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Name:Natalia Alianovna Romanova (Shostakov)

Current Alias: Black Widow
Aliases: Yelena Belova, Natasha Romanoff, Tasha, Madame Nikita, Nancy Rushman, Laura
Matthers, Nadine Roman, Natalya Romanova, Oktober, Black Pearl, Ebon Flame, Ms.
Heck,Nat, Tsarina,Red, Natalia Shostakova, Natuska, Czarina, Babette
Age: Classified
Weight:125 lbs
Hair Style: Straight Shoulder length
Eye color: Red, Formerly Dyed Blonde, Formerly Dyed Black
{Main Information}
Occupation: Hero/Spy/Assassin
Super Powers:
Master Martial Artist: Natasha has mastered in many fields of martial arts. These include sambo,
boxing, karate, judo, aikido, ninjutsu, savate, muay thai, and multiple styles of kung fu. She have
shown impressive skills to easily defeated one hundred armed soldiers, and fought Wolverine
during her training in the Red Room Academy. She was able to hold her own against other
dangerous opponents like Winter Soldier, Elektra, and Punisher.

Master Acrobat: Natasha is a extraordinary skilled gymnast, acrobat, and aerialist. She is
capable of achieving very difficult maneuvers and feats that no greatest athletes can
Master Assassin: Natasha is heavily skilled in assassination techniques. She uses her skills as
a martial artist, acrobat, and spy to further enhance her skills as an assassin. She has been
sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. and the KGB to eliminate numerous enemies. Her assassination skills are
on par with, if not surpassing, those of the Winter Soldier, Deadpool, Domino, and Lester.

Indomitable Will: Natasha is a very strong willed woman. Her will is so strong to the point that
she will never surrender to her opponents, no matter how powerful they intent to be.

Master Markswoman: Natasha is an extremely accurate markswoman skilled in sharpshooting

and knife throwing.

Multilingual: Natasha is fluent in Russian,[ English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, and
various other languages, Including American Sign.

Gifted Intellect: Natasha possesses the ability to quickly process multiple information streams,
such as threat assessment, and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations.

Graceful Dancer: Natasha is a profound ballet dancer.

Master Tactician: Natasha is a very effective strategist, tactician, and field commander. She has
lead the Avengers and even S.H.I.E.L.D. on one occasion.

Talented Hacker: Natasha can hack into all computer systems without tripping any firewalls or
security with ease.

Master Seductress: She is an expert in the field of seduction. Natasha has been infamously
known to bend many different men to her will and sometimes even get them to do her bidding
for her. She sometimes continues deceiving certain men through means of acting if she still has
a further use for them.

Master Spy: Natasha is a dangerous secret agent trained in espionage, stealth, disguise,
infiltration, and demolitions. She displays an uncanny affinity for psychological manipulation and
can mask her real emotions perfectly. She is capable of killing in cold blood when the need
arises. Her talents and years of experience have enabled her to reach a high ranking position as
an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Skilled Shield Fighter: Natasha is proficient with Captain America's Shield. She has been seen
to use the shield to block several gunshots from Winter Soldier during their fight.

Strength level:
Natasha is capable of lifting 500 lbs.; however, she stated that the Punisher was stronger than
she is. Nevertheless, she has demonstrated in the past to be as strong as it is possible for a
female human without being strictly classified as superhuman. She was capable of breaking an
arm of an Aleph, and was also strong enough to injure Imus Champion, who possesses
superhuman endurance.

Pregnancy: While not an encumbrance to her performance, the serum and biological
modifications made to Natasha's physiology, granting her impressive resilience; the effects of a
highly efficient immune system inhibit her reproductive capabilities rendering pregnancy

Special Powers:
Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Natasha was biochemically enhanced through the Black
Widow Ops Program when she was a infant. She received the Red Room's version of the
Super-Soldier Serum that was created by Dr. Lyudmila Kudrin to enhance her immune system,
bodily condition, and longevity.

Peak Human Strength: Natasha's physical strength is enhanced to the maximum limit of female
human potential, enabling her to consistently press lift 500 pounds (226 kilograms). Natasha's
strength extends to her legs, enabling her to leap at least 10 ft (3 m) into the air without a
running start. She was even able to leap on top of a water tower building in a single bound.

Peak Human Speed: Natasha's speed is enhanced to the peak of human potential, enabling her
to run at speeds of 32-36 mph.

Peak Human Durability: Natasha's body is enhanced to withstand greater physical injuries than
normal humans. She is durable enough to withstand falls from heights of several stories. She
has also withstood blows from superhumans like Imus Champion, and Black Dwarf. She was
able to withstand a nearby grenade explosion, a dark matter blast from Darkstar, and even
managed to continue fighting after being shot through her shoulder.

Peak Human Agility: Natasha's agility, balance, flexibility, and dexterity are enhanced to levels
that are beyond the natural limits of an Olympic gold medalist.

Peak Human Reflexes: Natasha's reflexes are enhanced to the very peak of human potential.
Her reaction speed is faster than normal humans, which made it possible for her to dodge
several attacks from Bullseye, as well as easily dodge gunfire at mid-range. She can even
dodge shots from multiple gunmen at close range.

Peak Human Stamina: Natasha's musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical
activity than ordinary humans. She is able to exert herself at peak capacity for up to one hour
before the build up of fatigue toxins in her blood begin to impair her.
Peak Human Healing: Natasha's healing speed and efficiency is at the highest limits of human
potential, allowing her to heal faster than most humans. Dr. Kudrin theoretically stated
Natasha's wounds heal five times faster than average human rate. She is able to heal broken
bones, fractures, torn muscles, several gunshots, puncture wounds, and other serious injuries in
three days time and most lesser physical injuries like cuts, scrapes, and burns in a matter of

Peak Mental Resistance: Natasha's mind is capable of withstanding extraordinary torture. She is
often required to go undercover for S.H.I.E.L.D. and has been extensively trained to endure
long-term inhumane interrogation methods.

Enhanced Immune System: The Black Widow has been enhanced by biotechnology that makes
her body immune to aging, disease, etc.

Enhanced Longevity: The serum extends Natasha's lifespan and youth, resulting in her
maintaining the appearance of a woman in her 30's despite being born in 1928.

Peak Human Endurance: Natasha exhibits extraordinary levels to physical pain. She once
resumed functioning in spite of her undergoing unbearable surgery without anesthesia.

Costume Specifications: Synthetic stretch fabric which has been augmented to be highly
resistant to damage even small arms fire and high temperatures. Microscopic suction cups on
her costume allow her to scale walls and cling to ceilings, just as her namesake.

Natasha uses her Widow's Line, a grappling hook with a retractable line, to swing along rooftops
for increased mobility. Avenger's Quinjets. Assorted S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft. Used an Avengers
Issue Jet-Pack.

Black Widow's Gauntlets: The Black Widow's Gauntlets are wrist cartridges containing various
tools of the spy trade: tear-gas pellets, a radio transmitter and fire a 100 foot spring-loaded

Vibranium collapsible Shock Batons: 50,000 - 150,000 Volts, Durable, light weight.

Special Weaponry: Various automatic weapons and firearms, combat knives and explosives as
needed. She also uses a device often referred to as the Widow's Bite that is capable of stunning
a superhuman opponent and emitting highly potent electric shocks with a maximum of about
30,000 volts at the range of at least 20 feet.

Source of Paraphernalia: Formerly Soviet Union, S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers.


Human; Russian Super-Soldier, expertly trained intelligence agent
Place of Birth:Stalingrad, USSR

It was rumored that Natasha Romanova (Russian: Наталья Романова, Наташа Романова,
Наталья Романова-Шостакова) was somehow related to the last ruling czars of Russia, but
this was never proven.

There are varying accounts of Romanova's early life. One account states that in 1928, Nazis set
the building in Stalingrad that Natasha and her mother were living in on fire. Her mother threw
her out the window to a Russian soldier before dying in the fire. The soldier's name was Ivan
Petrovitch, and he watched over Natasha for her entire life, remaining by her side as her "foster

While under Ivan's protection, many adversaries attempted to attack her. Baron von Stucker
abducted Natasha and presented her to the Hand in Madripoor. There, she was to become their
Master Assassin until Captain America, Logan, and Ivan saved her. As Natasha grew and
matured, she proved to be an amazing athlete and scholar, while gaining distinction in the
USSR as a ballerina.

Red Room:
Another account establishes her as being raised from very early childhood by the U.S.S.R.'s
"Black Widow Ops" Program, rather than solely by Ivan Petrovitch. Petrovitch had taken her to
Department X, with other 28 young female orphans, where she is trained in combat and
espionage at the covert "Red Room" facility. There, she is bio-technologically and
psycho-technologically enhanced; an accounting that provides a rationale for her unusually long
and youthful lifespan. She never really trained in ballet in the Bolshoi Theatre, having instead
artificial memories. During her training, Romanova was contacted by the Enchantress, who
manipulated her simply for the sake of it suggesting that Romanova may be freed only to
prevent her from escaping - however, Romanova's effort attracted attention of the program's
organizers, who would had otherwise "discard" Romanova.

Regardless of which account is accurate, she was eventually arranged to marry Alexi
Shostakov, a distinguished Soviet test pilot.

The Soviet government intelligence (KGB) decided that the skill set of this couple would make
them superb special operatives, and split them up while Alexi was away on a mission. Trained
as the Red Guardian, Alexi became the Soviet Union’s answer to the United States’ Captain

Natasha was told that her husband died in an experimental rocket crash, and was drafted into
the KGB. She became their best operative from being trained in the infamous Red Room
Academy, becoming excellent at fighting and information gathering. During this time she had
some training under the Winter Soldier. It was there she was first dubbed the “Black Widow.”

The man named Logan resurfaced in America years later without any memory of his past, and
in danger from Hydra assassins. She saved him and came upon him again when he stole the
Red Storm Project from Russia alongside Carol Danvers and Ben Grimm.

Early clashes with Iron Man:

Black Widow was assigned to assist Boris Turgenov in the assassination of Professor Anton
Vanko for defecting from their country by infiltrating Stark Industries in America. Tony Stark, the
original Iron Man, continually foiled her schemes against Stark Industries. Romanova later met
the novice archer Hawkeye and set him against Iron Man, and later helped Hawkeye battle Iron
Man. Unfortunately, Hawkeye's association with Russian spies would label him a criminal in his
early career. Black Widow and Hawkeye next clashed against the novice super-hero
Spider-Man. They resumed their focus on Tony Stark, clashing with Iron Man twice more - the
first being an attempt to raid Tony Stark's munitions plant.

When that mission ended in failure, she was taken back to Russia by her masters and given a
new costume that allowed her to scale walls as well as a device that allowed her to fire lines to
swing from. She once more attempted to get Hawkeye to help her destroy Iron Man. The pair
almost succeeded, but when Black Widow was injured, Hawkeye retreated to get her to safety.
During this period, Romanova was attempting to defect from the Soviet Union and began to feel
love toward Hawkeye, weakening her loyalty to her country. When her employers learned the
truth, they had her gunned down, sending her to a hospital, convincing Hawkeye to go straight
and seek membership in the Avengers.

Association with the Avengers:

Captured by her masters again and brainwashed, Black Widow was forced to hire the
Swordsman and Power Man to destroy the Avengers. This plot eventually failed when the
Avengers defeated both of the villains and Natasha shook off the effects of the brainwashing.
Attempting to make amends with the group, she assisted them against the racist group known
as the Sons of the Serpent.
Having been granted amnesty, Natasha made a bid for membership in the Avengers, aiding
them in their battle against the Ultroids. She threatened to kill their leader Ixar if he did not leave
the Earth, winning the victory, however Hawkeye covered up this fact so that she could get
membership in the group even though she violated their code of ethics regarding killing.
However when Nick Fury hired her to spy on her former master on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D., she
was be forced to decline membership with the Avengers and publicly broke off her relationship
with Hawkeye. As part of her mission, the press branded her as a traitor, breaking Hawkeye's

Arriving in China, the Black Widow was not easily trusted and subjected to the Psychotron
device, a machine that could brainwash anyone. She proved to be too strong willed and had to
be gassed and kept locked up. Learning that Natasha was now a prisoner of her former
Communist masters, the Avengers traveled to China to rescue her, clashing with the Red
Guardian, Natasha's ex-husband who was thought to be dead. The Avengers with the help of
Natasha defeated the Communists plot to use the Psychotron against the western world. During
the course of the battle Natasha was injured and the Red Guardian seemingly perished in the

After time recovering in the hospital, Natasha returned to Avengers mansion and came to the
decision to give up her career of costumed adventuring. However this proved to be short lived
as she returned to super-heroics shortly thereafter, however her romance with Hawkeye
became strained as he was usually too busy with Avengers business to pay attention to her.

Fed up with staying out of action, Black Widow accepted another assignment from S.H.I.E.L.D.
to prevent Egghead from using an orbital platform to hold the world ransom. She was captured,
prompting Hawkeye (who still loved her) to use Henry Pym's growth formula to become the new
Goliath and rescue her. She aided the Avengers in stopping Egghead, although it ended in the
seeming death of Egghead and Goliath's brother Barney. After a prolonged absence, the Black
Widow eventually ended her relationship with Goliath.

Going Solo:
Natasha was not be able to avoid super-heroics for long and, after designing a new sleek black
costume and adapting her bracelets with electric "Widows Bites", she sought to prove herself a
capable adventurer by besting Spider-Man in battle. Although Spider-Man was ill and not at his
full capacity at the time, he was still able to beat the Widow, however she resolved to continue
her career as a costumed adventurer.

She mostly clashed with underworld figures and costumed villains during this period, notably the
Astrologer and Watchlord.

Partners with Daredevil:

The Black Widow soon became a pawn manipulated by the computer known as Baal from the
distant future Earth-71778. In that reality, mankind was wiped out and the past history of
Daredevil and Black Widow played a crucial role. This ultimately lead to a long relationship and
partnership between the two heroes, but it eventually came to an end.

Nancy Rushman:
While working with S.H.I.E.L.D., Black Widow was briefly captured as part of a Hydra plot to
infiltrate and brainwash the organization, causing her to regress to an old cover identity of
teacher Nancy Rushman. Fortunately, she was discovered and rescued by Spider-Man,
subsequently working with him, Nick Fury, and Shang-Chi to defeat their plan; she even
admitted that the Nancy identity was attracted to Spider-Man after the crisis was over, even if
she preferred to retain her independence.

Champions of Los Angeles:

She co-founded the Champions of Los Angeles after they had successfully foiled a plot by Pluto
to invade Olympus. The team soon disbanded due to bankruptcy, and Natasha attempted a
partnership with Hercules without success.

Solo Again:
After these two failures, Natasha decided to stay on her own and freelance as an agent for a

It was during this time that an enemy from her time alongside Daredevil kidnapped Ivan to lure
her to her death. Damon Dran planned to bring Natasha to his island so a small army of female
combat specialists could destroy her. Once she was out of the way, he would send a fake Black
Widow back to S.H.I.E.L.D. to assassinate Nick Fury. Unfortunately for Dran, Natasha defeated
the army, saved Ivan, and notified Fury (who in turn bombed Dran's island).

On a freelance mission, the Black Widow attempted to prevent the Hand from stealing the
long-dead body of their Master Warrior, Kirigi. Utilizing deadly poisons, Natasha was killed by
the Hand. She was revived by Stone of the Chaste, and joined forces with Stone and Daredevil
to stop the Hand from reviving Elektra. Natasha knew that they failed in this endeavor, but kept
the information from Matt for his well-being.

On a mission, Natasha found her husband Alexi Shostakov alive. Little did she know that it was
only a Life Model Decoy created by Russian agents to blackmail her back into service of mother
Russia. Once she finished the tasks they gave her, the Russians told her the truth and
attempted to kill her. With Ivan’s assistance, she defeated the Russians and destroyed the LMD.

Iron Man teamed up with Black Widow to prevent an agent named “Oktober” from attempting to
start World War III by launching missiles. The missiles were launched, but Iron Man kept them
from detonating. Oktober ended up actually being Natasha under some old KGB reprogramming
that had been dormant in her mind. Together, they captured the agent responsible.
From Russia with Love:
In time, Black Widow came back to the Avengers and became a co-leader, managing ops at
home base while Black Knight lead in the field. When the majority of the Avengers were killed
during the Onslaught saga, she was unable to rebuild the team while fighting off lawsuits from
the Maria Stark Foundation. She always felt as if the Avengers dissolution was solely her fault.

The Black Widow then vowed to apprehend all of the Avenger's former foes, and ran into
Daredevil while hunting the Grey Gargoyle. Matt feared for her mental state as he noticed how
obsessive she became about bringing the Gargoyle down. As he attempted to help her, his
girlfriend, Karen Page, became increasingly more angry and jealous. Natasha acknowledged
Matt's love for Karen and left them to be together.[58] Later, Natasha would even offer to help
Karen clear her name from a murder Mr. Fear framed her for.

Once the Avengers who were thought killed returned, Natasha was more relieved, but decided
to work with S.H.I.E.L.D. instead, assisting them in destroying Freedom Light by pretending to
be Ebon Flame.

Daredevil came into her life once again when he needed her to take care of Baby Karen, who
he believed to be the Antichrist.[60] He eventually came back to attempt to kill the child, and
Natasha stood in his way. While they were fighting, Bullseye killed the child and Natasha was
badly beaten. Upon the child’s death, Matt realized what he was doing, and he and Natasha
reconciled. While she could admit that she still cared for him, they both decided they would
never be together.

Another Russian agent claimed the mantle of Black Widow, which brought her up against
Natasha. Yelena Belova tried to keep Natasha from retrieving the Endless Fury Serum but

A short time after, Natasha captured Yelena and had their faces surgically swapped in an effort
to find out what General Stalyenko was doing with the Rhapastani Government in the Hudson
River Valley. After meeting with whom he thought was Yelena, Stalyenko figured out it was not
really she and attempted to kill her. Even though her plan failed, Natasha was able to prevent
Stalyenko from selling the Cold War nuclear weapons he was hiding in the valley to Rhapastan.

The government of Bulgaria later captured Madame Hydra and requested an exchange with the
United States for the Black Widow. As part of a sting to find out who it was that was going to
allow Natasha to be exchanged, Daredevil and S.H.I.E.L.D. teamed up with Natasha and found
out that her husband, Alexi had orchestrated the entire exchange. Alongside the Avengers,
S.H.I.E.L.D., and Daredevil, Natasha took Alexi into custody.

Widow's Hunt:
The stress of seeing her once-dead once-living once-dead once-robot now alive again husband
drove Natasha to retirement. She lived for a short time in Arizona before agents from the Red
Room began tracking down ex-Black Widow agents and killing them. Natasha recruited Phil
Dexter, an associate from S.H.I.E.L.D., and attempted to track down the killers. In her hunting,
she found Sally Anne Carter as well as Antonovna Kudrin, who was the former head of biotech
for the Red Room. It turned out that the Black Widows included twenty-seven girls trained to be
perfect killers. They were implanted with false memories, psycho-chemically conditioned, and
chemically enhanced to be loyal and perform perfectly for the program.[68] Even pheromonal
locks and keys were implanted into the Black Widows as a control mechanism to keep them
from rebelling. While taking Lyudmila to S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha learned that Nick Fury had used
the pheromonal keys to make her defect from her home country and begin working for
S.H.I.E.L.D. She also learned that Sally Anne was kidnapped and Phil was killed in the process.

The trail of Black Widow killings lead to Vassily Ilyich Ulyanov from the Red Room and Ian
McMasters, CEO of Gynacon. Natasha caught up to them on his yacht and killed them, making
her the number one most wanted criminal in the United States.

Natasha sought help from Yelena Belova in Cuba. Yelena was running a lingerie company and
soft pornography television channels at the time. In return for a place to stay, Yelena asked
Natasha for help in exporting stolen medical supplies from Miami. To her surprise, Natasha
found the medical supplies to be from Gynacon and that Sally Anne was actually taken by the
mafia. Kestrel and Martin Ferris captured Natasha in Miami and attempted to alter her mind
using drugs to find out what she knew. With the help of Yelena, Daredevil rescued Natasha,
who then tracked and killed Kestrel and Ferris. In all the madness, Natasha learned that Sally
Anne had been experimented on by Gynacon but had escaped.

Black Widow was assigned to track down the Tinkerer in an effort to find the financier behind
the super-villains of America. Disguised in a burqa, she tracked the Tinkerer to the castle of
Lucia von Bardas, the current prime minister of Latveria. Unfortunately, the President refused
Fury's request for a S.H.I.E.L.D.-focused overthrow of von Bardas. Forced to act alone, Fury
gathered Widow, Captain America, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Daredevil, Wolverine and Daisy
Johnson to overthrow von Bardas. Unfortunately, the heroes disapproved of bringing down
Castle Doom down on von Bardas. Afterwards, Fury erased the memories of the non-level 10
participants in his secret war.

Daredevil Goes to Jail:

When Matt Murdock's identity as Daredevil was leaked to the press, the government came to
arrest him along with Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Foggy Nelson. Natasha was able to keep
everyone but Matt from going to jail.

Civil War/Initiative:
During the Superhero Civil War, Natasha became a supporter of the Superhuman Registration
Act and a member of the task force led by Iron Man. Afterward, Natasha allowed herself to be
registered and joined the reconstituted Avengers.

Natasha, still one of the world’s most sought-after espionage agents alive, was recruited by Iron
Man and Ms. Marvel to be on the newest team of Avengers alongside the Sentry, Ares, the
Wasp, and Wonder Man. When S.H.I.E.L.D. director Tony Stark was presumed killed and
deputy director Maria Hill incapacitated, Natasha assumed temporary command of S.H.I.E.L.D.
as the highest-ranking agent present.
Natasha was among the Avengers infected along with hundreds of other New York citizens by a
symbiote virus, but were cured by Iron Man. Natasha became very suspicious of Jessica Drew,
who was later discovered to be the Skrull impostor, Veranke.

Natasha assumed the identity of Yelena Belova to infiltrate Norman Osborn's Thunderbolts for
Nick Fury. Osborn discovered her breaking into an abandoned S.H.I.E.L.D. facility, and offered
her the position of field lead. On her first mission, she and Ant-Man took control of Air Force
One with the Goblin, Doc Samson, and the new President aboard. Osborn began impersonating
Fury in messages to set Natasha up in order to strengthen the Thunderbolts and lead him to

Osborn ordered her to lead the current Thunderbolts to kill former Thunderbolt, Songbird. Fury
orders "Yelena" to rescue and retrieve Songbird, for the information she might have possessed
about Osborn and his operations. Natasha found Songbird, and revealed to her that she was
really Natasha Romanova in disguise. She tried delivering Songbird to Fury, but the
Thunderbolts also followed them. The trio was captured as Osborn revealed he had been
impersonating Fury in messages all along. He ordered the team to execute Natasha and
Songbird, but they managed to escape when Ant-Man, Headsmen and Paladin turned on the
rest of the Thunderbolts and let them go. After being rescued by MACH-V and Fixer, they
learned that the Fury Osborn shot was actually an LMD.

Natasha was framed in a plot targeting global spies. She was accused of assassinating U.S.
senator Whit Crane. The senator's son, Nick, was captured by a rival spy Fatale, who wanted to
know his source for implicating Natasha. Natasha stole Nick away from her and took him to a
secret CIA base to scare him into giving her his source instead. The plan backfired when both of
them were attacked. Natasha and Nick escaped, but while in Poland they were attacked by
Fantasma and Crimson Dynamo. Natasha took down Crimson Dynamo, but then Fatale showed
up and knocked out Fantasma. Fatale revealed that she was hired to kill Whit Crane but found
he had already taken his own life and she needed to use Nick to track down who had actually
paid for the hit. Nick gave them the name of a source 'Sadko' (not his true source of info), but
when they arrived it was a trap wired with explosives and they were forced to escape. The
conspiracy against spies turned out to be wider and Natasha encountered Mockingbird and
Hawkeye on the same trail in Russia where they found many trainee spies and a S.H.I.E.L.D.
agent have been killed. Soon Perun, Crimson Dynamo, Fantasma and Sputnik showed up to
apprehend Hawkeye, believing him to be the Ronin behind the spy deaths. Discovering that this
was merely a diversion, the three heroes and Dominic Fortune alerted the true target -- an
ambassador in St. Petersburg, Russia. They next traveled to Japan. Dominic and Mockingbird
discovering an amassing battle force on the Russian coast near to the northern Japanese
islands, while Natasha and Hawkeye tracked down 'the Madame' -- an old ninja working with the
new Ronin to bring about this Russian attack. The four heroes met up on the disputed island
'Iturup' where they met the Ronin, who was revealed as Alexi Shostakov. His plan was to kill off
world intelligence operatives leaving countries blind while he made his attack, and brought the
four heroes to him so he could kill them. Shostakov set off the volcano on the island, but
Natasha and the others used the lava to defeat his forces. He was defeated when Natasha
showed Fantasma his true plan and Fantasma then hypnotized him into seeing Natasha's
death, allowing the real Natasha to take him down.

Again an Avenger:
After the Siege of Asgard, Black Widow joined Commander Rogers' new Secret Avengers.
Some time later, when the Stark Tower was rebuilt, she joined the Avengers' main team and
even had a room there. She played a vital role in helping Spider-Man foil the Sinister Six's latest
scheme when she, Spider-Man and Silver Sable were the last heroes left standing after the Six
defeated the rest of the Avengers (albeit because she was the Avenger closest to Sable's
cloaked plane).

During the Avengers' war with the X-Men, Natasha sided with her fellow Avengers. After the
war, she was called upon to join the primary Avengers squad. Several months later, when
S.H.I.E.L.D. took over the Avengers to find the Illuminati and bring them into custody, Black
Widow left the team and joined Sunspot's Avengers. When the Illuminati and the Avengers set
their differences aside in light of the imminent destruction of the universe as a result of the
Multiversal phenomenon known as an incursion, Black Widow was tasked with bringing selected
people aboard the Future Foundation's Life Raft. When the final incursion was coming to a
close, Widow's ship was damaged and Natasha died in the ensuing explosion.

Secret Empire:
Following the eventual restoration of the Multiverse, Natasha left the Avengers and returned to a
life of espionage. Black Widow was forced to betray and deflect from S.H.I.E.L.D. when a new
adversary nicknamed the Weeping Lion blackmailed her. In an ensuing mission, Natasha
discovered the existence of a Dark Room Academy founded by the Red Room's former
Headmistress. After turning the tables on the Weeping Lion and getting him to work for her,
Black Widow further investigated the Dark Room. She managed to stop an assassination
attempt in the White House from Dark Room recruits, and subsequently prevented the
Headmistress' daughter Anya from compromising S.H.I.E.L.D., freeing the remaining recruits
from the Dark Room's grasp, driving them to a path of recovery, and cleaning her name in the
When Hydra abruptly conquered the United States guided by the hand of Captain America, or
rather a twisted fascist version of him that had secretly taken his place due to a Cosmic Cube,
Black Widow joined the last line of resistance, the Underground. Having grown tired of the
Underground's reluctance to take the extreme approach to end Captain America even after his
regime had leveled Las Vegas, Natasha parted on her own to kill Rogers. She was followed by
the Champions, who joined her enterprise in an attempt to talk her out of murdering Captain

Over the course of the following weeks, Natasha trained the Champions in hopes to prepare
them for the grim future, while scheming her murder plot. Black Widow also planned to kill
Captain America herself to lift the burden from Spider-Man's shoulders, as a vision projected by
an Inhuman profiler named Ulysses Cain had predicted the young hero was going to murder
Rogers. Unfortunately, the intervention of a Hydra agent delayed the execution of Black
Widow's plan, which gave Spider-Man enough time to confront Captain America alone. While
Steve and Spider-Man were trading blows, Black Widow stepped in for the kid's safety, taking a
hit from Captain America's shield which broke her neck. Enraged, Spider-Man beat up Captain
America severely. Wasp stopped him, and convinced him to follow Natasha's wish, that he
avoided becoming an assassin like her.

Identity: Public Identity
Citizenship: Dual Russian, American
Marital Status: Divorced/Widowed
Occupation: Adventurer, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, intelligence operative; former school teacher,
fashion designer, ballerina, assassin, mercenary
Education: College graduate, Intensive espionage training through Taras Romanov, the Red
Room Academy, and others

Unnamed mother (deceased);
Ivan Petrovitch ("foster father");
unnamed brothers (possibly deceased);
Vindiktor (alleged older brother, deceased);
Nikolai (husband; deceased);
Stillborn/deceased child with Nikolai;
Ronin (Alexi Shostakov) (ex-husband)
Affiliation: Formerly Black Widow Ops Program, KGB, Avengers, Lady Liberators, S.H.I.E.L.D.,
Black Spectre, Champions of Los Angeles, Marvel Knights, Heroes for Hire, Mighty Avengers
(Initiative), Thunderbolts (as Yelena Belova), The Mighty, Secret Avengers (Black Ops Unit),
Secret Avengers (S.H.I.E.L.D.), New Avengers (A.I.M.), Underground, Red Room

Base Of Operations:Formerly Red Room, Moscow, Russia; Little Ukraine, New York City, New
York; North Shore Mansion, San Francisco, California; S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier; Savage Land;
Avengers Tower, Manhattan, New York City, New York; Infinite Avengers Mansion;
Thunderbolts Mountain, Colorado; The Cube; Quincarrier; Lighthouse, Earth Orbit; The Mount,

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