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The Revolutionary War split the people of the American colonies into two groups: the
LOYALISTS and the PATRIOTS. There were some people who chose not to pick a side
and stayed neutral to avoid conflict and war.

A PATRIOT was a person who wanted the American colonies to gain
their independence from Britain. They wanted their own country to be
called the United States. Other names for patriots included Sons of
Liberty, Rebels, Whigs, and Colonials.
People in America became patriots because they felt they were
being treated unfairly by the British. They were being taxed without
any say or representation in the British government. Cries for “liberty”
were soon heard throughout the colonies. Patriots wanted freedom
from British rule.
There were many famous patriots. George Washington was perhaps the most
important patriot because he led the Continental Army. He later became the first
President of the United States. Some other patriots, Thomas Jefferson and John
Adams, went on to become presidents. Other famous Patriots included Paul Revere,
Samuel Adams, Ethan Allen, Patrick Henry, and Ben Franklin. These men are often known
as the Founding Fathers of America.

A LOYALIST was a person who lived in the American colonies, but did
not want to break away from the British. There were many people who
wanted to stay part of Britain and remain British citizens. Other names
for the loyalists included Tories, Royalists, and the King’s Friends.
Many people felt their lives would be better off if the colonies
remained under British rule. Some people were simply afraid to challenge
the British army. Others had business interests in England and knew
English trade was important to the economy. Others felt British rule
would be better than Patriot rule.
Since the Loyalists lost the war, there are not as many famous
Loyalists as Patriots. Benedict Arnold was a general in the Continental Army who went
to fight for the British. Another famous Loyalist was Joseph Galloway, the
Pennsylvania delegate to the Continental Congress, who later worked for the British
army. Other famous Loyalists include Thomas Hutchinson (governor of the
Massachusetts colony), Andrew Allen, John Butler (leader of the Loyalist troops Butler’s
Rangers), and David Mathews (mayor of New York City). Life for the Loyalists became
increasingly difficult during the war. Loyalists who lived in areas controlled by the
Patriots were in constant danger from radicals. Many of them lost their homes and
Many Loyalists moved to England after the war ended and a lot of them lost their
fortunes and land they had built up over years in the Americas. In some cases, the
British government paid them for their loyalty, but it was usually not nearly as much as
they had lost. The United States government wanted Loyalists to stay. They felt the
new country could use their skills and education, but few chose to stay.
Name ___________________________________________


Identify each characteristic as Patriot, Loyalist, or Both.

Characteristic P L B
1. Lived in the American colonies, but
did not want to break away from
2. Felt they were being treated
unfairly by the British.
3. Felt the colonies would be better
off if they remained under British
4. Wanted the American colonies to
gain their independence from Britain.
5. Many returned to Britain after the
6. Famous examples were Paul Revere,
Ethan Allen, and Samuel Adams.
7. Supported their side of the war
8. Benedict Arnold famously changed
to this side.
9. Also known as the Sons of Liberty
or Whigs

10. Lived in the American colonies.

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