Constitution Renaissance Club

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Renaissance Club
(Everything is possible all together)

Since : June, 2010

Presidency University
House # 11/A, Road # 92, Gulshan # 2, Dhaka # 1212

RC- 1
Section 1
a. This organization will be known as and called the ‘Renaissance Club’.
b. Its abbreviated form shall be rebirth of education and awareness’ with unity.
c. Its acronym will be RC.

Section 2
The registered address of the Club is-
Presidency University, House # 11/A, Road # 92, Gulshan # 2, Dhaka # 1212 

Section 3
Object and Purposes:
The object and purposes of the Club are-
a. To educational activities.
b. To promote friendship among the students and arouse their interests to care for fellow
c. To serve the community and to promote the Club.
d. To work in a group like a team.
e. To increase our knowledge

Section 4

RC- 2
a. For improving the English speaking skills
b. At least once a week there will be a session.
c. Students will watch movies, dramas. Read novels, stories, newspapers and will analyze
the characters and story in a session.
d. There will be discussion regarding current issues.
e. The club will organize cultural programs for the recreation of members beside study.
f. This club will try to be involved with any kinds of social activities.
g. The club will arrange picnic for the students.
h. The club will try to solve any kind of academic problems of the members.
i. The club will give freshman to the new students of English department in every semester.
j. At least once a month there will be a general meeting among the all members.
k. At least once within 15 days there will be a meeting among the executive members

Section 5
Mission Statement:
Everything is possible all together


Section 1

RC- 3
a. Membership shall be open to all the students of English department of Presidency
University regardless of race, sex, creed, national origin, disability, or other status
protected under law.
b. Voluntarily express a genuine interest in the membership.
c. Agree to the constitution and bylaws of the association.
d. Have to attend the general meetings called by club authority.

Section 2
Terms of Registration:
a. An eligible person shall become a member when his/her application has been approved
by the Executive Committee of the Club.
b. Registration of membership may be done at anytime during the semester.
c. Students have to pay Tk. 50 for sign up in the Club.

Section 3
Rights and Privileges:
a. Every member has equal rights.
b. All members can participate in the General Meeting, and to be invited to participate in
other meetings called by the Executive Committee.
c. All members are entitled to participate in all activities sponsored by and to benefit from
the work of the Club.
d. A member can become committee member by vote
e. A member can give his/her own opinion before make a decision

Section 4
All Members of the Club should fulfill the following:-
a. To abide by the Constitution and Regulation of the Club.
b. To abide by and carry out the Resolution of the Club.

RC- 4
c. To have the obligation to pay membership fees.

Section 5
Termination of Membership:
a. All the members of the association shall conform to the policies and regulations of the
Presidency University.
b. A member will loose his or her membership status for committing any action which
would reflect dishonor or disgrace the association. In order to ensure fairness, a special
meeting shall be held for the termination of membership of a member. 


a. Advisor who is expected to give guidance on the association activities or fund raising
issues may or may not be from the community of Renaissance Club. 
b. The advisor is automatically considered a member of the association and is encouraged
but not required to attend the association functions.
c. The advisor has no power in club but he/she can observe club’s activity and can give
his/her suggestions.

RC- 5
d. The advisor must have to be a teacher from English department to Presidency University.
e. The advisor can be either male or female.


Section 1
Term of Office
An officer’s term of office will be 6 month. An officer may be re-elected by the voting of the
members to hold office. 

List of committee members:

No. Name Designation ID Number Signature

RC- 6
1. President

2. Vice President

3. Secretary

4. Treasurer

5. Administration officer.

6. Representative officer

7. Co-ordination officer

8. Communication officer (1)

9. Communication officer (2)

10. Communication officer (3)

11. Communication officer (4)

12. Communication officer (5)


Section 1
The duties of the president shall be to:
a. Call any additional meetings.
b. Disseminate information.
c. Coordinating bi-weekly meetings of the club.
d. Chairing all meetings of the club.
e. Providing leadership to the club.

RC- 7
f. Working directly with the Advisor to ensure the club is operating within the expectations
of the University.

Section 2
The duties of the vice-president shall be to:
a. Fill in for the president if he or she for any reason be unable to carry out his or her duties
at any given event or meeting.
b. Keep the faculty advisor informed of all activities
c. Working with the Treasurer to establish budgets for committees which are created.
d. Appointing all committee chairs.

Section 3
The duties of the secretary shall be to:
a. Keeping detailed minutes of all meetings.
b. Coordinating the press relations of the club.
c. Ensuring that all changes of officers are reported to the appropriate University officials.
d. Working with the Vice President to establish budgets for committees which are created.
e. Should lead in involving a new member.
f. Shall keep and distribute an updated calendar of events and meetings.

RC- 8
Section 4
The duties of the treasurer shall be to:
a. Keep a record of all financial documents and submit all financial records to the Financial
Affairs Office when required for audit.
b. Sign all financial documents.
c. Turn in all financial records for re-issue to the new secretary/treasurer when required or
d. Working with the Vice President to establish budgets for committees which are created.
e. Maintaining detailed membership records, including the amount of dues collected from
each member.

Section 5
The duties of the administration officer shall be to:
a. Coordinating the press relations of the club, including, but not limited to: relations with
The Observer, Scholastic Magazine, social media (Facebook, My Space), listserv lists,
flyer/poster approval, and maintaining the Club's web page.
b. Will keep all information and data of the members,
c. Will do the technical activities of the club.

Section 6
The duties of the Representative officer shall be to:
a. Providing support for the development of club activities planned by the committees.
b. Circle shall organize events, programs about advertising of the circle.
c. Shall lead the new member selection process.
d. Be the primary representative to the club community to University.
e. Be in charge of the strategic planning of the.

RC- 9
Section 7
The duties of the Co-ordination officer shall be to:
a. Will co-ordinate in the meeting by setting the time of meeting.
b. Will fixed the place of meeting.
c. Will help the other officer by his or her suggestions.

Section 8
The duties of the Communication officer shall be to:
a. Keeping communicate among the members about the club’s activities.
b. Informing members about the meetings.
c. Publications of club’s activities.

Section 9
The duties of the Faculty advisor shall be to:
a. Shall attend meetings and give input in an advisory capacity only.
b. Shall be elected by the circle and stay in that position until he/she resigns or the circle
selects someone else.

RC- 10

The term of the club officers shall be 6 month.

a. All members are eligible for an officer position. Only members may vote in officer
b. If a position has contest, an election of the circle shall take place, if a position has no
contest they will assume the position with notification to the circle.
c. Elections shall be run by the highest ranking officer that is not running for a position.
d. If all officers are running for a position, the Faculty advisor will run the election.
e. Officers shall be elected by a majority of the members of the Renaissance club during the
f. No proxy votes would be accepted


a. Any suggested changes to the above constitutions and bylaws shall be made to the
association for their study and review.

RC- 11
b. The association will discuss and vote on the suggested changes. The vote shall be called
by at least 1/2 of the association members, and the amendment must receive at least 2/3
vote of the present members to become effective. 

RC- 12

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