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The attachment report submitted to the Department of Computer science in partial fulfilment for
the award of Diploma in computer science at Chuka University.
REG NO : EDS1/34249/18

This attachment commenced on 2nd JAN 2020 to 31stMARCH 2020.


I declare that this attachment report is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the
award of a DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE at Chuka University. The contents embodied
in this report have not been submitted to any other institution of higher learning for the award of
a degree, diploma or any other purpose whatsoever.

Declaration by the student Declaration by the supervisor

James Nyoro Ng’ang’a Supervisor Name Mr. Jasper Mwiti:
EDS1/34249/18 Signature: ………………………...
Signature: ………………… Date: ……………………………...


I have read this report and approve it for examination.

Signed by ……………………………………..
Date …………………………………………...


I dedicate this report to Chuka University fraternity for the knowledge and skills they have
imparted in me for the three academic years I had studied.
My dedication also goes to Trans Nation Sacco Society Limited for accepting my industrial
attachment request at the institutions Head Office. I cannot forget my dedication to the various
Sacco Officers who guided me through the period by sharing their relevant knowledge and skills
and for financial support, my fellow attachés from Chuka University, Kabarak University and
University of Nairobi have also supported me through the period, much regards.
Lastly, I dedicate this report to my parents, siblings and friends.


I register my acknowledgement to the Almighty God for His protection and strength throughout
my attachment at Trans Nation Sacco Society Limited. I acknowledge the efforts and
overwhelming support of all the staff of Trans Nation Sacco Limited who ensured i grasp vast
knowledge in Administrative and office duties, Credit management, Loan appraisal and
processing, financial management, Records management, Bank reconciliation, vouching and
Lastly, I thank my parents, siblings and friends for their constant support financially support and
motivation. To all those who played part in ensuring this program is successful and I have not
mentioned, thank you so much.

Industrial Attachment provides a student with a meaningful practical experience in pursuit to
academic excellence. The field attachment exercise prepares a student in handling job related
tasks and reduces under performance to fresh graduates in the industry a challenge that most
employers have been facing before.
The attaché learns practical experience, ethical and professional standards and interpersonal
relations that are essential in every industry.
The exercise has highly impacted various sectors amongst them financial institutions, industries,
training institutions, government entities and parastatals through provision of fresh innovators
who apply knowledge acquired in class work to help solve organisations and the sectors
emerging issues and problems thereby ensuring efficiency in service delivery, improved
performance, cost reduction and value addition.
Chuka university being one of the Higher learning institutions plays a major role in contributing
to deploying fresh innovators who have been impacted with the industry related knowledge and
skills relevant in serving these sectors and providing them with the opportunity to assess the
capability of learners as potential employees.
I utilised this opportunity to showcase the skills learnt from Chuka university and improve them
by practically handling tasks tabled at the various departments of The Trans Nation Sacco
Society Limited comprising of Bosa, Finance and Fosa,Internal Audit, Administration, Registry,
ICT and Micro credit Departments. My role in the institution was to participate in the activities
of these departments for learning purposes.
The report contains six chapters. Chapter one explains the purpose of field attachment exerciser,
timing and execution. Chapter two discusses the background of the area of attachment its agro-
ecological zone and the population of the area. Chapter three has the organisation and the
background of the institution its mission, vision, objectives and structures.
In Chapter four the policies and the links of the institution to the area of operation is discussed
detailing the projects in the area and how the institutions activities and products fit within
Kenya’s vision 2030.Chapter five highlights the actual participation in the functional
departments attached, knowledge gains and details of tasks performed.
Finally, Chapter six indicates the challenges encountered during the exercise and
recommendations proposed in terms of work and academics.


SACCO Saving and credit cooperative Society

KUSSCO Kenya Union of savings and cooperative
SARSA Sacco society regulatory authority
FOSA Front office service activities
BOSA Back office service activities
ATM Automated Teller Machine
MGR Manager
ASS Assistant
TN Trans Nation

Table of Contents
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYM......................................................................................................5
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................8
1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................8
1.1. Purpose of Field attachment Exercise..................................................................................8
1.2. Timing of the Exercise...........................................................................................................8
1.3. Execution of the Exercise......................................................................................................8
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................9
2. BACKGROUND OF THE AREA ATTACHED.............................................................................9
2.1. Agro-ecological zone of the Area Attached..........................................................................9
2.2. Population of the area............................................................................................................9
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................10
3. ORGANISATION AND BACKGROUND OF THE INSTITUTION...........................................10
3.1. Brief history and location of Trans nation Sacco society limited.....................................10
3.2. Vision, mission and values...................................................................................................10
3.2.1. Vision............................................................................................................................10
3.2.2. Mission statement.........................................................................................................10
3.2.3. Values............................................................................................................................10
3.3. Objectives and core mandate..............................................................................................11
3.4. Trans nation Sacco colours.................................................................................................11
3.5. Organisation structure........................................................................................................11
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................13
4.1. Trans nation Sacco policies.................................................................................................13
4.2. Trans nation Sacco activities that fits Kenya’s vision 2030..............................................14
4.3. Trans nation Sacco corporate social responsibility...........................................................17
CHAPTER FIVE.......................................................................................................................................18
5.1. Bosa department..................................................................................................................18
5.1.1. Credit and Loans section.............................................................................................18
5.1.2. BOSA Accounts section...............................................................................................18

5.1.3. Marketing department................................................................................................18
5.2. Finance and fosa department..............................................................................................19
5.3. ICT department...................................................................................................................19
5.4. Administration and human resource department.............................................................19
5.5. Internal audit department...................................................................................................20
5.6. Task performed, knowledge and skills gained...................................................................20
5.6.1. Task performed............................................................................................................20
5.6.2. Knowledge and skills gained.......................................................................................21
CHAPTER SIX.........................................................................................................................................23
6. OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................23
6.1. Observations.........................................................................................................................23
6.2. Recommendations................................................................................................................23
6.3. Conclusion............................................................................................................................23
6.4. Annexes.................................................................................................................................24

Figure 1....................................................................................................................................................12

1.1. Purpose of Field attachment Exercise.
Field attachment exercise serves the following purposes;
i. To link theoretical knowledge obtained in class work with practical aspects in the field of
ii. To enable a student, get skills and knowledge on what is expected in real life situation.
iii. To expose a learner and a potential employee to the business and work environments so
as to equip them with relevant knowledge necessary to handle task related problems.
iv. To learn more on how institutions operates so as to effectively reduce cost of training
staff on related jobs
v. The exercise brings on board fresh innovators who ensures value addition on the
institutions attached.
vi. The exercise acts as a monitoring review to the University’s curriculum in the relevant
fields assessing its suitability to industrial requirements.

1.2. Timing of the Exercise

The field attachment exercise organised by Chuka University; Faculty of Business is properly
scheduled to those students who have completed three academic years of the University’s
calendar. This target senior students in undergraduate programme having acquired a vast
theoretical knowledge in class work.

1.3. Execution of the Exercise.

The Field attachment exercise is administered by the Field Attachment Coordinator of the
university, this office monitors students conduct in the areas attached and links with the
Organisations based supervisors for feedback on the students’ performance.

2.1. Agro-ecological zone of the Area Attached.
Trans Nation Sacco Society Limited is located in Chuka Sub County, Tharaka Nithi County in
the Republic of Kenya. Tharaka Nithi county comprises of two agro ecological zones; the
highlands (upper zone) that covers Maara and Chuka which receives adequate rainfall for
agriculture and the semi-arid zone (lower zone) that covers Tharaka which receives little rainfall
for livestock production. The main economic activity of the area is Tea farming, coffee farming,
subsistence and dairy farming.

2.2. Population of the area

Tharaka-nithi county has a population of 365330 as per the population census of 2019.The
county is 2609-kilometre square with a population density of 140 kilometre per square.

3.1. Brief history and location of Trans nation Sacco society limited
Trans Nation Sacco Society Limited formerly THARAKA NITHI TEACHERS SACCO was
founded on 28th June 1993.This was after the split of MERU TEACHERS SACCO SOCIETY
LIMITED whose area of operation was the larger MERU DISTRICT. The split was done
amicably by a split committee.
The society moved to its new offices in Mwalimu Centre Building in the year 2002 Tharaka
Nithi District being the main area of operation by then. Trans Nation Sacco headquarters is
located in Chuka Town with fourteen branches comprising of Chuka as the head office,
Chogoria, Marimanti, Kathwana,Mukothima,Nkubu,Meru,Laare,Maua,Mikinduri,
Gatunga,Wamba in Samburu,Tseikuru in Kitui and Isiolo branches.
Since its inception TN has grown to become one of the best Saccos, the first to computerize their
Sacco services and the second to start FOSA activities in Kenya with capital base of 37533790
and a membership of about 2644 members.
Currently the Sacco has a total membership of about 19000 members in BOSA and over 42000
accounts in FOSA and an Asset base of 4.8 Billion shillings.Trans Nation Sacco is SASRA
compliant deposit taking Sacco.

3.2. Vision, mission and values

3.2.1. Vision
To be a Sacco of choice in provision of quality financial services.
3.2.2. Mission statement
To empower members through mobilization of savings, timely provision of affordable and
diversified financial services for maximum returns.
3.2.3. Values
To fulfil its mandate, pursue its vision and accomplish its mission Trans Nation Sacco is guided
by the following core values;
Trans Nation Sacco shall ascribe in totality to honesty, transparency and accountability guided
by virtuousness.
(b) Teamwork
Trans Nation Sacco seeks to pursue teamwork as a means of building understanding and
cooperation in internal and external relationships.
The staff and the board shall maintain high standards of accountability, discipline and order.
(d)Ethical behavior

The Sacco staff and board shall be involved in fair dealingengagements and behave in the best
interests of its members and stakeholders.
(e)Quality Service
Through its services to members TN Sacco shall enhance creativity and innovation in
operations so as to respond to the ever-changing environment.
(f)Cooperate Social Responsibility
TN Sacco shall always be responsive to social needs members and the surrounding community.

3.3. Objectives and core mandate

The objective is to promote thrift amongst the members by according them an opportunity for
accumulating their savings as a source of fund from which loans can be made to them
exclusively for provident and productive purposes at fair and reasonable rates of interest thereby
enabling them to use and control their money for mutual benefit.

3.4. Trans nation Sacco colours

This represents growth and prosperity as the Sacco strives towards growth in the fronts of
economy, education and living standards.
The color represents stability and trust.TN Sacco aims to be a stable financial institution and
strive to lead in a volatile financial environment.
This represents equality in service delivery and recruitment. The Sacco should always be corrupt

3.5. Organisation structure

The central governing body of the Sacco is the nine members Board of Directors elected by the
members comprising of the Chairperson and the Vice chairperson, the honorary Secretary,
Treasurer, and the members. The board of directors appoints the Chief executive officer, the
finance manager, the audit manager and the systems administrator.
The members are on the top of the structure followed by the Board of Directors, the Chief
Executive Officer, the Finance Manager, below the finance manager who is also the deputy chief
executive officer is the Board of Managers comprising of the branch managers, the marketing
manager, the audit manager, the credit manager, the accounts dangerous manager and the ICT
The respective staff consists of Registry officer, the Administrative secretary, the customer
relations officer, credit assistants, micro credit officer, loans recovery officer, the chief cashier,
accounts assistants, ICT assistant, audit assistant and sales executives.


Board of Directors


Finance Mgr/ D. C.E.O

Audit Mgr Marketing Mgr Credit Mgr ICT Mgr Bosa Mgr Fosa Mgr Branch Mgr Adminstration Mgr

Audit SalesC
Clerks lerks

Credit Recovery Micro credit

Accounts Branch Ass
Ass officer officer

Systems Chief
Admin Cashier

ICT Ass Tellers

Secretary Registry Customer


Figure 1

4.1. Trans nation Sacco policies
The board makes and approves policies and procedures as prescribed in the Regulations and as
they deem necessary for the conduct of Sacco society business. The officers of Trans nation
Saccocomply with the governance rules as prescribed by the commission for cooperatives.
Trans Nation Sacco society Limited has formulated a code of conduct in accordance with the
third schedule of the regulations and has been approved by the Authority (SASRA).
The Sacco applies the Cooperative Principles and values which aims at achieving the country’s
vision 2030.The seven principles are as follows;
(i)Voluntary and open membership
Trans Nation Sacco is guided by the principle in member recruitment without
political,ethnic,religious,gender or social discrimination.
(ii)Democratic member control
The members fully control the society having equal voting rights on the basis of one member one
(iii)Economic participation by members
Members contribute equitably to the capital of the society and share in the results of its
diversified operations.
(iv) Autonomy and independence
TN Sacco society operates on mutually acceptable terms with its stakeholders ensuring
autonomy and independence.
(v)Education,training and information
The Sacco fosters on offering education programs to members,leaders and the community.It also
organizes staff exchange programs and learn from appropriate resource persons in understanding
and carrying out their respective roles.
(vi)Co-operation among co-operatives.
The Sacco better serves the interests of the members and the community by actively
benchmarking and cooperating with other cooperatives locally,regionally and nationally.
(vii)Concern for the community
The Sacco shows concern to the community in which it exists and operates by accepting students
for attachment and internship program and participating in community activities.

4.2. Trans nation Sacco activities that fits Kenya’s vision 2030
Trans Nation Sacco Society Limited has a range of products and services offered at Bosa,Fosa
and Microcredit sections which aims at ensuring the Kenya’s vision 2030 of economic prosperity
and growth is achieved.The objective of the Sacco is to ensure personal growth through the
introduction of new products and services that will promote the economic base of the members.
4.2.1. Bosa products and services
The loan product is repaid within 48 months at an interest rate of 1% per month reducing
balance. The development loan boosts the capital structures of institutions,enterprises and
households thus facilitating economic growth.
The loan is repayable between 1-72 months at an interest rate of 1.209% reducing balance per
month. The principle and interest are deducted as a lumpsum figure. The members of the Sacco
benefits for lengthy financial boost at a favorable interest rate for maximum growth and
development of their ventures.
Members wishing to apply a loan that is less than their BOSA deposits have an opportunity to
apply for a self-guarantee loan that can also be off-set anytime as long as the loan balance does
not exceed 80% of his total deposits.
Members are allowed to improve their pay slips where they can borrow a larger loan that
consolidates all the outstanding loans including salary advances. Stabilizer loan betters pay slips
of individuals enabling them commit their salary balances elsewhere for economic
The loan aims at promoting education and training to members and staff. It is recoverable for 12
months at an interest rate of 1% per month on reducing balance.
The loan is advanced to business people who banks their proceeds through the Trans Nation
Sacco at an interest rate of 1.209% per month on reducing balance repayable within 36 months.
The loans stabilize business increasing its value and capital structure.
Members with rental houses and channels their proceeds through the Sacco can get the loan for
property development, construction of houses and purchase of new houses. Housing being an
economic pillar in the realization of Kenya’s vision 2030 is thus achievable through the Sacco.

The members can be allowed to purchase and sell their shares to other members through the
Over the Counter (OTC) online platform offered by TN Sacco. They can also transmit their
shares to each other as per their personal arrangements. This aims at maintaining their deposit
structure and settle their short-term obligations when it arises.
AS a return on investments the Sacco pays members dividends based on their deposit
contributions. The dividends can be ploughed back to increase the deposits or withdrawn for
other use by the members.
The Sacco partners with insurance companies for the purposes of compensation to the members
in case of loss. The beneficiaries of deceased persons proceeds are sorted out by the Sacco
making follow ups to the relevant insurers. Members are encouraged to make monthly insurance
premiums for the purposes of securing their deposits.
4.2.2. Microcredit products
TN Sacco aims at supporting the growth of Small and Medium sizedenterprises (SMEs) as
envisaged in the vision 2030 of the country. The Sacco micro credit’s section have the following
products and services.
A group of 10-25 members registered under the Ministry of Culture and Social services can
register as micro credit members and are eligible for micro credit loan of between 5000-250000
Kenyashillings. The members are encouraged to make weekly contributions asa group.This
promote savings culture and investments.
The loan is designed by the Sacco for small scale traders comprising those in the open-air
market,salon,barber shops,hotel,shoe shiners and employees in the informal sector.
The loan product is given to farmers who have an account at the Sacco and channels their
proceeds or receives their payments through the Sacco.The farmers benefit by increasing their
investments by readily getting financial support.
A Boda-boda operator can access Bodah loan which is four times their shares to purchase
amotorcycle.Thus, encouraging self-employment.
Bodah Normal loan is also issued the operator in a registered group for personal development
purposes and not necessarily purchasing the motorcycle.

The loan is advanced to groups,reputable institutions and churches.
4.2.3. Fosa products and services
The Front Office Service Activities of TN Sacco the members and the general public greatly by
offering the following;
Members who channel their salary through the Sacco can access an Okoa advance of up to
40000.The facility serves to settle the short-term obligations of the members.
Members who channel their salaries through TN Sacco are given salary advances as they wait for
their monthly salaries at favorable rates of interest for a maximum repayment period of 18
The product is given to the members whose pay points is TN Sacco for a maximum repayment
period of 18 months at a constant interest rate of 1.5% per month.
This is accredit given to institutions which have collection accounts with TN Sacco, the loan
limit is two million repaid for a maximum period of 24 months at an amortized 15% per annum
interest rate.
Mkulima advance is given to the dairy, tea and coffee farmers who channel their monthly farm
produce through TN Sacco Fosa.
The credit facility is extended to the private and the public institutions having collection accounts
with TN Sacco permitting them to use or withdraw more than they have in their account but
within a specified overdraft limit, helping the institutions with short term cash flows to finance
their operations.
The account earns high interest on the amounts saved. The minimum deposit is Kshs. 5000 and
the minimum period is one month. The account is a form of investment due to the interest earned
since the interest rate increases with the amount saved.

This can be operated by any person in Kenya above the majority age. The savings above Kshs
3000 earns interest.

The account is designed to help members save for future events such as school fees, college fees
or for other projects. It’s convenient for saving for future undertakings hence promoting
education and training.
This account is opened in the name of a child but operated by the parent/ guardian. Its
withdrawable three times a year designed to improve and educate youngsters on the importance
of saving at an early age.
The Sacco processes salaries for various employees at the FOSA section.
Members and the account holders can purchase cheques from the Sacco. The Sacco accepts
cheque deposits and clears them.
4.2.4. Other activities and services
TN Sacco encourages members to embrace mobile banking where they can access various
services such as withdrawal, balance inquiry, pay loans, request loans, deposit cash or shares and
transfer cash from one account to another.
The Sacco also delivers its services through agency banking system. The contracted agents offer
services on behalf of the Sacco entailing; account activation, member registration, account
opening, cash withdrawal, cash deposit, loan repayment, share deposit and balance inquiries.

4.3. Trans nation Sacco corporate social responsibility

Trans Nation Sacco participates in the community projects to ensure its wellbeing. It contributes
and responds to the emerging challenges facing communities in its area of operation. Employees
and the staff of the Sacco are drawn majorly from the surrounding community, the Sacco
conserves the environment by having a beautiful flower lane.
Learners and students around the institution accesses industrial attachment opportunities for
career development and practice.
Learners also are accorded a friendly invitation for benchmarking purposes at the Sacco.

5.1. Bosa department
BOSA department is subdivided into;
i. Credit and Loans section
ii. BOSA Accounts section
iii. Marketing and Procurement Section
5.1.1. Credit and Loans section
The credit manager monitors credit risks, supervises loan processing, appraisal and
disbursements, follows up on insurance claims, and loan repayments.
The Credit manager is responsible for the processing of all the loan products, approves loans
applied and reports to the Credit committee on the number of loans issued for the period for
The Credit Assistants performs loan amortization, processes and appraises loans and batches
loan processed and feeds them to the employer’s payroll system for repayments. The Recoveries
officer monitors repayment of loans, identifies defaulted loans and follows up on the members
for recovery.
The Micro credit officer monitors the members and the groups registered under the microcredit
ensuring effective group management, loan repayments and proper utilization of loans borrowed.
5.1.2. BOSA Accounts section
The Accounts Manager performs the followings
(a) Bosa reconciliations which entails M-Sacco reconciliations,Agency reconciliations and Bank
(b)Updates the General Journal, the members accounts and the assets register.
(c)Ensures proper financial reporting and compliance with accounting and financial reporting
(d)Preparation of various financial reports
(e)Human resource management ,recruitment and training.
5.1.3. Marketing department
The marketing manager supervisors the various sales executives of the Sacco. The department’s
functions are as follows;
(a)Recruitment of new members through mobilizing membership registration .
(b)Encouraging members to submit their monthly contributions in time
(c)Activates members accounts through agency system

(d)Educating members on the various products of the Sacco and responding to their needs.

5.2. Finance and fosa department.

The department is headed by the FOSA Manager responsible for daily financial operations of the
Sacco, cash management and disbursements .The department comprises of FOSA manager,the
Chief Cashier and the tellers/accounts assistants who performs the following functions;
(a)Receiving deposits of cash and cheques
(b)Issuing cheques to customers.
(c) Depositing cheques to external bankers
(d)Salary processing
(e)Cash payments
(f) Updating the cash book and bank reconciliation
(g)Account opening and activation
(h) M-pesa services
(i) Agency banking reconciliations
(j)ATM services

5.3. ICT department

The department is headed by the Systems Administrator who is also the ICT manager in charge
of the Internal controls, systems management, cyber security and database management. The
department is linked with other departments for efficient service delivery and monitors daily
operations of the Sacco. The ICT Assistants reports to the systems administrator in the
The department also hosts the customer care section in charge of receiving inquiries and
directing them to the respective officers and photocopies customers documents.

5.4. Administration and human resource department

The department comprises of the Chief Executive Officer, The deputy chief executive
officer/Finance manager, the Registry officer and the Administrative Secretary. The department
deals with the day to day running of the Sacco and ensuring the objectives of the Sacco is
achieved by;
(a)Proper recruitment and staffing
(b)Staff appraisal, promotion and development
(c)Compliance with legal laws and Sacco regulations , Co-operative Act and other applicable
(d)Reporting to the Board of Directors on the operations of the Sacco which shall cover the
Financial statements, capital structure and adequacy, sources and applications of savings and
deposits, Investment portfolio and large risk exposures.

(f)Maintaining the members register, minutes file, and other records of the Society.
(g)Implementation of and adherence to by-laws, policies and Sacco strategies.

5.5. Internal audit department.

The department headed by the Audit Manager and deputized by the Audit Assistant performs the
following functions;
(a)Inspection of the books of account
(b)Audit and Reconciliation of bank accounts
(c)Cheque clearing
(d)Confirmation and Approval of daily transactions including bank transfers
(e)Systems audit
(f)Liaison with the external auditors for proper audit of financial statements.

5.6. Task performed, knowledge and skills gained.

5.6.1. Task performed
The following are the summary of the detailed activities performed;
(a)Photocopying, typesetting and scanning of documents.
(b)Customer care services handling general inquires and directing specific inquiries to respective
(c)Receiving mails and cheques, posting them and distributing them to respective officers.
(d)Receiving calls, responding to general calls and forwarding calls to specific officers
(e)Filing of office correspondences, member information update forms, loan application forms,
claim forms, new member application forms, cessation forms , share withdrawal forms and
transaction receipts.
(f)Sorting forms for filing, opening new folders and files.
(g)Marketing the various products and services to potential and continuing members.
(h)Registering and issuing new and renewed ATM cards
(i)Counting notes and coins
(j)Depositing cheques to external financier
(k)Reconciliation of bank accounts and updating cashbook
(l) Posting cheques and clearing on maturity
(m)Reconciling journal entries and updating the general journals
(n)Account opening and preparation of account holders’ card.

(o)Examination of claim list and forwarding claims to the Insurer
(p)Verification of the Loan application documents
(q)Loan appraisal and assessment of ability to pay
(r)Amortization of applied loans for processing.
(s)Loan processing, batching and posting.
(t)Refund of part shares, transferring and transmission of shares.
(u)Placing and stopping of standing orders
(v)Sending loan by products of members to the employer’s payroll system
(w)Advising members on the suitable loan facility as per their pays lip ability
(x)Identification of defaulted loans, preparation of recoveries list and follow up on defaulters for
5.6.2. Knowledge and skills gained
During the period of attachment, I was impacted with the following skills;
(A)Technical Skills
(i)Operation of Sacco database system; credit management system, funds management and
financial management systems
(ii)Operation of photocopier, printing machines, scanners, digital camera and computer.
(iii)Operation of cash counting machines.
(iv)Learnt using the Office telephone, transferring calls, flashing and muting.
(v)Web browsing and networking skills, improved speed on email services, mobile banking,
agency banking and online marketing services.
(B)Professional Skills
(i)Examination of loans defaulted
(ii)Amortization of loans, determination of installment period, repayment installments and
interest .
(iii)Summation of benefits to members for claim processing and compensation of beneficiaries
and next of kin of deceased members.
(iv)Account opening and allocation of monthly contributions and insurance premiums to
customers account schedules
(v)Placement and stoppage of standing orders for accounts
(vi)Counting cash, recording cash, depositing, withdrawal and filing deposit and withdrawal

(vii)Ratification of processed loans in the credit committee meetings.
(viii)Reconciliation of the general journal, photocopying service cashbook and bank accounts.
(ix)Auditing of cheque deposit, posting and clearance process.
(x)Confidential use of customer data and information.
(C)Customer relation and interpersonal skills
(i)Solving general customers inquiries and forwarding specific inquiries to respective officers
(ii)Elaborate explanation to customers on the Sacco products and services
(iii)Oral communication to the customers on the language they understand mostly the aged.
(iv)Team building and socialization with the staff.
(v)Able to relate with other professionals and exchanged contacts, they widened the scope
touching areas of law and insurance.
(D)Marketing Skills
(i)Persuading potential members to join the Sacco by tactically explaining on the unique
products and services
(ii)Advising customers on the effectiveness of using mobile banking services to save on travel
cost to branches and the head office.
(iii)Help deliver quality service persuading customers to request for more products and services.
(E)Decision making skills
(i) Gained the ability to choose the best solution on the face of competing alternatives in
handling inquiries and requests.
(ii)Participated in the fortnight staff meetings where short-term policies and strategies were set
for effective service delivery.
(F)Managerial skills
(i)Time management skills by completing assigned tasks on time.
(ii)Solving customers’ requests diligently
(iii)Updating the stores ledger register, register of members and filing of all correspondences

6.1. Observations
Trans Nation Sacco systems are customer friendly and geared towards boosting and cementing
the learner’s skills in solving real life challenges in the area of banking. The structure is
engineered to offer effective Sacco operations and develop the human resources comprising of
employees, management team, support staff and the shareholders. Throughout the period of
industrial attachment, the knowledge and skills gained are equivalent to longer induction process
for tackling more complex operations in the cooperative movement setting and other financial
related institutions.
As a premium financial institution, the following are my observations which I opine if addressed
will lead to improved services, customer and employee satisfaction and development of an
industrial trainee;
(a)Increased paper work
This is observed in loan application process, mobile banking service activation and ATM
replacement services.
(b)Increased workload at departments, increasing work pressure and employee dissatisfaction
Departments such as BOSA and FOSA faces a challenge of handling general inquiries which
may increase queuing time leading to customer dissatisfaction.

6.2. Recommendations
In an attempt to address the challenges above the following is recommended;
(a)Digitization of services
Services such as account activation, loan guarantee, pin regeneration can be made effective with
less paper work to reduce storage costs, processing costs by photocopying documents and also
reduce cases of guarantors claiming not to have guaranteed loaners in the event the applicant
delaying submitting loan application documents in time that guarantors could remember.
(b)Introduction of service desk on the banking hall for general inquiries handling such as account
status, account opening, mobile banking and ATM registration, activation and replacement will
reduce time wastages on the queue leading to efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Trans Nation Sacco should widely take part in corporate social responsibility and reach to
students in tertiary institutions by sponsoring some of their programmed such as career guidance,
investments and financial education forums. This will help unveil their potentials and enable
them relate class work to real life experience.

6.3. Conclusion
During the four months period of industrial attachment at Trans Nation Sacco Society Limited
Chuka Branch I was accorded maximum support to undertake the exercise to completion and
enabled to gather and acquire enough practical experience in all the departments. The exercise
has made me utilize knowledge learnt from Chuka University in providing possible solutions that
was required in furthering the mandate and objectives of Trans Nation Sacco Society Limited.

6.4. Annexes
1. The field attachment log book.


Eric. (2016). Transnation Sacco LTD. Knowing your sacco, 52.
Kimathi, C. (2015, 04 15). Transnation Sacco LTD. Retrieved from TN Sacco:
Murithi, E. (2013, 7 12). TN Sacco . The laws, p. 73.


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