Earths Life Support Photosynthesis CLT Communicative Language Teaching Resources Conv - 125791

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Introduction to Photosynthesis

Trees are commonly chopped down and processed for wood and paper, but the
enduring value of trees comes from their ability to turn the Sun's energy into
oxygen, sustaining all human and other animal life on Earth. Campaigners against
deforestation, warn that the consumption of trees for industrial purposes threatens
the delicate balance necessary for this chemical process to take place. The unique
chemical process that trees and plants use to turn light energy from the sun into
oxygen is known as photosynthesis. "Photosynthesis" is a Greek word meaning
"light" and "putting together." During this process, trees harness the sun's energy,
using it to put carbon dioxide gas together with water to produce oxygen.

The Purpose of Photosynthesis

The production of oxygen is a beneficial result of photosynthesis, but it is not the
main purpose of this process. In fact, oxygen is simply a by-product. The main
purpose of photosynthesis is so plants can create their own food. During this
process, a plant's roots absorb water from the ground, and its leaves take in light
energy and carbon dioxide. The plant uses these elements to make fats, proteins
and starches that are then used to sustain the plant's life. During this process, extra
oxygen is produced and released.
The Process of Photosynthesis
The first step in photosynthesis is the harnessing of the Sun's energy. During this
process, chlorophyll within the chloroplasts of plant and tree cells absorbs the light
energy of the Sun. Chlorophyll, a pigment, is also responsible for giving plants their
green colour. Chloroplasts act as collection centres in the plant cell, storing the
Sun's energy until it can be used. The harnessed energy from the Sun then acts
upon the water absorbed by the roots of the plant or tree by splitting the hydrogen
from the oxygen inside a water molecule. Carbon dioxide exhaled into the
atmosphere by animals and humans is then absorbed by the plant's leaves and
paired with the hydrogen to produce sugar. The sugar is turned into plant food, and
the extra oxygen created during this process is released into the atmosphere.

Threats to Tree Photosynthesis

As a result of deforestation and urban sprawl, the trees that convert carbon dioxide
into oxygen for all living things are disappearing rapidly. Today, only about 30
percent of Earth's land mass is covered in trees. Each year, forests the size of
Panama disappear. At the current rate, the world's rain forests will disappear within
100 years. Environmentalists are concerned that the rapid rate of deforestation is
contributing to Global warming since trees are necessary to consume the carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere, and excess carbon dioxide is blamed for global
warming. Geologists believe replanting trees is a top priority in order to ensure the
preservation of the delicate balance that enables photosynthesis.


1) How much of Earth’s land mass has no trees?

2) Which part of a tree absorbs carbon dioxide?

3) What is the threat posed as a result of deforestation?

4) According to the text, what is photosynthesis?

5) What is chlorophyll and what is it responsible for?

6) Why do geologists believe replanting trees is a top priority?

7) How do plants create their own food?

8) What is the function of Chloroplasts?

9) What part of the plant or tree absorbs water?

10) What does the word photosynthesis mean in Greek?

11) What is sugar turned into?

12) What is the main purpose of the production of oxygen?

13) Why are trees chopped down?

14) What do humans and animals exhale?

15) What do trees harness the Sun’s energy for?

16) At the current rate, within how many years will the world's
rain forests disappear?

17) What are environmentalists concerned about?


1) ‘Photosynthesis’ is an Arabic word meaning light and putting together.

2) Carbon dioxide is inhaled from the atmosphere by animals and humans.

3) Environmentalists are concerned that the rapid rate of

deforestation is contributing to Global cooling.

4) Chlorophyll, a pigment, is responsible for giving plants their green colour.

5) At the current rate, the world's rain forests will disappear

within 100 years.

6) Oxygen is simply a by-product of photosynthesis.

7) Trees are used to make other products besides wood and paper.

8) The main purpose of photosynthesis is so plants can create their

own food.

9) Besides, forests, the world’s oceans also produce large amounts of

oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.

10)Geologists believe replanting trees is a top priority in order to ensure

that Global warming increases.

11) A plant's roots absorb water from the ground.

12) A plant’s leaves take in light energy and carbon dioxide.

13) Each year, forests the size of Canada disappear.

14) Trees don’t make oxygen at night.

15) Most governments around the world now encourage tree planting and
enforce laws to prevent deforestation.


1) Explain why trees and plants are so important to humans and animals?

2) Does your school, government or organisation take action to save forests?

3) Besides absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, what are the other
benefits or advantages that trees provide humans and animals with?
(Research on Google and make a full list)

4) How many new words and phrases did you learn today?

5) As a result of this reading, will you now be spreading and sharing the
message about the importance of saving our forests?


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