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Present perfect simple and continuous

Exercise 1
Tick the correct sentences. If a tense is not correct, underline it and write the correct form.
I have never been seeing a ghost. have never seen

Look. The girl has been buying four dictionaries. ........................................................................

I haven't eaten anything since I arrived. ........................................................................
Let's stop for a while. You've driven all morning. ........................................................................
Have you ever been sleeping in a tent? ........................................................................
He's been sleeping too long. Wake him up! ........................................................................
I'm sorry. How long have you been waiting? ........................................................................
I've been meeting your sister several times. ........................................................................
I've been knowing him since he was born. ........................................................................
Help yourself. Mum has been making delicious toasts. ........................................................................
He is sunburnt. He's been lying on the beach all day. ........................................................................
I've gone to France for five years now. ........................................................................
Don't give up. You haven't been trying this way yet. ........................................................................

Exercise 2
Use the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect
1. ___________________ (you / buy) your train ticket yet?
2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What ___________________ (the children /
3. Julie ___________________ (learn) to drive for six years!
4. Amanda ___________________ (already / have) lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
5. How much coffee ___________________ (she / drink) this morning?
6. Simon ___________________ (write) three books.
7. I ___________________ (do) everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
8. It ___________________ (not / rain) all summer, so the garden is dead.
9. I ___________________ (read) your book. Here it is, thank you.
10. She ___________________ (forget) how to get to my house.
11. I ___________________ (work) in the garden all day and I need a rest.
12. She ___________________ (make) three cakes. They look delicious!
13. David feels great these days. He ___________________ (get) up early lately.
14. We ___________________ (always / hate) rush hour traffic.
15. Recently, I ___________________ (study) a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
16. We ___________________ (write) this book for months and months.
17. I ___________________ (always / love) chocolate.
18. I ___________________ (want) to go back to university for a long time.
19. What’s that delicious smell? ___________________ (you / cook)?
20. I ___________________ (watch) seven films this week.

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