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16th - 25th May 2020 Rhodes / Greece

In many countries 21st of May 2020 is a public holiday

Contact and registration:

[email protected]
The ACO World Amateur Chess Championship 2019 takes place from 16th - 25th Prizes: 5.000 EUR
May 2020 on the island of Rhodes (Greece) as an open tournament. Any player
with a rating below 2400 can represent his country and become Group A Group B Group C
ACO World Champion in his rating group! 2201 – 2400 2001 – 2200 1801 – 2000
1st place: 500 EUR 1st place: 400 EUR 1st place: 400 EUR
Accommodation for all players and accompanying persons: 2nd place: 200 EUR 2nd place: 200 EUR 2nd place: 200 EUR
The event takes place in the luxurious ambience of the award-winning 3rd place: 100 EUR 3rd place: 100 EUR 3rd place: 100 EUR
5-star Sheraton Rhodes Resort beach hotel. The hotel belongs to the
international Sheraton Group, which exclusively comprises 5-star hotels. Group D Group E Group F
The playing hall is located in the hotel. More information and impressions 1601 – 1800 1401 – 1600 1201 – 1400
will follow on the following pages. 1st place: 400 EUR 1st place: 400 EUR 1st place: 400 EUR
2nd place: 200 EUR 2nd place: 200 EUR 2nd place: 200 EUR
Division of groups: 3rd place: 100 EUR 3rd place: 100 EUR 3rd place: 100 EUR

Group A: 2201 – 2400 Group G

Group B: 2001 – 2200 0 – 1200
Group C: 1801 – 2000 1st place: 400 EUR 1st place of each rating group
Group D: 1601 – 1800 2nd place: 200 EUR becomes ACO World Champion.
Group E: 1401 – 1600 3rd place: 100 EUR Places 1-3 receive trophies.
Group F: 1201 – 1400
Group G: 0 (unrated) – 1200 Prizes are based on 100 participants.

Every group plays separately meaning you only play opponents of similar Tournament Rules and Regulations:
playing strength in your group. For the division of groups we consider All players and accompanying persons are obliged to stay in the oicial
your ELO/national rating at the moment of registration. For players having hotel. All booking must be made directly through the ACO.
both an ELO-rating and a national rating, the higher rating counts. Players
without rating or other players may only play in a diferent group upon Weather on Rhodes:
written application to the organizers. The weather in May is sunny with temperatures up to 28 degrees.
During this time there is hardly any rain and the sea is warm.
Mode and time control:
9 rounds Swiss System. Transfer from the airport:
The hotel is 20 minutes away from the airport. The costs for a taxi are
Rate of play: 90 minutes for 40 moves + 15 minutes with an increment of ca. 25 EUR, the costs for a busticket ca. 3 EUR.
30 sec. per move starting from move 1. Default time: 30 minutes. In case of
a tie, the Buchholz decides the winner, otherwise prizes will be shared. Note:
From 2018, Greece has introduced a tourist tax for all hotels in the country.
Starting fee (only for players): 50 EUR For 4 and 5 star hotels this tax is 4 EUR per room per night.
Schedule ACO World Amateur Chess Championship 2020
16th - 25th May 2020 Sheraton Resort Rhodes
Saturday 16.05. Arrival Wednesday 20.05. 10:00 AM Round 5
Registration 4:00 PM Round 6
6:00 PM
Draw of pairings
Sunday 17.05. 9:00 AM Thursday 21.05. Free day
for Round 1
9:30 AM Opening ceremony Friday 22.05. 10:00 AM Round 7
10:00 AM Round 1 6:30 PM
Blitz tournament
6:30 PM 10:00 AM Round 8
Blitz tournament
Monday 18.05. 10:00 AM Round 2 Saturday 23.05. 6:30 PM
4:00 PM Round 3 10:00 AM Round 9

Tuesday 19.05. 10:00 AM Round 4 Sunday 24.05. 6:00 PM Prize-giving ceremony

4:00 PM Grandmaster lecture 7:00 PM Gala dinner

Blitz tournament
6:00 PM Monday 25.05. Departure

The participation at the side program like for example blitz tournaments, lectures or simultaneous exhibition is voluntary.
The ACO chess package - chess and holidays
The following services are included for all players & accompanying persons:

 9 overnight stays in 5-star Sheraton Rhodes Resort

 Full board
Breakfast, light lunch (see page 10), dinner

 Drinks included (non-alcoholic) during the meals (value 150 EUR)

Free water and 1 soft drink per person per meal (lunch & dinner)

 Free drinks during the chess games (value 150 EUR)

Unlimited free water, tea and cofee during the chess games

 ACO drinks coupon (see page 11)

Exclusively for ACO guests there is a selection of alcoholic (beer, wine,
cocktails) and non-alcoholic beverages with up to 70% discount.

 Daily 2 free bottles of mineral water in the room

 Prize-giving ceremony with gala dinner (see page 18)

 Free game analysis with GM Spyridon Skembris & GM Zigurds Lanka
After the end of your games, you can analyze them with the Greek
national coach Spyridon Skembris and world famous coach Zigurds Lanka

 Free grandmaster chess lectures

The grandmasters Skembris and Lanka will hold two lectures during the
tournament about diferent chess topics (Duration about 1,5h each).

 Free chess side program (participation is voluntary)

Each evening there will be a diferent chess event. For example blitz tourna-
ments (Indvidual or teamblitz), grandmaster simultaneous exhibition etc.

 Free access to the gym (24h)

 Private hotel beach

 Free internet access Lobby

Support of Grandmasters
• Game analysis • Lectures
• Simultaneous exhibition

Every year our participants are supported by grandmas-

ters. After completing your game, you can analyze it with
the help of a Grandmasters.

Zigurds Lanka: Latvian coaching legend from Riga,

best students: Shirov & Bologan
Spyridon Skembris: National coach of Greece

In addition to the game analysis, both coaches will hold

seminars (in German and English) on various topics and
compete with you in a simultaneous or blitz tournament.

Videos of seminars 2019

Click on the link to open the video:

Video GM Lanka (short version / German):

Video GM Skembris (short version / English):

Video GM Lanka (long version / German):

GM Zigurds Lanka (left) and Video GM Skembris (long version / English):

GM Spyridon Skembris (right)
Break guaranteed A typical day at the ACO World Amateur Chess Championship

At the World Championship we will have 2 double rounds 08.00 hrs: The alarm clock is ringing, soon it starts! Get up relaxed and rested for
(days with one round in the morning and one round in the breakfast.
afternoon). A few of our past participants have informed us
that they were quite exhausted after the double round. So 09.00 hrs: Enjoy the breakfast bufet. Large selection and wonderful weather.
we ofer all participants the opportunity to 1 or 2 „breaks“.
This is not mandatory for any participant, it is a choice! 09.55 hrs: The round‘s about to start. As always, there will be a song before the game.
These breaks are called „BYE“s in chess language. Once the music stops, the round is started!

A „BYE“ is when you as a player tell the arbiter before the 10.00 hrs: Here we go!
next round that you want to pause the next round . Then
you will not be included in the pairings for the next round, 13.30 hrs: Done, after an exciting game I was able to decide the game in my favor.
but still get half a point. So you can relax, yet not slip of in Together with my opponent and a GM we have a look at the game.
the table. 25% of the players make use of it. No need to hurry, lunch is served until 15:00 hrs.
It is possible to take a „BYE“ exclusively at the two match
14.00 hrs: Lunch. But not too much, I still need energy for the evening program!
days when a double round is played. So you can come after
the morning round to the arbiter and tell him that you want
15.30 hrs: Time for beach. Or the pools, as the case may be. There are chess friends
to take a „BYE“ for the next round, which is played in the
everywhere with plenty of opportunities to play chess, sunbathe and relax
after the rounds.
Then you are not included in the pairings and get half a
18.30 hrs: Blitz tournament with free entry and way over 100 players. The ACO team
point. The next rounds you will be paired regularly. The
possibility of a „BYE“ is only possible twice, only at the 2 with the GMs Bindrich and Lanka, IM Tobias Hirneise, FM Jens Hirneise
match days with double rounds. and ACO president Lothar Hirneise also take part, but of out of competition.
Around 20:00 hrs the tournament is over.
A „BYE“ gives you a break which you can use to relax and
recharge your batteries. At the same time you get half a 20.00 hrs: Dinner time, highly deserved! Important question: one or two scoops
point for the missed round. This leads to an even more of ice cream?
relaxed tournament for many players.
22.00 hrs: It‘s not too late for a drink at the bar with some chess friends. In case you
Questions? still don‘t have enough of chess, you can also play a game of at the bar.
Send an email to: [email protected] Chess boards are everywhere in the hotel!
What participants say about previous ACO World Championships

“The participants are all very relaxed. Nothing is missing. A beautiful “It was my irst holiday in Greece and my irst participation in a World
holiday tournament in a world-class atmosphere, with a great price- Amateur Championship and I was looking forward to it for months.
performance ratio.“ My expectations of a great time were exceeded in all areas. The fantastic
hotel complex with the best conditions for such an event left nothing to
Peter Trzaska be desired; the good service of the staf, the excellent kitchen as well as
the hotel’s own sandy beach made it perfect and you could really enjoy
your stay in a wonderful climate.
„A big thank you to the ACO-Team for the organization of the World
Amateur Chess Championship. The tournament, its realization, the
At this point I would like to praise the organizers, who had the
complete supporting program as well as the entire hotel (team) had to
preparation, management and execution of the tournament
show an enormously high quality, which absolutely lived up to the claim
(including the side tournaments) up to the pairings and the festive
of a world championship. I‘m looking forward to participating in this great
tournament next year, to enjoying the Greek sun and the food award ceremony completely under control and ensured a perfect and
and meeting the nice people I met again“ smooth process, this was also conirmed by the other participants!
Many thanks to GM Falko Bindrich and family Hirneise!
Marco Siebarth
As a subscriber to Rochade Europa, I have been following the tournament
for years and have now decided to participate. I can highly recommend
it to any chess lover who wants to play a tournament in a relaxed
„I was there for the irst time. And I am thrilled. So many opportunities to atmosphere (Chess and Beach) in combination with a holiday feeling. Even
play and experience chess as a simple amateur, with free water, cofee and my personally worst tournament result (there’s such a thing as that) will
tea on the board, to talk to so many people from other countries, in such a not cloud my memory of this beautiful time. Professionally and family-wise
beautiful place, with a great tour on a day of, with the best and more than it its with me with a participation at the earliest again in two years, but I
abundant cuisine, and all this in a pleasant atmosphere that you spread. can look forward to it already now.”
Thank you very, very much! Best regards from Switzerland“

Ruth Huber Andreas Borchert

“I was lucky to have the chance to take part in the ACO Amateur Chess A big compliment to the ACO team for their ideas, hard work, friendliness
World Championship and I can simply say that it was the best organised and professionalism. The whole organisation was simply perfect. There
event I have ever taken part in! The organizers took care of every detail were no incidents, the sportiness was of a high level and there was a lot of
and made all the players feel special. The venue was great, with lots of contact between the organizers and the players. These contacts continued
space and good lighting. I also liked the side events ( blitz tournament after the tournament.
etc.) provided free of charge by the organizers. The schedule of the
championship was well thought out and there was enough time for Harry Wubs
family and friends and to explore the island. All in all a great event and
great initiative of the organizers! Bravo! I really hope that I can make
the tournament an integral part of my family’s calendar and I hope
“Dear chess friends. I am very happy about the nine days at the World
that more and more people will support ACO and participate in future
Amateur Championship! A great chess atmosphere, great chess players,
great people and great friends. Thank you for organizing this perfect event
and also for the blitz tournaments! I really liked them! Thanks again for so
Constantine Ananiadis
much chess, chess and even more chess on Greek islands!

“Hats of and a big round of applause for the whole ACO team for another Antonio Maset
brilliant achievement! The friendly atmosphere at the tournament reached
a level I have never experienced before at a chess tournament. Ever. The
fact that the organisers recognised me directly from last year may not have „A big praise to the ACO team, which took care of all participants with
been so surprising, but the fact that they all seemed to know the players
a lot of dedication. It was my irst participation and I will never forget it
by name after just a few days was really impressive and contributed greatly
not only because of the inal result. Everything was well organized, the
to everyone feeling they were part of the ACO family”
tables and boards were very well prepared, and despite the large number
of participants there was enough room to move freely around the hall
Mikael Svensson
and watch the other games. On the match-free evenings, the ACO team
organised either blitz tournaments or interesting lectures by the great
and very humorous Latvian Grand Master Lanka, who speaks excellent
“Although I did not know exactly what to expect, I would say that all my German. I take my hat of to the organizers, who tirelessly provided a great
expectations were exceeded. Despite the heat outside, there was a lot of atmosphere every single day. I look forward to next time!”
warmth and friendliness in the hotel. This friendliness came very strongly
from the people who hosted the tournament. David Moreno Rivilla
„The participants thanked the organizers for an extraordinary, outstanding diferent opponents from all over the world, in addition even the chance
organizational achievement at the closing event with long lasting to become world champion like me. I would also like to thank all my
applause, which already has cult status after only a few years. Analogous opponents and participants for the friendly atmosphere during the whole
to the Olympic motto, here too, it is more important to be part of it than tournament. Finally, I would like to wish all past and future participants in
to win. With this in mind I would like to thank the organizers for a top ACO tournaments every success on the chessboard and in life.
organization that is unique in this form.”

Uwe Ritter Nikolay Gutsulyak

“Great atmosphere with ideal playing conditions, many interesting chess

„What a great idea to combine a beach vacation with chess. Two things tournaments such as single blitz, team blitz, seminars, simultaneous
you love. As always, chess was fun. But we are also on holiday and had a exhibitions and excursions“
great time. It was a great chance to make new friends. Language is not a
Vladimir Paleologu
barrier. For a few minutes I analyzed our game together with my Russian
opponent, he in Russian and I in English, both with hand and foot. And we
both understood it! One of the many little extras was to have a brilliant
grandmaster at hand to help you with game analysis. A real blessing for all
It’s not usually my way of praising everything - but it’s true that I’ve never
participants. We were treated like kings and queens.”
seen anything like this tournament before. The ACO team left nothing
to be desired, they were always responsive. The big playing hall, lots of
David Gilbert space during the games, free cold drinks and cofee, and not to forget
the seminars and the blitz tournaments, it was great. The World Amateur
Championship was therefore the best tournament for me in my amateur
chess career. The hotel was clean and the players were warmly welcomed
at the hotel reception. Players and accompanying persons had the same
“The ACO World Amateur Chess Championship was organized at the
advantages. I don’t have the words to express our satisfaction. All in all, it
highest level and leaves me with many very good memories. I am very
was absolutely incredible, and even better!! Will we be there next year?
happy about the tournament, especially with my result. There was a lot of
Yes! Of course!
chess, a lot of fun and new friendships were made. First of all I would like to
thank GM Falko Bindrich and the Hirneise family for organizing this really
perfect tournament. Thanks to you everyone gets the chance to play with Arezki Bouchelaghem
Price list 5***** Sheraton Rhodes Resort
All prices per person Registration until Registration until Registration until Registration from
(except Family rooms) 30.09.2019 15.11.2019 31.12.2019 01.01.2020
Double room Standard 899 EUR 949 EUR 999 EUR 1049 EUR

Double room sea view 999 EUR 1049 EUR 1099 EUR 1149 EUR

Single room Standard 1299 EUR 1349 EUR 1399 EUR 1449 EUR

Single room sea view 1499 EUR 1549 EUR 1599 EUR 1649 EUR

Triple room Standard 799 EUR 849 EUR 899 EUR 949 EUR

Triple room sea view 899 EUR 949 EUR 999 EUR 1049 EUR
Family room 2199 EUR 2299 EUR 2399 EUR 2499 EUR
(2 adults + 1 child up to 14 years) (Total price) (Total price) (Total price) (Total price)
Family room 2599 EUR 2699 EUR 2799 EUR 2899 EUR
(2 adults + 2 children up to 14 years) (Total price) (Total price) (Total price) (Total price)
Junior Suite for 2 persons 1599 EUR 1649 EUR 1699 EUR 1749 EUR

Aegean Suite für 2 persons 1999 EUR 2049 EUR 2099 EUR 2149 EUR

The following services are included for all players & accompanying persons:
 ACO drinks coupon - exclusively for ACO guests!
 9 overnight stays in 5 stars hotel Sheraton Rhodes Resort There is a selection of alcoholic (beer, wine, cocktails) and non-
alcoholic beverages with up to 70% discount.
 Full board: Breakfast, light lunch, dinner
 Prize-giving ceremony with gala dinner
 Drinks included (non-alc.) during the meals (value 150 EUR)
Unlimited free water and 1 soft drink per meal  Free game analysis with GM Lanka & GM Skembris

 Free drinks during the chess games (value 150 EUR)

 Chess program: Blitz tournaments, Grandmaster simul etc.
Free water, tea and cofee exklusive for ACO guests  Private hotel beach and free access to fitness centre (24h)

 Daily 2 free bottles of mineral water in the room  Free internet access at the entire hotel
16th - 25th May 2020 Rhodes / Greece

To register for the ACO World Amateur Chess Championship 2020 in

Sheraton Rhodes Resort please click on the below link. There you can ill out the online
registration form and choose your accommodation. If you have diiculties with the online
registration form, please send an email to: [email protected]
General Business Terms For Travel Contracts
4.Client Resignation prior to begin of tour / Cancellation costs
The following terms will come into effect when agreed upon the content of this travel contract between the client and us (the tour 4.1
operator). They will add the lawful clauses of §§ 651a-m BGB (Civil Law Code) as well as the information guidelines for tour The client can resign from the tour at any given time. The resignation has to be made in written form at our business address
operators according to §§ 4-11 BGB-InfoV (regulations for information and obligation to produce proof according to civil law code) of Cannstatter Straße 13, 71394 Kernen, Germany. It is recommended to make this declaration in written form.
and ill those in. 4.2
If the client resigns prior to the beginning of the tour, or if he does not enter the tour, then we will lose claim over the price of
1.Conclusion of travel contract / Client obligations the tour. If the resignation cannot be justiied or is a case of an act of nature, we may demand appropriate compensation for
1.1 all travel preparations or expenses in connection with the tour costs prior to the tour.
By booking (registering) the client offers us binding conclusion of the travel contract. The basis of this offer are the travel tender 4.3
as well as our additional information for each respective tour as far as this is available to the client. We have tiered compensation claims in a chronological way, according to consideration of the proximity of date of the
1.2 resignation compared to the agreed upon tour start. This is done in percentual relat ion compared to the cost of the journey.
Travel agent (such as tourist ofice and service provider (such as hotels, shipping company) are not entitled to make agreements, During the calculation of the compensation possible additional usage of the travel services will be taken into account. The
disclose information or issue warranties which change the agreed upon content of this travel contract or to offer additional ser- compensation is calculatedafter the date of reception of the declaration agreement. This occurs in the following way:
outside those agreed upon or in disagreement with this tour tender. Until 31 days prior to tour start 25%
1.3 starting from 30 to 25 days prior to tour start 40%
We are not bound by place and hotel brochures, as well as internet tenders which were not issued by us, unless they were starting from 24 to 18 days prior to tour start 50%
expressly starting from 17 to 11 days prior to tour start 60%
declared to be agreed upon by the client, or became the content of our duty to perform. starting from 10 to 4 days prior to tour start 80%
1.4 starting from the 3rd day prior to tour start up until the start of tour or if tour is not entered 90% of the price of the tour.
The booking may be made orally, in writing, via phone, via telefax or via digital means (e-mail, internet). We will immediately
conirm 4.4
reception of booking with electronic bookings. This conirmation of receipt does not constitute acceptance of booking agreements Under these circumstances, the client has to prove, that no damage or less damage than expected came about than the lat
yet. fee that was demanded by him. We remain the right to demand higher and concrete compensation as long as we can prove
1.5 that the damage incurred was higher than the respective and applicable lat fee. In this case we are bound to make available
The client is bound by all contract duties for those travelling with him, if he has issued booking for them. He is also bound by all the demanded compensation with consideration of the saved expenses as well as other usage of the travel services. The
contract duties for himself, as long as he has expressly and separately declared his duty to do so. lawful right of the client, to ind a suitable replacement according to § 651 b BGB is not touched due to these terms.
The contract becomes binding once access to our declaration of acceptance has been made possible. This is not bound by any 5. Change Of Reservation
particular form. During or right after completion of contract, we will send written conirmation to the client. We are not bound by 5.1
this Client claims after completion of contract concerning the tour date, tour destination, the accommodation and type of trans-
if the booking by the client was made less than 7 days prior to the start of the tour. Special wishes and registrations are only valid portation.will not go into effect. If a client chooses to change their reservation, we will demand a EUR 50.00 fee in order to
if they are conirmed by the host in written form. process the change.
1.7 5.2
If the content of our declaration of acceptance deviates from the content of the booking, then this is considered a new offer by us, Changes of reservation by the client which are made more than 30 days prior to start of the tour may only be carried out after
to which we are bound for the duration of 10 days. The contract will be based on the basis of this new offer, if the stepping back from the travel contract according to Nr.4.2 to 4.4 and according to the terms mentioned there. In addition the
client issues acceptance through express declaration, deposit or inal payment. client would need to register again for these changes to take effect if indeed they are plausible to make. This does not apply
for changes of reservation which only cause minor costs.
2.1 6.Undrawn Services
To secure client money insolvency insurance will be made. If the client chooses not to utilize individual services which were offered to him, especially if this is due to reasons that were
2.2 produced by him (such as premature return journey) then he will not be able to ile claims on partial reimbursement of the
After completing the contract, a deposit of 20% of the travel price will become due. The deposit will be redounded to the cost of tour cost. This duty is not applicable if the services concerned are irrelevant or if lawful or regulatory provisions have been
the tour. The rest of the payment must be made at least 28 days prior to the beginning of the tour (declaration of reception of pay- made against them.
ment), as long as the insurance certiicate has been handed over and the journey can no longer be cancelled due to the reason
stated in Nr.7. Payments have to be made based on the bill number stated on the travel conirmation agreement. 7.Resignation due to non achievement of a minimum number of participants
2.3 The minimum number of persons for the World Amateur Chess Championship 2020 on Rhodes (16th-25th May 2020)
If the client fails to make deposit or payment until the agreed upon payment dates, then we are entitled to step back from the is 300 persons (sum of players and accompanying persons until 1st of March 2020)
travel contract after admonition and to debit the client with any associated costs according to Nr. 5.2 Sentence 2 until 5.5. Without
full payment of the tour price, there is no claim for a fulilment of the tour services. We may only resign from the travel contract due to not achieving a minimum number of participants if:
a) we speciically deined a minimum number of participants in our travel brochure as well as the date until which the client
3.Changes Of Service has to forward a declaration prior to the beginning of tours.
3.1 b) if the travel conirmation document speciically mentions the minimum amount of participants as well as the latest date for
Changes of essential tour services of the agreed upon content of the travel contract, which become necessary after making the return, and reference is made to the appropriate data inside the tour announcement.
conclusion of contract and are not brought about against belief or faith are only permitted if the changes are not severe and they Resignation has to be made apparent to the client at least 5 weeks prior to the agreed upon date of the tour. If at an earlier
do not inhibit the overall terms of the tour. date it becomes apparent that the minimum number of participants will not be reached, then we will immediately be forced to
3.2 utilize our right to resign. If the tour is not being carried out due to this reason, the client shall receive back all the tour
Eventual warranty demands remain untouched, as long as the changed services are not subject to deiciencies. payments he has thus far made. Any additional claims for compensation are ruled out.
We are bound to inform the client about essential changes of services immediately after determining the reason of change.
In the case of a severe change of any essential tour services, the client is able to step back from the tour contract or to demand
participation in a tour of at least the same value, if we are able to offer such a tour without additional cost to the client from a
selection of our offers. The client has to make these claims immediately after our declaration of changing the tour services or
cancellation of the tour.
13.Passport, visa and health regulations
8.Cancellation based on behavioral reasons 13.1
We may cancel the travel contract in compliance with our terms, if the client continues to disturb or if he decides to act against the We will instruct EU members within the respective country in which the tour is being offered, about any terms concerning
terms issued in this document in such a way, that our cancellation can be justiied. If we decide to cancel, we remain the right to passport, visa and health guidelines prior to completion of contract as well as any eventual changes prior to the start of the
keep the amount of the tour price; we must however calculate the value of any saved expenses, as well as those advantages tour. For members of other nations the respective consulate is available for information. We are assuming that no oddities
which were not utilized as part of any alternative usage, including the amounts made by service providers. are apparent with regards to the client (such as double passports, statelessness).
9.Contribution duties of the client The client is responsible for purchasing and carrying the lawfully required travel documents, any necessary vaccinations as
9.1 Announcement of deiciencies well as adherence to any customs and currency laws. Disadvantages which result from now obeying these terms, such as the
If the tour is not being delivered according to our terms, the client may demand remedy. The client is however bound to announce payment of resignation costs, must be paid by the client. This is not the case, if we have failed to inform the client appropriately.
any deiciencies concerning the tour immediately. If the client fails to do so it becomes impossible to lower his tour price. This 13.3
does not apply when the announcement is apparently pointless or is unacceptable for any other reasons. The client is bound to We are not responsible for timely issuance and reception of the required visa through the respective diplomatic represen-
make his announcement to tour guides immediately upon arriving at destination. The client will be instructed on our description of tatives, if the client has commissioned us with the purchase, unless we have violated our duties on purpose.
services through our tour documents. The tour guides are instructed to ensure remedy if possible. They are however not entitled
to recognize any claims iled by the client. 14.Choice of law and jurisdiction

9.2 Setting deadlines and cancellations 14.1

If a client decides to cancel his travel contract due to important, recognizable or unreasonable circumstances, he must set an The lawful relationship between us and the client is solely based on German law. This also accounts for all of the legal pro-
appropriate deadline to receive remedy according to § 615 c BGB. This does not apply when remedy is impossible or is being ceedings.Therefore only the Original German Version of this General Business Terms For Travel Contracts is legally binding.
denied by us or the immediate cancellation of the contract becomes appropriate due to a recognizable client interest.
9.3 Travel documents If a client iles claims or legal cases concerning the liability of the tour host against us abroad, this must be done based on
The client is bound to inform us, if the appropriate travel documents (such as hotel vouchers) are not received within the date German laws. Especially in regards to legal consequences, and particularly in the way, the amount and the size of the
range speciied by us. claims iled by the client, German law is applicable.

10.Limitation of liability 14.3

10.1 The client may only sue us within our jurisdiction.
Our contractual liability for damages, excluding bodily harm, is limited to triple the tour price.
a) as long as harm to the client was not caused on purpose or due to negligence or 14.4
b) as long as the damages incurred to the client were merely due to the service provider. For claims iled by us against the client, his current residence is decisive. For claims against our clients or contractual
10.2 partners, entrepreneurs, lawful person of the public or private sector, who have their main residence abroad, or whose
Our delictual liability for damages which are not based on purposeful destruction or negligence, is limited to triple the tour price. residence and usual residence during the time of the lawsuit is not know, our jurisdiction will be used.
This highest amount of liability always accounts for client and journey. Any additional potential claims in connection with travel
luggage are based on the treaty of Montreal and remain untouched by the limitations. 14.5
10.3 The following terms about the choice of law and jurisdiction do not apply,
We are not responsible for disturbances of service, personnel or property damage, in connection with the service, which are a) if and insofar as contractual or negotiable terms based on international treaties, which are based on a travel contract
merely being referred (such as tours, theater visits, exhibits) if these services are not expressly made apparent in the travel ad as between the client and the tour host, anything else results in favor of the client or
well as the bookings conirmation and are not declared speciically as foreign services so that the client may recognize that they b) if and insofar as may be applied to the travel contract, negotiable terms within the Eu state the client belongs to, are
were not a part of our tour services. We are liable for more favorable than the regulations within these terms or the applicable German laws.
a) services which concern the transport of the client from the stated beginning of the journey to the point of destination. Intermedi-
ate transportation during the tour as well as accommodation during the tour. Notiication of cancellation due to acts of nature:
b) if and as far as any damages of the client become apparent due to hints, investigation or organizational duties. Cancellation of travel contracts must be referred to regulations within the BGB, which are as follows:
㤠651 j:
11.Exclusion from claims
Claims due to not receiving the tour as described in the contract must be iled within a month after the contractual start date of the (1) If the journey is made severely dificult or impossible due to unforeseeable circumstances, the tour host as well as
end of the tour. The assertion can be made only towards us through our business address at Cannstatter Straße 13, 71394 the participants may cancel the contract based on these terms.
Kernen. After expiration of deadline, the client may only make claims if he was not responsible for not being able to ile the claims
within the necessary time frame. (2) If the contract is cancelled based on paragraph 1, then regulations from § 651 e paragraph 3 sentences 1 and 2,
paragraph 4 sentence 1 is applicable. Additional charges for travelling back are to be half shared by each party.
12.Lapse of time In addition all additional charges are to be made by the participant.”
Claims by the client according to §§ 651 c-f BGB based on injury of life, the body or health or such which are based on purposeful 15. photo and ilm shoots
or negligent violation of duties through us or a lawful representative lapse within two years. This also concerns claims for the Upon registration, the organizer is granted permission to take photographs and ilms during the event and to use
replacement of any additional damages, which are based on purposeful or negligent violations of duty caused by us or a lawful these photographs in connection with the event for public relations, advertising and documentation, both analogue
representative. and digital.
All other claims according to § 651 c-f BGB expire after one year.
Lapse of time according to Nr.12.1 and 12.2 starts on the day which follows the day of the start of the tour.
If legal cases between us and the client exist due to claims being iled based on reasonable circumstances, then the usual lapse
of time is inhibited until we or the client refuse the continuation of the legal case. The lapse of time occurs at the earliest date of 3
months after the inhibition.

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