes place by
two methods:
1. Mitosis
2. Meiosis
This occurs in four stages namely:
 Prophase
 Metaphase
 Anaphase
 Telophase

Initially, the centrosome divides into two. These two new centrosome moves away
from each other to the ends of the nucleus forming two poles.

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Now, the nuclear membrane disappears. The chromosomes arrange themselves
around the centre of the cell. They get attached to thread like structures of the
centrosome which are now at the two poles of the cell.

The chromosomes now divide longitudinally into two equal parts. The two groups
of chromosomes move away to the poles and get arranged around the centrosome.

The cell becomes narrower at the centre to facilitate division. The thread like
structures disappears. The nuclear membrane appears again.

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At the end of Telophase, the cell divides. Also, the chromosomes disappear into
the nucleus. The daughter cells grow and in turn reproduce by mitosis. During
mitosis, each chromosomes duplicates so, the daughter cell contains forty-six
It is a process of reproduction which occurs in higher animals including man. It
involves the fusion of:
 Spermatozoon from the male (which contains 23 chromosomes.
 Ovum from the female (which also contains 23 chromosomes).
The spermatozoon and ovum are also called as gametes. The fusion of these two
(male and female) gametes results in the formation of a zygote which has the
normal number of 46 chromosomes (23 pairs).This leads to mixing of the
hereditary determinants or genes from the male and female.

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