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This INTERN NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT, hereinafter known as the “Agreement”, is entered

into between ________________bearing PAN number _____________ (“Intern”) and
ORMAE LLP, India (“Company”), collectively known as the “Parties” as of the 2nd April, 2020 (the
“Effective Date”).

Article I: Scope of Agreement

This Agreement acknowledges that certain confidential information, trade secrets, and proprietary data
(hereinafter defined and referred to as “Confidential Information”) of or regarding the Company may
be discussed between Intern and the Company (hereinafter known collectively as the “Parties”). The
provisions set forth in this Agreement define the circumstances in which the Intern can and cannot
disclose Confidential Information, and include the remedies, penalties and lawful action the Company
may take should such information be used or disclosed by Intern. Both Parties agree that it is in their
best interests to protect the Company’s Confidential Information, and that the terms of this Agreement
create a bond of trust and confidentiality between them. In consideration of Intern’s commencement of
Internship, or continued Internship with the Company, the Parties agree as follows:

Article II: Confidential Information

A. Definitions. Confidential Information is any material, knowledge, information and data (verbal,
electronic, written or any other form) concerning the Company or its businesses not generally known
to the public consisting of, but not limited to, inventions, discoveries, plans, concepts, designs,
blueprints, drawings, models, devices, equipment, apparatus, products, prototypes, formulae,
algorithms, techniques, research projects, computer programs, software, firmware, hardware,
business, development and marketing plans, merchandising systems, financial and pricing data,
information concerning investors, customers, suppliers, consultants and Interns, and any other
concepts, ideas or information involving or related to the business which, if misused or disclosed,
could adversely affect the Company’s business.

Address: 339B & 340B, 13th main, BDA 80 Feet Rd, Shantiniketan Layout, Arekere,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076
B. Exclusions. For the purposes of this Agreement, information shall not be deemed

Confidential Information and the Intern shall have no obligation to keep it confidential if:
(i) the information was publicly known;

(ii) the information was received from a third party not subject to the restrictions of this
Agreement and becomes available to Intern through no wrongful act or breach of Agreement on
their part; or

(iii) the information was approved for release by Employer through written authorization.

C. Period of Confidentiality.

☐ - Intern agrees not to use or disclose Confidential Information for their own personal
benefit or the benefit of any other person, corporation or entity other than the Company for
of their Internship and post-Internship.

☐ - Intern agrees not to use or disclose Confidential Information for their own personal
benefit or the benefit of any other person, corporation or entity other than the Company
during the Intern’s Internship with the company or any time thereafter.

D. Limitations. Intern shall limit access to Confidential Information to individuals on a strictly

need-to-know basis, involving only those who are carrying out duties related to the Company
and its business. Individuals under the Intern’s command (affiliates, agents, consultants,
representatives and other Interns) are bound by and shall comply with the terms of this

E. Ownership. All repositories of information containing or in any way relating to Confidential

Information is considered property of the Employer. The removal of Confidential Information from
the Company’s premises is prohibited unless prior written consent is provided by the Company. All
such items made, compiled or used by the Intern shall be delivered to the Employer by Intern upon
termination of Internship or at any other time as per the Employer’s request.

Article III: Inventions

A. Prior inventions. Any inventions created or conceptualized by the Intern prior to signing the
Agreement are excluded from the provisions herein.

B. Ownership of Inventions. Inventions constructed while under the Company’s Internship are the
sole property of the Company except those described under subsection (C.) of this section.

C. Personal Inventions. Inventions developed by Intern on their own personal time not constructed
on Company property, and that were not created using any Company materials, equipment,
technology or information, are exempt from the provisions of the Agreement.

Address: 339B & 340B, 13th main, BDA 80 Feet Rd, Shantiniketan Layout, Arekere,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076
Article IV: Entire Agreement

A. Previous Agreements. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and the signing thereof
by both Parties nullifies any and all previous agreements made between Employer and Intern.

B. Modifications and Amendments. No modifications, amendments, changes or alterations can be

made to the Agreement unless in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both Parties.

C. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors, subsidiaries,
assigns and corporations controlling or controlled by the Parties. The Company may assign this
Agreement to any party at any time, whereas Intern is prohibited from assigning any of their rights
or obligations in the Agreement without prior written consent from Company.

Article V: Nature of Relationship

A. Non-contract. The Agreement does not constitute a contract of Internship, nor does it
guarantee continuing Internship for the Intern.

B. Non-partner. The Agreement does not create a partnership or joint venture between Company
and Intern. Any financial arrangements made between both Parties shall not be included in this
Agreement but must be disclosed in a separate document.

Article VI: Severability

Any provision within the Agreement (or any portion thereof) deemed invalid, unlawful or otherwise
unusable by a court of law shall be dissolved from the Agreement and the remainder of the Agreement
shall continue to be enforceable. A severed provision shall not alter the integrity of the Agreement, and
the terms set forth in any severed provision shall be construed in such a way as to interpret the purpose
for which it was drafted.

Article VII: Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Karnataka
Bangalore, India.

Article VIII: Immunity

Address: 339B & 340B, 13th main, BDA 80 Feet Rd, Shantiniketan Layout, Arekere,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076
Disclosing Confidential Information to an attorney, government representative or court official in
confidence while assisting or taking part in a case involving a suspected violation of law is not
considered a breach of this Agreement. Should the Intern be required to disclose Confidential
Information by law, the Intern shall provide Employer with prompt notice of such request.

Article IX: Breach of agreement

A. Cause for Action. Intern understands that the use or disclosure of any Confidential Information
may be cause for an action at law in an appropriate court of the State of Karnataka or any State of the
India, or in any federal court, and that the Employer shall be entitled to an injunction prohibiting the
use or disclosure of the Confidential Information.

B. Indemnification. Intern understands and agrees that if the use or disclosure of Confidential
Information by them or any affiliate, Intern or representative of the Intern causes damage, loss, cost or
expense to the Company, the Intern shall be held responsible and shall indemnify the Company.

C. Injunctive Relief. The Intern understands and agrees that the use or disclosure of Confidential
Information could cause the Company irreparable harm and the Company has the right to pursue legal
action beyond remedies of a monetary nature in the form of injunctive or equitable relief. This may
be in addition to any other remedy, penalty or claim the law can provide.

D. Notice of Unauthorized Use or Disclosure. Intern is bound by this Agreement to notify the
Company in the event of a breach of agreement involving the dissemination of Confidential
Information, either by the Intern or a third party, and will do everything possible to help the Company
regain possession of the Confidential Information.

Article X: Prevailing party

In a dispute arising out of or in relation to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall have the right
to collect from the other party its reasonable attorney fees, costs and necessary expenditures.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto agree to the terms of this Agreement and signed on the
dates written below.

Intern Signature _____________________________________ Date: ________________

Address: 339B & 340B, 13th main, BDA 80 Feet Rd, Shantiniketan Layout, Arekere,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076
Intern Printed Name:

Address: 339B & 340B, 13th main, BDA 80 Feet Rd, Shantiniketan Layout, Arekere,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076

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