Advanced Achievement Test 5 (Units 9-10) : Listening Grammar

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Advanced Achievement test 5 (Units 9–10)

Listening Grammar
1 Recording 9 Listen and complete the sentences. 3 Complete the second sentence with no more
Use no more than three words. than five words so that it means the same as the
first. Use the word in CAPITALS.
1 Megan hates bad service in restaurants and felt the
meal as a total waste of money . 1 We didn’t realise we were in danger.
2 Tereza would ultimately like to ban mobile LITTLE
phones Little did we realise the danger we were in.
2 I’d prefer to go to Spain this year, given the
3 Gary couldn’t believe                                                   RATHER
to Spain this
          year, given the choice.
4 Barbara bought a dog a                   3 Imagine all your friends being at your birthday
5 Len doesn’t get why people are interested in What                  
                   at your birthday party?
          4 As soon as we heard the news, we rushed out of
6 Tom raves about the fact that the band’s the house.
music got everybody           SOONER
the news than we rushed out of the house.
5 5 I didn’t sleep well so I woke up in a bad mood.
Had I slept well, I  
2 Recording 9 Listen again and write true (T) or
false (F).
in a bad mood.
1 One of Megan’s pet hates is being ripped 6 We ought to be going home soon.
off when on holiday. F  TIME
2 Megan regrets not having pushed the boat          
out as it was a special occasion.     
3 Tereza is incredulous at passengers with a going home.
distorted sense of self-importance.     
4 Gary was most impressed by the tennis 5
players he had seen at Wimbledon.     
5 Gary was so thankful for the free tickets
4 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
to the final that he paid no heed to them
not being in a choice location.      Had I realised how underwhelming the journey
6 Barbara is completely besotted by her                     be, I don’t think I would 3                    even
new pet.      considered it but as they say, ‘ignorance is bliss’, so
7 Barbara gains a great deal of amusement I set off on 4                    own one cold day in December
from watching Jimmy’s antics.      last year. To start with, my flight was delayed and
8 Len considers that his outlook on life is then, when I finally arrived, the hotel I stayed in was
far from old school.      nothing 5                    its picture in the brochure. Not
9 Len mocks the star status of celebrities                     were the rooms tiny 7                    they were
who he thinks are in fact non-entities.      also absolutely filthy and there were cobwebs
10 Tom concedes that seeing a band play everywhere. To be honest, apart from some stunning
live may not be to everyone’s taste.      views, the trip was a complete and utter 8                    of
11 The band played for almost two hours money. Next year, I think I 9                    rather stay at
without an intermission.      home 10                    go abroad to some unknown
destination that may well disappoint. After all, this
10 country is every 11                    as beautiful as many
others and in some places, more so.


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Advanced Achievement test 5 (Units 9–10)

5 Correct one mistake in each sentence. 7 Complete the sentences using one word from
box A and one from box B. There are two extra
1 If only I haven’t hadn’t lost my house keys, I’d be
words in each box you do not need.
warm right now!
2 During summer holiday, we spent a week relaxing A
at my uncle’s cottage by the sea. be being became embark held make
quit serve shot speak travel
3 I would sooner eating my hat than apologise to
that horrible man.
4 At the time did she ask me if she could borrow my
apprenticeship attention compromises
car for the evening. esteem fame mind perspective
5 Not while they had returned home did they realise publicity spotlight success track
how sunburnt they were.
6 His latest novel is way more to grip than his first 1 The rangers said never     travel off the beaten
one ever was – it’s so enthralling! track and always tell someone of your plans.
2 Pam is never afraid to                               her
5 at meetings and whilst I may not always agree
with her, I do admire her courage and conviction.
3 We weren’t surprised that Antony said he wanted
to go to drama school – he’s always relished
Vocabulary the centre of                               .
6 Underline the correct answer, a), b) or c). 4 Mel’s always been                               in high
by her colleagues and is loved for her sense of
1 That film was grossly           b        . I fail to see what fun.
all the fuss was about or why it got rave reviews! 5 When Daniel Radcliffe                               to
a) thought-provoking b) overrated c) novel as Harry Potter, his life changed forever and he
2 Although he tried to                     his tracks, the police was recognised wherever he went.
quickly succeeded in finding him and took him in 6 In the last series of X-Factor some contestants
for questioning. an overnight                               even though they didn’t
a) defer b) hide c) cover go on to win the competition.
3 What first                     you the idea to set up your 7 Wouldn’t you hate to                               in the
own internet advice column for school-leavers? all the time? I’d hate to have no privacy
a) got b) gave c) led whatsoever.
4 So, tell me the truth – how long did it really take 8 Relationships are about give and take so to work
you to get the                     of doing such incredible in the long term, both parties need to                              
tricks on a snowboard? so they can reach agreements together.
a) grip b) grasp c) hang 9 If you want to become an electrician you usually
5 Rob is always saying he’ll get                     to painting have to                               an                               and learn
the lounge but he never does. the skills of the trade on the job.
a) round b) up c) away
6 Going to Siberia in the middle of winter is crazy, I 8
know, but it                     like a good idea at the time!
a) seemed b) appeared c) served
7 I found the detailed exploration of the artist’s early 8 Complete the sentences with one word.
childhood rather                     and depressing if truth 1 Phil came up with the bright idea of a trial run.
be told. 2 Mark has been toying with the                     of going
a) charming b) exhilarating c) bleak round the world since he turned fifty last year.
3 I never really got the hang                     how to throw
6 the javelin, no matter how hard I tried.
4 My dad’s always                     up with innovative
ideas for useful household gadgets.
5 If you don’t stand                     to bullies, they’ll never
leave you alone.
6 Be careful – you’re not in Denise’s good books at
the moment and if she sees you, she’ll want to
give you a                     of her mind.
7 Before setting                     on his climb, Phil
announced it would be his last trip before
becoming a father.

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Advanced Achievement test 5 (Units 9–10)

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Advanced Achievement test 5 (Units 9–10)

Function Reading
9 Underline the correct alternative. 11 Read the text and choose the correct answer,
a), b) or c) on page 4.
1 The journey home this evening was
absolutely/undoubtedly horrendous. Follow your dream and the rest will fall into
2 Definitely/Basically, there isn’t really anything we place
can do to improve the situation. How often do you meet people who are passionate
3 Jude’s constant bragging really drives me up the about what they do? I would imagine that your
wall/bend. answer will be ‘very rarely’. And yet, considering
4 That was clearly/grossly a truly embarrassing we spend the major part of our waking existence at
experience for all concerned. I must apologise. work, it’s surprising how unhappy so many people
5 Usain is quite completely/simply one of the most are.
talented sprinters of our times. When we’re children, we all have dreams and
6 It’s clear that Christopher is honestly/completely dreams by their very nature seem unreal and
out of his depth as a manager. I have no idea why unattainable but they give us hope and goals. Adults
they promoted him. around us may tell us not to be silly, how could we
possibly think we were good or clever enough to
5 make those dreams come true. So, after a while, we
might put those dreams to one side because we
believe that adults must know better, but of course
10 Complete the sentences with a word from the
the reality is that they too are the victims of their
box and one extra word. There are two extra
own crushed dreams. Real life kicks in and we get
words you do not need.
caught up in all the day-to-day stuff of being a
acceptable back concessions deal grown-up.
goals How mind queries resolved However, for those of you who still have dreams,
sure touch wall What here’s a true story. Some time ago a random sample
did of 1,500 graduating college students was surveyed
1 What exactly ^ you say you had in   mind  for the to find out what they would base their career choice
forthcoming charity fundraising event? on. The vast majority said that making money was
the first thing and following their dream was
2 Her constant moaning is driving me the                     . I secondary. Only a very small percentage said that
really can’t take much more! following their dream would come first, with
3 Let me know you have any                     about the financial gain second. In a follow-up study on actual
schedule and I’ll run through it with you. net worth some twenty years later, the results made
for fascinating reading: 101 of the 1,500 had
4 What great news! It looks as though we’ve got become millionaires but only one of those
ourselves                     . Let’s shake on it. millionaires had come from the group that had put
5 Please get                     if there’s anything else we can money first. The other hundred came from the group
help you with during your visit. that had followed their dreams.
Of course, this study doesn't prove anything
6 If you sponsor our idea, we’ll                     for you, so scientifically speaking but it does show that passion
it’s a win-win situation. and heart are incredibly powerful energies. People
7                     we could provide financial support rather who do great things have, above everything else, a
than logistical assistance? purpose that stirs their soul. They have an
enthusiasm and exuberance that will ensure they
8 By the end of day, we need to have                     the achieve what they set out to do despite all the odds.
staffing issue. So, if you have a dream, make sure you harness that
9 Well, the terms that you’re suggesting sound energy and follow wherever it takes you.
10 I’m                     I can agree to the proposed
deadlines because they don’t strike me as realistic
or achievable.
11 Right, I’ll need to discuss this further with the
board, so can I get                     you on this tomorrow

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Advanced Achievement test 5 (Units 9–10)

1 The author remarks that         a          . Writing

a) hardly anyone seems to love their job 13 Complete the sentences with a suitable
b) few people can imagine being happy preposition.
c) most people have lost their passion for life
2 Our dreams can                     . 1 Those in favour of free university education tend
a) deem our aims as unobtainable to be quite liberal-minded.
b) transform far-fetched ideas into reality 2                     the positive side, the less you earn, the
c) motivate us towards all that we desire less you are taxed.
3 There is a wide gap between                     . 3 We need to take everyone’s view                    
a) a child’s reality and their actual abilities consideration before making our decision.
b) a grown-up’s reality and our younger hopes 4 The arguments                     a shorter working week
c) what we want and what is off limits are surely quite compelling: more free time, better
4 The college survey aimed to ascertain                     . family relationships and more productive
a) what guided students’ career choices employees.
b) how many students had unrealistic aims 5                     contrast to the success of recent
c) why students were influenced by greed campaigns to raise public awareness of
5 The follow-up study suggested that                     . environmental issues, we are still faced with ever-
a) the millionaires were still unsatisfied increasing levels of environmental pollution.
b) success stems from pursuing your dreams 6 Those                     the proposed bypass argue that it
c) those prioritising money fared the best would only serve to take trade away from the
6 A greater zest for life will                     . town and therefore harm the local economy as
a) make you burn out sooner well as character of the place.
b) help you strive for what you truly desire
c) lead to an increase likelihood of defeat 5

5 14 A review: write a review of a film, play, book

or exhibition in 200–250 words.
12 Read the article on page 3 again. Underline                                                               
true (T) or false (F).                                                               
1 Most people are unfilled by their work. T/F                                                               
2 Children’s aspirations are rarely                                                               
quashed by the adults that surround them. T/F                                                               
3 It is often true that children believe that                                                               
adults know what is best for them. T/F                                                               
4 As children, we may be chastised for our                                                               
expectations in life and might then follow                                                               
the lead of those who have shot down                                                               
our ideas. T/F                                                               
5 1,500 college graduates were given                                                               
questionnaires on a random basis. T/F                                                               
6 Few of the college graduates had                                                               
considered why they had chosen the                                                               
career path they were following. T/F                                                               
7 101 of the college students surveyed had                                                               
become millionaires within two decades                                                               
of having graduated. T/F                                                               
8 Results showed that the drive for financial                                                               
success led to increased wealth. T/F                                                               
9 Those graduates who had followed their                                                               
dreams were happier but poorer. T/F                                                               
10 The study lacks scientific objectivity. T/F                                                               
11 The author upholds the notion of                                                               
pursuing your dreams. T/F                                                               

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Advanced Achievement test 5 (Units 9–10)



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