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A Division of McWane, Inc.

A Division of McWane, Inc.


Company Profile
For over 90 years, the men and women who make up the McWane family of com-
panies have demonstrated pride and a commitment to excellence in the products
they make. Founded in 1921, McWane, Inc. is a family owned business based in
Birmingham, Alabama, with 14 iron foundries and related businesses across the
United States, Canada, Australia, China, India and Abu Dhabi. McWane’s divi-
sions focus on the safe, environmentally friendly manufacturing of ductile iron
pipe, soil pipe, soil fittings and utility fittings, waterworks valves and fire hydrants,
propane and compressed air tanks and fire extinguishers.

McWane International was created in 1992 to accommodate the growing

demand for Kennedy Valve products. This activity eventually grew into full coordi-
nation of the international sales efforts of McWane Inc.’s manufacturing across
the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, China and, most recently, our new plant in Abu
Dhabi ,UAE.

“We recognize a significant opportunity to manufacture and supply

water, sewer and plumbing products for the Middle East and North
African regions,” said Ruffner Page, Jr., CEO of McWane, Inc. “It’s our
next step towards bringing quality McWane products to even more of
the world with our facility in Abu Dhabi.”

The growth of the company's international sales during the last two decades
required more attention be focused outside the US, and McWane International
was strengthened for this purpose.

In addition to our U.S. made AWWA and ISO Standard Ductile Iron Pipe, for
many years, McWane International has supplied McWane Branded Quality Certi-
fied Ductile Iron Pipe to ISO & EN Standards through OEM manufacturing facili-
ties in China in sizes ranging from 80mm up to 2600mm diameters. Our Clow
Water facility in Coshocton, Ohio (USA) manufacture both AWWA & ISO pipe.

Today McWane International works as a team to supply waterworks, fire protec-

tion and plumbing products to Europe and Central America, as well as our new
ductile iron poles. The team is active in South America, the Caribbean, the Middle
East and Asia including China and the Pacific Islands.

McWane is proud of our heritage and will continue our tradition of creating
world-class quality products through our recognized family of manufacturers.
McWane’s global footprint has made an impact around the world. Our growing
global operations are expanding this footprint to bring water to the world.
A Division of McWane, Inc.


Page Number

T Type PUSH-ON Joint Pipe, K Class 4

T Type PUSH-ON Joint Pipe, C Class 5
Comparison Between K & C Class Pipe 6
Mechanical Joint Pipe (K Type) 7
Tie Bar Restraint for T Type PUSH-ON Joint 8
Flanged Pipe 9
Flanged Wall Pieces / Anchoring Pipe 10
Flange Dimensions 11
Flange Gaskets 12
A Pipe Joint Description 14
B Mechanical Properties of Ductile Iron 15
C Lining and Coating for Ductile Iron Pipe 16
D Polyethylene Encasement 17
E Site Handling Instructions 18
F Installation 19
G Pipe Deflection & Cutting 20
H Laying Conditions & ISO Standards 21
I Shipping Weight & Volume 22
A Division of McWane, Inc.

A Division of McWane, Inc.

K CLASS ISO2531: 1998 (E)
Company Profile
For over 90 years, the men and women who make up the McWane family of com-
panies have demonstrated pride and a commitment to excellence in the products
they make. Founded in 1921, McWane, Inc. is a family owned business based in
Birmingham, Alabama, with 14 iron foundries and related businesses across the
United States, Canada, Australia, China, India and Abu Dhabi. McWane’s divi-
sions focus on the safe, environmentally friendly manufacturing of ductile iron
pipe, soil pipe, soil fittings and utility fittings, waterworks valves and fire hydrants,
propane and compressed air tanks and fire extinguishers.

Nominal McWane
ExternalInternational was created in
Wall Thickness 1992
Weight to length
/ 6 meter accommodate
Approx. the growing
Diameter DN for Kennedy Valve
Diameter e ( mm products.
) *2 (Kg)
This activity eventually grew
of full coordi-
DE (mm)
(mm) nation (Iron only)
*1 international sales efforts of McWane Bell (Kg)
of the Inc.’s manufacturing across
the U.S.A., Canada,
K7 Australia,
K8 China and,
K9 K7 most
K8 recently,
K9 our new plant in Abu
80 Dhabi ,UAE.
98 6.0 6.0 6.0 77 77 77 3.4
100 118 6.0 6.0 6.0 95 95 95 4.3
125 “We
144 recognize
6.0 a significant
6.0 6.0 opportunity
116 to manufacture
116 118 and supply
150 water,
170 sewer
6.0 and 6.0
plumbing 6.0 products
138 for138 the Middle
144 East 7.0
and North
200 African regions,”
222 6.0 said
6.0 Ruffner
6.3 Page,182Jr., CEO
182 of McWane,
194 Inc.
10.3 “It’s our
250 next step towards
274 6.0 bringing
6.0 6.8quality McWane
228 228 products
255 to even
14.0 more of
300 the world with
326 6.0 our 6.4
facility 7.2
in Abu 274
Dhabi.”290 323 18.6
350 378 6.0 6.8 7.7 320 359 403 23.7
400 The growth
429 of the
6.3 company's
7.2 international
8.1 383 sales
433 during
482 the 29.3
last two decades
450 required
480 more attention
6.7 be focused
7.6 8.6 outside
459 the
515US, and
575 McWane
36.0 International
500 was strengthened
532 for this8.0
7.0 purpose.
9.0 530 600 669 43.0
600 635 7.7 8.8 9.9 700 792 882 59.3
700 In addition
738 to our8.4 U.S. 9.6
AWWA 891 and ISO
1009 Standard
1123 Ductile
79.0 Iron Pipe, for
800 many 842years, McWane9.1 International
10.4 11.7 has supplied
1107 McWane
1255 1394 Branded
103.0 Quality Certi-
900 fied Ductile
945 Iron Pipe
9.8 to11.2
ISO & 12.6
EN Standards
1343 through 1691
1521 OEM manufacturing
130.0 facili-
1000 ties in1048
China in 10.5
sizes ranging
12.0 from
13.5 80mm
1609 up1814
to 2600mm
2017 diameters.
161.0 Our Clow
1100 Water1152
facility in 11.2
12.8 Ohio
2133 both
2372 AWWA
195.0& ISO pipe.
1200 1255 11.9 13.6 15.3 2198 2482 2758 238.0
1400 Today1462
McWane 13.3
15.2 works
17.1 as2946
a team3307
to supply
385.0 fire protec-
1500 tion and
1565 plumbing
14.0 products
16.0 to18.0
and Central
3768 America,
4175 as well as our new
1600 ductile iron poles.
1668 The team
14.7 16.8 is active
18.9 in3756
South America,
4213 the Caribbean,
4668 526.0 the Middle
1800 East and
1875 Asia including
16.1 China
18.4 and
20.7 the Pacific Islands. 5100 591.0

McWane is proud of our heritage and will continue our tradition of creating
* Note:
(1) A toleranceworld-class
of 1mm applies quality products through our recognized family of manufacturers.
(2) McWane’s
The tolerance global
on nominal iron footprint
wall thickness has made an impact around the world. Our growing
are as follows,
e=6mm , tolerance is 1.3mm
global operations
e> 6mm , tolerance is (1.3 + 0.001 DN )
are expanding this footprint to bring water to the world.

Remark: The laying length is 6.0 m or for containerized shipment can be provided in 5.7m or 5.5m length
A Division of McWane, Inc.



C CLASS ISO 2531: 2009 (E)

Nominal External Wall Thickness Weight / 6 meter length Approx.

Diameter DN Diameter (Kg) Weight of
e ( mm ) *2
(mm) DE (mm) *1 (Iron only) Bell (Kg)

C20 C25 C30 C40 C20 C25 C30 C40

80 98 4.4 70 3.4
100 118 4.4 75 4.3
125 144 4.5 90 5.7
150 170 4.5 110 7.0
200 222 4.7 152 10.3
250 274 5.5 215 14.0
300 326 5.1 6.2 240 290 18.6
350 378 5.1 6.3 7.1 288 335 374 23.7
400 429 5.5 6.5 7.8 360 395 476 29.3
450 480 6.1 6.9 8.6 423 465 577 36.0
500 532 6.5 7.5 9.3 510 566 710 43.0
600 635 7.6 8.7 10.9 725 784 985 59.3
700 738 7.3 8.8 9.9 12.4 815 950 1050 1295 79.0
800 842 8.1 9.6 11.1 14.0 1030 1200 1350 1675 103.0
900 945 8.9 10.6 12.3 15.5 1265 1447 1658 1920 130.0
1000 1048 9.8 11.6 13.4 17.1 1515 1760 2005 2506 161.0
1200 1255 11.4 13.6 15.8 20.2 2123 2483 2842 3555 238.0
1400 1462 13.1 15.7 18.2 2910 3405 3738 385.0
1500 1565 13.9 16.7 19.4 3166 3737 4287 474.0
1600 1668 14.8 17.7 20.6 3650 4290 5320 526.0
1800 1875 16.4 19.7 23.0 3900 5351 5434 591.0

* Note:

A Division of McWane, Inc. A Division of McWane, Inc.

06 04


Nominal External Wall Thickness Weight / 6 meter length Approx.

Diameter DN Diameter e ( mm ) *2 (Kg) Weight of
(mm) DE (mm) *1 (Iron only) Bell (Kg)
K7 K8 K9 K7 K8 K9
Dia 80 98 Nominal
6.0 Wall
6.0 (e,mm)
77 77 77 3.4
(mm) 100 118 6.0 6.0 6.0 C Pressure
95 Class
95Pipe (e, 95
mm) 4.3
K Thickness Class Pipe (e, mm)
125 144 6.0 6.0 6.0 116 116 118 5.7
K7 150 K8170 K9
6.0 6.0
C20 6.0 C25
138 138
C30 144 C40
80 6.0 200 6.0222 6.0
6.0 6.0 6.3 182 182 194 4.4
100 6.0 250 6.0274 6.0
6.0 6.0 6.8 228 228 255 14.0
125 6.0 300 6.0326 6.0
6.0 6.4 7.2 274 290 323 18.6
150 6.0 350 6.0378 6.0
6.0 6.8 7.7 320 359 403 23.7
200 6.0 400 6.0429 6.3
6.3 7.2 8.1 383 433 482 29.3
250 6.0 450 6.0480 6.7
6.8 7.6 8.6 459 515 575 36.0
300 6.0 500 6.4532 7.0
7.2 8.0 9.0 530 600 5.1 669 43.0
350 6.0 600 6.8635 7.7
7.7 8.8 9.9 700
5.1 792 6.3 882 59.3
400 6.3 700 7.2738 8.4
8.1 9.6 10.8 891
5.5 1009 6.5 1123 7.8
800 842 9.1 10.4 11.7 1107 1255 1394 103.0
450 6.7 7.6 8.6 6.1 6.9 8.6
900 945 9.8 11.2 12.6 1343 1521 1691 130.0
500 7.0 8.0 9.0 6.5 7.5 9.3
1000 1048 10.5 12.0 13.5 1609 1814 2017 161.0
600 7.7 8.8 9.9 7.6 8.7 10.9
1100 1152 11.2 12.8 14.4 1893 2133 2372 195.0
700 8.4 9.6 10.8 7.3 8.8 9.9 12.4
1200 1255 11.9 13.6 15.3 2198 2482 2758 238.0
800 9.1 10.4 11.7 8.1 9.6 11.1 14.0
1400 1462 13.3 15.2 17.1 2946 3307 3669 385.0
900 9.8 11.2 12.6 8.9 10.6 12.3 15.5
1500 1565 14.0 16.0 18.0 3361 3768 4175 474.0
1000 10.5 12.0 13.5 9.8 11.6 13.4 17.1
1600 1668 14.7 16.8 18.9 3756 4213 4668 526.0
1100 11.2 12.8 14.4 10.6 12.6 14.7 18.7
1800 1875 16.1 18.411.4 20.7 5100 591.0
1200 11.9 13.6 15.3 13.6 15.8 20.2
1400 13.3 15.2 17.1 13.1 15.7 18.2
1500 * Note:
14.0 16.0 18.0 13.9 16.7 19.4
(1) A tolerance of 1mm applies
1600 14.7 16.8 18.9 14.8 17.7 20.6
(2) The tolerance on nominal iron wall thickness are as follows,
1800 16.1 18.4
e=6mm , tolerance is 1.3mm 20.7 16.4 19.7 23.0
e> 6mm , tolerance is (1.3 + 0.001 DN )

Remark: The laying length is 6.0 m or for containerized shipment can be provided in 5.7m or 5.5m length
A Division of McWane, Inc.




Nominal External Wall Thickness Weight / 6 meter length Approx.

Diameter DN Diameter (Kg) Weight of
e ( mm ) *2 Bell (Kg)
(mm) DE (mm) *1 (Iron only)

K7 K8 K9 K7 K8 K9

100 118 6.0 6.0 6.1 95 95 95 4.3

125 144 6.0 6.0 6.2 116 116 118 5.7
150 170 6.0 6.0 6.3 138 138 144 7.0
200 222 6.0 6.0 6.4 182 182 194 10.3
250 274 6.0 6.0 6.8 228 228 255 14.0
300 326 6.0 6.4 7.2 274 290 323 18.6
350 378 6.0 6.8 7.7 320 359 403 23.7
400 429 6.3 7.2 8.1 382 433 482 29.3
450 480 6.7 7.6 8.6 459 515 575 36.0
500 532 7.0 8.0 9.0 530 600 669 43.0
600 635 7.7 8.8 9.9 700 792 882 59.3
700 738 8.4 9.6 10.8 891 1009 1123 79.0
800 842 9.1 10.4 11.7 1107 1255 1394 103.0
900 945 9.8 11.2 12.6 1343 1521 1691 130.0
1000 1048 10.5 12.0 13.5 1609 1814 2017 161.0
1100 1152 11.2 12.8 14.4 1893 2133 2372 195.0
1200 1255 11.9 13.6 15.3 2198 2482 2758 238.0
1400 1462 13.3 15.2 17.1 2946 3307 3669 385.0
1500 1565 14.0 16.0 18.0 3361 3768 4175 474.0
1600 1668 14.7 16.8 18.9 3756 4213 4668 526.0
1800 1875 16.1 18.4 20.7 4468 5031 5591 491.0
2000 2082 17.5 20.0 22.5 5428 6107 6784 626.0
2200 2288 18.9 21.6 24.3 6483 7290 8094 784.0
2400 2495 20.3 23.2 26.1 7642 8587 9529 966.0
2600 2702 21.7 24.8 27.9 8900 9997 11088 1174.0

* Note:
(1) A tolerance of 1mm applies
(2) The tolerance on nominal iron wall thickness are as follows,
e=6mm , tolerance is 1.3mm
e> 6mm , tolerance is (1.3 + 0.001 DN )

Remark: The laying length is 6.0 m or for containerized shipment can be provided in 5.7m or 5.5m length
A Division of McWane, Inc.

A Division of McWane, Inc.



Welded Ring
Bell End 12mm square steel rod

Spigot End

Nominal Split
FlangeWall Thickness (e,mm)
(mm) C Pressure Class Pipe (e, mm)
K Thickness Class Pipe (e, mm)

K7 K8 K9
Tie Split Flange Ductile Iron ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12, FBE Coated
80 Tie Bars 6.0 Carbon Steel, BS6.0
6.0 EN ISO 898-1 Grade 8.8, Zinc Coated 4.4
100 Heavy Hex Nuts
6.0 6.0 6.0 Grade 8.0, Zinc Coated
Carbon Steel, BS4190 4.4
Washers Carbon Steel, BS4320 Form E, Zinc Coated
125 6.0 6.0 6.0 4.5
150 6.0 6.0 6.0 4.5
200 Pipe
6.0 Split6.0 Bolt 6.3 Working 4.7
Bolt Hole
250DN OD Flange Circle Pressure
6.0 6.0 6.8 5.5
OD PCD Dia. No. Length Size Bars
300 6.0 6.4 7.2 5.1 6.2
80 98 200 160 19 4 300 M16 40
350 6.0 6.8 7.7 5.1 6.3 7.1
100 118 220 180 19 4 305 M16 40
400150 6.3
170 285 7.2 240 8.1 23 4 3305.5 M20 6.5 40 7.8
450200 6.7
222 3407.6 308 8.6 23 6 3456.1 M20 6.9 40 8.6
500250 274
7.0 4008.0 370 9.0 28 6 3656.5 M24 7.5 30 9.3
600300 326
7.7 4558.8 427 9.9 28 6 3857.6 M24 8.7 30 10.9
350 378 520 482 28 8 390 M24 20
700 8.4 9.6 10.8 7.3 8.8 9.9 12.4
400 429 580 537 31 8 415 M27 20
800450 9.1
480 64010.4 585 11.7 31 8.110 4309.6 M27 11.120 14.0
900500 9.8
532 71511.2 650 12.6 34 8.910 10.6
445 M30 12.320 15.5
1000600 635
10.5 84012.0 770 13.5 37 9.810 460
11.6 M33 13.420 17.1
1100700 738
11.2 91012.8 867 14.4 37 10.612 515
12.6 M33 14.716 18.7
800 842 1025 993 40 12 555 M36 16
1200 11.9 13.6 15.3 11.4 13.6 15.8 20.2
900 945 1125 1120 40 14 590 M36 16
1400 13.3 15.2
1000 1048 1255 120717.1 43 13.114 15.7
625 M39 18.210
1100 14.0
1152 135516.0 127018.0 43 13.916 16.7
660 M39 19.410
1600 1255
14.7 1485
16.8 143218.9 49 14.816 705
17.7 M45 20.610
1800 1462
16.1 1685
18.4 159020.7 49 16.418 760
19.7 M45 23.010
1500 1565 1820 1800 56 18 830 M52 10
A Division of McWane, Inc.



Nominal Weight with flange
Diameter PN 10 PN 16 PN 25
DN Kg Kg Kg
80 350 7.9 8.0 8.0
100 350 9.6 9.6 10.1
150 400 17.1 17.1 18.1
200 400 24.5 24.0 25.5
250 400 33.0 33.0 35.5
300 450 46.0 45.0 49.0
350 450 58.0 58.0 64.0
400 480 70.0 74.0 83.0
500 520 104.0 117.0 123.0
600 560 144.0 169.0 172.0
700 600 189.0 187.0 225.0
800 600 239.0 250.0 291.0 L
900 600 272.0 295.0 -
1000 600 328.0 369.0 -
1100 600 394.0 430.0 -
1200 600 456.0 520.0 -
1400 710 664.0 732.0 -
1500 745 812.0 900.0 -
1600 780 922.0 1024.0 -
1800 850 1196.0 1322.0 -
2000 920 1534.0 1687.0 -
2200 990 1948.0 2115.0 -
2400 1060 2409.0 2611.0 -
2600 1130 2918.0 3153.0 - L


Weight with Flange Weight with Flange
Diameter Effective length = 250mm * Effective length = 500mm *
DN PN 10 PN 16 PN 25 PN 10 PN 16 PN 25
kg kg kg kg kg kg
80 9.6 9.6 9.8 12.9 12.9 13.3
100 11.5 11.5 12.5 13.4 13.4 16.9
150 19.0 19.0 21.0 26.0 26.0 28.0
200 26.5 26.0 29.0 36.5 36.0 39.5
250 40.5 39.5 45.5 57.0 56.0 62.0
300 53.0 52.0 59.0 75.0 73.0 80.0
350 69.0 71.0 83.0 99.0 100.0 112.0
400 80.0 88.0 106.0 113.0 123.0 141.0
500 95.0 122.0 157.0 104.0 117.0 138.0
600 129.0 178.0 201.0 139.0 166.0 215.0
700 207.0 170.0 265.0 289.0 255.0 350.0
800 267.0 223.0 352.0 373.0 329.0 458.0
900 318.0 264.0 426.0 447.0 393.0 556.0
1000 395.0 340.0 556.0 550.0 495.0 711.0
1200 - - - 549.0 661.0 822.0

Length can be supplied from the range of 0.3m to 5.9m. Larger sizes are available upon customer request.
A Division of McWane, Inc.

A Division of McWane, Inc.




b min b min b min C min

Welded Ring
Bell End 12mm square steel rod

Spigot End


a a


Weight of short Weight of flange

Nominal OD flange anchoring
MATERIALS spigot with
L* FDTie Splita Flangeb c Grade 65-45-12, FBEflanges
Dia Pipes
Ductile Iron with flanges
ASTM A536 Coated
Tie Bars Carbon Steel, BS EN ISO 898-1 Grade 8.8, Zinc Coated
DN mm mm mm
Heavymm mm mm
Hex Nuts PN 10Steel,PN
Carbon 16 Grade
BS4190 PN 25 PN 10
8.0, Zinc Coated PN 16 PN 25
kg kg kg kg
Carbon Steel, BS4320 Form E, Zinc Coated
kg kg
80 98 600
200 16.0 120 200 17.5 17.5 17.5 15.7 15.7 15.7
100 118 600
220 16.0 120 200 21.0 21.0 22.0 18.9 18.9 19.4
150 170 285 18.0Pipe130
600 Split
200 33.0 Bolt
33.0 34.5 30.0
Bolt Hole 30.0 30.5 Working
200 222 DN
340 20.0 OD130
600 Flange 44.5 Circle
200 44.6 48.0 39.5 39.5 41.5 Pressure
250 274 1000
400 20.0 155 OD 79.0 PCD
300 80.0 86.0
Dia. 67.0 Length
No. 68.0 71.0
Size Bars
300 326 455
80 1000
20.5 98155 300
200 104.0 160
107.0 118.0
19 86.0
4 88.0
300 94.0
M16 40
350 378 505
100 1000
20.5 170
118 300
220 130.0 138.0
180 154.0
19 109.0
4 113.0
305 122.0
M16 40
400 429 1000
565 20.5 170 300 156.0 167.0 191.0 131.0 135.0 147.0
150 170 285 240 23 4 330 M20 40
500 532 1000
670 22.5 190 300 213.0 299.0 277.0 178.0 193.0 206.0
200 222 340 308 23 6 345 M20 40
600 635 1000
780 25.0 200 300 286.0 339.0 354.0 237.0 263.0 271.0
250 274 400 370 28 6 365 M24 30
700 738 1500
895 27.5 220 300 480.0 586.0 413.0 481.0
300 326 455 427 28 6 385 M24 30
800 842 1500
1015 30.0 240 300 610.0 519.0
900 945 350 1500 378
1115 32.5 260 520
300 621.0 482 28 8
729.0 390 M24 20
1000 1048 400 35.0 429300
1230 1500 580 745.0 537
300 31 8
880.0 415 M27 20
450 480 640 585 31 10 430 M27 20
500 532 715 650 34 10 445 M30 20
600 635 840 770 37 10 460 M33 20
700 738 910 867 37 12 515 M33 16
800 842 1025 993 40 12 555 M36 16
900 945 1125 1120 40 14 590 M36 16
1000 1048 1255 1207 43 14 625 M39 10
1100 1152 1355 1270 43 16 660 M39 10
1200 1255 1485 1432 49 16 705 M45 10
1400 1462 1685 1590 49 18 760 M45 10
1500 1565 1820 1800 56 18 830 M52 10
A Division of McWane, Inc.


D imensions in mm

N o m in a l Bolts
ĭd D ia D N D 1 D 2 D 3 D E C R ĭd S i z e N o s.
80 200 160 132 98 19.0 6 19 M16 8
100 220 180 156 118 19.0 6 19 M16 8
150 285 240 211 170 19.0 8 23 M20 8
200 340 295 266 222 20.0 8 23 M20 8
250 400 350 319 274 22.0 10 23 M20 12
300 455 400 370 326 24.5 10 23 M20 12
D1 D2 D3 350 505 460 429 378 24.5 10 23 M20 16
400 565 515 480 429 24.5 10 28 M24 16
DE 24.5
450 615 565 530 480 12 28 M24 20
500 670 620 582 532 26.5 12 28 M24 20
600 780 725 682 635 30.0 12 31 M27 20
700 895 840 794 738 32.5 16 31 M27 24
800 1025 950 901 842 35.0 16 34 M30 24
900 1115 1050 1001 945 37.5 16 34 M30 28
1000 1230 1160 1112 1048 40.0 16 37 M33 28
1100 1340 1270 1218 1152 42.5 20 37 M33 32
1200 1455 1380 1328 1255 45.0 20 40 M36 32
C 1400 1675 1590 1530 1462 46.0 20 43 M39 36
1500 1785 1700 1640 1668 47.5 20 43 M39 36
1600 1915 1820 1750 1565 49.0 20 49 M45 40
1800 2115 2020 1950 1875 52.0 20 49 M45 44
2000 2325 2230 2150 2082 55.0 20 49 M45 48
2200 2550 2440 2370 2288 59.0 20 56 M52 52
2400 2750 2650 2570 2495 62.0 20 56 M52 56
2600 2960 2850 2780 2702 65.0 20 56 M52 60

D imensions in mm D imensions in mm
N o m in a l Bolts N o m in a l Bolts
D ia D N D 1 D 2 D 3 D E C R ĭd S i z e N o s . D ia D N D 1 D 2 D 3 D E C R ĭd S i z e N o s.
80 200 160 132 98 19.0 6 19 M16 8 80 200 160 132 98 19.0 6 19 M16 8
100 220 180 156 118 19.0 6 19 M16 8 100 235 190 156 118 19.0 6 23 M20 8
150 285 240 211 170 19.0 8 23 M20 8 150 300 250 211 170 20.0 8 28 M24 8
200 340 295 266 222 20.0 8 23 M20 12 200 360 310 274 222 22.0 8 28 M24 12
250 400 355 319 274 22.0 10 28 M24 12 250 425 370 330 274 24.5 10 31 M27 12
300 455 410 370 326 24.5 10 28 M24 12 300 485 430 389 326 27.5 10 31 M27 16
350 520 470 429 378 26.5 10 28 M24 16 350 555 490 448 378 30.0 10 34 M30 16
400 580 525 480 429 28.0 10 31 M27 16 400 620 550 503 429 32.0 10 37 M33 16
450 640 585 548 480 30.0 12 31 M27 20 450 670 600 548 480 34.5 12 37 M33 20
500 715 650 609 532 31.5 12 34 M30 20 500 730 660 609 532 36.5 12 37 M33 20
600 840 770 720 635 36.0 12 37 M33 20 600 845 770 720 635 42.0 12 40 M36 20
700 910 840 794 738 39.5 16 37 M33 24 700 960 875 820 738 46.5 16 43 M39 24
800 1025 950 901 842 43.0 16 40 M36 24 800 1085 990 928 842 51.0 16 49 M45 24
900 1125 1050 1001 945 16 40 M36 28 900 1185 1090 1028 945 55.5 16 49 M45 28
46.5 60.0
1000 1255 1170 1112 1048 16 43 M39 28 1000 1320 1210 1140 1048 16 56 M52 28
50.0 1100 1420 1310 1240 1152 64.5 20 56 M52 32
1100 1355 1270 1218 1152 53.5 20 43 M39 32
1200 1530 1420 1350 1255 69.0 20 56 M52 32
1200 1485 1390 1328 1255 57.0 20 49 M45 32 1400 1755 1640 1560 1462 74.0 20 62 M56 36
1400 1685 1590 1530 1462 60.0 20 49 M45 36 1600 1975 1860 1780 1668 81.0 20 62 M56 40
1500 1820 1710 1640 1565 62.5 20 56 M52 36 1800 2195 2070 1985 1875 88.0 20 70 M64 44
1600 1930 1820 1750 1668 65.5 20 56 M52 40 2000 2425 2300 2210 2082 95.0 20 70 M64 48
1800 2130 2020 1950 1875 70.0 20 56 M52 44
2000 2345 2230 2150 2082 75.0 20 62 M56 48
2200 2555 2440 2370 2288 81.0 20 62 M56 52
2400 2765 2650 2570 2495 86.0 20 62 M56 56
2600 2965 2850 2780 2702 91.0 20 62 M56 60
Flange dimensions to EN1092-2 / ISO 7005-2
A Division of McWane, Inc.

A Division of McWane, Inc.


N x Ød
e e

b min b min bØID

min C min


a a

Weight of short Weight of flange

Nominal OD flange anchoring spigot with
L* FD a b c
Dia Full face Gasket Pipes with flanges
Ring Type Gasket flanges
DN mm Ringmm mm PN 10 PN 16 PN 25 PN 10 PN 16 PN 25
Nominal Thick type mm mm mm
Full face PN10 kg kg Fullkg
face PN 16 kg kg
Diameter - ness PN 10 & PN16
DN 80 mm98 ID
600 OD ID
200 16.0 PCD 200OD 17.5
120 N d1
17.5 ID
17.5 PCD 15.7 OD 15.7 N d15.7
100 118 mm 600 mm mm 120
220 16.0 mm 200mm 21.0 Nos mm
21.0 mm
22.0 mm 18.9 mm 18.9 Nos. mm19.4
150 3.0
170 85.0
600 132.0 85.0 130
285 18.0 160.0 200200.0 33.0
8 19.0
33.0 85.0
34.5 160.030.0200.0 30.0
8 19.0
100 3.0 105.0 156.0 105.0 180.0 220.0 8 19.0 105.0 180.0 220.0 8 19.0
200 222 600 340 20.0 130 200 44.5 44.6 48.0 39.5 39.5 41.5
125 3.0 124.0 184.0 124.0 210.0 250.0 8 19.0 124.0 210.0 250.0 8 19.0
250 274 1000 400 20.0
150 3.0 155.0 211.0 155.0 155
240.0 300285.0 79.0 80.0 155.0
8 23.0 86.0 240.067.0285.0 68.0
8 71.0
200 326 205.0
3.0 1000 266.0
455 20.5 295.0 300340.0104.0
205.0 155 8 107.0 118.0 295.086.0
23.0 205.0 340.0 88.0
8 94.0
250 378 255.0
3.0 1000 319.0
505 20.5
255.0 170
350.0 300400.0130.0
12 138.0 154.0 355.0
23.0 255.0 109.0400.0113.0
12 122.0
300 429 305.0
3.0 1000 370.0
565 20.5 400.0 300455.0156.0
305.0 170 12 167.0 191.0 410.0
23.0 305.0 131.0455.0135.0
12 147.0
350 532 355.0
5.0 1000 429.0
670 22.5 460.0 300505.0213.0
355.0 190 16 299.0 277.0 470.0
23.0 355.0 178.0520.0193.0
16 206.0
600 5.0
635 410.0
1000 480.0 410.0 200
780 25.0 515.0 300565.0286.0
16 339.0
28.0 410.0
354.0 525.0
16 31.0
700 5.0
738 452.0
1500 544.0 452.0 220
895 27.5 565.0 300615.0480.0
20 586.0
28.0 452.0 585.0 413.0640.0481.0
20 31.0
800 5.0 510.0 609.0 510.0
842 1500 1015 30.0 240 620.0 300670.0 20
610.0 28.0 510.0 650.0
519.0715.0 20 34.0
600 5.0 610.0 720.0 610.0 725.0 780.0 20 31.0 610.0 770.0 840.0 20 37.0
900 945 1500 1115 32.5 260 300 621.0 729.0
700 6.0 716.0 794.0 716.0 840.0 895.0 24 31.0 716.0 840.0 910.0 24 37.0
1000 1048 1500 1230 35.0 300 300 745.0 880.0
800 6.0 807.0 901.0 807.0 950.0 1015.0 24 34.0 807.0 950.0 1025.0 24 40.0
900 6.0 907.0 1001.0 907.0 1050.0 1115.0 28 34.0 907.0 1050.0 1125.0 28 40.0
1000 6.0 1009.0 1112.0 1009.0 1160.0 1230.0 28 37.0 1009.0 1170.0 1255.0 28 43.0
1100 6.0 1110.0 1215.0 1110.0 1270.0 1340.0 32 37.0 1110.0 1270.0 1355.0 32 43.0
1200 6.0 1212.0 1328.0 1212.0 1380.0 1455.0 32 40.0 1212.0 1390.0 1485.0 32 49.0
1400 6.0 1409.0 1530.0 1409.0 1590.0 1675.0 36 43.0 1409.0 1590.0 1685.0 36 49.0
1500 6.0 1511.0 1640.0 1511.0 1700.0 1785.0 36 43.0 1511.0 1710.0 1820.0 36 56.0
1600 6.0 1612.0 1750.0 1612.0 1820.0 1915.0 40 49.0 1612.0 1820.0 1930.0 40 56.0
1800 6.0 1815.0 1950.0 1815.0 2020.0 2115.0 44 49.0 1815.0 2020.0 2130.0 44 56.0
2000 6.0 2019.0 2150.0 2019.0 2230.0 2325.0 48 49.0 2019.0 2230.0 2345.0 48 62.0
2200 6.0 2215.0 2370.0 2215.0 2440.0 2550.0 52 56.0 2215.0 2440.0 2555.0 52 62.0
2400 6.0 2418.0 2570.0 2418.0 2650.0 2750.0 56 56.0 2418.0 2650.0 2765.0 56 62.0
2600 6.0 2622.0 2780.0 2622.0 2850.0 2960.0 60 56.0 2622.0 2850.0 2965.0 60 62.0
A Division of McWane, Inc.


A Division of McWane, Inc.



Gland Gasket

PUSH-ON Joint (T-type) MECHANICAL Joint (K-type)

In a PUSH ON joint type the gasket is designed in such a way that any increase in the water pres-
sure will result in high contact pressure between the joints and thus a perfect seal tightness is

In a mechanical joint, sealing is achieved by applying pressure on the gasket by a separate

gland. When bolted with the pipe, the gland exerts pressure on the sealing rubber gasket and
makes the joint leak proof.

The restrained joint prevents joint seperation due to internal pressurization. Hydraulic thrust
forces occur in pressurized pipes for many reasons including change in direction or a change of
diameter etc.. Restrained Joints may also eliminate the use of concrete anchor blocks.

Joint leak tightness

Tests of leak tightness for internal pressure and external pressure are performed and comply with
ISO2531/EN545. Working hydraulic tests are carried out piece by piece on all pipes and fittings.

Rubber Rings
EPDM rubber gaskets are available in accordance with ISO4633 and regional specific require-
ments for potable water.

Glands for K-type Mechanical Joints

Glands are in Ductile Iron.

Nuts & Bolts

Nuts and bolts are in Carbon Steel, supplied in accordance with ISO4016 (Grade 4.8),
ISO4014 (Grade 8.8), ISO4032. Other grades are available upon request.
A Division of McWane, Inc.

A Division of McWane, Inc.


McWane’s ISO Ductile Iron Pipe manufacturing companies in the USA and other OEM manufactur-
ing facilities are certified by ISO 9001:2000

Advantages of Ductile Iron Pipe



_ >
_ >
Note :
manufacturer and purchaser. It shall not be less than:
300 mPa in other cases.


Nominal Size Hydrostatic Works Test Pressure


80 - 300 50

350 - 600 40

700 - 1000 32

1200 - 2000 25

2200 - 2600 18

Note :
A Division of McWane, Inc.



McWane Ductile Iron pipes are offered with various coatings and linings as detailed below:

Type Internal (Lining) External (Coating)

Standard Sulphate resistant cement Metallic Zinc plus bituminous
mortar type V (ISO 4179) paint (ISO 8179-1)
Additional Protection High alumina cement mortar Polyethylene sleeving
(installed on site)
Other Coatings Fusion Bonded Epoxy lining (FBE) Fusion Bonded Epoxy coating

Induron Protecto 401TM ceramic epoxy Zinc / Aluminum coating

up to 400mg/sqm (85% / 15%)
Seal coat

a) Cement lining thickness

Maximum crack width &
DN Nominal Value Tolerance*
radial displacement
80 - 300 3.5 -1.5 0.8

350 - 600 5 -2 1.0

6 1.2
700 -1200 -2.5
9 1.5
1400 - 2000 -3
* A negative tolerance only is required by the standards.
Note: Pipe end may have a chamfer of maximum length 50mm.

b) Bitumen coating
The mean thickness of bitumen coating shall not be less than 70 µm and local minimum thickness shall
not be less than 50 µm.

c) Metallic Zinc coating

When metallic zinc spray is applied, the mean mass of the Zinc per unit area shall not be less than
130g/m2, with a local minimum of 110g/m2.

d) Epoxy coating
Fusion Bonded Epoxy coating available internally up to a thickness of 500 µm. Externally up to 120 µm
in accordance with EN 14901.

e) Ceramic Epoxy Protecto 401TM lining

Protecto 401TM is applied to the interior of ductile pipe and fittings, utilizing specialized application
equipment and stringent specifications. The lining is designed to be applied at a nominal 40-mil
(1000µm) thickness. A non-destructive pinhole detection test and a thickness test are performed to insure
a sound, chemically resistant protective lining for ductile iron pipe and fittings. This lining is not suitable
for potable water pipelines.
A Division of McWane, Inc.

A Division of McWane, Inc.


McWane’s ISO Ductile Iron Pipe manufacturing companies in the USA and other OEM manufactur-
ng facilities are certified by ISO 9001:2000

Polyethylene encasement is offered at site
when specified. Loose polyethylene encase-
ment was first used experimentally in the
United States for protection of cast iron pipe
and fittings in corrosive environments in
1951. The first field installation of polyeth-
ylene wrap on cast iron pipe in an operat- Method A
In this method, which is preferred by most utilities and
ing water system was in 1958. Since that
time, thousands of installations have been contractors,one length of polyethylene tube, over-
made throughout the world. Polyethylene IRON PIPE
lapped at the joints, is used for each length of pipe.
encasement has been used as a soil corro-
sion preventative in Canada, UK, France,
Germany, and several other countries since
DN of the procedure in the United
States. >
_ >
_ >
Research by the U.S. Ductile Iron Pipe >
: Association (DIPRA) on several Method B
severely corrosive test sites has indicated A length of polyethylene tube is used for the barrel of
polyethylene and
purchaser.provides thethan:
a be less
It shall not pipe and separate lengths of polyethylene tube or
high degree of protection and results in sheets are used for the joints. Note: Method B is not
minimal and in
generally insignificant exterior recommended for bolted-type joints unless an addi-
300 mPa other cases.
surface corrosion of grey and ductile iron tional layer of polyethylene is provided over the joint
area as in Methods A and C.
pipe thus protected.
Further tests have indicated that the dielec-
tric capability
2. WORKS of polyethylene provides
shielding for grey and ductile pipe against
Nominal direct current at most
Hydrostatic levels
Works Test encoun-
tered in the field.
encasement is50recommended Method C
80 - 300
to meet all requirements of ISO 8180 / Each section of pipe is completely wrapped with a flat
350 A674 and ANSI / AWWA
- 600 40 C105 / polyethylene sheet.
A21.5 standards.
700 - 1000 32

1200 - 2000 25

2200 - 2600 18

Note :

A Division of McWane, Inc.



Joint Assembly
PUSH-ON joints have no accessories other Apply a coating of joint lubricant to the
than a rubber gasket. Assembly is easily exposed surfaces of the gasket and to the first
accomplished by pushing the pipe spigot 100mm of the beveled (spigot) end of the pipe.
into the socket. For small pipe, a hand held
rack and lever machine is adequate, for Assemble the pipes by pushing the spigot of
larger pipe a back hoe or track hoe is gener- one pipe into the bell socket of another. Keep
ally used. the two pipes in as straight alignment as
possible during assembly. If the joint is difficult
Clean any sand, dirt, grease or debris from to assemble separate the joint and inspect the
the socket end and gasket. Insert the gasket gasket position. Make sure the gasket is
into the socket, making sure the retainer seated.
bead on the gasket fits completely into the
groove of the socket. The desired deflection of the joint may now be
set. Do not deflect the joint farther than the
recommended amount.

All backfill material must be free from cinders, ashes,
frozen soil, or other unsuitable material. Organic
material left in the backfill may cause accelerated
corrosion of the pipe.

The backfill should be compacted according to the

trench type and conditions required by the pipeline
design specifications.

Field Testing, Flushing and Disinfection:

The usual procedure for leakage testing is to fill the
pipe or pipe section slowly with water. Air must be
allowed to escape through air valves, corporation
cocks or by some other means. When the pipe is full
of water and as much air has been purged as possi-
ble, the line may be pressurized to the required test
pressure. A typical test pressure of 1.5 times the
operating pressure is typical but may vary according
to the design requirements of the line. When the
desired pressure is reached the line can be sealed
and the pressure monitored for loss and leakage.

Before the line can be put into service it must be

flushed and disinfected. Flushing is necessary to
remove any dirt or foreign material from the pipeline.
After flushing the pipeline should be disinfected with
Kirkuk Iraq Job Installation Sites
a solution of chlorine and water.
A Division of McWane, Inc.

A Division of McWane, Inc.


Installation Guidelines
Proper installation procedures are essential for successful performance of all pipe line products.
Trench Alignment and Grade Trench Construction
olyethylene encasement is offered at site
Pipelines must be laid and main- Trenches can be excavated in several ways either by hand or machine.
hen specified. Loose polyethylene encase-
tained to the lines and grades The depth of the trench must be deep enough to provide protection
ent was first used
established by experimentally in the
the plans and speci- from surface traffic, frost and future changes in the ground elevation.
nited States for protection
fications for the project. of cast iron pipe The width of the trench must be sufficient to permit the pipe to be laid
nd fittings in corrosive environments in and joined properly and allow the backfill to be placed as specified.
951. The first field
Fittings, valves, installation
tapped orof bossed
polyeth- Trenches should be shored and braced as required to keep the trench
ene wrap on cast iron pipe in an operat- Method AThe bottom of the trench should form a continuous
from collapsing.
outlets, and hydrants must be
g water system was in 1958. Since that In this
and even bedmethod,
for thewhich
pipe. isWhere
rockbyis most utilities and
encountered the trench
installed at the required locations
me, thousands of installations
unless field conditions warrant have been contractors,one length of polyethylene
should be excavated deeper, backfill added and compactedtube, over-to grade
ade throughout
otherwise and the world. Polyethylene
such changes are
lapped atmaterial
with a bedding the joints,
suchis as
used forgravel
sand, each length
or cleanofsoil.
ncasement has been
approved used as a soil
in accordance withcorro-
on preventative in Canada,
specifications. Valve operating UK, France, Pipe Installation
ermany, andmust
stems several beother countries
oriented since
to allow All materials must be carefully examined for damage and defects prior
the procedure in the United to being placed in the trench. Remove all foreign materials from the
ates. pipe, trench and backfill. The trench should be dewatered before pipe
PUSH-ON Joint (T-Type)
esearch by the U.S. Ductile Iron Pipe
esearch Association (DIPRA) on several Method
Pipe, fittings, B and hydrants must be carefully lowered into the
verely corrosive test sites has indicated trench Awith
length of polyethylene
suitable equipment to tube is used
prevent for the to
damage barrel of
the protective
at polyethylene encasement provides a coatingstheand
pipe and separate
linings. Under no lengths of polyethylene
circumstances should tube
theseoritems be
gh degree of protection and results in dropped sheets are used
or dumped intofor
thethe joints. Note: Method B is not
inimal and generally insignificant exterior recommended for bolted-type joints unless an addi-
rface corrosion of grey and ductile iron tional
Pipes for layerwater
potable of polyethylene
should not isbeprovided over
laid in the the joint
same trench with a
pe thus protected. sewer area as in Methods
or non-potable A and
water line.C.For added protection water lines
[DN100-400MM] should be laid higher than sewer lines. When a water line crosses a
urther tests have1.5
indicated that
Ton hand the dielec- railway line, the water line should be laid inside a culvert pipe or casing
c capability of polyethylene provides that is at least 150mm larger than the water line so as to protect it
Wire rope Sling Chain from vibration.
ielding for grey and ductile pipe against
ray direct current at most levels encoun-
red in the field. For ease of installation the socket pipe is normally placed with the
sockets facing in the direction of laying. Joints should not be deflected
olyethylene encasement is recommended beyondMethod
[DN500-600MM] the permissible
C limit or pipe damage and leakage may ensue.
meet all requirements
3 Ton handof ISO 8180 / All joints
pulley Eachshould beofinstalled
section carefully and
pipe is completely withoutwith
wrapped using excessive
a flat
force. polyethylene
All tees, bends,
sheet.caps, plugs, hydrants or other fittings that
STM A674 and ANSI / AWWA C105 /
Wire rope Sling Chain change the direction of flow or stop the flow should be restrained or
21.5 standards.
blocked to prevent joint separation when pressurized.

When pipe installation is not in progress, the open ends of pipe should
be closed with a plug or other means as required to keep contamina-
[DN700-1000MM] tion out of the line. The plug should allow venting and remain in place
(2) x 3 Ton hand pulley until the trench is pumped dry prior to starting installation. Care must
Wire rope Sling Chain be taken to prevent pipe floatation in case the trench fills with water. If
the plug is watertight, any air or water pressure in the pipeline must be
released before removing the plug.
A Division of McWane, Inc.



Pipe Deflection
One advantage of the PUSH-ON joint is that it permits angular deflection and thus allow:

DN 80 -150 DN 200 -300 DN 350 -600 DN 700 -800 DN 900 -1600

5 degrees 4 degrees 3 degrees 2 degrees 1.3 degrees

Ground level

Cutting of pipe at site






C - Timber

Ovality Correction

A Division of McWane, Inc. A Division of McWane, Inc.



stallation Guidelines
oper installation procedures are essential for successful performance of all pipe line products.

ench Alignment and Grade Trench Construction

pelines must be laid and main- Trenches can be excavated in several ways either by hand or machine.
ned to the lines and grades The depth of the trench must be deep enough to provide protection
tablished by the plans and speci- from surface traffic, frost and future changes in the ground elevation.
ations for the project. The width of the trench must be sufficient to permit the pipe to be laid
Type 2
and joined properly Type 3
and allow the backfill to be placed as specified.
Type 1* Type 4 Type 5
Flat-bottom Trenches should be shored
in100 mm and braced as required
in sand, gravel, orto keep
Pipe the
tings, valves, tapped or bossed
Flat-bottom trench.† Loose backfill. trench.† Backfill lightly
consolidated to centerline of pipe.
Pipe bedded
minimum of loose soil.++ Backfill
Pipe bedded in compacted

tlets, and hydrants must be from collapsing. The

lightly bottom
consolidated to top ofof
pipe.the diameter,
trench should
minimum. form aof pipe.
crushed stone to depth of 1/8 pipe
100 mm continuous
granular material to centerline
Compacted granular

stalled at *the Forrequired

350mm andlocations and even bed for the pipe. WhereBackfill rock is encounteredorpipe.
compacted to top of
pipe. (Approximately 80 percent
the trench
select material++ to top of
(Approximately 90 percent
larger pipe, consideration
less field should conditions
be given towarrant
the use should be excavated deeper, backfill added
Standard Proctor,and
T-99.) Standardto grade
Proctor, AASHTO T-99.)

herwise andthan of laying

such conditions
changes are other with a bedding material such as sand, gravel or clean soil.
Type 1.
proved in† accordance with
”Flat-bottom” is defined as the Notes:
ecifications. undisturbed
Valve earth. operating Pipe Installation
Consideration of the pipe-zone embedment conditions included in this figure may be influenced
ems must be++ oriented
”Loose soil” or to
“select allow All
by materials
factors other than must pipe bestrength.
carefully examined
For additional for damage
information on pipe beddingand defects
and backfill prior
material” is defined as please refer to the standards.
oper operation. native soil excavated from to being placed in the trench. Remove all foreign materials from the
the trench, free of rocks, pipe, trench and backfill. The trench should be dewatered before pipe
foreign materials, and
frozen earth. installation
PUSH-ON Joint (T-Type)
Pipe, fittings, valves, and hydrants must be carefully lowered into the
trench with suitable equipment to prevent damage to the protective
coatings and linings. ISO no PIPES
circumstances should these items be
dropped or dumped into the trench.
ISO 2531 Ductile iron pipes, fittings and accessories for pressure pipelines.
ISO 7186 Ductile iron products for sewage applications.
Pipes for potable water should not be laid in the same trench with a
ISO 4179 Ductile iron pipes for pressure and non pressure pipelines - centrifugal cement
sewer or non-potable water line. For added protection water lines
mortar lining general requirements.
[DN100-400MM] should be laid higher than sewer lines. When a water line crosses a
ISO 8179 Ductile iron pipes - external zinc coating.
railway line, the water line should be laid inside a culvert pipe or casing
ISOTon hand pulley
4633 Rubber seals-joint rings for water supply, drainage and sewerage pipelines –
that is at least 150mm larger than the water line so as to protect it
Wire rope Meets
Sling the specification for materials.
Chain from vibration.
ISO 8180 Ductile iron pipes - Polyethylene sleeving.
ISO 7005-2 Metallic flanges - Part 2 cast iron flanges. Hexagon head bolts - produced
For ease of installation the socket pipe is normally placed with the
grades A and B.
sockets facing in the direction of laying. Joints should not be deflected
ISO 4032 Hexagon nuts, style 1 - Produced grades A and B.
[DN500-600MM] beyond the permissible limit or pipe damage and leakage may ensue.
BSEN 545 Requirements and testing methods for Ductile iron pipes, fittings and
All joints should be installed carefully and without using excessive
accessories and their joints for water pipelines.
3 Ton hand pulley force. All tees, bends, caps, plugs, hydrants or other fittings that
BSEN 598 Requirements and testing methods for Ductile iron pipes, fittings and
Wire rope Sling Chain change the direction of flow or stop the flow should be restrained or
accessories and their joints for sewerage applications.
blocked to prevent joint separation when pressurized.
BS 4027 Requirements for composition, strength, physical and chemical properties of
three strength classes of Specification for sulfate-resisting Portland cement.
When pipe installation is not in progress, the open ends of pipe should
BS 3416 Specification for bitumen based coatings for cold application, suitable for use
be closed with a plug or other means as required to keep contamina-
[DN700-1000MM] in contact with potable water.
tion out of the line. The plug should allow venting and remain in place
(2) 3 Ton handSpecification
pulley for elastomeric seals for joints in pipe work and pipelines.
until the trench is pumped dry prior to starting installation. Care must
Wire rope Sling Chain be taken to prevent pipe floatation in case the trench fills with water. If
the plug is watertight, any air or water pressure in the pipeline must be
released before removing the plug.
A Division of McWane, Inc.



Nominal Volume per 6m Approx.

Diameter length Weight
of Bell Cement Lining Cement Lining
DN CBM Kg/pcs Kg/pcs
K7 K8 K9 K7 K8 K9

DN080 0.092 3.4 77 77 77 10.2 71 71 71 9.4

DN100 0.124 4.3 95 95 95 12.6 86 86 86 11.6
DN125 0.162 5.7 116 116 118 16.5 107 107 106 15.1
DN150 0.232 7.1 138 138 144 19.2 127 127 127 17.6
DN200 0.386 10.3 182 182 194 25.2 168 168 176 23.1
DN250 0.574 14.2 228 228 255 31.2 210 210 235 28.6
DN300 0.797 18.6 274 290 323 37.8 255 268 290 34.7
DN350 1.050 23.7 320 359 403 73.8 296 331 371 67.7
DN400 1.326 29.3 382 433 482 84.0 354 399 445 77.0
DN450 1.651 36.0 459 515 575 94.3 425 475 532 86.5
DN500 1.983 42.8 530 600 669 105.0 491 554 616 96.3
DN600 2.790 59.3 700 792 882 125.4 648 731 814 115.0
DN700 3.763 79.1 891 1009 1123 175.8 826 931 1036 161.2
DN800 4.923 102.6 1107 1255 1394 200.0 1026 1156 1286 183.3
DN900 6.174 129.9 1343 1521 1691 225.6 1247 1404 1561 206.8
DN1000 7.544 161.3 1609 1814 2017 250.2 1488 1675 1862 229.4
DN1100 8.631 194.7 1893 2133 2372 278.0 1752 1971 2196 254.8
DN1200 10.787 237.7 2198 2482 2758 300.0 2040 2295 2548 275.0
DN1400 14.638 385.8 2946 3307 3669 525.6 2733 3065 3395 481.8
DN1500 16.229 474.4 3361 3768 4175 567.5 3120 3494 3867 520.2
DN1600 19.000 526.2 3756 4213 4668 600.6 3487 3906 4323 550.6

A Division of McWane, Inc.

A Division of McWane, Inc.


Type 1* Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5

Flat-bottom trench.† Loose backfill. Flat-bottom trench.† Backfill lightly Pipe bedded in100 mm Pipe bedded in sand, gravel, or Pipe bedded in compacted
consolidated to centerline of pipe. minimum of loose soil.++ Backfill crushed stone to depth of 1/8 pipe granular material to centerline
lightly consolidated to top of pipe. diameter, 100 mm minimum. of pipe. Compacted granular
Backfill compacted to top of or select material++ to top of
* For 350mm and pipe. (Approximately 80 percent pipe. (Approximately 90 percent
larger pipe, consideration Standard Proctor, AASHTO T-99.) Standard Proctor, AASHTO T-99.)
should be given to the use
of laying conditions other
than Type 1.
† ”Flat-bottom” is defined as Notes:
undisturbed earth. Consideration of the pipe-zone embedment conditions included in this figure may be influenced
++ ”Loose soil” or “select by factors other than pipe strength. For additional information on pipe bedding and backfill
material” is defined as please refer to the standards.
native soil excavated from
the trench, free of rocks,
foreign materials, and
frozen earth.


SO 2531 Ductile iron pipes, fittings and accessories for pressure pipelines.
SO 7186 Ductile iron products for sewage applications.
SO 4179 Ductile iron pipes for pressure and non pressure pipelines - centrifugal cement
mortar lining general requirements.
SO 8179 Ductile iron pipes - external zinc coating.
SO 4633 Rubber seals-joint rings for water supply, drainage and sewerage pipelines –
Meets the specification for materials.
SO 8180 Ductile iron pipes - Polyethylene sleeving.
SO 7005-2 Metallic flanges - Part 2 cast iron flanges. Hexagon head bolts - produced
grades A and B.
SO 4032 Hexagon nuts, style 1 - Produced grades A and B.
BSEN 545 Requirements and testing methods for Ductile iron pipes, fittings and
accessories and their joints for water pipelines.
BSEN 598 Requirements and testing methods for Ductile iron pipes, fittings and
accessories and their joints for sewerage applications.
BS 4027 Requirements for composition, strength, physical and chemical properties of
three strength classes of Specification for sulfate-resisting Portland cement.
BS 3416 Specification for bitumen based coatings for cold application, suitable for use
in contact with potable water.
BS 2494 Specification for elastomeric seals for joints in pipe work and pipelines.

Clow Water Systems McWane International McWane Gulf

2266 South 6th Street 1201 Vanderbilt Road,Birmingham AL 35234, USA PO Box 4305, Mussafah
Coshocton, OH 43812 Ph.: 205-716-6600, Fax: 205-324-7250 Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
USA email: [email protected]

McWane International, McWane Gulf and CLOW Water Systems are divisions of McWane USA

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