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THE KING OF ASPIRATION PRAYERS Zangpo chödpé mönlam tobdak gi

THE ASPIRATION FOR NOBLE EXCELLENT CONDUCT The force of my Aspiration Prayer for Excellent Conduct,
Gyalwa tamché yikyi ngönsum tu
Brings all the victorious ones directly to mind;
In the Language of India: Arya Bhadra Charya Pranidhana Raja

In the Language of Tibet: Pakpa Zangpo Chöpé Mönlam gyi Gyalpo Zhinggi dulnyé lürab tüpa yi
Bowing down with bodies as numerous as atoms in the realms,
Pakpa jampal shönnur gyurpa la chagtsal lo
I pay homage to the noble Manjushri. Gyalwa künla rabtu chagtsal lo
I prostrate to all the victorious ones.

Jinyé sudak chogchü jigtén na


To those, in the worlds of the ten directions, however many there are, Dulchig téngna dulnyé sangyé nam

In a single atom there are buddhas as numerous as atoms,

Düsum shégpa miyi séngé kün
All the lions among humans who appear during the three times— Sangyé sékyi una zhugpa dak
Each residing in the midst of their sons and daughters;
Daggi malü tédak tamché la
To all of them without exception Détar chökyi yingnam malü pa
Like that, I imagine that the whole dharmadhatu
Lütang ngagyi tangwé chaggyi’-o
I pay homage with respectful body, speech, and mind. Tamché gyalwa dakgi kangwar mö
Completely filled with victorious ones.
Tédak ngakpa mizé gyatso nam Naza tampa namtang drichog tang
To those with oceans of inexhaustible praiseworthy qualities— With the finest cloths, supreme scents,
Yinggyi yenlag gyatsö drakün gyi Chima’i purma rirab nyampa tang
With sounds containing oceans of tones of melodic speech, And fine powders equal to Mount Meru,

Gyalwa küngyi yönten rabdzö ching Köpa gyépar pagpé chogkün gyi
I express the qualities of all the victorious ones, All displayed in supreme and magnificent ways,
Débar shégpa tamché daggi tö Gyalwa tédak lani chöpar gyi
I praise all the sugatas. I make offerings to those victorious ones.

Métog tampa tréngwa tampa tang Chöpa kangnam lame gyaché wa


With the finest flowers, the finest garlands, With vast unsurpassable offerings
Silnyön namtang chugpa dugchog tang Tédak gyalwa tamché la-yang mö
Music, ointments, supreme parasols, I venerate all the victorious ones.
Marmé chogtung dugpö tampa yi Zangpo chöla tépé töbdak gyi
Supreme lamps, and the finest incense Through the power of faith in excellent conduct
Gyalwa tédak lani chöpar gyi Gyalwa künla chagtsal chöpar gyi
I make offerings to the victorious ones. I prostrate and offer to the victorious ones.
Döchag zhédang timuk wanggi ni Gangnam chogchu’i jigtén drönma nam
Whatever negative actions I have performed I request the protectors,
Lütang ngaktang tézhin yikyi chyang Changchup rimpar sangyé machag nyé
With body, speech, and also mind The lamps of the worlds of the ten directions,

Digpa daggi gyipa chichi pa Gönpo tédak daggi tamché la

Overpowered by desire, aggression, and stupidity Who, passing through the stages of awakening, attained
buddhahood beyond attachment,
Tédak tamché daggi sosor shag
I confess each and every one of them. Khorlo lana mépa korwar kül

To turn the unsurpassable Dharma Wheel.


Chogchu’i gyalwa küntang sangyé sé


I rejoice everyone’s merit— Nya-ngen tatön kangzhén tédak la

I supplicate with my palms joined together
Ranggyal namtang lobtang milob tang Drowa künla pénzhing déwé chir
The victorious ones of the ten directions, the bodhisattvas, Those who intend to demonstrate nirvana
Drowa küngyi sönam kangla yang Kalpa zhinggi dülnyé zhugpar yang
The pratyekabuddhas, those in training, To remain for kalpas as numerous as atoms in the realms
Tédak küngyi jésu dag-yi rang Daggi talmo rabcher solwar gyi
Those beyond training, and all beings. For the welfare and happiness of all beings.
Chagtsal watang chöching shagpa tang Chogchu kale zhingnam jinyé pa
I dedicate whatever slight virtue is accumulated through May the realms of the ten directions, however many,
Jésu yirang kulzhing solwa yi Tédak gyachér yongsu dakpar gyür
Prostrating, offering, confessing, Be completely pure and vast;

Géwa chungzé daggi chisag pa Changchup shingwang trungzhék gyalwa tang

Rejoicing, requesting, and supplicating May they be filled with buddhas and bodhisattvas
Tamché daggi changchup chirngo o Sangyé ségyi rabtu kangwar shog
To enlightenment. Who have gone to sit before the powerful bodhi tree.

Dépé sangyé namtang chogchu yi Chogchu’i semchen kangnam jinyé pa

I make offerings to all the past buddhas May all beings throughout the ten directions, however many they may be,
Jigten dakna kangzhuk chöpar gyür Dédak tagtu name déwar gyür
And those residing in the worlds of the ten directions. Always have happiness, free from illness;
Kangyang machön tédag rabnyur war Drowa küngyi chökyi dönnam ni
May those who have not appeared May all beings be in harmony with the aims of the Dharma
Samdzog changchup rimpar sangyé chön
Quickly fulfill their intentions, and passing through the stages of Tünpar gyürching réwang drukpar shog
awakening, appear as buddhas. And achieve what they hope for.
Changchup chöpa dakni dagchö ching Lhayi kétang lutang nöjin ké
May I perform the conduct of awakening In the languages of gods, the languages of nagas and yakshas,
Drowa küntu chyéwa drinpar gyür Drülum ngagtang miyi kénam tang
And remember my lives during all states. In the languages of kumbhandas and humans—

Tsérab küntu chipo chyéwa na Drowa küngyi dranam jétsam par

In all my successive lives, from birth to death, In however many languages of beings there may be,
Tagtu dagni rabtu chungwar shog Tamché kétu daggi chöten to
May I always be a renunciate. May I teach the Dharma.

Gyalwa küngyi jésu lobgyür té Déshing paröl chinla rabtsön té


Following the victorious ones, may I train, With gentleness may I exert myself in the paramitas.
Zangpo chöpa yongsu dzogché ching Changchup semni namyang jéma gyür
Bringing excellent conduct to perfection, May I never forget bodhicitta.
Tsultrim chöpa drimé yongdak pa Digpa kangnam drippar gyürpa dak
And engage in pure, stainless moral conduct, May all wrongdoing and whatever obscures
Tagtu manyam chyönmé chöpar shog Tédak malü yongsu changwar shog
Which never lapses and is free from faults. Be thoroughly purified.
Létang nönmong düdkyi lénam lé Changchup chöpa yongsu dzogché ching
May I be liberated from karma, kleshas, and the work of maras, May I bring awakened conduct to perfection,
Drolzhing jigtén drowa namsu yang Semchen dakgi chötang tünpar jug
And act for all beings in the world Engage in conduct that harmonizes with beings,

Jitar pémo chumi chagpa zhin Zangpo chöpa dakni rabtön ching
Like a lotus to which water does not cling, Teach excellent conduct,
Nyida namkhar togpa métar ché Ma-ong kalpa küntu chöpar gyür
Like the sun and moon unhindered in space. And perform these throughout all future kalpas.

Zhinggi chöntang chognam jétsam par Daggi chötang tsungpar kangchö pa


Throughout the directions and reaches of the realms May I continuously be with those
Ngénsong dugngal rabtu zhiwar ché Tédak tangni tagtu drogpar shog
May the suffering of the lower states be pacified. Whose actions accord with my own.
Déwa dakla drowa kün-gö ching Lütang ngagtang namtang semkyi chang
May all beings be placed in happiness; May our conduct and aspirations
Drowa tamché lani penpar chö Chöpa daktang mönlam chigtu ché
May all beings be benefitted. Of body, speech, and mind be the same.
Dagla pénpar döpé drogpo dak Gyalwa namkyi dampé chödzin ching
May I always meet with May I retain the genuine Dharma of the victorious ones,
Zangpo chöpa rabtu tönpa nam Changchup chöpa küntu nangwar ché
Friends who wish to benefit me, And cause the appearance of awakened conduct;

Tédak tangyang tagtu drépar shog Zangpo chöpa nampar chongwa yang
Those who teach excellent conduct, Training in excellent conduct,
Dédak daggi namyang yimi yung Ma-ong kalpa küntu chépar gyi
And may I never displease them. May I act in this way throughout future kalpas.

Sangyé sékyi korwé gönpo nam Sipa tamché tuyang khorwa na


May I always directly see the victorious ones, When circling in all my existences
Ngönsum tagtu daggi gyalwa ta Sönam yéshé dakni mizé nyé
The protectors, surrounded by bodhisattvas; May I develop inexhaustible merit and wisdom,
Ma-ong kalpa küntu micho war Taptang shérab tingdzin namtar tang
In future kalpas without tiring, And become an inexhaustible treasury of
Tédak laying chöpa gyachér gyi Yönten küngyi mizé dzötu gyür
May I make vast offerings to them. Methods, knowledge, samadhi, liberation, and virtues.
Dülchig téngna dülnyé zhingnam té Sungchig yenlag gyatsö draké kyi
In a single atom there are realms as numerous as all atoms; A single instance of a buddha’s speech is a voice endowed with oceans
of qualities,
Zhingtér samgyi michyab sangyé nam
In those realms reside infinite buddhas Gyalwa künyang yenlag namdak pa
It has the pure qualities of the melodic speech of the victorious ones,

Sangyé sékyi una zhugpa la

In the midst of bodhisattvas— Drowa küngyi sampa jizhing yang
And is the melodic speech that accords with the inclinations of all beings—
Changchup chépa chöching tawar gyi
Beholding them, may I perform awakened conduct. Sangyé sungla tagtu jugpar gyi

May I always be engaged with the buddhas’ speech.


Tétar malü tamché chogsu yang

Like that, in all directions Düsum shegpé gyalwa tamché dak
May I be engaged through the power of my mind
Tratsam chönla düsum tsé-nyé kyi
On the breadth of just a hair Khorlö’i tsulnam rabtu korwa yi
In the inexhaustible melodic speech
Sangyé gyatsö zhingnam gyatso tang
There are oceans of buddhas, as many as in the three times, and Tédak giyang sungyang mizé la
oceans of realms— Of the victorious ones appearing in the three times

Kalpa gyatso chöching rabtu jug Loyi topkyi dagkyang rabtu jug
May I act and be engaged with them for oceans of kalpas. Who turn the Dharma like a wheel.
Ma-ong kalpa tamché jugpar yang Kangyang düsum dakgi zhingkö pa
As all future kalpas are penetrated May I produce in a single atom
Kéchig chiggi dagkyang jugpar gyi Tédak dülchig téngtu ngönpar drup
May I also penetrate them instantly; All the arrays of realms there are in the three times;

Kangyang kalpa düsum tsété dak Tétar malü chognam tamché tu

May I be engaged in and penetrate, in each part of an instant, May I be engaged with the arrays of the buddha realms
Kéchig chashé kyini zhugpar ché Gyalwa dakgi zhingnam köla jug
As many kalpas as are in the three times. In all directions always.

Düsum shegpa miyi séngé kang Kangyang machön jigtén drönma nam

May I see instantly Those lamps of the worlds who have not yet appeared
Tédak kéchig chigla daggi ta Changchup rimpar tsanggya khorlo kor
Those lions among humans appearing in the three times. Will gradually awaken, turn the Dharma Wheel,
Tagtu tédak gini chöyul la Nya-ngen dépa rabtu zhita tön
May I always be engaged in their sphere of experience And demonstrate nirvana, the final peace—
Gyümar gyürpé namtar topkyi jug Gönpo küngyi drungtu dagchi’-o
Through the power of illusion-like liberation. May I go into the presence of those protectors.
Küntu nyurwé jutrül topnam tang Lékyi topnam yongsu dakché ching
Through the power of swift miracles, May I purify the power of karma,
Künné goyi tégpé topdak tang Nyönmong topnam küntu jompar ché
The power of the yana, the door, Conquer the power of kleshas,

Küntu yönten chöpé topnam tang Düdkyi topnam topmé rabché ching
The power of conduct endowed with qualities, Render the power of maras powerless,
Küntu kyabpa jampa dakgi top Zangpo chöpé topni dzogpar gyi
The power of all-pervasive love, And perfect the power of excellent conduct.

Künné géwé sönam topdak tang Zhingnam gyatsör nampar dakché ching

The power of virtuous merit, May I purify oceans of realms,

Chagpa mépar gyürpé yéshé top Semchen gyatso dakni nampar dröl
The power of wisdom free from attachments, Liberate oceans of beings,
Shérab taptang tingdzin topdak gi Chönam gyatso rabtu tongché ching
And the powers of knowledge, methods, and samadhi Behold oceans of Dharma,
Changchup topnam yangdak drubpar ché Yéshé gyatso ragtu togpar ché
May I perfectly accomplish the power of awakening. Realize oceans of wisdom,
Chöpa gyatso nampar dakché ching Gyalwa küngyi sékyi tuwo pa
Purify oceans of conduct, The eldest son of the victorious ones
Mönlam gyatso yongsu dzogpar ché Kanggi mingni küntu zangzhé cha
Perfect oceans of aspiration prayers, Is called Samantabhadra by name.

Sangyé gyatso rabtu chöché ching Khépa tétang tsungpar chépé chir
Offer to oceans of buddhas, I dedicate all this virtue
Kalpa gyatsör mikyo chépar gyi Géwa tidag tamché rabtu ngo
And act without weariness throughout oceans of kalpas. That I may act with skill similar to his.

Kangyang düsum shegpé gyalwa yi Lütang ngagtang yikyang namdak ching


All the victorious ones who appear in the three times May I also be equal to him
Changchup chöpé mönlam chédrag nam Chöpa namdak zhingnam yongdak pa
Awaken into enlightenment through the excellent conduct In his skill in excellent dedications
Zangpo chöpé changchup sangyé né Ngowa zangpo khépa chidra wa
Of various aspiration prayers for awakened conduct— For pure body, speech and mind,
Tékün daggi malü dzogpar gyi Tédrar dagkyang tétang tsungpar shog
May I perfect all of these. Pure conduct and pure realms.
Künné géwa zangpo chépé chir Namkhé tartug gyürpa jétsam par
May I act according to the aspiration prayers of Manjushri Sentient beings extend

Jampal gyini mönlam chépé gyi Semchen malü tayang tézhin té

In order to perform excellent virtue. As far as the limits of space;

Ma-ong kalpa küntu mikyo war Jitsam létang nyönmong targyür pa

Not tiring throughout future kalpas, May my aspiration prayers extend

Téyi chawa malü dzogpar gyi Daggi mönlam tayang tétsam mo

May I perfect these activities. As far as the limits of their karma and kleshas.

Chöpa dakni chéyö magyür chig Kangyang chogchu’i zhingnam tayé pa


May my conduct be without measure, Though someone adorns with precious jewels

Yönten namkyang chézung mépar shog Rinchen gyénté gyalwa namla pul
May my qualities also be measureless. The infinite realms of the ten directions, and offers these to the buddhas,

Chöpa chémé pala néné kyang Lhatang miyi déwé chognam kyang
Remaining within conduct without measure, Or offers the supreme happiness of gods and men

Tédak trülpa tamché tsalwar gyi Zhinggi dülnyé kalpar pulwa wé

May I send out emanations. For kalpas as numerous as atoms in the realms,
Kanggi ngowé gyalpo ditö né Tédak nyépa rabnyé téwar tso
The genuine merit of someone who Acquire all benefits and be sustained in happiness—
Changchup choggi jésu rabmö shing Mi-tsé diryang tédak légpar ong
Hears this king of dedications, With all of this their life will go well.

Lenchig tsamyang tépa kyépa na Küntu zangpo téyang chidra war

Who is inspired towards supreme awakening, Before long they will become
Sönam dampé chogtu digyür ro Tédak ringpor mitog tézhin gyür
And gives rise to faith in it is more supreme. Just like Samantabhadra.

Kanggi zangchö mönlam ditap pé Tsammé ngapo dakgi digpa nam


Whoever makes this Aspiration Prayer for Excellent Conduct Whatever has been done through the power of not knowing,
Téni ngensong tamché pongwar gyür Kanggi mishé wanggi chépa dak
Will be free from the lower realms, All evil, even the five acts of immediate consequence,
Téni drogpo ngenpa pangpa yin Téyi zangpo chöpa dijö na
And free from negative friends; Will be quickly purified
Nangwa tayé téyang té-nyur tong Nyürtu malü yongsu changwar gyür
They will see Amithaba soon, By those who recite this Excellent Conduct.
Yéshé tangni zugtang tsennam tang Kangyang zangpo chöpé mönlam ti
They will possess wisdom, beauty and the signs, The full ripening for those who are involved with, teach or recite
Rigtang khadog namtang denpar gyür Changwa tangni töntam logpa yi
Be of good family with fine complexion. This Aspiration Prayer for Excellent Conduct

Dütang mutég manpö témi tup Téyi nampar minpang sangyé kyén
They will not be overpowered by maras or tirthikas; Is known only by the buddhas;
Jigtén sumpo künnang chöpar gyür Changchup chogla somnyi maché chig
The three worlds will make offerings to them. Without any doubt, it is supreme enlightenment.

Changchup zhingwang drungtu té-nyur dro Jampal pawo jetar kyénpa tang

They will soon go before the bodhi tree, I dedicate all this virtue,
Songné semchen penchir térdug té Küntu zangpo déyang tézhin té
And having gone there, they will sit to benefit beings, Following and emulating
Changchup sangyé khorlo rabtu kor Tédak küngyi jésu daglop ching
Awaken into enlightenment, turn the Dharma Wheel, The warrior Manjushri who is omniscient,
Düdnam tétang chépa tamché tül Géwa didak tamché rabtu ngo
And subdue all maras and their hordes. As is Samantabhadra.
Düsum shegpé gyalwa tamché kyi Térsong néni mönlam didak kyang
With dedications, praised as supreme Having gone there, may I actualize
Ngowa kangla chogtu ngagpa té Tamché malü ngöntu gyürwar shog
By the victorious ones who appear in the three times, All these aspiration prayers,

Daggi géwé tsaqwa dikün kyang Tédak malü kaggi yongsu kang
I dedicate all my roots of virtue Fulfill them completely,
Zangpo chöchir rabtu ngowar gyi Jigtén jisi sémchen penpar gyi
Towards excellent conduct. And benefit beings as long as worlds exist.

Dagni chiwé düché gyürpa na Gyalwé kyilkhor zangzhing gawa tér


When the time of death comes for me May I be born within a beautiful lotus
Drippa tamché dakni chirsal té Pémo dampa shintu dzélé kyé
May all my obscurations vanish; In that excellent and joyous realm of the victorious one;
Ngönsum nangwa tayé tétong né Nangwa tayé gyalwé ngönsum tu
Seeing Amitabha directly And from the victorious one Amitabha directly
Déwa chengyi zhingtér rabtu dro Lungten paying daggi tértop shog
May I go to his realm of Sukhavati. May I receive a prophecy.
Térni daggi lungten rabtop né Kangyang zangpo chöpa di-ngö pé
Having received his prophecy there, By the infinite and genuine merit,

Trülpa manpo chéwa draggya yi Sönam tayé dampa kangtop té

May I benefit all beings in the ten directions Attained through dedicating The Aspiration Prayer for Excellent Conduct,

Loyi topkyi chogchu namsu yang Drowa dugngal chuwor chingwa nam
Though the power of my mind May all beings drowning in the rivers of sufferings

Semchen namla penpa manpo gyi Öpa mépé nérab toppar shog
With many billions of emanations. Reach the place of Amitabha.

Zangpo chöpé mönlam tönpa yi Mönlam gyalpo didak choggi tso


Through whatever slight virtue I have accumulated May this King of Aspiration Prayers

Géwa chungzé daggi chisag pa Tayé drowa künla penché ching

By making this Aspiration Prayer for Excellent Conduct, Bring about the supreme aim and benefit for all infinite beings;

Téni drowé mönlam géwa nam Küntu zangpö gyenpé zhingdrup té

May the virtue of the aspiration prayers for all beings Completing this scripture adorned by Samantabhadra,

Kéchig chiggi tamché chörwar shog Ngensong nénam malü tongpar shog
Be accomplished instantly. May all the lower realms be emptied!
This completes The King of Aspiration Prayers, The Aspiration for

Excellent Conduct.

Translated [from Sanskrit], by the Indian scholars Jina Mitra and Surendra Translated into English under the guidance of Khenpo Tsultrim Gyatso by

Bodhi with the monk translator and great editor, Bande Yeshe De and others. Elizabeth Callahan, August 1994
Completed by the great translator Vairochana.


This edition completed October, 2008

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