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Adca Training

Part 4

This presentation is only a guideline, that can only be completed by a trained personnel.
(This document’s total or partial use and/or reproduction is only allowed if the reference to the source is kept)
Part 4
▪ Pressure Reduction
▪ Safety Relief Valves and Other Steam Valves

Part 5
▪ Control Valves
▪ Components of Control Valves
▪ Humidification
▪ Industrial fluids are usually distributed from pressurizing stations, boiler houses,
etc, which operate with predefined pressures.
▪ Users not always assume the original pressures, thus it turns out to be
necessary to reduce pressure close to usage points (machinery) or in different
areas of a plant, simply for mechanical or thermodynamic reasons.
▪ High pressures distribution can be convenient namely with compressible fluids,
such as saturated steam, as a mean of decreasing investment through the usage
of smaller section piping and reducing pressure only close to the user. Assuring
not only a stable pressure in usage but also higher latent heat, which represent
less steam consumption and less loss of flash steam from open vents on
condensate tanks, etc.
▪ Therefore, whether for security, functioning or energy saving matters, pressure
reducing valves are a resident member on several fluids systems.
▪ Saturated steam temperature is directly related to its pressure and so, the
pressure control can be also an affective method of temperature control mainly in
those equipments where it is not possible to install a temperature probe in the
right place (i.e. Sterilizers, cooking, contact dryers, ...).
Set Point


▪ Droop is the deviation of pressure from the set point pressure, that takes place when a pressure regulator moves
from the minimum to the maximum flow.
▪ Higher flow represents more regulating spring relaxing, loosing load force which causes the outlet pressure to drop.
▪ Accumulation is basically the opposite of droop, which increasing flow the set pressure of a pressure sustaining
valve also increases.
▪ Domeloaded regulators with pilot regulators reduces droop or accumulation effect and this can be even optimised
using an external sensing pipe and/or using two stage pressure reduction, where the second one should do the final
▪ Dependency (pressure regulators) if inlet pressure decreases the set pressure rises (opposite way with pressure
sustaining valves).
Balanced valves reduce dependency effect.
Small loads
where accurate
control is not
crucial. Large flows
and main lines
where inlet
pressure do
not have wide


(Balanced or (Balanced plug) (Balanced plug)
Unbalanced plug)
▪ The reduced pressure acts on the underside of the diaphragm, bellow or piston so
balancing the load of the pressure adjustment spring and moving the inner valve
through a spindle to obtain the desired controlled pressure.

▪ Clean steam systems also require pressure reducing valves and pressure
sustaining valves.
▪ Mechanical polish or electro polish to 0,5 microns Ra on internal parts are normally
▪ The reduced pressure medium through a controlled
pressure pipe, acts on the underside of the diaphragm of
a pilot which, in turn supplies steam (or gas) at variable
pressure into the upper chamber of the piston operator,
which regulates the main inner valve.

▪ In both options, pressure setting is adjusted by varying

the pressure exerted by the control spring by turning the
adjustment hand wheel.

Large flows where

accurate control is

Pilot operated regulators are high performance devices. External sensing pipes are
recommended to reduce droop.
➢ Which valve: Direct acting or Pilot operated?

10 barg reducing to 1 barg

A 25mm PRV47 will pass 944kg/h

A 25mm PRV25 will pass 105 kg/h

This is why it is imperative to size and select the valve to the application and
not to existing line size!
▪ Example 1000 kg/h steam at 10 bar g reducing to 2 bar g

DN50 x 80 safety valve set at 2.5 bar g

capable of passing 2102 kg/h

DN 50mm
Inlet pipework

Steam PRV47 DN32 DN 100mm

Outlet pipework
Max. output 1468 Kg/h

S25 Humidity separator Valve selection diameter must be done according to the
DN ½” mains drainage trap set actual flow of steam, liquid or gas passing through the
valve, the minimum inlet pressure and the desired
reduced pressure.
➢ Which Valve and For Which Application?

PRV25/2S PRV47 (PRV47I)

RP45 (RP45I)

Steam PRV25 RP45 PRV47


➢ Which Valve and For Which Application?



PRV30SS Low Pressure P7 PRV25/2SS PRW25I P15/PRV41 PRV30/31 PRV300
Steam (Special)


➢ Which Valve and For Which Application?



Low Pressure PS47 (PS47I) PS45 (PS45I)

Steam (Special)

Steam PS15 PS47 PS31SS PS30SS PS45


PS30SS Liquid
PRV25 Series

Advantages Disadvantages

Low Cost Low flow rates

Bellow sealed Possible spring

(Compact design) hysteresis

Reliable Crude control


Advantages Disadvantages

Need a water
Low Cost
Possible spring
Relative crude
High flow rates

Advantages Disadvantages

More expensive

Low springs Sensitive to bad

hysteresis quality fluid

More complex
High flow rates

➢ Questions to ask

▪ Medium passing through valve

▪ Upstream and downstream pressure
▪ Flow rate (maximum and minimum, if applicable)
▪ Body material preference
▪ Pipeline connections
▪ There are 2 methods for pressure reduction selection:

➢ Kv calculation and selection

➢ Table of selection

▪ The Kv values should be calculated according to the formulas illustrated in the next page.

▪ The Kv represents the quantity of water , expressed in cubic meters (m3) at 15ºC, that
flows through the valve with a pressure drop of 1 bar , in one hour period.

▪ The table of selection is present in the datasheets of some equipments or alternatively

the valve Kvs.

▪ Two valves in series can be preferable in case of big reductions.

▪ Two valves in parallel are recommended in case of wide load fluctuations.

Calculation of Kv value
Pressure Drop Saturated
Liquids Gases
P2 
2 Kv 
Q2 Q3 d 2  T
Kv 
22,4 Dp  P 2 514 Dp  P 2
Dp 
2 d1
Kv  Q1
b) Dp  1000
P2 
2 Q2 Q3
Kv  Kv  d2T
11,2  P1 257  P1
Dp 
Kv Flow coefficient m3/h
P1 Upstream absolute pressure bar
P2 Downstream absolute pressure bar
Dp Pressure drop (P1 – P2) bar
Q1 Flow rate m3/h
Q2 Flow rate Kgs/h
Q3 Flow rate N.m3/h (0ºC – 1013 mbar)
d1 Specific weight of liquid Kg/m3
d2 Specific weight of gas Kg/m3
T Absolute temperature (T=273 + t ºC) ºK
t Fluid temperature ºC
▪ Example 1 – Calculation by Kv Selection

Operation conditions:
Fluid = Water
P1 (Upstream pressure) = 10bar g (11bar a)
P2 (Downstream pressure) = 6bar g (7bar a)
ΔP = 11-7 =4 bar
Q (Flow rate) = 13 m3/h
d (Density) = 1000 Kg/m3
Required material: Stainless steel

According to the table the formula to be used is Kv  Q1
Dp  1000
Kv  13   Kv  6,5m 3 /h
4  1000

We will consider for this case a safety factor of 20%.

Kv  6,5  20 º º  Kv  7,8m3 /h

We can now select the correct size of valve.

▪ Example 1 – Calculation by Kv Selection

Kv  7,8m3 /h

Looking at the datasheet of the PRV30SS

(stainless steel construction) we have the
following table:


Valve Size 40 50

KVs (m3/h) 12,7 13,7

So the valve PRV30SS DN40 is suitable for the

▪ Example 2 – Calculation by Kv Selection

Operation conditions:
Fluid = Compressed air
P1 (Upstream pressure) = 28bar g (29bar a)
P2 (Downstream pressure) = 10bar g (11bar a)
Q (Flow rate) = 220 Nm3/h
d (Density) = 1,293 Kg/m3
t (Temperature) = 20ºC
T (Absolute temperature) = 293 ºK
Required material: Stainless steel

29 Q3
According to the table of formulas since 11  the formula to be used is Kv  d2T
2 257  P1
Kv   1,293  293  Kv  0,57m3 /h
257  29

We will consider for this case a safety factor of 20%.

Kv  0,57  20 º º  Kv  0,68m3 /h

We can now select the correct size of the valve.

▪ Example 2 – Calculation by Kv Selection

Kv  0,68m3 /h

Looking at the datasheet of the PRV30SS we

have the following table:


Valve Size 15 20

KVs (m3/h) 2,1 2,4

So the valve PRV30SS DN15 is suitable for this

▪ Example 3 – Calculation by Valve Capacity Table: PRV47 and RP45

Operation conditions:
Fluid = Saturated steam
P1 (Upstream pressure) = 12bar g
P2 (Downstream pressure) = 5bar g
Q (Flow rate) = 1200 Kg/h
Requested valve material: Steel

With this we can now use the valve selecting table and choose the correct size.
▪ Example 3 – Calculation by Valve Capacity Table: PRV47

Q  1200Kg/h

Looking to the capacity table on the
PRV47 datasheet we should consider a
valve PRV47 DN32 for this application.

Regulation spring:
From pressure range spring table, the
black spring (2 to 17 bar) is adequate.

NOTE: Pressures shown in the

table are pressure gauges.
▪ Example 3 – Calculation by Valve Capacity Table: RP45
Q  1200Kg/h
Pressure ratio:
DownstreamPressure abs 5bar  1
  0,46
UpstreamPressure abs 12bar  1
So, the figures from capacity table can be taken without the
use of any corrector factor and we should consider a valve
RP45 DN32 for this application.
Actuator and Regulation spring:
From the respective table we realise that the spring Nr. 60 in
combination with A-21 actuator guaranty a downstream
pressure regulation between 3,9 and 5,5 bar.

NOTE: Pressures shown in the

table are pressure gauges.
Critical applications PS47
Minimum 7 bar
Compressed air

≈ 8 bar
NOTE: Compressor
Non- critical applications
capacity on the limit. PS47
(Closed up to 7 bar)

▪ Pressure in line will decrease in case of overage consumption. When it reaches 7bar pressure
sustaining valve closes, maintaining the available flow to assure functioning of critical

If steam demand exceeds the maximum

boiler capacity, and if the pressure
achieves the minimum alarm pressure,
the boiler will stop and must be re-armed
Water Tube Steam Boiler manually.
OP. Pressure – 10bar PS Valve set at ≈ 7bar, will eliminate this
Alarm pressure situation, since it will close avoiding
excessive consumption.
(minimum) – 5 bar
➢ Questions to ask
• Set pressure
• Flow rate safety valve is required to pass
• Medium valve is to pass
• Pipeline connections
• Body material of valve
• Safety valve has to be able to pass whatever the Pressure Reducing valve
can pass if it ever fails fully open, therefore we need to know exact size,
make and model of PRV and upstream pressure
• If safety valve is for a steam boiler application then we need to know maximum
output of the boiler.
• If safety valve is for a water or pump application we need to know the maximum
the pump will pump
Safety valve DN80x125
➢ How do we size the Safety Valve? Capable of passing 5148 kg/h

PRV47 DN50
Design conditions: Safety set at 2.5 bar g
2500 Kg/h of steam
Inlet 10 barg – Outlet 2 barg
Max.permissible flow
through the valve: 3718 Kg/h
(See capacity table)

In case of PRV failure in open position the safety valve is able to pass the maximum
possible flow rate permitted.

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