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CASE 5: Hyde-Philip Chemical Company

1. Objectives of the Study

- To review Hyde-Philip’s current approach to sales representation and to provide information
to determine if further additions or modifications are necessary.
2. Discussion Questions – What changes, if any, should Hyde-Phillip Chemical Company make in its
approach to sales representation?
- First is to identify the problem then further evaluate their current successful channels and
seek potential to expand them to larger interiors. They should also train and make use of
their own industrial distributors and sales force. And they also should have an investigation
on manufacturer’s poor performance.
3. Recommendations
- Same sa 2

CASE 11: Star Chemical Company

1. Objectives of the Study

- To develop a concrete marketing and distribution plan for the firm’s newly developed line of
chlorinated organic chemicals that aims to penetrate the consumer market.
2. Discussion Questions – Star Chemical has called you in to consult on this problem. Management
would like to receive a clear picture of its major distribution alternatives. It would also like you to
propose a method for evaluating the major distribution alternatives on quantitative basis.
- The firm can set up dedicated key account management structures and processes to serve
large consumers while implementing sales force effectiveness measures. In an approach to
evaluate the distribution on a quantitative, it must involve utilizing a good quality of
chemicals in order to keep their swimming pool clean. It most importantly should have a
clear marketing, distribution and advertising strategy.
3. Recommendations
- To have the firm invest in distributors given the advantage of them being equipped with the
expertise and experience on consumer goods. And instead of hiring a new sales force, the
firm should instead, train the current one that they have since it would be less expensive
and less risky.

CASE 17: Ben & Jerry’s

1. Objectives of the Study

- To evaluate Ben & Jerry’s complex channel structure and determine possible conflicts or
issues that could arise.
2. Discussion Questions
2.1 Do you think Ben & Jerry’s strategic alliances with wholesalers, franchisers, and
international licenses are viable in the long run, given that Ben & Jerry’s expects more
from its partners than simply earning profits?
 Choosing partners, that, in the first place share the same goals and values as
Ben Jerry’s would decrease the risk of encountering conflict among them. Also,
with Ben & Jerry’s firm stand with their beliefs and ideals shown through many
years of efforts and “walking the talk”, its partners would be motivated also to
2.2 Given the multichannel arrangements used to distribute Ben & Jerry’s products, do you
see a potential for channel conflict developing despite Ben & Jerry’s noble intentions?
 Incompatibility in goals would arise as a conflict between its channel members.
To some members, profit and sales would matter more.
2.3 Do you think Ben & Jerry’s existing channel structure is an ideal one, given the kinds of
social objectives the company is pursuing? Explain.
 It is an ideal one that matches with their social objectives. Although a whole
structure/strategy that has social awareness as its foundation can be risky for a
retail firm, but given Ben & Jerry’s reputation and capacity, they could easily
counter most risks.

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