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Purpose of SEM

The Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM) is a widely used model that appears to a broader definition of giftedness in a “one size
does not fit all” approach by taking into account the various abilities, backgrounds, experiences, and learning preferences of each
student while capitalizing upon their strengths and interest so that all students are able to reach their maximum potential through a
challenging and individualized educational experience.

Meeting the Needs of the Gifted Learner SEM: A Combination Model

Addresses the problem of underchallenged students and

provides additional learning paths for students who find
success in more traditional learning environments.
Allows schools to develop a collaborative school culture that takes
advantage of resources and appropriate decision-making strategies to
SEM for Special Populations create meaningful, high-level and potentially creative opportunities
Based on 20 years of extensive research, the SEM model for students to develop their talents.
appears to be most effective at serving high-ability students in SEM focuses utilizes a combination of the Three Ring Conception of
a variety of educational settings and in schools serving diverse Giftedness and The Enrichment Triad Model to increase challenge,
ethnic and socioeconomic populations. interest, and engagement for gifted students by:
Studies also suggest that SEM pedagogy can be applied to 1. Encouraging creative productivity in young students by
various content areas resulting in higher achievement when exposing them to various topics, areas of interest and fields
implemented in a wide variety of settings, and when used with of study; and
diverse populations of students including high ability students 2. Helping them develop the proper skills for applying
with learning disabilities and underachievers. advanced content, process-training skills, and methodology
training to self-selected areas of interest.
The Three Ring Conception of Giftedness

The Enrichment Triad Model

Continuum of Services
Although the enrichment clusters and the SEM-based
modifications of the regular curriculum provide a broad range
of services to meet individual needs, a program for total talent
development still requires supplementary services that
challenge young people who are capable of working at the
highest levels of their special interest and ability areas.
See back for a table that highlights the continuum of services
at each grade level.

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