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WATE a ELE Baie Uh) “Heroes, villains, romance, a wild-animal stampede! Big fun from page 1.” STEPHEN KING, Enverainment Weekly “Lively wich historical detail and unexpected euens.... Water for Elephants ia ich suepise, a delgheil gem springing fom 3 Fascinating footnote twhistory thc abelutely deserved tobe mined” —The Denver Pot “So compelling, sodetiled and vivid, chat coulda'ebear tobe torn away from efor a single minute” Chicago Thibune ‘Gruen uneares lose word wich her rch and surprising porcrayal of life Ina traveling cites in thes, An emotional tale chat wil pleas history butfi—and others” —Pesple *[Aan] arresting new novel... With a showman’ exper timing, [Groen] saves trtfe revelation fr the nl pages, ansforming a glimpse of Anvercana ino an enchanting escapist ry tale... Water for Elephants resembles stealth hits lke The Giants Howse, by Elizbech McCracken, oF The Lovely Bones, by Alice Schold, books that combine outrageously whimsical premises with crowd pleasing romanticism. —The New York Tames Book Review "Sara Gruen has writen a rare book chat ia great story, well written and beating one ofthe happiest ndings you will ever ead” Rona Brinke, NPR’ Morning Eatin [Thi] sprightly tale har ingmasters crowd pleasing pace” —Enurtarent lly rey, sersal and charged with dark sexes volving love, musdee and ames, mut heroine (Rosie the lephant)” Parade “You'll ge los inthe tatty glamour of Grucas mesieulously researched ‘wold from spangled equestrian pageanry and the slexy sideshow co an iaeed night ars Chicago speakeasy” ~The Washingtan Pas “[A] Hiveting ory... Gruen ean old ashioned storyteller, who, in keep- lng wich John Updike bluepint or Beton, can keep an onganizd mass of mages and characters” ~The Tivonte Glebe and Mail "Sara Gruen offers love, drama and this under dhe big ep. Only she ose hardened afsudience meters will beable oresist” The Tara Tribune “A fascinating setting anda vchlyanecdocal cory that i enjoyable right upto the na, incveable revelation” “Ido, yes ys August, makingnoeffortto contain smith “You're seriously Fucked, you know chat?” jump down from the flag ‘as check my intact arm ance more, and stale off “Jacob, we” uughs August, coming up behind me. “Deut be soe. 1 ‘vas june having il a with yo.” "What an? cold have lost my arm!” “He has goc any tect” | hale, staring the gravel beneath my fect as his fet sinks in. Then continue walking. This time, Angust doesn fllow. Furious, Una oe the seam and kneel beside «couple of men water Inguchess. One ofthe zcbrar spooks, barking and theowinghis selped mize high in heat. The man holding the lead ropeshoots succession ‘of glances ac meas he sugges to maintain control. "Goddammic!” he shouts “Whac scat? le chat blood?” 4 Took down. Iam spetered with blood from the entrails. "Yes" Tay “Iwas Feeding the cats” "What the els wrong wth you? You tying to get me killed?” 1 walk downstream, looking back wat the zebra alms down. "Then 1 «crouch by che water to rinse che blood and et salva fom ny aes. Eventually [head back othe second section ofthe ein. Diamond Joe {sup ona lat, next ca chimp den. The sleews of his gray shite are rolled ap exposing haley, muscled arms, The chimp ses on his haunche, eating, Gstfal of cereal ened wih fev and watching us with shiny black eye “Need help?” Tat “Naw. About done, think. hear Augut got you with od Rex” ook up prepared ra be ange. But Joe aoe sling. | "Watch yours” he sts. "Rex might not ake your arm, but co will ‘You can bet on that, Dont know why August asked you todo i any ‘way Clive isthe cat man, Unless he wanted to make a point.” He pases, | Irerumv ro Tin ockear wih my dakey bos which comeine ham sandwich apple, and ewo botles of sasspril, When Tse Marlena sting in che straw beside Silver Star, sey dukey box down and walk lowly wand her Silver Sea lies on his sid, his flanks heaving, his respiration shallow ad fist: Malena its this head with he es cused beneath hes. Het not any beter, se?” she us, ooking up at me Tdbake any heed. “1 don’t understand how this could happen so fast” Her voce etn ud hollow, and ic occurs co me that shes probably going ery. Terouch beside her. "Sometimes ic just does, Is noe because of amy> ‘hingyou di, hough” ‘She cokes his fe, cunning her fingers round his dished check and down under is chin, Els eee Bckes, "Tethere anything else we ean do fo him” she aks, “Shore of getting him off the train, no, Even under the best of cn: ‘cumstances, there not alo you can do bus eake chem off their Feed aad pry i ae Sare Gruen She glances at me and docs a double eke when she sees my arm. "Oh, sy God, What happened ro your” ook down. "Oh, that. I's nothing” “No tno” she says climbing coher knees She akes my Forearm in herhand and movere catch che sunlight comingin though the slats, “Islooks new Ie oingrobe sheck of brviss, Does this hurt?” She takes the back of my arm in one hand and euns che other over the blue patch, ‘that spreading beneath ny skin. Her pale iseool and smooth, sd leaves ‘my hale sanding on end 1 close eyes and svallow hard. No, realy. fin —" [A whisele blows and he lok toward che door Leake the opportunity se exrcace my arm and se. “Twennn-n-nn-atenty mine!” bllowsa dep voice fom somewhere near she fone of che trsn,"Foen-nn-n-n-nnentyminate 0 posh-off™ Joc pokes his head through the open dooeway. “Come on! We gotta _ load cheseanimlst Oh, sory mun," he says, pping hishacco Matias, *Ldudncsce you chee” “that obey. Joe” Joe stands awkwardly in the doorway, waiting, “Ie’s just that we've got. | todo it now” he saps in despertion, "Go ahead” says Marlena. "Tim going eo ride chsleg with Silver Star” "You cant do chat” Tsay quilly. ‘She looks up ar me, her thtoa elongated and ple. “Why ever not” "Because ance we get the other horses loaded you'll be trapped back here” thachall ight” “Wha f something happens?” ‘Nothing’ going happen. And ic does, clin over them.” She setcles nc che trav culing he les back under hes "1 don’ know” I sty doubly, But Marlena ie gang ac Silver Sear swith an expression tht maker ie perfectly lear she's not budging, ook back a Joe, who raises his hands in a gesture of exasperation and surender Wacer for Blephaacs Afters nal glance ae Marlen, swing he stall divider io place and ep load theres ofthe hows, iawn Jor is n1cit® abou zh long haul. es ery evening —— ‘Kinko and [havent exchange a word since we lf Saratoga Springs | He clesy hates me. Nor that I lame him— Angus seit up that wy "although T dont suppose there's any poine in crying co explain that co bs 1 ms up fone with the horses to ech hae some privacy. That and ‘rn sill ervous ae che thought of Marlena tapped athe end af arow of ‘thousand pound animale ‘Whe the tain stops she climbs nimbly ame thee backs and ops to | che Moor. When Kinko emerges from the goat rooms is eyes crinkle in © omencay alarm, Then they shift ror Marien to the open door with sulle indiference Pate, Oty and I unload and water the rng stock, camels and llamas. Diamond Joe, Clive, and a handful cage hands head up tothe second | section ofthe erin to deal withthe animals in dens. August s nowhere robeseen, ‘After got the animalsback on hoard limb oto che tack ext and poke any head inc che room, ‘Kinko sie cose-lgged on che bed. Queenie sift a bedrll chat as ssplaced the infesed hore blanket. Sitting on top is net folded red plaid blnkee and pillow in smooth white ease. A square sheecof card boar lis inthe center of the pillow. When [lean aver to pick up, ‘Queenie though Ive kicked hes. Mn and Mr, August Rosenlath request the pleasure of your Immediate presence in staterooms car 48 for cocktails, lowed by alate diner ook upin surpsive. Kinko is stating daggers a me, "You wasted no time ingratiasing yourself did you?" hesays, Seven “Tisai tetany namt sor srcracutan no an jerboerier tee “Suen tp spc on hep sh ending fhe fro 4 Please come in “Thanks Fay, glancing around, I limb up and fallow he down che Interior passageway and through the cond door Stateroom 3 i plorios aswell ara misnomer—ie consciences half he ‘ar.and contains est one addtional oom, which iscordoned off with = thick veer curtain, The main oom epanced in walnut and outed svith damask Furicue, a dincee, nd a Palla kitchen, "Pkase make yourself comfortable, says Marlena, waving me twacd one ofthe chairs, “August will be along ina minste” “Thank you." Ly She it opposite me “Oh she says leaping up agin. "Where ae my manners? Woull you ke beer?” “Thank you” She users past me can ccbon. "Mrs, Rosenbluth, can Lask you someth sy. "Thar would beswell Sara Gruen “Opens call me Marlena” shesays popping thebotlecap. She tps sell las and pours ber slowly down is side, avoiding foam head “Aad ses byl means. Askaway” She hands me che glass, and chen rewens tof feat His ithat eveyone on his tn has so ch leshl™ “Nie always heat 0 Cana the egining ofthe eso she, taking hersenagata "Thien ate mach more ciized Cheer she tay holding out er gla Teoch mine toberand aes cl can lager: Magsfcn “Dor th borer gach” “We pur the booce in with the cael” she sp “to som [dont under” Tay. “Caml it? ner spre ber hough my nose She igs ton nd brings had emarcly eo her mouth Then she sighs and purser bee down, Jacob?” “Yor “Angst tld me abot what happened his morning” I glance at my bruised arm, “Heels cerble- He ikes you. He aly ds. est complicated Shoo nr he ap bsg “Hie is nohing” Lye ie” “faa” hous Angst rom behind me. “My der fellow! So ga yon ou joincurlinesoié Isc Marna asst you up witha diy por Iassheshown you the desing room ye?" “the deeingreomt™ “Mare” he yo cumin ed shaking ead aly, He wage fingecn epimand, “Ti dling” | Ont she sap epg to er ett completely Fong” | ‘Ange wlohe weet curtain and wise ase ; “teak” “hese hee otis yng sd by side on the bed. Two ates com- see with dey and bail rns et with beading neck ba Wall es | pet Youcan ean op = doo "Marlena andl wil change ethers. Nothing we haeieen before, | chdarting? hesays. Wace for Blephance ‘Marlena squeals, clapping her hands in delight, She rushes co the bel and grabs he des, presage coer body and ewtling, Truen to August. "Thee ate from the Monday Man—" “A taxon awash ine? No, ob. Beingequesran director has the odd there” he say, pointing wa polished wooden ‘She grabs arose sie shoe by the eel ad chucks iat im, “The ase thing sce as shut the bathroom daor i tangle of fst sop- pling forward onc the bed. ‘When Lcome back out, Marlena and Auges ate he pct of digney, | hovering inthe background as chee white gloved waters iss with small holed eableandsler domed platters, ‘The neckline of Marlena’ dres barely covers her shoulders, exposing | ee collarbone ala slim bea strap. She follows ny gaze and tucks the stp "back under the material lashing once agin, “The dinner is sublime: We sare with oyster bisque and follow wich prime rib, bold poraoes, and asparagus in eam. Then comes lobster “ala. By the time dessert appeats— English plum puding with brandy ‘suuce—I doit ink lean ake another ite. And ye fw sina ase nd nyselsraping my plate with my spoon, "Apparently Jacob doesn't fn dinner up to sau” August saysin dow des recs midsrpe, “Then he and Marken dso ino fis igs. set my spon down, rors. No, no, my by, in joking —obviosy” he chore, ang ore co atm hand. Ext. Enjoy yourelé Here have some mow he sy “No, Koala’ poy.” "Wal have some more win the," e sling my hs witout alngora sponse Angusiseaius charming and mischievos—so mich so tha 35 ‘be cveningweason Tein o chink dhe nce with Rex wa jus ok Sara Groen gone awry. Hisfice plows with wine and sentiment ashe regales me wth the tale af how he wooed Marlena. Of how he recognized her powerful ‘way with horses che very moment she entered his menagerie tent three yours before—sensed trom the horses themselies. And hwy co the geat sisrest of Uncle Al, e refuted to budge unl he had sepe er ff her | feccand married her, “etook some doing” says Auguseempeying he remains of one cham- ge boule nto iy glass and then reaching for another. "Maelena’sno._ ustoner, pls she was practically engaged athe time, But chis beats being the wife ofa suff banker does it daling? Acany ty what she was horn todo, Not everyone can work with liberty hoses, les God-given taleng,asxth sens, ifyou wil. This gil speaks horse, and believe me, sheyliten” Four houts and ix bese into the evening, August and Marlena dance to Maybe isthe Moon” while lounge in an upholstered che with ny igh egdraped vce am, Angus twist Masena around nd then tops with he extended fom che end ofhis straghtene atm. He's weaving his dlrk hse eousled. His bow te alls fom clher side ofhis collar and the first few buteons of his shirt te undone, le stares ar Malena with ch | Igensty he loks lke a different man. “"What'sthe mace” says Marlena. "Augie? Ave you al ight ?™ “He continues to star into her fice cocking his head a though evalu aningher. The edge of is ip curs He eartsto nod, slowly, baeely moving hishead. ‘Macken eyes grow wide She tries co step backward ba he catches hori with his ha 1 sieforwand, suddenly on flare ‘Agus tre foe 4 moment longer, is ees shiny and hard"Then bis face eansfoem again, becoming sloppy that For moment think he’ ging to bursc ico teas, He pls her to him by the chin and kisses het full on the lips. Then he steers hime no the bedroom and collapses acest ano the bed. “Excuse me a moment” Malena sys Wacer for Elephants ‘She goes ato the bedroom and rll him over so he's sprawled across | ahecenter ofthe hc. She removeshis shoes and dep them the Boos. When se comes ou, she pulls che velver curtain shut and immediately anges her mind She pulls open again, euens off the radio, and sic “oppo me. "Asoote of kingly proportions rumbles from the bedroom, ‘My head isbuzzng. Lam enuzely drank ‘What the hel was chat” Task, ‘"Whac" Marlena kicks off her shoes, roses he eg, an leans r= spardco rub the arch of her foe, August's fing have lel red marks on Iercbin "That Tsputer, “Jase now: When you were dancing” ‘She looks up sharply, Her face comtores, a foes moment Vn asd she’ going co cry-Then she urns to the window a olde finger eo hee lips. She is silece for almost halfa minuee "You have to understand something about Auggis” she sys “and L + dostequice knowhow wo explain ie” ‘ean forwaed. “Tey? “Hes... mercurial. He’ capsble of being the mos charming man on ‘arth Like tonighe”™ Iwai forberto conrinue, “And... 2° ‘She leans back in her chal. “And, wel, he has. day What abou oa?” "He nearly fe you to aca” Oh, That Ica‘ say Twas thrilled, bur Iwas herdly in danger, Rex Ineo teceh "No, but he's four hundred pounds and he has claws” she says wily, set my wineglss on the table as che enormity of chi sinks i, “Marlena pauses, chen fi her eyes meet mine. "Jankowski is Pali ramen ie” moments, Like "Yes. Ofcourse” Sara Grace “Poles donot in general like Jews” ida realce August was Jewish.” “Wir ame ike Rosenbluth? she sys. Shelooks ache fingers eis ingshem in erlap."My fails Cathie. They disowned me when they Foand ot” "Yim sorcy to hea that, Although Tim aoe suxpesed” She ooks up sharply, "diate mean lke that” Tsay. "Tn no ike dha” An uncounforabl lence steches between as. So why am There?" Tfinally ask: My drunken brain is unable co pro- cea this, “T waned wo sooth things oven” "You did? He dda wane me ere?” “No, of course he did. He wanted co make i up 10 you, 00, but i’ harder forhim, He can't help hile omens. They embaras him. The hese thing oda is pretend they did happen” Shesnifis and eurnsto me ‘with a tight sl, “And we had lovely me, didn we?” "Yes, Dinner was lovely. Thank you. As yeeanother silence engulus, it dawns on me chat unless want to ‘ry leaping actos eran cas drunk and inthe dead of night, I'l be seep- ingrighe where Tam. "Please, Jacob,” says Marlena, “I do so wane ehings to be all sight bbecween us: Angus i simply delighted youve joined us. And sos Uncle ay “And why isch, cxaely" “Uncle A was ouch about nos haviaga vet and then outaf blu, hee youre from an ly League school no less” 1 stare sill ying comprehend "Ringling has avec” Marlena continues, “and being like Ringling iakes Uncle AL happy” “Tehoughche hated Ringling” "Dialing, he wanes to be Ringling” ‘ean my fed back and shut any eye, bu this esules in disastrous Warer for Elephants inning Lopen them again and ryt fcuson the fet dangling fm the end ofthe bed, Witew Lwaks ut the train hes scopped—can Telly have slope through the screechingbrakes? The sun sshaingon me shough the win: ‘dow. and my brain pounds against my skull My eyesacheand my mouth ——— | snggerto my fee and glance inc the bedroom. Aug is cured around Masia, his arm Iying actoss er. They are on top of che bod spread, sil Fly essed. 1 pee a few add looks when I emerge fom car 48 dressed in a tox ‘ekth my other clothes tucked under my arm. At cis end ofthe tain, ‘where most ofthe onlookers ate performers, Lam rganded with fronty smpusement, As pass the working men's lepers, che glances become ‘pasdess more suspicious 1 climb gngely into the stock ear and push open the dor ofthe ile Kinko ising onthe edge ofhicot,an eighe pager in one hand and _ hispenisin the ther Hestopsmidaroke slik ompehead extending beyond his fist There's a heartbeat of lence flowed by che whoosh of sn empey Coke bore Rying amy head. duck "Gee one!” Kinko screams ache bree explodes agains the dootfame behind me: He laps up, causing his rection to bounce wildly. "Get the all ott” He los another bottle at me Teuun to the dor shikling ny head and droppngmy clothes, hear 2ipper sunning sp, anda momen ater the complete works of Shakespeare ‘nash into the wal beside me, “Okay okay” shout. "in leaving!” 1 poll the door sue Behind me snd lan agains che wal. The curser sonsinge unabated. ‘Otis appear outside dhe stock cat He loki alarm athe lose door and then shrugs “Hey fancy bo.” e ays. "You poana help as with these imal or what?” “Sure. Ofeoseie” I jump tache ground Sera Gruen He sares ae me. What" Tay. “Aine you gonna change out of he monkey i ire” 1 glance back a the closed door. Something heavy slams agains the {tetior wall “Ub, no. Lthink Ist like Lam forthe time beng” “Your call. Clive’ cleaned our the cats. He wants us to bring the Tunke’s evEN MORE noise coming fom the camel ca moening, “them hay burners sure don’ like traveling with meat.” says Ot, “Wish they'd stop kicking up such a fuss, hough, We goea fair bi far. ther en ge side the door open. Fes explode outward Ise the maggots jus 35 the smell hits. I manage to seagger afew fee away before vomiting, cs joins me, doubled over, lapping hands to his gu. “Afferhe finishes throwingup he eakes afew deep breaths and pulls ‘chy handerchit fom his pocket. Hecasp cover his mouth and nose, sind ruins to the cat, He grabs backer, rans dhe treline and dump 1 He holds his breath unt hes halfway back, Ten he stop, bene over wth his hands oa his kacs, gasping foe ax ery to lp bat every ne I ge nes, my daphengm eres in ek spasms "Yim sorry” Lay when Osi reruns. in sil gagging “Tear doit jnsecane” He shoots me a direy ook. "My stomach’ off sy fling the nel to expan. “Tran: too mach last ght” “Yeah, I'l bes you did” he say. "Have a seat, monkey boy. ake} exe of” (Otis dnmpsche rest of the meat at che te line xvingitin-aheap that truzzes with fs We leave the door co the camel car wide open, butte cae a simple alving out wor be sufficient. a «ofthe sin. Then we slosh buckets of water acroat the floors us > ive Sear is ying on his side, and Malena is ke Water for Blephance “We lead che camel an llamas down she tracks andi them coche sie ‘push brooms to uice the resuleing muck fom th et. The stench i _gyecwhelming, buts che bese we ean do ‘Aficewe end tothe res ofthe aninls I etun tothe sing stock ca, lng next to him il tweiring the rose dress fom she nigh befor. [walk pas the longline of | open sll dividers and stand besde hee ‘Silver Stas eyes ate barely open. He inches and grunts in reeson “ome unseen smal "Hl worse” Marlena says widhoe looking at me, “Afters momen [s,s “Isthoreany chance he'll recover? Any chance all” Thescate because what’ on the tp of my tongue ile a find 1 cant ter "You cam ell me the rath, she sys “Ted to know” "No. Tim afraid chee no chance at all” ‘She laysa hand on is nec, holding there "In chatease, promise me ‘emillbe quick. I dont want him ro soe" understand what shaking me, and shu my ees.“ poomise” ‘She ses ad stands searing down a ie.’ marveling and noe jure alle unnerved at her oc reaction when strange noise ia from her throu. es followed bya moan, and nex thing T know she's bawling She does even ey to wipe the teas tha slide down her cheeks, jus stands hugging her ams with shoulders heaving, gasping for breath, She looks lke sh’ going collapse in on here Tstarein horror [have no sisters nd my limited experience with com forsing women as always been over something hell of loc less devas ‘ating chan this Affera few moments of indecision, Taya hand on her shoulder. ‘She cuens and falls against me, pressing hee wet check into my— Augusts—zedo shirt. rab er baek making shashing noses unc her tes nally subside ino jeey cups. Then she ple aay “He eyes and nose are swollen and pink her fice slick wich mucus She Sara Green Water for Elephance nfs and wipes her lower shes with the back ofeach hand, as ehough that wll do any good. Then she stsightens her shoulders and leaves with: ‘out loldng back, her high ees taping down the length of che ee. "Pack, hess, geting his feet, He holds one had eo his head "AUS _ goingro have a Re. Okay mect me st the stock eins Few mimes "Avousr. sax, standing beside the bed and shaking his shoul evento leave der. He flops imply. a esponsive as comps. ‘Oh, Jacob" ‘ean and shootin hse. “Auguse!” “Yer? Ly He grones.irtaed. "August! Wake up” Finally be sits, rolling and placing hand over his eyes. "Oh God” ‘hess. “Oh God, I chink myhead ie going explode Close the curtain, | | Witan 1 arr aac othe rock cathe incre door is open poke my headin with move than tle epidtion, but Kinko is gone will you” "posi and change into my regular clohes. A Few minres lter, August "Do you haves gun?” shoves up witha rile. ‘The had dros rom the eyes. Hess up. “Here” he sys, climbing the ramp. He hands me the gun and drops "wha ‘shells neo my other pln “Thre to pu Silver Star down.” Islip one into my pocket and hold che other one out “I only need “You cane” one” “thave te" Wharf you min?” “You heatd Uncle Al I anything happens 9 that hoes, you'll be “Foc crying outloud, August, im going tebe standing sight next. sedligheal” him He stares a me, and thea takes che ete shel "Oks ine, Take hi good ways ftom the erin vo do ie” "You've gor eo be kidding. He ca wa” "You cant do it hers" he says "Ihe ther hoes ae sight outs {ase ook acim. | Shi” hesays finally: He corns and leans agains he wall his Fingers beating tatoo againe the sas. “Okay Fie” ie walks to che door. "Oris Joe! Gee the other hones ou oF hee. Take them a least as fr up as che second section.” Someone outside mumbles. "Yeah, I know.” says August. “But they're use going eo have co vst, Yea know chat. Ileal; €o AL and ell him we ave a ile... complication.” "Which means what,casce" "Chucked from the tain. When is moving, Ifyou hcky. within sight of srain yard’ light 0 you ean nd your wayo cow youre nos, well you'd jus beter hope they don't open the dooe while thew’ crominga trestle” ‘Camels rematk abou having an appoinment with Blackie suddenly makes ense—as do varios comments From my Fst metingwith Uncle | Ala ehat eae I'l ake my chunces and say right here wien che ain} pulls out Bur ether way, chat horse needs putting dove.” Agus sates at ne with blackeringed eyes “Shin” he sas fnally. He swing his eg around so that he's sling | theedgeof che bed. He rubs his stubbled checks. "Does Malena know?” hea, leaning ove to scratch his blackesockeed roe Sara Gruen He rums back rome, Tim going o find AL" "You bese find Marlen, t00.” “chought you sd she knew?” 4 "She does Bur don'r want her tobe alone when she hears that sho, | Do you" J plansnghis fee with such force the boars bounce beneath him, war A FULL Bficen nines, both o give August time to ind Uncle Aland Maclena and aot ee the other men move theres ofthe animals far enough ay. Finally I pick up the rifle, slide the shell inc che chambet, and ehrow the bol Sir Stare mutale i presed up against the end of his sal. hic} cats cwitcing. Lean over and eun my fingers down his neck The I place shemuzale ofthe gun under islet ear and pull ehe eg. 3 “There's an explosion of sound andthe but ofthe rifle backs into my pec spasm before finally falling stil From faraway, hear single des penitewhinny. _guhere. They stand motions, chet Faces long, One man pulls his ha from his head and peses cto his chest. I walks fwrdazen yas fom che enc che grassy bank, and sit rubbing my shoulder. SibeeSa tess ody down che ramp by a ope edt his ind fee, | Upside dow his belly look age and walerable «smooth expanse of sy white doce by Back skinned genial iste ead nods in sgpcement with each yank of the rope. 4 ale for dover shou, sang the rss beeween my fe Tplck | fe bladsand rl chemin my Baga, wondering why the el taking | ‘hem slang plo. | Water for Blepbante “After while August approaches. He stares at me, and then Jeans over | sopickuptherile hada’ ben aac of engin vith me “Come on, pal” he ays. “Donte want to ge efebehind” “tehink Edo." | Done worry about what aid easir—I called to Aly and no one's _setingredlighted, You'e fe” stare sullnly at che ground, Afer awhile, Augus sis beside me. *Orareyou2” he sys “How's Marlena? respon, August watches me fora moment and then digs a package of Camels fiom is hie pocket. He shakes one loose and offer come. "No thanks” sy "lethat the firs me you've shot a hors?” he sys, plucking the cig ste rom the package with his eet, No. Bucie docs mean Tikes” “Pare ofbings vet my boy” “Which, technically, Pm not” *So you mised the exams, Bigdel” “teisabigdeal” "No ic is 10s use a pleceof paper, and aabody here gives a damn shout hat. Youle on a show now. The rues ae diferent” “How 2%" Hrewaves toward the rn. "Tell me, do you honestly think cis the "Phe" he says ksning ince me with his should “done know” “No. tes nowere nou. 1s probably nt even che eth mos spect: lar show om earth. We hod mays tind of che capacity Ringling dos. You already know that Marlenas not Remaniaa royale. And Lucinda? [Nowhere near eight hundred and eighty-five pounds. Four hundred, rps. [And do you really chink Frank Otto go eaxooed by angry beadhuntes in Borneo? Hell no. He uted robe a stake driver on the Flying Squadcon, Sars Gruen He worked on chat nk orn years And you want wo know what Uacle Al did when che hippo died? He swapped out her water for formalde snd Kept on showing her. Fortwo works we traveled with pickled hippo, “The whole hingsillsion, Jacob, and cere’ noching wrong with shat. Te. what people wan from us ee what they expect” He seande up and Bolds out a hand. Afra moment, Take fe and lee fim pall mero my fet. ‘We wale roward he erin. “Damn, Augus” xy. "Talos forgot. The cts havent eaten. Wehad Bight to dump theiemeat!” ‘ake up, Me.Jankowskl. Youe having bad dren” “eal ight, my boy” he sys, “Tee already been taken cara” \ X ieee eens What do you mean, taken care o8" ‘Oh, ell nd dation Letopin my treks, “Lyvasne dreaming. I protest "Angus? Whar do you mean ifs been eaken ear of” “Wellyou were elkingin your sleep sue enough” sy he ae Is Angus coninues walking, the gun slung easully overs should, the nic Black gil again. Why do Thave sich rouble remtemberig ber | name? “Something abou feedingstas ro cats, Now dow you go Getting © thor thoaecat—Thn sure they got fed ven iF ws ale you wake up [Now why did they go and put these on you?" she mses. ipping open my ‘elero wrist restraints. "You didn try o ean off ow, did you?” No. had the audacity co complain abour that pablam they fxd ws" | gancesidewaysaches "And then ay plate or of ld off the table” ‘She stop ad look a me. Then she bursts out laughing, “Oh, youre a lsc one ll righe”she say, rubbing my wrists Between her wart abd ‘Oh ay” Tecomes to mein a as: Rosemary! Ha Som ae soil fe al Rosemary. Rosemary. Rosemary. mus think of way to com iteo memory. a hye or something I ay have emenberedthismoening, be thar no guarantee mabe ictomorrow or eve later today. ‘She goes othe window and opens the blinds. "Do you mind?” say “Do mind what?” she replies. “Corre meifim wrong, bar ist his my oom? What fl dont want the blinds open? ell you, im getting mighty sick of everyone thinking they know beter than do abou what Tan” Sere Gruen Roscmary gics atme. Then she drops the Minds and marches fw the | com, lesing the dooe shu Behind her. My mouth opens in sarpise ‘A moment late cher are thee tapson the door. opens crack. “Good moening, Me Jankowse may I comeing” ‘What the hell gate she plying? said, may I come ine” she repeat. "Ofcourse" Taper "Thank yo kindy” she ays coming in and sanding at che foe of my ‘bod "Now would yo ike mero open the lids andle the good Lond’ sun shine non you or would you rather sit hee in pitch darkness all day long?” "Oh, go ahead and open shem, And sop ie with hat nonsense” "es noc nonsense, Mr Jankowski” she sys, gogo the window and opening che blinds, "Nota bic of, Pd never dhoughe of hae way before, and I thankyou for opening my eyes” Isshe making fan of me? I narrow my eyes, examining er fice for cr “Now, am Lcorect in thinking you'd ik beakfise ln your room?” 1 don answer, a5 I'm sil undecided ao whether Tamla 2e You'd thinkhey’d have that preference written on my char by now. bu they ak | ne the same damned question very morning, Ofcourse Toul rather ‘ake my breakfast in the dining oom. Taking in my bed makes me feel_| like an invalid, Bue breakfas follows the early-morning diaper change, snd the sll of feces ls he allway nd makes me etch snot unt | ss hour oreo after each and every one of the ineapaciated fll has been cleaned, fed, and parked ouside thie doors that is safe wo poke yourhead out “Now Mr. Fankowski—if you expose peopl eo try t0 do things your way, yu going ea have o give some hints ao what thar ways” “Yes, Please Tit have tin here” Ey. AIL rghe, then. Would you like your shower before or aftr rea | "Whar makes you think [need a shower? Isp, thoroughly offended, | ‘ven though Fm ao all ste I dont needa shower | “tBccaus cis sche day your people visi” she sys ashing that big_| + di, even shough Tm in my ninesies my sap somes ies. "help They abwaps pretend not to nodcs. They ened hat wy sp Water for Elephants smile agin. “And becase I thought you'd like tobe nie and Fresh For ‘your outing tis afternoon” ‘My outing? Ab, yes The cus. muse ay, waking up evo daysin sow {chink lake ie before breakfast you dott mind,” Tsay pleasanly. (Ons ov ru gests indigniis shout being old chee people insist on helping you wth ching ke bathing an going to the washroom, 1 don' in fact requice help with ether, bue thee alls afaid Tm © going to slip and break my hip again that [ge a chaperone whether I like ior noe. always insisc on waking ino che washroom myself, but | ther alas someone there, justin case, and fr some reason its aleays | awoman. make whoever iis tu around while Idvop my drawers and sand then [send her ouside unl T Gished. Bashing seven more embarrassing, because Thave step down tomy bicchay satin fone of nase, Now, there are some things that never os, although pretending not co notice Isalmose worse chan noticing Fe ‘means they consider me noshing more than aharmlesold msn sporting sharmles old pons that sl ges uppay ce ina while. Alchoogh ifone ‘oF hem took seriously and tried vo do something shout i, the shock ‘would probably ill me, Rosemary helps mento the shower sal. "Ther, now you jushold on tocharbar ove there—" "know, know, Ive had shows befor" I sy, grabbing the bar and ‘sing myself ont te bath chale, Rosemary runs the shower head down the poles Tan reach “How's that for temperature, Me Jankowal?” she ake, waving het band in and out ofthe ream and keping her gaze dscccly averted ine. Jas give me some shampoo and go ouside, will ou?” “Why Me Jankowski you arin s mood today. rei you2” She opens ‘the shampoo and squceres a few drops onto my pal Iesall neod. The only got shout a dozen hair ei. Sara Geaen "You gine me a shout fyou need anything,” she says pulling the exe. tain across “le rghouc hee” “Hirrph 1. ‘Once se gare gut enjoy my shower take de showerhead For i mount and spay any body fom up close, aiming icone my shoulders and lovey back and then over ach of my skinny limb Fven hold ny ead back wth my eesshncand le the sprayhimy fice fillon[prendis.op. ‘ealshowreshakingmy head and reeingin it even coy the fel ofiedown ‘thereon that sie pink snake ha fathered fie children so long ag, ‘Sometines when in inked, Ledeen eysand enanber helbok—and opel the eof omar al body, Unllyihny wi, ban ales. as completely fifa eo he. Ne once in move than sey yeast. dl Tsay. excep in ny imagination, nd Thave a elingshe woulda have ‘minded chat She wars woman oFertaonlnary undermarding. ese Lord mishat woman. And not just bees she were sia, woul be here although hats the God seruth, No matter how decrepit webeceme, we would have looked after ech other ke we alvays did. But after she was gone, didnt stand chance agains the kids The fest cne rook fill hey had sewn up as quick you can ey Cracker Jack. ‘But Dad, they said, you broke your hip 38 chough maybe Thad notied I dugin my eel. virestened to cut them off without a ent ‘ui emembered they already controlled my money. They dia remind se—theyjust ler me nln ike an old fol unl emembered of my own sccord and chat made me even anger because ifchey had any respec for sme acal hey would have at Teast made ute [had the fcts stright. fle like toddlec whowetantcum wa being allowed to run es course Astheenortnity of my helplesiness dawned on me, ny postion bag soap, ‘Youre right, [conceded gues could use some help. suppose having someone comin during the day wouldnt be x0 ad, justo help ove with the cooking and cleaning, No? Well how about alvein? Ino I've let things lip ile since you mother died. hut Tthoaght you sid. (Okay, chen one of you can move in with me... Buc don't understand. Wall Simon, your house is args Surely Teoald.? Water For Elephancs ewat not tobe 1 remember leaving my house for the ls ime, bunled up ike «eat ‘on the way coche vet. As the cae pled away my eyes were 0 clouded by teat I could lookback nor anarsinghome, thy sd. Is assisted living —peogessive, you see Youll only have elp forthe things you need, nd then when you gt older "They aways eile off ehere, as chough that would prevent me from [ellowing the thought to es lgicalcondlasio, | Foralongtime,T ee berayed char nt one of my five children offered | totake me in, No longer. Now that Ive had time ro mull it over, Lee they've got enough problems without adding me inc the mix. ‘Simon s round seventy and has had acasconehear attack. Ruch has dishes and Peter has prostate rouble Joseph's wiferan off with a cabana "boy when they were in Grece, and while Dinah’ beease cance seems co Baye one ince remission — thank God —now she's gocher granddaughvee | ving with he, trying to get he gil back on tack afer ew illegtimate | hilzen and an ares for shoplifing ‘And those are jus the things know about, There area hos of others [they don't mention becanse they don't want co upset me. ve caught wind [of several, bur when I ask questions chy clara rghe up. Musee upser Grandpa, youknow. | Wihy'Thagswhae I wane wo know hace his zr polly af precthe chs, beeanse elev writes me off the page IT det know whats _pingonin dh ic how 2m pps nar lin the comneraton? ve decided ik ne abour me sal. I's protective mechanism for thes, aay of buffering themselves against my Farure death like when tecnagers dstince themaches fom thei parents in pepation fo lev Ing home. When Simon curned sixteen and go belligerent, I hough ‘yas jus him. By the te Dinah got ehere, knew it wast her fale—ie nas rogrammed into het. ‘Bu despite bowdleixing conten, my faily hasbeen entirely fiche {al about visting, Someone comes every single Sunday come hell or high water. They talk and they alk and they alk abous how fine/foul/Be the Seca Gruen Water for Elephance Hier face softens agai, “Wellin tha case you enjoy cha ream, Mr Jankowski. Do you want your TV on while you ea" No. There nothing bu garbage on these days anyway Tay | “Teouldn'eagree more” she Sy, refolding the banker ae the foo of ny bed. “You give mea buze Ifyou need anythingelse” ‘Afr she leaves resolv to be alee. I'l have to think oF away of| ing mse T suppose T could wrap a bic of napkin aound ny fn eince I dont haw ay string, People were always doing thas in movie “ohn Iwas young. Wrapping serings around thee finger to remember ‘ings chats reach forthe napkin, and as do catch sight of my hands. They are “nob and crooked, thin-skinned, and—like my euined face—covered ‘iver spr. ‘My fice. [posh che porsdgeasideand open my vanity miro should now beter by aon bur somehow Lael expecr to se myself Instead, © find an Appalachian apple dll, withered and spotey, with dewlaps and bag and long Boppy ear. A few strand of white hair pring absurdly "fom essprte sl | Terytobrosh che hats at with my hand and ieze athe sight of ny ‘ld hand on my old bead, Ilean close and open my eyes very wide, eying, | te secbeyond the sagging flesh. 15 a0 good. Even when Llookstraight into the lly iv ye, cat Gnd myself anymore. When did T stp being me? too sickened to ex. pa the brown lid back onthe porskge and ten, with considerable dificuly locate the pad that controls my bed. I pres the buon chat Hatten its head, leaving the cable hovering over ‘ne like x vlture, Oh wal ther’ a contet here chat lowers the bed oo. Good. Now Lean sll onto my sde without hating the darned table and spilling che pore. Doat wane co do cha gain —ehey may callie adie. Pay of temper and sumenon Dr. Rashid. ‘Once my ba sa and alo sie wil go Troll onto my side and mare ‘our the veneran blinds athe ble sky beyond, Aer afew mines Tin lulled into sore peace. “Thesky, the ky—samess it alway was, weather's and what dey dion vacation, and what dey ae fr lunch, and then a fiveon che nose they look gratefully at che clock and leave Sometimes they ty t0 get met oto the bingo gume dows the all ‘on heir way ont like the batch from ewo weeks ago, Would you like ‘oon in they ssid, We could take you thereon ur way out. Doo it sound like Fan? Sure, I said. Maybe ifyoute a rurabaga. And they laughed, which pleased me eventhough I wasnt joking, Ar my age, you take eed for | ‘whatever you can, Atleast ic proved chey wet listening. [My plates dat old shel incest and I can hardly blame chem for that. My rel trie azeall out ofdate So wha fTean speak iesthand aboot the Spanish, she advent ofthe auromabie, wodd wars, cold wars gue ‘wars and Spurnik—that' all ancient history now: But what else do Thave ‘moffer? Nothing happens to me anymore. That's the reality of geting od, and I guess cha realy che crux ofthe mac. Tim net ready tobe old yee ‘Bu I shoulda complain, cis being lcus day and all Rosmatany aerunns were aakfis tay, and when she pull ‘off the brown plastic i Tse that she's pt cream and brown sugar on my orci. “Now dont you go cling Dr Rashid about the evar’ she says, “Why not? Fm not supposed to ave cream” “Nor you specifically Fes part ofthe specialized die, Someofour ese dene cane digest rch ching the way they used ea” “What about butts?” Tm outraged. My mind skips back over the at ‘veoh mondhs and yeas eying to remember the hs appearance of eran cor buster in my lif: Dang she’s ight. Why did Tnocce? Or maybe did and chads why Like che food so much. Well. isn wonder. sup: pose wee on reduced alas well “Ize supposed to keop you ealtle for longer” she sys, shaking her | head, “But why you folks shoulda’ enjoy abit of butter in your golden eats, [dont know” She looks up sharply "You till have your gallbladder, dont your™ | a | Nine [Sistine ceteris {wpe ny bce nny enh aan ess We tare ayaa ce “The rough-hewn door beside me sneaks open and Kinko come a He leans agains the Fame ofthe main dor wich Queenie at is et star tngiency a the passing landscape. He hasnt oaked ame snce yester sys cent, nd to be frank, I find edifice o lok a him, vailating 41 do from feling the deepest empathy for his mortification to being, ‘ney able noc wo laugh. Whon the erin Sally chug 20a sop and sighs, ‘Kinko and Queenie disembck wth he ual apap and fying esp “The scene outed is ccily quit. Although the ying Squadeon pulled v2 good halfhoet ahead oF, its men stn around silently, There no dered chaos. Ther is no carter of rns or chutes, no cursing, no Hlying ‘ils of rope, no hitching of eam. Ther st simply handed of clishey sled men searing in baflemencar the peed cents of anathe cies, Ieslke a ghost towa, Ther is. big top bu no crowd. A cookhous, boro fag, Wagons and dresing cents ill he back end but che peopke ‘vo are et ll about aimlessly os ily the shade {jump dowa from the rock cat usta a black and belge Ply soadseer alls int che parking lo, Two mn inst climb owt, carping, Inifeaes and scanning the scene fom undes hornbusgs. Unni Al sides tomard them ans enoungge,weatng his op hat and Sere Grace ringing his lvcclpped cine, He shakes hard with both men, his face jovial coma. Ave talks he rurseo gesture broadly aerestheloe Thebuse | essen nad, crossing thei arms in fone ofthe, gating. considering, hear gravel crunching behind me, and chen Augus appears a my _ shoulder. "Tha oar Al” he says. “He can smell city official a mile of. ‘You watch—he'll have the mayor eating out of his hand by noon.” He: claps me onthe showlder.“Comecn” "Where 0? Lask "Lo town, for breakfist”he says. Doe there's any Food het. Prob bly wort be nil omorron.” “Yesus—relly™ “Well well ey, but we hasdly gave the advance man vim to get her, id we “Whar abou then?” "Whoo" poine the define ica Them? When they get hungry enough they'll mope off Best thing fac everyone, ealy” “And our guy “Oh, hem. They'suevve unl somethingshows up. Dont you worry, | Alworitle chem die” ‘Wesror ar 4 piven noe fardown the mai sip. Irhas booths slong one wall and laminate couneer with zed-opped stots along the ‘other A handful of men sca the counter, smoking ad chat withthe ‘ielwho stands behind i. hold the door foe Malena, who goes immediately toa booth and slides io agunss che wal. August drops onto the opposite bench so end ‘up cing exe to her She cross her arms ad stares at che wal. Monn. What can T ge you fk says che gil, seill hind the The works says August. "Tn famished” “How da yu ike your egg” Water for Blephance “Sunny se up” “Malan” "ust coffe,” Malena sys, sling one leg ove the ocher and jiggling her fot The motion is rene almose aggressive She doesnot look at she waitess, Or August, Or me, come to think fie. Si says the gic. "Uh, same as ian” Tsay. “thanks” August leans bac and pll owes pack of Camels He ick the bot | om. A elguete ates through the air. He catches iin his lips an leans tack ey igh hands pread in mph, ‘Masiena eas wo look him, She claps slowly debe herFce sony. “Come no, dating Dont bea wet node” ys August. You know ewer outofmest” "Bscuse me” she sliding toward me. Texp ou of er wy. She "matches ou the dooe shoes tap taping ad hipsswayingundr her Rage rbdress “Women, says August lighting his cigaset fiom behind » eupped hand, He smapshislighter sh. “Oh, sorry. Want one?” "No thanks I done smokes.” “Not he muses, suckinginalungfal. “You should ake up 1 god for your healt.” He pus the pack bac his pockee and snap hie fn- ‘gees the gi behind the couneer. She's standings the griddle, holding ‘apace "Make Iesnappy, would you? We don havea dy” ‘She frezes,spatalain he ait, Two of the men a the couneer ruin lowly look se, eer wide "Urs, Angus,” Ley. “What” He looks genuinely pared “Tes coming juseas fst as I can make ie” che waitress ay coy. "Fine, Tha’ all Twas aking," says August He leans roward me and ‘continues in lowered woes. "What did Ill you? Women, Must full moon, oe something” Sera Gruen Warer for Elephancs ‘Wirex Trrunn co thelota selected few ofthe Benial Broth cerstensare ups the menagerie, the stable rent, and thecookhous. The Bag {sing and the swell of sour grease permeates cheat, 4 “Donevenbothe” aysa maa comingout“Fied dough and nothing bu ehicory o wash down” “Thanks Tsay. "Tapprecate the wating” ‘Me spits and stalks of. “The For Brothers employees who remain ar ined up i ont ofthe Prvlege ear A desperate hopefulnes surrounds them. A few smile and | joke, bur thet Laughter is high-pitched. Some stare straighs ahead thir sims crossed, Othetsfdge and pace with bowed heads, One by ne, they are summoned inside for an andience with Uncle Al “The majority climb our defeated. Some wipe thei eyes and confer gui ctly with others nea he fone ofthe line, Others stae scoleally ahead before walking toward town, "Two dwarves enter together. They leave few mines late grimaced, pausing to eal asmall group of men. Then they edge down the tracks, ‘dey side, heads high, sled pillowcases slang oer their shoulders. ‘sean the erowd fr the famous freak, There are certainly oddices: dwarves and midgets and glans, 2 bearded lady (As aleady gor one, $0 she's probably out flick), an enormously fat man (could ge icy if AL ‘wants matching se), and an asorement of generally suooking people and dogs. Bur no man with an infan sticking owt of his cher. They je ings walk oof ere with chem?” Lak Pete | "Probl hess. “Deni bother me none 0 long they detec rs Keep yourees open, though I gna be day or wo efre ny foay knows what has, and I done wan none of ne ingmising” ‘Owe biggags oc has done double ty and the bighore are fsan- | ngsnd blowing aed. Lpesde acy oficial eoopena hyde wean secre, bu cheye sl without ayo ou. “Bogus cerns at nce fiingthe ase ough "What the hell ae you ding? Those hones have been on aaa oe “thee days— get ont thee onthe pavement and haba ther so they | dont gos” “Hanks my ass eles Pet. “Look sound yous wha hell you chink they've ben doing forthe las four howe?” Yo sed ou stock” *Whac tell did you wane eo we?” ‘Youshould'v wid hee baggage rock!” “I don know thei Fucking haggege stock!” shous Pee “And whats the poin of using chet ggae stock F wea ong have han-ass sr kp em in shape, anya” ‘August moet opens. Ten eshues snd e diapers BrvoRE 20NG, TRUCKS converge on the lot. One afer another fncks up 20 the cookhionse, and unbelievable amounts of food dispar hind ithe cookhouse crew gets righ wo work, and ia no tine aca, thebollerierunning and the scent of good fod —rel food — wai acrost theloe "The fod and bedding for the animaleacehesahory theca a wage ‘on ather chan erucks. When we cat the hy into the stable ten, the horses nicker and rumble and stretch out thir necks, matching mouth: fals before coven hitsthe ground, “The animals in che menagerie ave no es happy tos us—the chimps ‘seream and swing fom the bars of hte dens lashing coothy guns. The cit enter pace, The hay burners tos thei head, snorting squealing, and even barking in agitation. ‘Arex Ucn At has made his selections, our workmen teat _| down all of the ther circus’ tents exept for che stable and menagerie, "The remaining Fox Brohers men, 90 longer on anyone’ payroll sitand watch, smoking and spicing wads of eobacco jlce into tall patches of ‘Qusen Anne's ice aod thls "When Uncle Al discovers hat iy oficial have yee itemize the For Brothers baggige sock, a handful of nondesrip horses ge aprted fom | one sable tent to anothes. Absorption, soo speak. And Unde AI not the only one with that ies —a handful of farmers hang around the edges of thelot,ealinglead opes Water for El Sars Genen sat open the orangutans dor and seta pan of fue, vegeables, and rnuson che oor. else her long arm reaches through the bas She | poinesaean orange in another pan. “That You wane thae™ ‘She continues o pon blinking me with lowe aeeyes Her Fences sare concave her Fae a wide pater Finged wih red hair, She's che most | ‘outrageous and beauifl thing Ive ever seen. “Heresy handing hee che orange. "You can have” ‘She takes ic and sets ton the or. Then she reaches out again. Aer several seconds of serious misgivings, old out any hand. She wraps her long fingers around i then lee go. She sis on her hannches and pele her orange. Tsearefn amazement, She was thanking me. "haves Fcking che wha odo with ils an cbs an ins, hel ‘hop his pices and hen —and ony hen —wel movi.” “tim sorry, bur cad that Lay, earning wal wy His hand locks around my afm. He ees in rot of me and ans in jo hon i fc ches frm mine He lay ing alge my check. "Ne you can. They wil ge cred fr Just note That ow work” “thas” "Uncle Alas made an at fon ou ofbullding his circus. We te “nhat wear becuse of Who the ll knows what in tha ee? IF thee nothinghe wants hen ine, Whe cre Buf hr somethinghe sot and you mens with Ris busner and eens up paying ror becae Gh ou bre believe chat As going mes with you, Do you under san” He peaks dough clenched tet. "Do yous undersnd?™ repens, coming fl top afer each word Tze suaighe ino bisunblinkingeyes “Ene” Ls "Good hess He tks a Boge our ofiny see and epsbuckwad “Good hess apnn nodding bdlloinghis ee wo ra. He forces Ingh. “Tl ell you wha, chat whiskey wil go down well” eink pass” He watcher efor a moment snd then shrug. “Sale yourself he op. Take a sete ditance Fim the rent hosing the abandoned an | rl yatching ih ncresng desperation. The sidewall billows wand Fro aude gs of wind, "Thee even across draft. Thave never een mor awave ofthe hat eating down om ny or head and the dy “So-rHAr’s THAT” sys August as we emerge from the menage «tie, He laps and on my shoulder, "Jin me for drink, my boy. There lemonade in Marlena desing tent, and no thar sock juice fom te jlce joloreleher. Well puea drop of whiskey in hey bey?” “Tbe slongin txt” Tay. “T ned eo check the other menagerie” Because ofthe peculie status of he Fox Brohers baggage stock —whose numbers have ben depletingallfernoon—T've seen for myself that they ‘were fed and watered. But I have yet to ly eyes on their exotis ot ring stock "Noy August sas fel. "Youll join me now." ook ove, urprised by histone. “All eight. Sure" Tsy."Dayouknow Af chey go fod and water” ess of my oven threat. Temove my hat and wipe a got arm across ny “They'l gered and watered. Eventually” forehead. What?" Ley ‘Were rite onANGH and be Ag goes up over the coothouse fordinner a handfal of ew Benzint Brothers employees join the Lineup, enable by che ed ne ices they clutch in theirhande. The ‘nan wat icky, ar was the bested fay and a handful of dwarves. Uncle A took on only performers alehowgh one unfortunate fellow found “They'll gee fed and watered. Evenewall” “Angus is damned near ninety degrees, Wear‘ ave hem without leat vce q "We can, and we wil 1's how Uncle Al does business. He and the mayor will play chicken for awhile, the mapoe will gure out he dosnt Sara Gruca himself unemployed agin within a mater of minutes when Augase ‘aughe hia lookinga ede coo apprecaively ac Marlena as he exited the rvilege er ‘A few others xy to ji the lineup, and noca one of them ges by Ear, “isonly jb sw know everyone onthe show, and by God, he's good ti, ‘When he jerks his ehumb a some unfortunate, Blackie steps forward 6 take care oft One or two ofthe rejects manage to sata tl of fod before yng headfn ou ofthe cookhowse Daabslet men hangall around the perimeter with ngry eyes As ‘Malena steps away fom che stam ables, one of cher adresses 1 ell man, gaunt, with deeply creased cheeks. Under diferent cecum ances, he would probably he handsome “Lady—he, lady. Can you spate alee? Just plece of ead?” ‘Marlena stops and looks at him. His Faces hollows, his eyes desperate, ‘She looks at er plate “Ao, come on lady. Haves eae. Tain ae in ewe days” He runs his tongue acoes cracked ips, “Keep moving” says August, taking Marlena elbow and steering her firmly coward a able in the center ofthe tent. Is nor ox usual table, ‘bat Ive noticed that people tend at to aggue with August, Malena sits silty Ioking occasionally ae che men ouside the teat. "Oh, itsno good, she say, fing her cutlery tothe table. "Tea eat wih chose poor sult out these." She sande and picks up he plate “Where are you going?” Angus says sharply Marlena stares down at him. “How am I supposed to st hee and cat when they've ad nothing for ewo dys?” "You ate not giving chat to him” sys August "Nowe down” People rom several other able earn co look, August smiles nevoudy ar chem and leans toward Marlen. “Darling” he says urgendly, "Tow ‘hiss hard on you. Buifyou give char man fod, willencouragehim to hhangasound, and chen what? Uncle Als already made ie picks. He wasn ‘one of them. He’ oe co more on, that all—and the sooner the beter, [sfc hirown good lesa kindness, ell” -Maclenas jes mato. She sets he plat down, stabs pork chop with Hee Whar do you think yout doing” shouts August ‘Shewalksseraigh to the gaune ma picks up hishand,and planes the “August vibrate with anger. avin pubngat his emple. Aera moment erie, takinghis plate He esis contents ito the eash and leave. Teace at my plate. I pled high with pork chop, collard greens, era thing _Anrnoucit 17'S NEARLY S8VEN; chest high and she ae fav: The texan iyery diferent fiom what we ef behindin the noch- ‘ut 1s a are, and dey asa bone. The loc is covered in long geass, but is brown and trampled, crispy as hay. Arte edges aca dhe aks tall “need hnveeaken orer—eoagh plane with teingy sas, sullen, and “sompact Homers. Designed to waste energy on nothing ue peeing thee ‘oom up coward the sun. ‘As I pas che stable cen, I see Kinko standing init scant shade, ‘Queenie squats in fone of him, defeating loosely scootching few inches ra fir each fies burs of liquid. “What up ay coming ta sop beside him, Kinko glares at me. “What the hell desi ook like? Shi gor the ‘Whar di she cae” “Who the fick knows?” | stp forward and peer dosly a one ofthe smal ples, checking for sign of paracites, She sens clea: “Se ifthe cookhouse has ay honey” “Hiuhe” Kinko says, seaightening up and sgulncng at me "Honey, yo can geen oF any slippery elm powder, add a bic of| ‘hae ar wel. Bota spoonfal ofhoney shoud lp on es owe, T a. He frowns at me for amoment, arms akimbo. “Okay” he says doube- fay, Then eure bac eo his dog, Sara Gruen Warer For Elephancs [Mantua aNo AUGUST ae arguing so loudly I can heat them | pwenty yards off I pause outsie er dressing tent, not tall sure wan > ineerope Bue niher do I wanetolisten—I nally stel myzelfand press a = pry moch eo the Hap, “Avguee! Hey, Augucd™ “Thewoiee drop. Thera shulling. and someone shushing someone “Wha isi” calls Ange 1 walk on eventually setling ona patch of rs some distance fry the Fox Brothers menagerie. Ie stands in ominous deseetion, as though thers minefield around i, Noone comes 4 hin tmeney un The con ions inside must be deadly, ue shore of ying up Uncle Aland Angus | and hijacking the water wagon, Ian chink of «damned thing to dot | rw mores more despre, wil ean lo loge lib oy Fectand gine tour mengsie. yen with he beef of fll water eroughs anda ceosbrecte, the an "Did Cle ed theca” sralsateinahesindced spor. The acs, ie, andor hay ben Hise apes in he crackof cheap.“ Yo Well. that presents cxvremuinondheefcebue with heirnecksxtndedandeystaléloed, [abc dificult bu ve worked something oat.” ren che yak is motile, desis the Mics ha baze meri around wha” Inisearsand eyes. saa ew vay but hey and gain immed I "16s coming tomortow morning. Don't worry. They be fie. Oh ops “Lod he ays eraning his eck rose beyond me. "What nw?” “The polarbear exon histomach, head and sno sched in font} Uncle Al strides toward us ined waistcoat and rp ht i plaid ‘thin. tn sepse he looks halen—cndy een, with most ofhisbulk swale lg swallowing she ground, isles low oggingin nee ou spur exp op "Agus sigh nd old the ap open oe me. "You ight wll come inandhaveaseat Looks like yout aout et your Frbusnes son” T dick side, Marlena seat he vanity, be acas led and legs crosd. Her oo ples ange "My dean” sy Angst. “Call youre” "Morlna” says Uncle Al om jas behind che tent Hap “Matlea? May come dene net word wth August” Marlena snacks er lps and else ys, *Yx, Uncle A. OFeoure, acl AL Wont you please come i, Uncle Ashe incon “Theten fp opens and Uncle Alene, posing visly apd eam Ingliom ectocat. "The dea s done esp, coming to ap in ont of Ang *Soyon got him, these Ang “ER? Whae eles Uncle Al linking surprise. “The easy Agus "Chaces What” “No, no, 0, never nnd about hn.” Whar doyou eas nee mind about iss August. Though he warthe whole eon we came hr. What hppensd?™ and hen exhaler along, umbling groan. Por thing, 1doube che tempers: ‘ute in che Arctic ever limbs anywhere close to this. “Tae orangutan les flac on her back, ems and legs spread out She corms berhead to look ame, blinking ourfullyar though apologizing for noe making more ofan effort, Les okay, Ly wih my eyes. Tundertand She blinks once more and then turn her fice to she'slocking atthe | ceiling again, : ‘When ge to Marlena’ horses, they snore in cognition a ap chee ips against my hands, which cl smell lke Baked pple. When dey find Thavenoching for them, chey lose Interest au dif back into thie semi. "The cas eon cei sides, perfectly il. hei yes noc ite losed, IF se werent for the sea rise and ill of heii cages, might eink they were dead I pees my forchead up aginst che bare and wath them fora | Jonge. Finally [eon to leave. Fim abour thse yards amay when Lsad- | denlycurn back. Is just dawned on me thatthe lors ofthc dens ae conspicwondly clean. Sara Geven ; Water for Elephancs la Conn lactd neat that—we hea bul. UA” Heals wih hppinesand pases, recone "The waked for for yas, Aad eh the beoning my ends Weare inthe leagues now show to be rskoncd wth” [ters veattered clapping fom behind him, Marina balances het here gs: olsks tify in font of him, Esepe or grap | fib lass he hasnt rove «muscle Unde Al rssh champagne int that. "Toth Benn! Bots ‘Nos: Spectacular Show on anh” be shouts _encini Broder! Bena’ Brother! cry vis fom behind him. Motlne and Aagust arse Alcina ishss and oss et the ene mabe oF hina, sho drop int a jacet pocket and lows Al from che sent. The Sap Fe and onc agin us cheer oF “There fs moment of urer sles. Then August's he jerks, 38 hough he coming. "Tgucat we dtr gsc tit uber mule hess, dsning hs gat tna slog gulp Jacob, you can sce thone darted anizals now. You tore Took hi, wide-cyed Then Talo daln my ls From the corner pny ee Toee Malena do the same. What sysUnl A ag Heats ppt rm behind hi sh lngrchementy One man makes emt of ling his hon. August looks at them and sighs “Os, Ringling him” “Never nda! Unle A "Thive newsbin! You nigh «vc jmbo sine” Helbks bck at his Flower nd ag wth ery gulls, He wings around again, “Goes.” tae node AL" Anges Hearn empeconty toward Maren “dontknow? she sy cosy = Wercon ul” Uncle Alshost arcaing hires wie injoil sion, Hiscne smack rv who eps backward August ice ieres “What™ “Abul Andean” “You ave an een” “No, Augst-—yeu ave an pant, Her name is Rai she iy ches andes psy. he et bl hey had- Tea wo ‘heat ou come up with—" He onesies the baer ston a sn image His fing wig in rot of his ie He alsin one cs Tin thinking involves Mala She can ihe ding th pide an Grand Spc and then youcan fellow witha eect Centering. Ober Hearne ann an np is ingen Where ie Come ance on you ii ‘Aborcof campagne appeas Hepresensit for Marken nspecon witha dsp bow Then he wid the wie op ad pope che cork. lied nc apps rm somewhere behind hin and ate op ‘Ths Fox Bkorstns meraesicis now swarming wth Benin “roche men They rn back nel et ling og eoning ay ad {nulingovay dung Some scons fico have bec aed esting Acton rere. cn then tne er, king for animals in ces Marlena vanity, ‘Unele Al pours a small amouneineo each and passerone eo Maskena, | Forcunately chy al lack very much alive August and me. “The clephane looms agains che fr sidewall, sn enormous beset che calor of soem clouds ‘We push chrough che woskimen and stop infront of he, Shei gat- antoan—ar leas ten fee rll arte shoulder Hee skin is morded and ‘racked lke a scorched riverbed from the tp of her rua all dhe way own to her wide feet Only he ats ate smooth She pers atu with elif the final one high His eyes mis over, He sighs deeply an aap a hand eo his reat “Ie ty grea pleasure ro celebrate cis momentous occasion wich you-—my deatee lends in she woe." He socks forwanl on his pated fectand queer outa eal tear [rolls overs far check “Netonydowe | Sure Groce Water for Elephants This here's the scupidese goddamned animal on the face of the cetily human ee Theyre ambex, st dep er ead na ing With ture ong es. “Good God ys Ang: ‘Angus ks sonned“chought sh was uposed obese bs ball "Her unk aches ou tw moving ikea inpendctcreatret¢ la he was the best bul” seven rot of Aug chon Mace nd all ne At eno, “hen sorts andi astra of brown la toward he get {ngs procason wigs nd grup. The noes open andlor, |e “Ifshe war he ben bul why wa she the onan 2 You shin Soufingand bowing and then the trunk eas Teswingsin oncat Foote fit show cotun wp picking tebe! You dda renga ferlike pendulum an enormous and mused worm, Ising gaps rth dys, Wel goed hc on yn” He urs tolere sea leet ay force ground ad then drops them agi, atk Nie” Anguscsye quickly “Elle more Issa oget™ thesoyingrunkand wih wou come ack old ny bandon “Naw js dumb soa bagothamaners™ offing bot doc oun “Wher he come fom” ‘hugs tart comer ad Masensingy tues. Tdostknow [An lephane ramp—seme dy Polack who dropped dead in Lb hart thnk veneer enone an animal is ge She ies alma qv City gue er up for song Wasa ow brgin dough uz dc Toucfet above my head. Ela dines decd thing since butt “You the ball mani” saysa man approaching from the right. lis shi | August stare at him, pale. "You mean she wasnt even with a lreuse™ is iy nd uneacked, ping ou fom behind Ks spenders “Them spe ove the ope an disappears behind the pha He “Tam te equesian director and sperinendenc ofninas” ples grume witha wooden od abou the fr long with four inch meta August, drawing himself up eo Full height. "Where's yur bul mand” asthe man, squirting wad of robaco juice fom the comer fis mow “Te clephane aches ur with her trunk and tps hi onthe shou de Hewhacsherand epson fresh Te cept opens er he shaped mouth nwhacan ony be described aa nile and tas 0 eeping time with he movement oer rank Why doyou want to know? aks Angus. “Jaswanes word wth hi all mee “Tolethim know what ein fo sythe men “How doyounean™ “Show me our bull man. and Tl lyo0.” Ange gem arm and sng me Fra “Him, This is my bull man Sow ewe fi™ “Terman ks tne pushes his wa ofwacc deep in icheck, nd consines oars Anges. “Here's your ball hoak. You gona need i. Good Inc on ya As for 1 fT never see another bulla longa ive le too soon.” He spits pin and walks away. "August and Malena tare ae him. Hook back in time to sete | ephane pl her erunk from the rough. She ifs alms, ad blasts he ‘pan with such fore his ae sails off is head om astcam of water, “He stop, his hairandcloches dripping, He ssl ora moment. Then he wipes his fae, leans over co etseve his ha, bows tothe astonished, sndience of menagerie workes, and conti om his wy. to purple. Thea he marches off presumably 0 have rout wih Une A ‘Masena and I plance a each other. By snspoken agreement, nthe AA et antput annie ely do eh urellows (One by one the menagerie men leave The animals, finally fed and watered, stl infor the night. At he end oF desperate day pce Marlena and I are alone, holding various bie of food towant Rosie’ inquisitive erunk. When is strange eubbery Sager grabs a wisp of ‘ay from my fingers, Malena squeals with layghver. Rose rnsesher head and opens her mouth in a smile Tare to Gud Maclena sarin a me. The only sounds fom within tie menagerie are shuffling, snorting, and quiet munching, Ouse, in che

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