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G.R. No. 82233 March 22, 1990 J. SARMIENTO

Bienvenido Nacario died in an accident with JB Bus driven by Edgar Bitancor and owned
and operated by Jose Baritua (Petitioners).  The tricycle driven by Bienvenido was damaged. No
criminal case was filed.

The petitioners and the bus insurer entered into an extra-judicial settlement with Alicia
Baracena Vda. de Nacario, the widow of Bienvenido, wherein the former paid the latter P18,
500. In return, Alicia executed a "Release of Claim" releasing and discharging petitioners from
all actions, claims, and demands arising from the accident. She also executed an affidavit of
desistance formally manifesting her lack of interest in instituting any case.

Several almost 2 years from the date of the accident, parents of Bienvenido filed a
complaint for damages against the petitioners with the CFI as the petitioners herein promised
them that as extra-judicial settlement, they shall be indemnified for the death of their son,
funeral expenses, and damage for the tricycle the purchase price of which they only loaned to the
victim. Petitioners, however, reneged on their promise and instead negotiated and settled their
obligations with the long-estranged wife of their late son.

CFI: Dismissed the complaint. Payment to the widow and her child (preferred heirs and
successors-in-interest) of the deceased to the exclusion of his parents  extinguished any claim
against defendants.

CA: Reversed the CFI. The “release” did not discharge the liability as the case was instituted
by the private respondents in their own capacity and not as "heirs, representatives, successors,
and assigns" of Alicia. Latter could not have validly waived the damages being prayed for since
she was not the one who suffered these damages arising from the death of their son.

WON the spouse and the one who received the petitioners' payment, is entitled to it.

YES. Article 1240 of the CC enumerates persons to whom payment to extinguish an
obligation should be made. (. . . to the person in whose favor the obligation has been constituted,
or his successor in interest, or any person authorized to receive it).

Alicia and her son with the deceased are the successors in interest referred to in law as
the persons authorized to receive payment.

Under Article 887. The following are compulsory heirs: 1. Legitimate children and
descendants, with respect to their legitimate parents and ascendants; 2. In default of the
foregoing, legitimate parents and ascendants with respect to their legitimate children and
decendants; 3. The widow or widower; 4. Acknowledged natural children and natural children
by legal fiction; 5. Other illegitimate children referred to in Article 287. Compulsory heirs
mentioned in Nos. 3, 4 and 5 are not excluded by those in Nos. 1 and 2. Neither do they exclude
one another.
Parents of the deceased succeed only when the latter dies without a legitimate
descendant, while the surviving spouse concurs with all classes of heirs. (Art. 985) Bienvenido
was married to Alicia and that they begot a child, the private respondents are not successors-in-
interest of Bienvenido; they are not compulsory heirs. The petitioners therefore acted correctly
in settling their obligation with Alicia as the widow of Bienvenido and as the natural guardian of
their lone child. This is so even if Alicia had been estranged from Bienvenido. Mere
estrangement is not a legal ground for the disqualification of a surviving spouse
as an heir of the deceased spouse.

Neither could the private respondents seek relief and compensation from the petitioners.
The purchase price and expenses are but money claims against the estate of their
deceased son. These money claims are not the liabilities of the petitioners who had been
released by the agreement of the extra-judicial settlement they concluded with Alicia, the
victim's widow and heir, and as the natural guardian of their child, her co-heir. As a matter of
fact, she executed a "Release Of Claim" in favor of the petitioners.

Petition is GRANTED; the decision of the CA is REVERSED and SET ASIDE and the
decision of the RTC is REINSTATED.

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