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REF: ASI TN001 Version 5

ASI Head Office

Suite 5, Level 3, Building 3
20 Bridge St, Pymble NSW 2073
Tel: 02 8748 0180
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Author: P W KEY
(ABN)/ACN (94) 000973 839
Date: April, 2019 Page 1 of 41


AS/NZS 1252:2016
Currently all high strength structural bolts manufactured to AS/NZS 1252 are imported into
Australia by a number of importers/distributors. Market pressure to reduce the cost of steel
packages has resulted in global sourcing from regions with varying levels of quality assurance for
manufacture of structural bolt assemblies. Consequently, there has been a demonstrable issue
with the quality and compliance of structural bolt assemblies in Australia over the past years.
This Technical Note outlines the technical basis for and implementation of the latest 2016 revision
of AS/NZS 1252 (Ref. 1), specifically designed to facilitate improved compliance outcomes for
high strength bolts for the Australian marketplace. The revision to AS/NZS 1252 was undertaken
by Standards Committee ME-029. The Standard has now been published in two parts:
• AS/NZS 1252 High-strength steel fastener assemblies for structural engineering – Bolts,
nuts and washers: Part 1 – Technical requirements
• AS/NZS 1252 High-strength steel fastener assemblies for structural engineering – Bolts,
nuts and washers: Part 2 – Verification testing for bolt assemblies

Historically, fastener quality has been one of the most overlooked aspects in construction and
manufacturing in Australia, a complacency no doubt rooted in 100 years of relying on Australian
manufacturers to supply fit-for-purpose product manufactured to Australian Standards.
Significantly, with local manufacture comes compliance to local consumer laws and a legal system
that can reach any wayward manufacturers.
In the last 15 years, fundamental changes in our procurement environment, with increased
competition and, unfortunately, demonstrable cases of reduction in quality, have resulted in
virtually all local manufacturing ceasing and importation of the majority of structural bolts. Whilst
quality product can undeniably be sourced internationally, it is also true that ‘quality costs’ and
market pressure to reduce the cost of steel packages has resulted in predominantly price driven
competition, where quality is demonstrated by a certificate whose veracity and/or appropriateness
may be questionable. With legal recourse problematic and costly internationally, it is often left to
a local party, usually the engineer, to ‘certify’ that the product meets the performance
requirements of our Standards.
Assessing the compliance of construction products, even something as seemingly simple as a
high strength structural bolt assembly, is actually far from trivial and usually involves an
understanding of the manufacturing regime and reliance on various documents from the
manufacturer. Experience has shown that the veracity of these documents can vary markedly,
from complete disclosure of all tests and information, to documents often missing required
information, through to demonstrably fraudulent documentation. In parallel, the actual
performance of the bolt assemblies can vary from largely compliant through to woefully
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To add to the issues related to cost pressure, there are also a number of issues related to AS/NZS
1252. The previous AS/NZS 1252:1996 (Ref. 2) was developed under a more forgiving
procurement environment. With the changes in procurement environment noted above, the
compliance requirements in AS/NZS 1252:1996 became inadequate, presenting loopholes
utilised by parties interested only in the cost dimension of supply (Refs 3, 4). The closure of local
manufacture, with the ensuing reduction in local technical expertise in fasteners, has exacerbated
the issue.
Bolts manufactured to AS/NZS 1252:1996 are, in some respects, unique to the Australian market.
Whilst in many respects they have performance requirements similar to bolts manufactured to
other Standards, differences such as head markings and some minor geometrical characteristics
necessitate that manufacturing is set up specifically to suit these bolts. ‘Boutique’ Australian
manufacturing requirements and a comparatively small volume market do not engender
economies of scale or a particular focus from the large bolt manufacturers typically located in
China. Consequently, our importers face continual challenges to maintain focus and compliant
supply from manufacturers.
To address the issues noted above, ASI has championed the development of a (long overdue)
revision to AS/NZS 1252, as detailed in this Tech Note.


As noted above, it is important to understand the issues with the previous AS/NZS 1252:1996 to
provide context for the changes implemented in AS/NZS 1252:2016. The issues include:
(1) There were no provisions in the Standard for the minimum requirements of a certificate of
(2) Appendix A (Sampling Plan) was ‘Informative’ rather than ‘Normative’, thus resulting in
there being no minimum testing requirements.
(3) Appendix C of AS/NZS 1252:1996 contained a method of testing the anti-seizing properties
of an assembly of high-strength steel bolts and nuts with corrosion-preventative coatings
such as galvanizing. This test was for a test assembly consisting of bolt/nut/washer. This
Appendix was also only ‘Informative’ rather than ‘Normative’.
(4) Notwithstanding the informative assembly test noted above, there was no actual reference
in AS/NZS 1252:1996 to preloading or tensioned application.
(5) There were issues with AS/NZS 1252:1996 peculiar to the Australian market.
(a) M20 bolts were not readily available to AS/NZS 1252:1996 dimensions due to
ISO 7411 not being adopted internationally. M20 bolts were being supplied to
AS 1252:1983 for dimensions and to AS/NZS 1252:1996 for materials and
mechanical properties, which in turn calls up AS 4291.1:2000 (Ref. 6) for the
properties. This added some complexity when checking whether M20 bolts comply
with the Standard.
(b) The hardness requirement in AS/NZS 1252:1996 for hot-dipped galvanized washers
was lowered to 26HRC. The specified hardness range for Property Class 8.8 in
AS 4291.1—2000 is 23-34HRC. It was recommended for fastener supply over the last
20 years that washers be manufactured with 35-45HRC (as was required in
AS/NZS 1252:1996 for other than hot-dipped galvanized washers) in order to avoid
scouring of the washers when bolts are tensioned.

THE NEW AS/NZS 1252:2016

Overarching Principles
In developing the remit for a revision to the twenty-year-old AS/NZS 1252:1996, a number of
overarching principles guided the desired outcomes:
• For mass-produced items such as fasteners, quality and cost effectiveness would
always be challenging for a relatively small market such as Australia if the product
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was unique to Australia and procurement pressure dictated overseas supply. It was
therefore considered highly desirable to move towards a bolt specification that was
aligned with a significant global supply.
• Accepted practice is difficult to change and can be dislocating, in particular where
existing product supply is well developed and commercial pressures are significant.
Notwithstanding the identified need to move towards internationally aligned supply,
the process to reach that point needed to be managed, to allow all stakeholders time
to make necessary changes and also, importantly, to provide time for feedback on
changes, to ensure the results were consistent with expectations.
• Any changes needed to be consistent with the fundamental design principles outlined
in AS 4100 (Ref. 5), whilst ideally also allowing for desired outcomes from an expected
significant revision to AS 4100 in due course.
• In the current procurement environment, the definition of compliant product needed to
be both clarified and strengthened.
• Whilst product conformity (as defined by the Standard) may be clarified, a significant
issue in today’s procurement environment is actually assessing whether a product
meets the product conformity requirements, given the demonstrable shortcomings,
including deliberate fraud, noted earlier. Procurers generally do not have the time or
technical expertise necessary and often simply do not appreciate the rigour necessary
for conformity assessment. Therefore, it was considered vital to provide tools to help
industry assess product conformity expediently and cost effectively.
The following sub-sections outline the main revisions to AS/NZS 1252 that action the above
principles, noting that AS/NZS 1252:2016 is now in two parts, AS/NZS 1252.1 and AS/NZS
AS/NZS 1252.1 – Dimensional changes and designation
Certain dimensions, in particular the across flat dimensions of the M20 bolt and nut have been
reinstated from the 1983 edition of AS 1252, for consistency with available supply and to address
the anomaly in M20 dimensions noted previously. This change also aligns these dimensions with
those of the EN 14399-3 ‘alternative assembly type’ discussed subsequently.
Other minor dimensional changes were made to align with ISO requirements.
The characteristics for an M12 bolt assembly have been defined, as these bolt assemblies are
available in the market.
Designation of high strength Property Class 8.8 bolt assemblies has not changed from the
previous version of AS/NZS 1252.
AS/NZS 1252.1 – Bolt assembly functional characteristics
One of the significant shortcomings of the previous AS/NZS 1252 was the lack of definition of the
performance requirements of the bolt assembly, comprising the bolt, nut and washer acting
together. AS/NZS 1252:1996 made the tacit assumption that if each of the components was within
specification, the assembly should perform as expected as a pre-tensioned assembly. In an
internationalised manufacturing environment with each component produced in separate factories
(and potentially subject to cost reducing shortcuts) and no clear responsibility for the performance
of the finished assembly, it is perhaps not unexpected that these clearly evident problems have
manifested themselves.
AS/NZS 1252.1:2016 has introduced a new Section 5 defining the functional characteristics of
the bolt assembly, including minimum bolt tension force and minimum nut rotation requirement.
In addition, an (optional) specific relationship between torque and tension has been defined.
AS/NZS 1252.1 – Torque-tension relationship for tightening of bolt assemblies
Currently AS 4100 (and the new AS/NZS 5131 (Ref. 7)) calls up two methods for tensioning of
bolt assemblies, either the part-turn method of tensioning, or the use of a direct tension indicator
device (DTI). Other forms of tightening are not specifically addressed, although both AS 4100 and
AS/NZS 5131 do not exclude their use.
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Using a torque wrench to tighten bolts to a defined tension is accepted practice in both Europe
and America. However, this approach does require a known and reproducible relationship
between torque applied to the bolt and the resulting tension, which can be significantly affected
by bolt properties such as thread engagement and coating. Historically, in the Australian
marketplace and in particular with regard to both our significant adoption of galvanized bolts and
issues with compliant supply, there has not been the confidence with torque controlled methods
of tightening.
There is an expectation that with the revision to AS/NZS 1252, including significant focus on
ensuring compliant supply, the market will respond positively and we will get improved compliance
and bolt assembly performance. This then opens the door to confidence that we will be able to
procure bolt assemblies with a reliable torque-tension relationship.
AS/NZS 1252.1 defines a relationship between torque applied to the nut (or bolt) and the tension
developed in the bolt assembly given by:
Mr,i = k m d F p ,C
Mr,i = torque required to develop minimum bolt tension Fp,C
km = k m for k-class K1 or K2 as appropriate
d = nominal diameter of the bolt
F p,C = minimum bolt tension (preload) defined in the relevant Standard
The value of km for the so-called ‘k-class’ of K1 or K2 is established by the ‘extended assembly
test’ outlined in Appendix D of AS/NZS 1252.1. Bolt assemblies for which this testing has not
been undertaken and therefore cannot be used for torque controlled methods of tensioning are
termed k-class K0. Note however that K1 or K2 assemblies can be used in a K0 application,
utilising the K0 installation methodology.
The usual high strength structural bolts supplied in Australia have been effectively k-class K0.
The difference between k-class K1 and K2 lies in the tighter control over the variability of the k-
value with k-class K2.
AS/NZS 1252.1 – Bolt assembly test
Arguably the most fundamental test to establish bolt assembly performance is the ‘bolt assembly
test’, which essentially demonstrates the bolt assembly can be tightened to meet the required
minimum tension. Many of the issues discussed above with regard to non-compliance of the bolt
assembly components result in bolt assemblies that do not meet the expected assembly
performance, usually through failure in tension, rotation induced torsion or thread stripping. As
noted above, in AS/NZS 1252:1996, the assembly test detailed in Appendix C was ‘informative’
and consequently in most cases was only mandated by informed procurers who understood the
benefits of the test.
AS/NZS 1252.1 introduces two forms of assembly test:
(a) The ‘Basic assembly test’: along with the usual range of tests required for factory
production control, the basic assembly test comprises a bolt/nut/washer assembled in a
load cell. The assembly is tensioned by rotating the nut (or bolt if specified) until the
tension in the bolt reaches 0.7 times the ultimate failure load of the bolt. This point is


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defined as the datum. The nut (or bolt) is further rotated from the datum to achieve
minimum required values of nut rotation and tension in the bolt. There is no requirement
to measure applied torque. Figure 1 illustrates the simplicity of the assembly arrangement
for a bespoke basic assembly test. Production versions of the test would likely be better
(b) The ‘Extended assembly test’: in addition to the basic assembly test, the extended
assembly test adds measurement and graphing of data points throughout the test extent
and measurement of applied torque, sufficient to allow graphing of results and
assessment of the torque-tension relationship to establish the value of k m for k-class K1
or K2 bolt assemblies.

In the short to medium term, it is expected the majority of high strength bolts supplied to the
Australian marketplace will only require the basic assembly test (k-class K0), as tensioning of
these bolts will be undertaken using either the part-turn method or direct tension indicator device
method, as is current practice.
Longer term, or for specific clients, there may be market demand for the use of torque controlled
methods of tensioning, in which case the bolt assemblies will need to be tested to the extended
assembly test and the K-class documented. As the torque-tension relationship provided by K1,
K2 class is dependent on the exact surface condition of the fastener assembly during the
certification testing, attention must be given to maintain the stock, assuring the surface condition
is not affected in any way, for example, by keeping product dry and away from any impurities
affecting the surface condition.



AS/NZS 1252.1 – Identification, certification and testing

Given the importance of rigorously defining product conformity, AS/NZS 1252.1 has introduced a
new Section 6 on identification, certification and testing. The section covers:
(a) The required identification of the product on packaging and the like
(b) The extent and form of testing and test reports required
(c) The requirement for a declaration of conformity from the manufacturer

AS/NZS 1252.1 – Product conformity

AS/NZS 1252.1 has introduced a new Appendix B titled ‘Product Conformity’, which defines the
minimum sampling and testing plans required to demonstrate product conformity by the
manufacturer as part of initial type testing (ITT) and factory production control (FPC). The
documentation required to be maintained and the treatment of non-conforming product is also
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AS/NZS 1252.1 – Purchasing guidelines

It is increasingly evident that the internationalised procurement environment has significantly
complicated the understanding of what should be specified when procuring construction products,
including high strength bolts. A loose specification can potentially result in misunderstanding
and/or opportunistic supply of product not meeting the intended performance requirements.
Consistent with our steel product Standards (Refs 8, 9, 10, 11), AS/NZS 1252.1 has introduced a
new Appendix C titled ‘Purchasing Guidelines’, which documents the expected information to be
supplied by the purchaser.
AS/NZS 1252.1 – Alternative assembly type to EN 14399-3 System HR
It is the documented intention of the ME-029 Standards Committee that high strength bolt supply
for Australia moves towards international alignment, to provide liberalised choice of
manufacturing options for our importers/suppliers and improved compliance outcomes. After
extensive review and evaluation of alignment options, the committee chose alignment with
Euronorm Standards, and in particular EN 14399-3 (Ref 12) as appropriate for the Australian
market, with bolts closely aligned in terms of performance characteristics with our existing
AS/NZS 1252 product.
Consequently, AS/NZS 1252.1 has nominated high strength structural bolt assemblies for
preloading that are manufactured in accordance with EN 14399-3, System HR, Property Class
8.8 as the only ‘alternative assembly type’ that is deemed to satisfy the requirements of AS/NZS
1252.1. In effect, bolts to EN 14399-3 System HR may be supplied as equivalent where reference
is made to bolt assemblies conforming to AS/NZS 1252.1.
Appendices A, B and C provide a comparison between the significant geometrical characteristics
of bolts and nuts to AS/NZS 1252.1 and EN 14399-3 System HR and plain washers to AS/NZS
1252.1 and EN 14399-5. The geometrical characteristics are tabulated directly in each of the
respective Standards, excepting for plain washers where EN 14399-5 is applicable.
In general, apart from some small differences in the fillet details under the bolt head, the bolt
geometry is identical. Nut geometry is also identical, except that the EN 14399-3 System HR nuts
are slightly thinner than the AS/NZS 1252.1 nuts. Historically, AS/NZS 1252 has adopted the
‘heavy hex’ nut variant. There are small differences in geometry for plain washers. Note also that
AS/NZS 1252.1 requires the washers to be identified with three radial nibs on the outer
circumference. There is no such requirement in EN 14399-5. Washers to EN 14399-6 are also
slightly different to AS/NZS 1252.1 washers in having a chamfer on the internal diameter, for use
either under the bolt head or nut.
In respect of the thread geometry, AS/NZS 1252.1 calls up the ISO coarse pitch series in
accordance with AS 1275, which defined thread geometry to ISO 261. EN 14399-3 calls up ISO
261 for thread geometry. Both Standards nominate tolerance class 6g. Hence the thread geometry
is identical in both Standards.
Material properties:
In respect of the bolt material and mechanical properties, AS/NZS 1252.1 calls up property class
8.8 to AS 4291.1. AS 4291.1 is a direct copy of ISO 898-1. EN 14399-3 System HR calls up EN
ISO 898-1 directly. Hence the bolt material properties between the two Standards are identical.
Similarly, for nuts, AS/NZS 1252.1 calls up property class 8 to AS 4291.2. AS 4291.2 is a direct
copy of ISO 898-2. EN 14399-3 System HR calls up EN ISO 898-2 directly. Hence the nut material
properties between the two Standards are identical.
In respect of washer material and mechanical properties, AS/NZS 1252.1 specifies hardened and
tempered washers with a hardness of 320-390 HV (33-41 HRC), irrespective of whether the
washers have plain finish or are hot-dip galvanized. In the previous version of the Standard, hot-
dip galvanized washers were permitted to have a slightly reduced lower limit of 270 HV (26 HRC).
However, there were some reports of gouging of the face of washers during tensioning at the
lower hardness, especially when using DTI’s, and hence the lower limit was raised slightly in the
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2016 revision. EN 14399-5 calls up hardened and tempered washers to EN ISO 4759-3 with a
hardness range of 300 HV to 370 HV.
Designation of bolt assembly components to EN 14399-3 System HR (for bolts, nuts) and EN
14399-5 (for plain washers) is indicated in Figure 3 and illustrated in Figure 4.
Failure modes:




It is important to understand the significance of the ‘System HR’ designation, as the EN 14399
series of Standards introduced two parallel systems for achieving the necessary ductility in
tensioned (‘preloaded’) bolt assemblies, the ‘System HR’ (British/French) and the ‘System HV’
(German), largely a response to the two approaches implemented in Europe at the time.
System HR uses thick nuts and long thread lengths in the bolt assembly to obtain ductility through
predominantly plastic deformation of the bolt, with eventual tensile failure of the bolt shank. In
contrast, System HV uses thinner nuts and shorter thread lengths to obtain the required ductility
by plastic deformation of the threads within the nut.
Bolts supplied to AS/NZS 1252:1996 and now AS/NZS 1252.1:2016 are designed to fail in a
manner similar to System HR and therefore EN 14399-3 System HR (not HV) bolts have been
specified as the only alternative assembly type. The new Appendix A in AS/NZS 1252.1 provides
further discussion on the performance differences between HR and HV systems within the context
of Australian Standards and design practice.
Supply of bolt assemblies:
Irrespective of the similarity in geometry, mechanical properties and structural performance
between the AS/NZS 1252.1 property class 8.8 bolt assemblies and the EN 14399-3 System HR
property class 8.8 bolt assemblies, each assembly type is designed to act as a functional unit,
particularly in respect of tightening performance. Therefore, bolts, nuts and washers from the two
systems must not be used interchangeably in one bolt assembly. It is also strongly recommended
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that different bolt assembly types are not used in the same connection, and preferably not on the
same structure. These latter requirements will help ensure on-site product traceability and
minimise the potential for different components in the same bolt assembly.
Appendix D of this document provides a summary of the appropriate structural characteristics and
performance attributes of property class 8.8 bolts to both AS/NZS 1252 and EN 14399-3 System
HR, assessed using the design requirements of AS 4100.
AS/NZS 1252.1 – Additional assembly type
AS/NZS 1252:1996 defined only one strength grade of bolt assembly, being property class 8.8.
Currently there is limited use of higher grade 10.9 bolt assemblies in both the Australian and New
Zealand markets. Apart from a potential increase in the structural capacity of connections made
with 10.9 bolts rather than 8.8 bolts, certain informed procurers have utilised 10.9 bolt assemblies
due to the improved quality of supply that currently exists in the Australian marketplace, providing
greater surety of compliance outcomes.
Committee ME-029 made the decision to incorporate EN 14399-3 System HR property class 10.9
bolt assemblies as an ‘additional assembly type’ in AS/NZS 1252.1. They may be utilised where
reference is made to property class 10.9 fasteners conforming to AS/NZS 1252.1.
The structural properties of 10.9 bolt assemblies for use in connection design to AS 4100 need
to be assessed based on the characteristics of the assembly components (shear and tensile areas
etc.) and the appropriate design factors given in AS 4100. Note that at the time of writing, AS
4100 does not specifically include property class 10.9 bolt assemblies, although alternative
solutions are not precluded by either AS 4100 or the National Construction Code (NCC) (Ref 13).
Appendix E of this document provides a summary of appropriate structural characteristics and
performance attributes of property class 10.9 bolts to EN 14399-3 System HR, assessed using
the design requirements of AS 4100.
New AS/NZS 1252.2 Verification testing for bolt assemblies
Arguably the most significant change to AS/NZS 1252 has been the creation of a new Part 2,
titled ‘Verification testing for bolt assemblies’. This represents a restricted form of third-party
conformity assessment, to provide confidence in the product’s conformity with AS/NZS 1252.1.
Australian Standards drafting rules do not allow product conformity (as defined by the provisions
in AS/NZS 1252.1) to be in the same document as conformity assessment, hence requiring the
new Part 2.
Recognising the difficulty that stakeholders have been experiencing with properly assessing
product conformity (of any construction product, not just high strength bolts), the ME-029
Standards committee decided that a Part 2 document was required, defining a formalised testing
regime that is intended to be undertaken before the product is first put on the market in Australia.
It is expected that in most cases the testing regime would be managed by the bolt importers,
utilising either their own accredited labs or accredited third-party testing facilities.
AS/NZS 1252.2 provides definition of:
• Processes for selection of the correct type and range of samples to be tested
• The specific testing required for each of the critical product characteristics
• The credentials of testing laboratories utilised
• Review of the outcomes of the testing regime
• The form and extent of reporting
• The attestation of conformity, in the form of a Supplier Declaration of Conformity (SDoC)
It is important to note that Part 2 is not called up or mentioned in Part 1, but rather must be
separately and optionally called up by the procurer/specifier to ensure that bolt assemblies are
verified. It is ASI’s strong recommendation that all engineers/specifiers/procurers should
call up high strength bolt assemblies to AS/NZS 1252.1, with verification testing to AS/NZS
1252.2. The new ASI National Structural Steelwork Specification (Ref. 14) and ‘Standard Drawing
Notes’ (Ref. 15) provides suitable wording.
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AS/NZS 1252.1 requires that:
• bolt assemblies are supplied to the purchaser either in the original unopened single sealed
container or alternatively in the separate sealed containers of the manufacturer of the
• The nuts, bolts and washers are supplied as a complete assembly from the one
• Mixing of different bolt assembly types in the same box is not permitted.
The delivery condition of high strength bolts is critical to the intended performance characteristics,
in particular with regard to tensioning. Clean, dry unbroken packaging helps to ensure the
intended surface condition is maintained. Similarly, storage and treatment on site must ensure
the as-received condition of the assemblies is maintained.
Each package or box shall be clearly identified with the product designation, the name and
address of the manufacturer or supplier, batch and heat identification number from which the bolt,
nut and washer were taken, the k-class (where not shown, K0 shall be assumed) and a
manufacturing or trace lot number.


A lot number is an alphanumeric code assigned by the manufacturer/distributor which identifies
the manufacturer and the manufacturing lot number. Each diameter × length combination should
have a separate lot number for traceability purposes.
It is essential that bolt importers/distributors, fabricators and erectors ensure traceability of the
bolts used in a particular project by way of identifying each bolt diameter × length combination
using the lot number on the box in which the bolts are supplied. The location where each lot
number of bolts is used on the steel frame should also be recorded because once the bolts are
removed from the box, they are no longer traceable unless a record is kept of what bolt diameter
× length combination went where.

High strength bolt procurement
AS 4100 references AS/NZS 1252:1996. It is expected the reference will be updated to AS/NZS
1252.1 as part of the planned revision of AS 4100.
Design capacity of high strength bolts
For the strength limit state of high strength bolts, AS 4100 defines expressions for:
Bolt in tension (Clause of AS 4100):
𝑁𝑁tf∗ ≤ ∅𝑁𝑁tf
∅ = 0.8 (Table 3.4 of AS 4100)
𝑁𝑁tf∗ = design tension force
𝑁𝑁tf = nominal tensile capacity of a bolt = 𝐴𝐴s 𝑓𝑓uf
𝐴𝐴s = tensile stress area of a bolt
𝑓𝑓uf = minimum tensile strength of a bolt

Bolt in shear (Clause of AS 4100):

𝑉𝑉f∗ ≤ ∅𝑉𝑉f
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∅ = 0.8 (Table 3.4 of AS 4100)
𝑉𝑉f∗ = design shear force
𝑉𝑉f = nominal shear capacity of a bolt = 0.62𝑓𝑓uf 𝑘𝑘r (𝑛𝑛n 𝐴𝐴c + 𝑛𝑛x 𝐴𝐴0 )
𝑘𝑘r = reduction factor given in Table of AS 4100 to account for the length
of a bolted lapped connection. Typically, and for all other cases, 𝑘𝑘r = 1.0
𝑓𝑓uf = minimum tensile strength of a bolt
𝑛𝑛n = number of shear planes with threads intercepting the shear plane
𝑛𝑛x = number of shear planes without threads intercepting the shear plane
𝐴𝐴c = minor diameter area of the bolt as defined in AS 1275
𝐴𝐴0 = nominal plain shank area of the bolt
Appendix B contains calculated capacities for bolts in shear and tension based on the AS 4100
The 1990 and 1998 editions of AS 4100 ‘Steel structures’ contained no provisions in respect of
certificates of compliance for bolts, unlike the provisions for steel for which a specific provision
was specified. The 2012 Amendment to the 1998 edition of AS 4100 contains very specific
provisions as follows:
‘Test certificates that state that the bolts, nuts and washers comply with all the provisions
of the appropriate Standard listed in Clause 2.3.1 shall constitute sufficient evidence of
compliance with the appropriate Standard. Such test reports shall be provided by the bolt
manufacturer or bolt importer and shall be carried out by an independent laboratory
accredited by signatories to the International Laboratory Accreditation Corporation (Mutual
Recognition Arrangement) (ILAC(MRA)) or the Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation
Cooperation (APLAC) on behalf of the manufacturer, importer or customer. In the event of
a dispute as to the compliance of the bolt, nut or washer with any of the Standards listed in
Clause 2.3.1, the reference testing shall be carried out by independent laboratories
accredited by signatories to ILAC(MRA) or APLAC.’
AS/NZS 1252 is a Standard listed in Clause 2.3.1 of AS 4100.
At the time of writing of this document, AS 4100 is in the process of a ‘maintenance update’ to
incorporate changes resulting from revision or creation of a range of related Standards, including
the new AS/NZS 5131 and the revised AS/NZS 1252:2016.


The new AS/NZS 5131 ‘Structural steelwork – Fabrication and erection’ has incorporated the
existing sections on fabrication and erection from AS 4100, introduced requirements from review
of international good practice as well as a new risk-based fit-for-purpose classification of
‘Construction Categories’. For a detailed analysis of AS/NZS 5131, refer to ASI Tech Note TN-
011 (Ref. 16).
In respect of high strength bolts, AS/NZS 5131 includes:
(a) Definition of the applicable Standard for procurement of high strength bolts – AS/NZS
(b) Snug tightening of bolts
(c) Preparation of contact surfaces on connected plies
(d) Tensioning of high strength bolts
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN001 Version 5 Page 11 of 41

The provisions for snug tightening, preparation of contact surfaces and tensioning of high strength
bolts in AS/NZS 5131 are essentially the same as in AS 4100:2012. It is expected that these
provisions will be removed from AS 4100 as part of the next revision.


Where bolts have been supplied to AS/NZS 1252.1 (but not verified to AS/NZS 1252.2), the
following information should be expected:
The bolt manufacturer should be able to supply one or both of the following documents:
(a) Product certification from an internationally recognised third-party accreditation scheme
including details of audits conducted. All information required under AS/NZS 1252:2016,
AS 4291.1:2015 (Ref. 17) and AS/NZS 4291.2:2016 (Ref. 18) should be provided for each
lot, the type and number of tests for each lot being in accordance with Section 6 and
Appendix B of AS/NZS 1252.1:2016. The Certifier should be accredited to the ISO/IEC
Guide 28 standard (Ref. 19) and any auditor should meet the requirements of ISO/IEC
Guide 65 (Ref. 20). The certification scheme should meet the criteria in ISO/IEC Guide 28
which require the manufacturer to maintain effective planning to control the quality of
production as well as testing from samples of production and verification of conformance.
(b) Results from a sampling and testing plan for each lot that complies with Section 6 and
Appendix B of AS/NZS 1252.1:2016. All information required under AS/NZS 1252.1:2016,
AS 4291.1:2015 and AS/NZS 4291.2:2016 should be provided for each lot. The test
laboratory should be accredited to ILAC and any auditor should meet the requirements of
ISO/IEC Guide 65.
Note that a lot for this purpose is defined as a bolt diameter and length from a particular heat of
steel from a process with factory production control (FPC). Each lot should be identified for
traceability according to the requirements of AS/NZS 1252.1.
The bolt importer/distributor should be able to supply the above information from the bolt
manufacturer if requested. A Supplier Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) letter stating compliance
with AS/NZS 1252.1:2016, AS 4291.1:2015 and AS/NZS 4291.2:2016 should be provided for
each lot. The recommended contents of an SDoC is to be provided by the bolt importer/distributor
is given in Appendix H.
If the bolt importer/distributor cannot supply the above information from the bolt manufacturer,
then the importer/distributor is obliged to undertake a sampling and testing programme using an
ILAC accredited laboratory and supply the results from a sampling and testing plan for each lot.
All information required under AS/NZS 1252.1:2016, AS 4291.1:2015 and AS/NZS 4291.2:2016
should be provided for each lot. The test laboratory should be accredited to ILAC and any auditor
should meet the requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 65. The importer/distributor should also provide
the SDoC referencing the tests undertaken, as described in Appendix H.
Alternatively, the bolt importer/distributor can elect to carry out acceptance inspection in terms of
AS/NZS ISO 3269 ‘Fasteners—Acceptance inspection’ (Ref. 21), which is intended to guide the
purchaser as to whether, considering the limitations of inspection by attributes of a fastener lot,
it is reasonable to assume that the delivered fasteners were manufactured to the nominated
The Customer/Fabricator/Erector should insist that the above documentation for each lot be
supplied when the bolts themselves are supplied. This should form a part of their Quality
Assurance programme. Either the customer or fabricator or erector can engage a laboratory to
undertake independent testing if so desired to verify the information supplied or to obtain any
information that is missing. The test laboratory should be accredited to ILAC and any auditor
should meet the requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 65.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN001 Version 5 Page 12 of 41

AS/NZS ISO 3269 provides an acceptance inspection procedure that the purchaser of fasteners
must follow in order to determine whether a lot should be accepted or rejected, as noted above.
Table 1 indicates the minimum level of information that should be in the possession of


Identification and address of the supplier
Identification and address of the test laboratory and accreditation details of the test
laboratory, details of laboratory accreditation
Date of issue, page number on each page
Test certificate number
Batch and heat identification number for each lot
Product identification for each lot
Customer purchase order number and heat number for each lot
Any other system reference numbers. These make sure that the product is fully
traceable from the customer purchase order to the original steel used for its
Test, test specification, measured values in comparison to specification of all
properties listed in the Appendix to this Technical Note for each lot
Statement of full compliance referring to Australian Standard AS/NZS 1252:2016 for
each lot
Signature of authorised officer/position/name/date/accreditation
Any further information or tests that may be requested or as agreed with the supplier
but may incur extra cost.
NOTE: All information should be in alphanumeric English. A ‘lot’ for the purpose of this Table is
defined as a bolt diameter and length from a particular heat of steel.


Where bolts have been supplied to AS/NZS 1252.1 and verified to AS/NZS 1252.2, the amount
of information required and extent of testing necessary is dramatically simplified. The following
information should be expected:
The type of information available from the bolt manufacturer is identical to that previously stated
under AS/NZS 1252.1, and specifically results from a sampling and testing plan for each lot that
complies with Section 6 and Appendix B of AS/NZS 1252.1:2016. All information required under
AS/NZS 1252.1:2016, AS 4291.1:2015 and AS/NZS 4291.2:2016 should be provided for each lot.
The test laboratory should be accredited to ILAC and any auditor should meet the requirements
of ISO/IEC Guide 65.
Under the scenario where the bolt assemblies are intended to undergo verification testing to
AS/NZS 1252.2, the need for separate product certification is diminished.
The bolt importer/distributor should be able to supply the above information from the bolt
manufacturer if requested.
The bolt importer/distributor who first puts the product onto the market in Australia will manage
verification testing of each assembly lot to the requirements of AS/NZS 1252.2 and must be able
to provide:
• A Supplier Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) as required by AS/NZS 1252.2. The bolt
importer need not reveal the identity of the manufacturer but shall assume full
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN001 Version 5 Page 13 of 41

responsibility for the quality of the supplied bolts through issuing the SDoC. The
recommended form of SDoC is given in Appendix H.
• If requested, copies of the test reports undertaken as part of the verification testing program
The Customer/Fabricator/Erector should insist on receiving the SDoC from the
importer/distributor for each lot of bolts procured, and check the manufacturing or trace lot number
(as shown on the boxes or packages of bolts received) match the details provided in the SDoC.
The customer/fabricator/erector may choose to request copies of the test reports undertaken as
part of the verification testing program if needed.


The market will take time to put in place the infrastructure and processes necessary to ensure
widespread and cost-effective implementation of the requirements of AS/NZS 1252.2. It is
expected that in this interim period there may be problems with procuring bolt assemblies that
have had the verification testing requirements of AS/NZS 1252.2 undertaken.
Therefore, in this interim period, it is recommended that the testing regime outlined in Appendix I
is added as an option in lieu of conformance to AS/NZS 1252.2 in procurement contracts and
design specifications. An SDoC should also be supplied by the bolt importer/distributor.


A Supplier Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) to AS/NZS 1252.2 involves verifying key
manufacturing controls including material management, product identification, initial type testing
and factory production controls then subsequent verification testing of product as-supplied
(involving dimensional and mechanical testing of the components, as well as functional testing of
the bolt assembly). The verification testing is performed in accordance with the test methods
(and tolerances/thresholds) detailed in AS/NZS 1252.1. A further requirement is that the
verification testing is required to be undertaken in a laboratory accredited by a signatory to the
International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA).

Note: Within Australia and New Zealand, this generally means either a NATA accredited
laboratory (Australia) or IANZ accredited laboratory (New Zealand).

When engaging a laboratory to undertake the testing it is important that the supplier first establish
that the selected laboratory holds accreditation for all of the nominated tests within AS/NZS
1252.1. Such detail regarding laboratory capability can be ascertained from the scope of
accreditation (publicly available) which is issued to the laboratory by the accreditation body. The
supplier should be aware that there are two different types of assembly test described within
AS/NZS 1252.1. It is important to ensure that the laboratory holds accreditation for the particular
type of test applicable for the class of bolts to be tested, namely the ‘basic’ (i.e. minimum nut
rotation) assembly test which is required for Class K0 bolts or the ‘extended’ (i.e. torque-tension
relationship) assembly test which is required for Class K1 or Class K2 bolts.
When submitting bolt assemblies for verification testing, the supplier will need to nominate the
range of dimensional and physical tests required in accordance with AS/NZS 1252.1 (this may be
achieved by reference to Tables 2.1 and 2.2 of AS/NZS 1252.2), including which of the assembly
test options is required. Finally, to ensure compliance with AS/NZS 1252.2, a supplier seeking
verification testing of their product should also nominate that the laboratory apply the re-testing
and assembly lot rejection criteria as detailed in AS/NZS 1252.2 Clause and
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN001 Version 5 Page 14 of 41


Under the Construction Products Regulation (CPR), operable throughout member countries of the
European Union, construction products under scope of a Harmonised European Standard (hEN)
must be CE Marked. Marketing a product covered by an hEN in member countries of the EU
without a valid CE mark is a criminal offence.
A CE Mark is placed on a product after a Notified Body (NB) has assessed the manufacturers
design and fabrication process and certified the manufacturer to be acceptable. The context for
that assessment is defined in the ZA Appendix of the hEN covering that product.
It is important to realise that the validity of CE marking only exists within the context of the CPR.
There is no regulatory imperative in Australia to conform to CE Marking. Unscrupulous suppliers
may claim CE Marking of product and supply questionable documentation. Therefore, any claims
of CE Marking for products (including bolts) imported into Australia may amount only to
first party claims. In general, all high strength bolts, regardless of whether claimed to be
CE Marked, should be verified to AS/NZS 1252.2.
However, it is not in the best interests of the Australian community for properly verified CE Marked
high strength bolts to incur the additional expense of verification testing to Part 2 of AS/NZS 1252
if the veracity of the CE Marking can be properly ascertained. If the procurer wishes to accept CE
marked bolts in lieu of verification testing to Part 2 of AS/NZS 1252, then it is recommended the
following auditing process is undertaken:

Step 1
Obtain: A copy of the Declaration of Performance (DoP)
Verify: DoP includes:
• Bolt type for which the DoP is applicable
• Manufacturer details
• Relevant harmonised EN Standard applicable
• Details of the ‘Notified Body(ies)’ utilised for assessment under the
• Itemised range of tests (the ‘essential characteristics’) undertaken with
specific reference to applicable clause in Standard
Step 2
Obtain: A copy of the Factory Production Control (FPC) certification
Verify: FPC includes:
• Name of the notified body undertaking the certification
• Range of bolt assembly types covered under the certification
• Name of the company certified
• FPC certification is third party accredited
Step 3
Compare: DoP and FPC
Check: • Name of the manufacturer and Notified Body are the same on each
• Both documents include type of bolts (EN 14399 system HR property
class 8.8 or 10.9 as appropriate)
• Name of the company certified
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN001 Version 5 Page 15 of 41

The DoP and FPC are complementary documents that attest conformity to requirements of the
relevant Standards and provides evidence of this conformity for a particular manufacturer.
However, they are not specific to a particular batch of purchased bolt assemblies from that
manufacturer. With respect to the particular batch of bolts purchased, Steps 4 and 5 are

Step 4
Obtain: Inspection or test certificates for the bolt batch purchased
Verify: The inspection certificates include:
• A listing of the tests undertaken and results
• A batch or lot identification number for the assemblies tested
• The name of the manufacturer
• The certificate number of the CE marking applicable
• Name and accreditation details of the laboratory used for testing
Note: It is common for test certificates issued to conform to EN 10204 type 3.1

Check: • The lot or batch identification number is consistent with that indicated on
the packaging for the bolts purchased
• All tests are passed
• The name of the manufacturer is consistent with the DoP/FPC
• The CE Marking certification is consistent with that indicated on the FPC
• The laboratory used for testing is suitably accredited
Step 5
Obtain: Proof of testing laboratory accreditation
Check: • The accreditation credentials of the testing lab
Note: The accreditation credentials of the testing lab can usually be checked
from the website of the testing lab or from that of the organisation that has
provided the accreditation.

Quality suppliers of high strength bolts would usually have this information readily available for
download off their website based on the manufacturer identification number for the batch of bolts
purchased. Examples of typical documentation referenced above are included in Appendix F.
It is recommended as a matter of course that procurers do background checks on the veracity of
the documentation. For quality supply, this is usually a quick website check of the certifying
authority records. Certainly, if the above documentation is not readily available or the veracity of
the documentation is in question, then a search of the certifiers website should be conducted to
validate claims of conformance. Because the test protocols for EN14399 K1 and K2 are relatively
more extensive and stringent than K0, procurers may wish to have verification testing to AS/NZS
1252.2 for their EN14399 K0 bolt assemblies in addition to checking the veracity of the
documentation supplied.
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With respect to checking the veracity of the Notified Body on any documentation, the website provides a list of notified bodies.
Using as an example the documentation in Appendix F, the Notified Body number given on the
DoP and FPC is 1020. From the ‘Body’ section of the website, for 1020 the page is
1100 with the name for NB 1020 consistent with that shown on the certification documentation in
Appendix F. Looking at the scope of their accreditation under the CPR, they are an FPC
certification body for AVCP System 2+ for both the 2005 and 2015 versions of EN 14399-1.
The system of Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) defines the
degree of involvement of third party notified bodies in assessing the conformity of a product.
There are five systems of AVCP, the highest being 1+ (corresponding to safety-critical products)
and the lowest being System Type 4. The tasks and responsibilities for each system are shown
in Table G1 in Appendix G. Structural steel products are normally System Type 2+ of AVCP.
In the event that documentation cannot be validated, the purchaser should request verification
testing to AS/NZS 1252.2 or reject the batch of bolts.
Given that CE Marking is not regulated in Australia, to maintain consistency in intent with the
requirement for a Supplier Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) under AS/NZS 1252.2, and the
regulated SDoC under the CPR, it is recommended that the procurer requests an SDoC from the
Australian fastener supplier, which is appended to the CE Marking documentation, thereby
ensuring the fastener supplier assumes legal responsibility for the declared performance of CE
Marked product.


Bolt importers/distributors need to be in a position to supply the information noted above from the
bolt manufacturer and any testing that they have had done in Australia. It is the bolt
importer’s/distributor’s responsibility to maintain traceability of information for every bolt supplied
otherwise the issue of deceptive and misleading conduct arises under the Trade Practices Act.
All necessary information noted above should be forwarded to the fabricator along with all other
paperwork in connection with the bolts to be used on a particular project. In particular, a properly
documented SDoC should be provided.

ASI is strongly encouraging procurers to specify verification testing to AS/NZS 1252.2 or, in lieu
of being able to secure this, the batch testing regime outlined in Appendix I. This provides the
market with a known uniform regime of testing to help ensure compliant supply in a cost-effective
manner. When considering the ‘total cost of ownership’ of the completed structure, careful
attention needs to be paid not only to the initial cost of the bolt assemblies, but also the cost of
additional paperwork and employee time in properly checking bolt assembly compliance (as
variously detailed above), the risk of non-compliance and WHS obligations for duty of care, and
the potential longer term maintenance issues if bolt assemblies do not perform as required.
Specifying verification testing to AS/NZS 1252.2 will dramatically reduce the time needed to
properly verify compliance, minimise risk and demonstrate duty of care.


Both fabricators and erectors need to ensure that all necessary documentation noted above is
available for every lot of bolts to be used on a project and maintain a register showing where each
lot is used on a particular project. This should form part of a normal Quality Assurance system
and should be forwarded to the builder and structural engineer for their information. Note that the
new AS/NZS 5131 defines a regime of process and documentation required for procurement and
fabrication of steel structures, including components such as high strength bolts.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN001 Version 5 Page 17 of 41

Both fabricators and erectors need to consider whether to organise their own testing, particularly
if not satisfied with the level of documentation supplied by the bolt importer/distributor.


Structural engineers should ensure the project specification and drawings correctly specify the
required high strength bolts and verification testing (with option for the batch testing regime given
in Appendix I if verification testing to AS/NZS 1252.2 is not available). The ASI ‘National Structural
Steelwork Specification’ and ‘Standard Drawing Notes’ provide suitable guidance in this regard.
Both structural engineers and builders should insist on properly traceable documentation from
the fabricator and erector, as well as a quality assurance record of what bolts were used in each
bolted connection on a project and should not accept the steelwork on a project until satisfied
fully about the status of the bolts. Both may need to consider whether to undertake their own
testing if not satisfied by the level of documentation provided to them.

There has been a demonstrable issue with the quality and compliance of structural bolt
assemblies in Australia over the past years. The 2016 revision of AS/NZS 1252 has been
specifically designed to facilitate improved compliance outcomes for high strength bolts for the
Australian marketplace. Apart from the improved product compliance in AS/NZS 1252, the most
notable inclusion is the addition of Part 2 ‘Verification testing for bolt assemblies’ which provides
procurers the choice to require bolt assemblies are supplied with a known and defined level of
testing independent from the bolt manufacturer.
The verification of product compliance is not a trivial task and, done properly to meet duty of care
obligations, can take considerable resources. Under these circumstances, verification testing to
Part 2 of AS/NZS 1252, or the proper verification of CE Marked product, is an effective, cost
efficient and pragmatic approach to ensuring compliant supply.

We wish to acknowledge the support of Hobson Engineering, Bremick Fasteners and Allthread
Industries in kindly providing various images used in this Tech Note.

1. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, AS/NZS 1252:2016, ‘High-strength steel
fastener assemblies for structural engineering – Bolts, nuts and washers’.
2. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, AS/NZS 1252:1996, ‘High strength steel bolts
with associated nuts and washers for structural engineering’.
3. Munter, S., ASI TechNote #1-06 ‘High strength bolt assemblies. Certification to AS/NZS
1252-1996….Reject or Accept?’ Australian Steel Institute, revision B, January 2007.
4. Fernando, S. and Hitchen, S., ‘Are you getting the bolts you specified—a discussion paper’.
In: Steel Construction, Australian Steel Institute, volume 39, number 2, December 2005.
5. Standards Australia, AS 4100, ‘Steel structures’, 1990 and 1998 editions, 2012
6. Standards Australia, AS 4291.1:2000, ‘Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon
steel and alloy steel, Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs’.
7. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, AS/NZS 5131:2016 ‘Structural steelwork –
Fabrication and erection’.
8. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, AS/NZS 3678:2016 ‘Structural steel - Hot-
rolled plates, floorplates and slabs’.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN001 Version 5 Page 18 of 41

9. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, AS/NZS 3679.1:2016 ‘Structural steel. Part

1: Hot-rolled bars and sections’.
10. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, AS/NZS 3679.2:2016 ‘Structural steel Part 2:
Welded I sections’.
11. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, AS/NZS 1163:2009 ‘Cold-formed structural
steel hollow sections’.
12. Comité Européen de Normalisation, EN 14399-3:2015 ‘High-strength structural bolting
assemblies for preloading - Part 3: System Hr - Hexagon bolt and nut assemblies’.
13. Australian Building Codes Board, NCC 2016 ‘National Construction Code’, 2016.
14. Australian Steel Institute, ‘ASI National Structural Steelwork Specification’, 2016.
15. Australia Steel Institute, ‘ASI Structural steelwork standard drawing notes’, 2017.
16. Australian Steel Institute, Technical Note TN-011 ‘Structural steelwork fabrication and
erection Code of Practice – Implementation guide for design engineers’, October, 2014.
17. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, AS/NZS 4291.1:2015 ‘Mechanical properties
of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Bolts, screws and studs’.
18. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, AS/NZS 4291.2:2015 ‘Mechanical properties
of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Nuts with specified property classes -
Coarse thread and fine pitch thread’.
19. International Standards Organisation, ISO/IEC Guide 28:2004 ‘Conformity assessment –
Guidance on a third-party certification system for products‘.
20. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand/International Standards Organisation,
AS/NZS ISO/IEC 17065:2013 ‘Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies certifying
products, processes and services’.
21. International Standards Organisation, ISO 3269:2000 ‘Fasteners—Acceptance inspection’.
22. Hogan, T.J. and Munter, S.A., ‘Design Guide 1—Bolting in structural steel connections’,
Australian Steel Institute, 2007.
23. Hogan, T.J. and Munter, S.A., ‘Handbook 1: Design of structural steel connections’,
Australian Steel Institute, 2007.
24. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, AS/NZS 4291.2:1995, ‘Mechanical properties
of fasteners, Part 2: Nuts with specified proof load values—Coarse thread’.
25. British Standards Institution, BS EN 14399-1:2005, ‘High-strength structural bolting
assemblies for preloading. General requirements’.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN001 Version 5 Page 19 of 41


Bolt Dimension AS/NZS 1252.1 EN 14399-3 TYPE HR

Max (mm) Min (mm) Max (mm) Min (mm)
M12 Shank dia. (ds) 12.70 11.30 12.70 11.30
Width across flats (s) 21.0 20.16 22 21.16
Width across corners 24.25 22.78 - 23.91
Washer face dia. (d w) Actual size 19.2 Actual size 20.1
across flats across flats
Depth of washer face 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4
Fillet transition dia. 14.7 - 15.2 -
(d a)
Fillet radius (r) - 0.6 - 1.2
Height of head (k) 7.95 7.05 7.95 7.05
M16 Shank dia. (ds) 16.70 15.30 16.70 15.30
Width across flats (s) 27 26.16 27 26.16
Width across corners 31.2 29.56 - 29.56
Washer face dia. (d w) Actual size 24.9 Actual size 24.9
across flats across flats
Depth of washer face 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4
Fillet transition dia. 18.70 - 19.2 -
(d a)
Fillet radius (r) - 0.6 - 1.2
Height of head (k) 10.75 9.25 10.75 9.25
M20 Shank dia. (ds) 20.84 19.16 20.84 19.16
Width across flats (s) 32 31.00 32 31.00
Width across corners 36.9 35.03 - 35.03
Washer face dia. (d w) Actual size 29.5 Actual size 29.5
across flats across flats
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN001 Version 5 Page 20 of 41

Depth of washer face 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4

Fillet transition dia. 23.24 - 24.4 -
(d a)
Fillet radius (r) - 0.8 - 1.5
Height of head (k) 13.90 12.10 13.40 11.60
M24 Shank dia. (ds) 24.84 23.16 24.84 23.16
Width across flats (s) 41 40.00 41 40.0
Width across corners 47.3 45.20 - 45.2
Washer face dia. (d w) Actual size 38.0 Actual size 38.0
across flats across flats
Depth of washer face 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4
Fillet transition dia. 27.64 - 28.4 -
(d a)
Fillet radius (r) - 1.0 - 1.5
Height of head (k) 15.90 14.10 15.90 14.10
M30 Shank dia. (ds) 30.84 29.16 30.84 29.16
Width across flats (s) 50 49.00 50 49.0
Width across corners 57.7 55.37 - 55.37
Washer face dia. (d w) Actual size 46.5 Actual size 46.6
across flats across flats
Depth of washer face 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4
Fillet transition dia. 34.24 - 35.4 -
(d a)
Fillet radius (r) - 1.2 - 2.0
Height of head (k) 19.75 17.65 19.75 17.65
M36 Shank dia. (ds) 37.00 35.00 37.00 35.00
Width across flats (s) 60 58.80 60 58.8
Width across corners 69.3 66.44 - 66.44
Washer face dia. (d w) Actual size 55.9 Actual size 55.9
across flats across flats
Depth of washer face 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4
Fillet transition dia. 41.00 - 42.4 -
(d a)
Fillet radius (r) - 1.5 - 2.0
Height of head (k) 23.55 21.45 23.55 21.45
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Nut Dimension AS/NZS 1252.1 EN 14399-3 TYPE HR

Max (mm) Min (mm) Max (mm) Min (mm)
M12 Width across flats (s) 21.0 20.16 22 21.16
Width across corners 24.25 22.78 - 23.91
Nut height (m) 13.1 12.0 10.8 10.37
Washer face or Actual size 19.20 Actual size 20.1
chamfer dia. (d w) across flats across flats
Depth of washer face 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4
Countersink dia. (d a) 13.00 12.00 13.0 12
M16 Width across flats (s) 27.0 26.16 27 26.16

Width across corners 31.2 29.56 - 29.56

Nut height (m) 17.1 16.4 14.8 14.10
Washer face or Actual size 24.90 Actual size 24.90
chamfer dia. (d w) across flats across flats
Depth of washer face 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4
Countersink dia. (d a) 17.30 16.00 17.3 16.0
M20 Width across flats (s) 32.0 31.00 32 31.00

Width across corners 36.9 35.03 - 35.03

Nut height (m) 21.3 20.0 18.0 16.9
Washer face or Actual size 29.50 Actual size 29.50
chamfer dia. (d w) across flats across flats
Depth of washer face 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4
Countersink dia. (d a) 21.60 20.00 21.6 20
M24 Width across flats (s) 41.0 40.00 41 40.00
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Width across corners 47.3 45.20 - 45.20

Nut height (m) 24.2 22.9 21.5 20.2
Washer face or Actual size 38.00 Actual size 38.00
chamfer dia. (d w) across flats across flats
Depth of washer face 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4
Countersink dia. (d a) 25.90 24.00 25.9 24
M30 Width across flats (s) 50.0 49.00 50 49.00
Width across corners 57.7 55.37 - 55.37
Nut height (m) 30.7 29.1 25.6 24.3
Washer face or Actual size 46.50 Actual size 46.60
chamfer dia. (d w) across flats across flats
Depth of washer face 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4
Countersink dia. (d a) 32.40 30.00 32.4 30
M36 Width across flats (s) 60.0 58.80 60 58.80

Width across corners 69.3 66.44 - 66.44

Nut height (m) 36.6 35.0 31.0 29.40
Washer face or Actual size 55.90 Actual size 55.90
chamfer dia. (d w) across flats across flats
Depth of washer face 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4
Countersink dia. (d a) 38.90 36.00 38.9 36
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Washer Dimension AS/NZS 1252.1 EN 14399-5 TYPE HR

Max (mm) Min (mm) Max (mm) Min (mm)
M12 Inside diameter (d 1) 14.43 14.0 13.27 13
Outside diameter (d 2) 27.0 25.7 24 23.48
Thickness (h) 4.6 3.1 3.3 2.7
M16 Inside diameter (d 1) 18.43 18.0 17.27 17
Outside diameter (d 2) 34.0 32.4 30 29.48
Thickness (h) 4.6 3.1 4.3 3.7
M20 Inside diameter (d 1) 21.33 21.0 21.33 21
Outside diameter (d 2) 39.0 37.4 37 36.38
Thickness (h) 4.6 3.1 4.3 3.7
M24 Inside diameter (d 1) 26.52 26.0 25.33 25
Outside diameter (d 2) 50.0 48.4 44 43.38
Thickness (h) 4.6 3.4 4.3 3.7
M30 Inside diameter (d 1) 33.62 33.0 31.62 31
Outside diameter (d 2) 60.0 58.1 56 54.80
Thickness (h) 4.6 3.4 5.6 4.4
M36 Inside diameter (d 1) 39.62 39.0 37.62 37
Outside diameter (d 2) 72.0 70.1 66 64.80
Thickness (h) 4.6 3.4 6.6 5.4
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TO AS/NZS 1252.1 OR EN 14399 SYSTEM HR

AS/NZS 1252.1 property class 8.8 EN 14399 System HR property class 8.8

STANDARD SPECIFICATION: AS/NZS 1252.1 (Ref. 1) or EN 14399-3 (Ref. 12)

NORMAL METHOD OF MANUFACTURE: Hot or cold forging, hardened and tempered
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES: Tensile strength 800 MPa (nom.), 830 MPa (min.)
Stress at perm. set 640 MPa (nom.), 660 MPa (min.)
Stress under proof load 600 MPa
MOST COMMONLY USED SIZES: (M12), (M16), M20, M24, (M30), (M36)
( ) indicates available but rarely used
1. For AS/NZS 1252.1, mechanical properties based on AS/NZS 4291.1:2015, which is identical copy of ISO
2. For EN 14399-3, mechanical properties based on ISO 898.1:2013.


Nom. Dimensions (mm) Areas (mm 2 )

Designation Minor diameter Pitch
(mm) (1) A s tensile A o shank
A c core
d1 P stress (2) (3)

12 M12 9.853 1.75 76.2 84.3 113

16 M16 13.546 2 144 157 201
20 M20 16.933 2.5 225 245 314
24 M24 20.319 3 324 353 452

30 M30 25.706 3.5 519 561 706

36 M36 31.093 4 759 817 1016


1. The core area is based on the minor diameter d 1 of the thread, as defined in AS 1721 and calculated using the basic
minor diameter defined in AS 1275 and thread pitch.

2. The tensile stress area is given in Table 3.3 of AS 1275:1985, termed ‘stress area’, or may be calculated using Clause
1.7 of AS 1275:1985. The identical values are given in Table 4 of AS 4291:2015.

3. The shank area is based on the nominal diameter of the bolt.

These properties are utilised to derive the bolt design capacities listed in Table D.2.
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(fuf = 830 MPa)

Designation Axial tension Single shear

Threads included in shear Threads excluded from shear

plane N plane X
φV fn φV fx

kN kN kN

M12 56.0 31.4 46.5

M16 104 59.3 82.7

M20 163 92.6 129

M24 234 133 186

M30 373 214 291

M36 542 312 418

φ = 0.8
φ = 0.8
8.8N/S 8.8X/S

1. Axial tension capacity is based on Clause of AS 4100, utilising the tensile stress area A s

2. Single shear capacity is based on Clause of AS 4100, utilising the core area A c when
threads are included in the shear plane and the shank area A 0 when threads are excluded from the
shear plane

The characteristics, detailing and installation of bolts is discussed in Ref. 22.

Connection Handbook 1 (Ref.23) should be consulted for the theoretical background, design basis
and design models for:
• Bolt group behaviour
• Bolt serviceability (slip)
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EN 14399 System HR property class 10.9


NORMAL METHOD OF MANUFACTURE: Hot or cold forging, hardened and tempered
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES: Tensile strength 1000 MPa (nom.), 1040 MPa
Stress at perm. set 900 MPa (nom.), 940 MPa (min.)
Stress under proof load 830 MPa
MOST COMMONLY USED SIZES: (M12), (M16), M20, M24, (M30), (M36)
( ) indicates available but rarely used
1. For EN 14399-3, mechanical properties based on ISO 898.1:2013.


Nom. Dimensions (mm) Areas (mm 2 )

Designation Minor diameter Pitch
(mm) (1) A s tensile A o shank
A c core
d1 P stress (2) (3)

12 M12 9.853 1.75 76.2 84.3 113

16 M16 13.546 2 144 157 201
20 M20 16.933 2.5 225 245 314

24 M24 20.319 3 324 353 452

30 M30 25.706 3.5 519 561 706
36 M36 31.093 4 759 817 1016


1. The core area is based on the minor diameter d 1 of the thread, as defined in AS 1721 and calculated using the basic
minor diameter defined in AS 1275 and thread pitch.

2. The tensile stress area is given in Table 3.3 of AS 1275:1985, termed ‘stress area’, or may be calculated using Clause
1.7 of AS 1275:1985. The identical values are given in Table 4 of AS 4291:2015.

3. The shank area is based on the nominal diameter of the bolt.

These properties are utilised to derive the bolt design capacities listed in Table E.2.
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(fuf = 1040 MPa)

Designation Axial tension (1) Single shear (2)

Threads included in shear Threads excluded from shear

plane N plane X
φV fn φV fx

kN kN kN

M12 70.1 0.833 (4) x 39.3 = 32.7 58.3

M16 131 0.833 (4) x 74.3 = 61.9 104

M20 204 0.833 (4) x 116 = 96.6 162

M24 294 0.833 x 167 = 139 233
M30 467 0.833 x 268 = 223 364
M36 680 0.833 x 392 = 327 524

φ = 0.8(3)
φ = 0.8(3)
10.9N/S 10.9X/S

1. Axial tension capacity is based on Clause of AS 4100, utilising the tensile stress area A s

2. Single shear capacity is based on Clause of AS 4100, utilising the core area A c when
threads are included in the shear plane and the shank area A 0 when threads are excluded from
the shear plane
3. φ = 0.8 has been selected as consistent with the current guidance in Table 3.4 of AS 4100 for
bolts in shear, tension or combined shear and tension, which is consistent with the reciprocal of
the 𝛾𝛾𝑀𝑀2 = 1.25 factor used in EN1993-1-8. However, note that AS 4100 does not currently
specifically include property class 10.9 bolts and the choice of performance attributes for property
class 10.9 bolt assemblies should be based on engineering judgement.
4. The single shear capacity of bolts in EN1993-1-8 is defined by the expression:
𝐹𝐹𝑣𝑣,𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 = 𝛼𝛼𝑣𝑣 𝑓𝑓𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢

𝐴𝐴𝑠𝑠 = tensile stress area of the bolt

𝑓𝑓𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 = ultimate tensile strength of the bolt
𝛾𝛾𝑀𝑀2 = 1.25

𝛼𝛼𝑣𝑣 = 0.6 when the shear plane passes through the unthreaded portion of the bolt
= as per the table below when the shear plane passes through the threaded portion of the bolt

Bolt 4.6 4.8 5.6 5.8 6.8 8.8 10.9


𝛼𝛼𝑣𝑣 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5

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For the case of threads included in the shear plane, to maintain consistency in the relative strength
assessment between 8.8 and 10.9 bolts based on the differences in 𝛼𝛼𝑣𝑣 , the strength values in
Table E2 for threads included in the shear plane have an indicated reduction factor of 0.5/0.6 =
0.833 reducing the value calculated by applying the AS 4100 design expressions.
The reason for the reduced value of 𝛼𝛼𝑣𝑣 = 0.5 for property class 10.9 bolts compared to 0.6 for
property class 8.8 bolts when threads are included in the shear plane is due to the reduced ductility
of 10.9 bolts and the increased stress (strain) concentration in the threaded portion, requiring more
demand for ductility than in the unthreaded portion. The values of 𝛼𝛼𝑣𝑣 are a result of a statistical
analysis of test results to ensure that the partial factor of 𝛾𝛾𝑀𝑀2 = 1.25 was achieved.
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F.1 Declaration of Performance (DoP)

= Certain information is hidden for commercial reasons

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F.2 Factory Production Control (FPC) Certification

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F.3 Inspection Certificate and Testing Laboratory Accreditation


Lot Nos.

Lab accreditation

Certificate No.



Check scope covers testing required

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The assessment of conformity tasks according to the Construction Products Regulation under AVCP
is indicated in Table G1

System type
1+ 1 2+ 3 4
Assessment of products performance based on testing, X X
calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation
Initial inspection of the manufacturing plant
notified body
Tasks for the

Initial inspection of the FPC system
Continuing surveillance of the FPC system
Audit testing
To issue, restrict, suspend or withdraw a certificate of X X X X
constancy of performance
Assessment of products performance based on testing, X X
calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation
Tasks for the

FPC and further testing of samples X X X


Determination of the product-type X X X X X

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H.1 Context

AS/NZS 1252.2 requires attestation of compliance to take the form of a Supplier’s Declaration of
Conformity (SDoC) applicable to the batch(es) or product type(s) for which product conformity is
required to be established. Whilst this is a requirement for any product supplied in compliance with
AS/NZS 1252.2, ASI strongly recommends that an SDoC is also required by procurers either where
compliance to AS/NZS 1252.2 has not been specified or where it has been specified and the market is
not able to supply product with evidence of compliance to AS/NZS 1252.2. In this latter case, the
range of required third party testing must be specified in the procurement specification and the SDoC
must specifically refer to that testing regime. A minimum suggested batch testing regime
recommended by ASI is provided in Clause H.2.

H.2 Minimum recommended batch testing regime

There may be circumstances where the procurer cannot obtain product that has been verified to
AS/NZS 1252.2 but has demonstrable compliance to AS/NZS 1252.1 as described elsewhere in this
Technical Note. In this case, the ASI recommends the minimum batch testing regime for each batch of
bolts as specified in Appendix I.2. Please note that the specified batch test regime is not
applicable to bolts made to AS1252-1983 or AS/NZS1252-1996, which should not now be accepted
by procurers.

H.3 Content of a Supplier Declaration of Conformity

AS ISO/IEC 17050.1 ‘Conformity assessment – Supplier’s declaration of conformity, Part 1: General

requirements’ is called up by AS/NZS 1252.2 and provides a minimum required contents for the
SDoC, namely:

1. Unique identification of the SDoC;

2. The name and contact address of the issuer of the SDoC;
3. The identification of the object of the SDoC (e.g. name, type, date of production, model
number and other relevant supplementary information);
4. The statement of conformity;
5. A complete and clear list of Standards or other specified requirements, including any options;
6. The date and place of issue of the SDoC;
7. The signature, name and position of the authorised person acting on behalf of the issuer of the
8. Any limitation on the validity of the SDoC;
9. Any additional supporting information;
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Examples of additional supporting information are indicated in AS ISO/IEC 17050.1.

ASI recommends the following additional supporting information is provided as part of the SDoC:

1. The name and address of the conformity assessment body involved (e.g. for the testing);
2. Reference to the accreditation documents of the conformity assessment bodies involved;
3. Reference to the relevant test reports;

H.4 Example Supplier Declaration of Conformity

Based on the above recommended scope of the SDoC, an example SDoC is provided overpage.
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Example form of Supplier’sofDeclaration

Declaration Conformityof Conformity
XYZ Company Pty Ltd

Certificate no.:
Company name:
Company ABN:
Company address:

Bolt compliance: We declare the bolts described below under ‘Bolt batch identification’
have been supplied complying to all the requirements of
AS/NZS1252.1:2016, including but not limited to:
• Performance requirements of the bolt assembly according to
Section 5;
• Identification requirements on packaging according to Clause
• Testing and test reports according to Clause 6.4;
• Testing of dimensional requirements, mechanical properties
and functional characteristics according to Clauses 6.5, 6.6
and 6.7 respectively;
• Product conformity according to Appendix B.
Scope of testing: We declare independent third-party testing has been undertaken to:
Option 1: AS/NZS 1252.2:2016
Option 2: Batch testing described in Attachment A to this SDoC
The required documentation is available on request.
Testing authority and
Test certificates and
Bolt type: AS/NZS 1252.1 (Option: EN14399 Type HR)
Bolt grade: 8.8 (Option: Grade 10.9)
Bolt batch identification:

Additional information:

Date and
place of issue:
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Declaration of Conformity
Attachment A – Scope of Batch Testing
Certificate no.:
Company name:
Company ABN:
Company address:

Scope of testing: (a)

Testing authority and
Test certificates and
Bolt type: AS/NZS 1252.1 (Option: EN14399 Type HR)
Bolt grade: 8.8 (Option: Grade 10.9)
Bolt batch identification:
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I .1 Context

It is fair to say that, at the time of writing of this Technical Note revision, the implementation of the
processes and equipment necessary to support the verification testing requirements of AS/NZS
1252.2 by the Australian market has been limited. The reasons for this are understood to include a
view by some suppliers that the testing regime in AS/NZS 1252.2 is somewhat excessive and not fit-
for-purpose in that the costs involved will not be acceptable to procurers and that there is a lack of
commitment by testing laboratories to put in place the infrastructure with unknown or ill-defined

The process of undertaking a revision to AS/NZS 1252.2 to address these issues is underway, but will
take time. In the interim, ASI recommends that specifiers and procurers call up the testing regime
outlined in this Appendix, which meets the performance intent of the expected revision to AS/NZS
1252.2 and is based on the paper “Verification of conformity – Structural fasteners to AS/NZS
1252:2016 – A discussion paper” by Professors Saman Fernando and Emad Gad of Swinburne
University of Technology (available from ASI on request).

Compounding this issue, there are reports from large procurers of issues with bolt assembly supply,

• Bolt assemblies supplied with box markings indicating manufacture to AS/NZS 1252, with no
date for the applicable Standard revision. Bolt assembly packaging must clearly state
manufacture is to AS/NZS 1252.1:2016. The lack of distinction and date in this regard brings
into question whether the supplied bolt assemblies are to the current Standard or the previous
Standard. In this case, bolt procurers must question the supplier and have the choice to
require bolt assemblies to AS/NZS 1252.1:2016.
• Bolt assemblies supplied with box markings indicating manufacture to AS/NZS 1252:1983
which is now outdated by two revisions!

Note that the use of product to clearly outdated versions of the Standard may infringe regulatory
requirements, such as the National Construction Code.

These issues, amongst others, confuse the procurement market and lead to lack of confidence in bolt

I.2 Bolt Assembly batch Testing Regime

The recommended bolt assembly testing regime is indicated in the flowchart in Figure I.1.
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Figure I.1 Bolt Assembly Batch Testing Regime

1. A sample size of n = 3 from a batch of bolts of up to total size N = 35,000 is recommended.
Larger batch sizes would require additional test samples, but is considered not relevant to
batch testing on the scale of a project.
2. This test regime is based on the assumption that the Assembly Test is a “Fit for Purpose” test.
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3. The Assembly Test is the ‘Basic Assembly Test’ defined in AS/NZS 1252.1 Appendix D for
bolt assemblies classified to k-class K0 (those not tightened using torque controlled methods,
which is the usual case in Australia). When it is intended to use k-class K1 or K2 (for bolt
assemblies to be tightened using torque control), the ‘Extended Assembly Test’ defined in
AS/NZS 1252.1 Appendix D must be used.
4. The initial “Decision 1” covers observation of a range of physical parameters as noted in Table
5. Table I.2 testing is applied once the Assembly test is passed. These tests verify the
parameters that are not tested by the Assembly test. ‘Other specified characteristics’ mean
specific tests that the procurer may require and documented in the procurement specification
(e.g. Charpy test for low temperature applications). In most cases, there will be no other
specified characteristics to be tested. Decision 2 is based on the conformance to Table I.2. It
is expected that all good quality product will go through this path.
6. When the observations given in Table I.1 indicate further uncertainties of the batch
(Conditional pass, supplier pays) or where the procurer requires a more rigorous testing
regime (procurer may need to cover the costs in this case), the testing specified in AS/NZS
1252.2 is undertaken. This Level of testing would usually only be required for special purpose
structures or where the relevant authority requires it. Decision 3 is based on the conformance
to AS/NZS 1252.2. These tests add additional costs to suppliers and may only be needed
when the quality of the product is somewhat uncertain. Therefore, it will be beneficial to the
suppliers to procure better quality product from better quality manufacturers.
7. The procurer should request an SDoC covering the testing regime undertaken.

I.3 Decision 1

This table should be read in conjunction with Figure I.1. After/during the assembly tests the
following parameters should be visually inspected/observed before deciding on the pass, conditional
pass or rejection.
Table I.1 Decision 1 Inspection Scope

Observation (Visual) Concern Decision

Fbi,max Below specification AS1252.1 Reject the batch

Δθ2 Below Specification AS1252.1 Reject the batch
Too large Δθ2, not acceptable
Thread stripping failure Reject the batch
under HR classification
Wobbly assembly and set-up
Concentricity Conditional pass.
during test.
Washer too tight or too loose. Washer not suitable. Conditional pass.
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Washer excessively deformed Under head bearing surface

and/or scored. not effective
Δθ2 is too large Under head fillet radius faulty
Noticeable head damage or Inadequate A/F or hardness of
Conditional pass.
burring after test head
Noticeable nut damage or Inadequate A/F or hardness of
Conditional pass.
burring after test nut

If none of the above is observed then the Assembly test is passed. No further assembly tests are
necessary and the right-hand side path, Table I.2 testing of Figure I.1, should be followed.

A conditional pass should follow the left-hand side of the path with testing to AS/NZS 1252.2 as
shown in Figure I.1.

I.4 Decision 2
When the assembly test is unconditionally passed for all samples the following tests should be
Table I.2 Decision 2 Inspection Scope

Dimensional characteristic (see Sample Size (n) Acceptance no. (Ac) Rejection
Note) no. (Re)
If number of non-conformity is greater than or equal to Re reject the batch
Bolt length 3 0 1
Shank Length 3 0 1
Coating thickness 3 0 1
Any other specified characteristics

Coating Thickness 3 0 1
Any other specified characteristics

Hole diameter (d 1) 3 0 1
Outside diameter (d 2) 3 0 1
Thickness/chamfer (h) 3 0 1
Coating thickness 3 0 1
Any other specified characteristics
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Mechanical characteristic
Hardness 3 0 1
Any other specified characteristics
NOTE: Symbols are defined in Figures 2.1, 3.1 and 4.1 of AS/NZS 1252.1 as appropriate.
Use of a calibrated Vernier Calliper is acceptable. ILAC accreditation on dimensional measurement is not
Mechanical characteristics tests shall be done by a third party ILAC accredited organisation.

Accept or reject the product based on the conformance to the above Table I.2.

I.5 Decision 3

When the assembly test is conditionally passed or the procurer specifies a rigorous testing regime the
additional tests in accordance with AS/NZS 1252.2 should be undertaken.

Accept or reject the product based on the conformance to AS/NZS 1252.2.

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