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Transmitter release in the presynaptic

UPCM PHYSIOLOGY membrane is trigerred by increase in the
intracellular concentration of:
1. Hydrogen peroxide is an end-product of which a. Potassium ions
of the following organelles? b. Sodium ions
a. Peroxisome c. Calcium ions
b. Lysosome d. Chloride ions
c. Golgi apparatus
d. Mitochondrion 8. Receptors at the motor end-plate if the NMJ
consist of:
2. What type of cell signaling occurs over a long a. Muscarinic Ach receptors
distance and has a generalized effect? b. Nicotinic Ach receptors
a. Paracrine c. Alpha adrenergic receptors
b. Synaptic d. Beta adrenergic receptors
c. Endocrine
d. Neuronal 9. Neurons of the output component of the basal
ganglia synapse with the three main targets
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE using which of the following
regarding voltage-gated sodium ion channel? neurotransmitters?
a. They are opened when the membrane a. Glutamate
is hyperpolarized b. Dopamine
b. They pump 3 Na ions out of the cell c. Acetylcholine
and 2 K ions inwards d. GABA
c. They display a high conductance in
the resting membrane 10. Which of the following stimuli normally
d. They are virtually closed when the cell activates a receptor that is located on the free
is at rest nerve ending of a sensory neuron?
a. Taste
4. Which of the following mechanisms account b. Pain
for the absolute refractory period of the cell c. Gravity
membrane action potential? d. Sound
a. Delayed opening of the voltage-gated
K channels 11. The triggering mechanism for the genesis of
b. Closure of K leak channels REM sleep depends on neurons that release:
c. Opened state of all voltage-gated Na a. Acetylcholine
channels b. Serotonin
d. Closure of the activation gate of Na c. Norepinephrine
channels d. Dopamine

5. Which of the following characterizes Type 1 12. Bilateral damage to this structure results to an
fibers? inability to consolidate short-term memomy
a. Their oxidative capacity is very high into long-term memory:
b. They are fast twitch muscle fibers a. Hippocampal cortex
c. Calcium-pumping capacity of the b. Amygdala
sarcoplasmic reticulum is high c. Septal nuclei
d. They have a higher ratio to Type II d. Emboliform nuclei
fibers in normal muscle
13. Instead of troponin, what regulatory
6. The length of the muscle at which the active mechanism controls smooth muscle
tension is maximal is the: contraction?
a. eccentric length a. Tropomyosin
b. resting length b. Calsequetrin
c. equilibrium length c. F-actin helix
d. isometric length d. Calmodulin


14. Which of the following sensory modalities is d. Increasing the activity of slow Ca
transmitted directly to the cerebral cortex channels in phase 2
without being relayed through the thalamus?
a. Taste 21. Which principle describes the fluid movement
b. Sight across the capillary endothelium?
c. Smell a. Laplace law
d. Hearing b. Starling equation
c. Fick equation
15. Suppose you want to check the extrinsic d. Poiseulle law
pathway for the initiation of blood clotting,
what laboratory examination would you ask 22. Which part of the heart is most sensitive to
for? sudden occlusion of coronary blood flow?
a. Bleeding time a. Epicardium
b. Prothrombin time b. Myocardium
c. Partial thromboplastin time c. Endocardium
d. Platelet count d. Sub-epicardium

16. What will be the result of prolonged diastole? 23. Which of the following increases the ejection
a. Increase heart rate fraction?
b. Reduced peripheral resistance a. Increased afterload that decreases end
c. Reduced stroke volume systolic volume
d. Better filling of the ventricles b. Increased venous return that increases
end diastolic volume
17. Which of the following mechanisms is most c. Decreased cardiac compliance that
likely to cause dilatation and flaccidity of the increases end diastolic volume
heart? d. Increased calcium released from the
a. High calcium levels sarcoplasmic reticulum causing
b. High potassium levels decreased end systolic volume
c. Low calcium levels
d. Low potassium levels 24. Which of the following occurs during the rapid
ejection phase of ventricular systole?
18. The greatest danger of contractile impulses in a. A-wave is produced in the jugular
the heart provoking a circus movement is the pulse due to ejection of blood
development of: b. Ventricular pressure is greater than
a. Ventricular fibrillation aortic pressure
b. Premature ventricular contractions c. Arial muscles open on phase 0
c. Congestive heart failure d. Mitral valve is open
d. Atrial fibrillation
25. Hydrostatic edema results from which
19. Which of the following is characteristic of combination of conditions?
pacemaker cells? a. Increased intravascular pressure and
a. Upstroke due to opening of fast Na increased capillary permeability
channels b. Increased capillary permeability and
b. Distinct phase 1 due to increased Ca decreased oncotic pressure
conductance c. Increased intravascular pressure and
c. Sloping phase 4 due to K leak decreased oncotic pressure
channels d. Increased intravascular pressure and
d. Phase 3 due to increased Na influx increased oncotic pressure

20. The sympathetic nervous system modulates 26. Delay in the conduction through the AV node
the output of the pacemaker cells by: will cause which of the following changes in
a. Increasing camp causing a steep rise the ECG?
in phase 4 a. Shortened P-P interval
b. Decreasing the activity of L-type Ca b. Widened QT interval
channels and lowering the threshold c. Widened PR interval
c. Increasing the activity of the rectifying d. Widened QRS wave
K channels in phase 3


27. What happens when the myocardial c. Premature atrial contraction
contractility is markedly diminished as in heart d. Slowing down of sinus node
failure? depolarization
a. Ejection fraction decreases
b. The heart rate decreses 33. Which of the following compensatory
c. Pulmonary vascular resistance mechanisms happen during a massive
decreases hemorrhage in an individual?
d. The stroke volume does not change a. There is increased production of
rennin which in turn causes increase
28. Which of the following is a function of the production of Angiotensin
lymphatic system? b. There is a decrease in aldosterone
a. Filter nitrogenous waste from the production causing the kidney to
blood retain fluids and salt
b. Aid excretion of excess proteins from c. There is a reflex vasoconstriction of
the circulation the venous system
c. Move chylomicrons to circulation d. Heart rate and cardiac contractility is
d. Movement of carbon dioxide waste greatly increased.
from tissues
34. Volume of gas at Functional residual Capacity
29. Which of the following is TRUE regarding (FRC) contained in the conductive airways
cardiac work in untreated systemic corresponds to:
hypertension? a. Anatomic dead space
a. It may lead to increased pulmonary b. Alveolar dead space
pressure leads to fluid retention in the c. Physiologic dead space
lungs d. Ratio of dead space to tidal volume
b. It may cause increased heart rate
compensates to maintain normal 35. Which is characteristic of airway resistance?
cardiac output a. It increases as lung volume rises
c. The increased pressure decreases b. It is low in very small airways
oxygen consumption in the coronary c. It is proportional to the radius of the
vessels tube
d. The increased cardiac work may lead d. It increases as total cross-sectional
to ventricular hypertrophy area of the airways increases

30. Echocardiography uses what type of waves to 36. Physical/physiological changes that develop in
image the heart? acclimatized individuals living at altitudes
a. Radiofrequency higher than 10,000 feet include all of the
b. Ultrasound following, EXCEPT:
c. Magnetic a. The body size is somewhat diminished
d. Light b. They develop a high pulmonary
arterial pressure
31. This reflex causes stimulation of the c. They have a very high arterial oxygen
cardiovascular system and increased blood pO2
pressure in response to hypoxia, increased d. It controls the intensity of inspiration
CO2, or decreased pH detected by receptors in
the aorta and carotid arteries: 37. What is the role of apneustic center?
a. Baroreceptor reflex a. It fine tunes the breathing pattern
b. Chemoreceptor reflex b. It operates as an overdrive mechanism
c. CNS ischemic response during exercise
d. Bainbridge reflex c. It is for volitional breathing
d. It controls the intensity of respiration
32. A widening of the QRS complex can be
brought about by which of the following 38. Which of the pulmonary receptors play a role
conditions? in bronchoconstriction?
a. A blockage of one branch of the a. Lung inflation receptors
Bundle of His b. Irritant receptors
b. Conduction delay in the AV node c. Rapidly adapting stretch receptors


d. C-fiber receptors a. Inspiratory reserve volume
b. Expiratory reserve volume
39. Most of the stimulus for the ventilatory c. Residual volume
response to arterial CO2 changes arises from: d. Vital capacity
a. Peripheral chemoreceptors
b. Central chemoreceptors 47. The air in the lungs remaining after forced
c. Arterial baroreceptors exhalation is:
d. Dorsal respiratory group a. Inspiratory reserve volume
b. Expiratory reserve volume
40. A large lung compliance means that a: c. Residual volume
a. Small change in distending pressure d. Vital capacity
will cause a large change in lung
volume 48. Bronchioles are prevented from collapsing on
b. Small change in distending pressure quiet expiration by:
will elicit an appropriately small a. Cartilage
change in lung volume b. Gas content
c. Large distending pressure is required c. Alveolar attachments
to cause a change in lung volume d. Clara cells
d. Large change in distending pressure
will cause only a small change in lung 49. Which airway segment is the highest
volume contributor to the total airway resistance?
a. Trachea and main bronchi
41. The sum of vital capacity and residual volume b. Terminal bronchioles
is: c. Respiratory bronchioles
a. Diffusing capacity d. Alveolar ducts
b. Functional residual capacity
c. Inspiratory capacity 50. Which of the following is the limiting factor in
d. Total lung capacity endurance exercise?
a. Lactic acid levels in the circulation
42. Majority of CO2 is transported as: b. Ventilation
a. Carbaminohemoglobin c. Cardiac output
b. CO2 dissolved in plasma d. Tolerance to low levels of PO2
c. Bicarbonate ions
d. Alveolar CO2 51. Plexus that controls GI digestion and
absorption is located in the:
43. What is the most common physiological cause a. Mucosa
of hypoxemia? b. Submucosa
a. Alveolar hypoventilation c. Muscularis
b. Diffusion abnormality d. Serosa
c. Shunt
d. V/Q mismatch 52. Which of the following is characteristic of
exocrine pancreatic secretion?
44. What is the most potent stimulus to a. Hypotonicity relative to plasma
ventilation? b. Has a higher Cl- concentration than
a. A decrease in O2 plasma
b. An increase in blood hydrogen ion c. Stimulated by presence of HCO3- in
c. An increase in CO2 the duodenum
d. An increase in bicarbonate ion d. Tonicity does not vary with flow rate

45. An early physiologic adaptation to a high 53. Which of the following factors will increase
altitude environment is: both gastric and biliary secretion?
a. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction a. Secretin
b. Increased EPO production b. Gastrin
c. Decrease in O2 affinity to Hb c. Acetylcholine
d. Surface area for diffusion d. Histamine

46. The driving force for diffusion of a gas is:


54. Which of the following is the most essential a. Gastric cardia is mainly responsible
component of gastric secretion? for gastric emptying
a. Acid b. Gastric emptying is greates tif
b. Intrinsic factor contents are isotonic
c. Pepsinogen c. Fat inhibits emptying by releasing
d. Gastrin secretin
d. Emptying is inhibited by both gastrin
55. Which of the following secretion is stimulated and liquid solutions
by sympathetic stimulation?
a. Salivary 62. Complete ileal resection will have the most
b. Biliary deleterious effect on the absorption of which
c. Pancreatic of the following vitamin?
d. Gastric a. Vitamin C
b. Vitamin D
56. Which of the following statements is TRUE c. Vitamin B12
regarding colonic motility? d. Vitamin E
a. Haustra moves luminal contents over
long distances 63. Absorption of glucose involves
b. Mass movements usually occur after a. SGPT-1 on the apical membrane and
meals GLUT-2 in the basolateral membrane
c. Fecal materials remain liquid in the b. SGPT-1 on the apical membrane and
left side of the colon until defecation GLUT-5 in the basolateral membrane
d. Retrogade movement seldom occurs c. GLUT-5 in the apical membrane and
in the colon GLUT-2 in the basolateral membrane
d. GLUT-2 on the apical membrane and
57. Primary esophageal peristalsis is stimulated SGPT-1in the basolateral membrane
a. Sleep 64. Absorption of water is achieved by:
b. Swallowing a. Endocytosis
c. Esophageal distention b. Exocytosis
d. Anesthesia c. Secondary active transport
d. Osmosis
58. The major factor responsible for vomiting is:
a. Decreased intrathoracic pressure 65. What is the most abundant substance secreted
b. Contraction of abdominal muscles in the bile?
c. Diaphragmatic contraction a. Electrolytes
d. Reflex relaxation of the lower b. Bilirubin
esophageal sphincter c. Bile salts
d. Cholesterol
59. The ability of the stomach to accommodate
food and fluid without significant increase in 66. A medical student who wants to increase his
pressure is known as: absorption of iron and calcium will be helped
a. Tone by intake of:
b. Receptive relaxation a. Hydroxide-containing antacid
c. Retropulsion b. Fibers is cereals
d. Sieving function c. Ascorbic acid
d. Vitamin E
60. Normally, the movement of the contents of the
GIT is slowest along this segment 67. Growth Hormone secretion would lead to
a. Esophagus which of the following effects?
b. Stomach a. Increased glycogenolysis
c. Small intestines b. Decreased adiposity
d. Large intestines c. Decreased muscle mass
d. Decreased sleep
61. Which of the following statements is TRUE
regarding gastric emptying? 68. A large dose of insulin is administered
intravenous to normal 34 year-old female. This


is likely to cause an increase in all of the 75. What neoplasm of the thyroid gland may be
following EXCEPT: associated with the secretion of calcitonin?
a. Plasma norepinephrine concentration a. Follicular carcinoma
b. Plasma potassium concentration b. Follicular carcinoma
c. Growth hormone secretion c. Medullary carcinoma
d. Glucagon secretion d. Papillary carcinoma

69. Following massive hemorrhage during 76. The primary source of erythropoietin (EPO) is
delivery, a 34 year-old female experiences the:
acute pituitary failure secondary to ischemic a. Spleen
necrosis of the pituitary gland. Which of the b. Liver
following is most likely to be associated with c. Bone marrow
this clinical picture? d. Kidney
a. Elevated prolactin secretion
b. Decreased gonadotropin secretion 77. Metabolic effects of insulin include all of the
c. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism following, EXCEPT:
d. All of the above a. It inhibits gluconeogenesis
b. It inactivates the enzyme glucokinase
70. All of the following are neuropeptide c. It inactivates liver phosphorylase
hormones, EXCEPT: d. It promotes storage of glycogen in
a. oxytocin muscle
b. CRH
c. IGF-1 78. Male baldness is produced by:
d. TRH a. Large quantities of androgenic
71. Which of the following is NOT a stimulus for b. A combination of genetics and high
Growth Hormone release? levels of androgenic hormones
a. Amino acids c. Diminished blood supply to the scalp
b. Hyperglycemia d. A genetic background for baldness
c. Sleep
d. Estrogen 79. The deficiency of what trace element is
associated with skin ulcers, reduced immune
72. Hypophysectomy results in the functional response, and hypogonadal dwarfism?
decline of many endocrine organs. All of the a. Zinc
following are likely to occur after removal of b. Copper
the pituitary gland, EXCEPT: c. Chromium
a. Hypothyroidism d. Cobalt
b. Dwarfism
c. Deficiency of aldosterone 80. How much of the calcium in the plasma is
d. Infertility both diffusible and ionized?
a. 50%
73. In hyperaldosteronism, the following b. 40%
conditions are likely to be observed, EXCEPT: c. 20%
a. Hypertension d. 10%
b. Hypernatremia
c. Hypokalemia 81. Which among the following is secreted by the
d. none of the above posterior pituitary gland?
a. Growth hormone
74. Abnormally high glucocorticoid levels would b. Antidiuretic hormone
be associated with an increase in all of the c. Prolactin
following activities in the liver, EXCEPT: d. Follicle-stimulating hormone
a. Gluconeogenesis
b. Glycogenolysis 82. A man goes to see his doctor complaining of
c. Glucose production weight gain, even though he has been careful
d. None of the above of what he eats. The doctor determines he has
high blood pressure, high blood sodium levels,
and, low blood potassium levels.


Overproduction of which hormone would
explain his symptoms? 87. What is the major source of energy in affinity
a. Insulin in a 50-yard dash?
b. Cortisol a. Liver glycogen
c. Glucagon b. Anaerobic glycolysis
d. Aldosterone c. Breakdown of muscle proteins
d. Mixed oxidation of carbohydrates and
83. What is the effect of negative feedback fat
regulation on the profiles of hormone levels
over time? 88. Which of the following is NOT promoted by
a. An oscillating pattern insulin in the liver?
b. A flat pattern of hormone levels a. Absorption of glucose by muscle and
c. A steadily increasing pattern that adipose tissue
eventually crashes b. Incorporation of amino acids into
d. A steadily decreasing pattern that muscle protein
eventually hits zero c. Stimulation of fatty acid synthesis in
the liver
84. Under normal circumstances, what is the d. Hepatic gluconeogenesis
concentration of glucose in the urine?
a. O 89. Which of the following does NOT happen
b. 100-120 mg/dL during prolonged starvation?
c. 60 mg/dL a. Insulin concentrations are lower than
d. 100mg/dL after an overnight fast
b. The primary source of energy is
85. Which of the following statements concerning triglycerides from adipocytes
the phases of glucose homeostasis is c. Oxidation of ketone bodies is
INACCURATE? important in supplying the energy
a. In the fasting state, the brain accounts needs of some tissues
for only 10% of glucose uptake by d. Glucagon and the other
tissues counterregulatory hormones play a
b. In the fasting state, fatty acid ß- lesser role in controlling intermediary
oxidation is a major source of energy metabolism than they do in people
for many tissues eating normally
c. During a prolonged fast (i.e., more
than 48 hours), gluconeogenesis 90. Under normal conditions, in the healthy adult,
provides most of the glucose released what is the average GFR per day?
by the liver a. 80 liters
d. After a normal meal, glucose is stored b. 100 liters
largely in muscle and liver as c. 180 liters
glycogen or used to synthesize and d. 200 liters
store fatty acids
91. GFR increases with:
86. Which of the following conditions regarding a. Increased Bowman’s capsule pressure
the relationship of insulin and glucagon is b. Increased glomerular colloid pressure
INCORRECT? c. Increased glomerular hydrostatic
a. Glucagon prevents hypoglycemia by pressure
mobilizing glucose from the liver d. Increased afferent arteriolar resistance
b. Glucagon secretion is regulated
primarily by plasma glucose 92. When glomerular hydrostatic pressure
concentration increases to 80 mmHg, the net filtration
c. When glucagon binds to its receptor, pressure will be equal to:
the adenylate cyclase signal a. -10 mmHg
transduction system is activated b. 10 mmHg
d. Plasma glucagon concentrations tend c. 20 mmHg
to be high when the insulin d. 30 mmHg
concentration is high, and low when
the insulin concentration is low. 93. A dilatation in the efferent arteriole will:


a. Increase in GFR, increase RBF a. Glucose
b. Decrease GFR, decrease RBF b. Phosphate
c. Increase GFR, decreased RBF c. Chloride
d. Decrease GFR, increase RBF d. Bicarbonate

94. The tubuloglomerular feedback is: 99. The absorption of most solutes occurs in the
a. Due to intrinsic property of vascular a. Proximal tubule
muscle to contract when stretched b. Loop of henle
b. Directed toward stabilizing NaCl c. Distal tubule
delivery d. Collecting tubule
c. Triggered only by a drop in arterial
pressure 100. The nephron segments impermeable to water
d. Dependent on the filterability of a include:
substance a. The proximal tubule
b. The descending limb of the loop of
95. Which of the following is TRUE of plasma Henle
osmolality? c. The thin descending limb of the loop
a. The plasma sodium concentration is of Henle
the primary determinant of the plasma d. The thich ascending limb of the loop
osmolality since sodium salts are the of Henle
major extracellular osmoles
b. Water can freely cross cell membranes 101. Vasopressin causes an increase in water
and moves from an area of high permeability in
osmolality to one of low osmolality a. The proximal tubule
c. The major effective osmoles in the b. The thick ascending limb of the loop
body are: sodium, glucose, and urea of Henle
d. The osmotic pressure that generates c. The descending limb of the loop of
fluid shifts between the intracellular Henle
and extracellular spaces is produced d. The collecting duct
by the amount of water in the ECF.
102. An increase in the NaCl reabsorption will
96. The addition of glucose in the extracellular occur in the presence of
fluid compartment such as in uncontrolled a. Angiotensin II
diabetes mellitus produces which of the b. Atrial natriuretic peptide
following effects? c. Urodilantin
a. Lower the plasma osmolality d. Dopamine
b. Cause water to move out of the cells
c. Decrease the extracellular volume 103. In a patient with metabolic acidosis, a normal
d. Increase the plasma sodium serum anion gap and a positive urine anion
concentration gap, one may surmise tat there is:
97. True of long-term regulation of blood a. More ammonium being excreted in the
pressure: urine
a. Blood pressure control in the long- b. Reduced absorption of bicarbonate in
term depends on blood volume which the proximal tubule
in tuen depends on the ECF volume c. Reduced hydrogen ion pump activity
b. The kidneys play a minor role in long- in the proximal tubule
term BP regulation d. Decreased activity of type A
c. Tubuloglomerular feedback mainly intercalated cell in the collecting
mediates changes in sodium tubule
d. Glomerulotubular balance mainly 104. Potassium may be driven intracellularly by
mediates changes in GFR a. Sympathomimetic activity
b. Hypoaldosteronism
98. Concentration of which of the following in c. Acidosis
tubular fluid increases relative to its d. Insulin
concentration in plasma in the initial segment
of the proximal tubule. 105. Hyperventilation leads to hypocalcemia by:


a. Increasing calcium excretion in urine 7. C 32. A 57. B 82. D 107. C
b. Reducing calcium resorption from 8. B 33. ? 58. B 83. D 108. A
9. D 34. A 59. B 84. A 109. B
c. Decreasing calcium resorption in the
intestine 10. B 35. C? 60. D 85. A 110. B
d. Increasing binding of calcium to 11. A 36. C 61. B 86. D
serum albumin 12. A 37. D 62. C 87. B
13. D 38. B/D 63. A 88. D
106. A 24 year-old, 60 Kg male medical student
joined the 9K marathon. At the starting line, 14. C 39. B 64. D 89. D
he has total body fluid of: 15. B 40. A 65. C 90. C
a. 30 L 16. D 41. D 66. C 91. C
b. 33 L
17. B 42. C 67. A 92. D
c. 36 L
d. 42 L 18. A 43. D 68. B 93. D
19. D 44. C 69. B 94. B
107. Which energy system(s) is/are primarily 20. A 45. D 70. C 95. A
utilized by a participant in a 40-Km marathon?
21. B 46. C 71. B 96. B
a. Glycogen-lactic acid system
b. Phosphagen and glycogen-lactic acid 22. C 47. C 72. C 97. A
system 23. B/A 48. B/C 73. D 98. C
c. Aerobic system 24. B 49. A? 74. B? 99. A
d. Phosphagen system
25. C 50. A/C 75. C 100. D

108. Visual field examination of a patient revales

incongruous homonymous hemianopia with
central scotoma. Where is the lesion?
a. Optic chiasm
b. Optic tract
c. Optic nerve
d. Posterior occipital lobe

109. The disease which is believed to be the result

of dopaminergic neuron degeneration is:
a. Myasthenia gravis
b. Parkinson’s disease
c. Schizophrenia
d. Curare-induced paralysis

110. The mechanism by which transmission of an

impulse across the NMJ is blocked by curare
a. It competes with potassium at the
muscle membrane
b. It competes with Ach at the muscle
c. It initiates hydrolysis of Ach
d. It prevents the release of
1. A 26. C 51. B 76. D 101. D
2. C 27. A 52. D 77. B 102. A
3. D 28. C 53. C 78. B 103. D
4. C 29. D 54. B 79. A 104. D
5. A 30. B 55. A 80. A 105. D
6. B 31. B 56. B 81. B 106. C



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