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© Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation 2017

All Rights Reserved.

( Ver. 1.1 )
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

Safety Precautions
Before using this product, please read this chapter carefully.
This chapter describes the safety precautions recommended when using the GRB150. Before
installing and using the equipment, this chapter must be thoroughly read and understood.

Explanation of symbols used

Signal words such as DANGER, WARNING and two kinds of CAUTION, will be followed by
important safety information that must be carefully reviewed.

DANGER Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which will result in death or

serious injury if you do not follow the instructions.

WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which could result in death or

serious injury if you do not follow the instructions.
CAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided, may result in
minor injury or moderate injury.
CAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided, may result in
property damage.

6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

• Current transformer circuit
Never allow the current transformer (CT) secondary circuit connected to this equipment to be
opened while the primary system is live. Opening the CT circuit will produce a dangerously high

• Exposed terminals
Do not touch the terminals of this equipment while the power is on, as the high voltage generated
is dangerous.
• Residual voltage
Hazardous voltage can be present in the DC circuit just after switching off the DC power supply.
It takes approximately 30 seconds for the voltage to discharge.
• Fiber optic
When connecting this equipment via an optical fibre, do not look directly at the optical signal.

• Earth
The earthing terminal of the equipment must be securely earthed.

• Operating environment
The equipment must only used within the range of ambient temperature, humidity and dust
detailed in the specification and in an environment free of abnormal vibration.
• Ratings
Before applying AC voltage and current or the DC power supply to the equipment, check that
they conform to the equipment ratings.
• Printed circuit board
Do not attach and remove printed circuit boards when the DC power to the equipment is on, as
this may cause the equipment to malfunction.
• External circuit
When connecting the output contacts of the equipment to an external circuit, carefully check the
supply voltage used in order to prevent the connected circuit from overheating.
• Connection cable
Carefully handle the connection cable without applying excessive force.
• Modification
Do not modify this equipment, as this may cause the equipment to malfunction.
• Disposal
When disposing of this equipment, do so in a safe manner according to local regulations.

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Safety Precautions 1
1. Introduction 6
2. Application Notes 7
2.1 Application 7
2.2 High-impedance Differential Protection 8
2.2.1 Principle of operation 8
2.2.2 Through Fault Stability 8
2.2.3 Current Transformer Requirements 10
2.2.4 Fault Setting or Primary Operating Current 10
2.2.5 Peak Voltage Developed under Internal Fault Conditions 11
2.2.6 CT Supervision 11
2.3 Scheme Logic 12
2.3.1 High-impedance Differential Protection 12
2.3.2 Cold Load Protection 12
2.4 Setting 13
2.5 Tripping Output 13
3. Technical Description 14
3.1 Hardware Description 14
3.2 Input and Output Signals 19
3.2.1 Input Signals 19
3.2.2 Binary Output Signals 20
3.3 Automatic Supervision 21
3.3.1 Basic Concept of Supervision 21
3.3.2 Relay Monitoring 21
3.3.3 Failure Alarms 22
3.3.4 Trip Blocking 23
3.3.5 Setting 23
3.4 Recording Function 24
3.4.1 Fault Recording 24
3.4.2 Event Recording 25
3.4.3 Disturbance Recording 26
3.5 Metering Function 26
4. User Interface 27
4.1 Outline of User Interface 27
4.1.1 Front Panel 27
4.1.2 Communication Ports 29
4.2 Operation of the User Interface 30
4.2.1 LCD and LED Displays 30
4.2.2 Relay Menu 32

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4.2.3 Displaying Records 35

4.2.4 Displaying the Status Information 38
4.2.5 Viewing the Settings 41
4.2.6 Changing the Settings 42
4.2.7 Testing 54
4.3 Personal Computer Interface 57
4.4 Relay Setting and Monitoring System 57
4.5 IEC 60870-5-103 Interface 58
4.6 Clock Function 58
5. Installation 59
5.1 Receipt of Relays 59
5.2 Relay Mounting 59
5.3 Electrostatic Discharge 59
5.4 Handling Precautions 59
5.5 External Connections 60
6. Commissioning and Maintenance 61
6.1 Outline of Commissioning Tests 61
6.2 Cautions 62
6.2.1 Safety Precautions 62
6.2.2 Cautions on Tests 62
6.3 Preparations 63
6.4 Hardware Tests 64
6.4.1 User Interfaces 64
6.4.2 Binary Input Circuit 65
6.4.3 Binary Output Circuit 65
6.4.4 AC Input Circuits 66
6.5 Function Test 67
6.5.1 Measuring Element 67
6.5.2 Protection Scheme 70
6.5.3 Metering and Recording 70
6.6 Conjunctive Tests 71
6.6.1 On Load Test 71
6.6.2 Tripping Circuit Test 71
6.7 Maintenance 72
6.7.1 Regular Testing 72
6.7.2 Failure Tracing and Repair 72
6.7.3 Replacing a Failed Relay Unit 73
6.7.4 Resumption of Service 74
6.7.5 Storage 74
7. Putting Relay into Service 75

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Appendix A Block Diagram 77

Appendix B Signal List 79
Appendix C Binary Output Default Setting List 81
Appendix D Details of Relay Menu and LCD & Button Operation Instruction 83
Appendix E Outline of GRB150 and EB-101, -102 93
Appendix F External Connection 97
Appendix G Relay Setting Sheet 101
Appendix H Commissioning Test Sheet (sample) 105
Appendix I Return Repair Form 109
Appendix J Technical Data 113
Appendix K Symbols Used in Scheme Logic 117
Appendix L Setting Calculation 121
Appendix M IEC60870-5-103: Interoperability and Troubleshooting 125
Appendix N Timing Chart of Cold Load Condition Judgment 137
Appendix O Ordering 139

 The data given in this manual are subject to change without notice. (Ver.1.1)

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1. Introduction
The GRB150 is a numerical high-impedance differential relay for busbar protection and restricted
earth fault protection.

The GRB150 is a member of the G-series numerical single-function relays which are built on
common hardware modules and equipped with the following functions:

„ Human interfaces on relay front panel, local and remote PCs

2 × 16 character LCD and keypad
RS232C and RS485 communication ports

„ Metering and recording of events, faults and disturbances

„ IRIG-B time synchronisation

„ Automatic supervision

„ User configurable binary output

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2. Application Notes
2.1 Application
The GRB150 provides high-impedance differential protection scheme and is applied for the
following protections:
• Restricted earth fault protection
• Single or one-and-a-half busbar protection
• T zone protection of one-and-a-half busbar arrangement
• Short line cable protection
The high-impedance differential protection detects a fault even if the CT is saturated by fault current.

The GRB150 provides the following metering and recording functions.

• Metering
• Fault records
• Event records
• Disturbance records

The GRB150 provides the following human interfaces for issuing alarms, setting relay
parameters or viewing stored data.
• Relay front panel: LCD, LED display and operation keys
• Local PC
• Remote PC
The relay can be integrated with a local PC or a remote PC through a communication port.
A local PC can be connected via the RS232C port on the front panel of the relay. A remote PC can
also be connected through the RS485 port on the rear panel of the relay.
IEC60870-5-103 protocol is provided for communication with substation control and automation
The GRB150 has two models, model 101 and model 201. The model 101 is used for single-phase
applications and for restricted earth fault protection. The model 201 is used for three-phase
applications and for three-phase busbar, T zone and short line cable protection.

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2.2 High-impedance Differential Protection

2.2.1 Principle of operation

The operating principle of high-impedance differential protection is depicted in Figure 2.2.1.

Under normal operating conditions or in the event of an external fault the primary currents
entering and leaving the protected zone will summate to zero. The current transformers are
connected in parallel hence if their ratios are the same the secondary currents will also sum to
zero. According to the direction of the respective secondary current for each current transformer
their driving voltages are in opposition and hence a low voltage is generated in the differential
circuit such that under ideal conditions the voltage across the relay is zero.

Busbar Busbar

EB-101 or EB-101 or
EB102 Resistor EB102 Resistor

GRB150 GRB150

Varistor Varistor

Figure 2.2.1 High-Impedance Differential Protection

In the case of an internal fault the current transformer secondary currents will be in the same
direction and their sum will correspond to the total primary fault current. The corresponding
driving voltages will be in the same direction and a high voltage will be developed in the
differential circuit as it attempts to drive the secondary current through the burden presented by
the high-impedance relay. Dependent upon its setting the voltage relay will operate.
Note that in Figure 2.2.1 an external unit, either type EB-101 for single-phase protection or
EB-102 for three-phase protection has been shown. These include a varistor to limit the high
voltage developed in the differential circuit during internal faults and a series resistor to fix the
relay input impedance at 667ohms. Refer to Sections, 2.2.4 “Fault Setting or Primary Operating
Current” and 2.2.5 “Peak Voltage Developed under Internal Fault Conditions”.

2.2.2 Through Fault Stability

The stability of a current differential system using a high-impedance relay and low reactance
current transformers is determined by means of calculation. If the relay setting voltage is made
equal to or greater than the maximum voltage that can appear across the relay circuit for a given
value of through fault current the current differential system will be stable. In calculating the
required setting voltage for the relay it is assumed that one current transformer will become fully
saturated and that the remaining current transformers will maintain their ratio. An example to
illustrate this point is shown in Figure 2.2.2 for a current differential system for a busbar with
several feeders.

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EB-101 or
EB102 Resistor



Figure 2.2.2 External Fault – Busbar with Several Feeders

In this example an external fault is fed through a single circuit with the fault current being
supplied through all of the other circuits connected to the busbar. Since the total busbar current
has to be transformed by the current transformer on the faulted feeder there is a high probability
of this current transformer saturating whilst the current transformers on the other more lightly
loaded circuits remain unsaturated. Under these conditions a secondary current will flow in the
differential circuit that is equivalent to the primary fault current. The voltage drop caused by the
secondary current that flows in the differential circuit therefore determines the voltage input at the
In the equivalent circuit the shunt impedance for the fully saturated CT is negligible and the CT
will not produce an output, this is shown as a short circuit across the excitation impedance in
Figure 2.2.3.


GRB150 +
CT1 ZE1 ZR EB-101/ ZE2 CT2

Figure 2.2.3 Equivalent Circuit of the Differential Circuit for an External Fault

The total voltage drop is therefore due to the secondary fault current through the secondary
winding resistance of the saturated CT together with the wiring connecting it to the relay circuit
terminals. Provided that the relay setting voltage exceeds the value of VR in Equation (1) the
scheme will remain stable.

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VR ≥ K1 (RS2 + RL2) IFmax/N (1)

VR : maximum voltage developed across the relay circuit
K1 : safety factor – for the GRB150, K1=1.2
RS : resistance of current transformer secondary winding
RL : resistance of secondary wiring for CT connecting lead loop –
most onerous case
IFmax : maximum through fault current
N : CT ratio

Factor K1 is associated with the design of the GRB150 relay and directly relates to its inherent
capability to block the unidirectional transient component of the fault current. This is based on
previous service experience and extensive laboratory tests.
In addition to K1 an inherent safety factor exists because the basic assumption of complete
saturation of one current transformer with no ratio error of the complementary one is an extreme
case of unbalance. In practice it is unlikely to occur as when one current transformer begins to
saturate its burden is transferred to the other current transformer(s) due to the fact that they are of
the same construction and experience the same secondary voltage.

2.2.3 Current Transformer Requirements

• All current transformers used in the scheme shall have the same turns ratio
• All current transformers shall be of the low reactance type class X as specified in B.S.3938 in
terms of turns ratio, knee point voltage, secondary winding resistance and secondary exciting
• Bushing or toroidal current transformers with fully distributed windings and low leakage flux
shall be used.
• The secondary winding resistance must be kept to a minimum
• It is preferable that the current transformers are of similar design
• Other devices must not be connected to the same CT core
• CT knee-point voltage, Vk ≥ 2×VR

For an internal fault it is essential that the current transformer(s) produce sufficient output to
operate the relay. In order to achieve this, cater for any current transformer ratio errors and ensure
a high speed of operation the current transformers should have a VK of at least twice that of the
relay setting voltage as stated above.
A setting example is provided in Appendix L.

2.2.4 Fault Setting or Primary Operating Current

During an internal fault, the fault current must provide the exciting current for all of the connected
current transformers as well as the relay circuit current. To ensure positive operation, the current
requirement of the relay and the magnetising current requirement of all of the connected current
transformers at the relay setting voltage must be less than the minimum fault current that the relay
is required to detect. Therefore the secondary effective setting is the sum of the relay minimum
operating current and the excitation losses in all parallel connected current transformers. The

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currents are not in-phase and hence the summation should be vectorial. However, an arithmetic
addition is acceptable resulting in the calculated setting being slightly higher than the actual

Imin = (n.Ie + Ir + I)N (2)

Imin : minimum primary operating current
n : number of current transformers connected to the GRB150 relay
Ie : value of current transformer secondary exciting current at GRB150 setting voltage
I : relay current at setting voltage
where, I = VR /ZR and ZR is the GRB150 input impedance of 667 ohms with varistor unit
EB-101 for single-phase protection or EB-102 for three-phase protection
Ir : varistor current at GRB150 setting voltage, this is obtained from the varistor V-I
N : CT ratio

If the value calculated for Imin is too low the sensitivity can be reduced by the use of a shunt
resistor connected across the relay/varistor unit input.
A setting example is provided in Appendix L.

2.2.5 Peak Voltage Developed under Internal Fault Conditions

Under internal fault conditions a high voltage is developed in the differential circuit by the current
transformer so a varistor, (non-linear resistor) is connected in parallel to the relay to limit the
overvoltage. A varistor unit EB-101 is provided for single-phase protection and the EB-102 unit
for three-phase protection.
Note: It is our standard practice to use the EB-101 and EB-102 varistor units when applying
the GRB150. For those who prefer the more traditional approach of using externally
mounted components in place of the EB-101 and EB-102 units the GRB150 can be
applied with externally mounted suitably rated, linear and non-linear devices
provided that the input impedance is maintained at 667 ohms.

2.2.6 CT Supervision

The DIFSV element provides CT supervision to detect any unbalance in the CT secondary circuit
in the event of a fault in the wiring or the CT itself. The voltage setting of this element must be
greater than any erroneous voltage that can be developed under normal service conditions. The
two main sources of error are: -
• CT turns ratio error
• Differences in the respective lengths of the CT secondary connecting leads to the
paralleling point of the differential circuit
The setting of the DIFSV element is best illustrated with an example which is given in Appendix

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2.3 Scheme Logic

2.3.1 High-impedance Differential Protection

Figure 2.3.1 shows the scheme logic for the high-impedance differential protection type
GRB150. The differential protection operates on a per phase basis, although output signals of the
high-impedance differential element DIF can perform instantaneous three-phase tripping of the
circuit breaker. The supervisory element DIFSV will detect any erroneous differential voltage
appearing as a result of CT circuit failure. The tripping output signal of the DIF elements can be
blocked when the DIFSV element output is maintained for the setting time of TVDSV. To block
the tripping output with DIFSV operation, set scheme switch [VDCHK] to “ON” and set
The output signal VD ERR of DIFSV element is used for alarm purposes.
output relay
11, 12 , 13 0 t
0.2 s (Trip1)
0 t
1 (Trip2)
14, 15, 16
TVDSV 0 .01 s 27
t 0
0.1 0 - 60 .0 0s
+ "A LM&BLK "


Figure 2.3.1 Scheme Logic of High-impedance Differential Protection

2.3.2 Cold Load Protection

Cold load protection provides the following functions:

• Cold load status judgment
• DIF characteristic modification during cold load status Cold-load status judgment

Figure 2.3.2 shows the cold load status judgment logic.
Function 1 TCLP 10
& Off
0.01–100.00s ≧1
≧1 [CLPTST] CL &
Function 2
1 t 0 0 t
F1 0.00–100.00s 0.00–100.00s

Figure 2.3.2 Cold Load Status Judgment Logic

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Two separate operational functions are available and they depend on the status of binary input
BI1. (Refer to Appendix N.)
- Function 1: used when ‘CB closing command’ is allocated to BI1 input”.
- Function 2: used when ‘CB contact’ is allocated to BI1 input.
These functions are selected by the scheme switch [CLEN].
When using the ’CB close command’ function, set [CLEN] to “F1”.
When using the ’CB contact’, set [CLEN] to “F2”.
If the cold load protection is disabled, set [CLEN] to “OFF”.
The [CLPTST] switch is used for testing purposes – please refer to Section
The timing chart of cold load status judgment is shown in Appendix N.

If the cold protection is not to be used and BI1 is to be used for Indication Reset, then scheme
switch [IND. R] must be set to “ON”. DIF characteristic modification during cold load status

If cold load status has been determined, then the operation sensitivity of DIF is modified from
([DIF] setting value) to ([DIF] setting × [DIFCC] setting value).

2.4 Setting
The following list shows the setting elements for the high-impedance differential protection and
their setting ranges.
Element Range Step Default
[VDCHK] Off / On - On
[CLEN] Off / F1 / F2 - Off
[IND. R] Off / On On
DIF 10 - 600V 1V 100 V
DIFSV 5 - 100V 1V 50 V
TVDSV 0.10 - 60.00s 0.01s 0.50 s
DIFCC 1.00 – 10.00 0.01 1.00
TCLP 0.01 – 100.00s 0.01s 0.01 s
TCLE 0.00 – 100.00s 0.01s 0.00 s
TCLR 0.00 – 100.00s 0.01s 0.00 s

2.5 Tripping Output

As shown in Figure 2.3.1, two high-speed tripping output relays TP-1 (Trip 1) and TP-2 (Trip 2)
are provided and each relay has one normally open contact.
The tripping output relays reset 200ms after the tripping signal disappears when the fault is
cleared. The tripping circuit must be ‘broken’ using one of the circuit breaker auxiliary switch
contacts prior to the tripping relay being reset to prevent the tripping relay from directly
interrupting the tripping current of the circuit breaker.

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3. Technical Description
3.1 Hardware Description
Case outlines of GRB150, EB-101 and EB-102 are shown in Appendix E.
The hardware structure of GRB150 is shown in Figure 3.1.1.
The GRB150 relay unit consists of the following hardware modules. These modules are fixed to
the front panel and cannot be taken off individually. The human machine interface module is
provided with the front panel.
• Binary input and analogue input module (DI/AI)
• Main processing module (MPU)
• Binary output and communication module (DO/COM)
• Human machine interface module (HMI)
The hardware block diagram of GRB150 is shown in Figure 3.1.2.





(back of front TESTING

panel) RESET

A B 0V

Handle for relay END


Figure 3.1.1 Hardware Structure without Case

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supply DC/DC

Auxiliary relay
Binary (high speed) Binary output
input ×2 Trip
Photocoupler command

AC input Auxiliary relay

Analogu Multi- A/D ×7
CT × 1 or 3 MPU Binary output
e plexer converter

External IRIG-B RS485 Relay

clock port RAM ROM transceiver setting and
Front panel -103
Human machine
interface (HMI)

Liquid crystal display

16 characters × 2 lines

LEDs Operation keys

personal RS232C Monitoring
computer I/F jacks

Figure 3.1.2 Hardware Block Diagram

DI/AI Module
The DI/AI module insulates internal circuits from external circuits through auxiliary transformers
and transforms the magnitude of AC input signals to suit the electronic circuits. The AC input
signals are single-phase or three-phase current which is the output from the varistor units EB-101
or EB-102.
There are 1 or 3 auxiliary CTs depending on the relay model. (For the correspondence between
the relay model and terminal number AC input signals, see Table 3.2.1.)
This module incorporates a DC/DC converter, analogue filter, multiplexer, analogue to digital
(A/D) converter and a photo-coupler circuit for the binary input signal.
The input voltage rating of DC/DC converter is 48V, 110V/125V or 220/250V. The normal range
of input voltage is −20% to +20%.
The analogue filter performs low-pass filtering for the corresponding current signals.
The A/D converter has a resolution of 12 bits and samples input signals at sampling frequencies
of 2400 Hz (at 50 Hz) or 2880 Hz (at 60 Hz).
This module is also provided with an IRIG-B port. This port collects the serial IRIG-B format
data from the external clock for synchronisation of the relay calendar clock. The IRIG-B port is
insulated from the external circuit by a photo-coupler. A BNC connector is used as the input

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MPU Module
The MPU module consists of main a processing unit (MPU), random access memory (RAM) and
a read only memory (ROM) and executes all kinds of processing such as protection,
measurement, recording and display.
The MPU implements two 60 MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second) RISC (Reduced
Instruction Set Computer) type 32-bit microprocessors.

DO/COM Module
The DO/COM module incorporates two auxiliary relays (TP-1 and TP-2) dedicated to the circuit
breaker tripping command, 7 auxiliary relays (BO1-BO6 and FAIL) for binary output signals and
an RS485 transceiver.
TP-1 and TP-2 are the high-speed operation type and have one normally open contact.
The auxiliary relay FAIL has one normally closed contact, and operates when a relay failure or
abnormality in the DC circuit is detected. BO1 to BO6 have one normally open contacts.
The RS485 transceiver is used for the link with the relay setting and monitoring (RSM) system.
The external signal is isolated from the relay internal signal.

Human Machine Interface (HMI) Module

The operator can access the GRB150 via the human machine interface (HMI). As shown in
Figure 3.1.3, the HMI panel has a liquid crystal display (LCD), light emitting diodes (LEDs),
view and reset keys, operation keys, monitoring jacks and an RS232C connector on the front
The LCD consists of 16 columns by 2 rows with a back-light and displays recording, status,
setting data, and testing switches.
There are a total of 6 LED indicators and their signal labels and LED colors are defined as
Label Color Remarks
IN SERVICE Green Lit when relay is in service.
TRIP Red Lit when trip or final trip command is issued.
ALARM Red Lit when at least one failure is detected.
TESTING Red Lit when test condition is set.
(LED1) Red User-configurable
(LED2) Red User-configurable

LED1 and LED2 are user-configurable. Each is driven via a logic gate which can be programmed
for OR gate or AND gate operation. Further, each LED has a programmable reset characteristic,
settable for instantaneous drop-off, or for latching operation. A configurable LED can be
programmed to indicate the OR combination of a maximum of 4 elements. For the setting, see
The VIEW key starts the LCD indication and switches between windows. The RESET key
clears the LCD indication and turns off the LCD back-light.
Once a trip command is issued, the TRIP LED remains lit even after the trip command disappears.
Pressing the RESET key resets it. The other LEDs operate as long as a signal is present. The

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RESET key is ineffective for these LEDs.

The operation keys are used to display the record, status and setting data on the LCD, input or
change the settings.
The monitoring jacks and two pairs of LEDs, A and B, on top of the jacks can be used while the
test mode is selected in the LCD window. Signals can be displayed on LED A or LED B by
selecting a signal to be observed from the "Signal List" and setting it in the window. The signals
can be transmitted to an oscilloscope via the monitoring jacks. (For the "Signal List", see
Appendix B.)
The RS232C connector is a 9-way D-type connector for serial RS232C connection. This
connector is used for connection with a local personal computer.

Screw for cover

Liquid crystal
Light emitting ALARM
diodes (LED) TESTING


Type GRB150
Model 201B-21-10
Vn ___
Operation keys
Fn 50Hz
Vdc 110/125Vdc
Light emitting Made in Japan

diodes (LED)
A B 0V
Monitoring Jacks CEL ENTER

RS232C connector END

To a local PC
Screw for handle Screw for cover

Figure 3.1.3 Front Panel

EB-101 and EB-102

Varistor unit EB101 or 102 is connected in parallel to the GRB150 to prevent an overvoltage
generated at the differential circuit during a fault. Figure 3.1.4 shows an internal circuit of the
varistor unit.
The EB-101 is coupled with the GRB150 model 101 for single-phase protection, and the EB-102
is coupled with the GRB150 model 201 for three-phase protection.

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2 kΩ
TB1-1 2 kΩ TB1-4
2 kΩ
TB1-2 Varistor TB1-5


(a) EB-101

2 kΩ
TB1-1 2 kΩ TB2-1
2 kΩ
11Ω A phase

TB1-2 Varistor TB2-

2 kΩ
TB1-3 2 kΩ TB2-3

2 kΩ
B phase
TB1-4 Varistor TB2-

2 kΩ

TB1-5 2 kΩ TB2-5
2 kΩ
11Ω C phase

TB1-6 Varistor TB2-

TB1-8 Earth

(b) EB-102

Figure 3.1.4 Internal Circuit of Varistor Unit

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3.2 Input and Output Signals

3.2.1 Input Signals

AC input signals
Table 3.2.1 shows the AC input signals necessary for each of the GRB150 models and their
respective input terminal numbers.

Table 3.2.1 AC Input Signals

Terminal No. of TB1 GRB150-101 GRB150-201

1-2 Current A phase current
3-4 - B phase current
5-6 - C phase current

Binary input signals

Table 3.2.2 shows the binary input signal required by the GRB150, its driving contact conditions
and functions enabled.
The binary input circuit of the GRB150 is provided with a logic level inversion function as shown
in Figure 3.2.1. The input circuit has a binary switch BISW which can be used to select either
normal or inverted operation. This allows the inputs to be driven either by normally open or
normally closed contacts. Where the driving contact meets the contact conditions indicated in
Table 3.2.2 then the BISW can be set to “N” (normal). If not, then “I” (inverted) should be
The default setting of the BISW is "N" (normal).
If a signal is not required, the function concerned is disabled.
The operating voltage of binary input signal is typical 74V DC at 110V/125V DC rating and
138V DC at 220/250V DC. The minimum operating voltage is 70V DC at 110/125V DC rating
and 125V DC at 220/250V DC.

Table 3.2.2 Binary Input Signal

Signal Name Driving Contact Condition / Function Enabled BISW

BI1 command Depending on the setting. 1
If [IND. R] = On, it is used for Indication reset.
If [CLEN] = F1 or F2, it is used for cold load condition

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(+) (−)
[BISW1] 1
BI1 "N"
"I "


Figure 3.2.1 Logic Level Inversion

3.2.2 Binary Output Signals

The number of binary output signals and their output terminals are shown in Appendix F. All
outputs, except tripping commands and a relay failure signal, can be configured.
The signals shown in the signal list in Appendix B can be assigned to the output relay BO1 to
BO6 individually or in arbitrary combinations. Signals can be combined using either an AND
circuit or OR circuit with 4 gates each as shown in Figure 3.2.2. The output circuit can be
configured according to the setting menu. Appendix C shows the factory default settings.
Further, each BO has a programmable reset characteristic, settable for instantaneous drop-off, for
delayed drop-off, or for latching operation by the scheme switch [RESET].
The relay failure contact closes the contact when a relay defect or abnormality in the DC power
supply circuit is detected.
Signal List

& 4 GATES Auxiliary relay

Appendix B
or ≥1

≥1 4 GATES

0 t
+ "DEL"
& S
Reset button


Figure 3.2.2 Configurable Output

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3.3 Automatic Supervision

3.3.1 Basic Concept of Supervision

Though the protection system is in a non-operating state under normal conditions, it is waiting for
a power system fault to occur at any time and must operate without fail when it occurs. Therefore,
the automatic supervision function, which checks the health of the protection system during
normal operation, plays an important role. A numerical relay based on the microprocessor
operations is suitable for implementing this automatic supervision function of the protection
system. The GRB150 implements the automatic supervision function taking advantage of this
feature based on the following concept:
• The supervising function should not affect the protection performance.
• Perform supervision with no omissions wherever possible.
• When a relay failure occurs, it should be able to easily identify the location of the failure.
Note: Automatic supervision function includes the automatic monitoring function and automatic
testing function. For the terminology, refer to IEC IEV 60448.

3.3.2 Relay Monitoring

The relay is supervised with the following items.

Differential voltage monitoring

The supervisory element DIFSV is provided to check the health of CT circuits. The DIFSV
element detects the erroneous differential voltage that appears under a CT circuit failure.

A/D accuracy checking

An analogue reference voltage is input to a prescribed channel in the analogue-to-digital (A/D)
converter, and it is checked that the data after A/D conversion is within a prescribed range and
that the A/D conversion characteristics are correct.

Memory monitoring
The memories are monitored as follows depending on the type of memory, and checked that the
memory circuits are healthy:
• Random access memory monitoring:
Writes/reads prescribed data and checks the storage function.
• Program memory monitoring: Checks the checksum value of the written data.
• Setting value monitoring: Checks the discrepancy between the setting values stored in

Watchdog timer
A hardware timer which is cleared periodically by software is provided and it is checked that the
software is running normally.

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DC Supply Monitoring
The secondary voltage level of the built-in DC/DC converter is monitored and checks that the DC
voltage is within a prescribed range.

3.3.3 Failure Alarms

When a failure is detected by the automatic supervision, it is followed with an LCD message,
“ALARM” LED indication, external alarm and event recording. Table 3.3.1 summarises the
supervision items and alarms.

The alarms are retained until the failure is recovered.

The alarms can be disabled collectively by setting the scheme switch [AMF] (Automatic
Monitoring Function) to OFF. The setting is used to block unnecessary alarms during
commissioning, testing or maintenance.

When the watchdog timer detects that the software is not running normally, the LCD display and
event recording of the failure may not function normally.

Table 3.3.1 Supervision Items and Alarms

Supervision Item [SVCNT] LCD LED LED Ext. alarm Event record
switch* Message "IN SERVICE" "ALARM" Message
Differential voltage ALM & BLK Off On
monitoring (1) (2) Vd err
A/D accuracy check
(1) Off On (3) Relay fail
Memory monitoring
Watchdog Timer ---- Off On (3) ----
DC supply monitoring ---- Off (4) (3) ----

*: For [SVCNT] (supervision control) switch, see Appendix G and for its scheme logic, see
Appendix A.
(1) Diverse messages are provided as expressed with " Err:---" in the table in Section 6.7.2.
(2) The configurable signal “VD ERR” operates. (See Appendix B.)
(3) The binary output relay "FAIL" operates.
(4) Whether the LED is lit or not depends on the degree of the voltage drop.

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3.3.4 Trip Blocking

When a failure is detected by the following supervision items, the trip function is blocked for as
long as the failure exists and is restored when the failure is removed.
• Differential voltage monitoring (selectable)
• A/D accuracy check
• Memory monitoring
• Watchdog Timer
• DC supply monitoring
When a failure is detected by the differential voltage monitoring, the scheme switch [SVCNT]
setting can be used to determine if both tripping is blocked and an alarm is initiated, or, if only an
alarm is initiated. (For the setting, see Section

3.3.5 Setting

The setting elements necessary for the automatic supervision and their setting range are shown in
the table below.

Element Range Step Default Remarks

[SVCNT] ALM&BLK/ALM ALM&BLK Alarming and/or blocking selection

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3.4 Recording Function

The GRB150 is provided with the following recording functions:
Fault recording
Event recording
Disturbance recording
These records are displayed on the LCD of the relay front panel or on the local or remote PC.

3.4.1 Fault Recording

Fault recording is started by a tripping command of the GRB150 and the following items are
recorded for one fault:
Date and time of fault occurrence
Operating phase
Relevant events
Power system quantities
Up to 8 most-recent faults are stored as fault records. If a new fault occurs when 8 faults have
been stored, the record of the oldest fault is deleted and the latest fault one is then stored.

Date and time of fault occurrence

The time resolution is 1 ms using the relay internal clock.
To be precise, this is the time at which a tripping command has been initiated, and thus it is
approximately 10ms after the occurrence of the fault.

Operating phase (for Model 201)

The phase is indicated by differential element (DIF) operating phase(s).

Relevant events
Such events as for evolving faults are recorded with time-tags.

Power system quantities

The differential voltages in pre-faults and post-faults are recorded. The following power system
quantities are not recorded during evolving faults.

- Magnitude of differential voltage (Vd) for model 101 or phase differential voltage (Vda,
Vdb, Vdc) for model 201

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3.4.2 Event Recording

The events shown in Table 3.4.1 are recorded with a 1 ms resolution time-tag when the status
changes. The user can select the recording items and their status change mode to initiate a
Up to 96 event records can be stored. If an additional event occurs when 96 records have been
stored, the oldest event record is deleted and the latest one is then stored.

Table 3.4.1 Event Record Items

Event LCD Indication
Trip command output or reset Trip On or Off
Relay failed or restored Relay fail On or Off
Differential voltage supervision alarm or reset Vd err On or Off
Indication reset input or reset Ind. reset On or Off
Cold load condition Cold load On or Off
System setting changed Sys. set change
Relay setting changed Rly. set change
Group setting changed Grp. set change

Note: A change of setting is classified into three events. The event "System setting changed"
corresponds to all the setting changes except setting changes in the sub-menu "Protection".
(See section 4.2.6 for changing the settings). The event "Relay setting changed" corresponds
to a setting change of the measuring elements and timers in the sub-menu "Protection". The
event "Group setting changed" corresponds to other setting changes in the sub-menu

Recording mode can be set for each event. One of the following four modes is selectable except
for a change of setting(s).
• Not to record the event
• To record the event when status changes to "operate".
• To record the event when status changes to "reset".
• To record the event when status changes both to "operate" and "reset".
For “System setting changed”, “Relay setting changed” and “System setting changed”, one of the
following modes is selectable.
• Not to record the event
• To record the event when status changes to "operate".

For the setting, see the Section

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3.4.3 Disturbance Recording

Disturbance recording is started when the supervisory element DIFSV operates or a tripping
command is initiated. In Model 201, the records include three analogue signals (Vda, Vdb, Vdc :
phase differential voltage), eight binary signals listed below and the dates and times at which
recording started.
- DIF-A - DIFSV-A - Trip
- DIF-B - DIFSV-B - Cold load

In Model 101, the records include an analogue signal (Vd: differential voltage), four binary
signals (DIF, DIFSV, Trip, Cold load) and the dates and times.
The LCD display only shows the dates and times of the disturbance records stored. Details can be
displayed on a PC. For how to obtain disturbance records on the PC, see the “Instruction Manual
PC Interface, RSM100”.
The pre-fault recording time is fixed at 0.3s and post-fault recording time can be set between 0.1
and 3.0s.
The number of records stored depends on the post-fault recording time. The approximate
relationship between the post-fault recording time and the number of records stored is shown in
Table 3.4.2.
Note: If the recording time setting is changed, the records stored so far are deleted.

Table 3.4.2 Post Fault Recording Time and Number of Disturbance Records Stored

Recording time 0.1s 0.5s 1.0s 1.5s 2.0s 2.5s 3.0s

50Hz 49 25 15 11 8 7 6
60Hz 41 20 12 9 7 5 5

3.5 Metering Function

The GRB150 performs continuous measurement of the analogue input quantities. The
magnitudes of the phase differential voltage (Vda, Vdb, Vdc) or differential voltage (Vd) are
renewed every second and displayed on the LCD of the relay front panel or on the local or remote
PC. The model 101 series measures a single phase quantity only.

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4. User Interface
4.1 Outline of User Interface
The user can access the relay from the front panel.
Local communication with the relay is also possible using a personal computer (PC) via an
RS232C port. Furthermore, remote communication is also possible using RSM (Relay Setting
and Monitoring) or IEC60870-5-103 communication via RS485 port.
This section describes the front panel configuration and the basic configuration of the menu tree
of the local human machine communication ports and HMI (Human Machine Interface).

4.1.1 Front Panel

As shown in Figure 3.1.3, the front panel is provided with a liquid crystal display (LCD), light
emitting diodes (LED), operation keys, VIEW and RESET keys, monitoring jacks and an
RS232C connector.

The LCD screen, with a 2-line, 16-character display and back-light, provides the user with
information of the relay interior such as records, statuses and settings. The LCD screen is
normally unlit, but pressing the VIEW key will display the digest screen and pressing any key
other than VIEW and RESET will display the menu screen.

These screens are turned off by pressing the RESET key or the END key. If any display is left
for 5 minutes or longer without operation, the back-light will go off.

There are 6 LED displays. The signal labels and LED colors are defined as follows:
Label Color Remarks
IN SERVICE Green Lit when the relay is in service.
TRIP Red Lit when trip command is issued.
ALARM Red Lit when a failure is detected.
TESTING Red Lit when test condition is set.
(LED1) Red User configurable
(LED2) Red User configurable

LED1 and LED2 are configurable. Refer to Section 3.1.

The TRIP LED lights up once the relay operates and remains lit even after the trip command goes
off. The TRIP LED can be turned off by pressing the RESET key or by using an indication reset
signal via a binary input contact on the rear panel of the relay. Other LEDs are lit as long as a
signal is present and the RESET key is invalid while the signal is being maintained.

Operation keys
The operation keys are used to display records, statuses, and setting values on the LCD, as well as

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to input or change setting values. The functions of each operation key are as follows:
c , , , : Used to move lines displayed on an LCD screen. Keys and are also
used to enter numerical values.
d CANCEL : Used to cancel entries or return to the upper (previous) screen.

e END : Used to end entering operation, or return to the upper (previous) screen or
turn off the display.
f ENTER : Used to store or establish entries.

VIEW and RESET keys

Pressing VIEW key displays digest screens such as "Metering", "Latest fault" and
Pressing RESET key turns off the display.

Monitoring jacks
The two monitoring jacks A and B and their respective LEDs can be used when the test mode is
selected on the LCD screen. By selecting the signal to be observed from the "Signal List" (See
Appendix B) and setting it on the screen, the signal can be displayed on LED A or LED B, or by
using an oscilloscope via the monitoring jacks.

RS232C connector
The RS232C connector is a 9-way D-type connector for serial RS232C connection with a local
personal computer.

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4.1.2 Communication Ports

The following three individual interfaces are mounted as communication ports:

• RS232C port
• RS485 port
• IRIG-B port

RS232C port
This connector is a standard 9-way D-type connector for serial port RS232C transmission and is
mounted on the front panel. By connecting a personal computer using this connector or via
modems and a telephone line, setting operation and display functions can be performed on the
personal computer.

RS485 port
The RS485 port is used for the RSM (Remote Setting and Monitoring system) via the protocol
converter G1PR2 and IEC60870-5-103 communication via BCU/RTU (Bay Control Unit /
Remote Terminal Unit) to connect between relays and to construct a network communication
system. (See Figure 4.4.1 in Section 4.4.)
One or two (dual) RS485 ports (COM1 and COM2) are provided on the rear of the relay as shown
in Figure 4.1.1 and Appendix F.

IRIG-B port
The IRIG-B port collects serial IRIG-B format data from the external clock to synchronise the
relay calendar clock. The IRIG-B port is isolated from the external circuit by using a
photo-coupler. A BNC connector is used as the input connector.
This port is provided on the back of the relay and Figure 4.1.1 shows the location of this
connector. The rated voltage level of the signal is from 2 to 8 Vpeak (4 to 16 Vpeak-to-peak).



RS485 CN1
connection IRIG BNC
terminal E

Rear view
Figure 4.1.1 Locations of RS485 Port and IRIG Port

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4.2 Operation of the User Interface

The user can access such functions as recording, measurement, relay setting and testing with the
LCD display and operation keys.

4.2.1 LCD and LED Displays

Displays during normal operation

When the GRB150 is operating normally, the green "IN SERVICE" LED is lit and the LCD is off.
Press the VIEW key when the LCD is off to display the "Metering", "Latest fault" and
"Auto-supervision" screens in turn. The last two screens are displayed only when there is some
data. The screen below are the digest screens and can be displayed without entering the menu

V d ∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ V

D I F - A B C
T r i p

E r r :

To clear the latched indications (latched LEDs, LCD screen of Latest fault), press RESET key
for 3 seconds or more.
For any display, the back-light is automatically turned off after five minutes.

Displays in tripping

If a fault occurs and a tripping command is output when the LCD is off, the red "TRIP" LED and
other configurable LED if signals assigned to trigger by tripping
Press the VIEW key to scroll the LCD screen to read the rest of messages.

Press the RESET key to turn off the LEDs and LCD display.
1) When configurable LEDs (LED1 and LED2) are assigned to latch signals by trigger of tripping,
press the RESET key more than 3s until the LCD screens relight. Confirm turning off the
configurable LEDs. Refer to Table 4.2.1 Step 1.
2) Then, press the RESET key again on the "Latest fault" screen in short period, confirm turning
off the "TRIP" LED. Refer to Table 4.2.1 Step 2.
3) When only the "TRIP" LED is go off by pressing the RESET key in short period, press the
RESET key again to reset remained LEDs in the manner 1) on the "Latest fault" screen or
other digest screens. LED1 and LED2 will remain lit in case the assigned signals are still active

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Table 4.2.1 Turning off latch LED operation

LED lighting status

Operation "TRIP" LED Configurable LED
(LED1, LED2)
Step 1 Press the RESET key more than 3s on
the "Latest fault" screen
continue to lit turn off

Step 2 Then, press the RESET key in short

period on the "Latest fault" screen
turn off

When any of the menu screens is displayed, the VIEW and RESET keys do not function.
To return from menu screen to the digest "Latest fault" screen, do the following:
• Return to the top screen of the menu by repeatedly pressing the END key.

• Press the END key to turn off the LCD.

• Press the VIEW key to display the digest "Latest fault" screen.

Displays in automatic supervision operation

If the automatic supervision function detects a failure while the LCD is off, the
"Auto-supervision" screen is displayed automatically, showing the location of the failure, and the
"ALARM" LED lights.
Press the VIEW key to display other digest screens in turn including the "Metering" and "Latest
fault" screens.
Press the RESET key to turn off the LEDs and LCD display. However, if the failure continues,
the "ALARM" LED remains lit.
After recovery from a failure, the "ALARM" LED and "Auto-supervision" display turn off
If a failure is detected while any of the screens is displayed, the current screen remains displayed
and the "ALARM" LED lights.
1) When configurable LEDs (LED1 and LED2) are assigned to latch signals by issuing an alarm,
press the RESET key more than 3s until all LEDs reset except "IN SERVICE" LED.
2) When configurable LED is still lit by pressing RESET key in short period, press RESET
key again to reset remained LED in the above manner.
3) LED1 and LED2 will remain lit in case the assigned signals are still active state.

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While any of the menu screens is displayed, the VIEW and RESET keys do not function. To
return to the digest "Auto-supervision" screen, do the following:
• Return to the top screen of the menu by repeatedly pressing the END key.

• Press the END key to turn off the LCD.

• Press the VIEW key to display the digest screen.

• Press the RESET key to turn off the LCD.

4.2.2 Relay Menu

Figure 4.2.1 shows the menu hierarchy in the GRB150. The menu has five sub-menus, "Record",
"Status", "Set. (view)", "Set. (change)", and "Test". For details of the menu hierarchy, see
Appendix D.

⎯ 32 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

Menu Record F. record

E. record
D. record

Status Metering
Binary I/O
Ry element
Time synch.
Clock adjust.
LCD contrast

Set. (view) Version

Binary I/P
Binary O/P

Set. (change) Password

Protection (Protected by password)
Binary I/P
Binary O/P
Test Switch
Binary O/P
Logic circuit

Figure 4.2.1 Relay Menu

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In the "Record" menu, the fault record, event record and disturbance record can be displayed or

The "Status" menu displays the power system quantities, binary input and output status, relay
measuring element status, signal source for time synchronisation (IRIG-B, RSM or
IEC60870-5-103) and adjusts the clock and LCD contrast.

Set. (view)
The "Set. (view)" menu displays the relay version, description, relay address and baud rate in
RSM or IEC60870-5-103 communication, the current settings of record, status, protection, binary
inputs, configurable binary outputs and the configurable LEDs.

Set. (change)
The "Set. (change)" menu is used to change the settings of password, description, relay address
and baud rate in RSM or IEC60870-5-103 communication, record, status, protection, binary
inputs, configurable binary outputs and configurable LEDs.
Since this is an important menu and is used to change settings related to relay tripping, it has a
password security protection.

The "Test" menu is used to set testing switches, to forcibly operate binary output relays and to
observe the binary signals in the logic circuit.

When the LCD is off, press any key other than the VIEW and RESET keys to display the top
"MENU" screen and then proceed to the relay menus.
• R e c o r d
• S t a t u s
• S e t . ( v i e w )
• S e t . ( c h a n g e )
• T e s t

To display the "MENU" screen when the digest screen is displayed, press the RESET key to
turn off the LCD, then press any key other than the VIEW and RESET keys.

Press the END key when the top screen is displayed to turn off the LCD.
An example of the sub-menu screen is shown below. The top line shows the hierarchical layer.
The last item is not displayed for all the screens. "/4" displayed on the far left means that the
screen is in the fourth hierarchical layer, while " " or " " displayed on the far right shows that
upper or lower lines exist.
To move the cursor downward or upward for setting or for viewing other lines not displayed on
the window, use or key.

⎯ 34 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

/ 4 S c h e m e s w

T r i p 1 _
O f f / O n
V d e r r 1 _
O f f / O n
To return to the higher screen or move from the right side screen to the left side screen in
Appendix D, press the END key.

The CANCEL key can also be used to return to the higher screen but it must be used carefully
because it may cancel entries made so far.
To move between screens of the same hierarchical depth, first return to the higher screen and then
move to the lower screen.

4.2.3 Displaying Records

The sub-menu of "Record" is used to display fault records, event records and disturbance records. Displaying Fault Records

To display fault records, do the following:
• Open the top "MENU" screen by pressing any keys other than the VIEW and RESET
• Select "Record" to display the "Record" sub-menu.
/ 1 R e c o d
• F . r e c o r d
• E . r e c o r d
• D . r e c o r d

• Select "F. record" to display the "Fault record" screen.

/ 2 F . r e c o r d
• D i s p l a y
• C l e a r
• Select "Display" to display the dates and times of fault records stored in the relay from the
top in new-to-old sequence.
/ 3 F . r e c o r d

# 1 1 6 / O c t / 1 9 9 7
1 8 : 1 3 : 5 7 . 0 3 1
# 2 2 0 / S e p / 1 9 9 7
1 5 : 2 9 : 2 2 . 1 0 1
# 3 0 4 / J u l / 1 9 9 7
1 1 : 5 4 : 5 3 . 2 9 9
# 4 2 8 / F e b / 1 9 9 7
0 7 : 3 0 : 1 8 . 4 1 2
• Move the cursor to the fault record line to be displayed using the and keys and press
the ENTER key to display the details of the fault record.

⎯ 35 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

/ 3 F . r e c o r d # 1
1 6 / O c t / 1 9 9 7
1 8 : 1 3 : 5 7 . 0 3 1
D I F - A B C
T r i p
P r e f a u l t v a l u e s
V d a ∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ V
V d b ∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ V
V d c ∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ V
F a u l t v a l u e s
V d a ∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ V
V d b ∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ V
V d c ∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ V
The lines which are not displayed in the window can be displayed by pressing the and

To clear fault records, do the following:

• Open the "Record" sub-menu.
• Select "F. record" to display the "Fault record" screen.
• Select "Clear" to display the following confirmation screen.
C l e a r r e c o r d ?
E N D = Y C A N C E L = N

• Press the END (= Y) key to clear all the fault records stored in non-volatile memory.
If all fault records have been cleared, the "Latest fault" screen of the digest screens is not
displayed. Displaying Event Records

To display event records, do the following:
• Open the top "MENU" screen by pressing any keys other than the VIEW and RESET
• Select "Record" to display the "Record" sub-menu.
• Select "E. record" to display the "Event record" screen.
/ 2 E . r e c o r d
• D i s p l a y
• C l e a r
• Select "Display" to display the events with date from the top in new-to-old sequence.
/ 3 E . r e c o r d

1 6 / O c t / 1 9 9 7
T r i p O n
1 6 / O c t / 1 9 9 7
V d e r r O n
1 6 / O c t / 1 9 9 7
R l y . c h a n g e
The time is displayed by pressing the key.

⎯ 36 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

/ 3 E . r e c o r d

1 8 : 1 3 : 5 8 . 2 5 5
T r i p O n
1 8 : 1 3 : 5 8 . 0 2 8
V d e r r O n
1 8 : 1 3 : 5 8 . 5 2 8
R l y . c h a n g e
Press the key to return the screen with date.

The lines which are not displayed in the window can be displayed by pressing the and keys.

To clear event records, do the following:

• Open the "Record" sub-menu.
• Select "E. record" to display the "Event record" screen.
• Select "Clear" to display the following confirmation screen.
C l e a r r e c o r d ?
E N D = Y C A N C E L = N

• Press the END (= Y) key to clear all the event records stored in non-volatile memory. Displaying Disturbance Records

Details of disturbance records can be displayed on the PC screen only (*); the LCD displays only
the recorded date and time for all disturbances stored in the relay. They are displayed in the
following sequence.
(*) For the display on the PC screen, refer to the RSM100 manual.
• Open the top "MENU" screen by pressing any keys other than the VIEW and RESET
• Select "Record" to display the "Record" sub-menu.
• Select "D. record" to display the "Disturbance record" screen.
/ 2 D . r e c o r d
• D i s p l a y
• C l e a r
• Select "Display" to display the date and time of the disturbance records from the top in
new-to-old sequence.
/ 3 D . r e c o r d

# 1 1 6 / O c t / 1 9 9 7
1 8 : 1 3 : 5 7 . 4 0 1
# 2 2 0 / S e p / 1 9 9 7
1 5 : 2 9 : 2 2 . 3 8 8
# 3 0 4 / J u l / 1 9 9 7
1 1 : 5 4 : 5 3 . 4 4 4
# 4 2 8 / F e b / 1 9 9 7
0 7 : 3 0 : 1 8 . 8 7 6
The lines which are not displayed in the window can be displayed by pressing the and

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To clear disturbance records, do the following:

• Open the "Record" sub-menu.
• Select "D. record" to display the "Disturbance record" screen.
• Select "Clear" to display the following confirmation screen.
C l e a r r e c o r d ?
E N D = Y C A N C E L = N

• Press the END (= Y) key to clear all the disturbance records stored in non-volatile

4.2.4 Displaying the Status Information

From the sub-menu of "Status", the following status condition can be displayed on the LCD and is
updated every second:
Metering data of the protected line
Status of binary inputs and outputs
Status of relay elements
Status of time synchronisation source
The user can also adjust the time of the internal clock and the LCD contrast in this sub-menu. Displaying Metering Data

To display metering data on the LCD, do the following:
• Select "Status" on the top "MENU" screen to display the "Status" screen.
/ 1 S t a t u s
• M e t e r i n g
• B i n a r y I / O
• R e l a y e l e m e n t
• T i m e s y n c .
• C l o c k a d j u s t .
• L C D c o n t r a s t

• Select "Metering" to display the "Metering" screen.

/ 2 M e t e r i n g
V d ∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ V
(Model 101)

/ 2 M e t e r i n g
V d a ∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ V
V d b ∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ V
V d c ∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ V
(Model 201) Displaying the Status of Binary Inputs and Outputs

To display the binary input and output status, do the following:

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• Select "Status" on the top "MENU" screen to display the "Status" screen.
• Select "Binary I/O" to display the binary inputs and outputs status.
/ 2 B i n a r y I / O
I P [ 0 ]
O P 1 [ 0 0 ]
O P 2 [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]

The display format is shown below.

[„ „ „ „ „ „ „ „]
Input (IP) BI1 — — — — — — —
Output (OP1) TP-1 TP-2 — — — — — —
Output (OP2) BO1 BO2 BO3 BO4 BO5 BO6 FAIL —

Line 1 shows the binary input status. BI1 corresponds to a binary input signal. For the binary
input signal, see Appendix F. The status is expressed with logical level "1" or "0" at the
photo-coupler output circuit.
Lines 2 and 3 show the binary output statuses. TP-1 and TP-2 of line 2 correspond to the tripping
command outputs. FAIL of line 3 corresponds to the relay failure output. Other outputs expressed
with BO1 to BO6 are configurable. The status of these outputs is expressed with logical level "1"
or "0" at the input circuit of the output relay driver. That is, the output relay is energised when the
status is "1".
To display all the lines, press the and keys. Displaying the Status of Relay Elements

To display the status of measuring elements on the LCD, do the following:
• Select "Status" on the top "MENU" screen to display the "Status" screen.
• Select "Relay element" to display the status of the relay elements.
Model 101:
/ 2 R y e l e m e n t
[ 0 0 ]

Model 201:
/ 2 R y e l e m e n t
[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]

The display format is as shown below.

Model 101:
[„ „ „ „ „ „ „ „]

Model 201:
[„ „ „ „ „ „ „ „]

⎯ 39 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

This shows the operation status of differential elements and the supervisory element.
The status of each element is expressed with logical level "1" or "0". Status "1" means the element
is in operation. Displaying the Status of the Time Synchronisation Source

The internal clock of the GRB150 can be synchronised with external clocks such as the IRIG-B
time standard signal clock or RSM (relay setting and monitoring system) clock or
IEC60870-5-103. To display on the LCD whether these clocks are active (=Act.) or inactive
(=Inact.) and which clock the relay is synchronised with, do the following:
• Select "Status" on the top "MENU" screen to display the "Status" screen.
• Select "Time sync." to display the status of time synchronisation sources.
/ 2 T i m e s y n c .
∗ I R I G : A c t .
R S M : I n a c t .
I E C : I n a c t .
The asterisk on the far left shows that the internal clock is synchronised with the marked source
clock. If the marked source clock is inactive, the internal clock runs locally.
For details of the setting time synchronisation, see Section Clock Adjustment

To adjust the clock when the internal clock is running locally, do the following:
• Select "Status" on the top "MENU" screen to display the "Status" screen.
• Select "Clock adjust." to display the setting screen.
/ 2 1 2 / N o v / 1 9 9 9
2 2 : 5 6 : 1 9 L o c
Mi n u t e
5 6 _
H o u r
2 2 _
D a y
1 2 _
M o n t h
1 1 _
Y e a r
1 9 9 9
Line 1 shows the current date, time and time synchronisation source with which the internal clock
is synchronised. The time can be adjusted only when “Loc” is indicated on the top line, showing
that the clock is running locally. When “IRI”(IRIG), “RSM” or “IEC” is indicated, the adjustment
is invalid.
• Enter a numerical value for each item and press the ENTER key. For details to enter a
numerical value, see
• Press the END key to adjust the internal clock to the set hours without fractions and
return to the previous screen.
If a date which does not exist in the calendar is set and END key is pressed, "**** Error ****"

⎯ 40 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

is displayed on the top line and the adjustment is discarded. Adjust again. LCD Contrast

To adjust the contrast of LCD screen, do the following:
• Select "Status" on the top "MENU" screen to display the "Status" screen.
• Select "LCD contrast" to display the setting screen.
L C D c o n t r a s t

• Press the or key to adjust the contrast. The screen becomes dark by pressing the
key and light by pressing the key.

4.2.5 Viewing the Settings

The sub-menu "Set. (view)" is used to view the settings set in the sub-menu "Set. (change)".
The following items are displayed:
Relay version
Relay address and baud rate in the RSM (relay setting and monitoring system) or
IEC60870-5-103 communication
Recording setting
Status setting
Protection setting
Binary input setting
Binary output setting
LED setting Relay Version

To view the relay version, do the following.
• Select the "Set.(view)" on the main menu.
/ 1 S e t . ( v i e w )
• V e r s i o n
• D e s c r i p t i o n
• C o m m s
• R e c o r d
• S t a t u s
• P r o t e c t i o n
• B i n a r y I / P
• B i n a r y O / P
• L E D

• Select "Version" to display the relay version screen.

/ 2 V e r s i o n
• R e l a y t y p e

⎯ 41 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

• S e r i a l N o .
• S o f t w a r e

• Select "Relay type" to display the relay type form and model number.
G R B 1 5 0 - 2 0 1 B - 1 2
- 3 0

• Select "Serial number" to display the relay manufacturing number.

• Select "Software" to display the relay software type form.
G S 1 B P 1 - 0 3 - ∗ Description
• Select "Description" to display the "Description" screen.
/ 2 D e s c r i p t i o n
• P l a n t n a m e
• D e s c r i p t i o n

• Select "Plant name" to display the plant name.

• Select "Description" to display the special items. Settings
The "Comms", "Record", "Status", "Protection", "Binary I/O", "Binary O/P" and "LED" screens
display the current settings input using the "Set. (change)" sub-menu.

4.2.6 Changing the Settings

The "Set. (change)" sub-menu is used to make or change settings for the following items:
Relay address and baud rate in the RSM or IEC60870-5-103 communication
Binary input
Binary output
All of the above settings except the password can be seen using the "Set. (view)" sub-menu. Setting Method

There are three setting methods to enter as follows:
- A selective item
- A text string

⎯ 42 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

- Numerical values

A selected item
If a screen below is displayed, perform the settings as follows.
The cursor can be moved to upper or lower lines within the screen by pressing the and
keys. If a setting (change) is not required, skip the line with the and keys.
/ 1 S e t . ( c h a n g e)
• P a s s w o r d
• D e s c r i p t i o n
• C o m m s
• R e c o r d
• S t a t u s
• P r o t e c t i o n
• B i n a r y I / P
• B i n a r y O / P
• L E D

• Move the cursor to a setting item.

• Press the ENTER key.

A text string
Text strings are entered under "Plant name" or "Description" screen.
/ 2 D e s c r i p t i o n
• P l a n t n a m e
• D e s c r i p t i o n

To select a character, use keys , , and to move the blinking cursor down, left, up and
right. "→" and "←" on each of lines 4, 8 and 10 indicate a space and backspace, respectively. A
maximum of 22 characters can be entered within the brackets.

V W X Y Z ←→
a b c d e f g
h i j k l m n
o p q r s t u
v w x y z ←→
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 ←→
( ) [ ] @_ {
} ∗ / + − < =
> ! “ # $ %&
‘ : ; , . ˆ `

• Set the cursor position in the bracket by selecting "→" or "←" and pressing the ENTER
• Move the blinking cursor to a selecting character.

⎯ 43 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

• Press the ENTER key to enter the blinking character at the cursor position in the
• Press the END key to confirm the entry and return to the upper screen.
To correct the entered character, do either of the following:
• Discard the character by selecting "←" and pressing the ENTER key and enter the new
• Discard the whole entry by pressing the CANCEL key and restart the entry from the first

Numerical values
When a screen shown below is displayed, perform the settings as follows:
The number to the left of the cursor shows the current setting or default setting set at shipment.
The cursor can be moved to the upper or lower lines within the screen by pressing the and
keys. If a setting (change) is not required, skip the line with the and keys.
/ 6 P r o t . e l e m e n t

1 0 _
5 _
T V D S V s
0 . 5 0 _
1 . 0 0 _
T C L P s
0 . 0 1 _
T C L E s
0 . 0 0 _
T C L R s
0 . 0 0 _
• Move the cursor to a setting line.
• Press the or key to set a desired value. The value is up or down by pressing the or
• Press the ENTER key to confirm the entry.

• After completing the setting on the screen, press the END key to return to the upper
To correct the entered numerical value, do the following.
• If it is before pressing the ENTER key, press the CANCEL key and enter the new
numerical value.
• If it is after pressing the ENTER key, move the cursor to the correcting line by pressing
the and keys and enter the new numerical value.
Note: If the CANCEL key is pressed after any of the entry is confirmed by pressing the ENTER
key, all the entries made so far on the screen concerned are canceled and screen returns to the

⎯ 44 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

upper one.

To complete the setting

After making entries on each setting screen by pressing the ENTER key, the new settings are
not yet used for operation, though stored in the memory. To validate the new settings, take the
following steps.
• Press the END key to return to the upper screen. Repeat this until the confirmation screen
shown below is displayed. The confirmation screen is displayed just before returning to
the "Set. (change)" sub-menu.
C h a n g e s e t t i n g s ?
E N T E R = Y C A N C E L = N

• When the screen is displayed, press the ENTER key to start operation using the new
settings, or press the CANCEL key to correct or cancel the entries. In the latter case, the
screen turns back to the setting screen to enable re-entries. Press the CANCEL key to
cancel entries made so far and to turn to the "Set. (change)" sub-menu. Password
For the sake of security of setting changes, password protection can be set as follows:
• Select "Set. (change)" on the main "MENU" screen to display the "Setting change" screen.
• Select "Password" to display the "Password" screen.
• Enter a 4-digit number within the brackets after "Input" and press the ENTER key.

I n p u t [ _ ]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ←

• For confirmation, enter the same 4-digit number in the brackets after "Retype".
R e t y p e [ _ ]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ←

• Press the END key to display the confirmation screen. If the retyped number is different
from that first entered, the following message is displayed on the bottom of the "Password"
screen before returning to the upper screen.
"Unmatch password!"
Re-entry is then requested.

Password trap
After the password has been set, the password must be entered in order to enter the setting change
If "Set. (change)" is entered on the top "MENU" screen, the password trap screen "Password" is
displayed. If the password is not entered correctly, it is not possible to move to the "Set. (change)"
sub-menu screens.
P a s s w o r d [ _ ]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ←

⎯ 45 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

Canceling or changing the password

To cancel the password protection, set "0000" as a password. The "Set. (change)" screen is then
displayed without having to enter a password.
The password can be changed by entering a new 4-digit number on the "Password" screen in the
same way as the first password setting.

If you forget the password

Press CANCEL and RESET keys together for one second on the top "MENU" screen. The
screen goes off, and the password protection of the GRB150 is canceled. Set the password again. Description
To enter the plant name and other data, do the following. These data are attached to records.
• Select "Set. (change)" on the main "MENU" screen to display the "Set. (change)" screen.
• Select "Description" to display the "Description" screen.
/ 2 D e s c r i p t i o n
• P l a n t n a m e
• D e s c r i p t i o n

• To enter the plant name, select "Plant name" on the "Description" screen.
To enter special items, select "Description" on the "Description" screen.
• Enter the text string.
The plant name and special items entered are viewed with the "Set. (view)" sub-menu and
attached to disturbance records when they are displayed on a local or a remote PC. Communication
If the relay is linked with RSM (relay setting and monitoring system) or IEC60870-5-103
communication, the relay address must be set. Do this as follows:
Note: The settings related to IEC60870-5-103 communication are available for the relay with dual
RS485 port.
• Select "Set. (change)" on the main "MENU" screen to display the " Set. (change)" screen.
• Select "Comms" to display the "Comms" screen.
/ 2 C o m m s
• A d d r . / P a r a m .
• S w i t c h
• Select "Addr./Param." on the "Comms" screen to enter the relay address number.
/ 3 A d d r . / P a r a m .

1 _
• Enter the relay address number on "HDLC" line for RSM or "IEC" line for
IEC60870-5-103 and press the ENTER key.

⎯ 46 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

CAUTION Do not overlap the relay address number.

• Select "Switch" on the "Comms" screen to select the protocol and transmission speed
(baud rate), etc., of the RSM and IEC60870-5-103.
/ 3 S w i t c h .

I E C B R 1
9 . 6 / 1 9 . 2
I E C B L K 0
N o r m a l / B l o c k e d

• Select the number and press the ENTER key.

This line is to select the baud rate when the IEC60870-5-103 system is applied.

Select 1 (=Blocked) to block the monitor direction in the IEC60870-5-103 communication. Setting the Recording

To set the recording function as described in Section 4.2.3, do the following:
• Select "Set. (change)" on the main "MENU" screen to display the "Set. (change)" screen.
• Select "Record" to display the "Record" screen.
/ 2 R e c o d
• E . r e c o r d
• D . r e c o r d

Setting the event recording

• Select "E. record" to display the "Event record" screen.
/ 3 E . r e c o r d

T r i p 3 3 _
N / O / R / B
V d e r r 3 3 _
N / O / R / B
I n d . r e s e t 3 3 _
N / O / R / B
R e l a y f a i l 3 3 _
N / O / R / B
C o l d l o a d
N / O / R / B
S y s . c h a n g e 1 1 _
N / O
R l y . c h a n g e 1 1 _
N / O
G r p . c h a n g e 1 1 _
N / O

• Enter 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 and press the ENTER key. Repeat this for all events.

⎯ 47 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

Enter 0 (= N) not to record the event.

Enter 1 (= O) to record the event when the status changes to "operate".
Enter 2 (= R) to record the event when the status changes to "reset".
Enter 3 (= B) to record the event when the status changes both to "operate" and "reset".

Setting the disturbance recording

• Select "D. record" to display the "Disturbance record" screen.
/ 3 D . r e c o r d
• T i m e / s t a r t e r
• S c h e m e s w

• Select "Time/starter" to display the "Record time" screen.

/ 4 T i m e / s t a r t e r

T i m e s
2 . 0 _

• Enter the recording time setting.

To set each starter to use or not to use, do the following:
• Select "Scheme sw" on the "Disturbance record" screen to display the "Scheme switch"
/ 4 S c h e m e s w

T R I P 1 _
O f f / O n
V d e r r 1 _
O f f / O n
• Enter 1 to use as a starter.
• If the selected switch is not used as a starter, enter 0. Status
To set the status display described in Section 4.2.4, do the following:
Select "Status" on the "Set. (change)" sub-menu to display the "Status setting" screen.
/ 2 S t a t u s
• T i m e s y n c
• T i m e z o n e

Setting the time synchronisation

The calendar clock can run locally or be synchronised with the external IRIG-B time standard
signal, RSM clock, or by an IEC60870-5-103. This is selected by setting as follows.
• Select "Time sync" to display the "Time synchronisation" screen.
/ 3 T i m e s y n c .

T i m e s y n c 1 _

⎯ 48 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

O f f / I R I / R S M / I E C

• Enter 0 or 1 or 2 and press the ENTER key.

Enter 0 (=off) not to be synchronised with any external signals.
Enter 1 (=IRIG) to be synchronised with the external IRIG-B time standard signal.
Enter 2 (=RSM) to be synchronised with the RSM clock.
Enter 3 (=IEC) to be synchronised with IEC60870-5-103.
Note: When to select IRIG-B, RSM or IEC, check that they are active on the "Status" screen in
"Status" sub-menu. If it is set to an inactive IRIG-B, RSM or IEC, the calendar clock runs

Setting the time zone

When the calendar clock is synchronised with the IRIG-B time standard, it is possible to
transform GMT to the local time.
• Select "Time zone" to display the "Time zone" screen.
/ 3 T i m e z o n e

G M T h r s
+ 9
• Enter the difference between GMT and local time from –12 to +12 and press the ENTER
key. Protection
The GRB150 can have 4 setting groups for protection in order to accommodate changes in the
operation of the power system, one setting group is assigned active. To set protection, do the
• Select "Protection" on the "Set. (change)" screen to display the "Protection" screen.
/ 2 P r o t e c t i o n
• C h a n g e a c t . g p .
• C h a n g e s e t
• C o p y g p .

Changing the active group

• Select "Change act. gp." to display the "Change active group" screen.
/ 3 C h a n g e a c t .
g p .
A c t i v e g p . 1 _

• Enter the group number and press the ENTER key.

Changing the settings

All the setting items have default values that are set when the product was shipped except names
and descriptions specified by the user. For the default values, see Appendix C and G.
To change the settings, do the following:

⎯ 49 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

• Select "Change set." to display the "Change setting" screen.

/ 3 A c t g p . = ∗
• G r o u p 1
• G r o u p 2
• G r o u p 3
• G r o u p 4

• Select the group number to change the settings and press the ENTER key.

/ 4 G r o u p ∗
• P a r a m e t e r
• T r i p

Setting the parameter

Enter the line name as follows:
• Select "Parameter" on the "Group ∗" screen to display the "Parameter" screen.
/ 5 P a r a m e t e r
• L i n e n a m e

• Select "Line name" to display the "Line name" screen.

• Enter the line name as a text string and press the END key.

Setting the trip function

To set the scheme switches and protection elements, do the following.
• Select "Trip" on the "Group ∗" screen to display the "Trip" screen.
/ 5 T r i p
• S c h e m e s w
• P r o t . e l e m e n t

Setting the scheme switch

• Select "Scheme sw" to display the "Scheme switch" screen.
/ 6 S c h e m e s w

V D C H K 1 _
O f f / O n
S V C N T 0
A L M & B L K / A L M
I N D . R 1
O f f / O n
C L E N 0
O f f / F 1 / F 2

• Enter 1 to perform the differential voltage supervision or enter 0 if you do not need to
perform it, and press the ENTER key.

⎯ 50 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

• Enter 0 (= ALM&BLK) to output an alarm and to block the trip function by the differential
voltage monitoring.

• Enter 1 (= On) to use BI1 for the indication reset.
• Enter 0 (= Off) not to use BI1 for the indication reset.

• Enter 1 (= F1) to use BI1 for the function 1 of the cold load protection.
• Enter 2 (= F2) to use BI1 for the function 2 of the cold load protection.
• Enter 0 (= Off) not to use BI1 for the cold load protection.
• Press the END key to return to the "Trip" screen.

Setting the protection elements

• Select "Prot. element" to display the "Protection element" screen.
/ 6 P r o t . e l e m e n t

1 0 _
5 _
T V D S V s
0 . 5 0 _

• Enter the numerical value and press the ENTER key.

• Enter the numerical value and press the ENTER key.

• Enter the numerical value and press the ENTER key.

• After setting, press the END key to return to the "Trip" screen.

Setting group copy

To copy the settings of one group and overwrite them to another group, do the following:
• Select "Copy gp" on the "Protection" screen to display the "Copy A to B" screen.
/ 3 C o p y A t o B

A _
B _

⎯ 51 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

• Enter the group number to be copied in line A and press the ENTER key.

• Enter the group number to be overwritten by the copy in line B and press the ENTER
key. Binary Input

The logic level of binary input signals can be inverted by setting before entering the scheme logic.
Inversion is used when the input contact cannot meet the requirement described in Table 3.2.2.
• Select "Binary I/P" on the "Set. (change)" sub-menu to display the "Binary I/P" screen.
/ 2 B i n a r y I / P

B I S W1 1 _
N o r m / I n v

• Enter 0 (= Norm) or 1 (= Inv) and press the ENTER key. Binary Output

All the binary outputs of the GRB150 except the tripping command, and relay failure signal are
user-configurable. It is possible to assign one signal or up to four ANDing or ORing signals to
one output relay. Available signals are listed in Appendix B.
It is also possible to attach Instantaneous or delayed or latched reset timing to these signals.
Appendix C shows the factory default settings.
To configure the binary output signals, do the following:

Selection of output relay

• Select "Binary O/P" on the "Set. (change)" screen to display the "Binary O/P" screen.
/ 2 B i n a r y O / P
• B O 1
• B O 2
• B O 3
• B O 4
• B O 5
• B O 6

Note: The setting is required for all the binary outputs. If any of the binary outputs are not used, enter
0 to logic gates #1 to #4 in assigning signals.

• Enter the output relay number (BO number) and press the ENTER key to display the
"Set. (BO∗∗)" screen.
/ 3 S e t . ( B O ∗ ∗ )
• L o g i c / R e s e t
• F u n c t i o n s

Setting the logic gate type and reset type

• Select "Logic/Reset" to display the "Logic/Reset" screen.
/ 4 L o g i c / R e s e t

⎯ 52 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

L o g i c 0 _
O R / A N D
R e s e t 0
I n s t / D e l / L a t c h

• Enter 0 (= OR) or 1 (= AND) to use an OR gate or AND gate and press the ENTER key.
• Enter 0 (= Instantaneous) or 1 (= Delayed) or 2 (=Latched) to select the reset timing and
press the ENTER key.

• Press the END key to return to the "Set. (BO∗∗)" screen.

Note: To release the latch state, push the [RESET] key for more than 3 seconds.

Assigning signals
• Select "Functions" on the "Set. (BO∗∗)" screen to display the "Functions" screen.
/ 4 F u n c t i o n s

I n # 1
2 1 _
I n # 2
4 _
I n # 3
6 7 _
I n # 4
0 _

• Assign signals to gates (In #1 to #4) by entering the number corresponding to each signal
referring to Appendix B. Do not assign the signal numbers 120 to 125 (signal names: "BO1
OP" to "BO6 OP").
Note: If signals are not assigned to all the gates #1 to #4, enter 0 for the unassigned gate(s).
Repeat this process for the outputs to be configured. LEDs
Two LEDs of the GRB150 are user-configurable. A configurable LED can be programmed to
indicate the OR/AND combination of a maximum of 4 elements. One of the signals listed in
Appendix B can be assigned to each LED as follows:
• Select "LED" on the "Set. (change)" screen to display the "LED" screen.
/ 2 L E D
• L E D 1
• L E D 2
Note: The setting is required for all the LEDs. If any of the LEDs are not used, enter 0 to logic
gates #1 to #4 in assigning signals.

• Select the LED number and press the ENTER key to display the "LED∗" screen.

/ 3 L E D ∗
• L o g i c / R e s e t
• F u n c t i o n s

⎯ 53 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

Setting the logic gate type and reset type

• Select "Logic/Reset" to display the "Logic/Reset" screen.
/ 4 L o g i c / R e s e t

L o g i c 0 _
O R / A N D
R e s e t 0
I n s t / L a t c h

• Enter 0 (= OR) or 1 (= AND) to use an OR gate or AND gate and press the ENTER key.
• Enter 0 (= Instantaneous) or 1(=Latched) to select the reset timing and press the ENTER
• Press the END key to return to the "LED∗" screen.
Note: To release the latch state, push the [RESET] key for more than 3 seconds.

Assigning signals
• Select "Functions" on the "LED∗" screen to display the "Functions" screen.
/ 5 F u n c t i o n s

I n # 1
2 1 _
I n # 2
1 1
I n # 3
2 4
I n # 4
• Assign signals to gates (In #1 to #4) by entering the number corresponding to each signal
referring to Appendix B.
Note: If signals are not assigned to all the gates #1 to #4, enter 0 for the unassigned gate(s).

• Press the END key to return to the "LED∗" screen.

Repeat this process for all the LEDs to be configured.

4.2.7 Testing

The sub-menu "Test" provides such functions as disabling the automatic monitoring function,
forced operation of binary outputs, and logic signal observation. Scheme switch

The automatic monitoring function (A.M.F.) can be disabled by setting the switch [A.M.F] to
Disabling the A.M.F. inhibits trip blocking even in the event of a failure in the items being
monitored by this function. It also prevents failures from being displayed on the "ALARM" LED
and LCD described in Section 4.2.1. No events related to A.M.F. are recorded, either.
Disabling the A.M.F. is useful for blocking the output of unnecessary alarms during testing.

⎯ 54 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

• Select "Test" on the top "MENU" screen to display the "Test" screen.
/ 1 T e s t
• S w i t c h
• B i n a r y O / P
• L o g i c c i r c u i t

• Select "Switch" to display the "Switch" screen.

/ 2 S w i t c h

A . M . F . 1 _
O f f / O n
O f f / N - C L / C L
I E C T S T 0
O f f / O n

• Enter 0 or 1 to disable the A.M.F. or not and press the ENTER key for each switch.

• Enter 0(=Off) to disable the cold load protection, or enter 1(=N-CL) forcibly to set to
“No-cold load condition” or enter 2(=CL) forcibly to set to “Cold load condition”. And
press the ENTER key.
• Enter 1(=On) for IECTST to transmit ‘test mode’ to the control system by
IEC60870-5-103 communication when testing the local relay, and press the ENTER key.
• Press the END key to return to the "Test" screen. Binary Output Relay

It is possible to forcibly operate all binary output relays for checking connections with the
external devices. Forced operation can be performed on one or more binary outputs at a time.
• Select "Binary O/P" on the "Test" screen to display the "Binary O/P" screen. Then the
LCD displays the name of the output relay.
/ 2 B i n a r y O / P

T P - 1 0 _
D i s a b l e / E n a b l e
T P - 2 0 _
D i s a b l e / E n a b l e
B O 1 0 _
D i s a b l e / E n a b l e
B O 2 0 _
D i s a b l e / E n a b l e
B O 3 0 _
D i s a b l e / E n a b l e
B O 4 0 _
D i s a b l e / E n a b l e
B O 5 0 _
D i s a b l e / E n a b l e
B O 6 0 _
D i s a b l e / E n a b l e
F A I L 0 _
D i s a b l e / E n a b l e

⎯ 55 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

• Enter 1 and press the ENTER key to operate the output relay(s) forcibly.

• After completing the entries, press the END key. Then the LCD displays the screen
shown below.
O p e r a t e ?
E N T E R = Y C A N C E L = N

• Keep pressing the ENTER key to operate the assigned output relay(s).

• Release pressing the ENTER key to reset the operation.

• Press the CANCEL key to return to the upper "Binary O/P" screen. Logic Circuit

It is possible to observe the binary signal level on the signals listed in Appendix B with
monitoring jacks A and B.
• Select "Logic circuit" on the "Test" screen to display the "Logic circuit" screen.
/ 2 L o g i c
c i r c u i t
T e r m A
1 _
T e r m B
4 8 _

• Enter a signal number to be observed at monitoring jack A and press the ENTER key.

• Enter the other signal number to be observed at monitoring jack B and press the ENTER
After completing the setting, the signals can be observed by the binary logic level at monitoring
jacks A and B or by the LEDs above the jacks.
On screens other than the above screen, observation with the monitoring jacks is disabled.

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4.3 Personal Computer Interface

The relay can be operated from a personal computer using an RS232C port on the front panel.
On the personal computer, the following analysis and display of the differential voltage are
available in addition to the items available on the LCD screen.
• Display of differential voltage waveform: Oscillograph, vector display
• Harmonic analysis: On arbitrary time span
For the details, see the separate instruction manual "PC INTERFACE RSM100".

4.4 Relay Setting and Monitoring System

The Relay Setting and Monitoring (RSM) system is a system that retrieves and analyses the data
on power system quantities, fault and event records and views or changes settings in individual
relays via the telecommunication network using a remote PC.
Figure 4.4.1 shows the typical configuration of the RSM system via a protocol converter G1PR2.
The relays are connected through twisted pair cables, and the maximum 256 relays can be
connected since the G1PR2 can provide up to 8 ports. The total length of twisted pair wires
should not exceed 1200 m. Relays are mutually connected using an RS485 port on the relay rear
panel and connected to a PC RS232C port via G1PR2. Terminal resistor (150 ohms) is connected
the last relay. The transmission rate used is 64 kbits/s.


Figure 4.4.1 Relay Setting and Monitoring System

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4.5 IEC 60870-5-103 Interface

The GRB150 can support the IEC60870-5-103 communication protocol. This protocol is mainly
used when the relay communicates with a control system and is used to transfer the following
measurand, status data and general command from the relay to the control system.
• Measurand data: differential voltage
• Status data: events, fault indications, etc.
The IEC60870-5-103 function in the relay can be customized with the original software “IEC103
configurator”. It runs on a personal computer (PC) connected to the relay, and can help setting of
Time-tagged messages, General command, Metering, etc. For details of the setting method, refer
to “IEC103 configurator” manual. For the default setting of IEC60870-5-103, see Appendix M.
The protocol can be used through the RS485 port on the relay rear panel and can be also used
through the optional fibre optical interface. The relay connection is similar to Figure 4.4.1.
The relay supports two baud-rates 9.6kbps and 19.2kbps.
The data transfer from the relay can be blocked by the setting.
For the settings, see the Section

4.6 Clock Function

The clock function (Calendar clock) is used for time-tagging for the following purposes:
• Event records
• Disturbance records
• Fault records

The calendar clock can run locally or be synchronised with the external IRIG-B time standard
signal, RSM or IEC clock. This can be selected by setting.
If it is necessary to synchronise with the IRIG-B time standard signal, it is possible to transform
GMT to the local time by setting.
When the relays are connected to the RSM system as shown in Figure 4.4.1, the calendar clock of
each relay is synchronised with the RSM clock. If the RSM clock is synchronised with the
external time standard (GPS clock etc.), then all the relay clocks are synchronised with the
external time standard.

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5. Installation
5.1 Receipt of Relays
When relays are received, carry out the acceptance inspection immediately. In particular, check
for damage during transportation, and if any damage is found, contact the vendor.
Check that the following accessories are attached.
• 3 pins for the monitoring jack, packed in a plastic bag.
Always store the relays in a clean, dry environment.

5.2 Relay Mounting

A flush mounting relay is delivered. Appendix E shows the case outlines.
For details of relay withdrawal and insertion, see Section 6.7.3.

5.3 Electrostatic Discharge

Do not take out the relay unit outside the relay case since electronic components on the modules
are very sensitive to electrostatic discharge. If it is absolutely essential to take the modules out of
the case, do not touch the electronic components and terminals with your bare hands.
Additionally, always put the module in a conductive anti-static bag when storing it.

5.4 Handling Precautions

A person's normal movements can easily generate electrostatic potentials of several thousand
volts. Discharge of these voltages into semiconductor devices when handling electronic circuits
can cause serious damage, which often may not be immediately apparent but the reliability of the
circuit will have been reduced.
The electronic circuits are completely safe from electrostatic discharge when housed in the case.
Do not expose them to risk of damage by withdrawing relay unit unnecessarily.
The relay unit incorporates the highest practicable protection for its semiconductor devices.
However, if it becomes necessary to withdraw the relay unit, the precautions should be taken to
preserve the high reliability and long life for which the equipment has been designed and

• Before removing the relay unit, ensure that you are at the same electrostatic potential as the
equipment by touching the case.
• Use the handle to draw out the relay unit. Avoid touching the electronic components,
printed circuit board or connectors.
• Do not pass the relay unit to another person without first ensuring you are both at the same
electrostatic potential. Shaking hands achieves equipotential.

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• Place the relay unit on an anti-static surface, or on a conducting surface which is at the
same potential as yourself.
• Do not place the relay unit in polystyrene trays.
It is strongly recommended that detailed investigations on electronic circuitry should be carried
out in a Special Handling Area such as described in the aforementioned IEC 60747.

5.5 External Connections

External connections for each relay model are shown in Appendix F.

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6. Commissioning and Maintenance

6.1 Outline of Commissioning Tests
The GRB150 is fully numerical and the hardware is continuously monitored.
Commissioning tests can be kept to a minimum and need only include hardware tests and the
conjunctive tests. The function tests are at the user’s discretion.
In these tests, user interfaces on the front panel of the relay or a local PC can be fully applied.
Test personnel must be familiar with general relay testing practices and safety precautions to
avoid personal injuries or equipment damage.

Hardware tests
These tests are performed for the following hardware to ensure that there is no hardware defect.
Defects of hardware circuits other than the following can be detected by monitoring which
circuits function when the DC power is supplied.
User interfaces
Binary input circuits and output circuits
AC input circuits

Function tests
These tests are performed for the following functions that are fully software-based.
Measuring elements
Metering and recording
Human interface

Conjunctive tests
The tests are performed after the relay is connected with the primary equipment and other external

The following tests are included:

On load test: phase sequence check and polarity check
Tripping circuit test

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6.2 Cautions
6.2.1 Safety Precautions

• The relay rack is provided with an earthing terminal.
Before starting the work, always make sure the relay rack is earthed.
• When connecting the cable to the back of the relay, firmly fix it to the terminal block and
attach the cover provided on top of it.
• Before checking the interior of the relay, be sure to turn off the power.

Failure to observe any of the precautions above may cause electric shock or malfunction.

6.2.2 Cautions on Tests

• When testing the relay, house it in the case and test it.
• While the power is on, do not draw out/insert the relay unit.
• Before turning on the power, check the followings:
- Make sure the polarity and voltage of the power supply are correct.
- Make sure the CT circuit is not open.
• If dc power has not been supplied to the relay for two days or more, then it is recommended
that all fault records, event records and disturbance records be cleared soon after restoring
the power. This is because the back-up RAM may have discharged and may contain
uncertain data.
• Be careful that the relay is not damaged due to an overcurrent or overvoltage.
• If settings are changed for testing, remember to reset them to the original settings.

Failure to observe any of the precautions above may cause damage or malfunction of the relay.

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6.3 Preparations
Test equipment
The following test equipment is required for the commissioning tests.
1 Single-phase voltage source
1 DC power supply
1 AC voltmeter
1 DC voltmeter
1 Time counter, precision timer
1 PC (not essential)
Relay settings
Before starting the tests, it must be specified whether the tests will use the user’s settings or the
default settings.

For the default settings, see the following appendixes:

Appendix C Binary Output Default Setting List
Appendix G Relay Setting Sheet
Visual inspection
After unpacking the product, check for any damage to the relay case. If there is any damage, the
internal module might also have been affected. Contact the vendor.

Relay ratings
Check that the items described on the nameplate on the front of the relay conform to the user’s
specification. The items are: relay type and model, AC voltage, current and frequency ratings, and
auxiliary DC supply voltage rating.

Local PC
When using a local PC, connect it with the relay via the RS232C port on the front of the relay.
RSM100 software is required to run the PC.
For the details, see the separate manual "PC INTERFACE RSM100".

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6.4 Hardware Tests

The tests can be performed without external wiring, but a DC power supply and AC voltage
source are required.

6.4.1 User Interfaces

This test ensures that the LCD, LEDs and keys function correctly.

LCD display
• Apply the rated DC voltage and check that the LCD is off.
Note: If there is a failure, the LCD will display the "Err: " screen when the DC voltage is applied.

• Press the RESET key and check that black dots appear on the whole screen.

LED display
• Apply the rated DC voltage and check that the "IN SERVICE" LED is lit in green.
• Press the RESET key and check that remaining five LEDs are lit in red.

VIEW and RESET keys

• Press the VIEW key when the LCD is off and check that the "Metering" screen is
displayed on the LCD.
• Press the RESET key and check that the LCD turns off.

, , and keys
• Press any key when the LCD is off and check that the LCD displays the "MENU" screen.
Press the END key to turn off the LCD.
• Repeat this for all keys.

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6.4.2 Binary Input Circuit

The testing circuit is shown in Figure 6.4.1.


TB3 -B3


DC + TB3 -A5
supply − -B5

Figure 6.4.1 Testing Binary Input Circuit

• Display the "Binary I/O" screen from the "Status" sub-menu.

/ 2 B i n a r y I / O
I P [ 0 ]
O P 1 [ 0 0 ]
O P 2 [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
• Apply rated DC voltage to terminal B3 of terminal block TB3.
Check that the status display corresponding to the input signal changes from 0 to 1. (For
the binary input status display, see Section

6.4.3 Binary Output Circuit

This test can be performed by using the "Test" sub-menu and forcibly operating the relay drivers
and output relays. Operation of the output contacts is monitored at the output terminal. The output
contact and corresponding terminal number are shown in Appendix F.
• Select "Binary O/P" on the "Test" screen to display the "Binary O/P" screen. The LCD will
display the name of the output relay.
/ 2 B i n a r y O / P

T P - 1 0 _
D i s a b l e / E n a b l e
T P - 2 0 _
D i s a b l e / E n a b l e
B O 1 0 _
D i s a b l e / E n a b l e
B O 2 0 _
D i s a b l e / E n a b l e
B O 3 0 _

• Enter 1 at any B/O(s) tested and press the ENTER key.

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• After completing the entries, press the END key. The LCD will display the screen shown
below. If 1 is entered for all the output relays, the following forcible operation can be
performed collectively.
O p e r a t e ?
E N T E R = Y C A N C E L = N

• Keep pressing the ENTER key to operate the output relays forcibly.

• Check that the output contacts operate at the terminal.

• Stop pressing the ENTER key to reset the operation.

6.4.4 AC Input Circuits

This test can be performed by applying the checking voltages to the AC input circuits and
verifying that the values applied coincide with the values displayed on the LCD screen.
The testing circuit is shown in Figure 6.4.2. A single-phase voltage source is required.
V TB1-1 TB2-1 TB1 -1
-2 Va -2 Va
Single-phase -2
voltage -3 -3
source Vb -3
-4 -4 Vb
-5 -4
Vc -5
-6 -6 -5
-8 -6

+ TB3 -A5
supply − -B5

*(Note) EB-101: single-phase, EB-102: three-phase

Figure 6.4.2 Testing AC Input Circuit

• Check the metering data on the "Metering" screen.

"Setting (view)" sub-menu → "Status" setting screen → "Metering" screen
• Open the Metering screen in the Status sub-menu.
"Status" sub-menu → "Metering" screen
• Apply AC voltages and check that the displayed values are within ±5% of the input values.

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6.5 Function Test

6.5.1 Measuring Element

Measuring element characteristics are realised by software, so it is possible to verify the overall
characteristics by checking representative points.
Operation of the element under test is observed by the binary output signal at monitoring jacks A
or B or by the LED indications above the jacks. In any case, the signal number corresponding to
each element output must be set on the "Logic circuit" screen of the "Test" sub-menu.
/ 2 L o g i c
c i r c u i t
T e r m A
1 _
T e r m B
4 8 _
When a signal number is entered for the Term A line, the signal is observed at monitoring jack A
and when entered for the Term B line, it is observed at monitoring jack B.
Note: The voltage level at the monitoring jacks is +5V for logic level "1" and less than 0.1V for
logic level "0".

• Use test equipment with more than 1 kΩ of internal impedance when observing the output
signal at the monitoring jacks.
• Do not apply an external voltage to the monitoring jacks.
• Do not leave the A or B terminal shorted to 0V terminal for a long time.
In case of a three-phase element, it is sufficient to test for a representative phase. The A-phase
element is selected hereafter.

⎯ 67 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0 Differential element DIF

The differential element is checked for the following:
• Operating voltage value
• Operating time

Operating voltage value

Figure 6.5.1 shows a testing circuit. The minimum operating voltage value is checked by
increasing the magnitude of the voltage applied.
V EB-10∗
TB1-1(TB1-1) TB1-4(TB2-1)
+ TB1 -1
Single-phase Va
source TB1-2(TB1-2) TB1-5(TB2-2)
− -2

-4 Monitoring
-8 -5 0V

DC + TB3 -A5
supply − -B5


*(Note) EB-101: single-phase, EB-102: three-phase. The terminal No. shown in the parentheses are in the case of EB-102.

Figure 6.5.1 Operating Voltage Value Test Circuit

The output signal numbers of the DIF elements are as follows:

Element Signal number Remarks
DIF-A (DIF) 11
DIF-B 12
DIF-C 13

• Select "Logic circuit" on the "Test" sub-menu screen to display the "Logic circuit" screen.
• Enter signal number 11 to observe the DIF-A operation at monitoring jack A and press the
ENTER key.

• Apply a test voltage and change the magnitude of the voltage applied and measure the
value at which the element operates.
Check that the measured value is within 10% of the setting value.

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Operating time
The testing circuit is shown in Figure 6.5.2.

V EB-10∗
TB1-1 TB1-4 TB1 -1
Single-phase (TB1-1) (TB2-1)
source TB1-2 TB1-5 -2
(TB1-2) (TB2-2)


DC + TB3 -A5
supply − -B5



*(Note) EB-101: single-phase, EB-102: three-phase. The terminal No. shown in the parentheses are in the case of EB-102.

Figure 6.5.2 Operating Time Test

• Set the test current to 2 times the DIF setting value.

• Apply the test voltage and measure the operating time.
• Check that the operating time is 20 ms or less. Supervisory element DIFSV

The supervisory element is checked for the operating voltage value.

Operating voltage value

Figure 6.5.1 shows a testing circuit. The minimum operating voltage value is checked by
increasing the magnitude of the voltage applied.
The output signal numbers of the DIF elements are as follows:

Element Signal number Remarks


• Select "Logic circuit" on the "Test" sub-menu screen to display the "Logic circuit" screen.
• Enter signal number 14 to observe the DIFSV-A operation at monitoring jack A and press

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the ENTER key.

• Apply a test voltage and change the magnitude of the voltage applied and measure the
value at which the element operates.
Check that the measured value is within 10% of the setting value.

6.5.2 Protection Scheme

In the protection scheme tests, a dynamic test set is required to simulate power system pre-fault,
fault and post-fault conditions.
Tripping is observed with the tripping command output relays TP-1 and 2.

Differential tripping
The tripping should be checked for the voltage which is two times or larger than the minimum
operating voltage DIF. Operating time is measured by the operating time of the tripping
command output relay. It is usually 20ms.
Check that the indications and recordings are correct.

6.5.3 Metering and Recording

The metering function can be checked while testing the AC input circuit. See Section 6.4.4.
Fault recording can be checked while testing the protection schemes. Open the "Fault records"
screen and check that the descriptions are correct for the fault concerned.
Recording events are listed in Table 3.4.1. The top event is an external event and others are
internal events. Event recording on the external event can be checked by changing the status of
binary input signals. Change the status in the same way as the binary input circuit test (see Section
6.4.2) and check that the description displayed on the "Event Records" screen is correct.
Note: Whether to record or not can be set for each event. Change the status of the binary input signal
after confirming that the related event is set to record. (The default setting enables all the
events to be recorded.)
Some of the internal events can be checked in the protection scheme tests.
Disturbance recording can be checked while testing the protection schemes. The LCD display
only shows the date and time when a disturbance is recorded. Open the "Disturbance records"
screen and check that the descriptions are correct.
Details can be displayed on the PC with the RSM100 software. Check that the descriptions on the
PC are correct. For details on how to obtain disturbance records on the PC, see the RSM100

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6.6 Conjunctive Tests

6.6.1 On Load Test

With the relay connected to the line which is carrying a load current, it is possible to check the
polarity of the current transformer with the metering displays on the LCD screen.
• Open the following "Metering" screen from the "Status" sub-menu.
/ 2 M e t e r i n g
V d ∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ V
(Model 101)

/ 2 M e t e r i n g
V d a ∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ V
V d b ∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ V
V d c ∗ ∗ ∗ . ∗ V
(Model 201)
• Check that the differential voltage Vd or Vda, Vdb and Vdc are sufficiently smaller than
the DIF and DIFSV setting values.

6.6.2 Tripping Circuit Test

The tripping circuit including the circuit breaker is checked by forcibly operating the output relay
and monitoring the circuit breaker to confirm that it is tripped. Forcible operation of the output
relay is performed on the "Binary O/P " screen of the "Test" sub-menu as described in Section

Tripping circuit
• Set the breaker to be closed.
• Select "Binary O/P" on the "Test" sub-menu screen to display the "Binary O/P" screen.
TP-1 and -2 are output relays with one normally open contact.
• Enter 1 for TP-1 and press the ENTER key.

• Press the END key. Then the LCD displays the screen shown below.

O p e r a t e ?
E N T E R = Y C A N C E L = N

• Keep pressing the ENTER key to operate the output relay TP-1 and check that the No.1
breaker is tripped.
• Stop pressing the ENTER key to reset the operation.

• Repeat the above for TP-2.

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6.7 Maintenance
6.7.1 Regular Testing
The relay is almost completely self-supervised. The circuits that can not be supervised are binary
input and output circuits and human interfaces.
Therefore, regular testing is minimised to checking the unsupervised circuits. The test procedures
are the same as described in Sections 6.4.1, 6.4.2 and 6.4.3.

6.7.2 Failure Tracing and Repair

Failures will be detected by automatic supervision or regular testing.
When a failure is detected by supervision, a remote alarm is issued with the binary output relay of
FAIL and the failure is indicated on the front panel with LED indicators or LCD display. It is also
recorded in the event record.
Failures detected by supervision are traced by checking the "Err: " screen on the LCD.
If any messages are shown on the LCD, the failure item can be indicated by referring to Table
This table shows the relationship between messages displayed on the LCD and estimated failure
location. The location marked with (1) has a higher probability than the location marked with (2).

Table 6.7.1 LCD Message and Failure Location

Message Failure location

Relay Unit EB-101 or -102 AC cable
Err: Sum ×
Err: MEM ×
Err: RAM ×
Err: BRAM ×
Err: ROM ×
Err: A/D ×
Err: SP ×
Err: DI ×
Err: DO ×
Err: LCD ×
Err: Vd × (1) × (2) × (2)

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If no message is shown on the LCD, this means that the failure location is either in the DC power
supply circuit or in the microprocessors.

When a failure is detected by automatic supervision or regular testing, replace the failed relay
Note: When a failure or an abnormality is detected during the regular test, confirm the following
- Test circuit connections are correct.
- Relay unit is securely inserted in position.
- Correct DC power voltage with correct polarity is applied and connected to the correct
- Correct AC inputs are applied and connected to the correct terminals.
- Test procedures comply with those stated in the manual.

6.7.3 Replacing a Failed Relay Unit

If a failure is identified in the relay unit and the user has a spare relay unit, the user can recover the
protection by replacing the failed relay unit.
Repair at the site should be limited to relay unit replacement. Maintenance at the component level
is not recommended.
Check that the replacement relay unit has an identical Model No. and relay version (software type
form) as the removed relay.
The Model No. is indicated on the front of the relay. For the relay version, see Section

Replacing the relay unit

CAUTION After replacing the relay unit, check the settings.

The procedure of relay withdrawal and insertion is as follows:

• Switch off the DC power supply.
WARNING Hazardous voltage may remain in the DC circuit just after switching off the
DC power supply. It takes approximately 30 seconds for the voltage to
• Disconnect the trip outputs.
• Short-circuit all AC current inputs.
• Unscrew the relay front cover.
• Unscrew the binding screw on the handle.
• To remove the relay unit from its case, pull up the handle and pull the handle towards you.
(See Figure 6.7.1.)
• Insert the (spare) relay unit in the reverse procedure.
CAUTION To avoid risk of damage:
• Keep the handle up when inserting the relay unit into the case.
• Do not catch the handle when carrying the relay unit.

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Pull up handle

Bind screw

Figure 6.7.1 Handle of Relay Unit

6.7.4 Resumption of Service

After replacing the failed relay unit or repairing failed external circuits, take the following
procedures to put the relay into service.
• Switch on the DC power supply and confirm that the "IN SERVICE" green LED is lit and
the "ALARM" red LED is not lit.
• Supply the AC inputs and reconnect the trip outputs.

6.7.5 Storage

The spare relay should be stored in a dry and clean room. Based on IEC Standard 60255-6 the
storage temperature should be between −25°C and +70°C, but the temperature of 0°C to +40°C is
recommended for long-term storage.

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7. Putting Relay into Service

The following procedure must be adhered to when putting the relay into service after finishing the
commissioning tests or maintenance tests.
• Check that all external connections are correct.
• Check the settings of all measuring elements, timers, scheme switches, recordings and
clock are correct.
In particular, when settings are changed temporarily for testing, be sure to restore them.
• Clear any unnecessary records on faults, events and disturbances which are recorded
during the tests.
If dc power has not been supplied to the relay for two days or more, then it is
recommended that all fault records, event records and disturbance records be
cleared soon after restoring the power. This is because the back-up RAM may
have discharged and may contain uncertain data.
• Press the VIEW key and check that no failure message is displayed on the
"Auto-supervision" screen.
• Check that the green "IN SERVICE" LED is lit and no other LEDs are lit on the front

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Appendix A
Block Diagram

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output relay

0 t
0.2s (Trip1)

0 t
t 0
DIFSV & Alarm
0.5s (VD ERR)


Block Diagram of GRB150-101

output relay

0 t
A & ≥1 TP-1

DIF 0 t
B & TP-2
0 t
C &
0 t
& 1
t 0
A & Alarm
0.5s (VD ERR)
B &
C t 0

+ +


Block Diagram of GRB150-201

DIF: Differential element DIFSV: Supervisory element of DIF

VDCHK: Vd check SVCNT: Supervision control switch
VD ERR: Voltage differential error

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Appendix B
Signal List

⎯ 79 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0


0 Zero L evel “0 ” (Zer o log ic)

1 BI1 CO MMAND BI1 81 1 61
3 83 1 63
4 84 1 64 DI ER R D I C ON TAC T ER RO R
5 85 1 65
7 87 1 67
8 88 1 68
9 89 1 69
12 B d itto 92 1 72
13 C d itto 93 1 73
15 B d itto 95 1 75
16 C d itto 96 1 76
17 97 1 77
18 98 1 78
19 99 1 79
20 1 00 1 80
22 TRIP-B d itto 1 02 REL AY BL O CK RELAY BLO C K 1 82
25 VD ERR -B d itto 1 05 1 85
26 VD ERR -C d itto 1 06 1 86
29 1 09 1 89
30 1 10 1 90
32 1 12 1 92
34 1 14 1 94 SET.G RO UP2 d itto
35 1 15 1 95 SET.G RO UP3 d itto
36 1 16 1 96 SET.G RO UP4 d itto
37 1 17 1 97
38 1 18 1 98
39 1 19 1 99
40 1 20 BO 1 O P Bina ry o utpu t1 2 00
41 TRIP-H TRIP SIG NAL H O LD 1 21 BO 2 O P Bina ry o utpu t2
42 1 22 BO 3 O P Bina ry o utpu t3
43 1 23 BO 4 O P Bina ry o utpu t4
44 1 24 BO 5 O P Bina ry o utpu t5
45 1 25 BO 6 O P Bina ry o utpu t6
46 1 26
47 1 27
48 1 28
49 1 29
50 1 30
55 DIF-BT d itto 1 35 G RO UP3 AC TIVE GR OU P3 ACTIVE
56 DIF-CT d itto 1 36 G RO UP4 AC TIVE GR OU P4 ACTIVE
57 1 37
58 1 38
59 1 39
60 1 40
67 1 47
68 1 48
70 1 50
71 1 51
72 1 52
73 1 53
74 1 54
78 1 58
79 1 59
80 1 60

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Appendix C
Binary Output Default Setting List

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Binary Output Default Setting List

BO No. Signal Name Contents Setting
Model Signal No.(See Appendix B) LOGIC Reset
In #1 In #2 In #3 In #4 (OR:0, AND:1) (Inst:0, Del:1, Latch:2)
BO1 VD ERR Voltage Differential error 24 0 0 0 0 1
BO2 VD ERR Voltage Differential error 24 0 0 0 0 1
BO3 VD ERR Voltage Differential error 24 0 0 0 0 1
BO4 TRIP Trip signal 21 0 0 0 0 1
BO5 TRIP Trip signal 21 0 0 0 0 1
BO6 TRIP Trip signal 21 0 0 0 0 1

BO1 VD ERR-A Voltage Differential error 24 0 0 0 0 1
BO2 VD ERR-B Voltage Differential error 25 0 0 0 0 1
BO3 VD ERR-C Voltage Differential error 26 0 0 0 0 1
BO4 TRIP-A Trip signal 21 0 0 0 0 1
BO5 TRIP-B Trip signal 22 0 0 0 0 1
BO6 TRIP-C Trip signal 23 0 0 0 0 1

For configuration, see Figure 3.2.2.

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Appendix D
Details of Relay Menu and
LCD & Button Operation Instruction

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xSet. (view)
xSet. (change)

/1 Record
xF. record
xE. record
xD. record

/2 F.record /3 F.record /4 F.record #1

xDisplay 16/Oct/1997
xClear #1 16/Oct/1997
Refer to Section 18:13:57.031
Clear records?

/2 E.record /3 E.record
xClear 16/Oct/1997
Refer to Section Ext. trip A On

Clear records?

/2 D.record /3 D.record
xClear #1 16/Oct/1997
Refer to Section 18:13:57.401

Clear records?


⎯ 84 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

/1 Status /2 Metering
xMetering Vda ***.* V
xBinary I/O
/2 Binary I/O
xRelay element
IP [0 ]
xTime sync.
xClock adjust. /2 Ry element
xLCD contrast [000 000 ]
Refer to Section 4.2.4.
/2 Time sync.
*IRIG: Act

/2 12/Nov/1999
22:56:19 [L]

/2 LCD contrast

/1 Set. (view)
xBinary I/P
xBinary O/P Refer to Section 4.2.5
/2 Version GRB150-201B-12
xRelay type -30
xSerial No.
xSoftware ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗
/2 Description
xPlant name

/2 Comms /3 Addr./Param.
/3 Switch

a-1, b-1

⎯ 85 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

a-1 b-1

/2 Record /3 E.record
/3 D.record /4 Time/starter
xTime/starter Time 2.0s
x Scheme sw
/4 Scheme sw
/2 Status /3 Time sync.
xTime sync.
xTime zone
/3 Time zone
GMT +9hrs

/2 Act. gp. =*

/3 Group1

/4 Parameter ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗
xLine name ∗∗∗∗∗∗

/4 Trip /5 Scheme sw
xScheme sw
/5 Prot.element

/3 Group2

/3 Group4

a-1 b-1

⎯ 86 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0
a-1 b-1

/2 Binary I/P

BISW1 1 _

/2 Binary O/P

( 1, 10, 29, 0)

( 0, 0, 0, 0)

/2 LED
LED1 21
LED2 11

/1 Set.(change)
: Password trap
Password [_ ]
: Confirmation trap
xBinary I/O Change settings?
xBinary O/P

Input [_ ] Retype [_ ]
1234567890← 1234567890←
Refer to Section

/2 Description _
xPlant name ABCDEFG
Refer to Section ABCDEFG

a-1 b-2

⎯ 87 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

a-1 b-2

/2 Comms /3 Addr./Param.
Refer to Section /3 Switch

/2 Record /3 E.record
xD.record Trip 3 3 _
Refer to Section
Grp. change 1 1 _

/3 D.record /4 Time/Starter
xScheme sw
/4 Scheme sw

/2 Status /3 Time sync.

xTime sync.
xTime zone
/3 Time zone
Refer to Section

/2 Protection
xChange act. gp.
xChange set. Refer to Section
xCopy gp.

/3 Change act.

/3 Act gp.=1

a-1 b-2 c-1 d-1

⎯ 88 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

a-1 b-2 c-1 d-1

/4 Group*

/5 Parameter _
xLine name ABCDEFG

/5 Trip /6 Scheme sw
xScheme sw
xProt.element VDCHK 1 _
IND.R 1 _
CLEN 0 _

/6 Prot.element

10 _
/4 Group2 5 _
xParameter TVDSV s
0.50 _
/4 Group4 DIFCC
xParameter 1.00 _
/3 Copy A to B 0.01 _
A _ 0.00 _
B _ TCLR s
0.00 _

/2 Binary I/P

BISW1 1 _

Refer to Section

a-1, b-2

⎯ 89 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

a-1, b-2

/2 Binary O/P /3 Set. (BO1) /4 Logic/Reset

xBO1 xLogic/Reset
/4 Functions
Refer to Section /3 Set. (BO6) xLogic/Reset

/2 LED /3 LED1 /4 Logic/Reset

xLED1 xLogic/Reset
xLED2 xFunctions
Refer to Section /4 Functions /3 LED2

/1 Test /2 Switch
xBinary O/P A.M.F. 1 _
xLogic circuit Off/On
Refer to Section 4.2.7. CLPTST 0

/2 Binary O/P Operate?


/2 Logic
1 _

⎯ 90 ⎯
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( LED ON )



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Appendix E
Outline of GRB150 and EB-101, -102
• Case Type of GRB150: Flush Mount Type
• EB-101 and EB-102

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6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0


25 8

A B 0V


15.6 243.5 32
Side view
Front view

4 holes-φ4.5 4 holes-φ5.5



24 9


Rear view
A1 B1
1 2 Panel cut-out
3 4
5 6

A1 B1

A6 B6

TB1, TB2, TB3: M3.5 Ring

A18 B18
Terminal block

Case Outline of GRB150 : Flush Mount Type

⎯ 94 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

M4 Ring

205 226.5

Terminal block
Top view
6-φ5.5 for mounting






Front view Side view

(a) EB-101

M4 Ring
M4 Ring terminal
terminal TB2
TB1 1

205 226.5


Top view Terminal block

6-φ5.5 for mounting





Front view Side view

(b) EB-102
Note: When mounting varistor units longitudinally, the TB1 should be located in the down side.

Outline of varistor unit

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Appendix F
External Connection

⎯ 97 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

TB1 -1 TB1 -4 TB1 -1 TRIP - 1 BO2 VD ERR ALARM
TB1 -8

BO1 B5

BO2 B6

BO3 B7

BO4 B8

BO5 B9

BO6 B10

(+) A1 B1 TB1
1 2
FAIL TB2-A15 5 6
TB3 -B3
B15 TB3
A1 B1
COM1-A A6 B6
COM1-B A18 B18
RS485 I/F for RSM
≧1 TB2-B17
Terminal Block Arrangement (Rear view)
TB3 -A5 +5Vdc
DC (+) DC-DC B16
SUPPLY -B5 RS485 I/F for IEC103
(-) (Provided with two-port model).
TB3 -A6 0V



Note: In AC circuit wiring, the wires of the relay side should be separated from these of the CT side to
avoid the influence of noise.

External connection of Model 101

⎯ 98 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

A-phase TB1 -1 BO2 VD ERR-B ALARM
TP-1 TRIP - 1
TB1-2 TB2-2 -2 A2 BO4 TRIP-A ALARM
TB1-3 TB2-3
TB1-4 TB2-4 -4
C-phase -5
TB1-5 TB2-5
TB1-6 TB2-6 -6 A5
BO1 B5
BO2 B6

BO3 B7

BO4 B8

BO5 B9

BO6 B10
A1 B1 TB1
1 2
(+) 5 6
BI1 A1 B1
A6 B6

A16 A18 B18
RS485 I/F for RSM
0V Terminal Block Arrangement (Rear view)
≧1 TB2-B17
TB3-A5 +5Vdc
DC (+) DC-DC B16
-B5 COM2-B
SUPPLY RS485 I/F for IEC103
(-) (Provided with two-port model).



Note: In AC circuit wiring, the wires of the relay side should be separated from these of the CT side to
avoid the influence of noise.

External connection of Model 201

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Appendix G
Relay Setting Sheet
1. Relay Identification
2. Busbar parameters
3. Contacts setting
4. Relay setting sheet

⎯ 101 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

Relay Setting Sheets

1. Relay Identification Date:

Relay type Serial Number
Frequency AC voltage
DC supply voltage
Active setting group

2. Busbar parameters
CT ratio

3. Contacts setting
(1) BO1

⎯ 102 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

4. Relay setting sheet

Default Setting
№ Name Range Units Contents of Relay series Setting
101 201
1 1-4 - Active setting group 1
2 Line name Specified by user - Line name Specified by user
3 VDCHK Off(0) / On(1) - Vd check use or not On(1)
4 SVCNT ALM&BLK(0) / ALM(1) - Supervision control ALM&BLK(0)
5 IND.R Off(0) / On(1) - Indication reser by BI1 On(1)
6 CLEN Off(0) / F1(1) / F2(2) - Cold Load Protection Off(0)
7 DIF 10 - 600 V Differential relay 100
8 DIFSV 5 - 100 V Differential relay for supervision 50
9 TVDSV 0.10 - 60.00 s VD err timer 0.50
10 DIFCC 1.00 - 10.00 - DIF setting coef f icient in CLP mode. 1.00
11 TCLP 0.01 - 100.00 s Cold load duration timer. 0.01
12 TCLE 0.00 - 100.00 s Cold load enable timer. 0.00
13 TCLR 0.00 - 100.00 s Cold load reset timer. 0.00
14 BISW1 Norm(0) / Inv(1) - Binary input Norm(0)
15 Logic OR(0)/AND(1) - LED1 Logic Gate Type OR(0)
16 Reset Inst(0)/Latch(1) - LED1 Reset operation Inst(0)
17 In #1 0 - 200 - LED Functions 0
18 In #2 0 - 200 - ditto 0
19 In #3 0 - 200 - ditto 0
20 In #4 0 - 200 - ditto 0
21 Logic OR(0)/AND(1) - LED2 Logic Gate Type OR(0)
22 Reset Inst(0)/Latch(1) - LED2 Reset operation Inst(0)
23 In #1 0 - 200 - LED Functions 0
24 In #2 0 - 200 - ditto 0
25 In #3 0 - 200 - ditto 0
26 In #4 0 - 200 - ditto 0
27 Plant name Specified by user - Plant name Specified by user
28 Description ditto - Memorandum for user Specified by user
29 HDLC 1 - 32 - Relay ID No. for RSM 1
30 IEC 0 - 254 - Relay ID No. for IEC 2
31 IECBR 9.6(0) / 19.2(1) - Sw itch for communications 19.2(1)
32 IECBLK Normal(0) / Blocked(1) - Sw itch for communications Normal(0)
33 Trip N(0) / O(1) / R(2) / B(3) - Event record trigger B(3)
34 Vd err N(0) / O(1) / R(2) / B(3) - ditto B(3)
35 Ind.reset N(0) / O(1) / R(2) / B(3) - ditto B(3)
36 Cold load N(0) / O(1) / R(2) / B(3) - ditto B(3)
37 Relay fail N(0) / O(1) / R(2) / B(3) - ditto B(3)
38 Sys.change N(0) / O(1) - ditto O(1)
39 Rly.change N(0) / O(1) - ditto O(1)
40 Grp.change N(0) / O(1) - ditto O(1)
41 Time 0.1 - 3.0 s Disturbance record 1.0
Disturbance record trigger use
42 TRIP Off(0) / On(1) - On(1)
or not
43 Vd err Off(0) / On(1) - ditto On(1)
44 Time sync Off(0) / IRI(1) / RSM(2) / IEC(3) - Time synchronization Off(0)
45 GMT -12 - +12 hrs Time zone 0

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Appendix H
Commissioning Test Sheet (sample)
1. Relay identification
2. Preliminary check
3. Hardware test
3.1 User interface check
3.2 Binary input/Binary output circuit check
3.3 AC input circuit check
4. Function test
4.1 Differential element DIF test
4.2 Supervisory element DIFSV test
5. Protection scheme test
6. Metering and recording check
7. Conjunctive test

⎯ 105 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

1. Relay identification

Type Serial number

Model System frequency
Station Date
Circuit Engineer
Protection scheme Witness
Active settings group number

2. Preliminary check

CT shorting contacts
DC power supply
Power up
Relay inoperative
alarm contact
Calendar and clock

3. Hardware test

3.1 User interface check

3.2 Binary input/Binary output circuit check

Binary input circuit

Binary output circuit

3.3 AC input circuit check

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4. Function test

4.1 Differential element DIF test

(1) Minimum operating value test

Tap setting Measured voltage

(2) Operating time test

Tap setting Test voltage Measured time

4.2 Supervisory element DIFSV test

(1) Minimum operating value test

Tap setting Measured voltage

5. Protection scheme test

6. Metering and recording check

7. Conjunctive test

Scheme Results
On load
Tripping circuit

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Appendix I
Return Repair Form

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Please fill in this form and return it to Toshiba Corporation with the GRB150 to be repaired.

TOSHIBA CORPORATION Fuchu Operations – Industrial and Power Systems & Services
1, Toshiba-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, Japan
For: Power Systems Protection & Control Department
Quality Assurance Section

Type: GRB150 Model: Sub No.

(Example: Type: GRB150 Model: 201B-12-30 )

Product No.:
Serial No.:

1. Reason for returning the relay

† mal-function
† does not operate
† increased error
† investigation
† others

2. Fault records, event records or disturbance records stored in the relay and relay settings are
very helpful information to investigate the incident.
Please provide relevant information regarding the incident on floppy disk, or fill in the
attached fault record sheet and relay setting sheet.

Fault Record
Date/Month/Year Time / / / : : .
(Example: 04/ Nov./ 1997 15:09:58.442)
Faulty phase:

Prefault values
Vda: V
Vdb: V
Vdc: V

⎯ 110 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

Fault values
Prefault values
Vda: V
Vdb: V
Vdc: V

3. What was the message on the LCD display at the time of the incident?

4. Describe the details of the incident:

5. Date incident occurred

Day/Month/Year: / / /
(Example: 10/July/1998)

6. Give any comments about the GRB150, including the documents:

⎯ 111 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0


Company Name:

Telephone No.:
Facsimile No.:

⎯ 112 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

Appendix J
Technical Data

⎯ 113 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

AC current (In): 1A (fixed)
Frequency: 50Hz or 60Hz
DC power supply: 110Vdc/125Vdc
(Nominal range: −20% and +20% of rated voltage)
AC ripple on DC supply, IEC60255-11: Maximum 12%
DC supply interruption, IEC60255-11
Permissive duration of DC supply voltage interruption to maintain normal operation:
less than 50ms at 110Vdc
Restart time: less than 10s

Overload rating
AC voltage input for varistor unit EB-101 or EB-102:
300V continuous
1kVrms for 0.4s

Binary input signal

Operating voltage: Typical 74Vdc, minimum 70Vdc at
100Vdc/125Vdc rating
Typical 138Vdc, minimum 125Vdc at
200Vdc/250Vdc rating

DC power supply: less than 10W (quiescent)
less than 15W (operation)

High impedance differential protection

Differential protection (DIF): 10 to 600V in 1V steps
Supervisory (DIFSV): 5 to 100V in 1V steps
Input impedance: 667Ω with varistor unit EB-101 or EB-102

Operating time of differential protection

Operating time: 1 cycle

Accuracy of differential element

Differential protection: ±10%
Supervisory: ±10%

⎯ 114 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

Cold load protection (CLP)

Differential protection (DIFCC): 1.00 to 10.00 times
Cold load duration timer: 0.01 to 100.00 s
Cold load enable timer: 0.00 to 100.00 s
Cold load reset timer: 0.00 to 100.00 s

Communication port
Front communication port (local PC)
Connection: Point to point
Cable type: Multi-core (straight)
Cable length: 15m (max.)
Connector: RS232C 9-way D-type female
Rear communication port (remote PC)
Signal level: RS485
Transmission data rate for RSM system: 64kbps
Connection: Multidrop mode (max. 32 relays)
Connector: Screw terminals
Cable and length: Twisted-pair cable, max. 1200m
Isolation: 2kVac for 1 min.

Contact ratings
Trip contacts:
Make and carry: 5A continuously
30A, 290Vdc for 0.5s (L/R ≥ 10ms)
Break: 0.15A, 290Vdc (L/R=40ms)
Auxiliary contacts:
Make and carry: 4A continuously
10A, 220Vdc for 0.2s (L/R ≥ 5ms)
Break: 0.1A, 220Vdc (L/R=40ms)

Mechanical design
Weight: 5kg
Case color: 2.5Y7.5/1(approximation to Munsell value)
Installation: Flush mounting

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Test Standards Details

Atmospheric Environment
Temperature IEC60068-2-1/2 Operating range: -10°C to +55°C.
Storage / Transit: -25°C to +70°C.
Humidity IEC60068-2-78 56 days at 40°C and 93% relative humidity.
Enclosure Protection IEC60529 IP51 (Rear: IP20)
Mechanical Environment
Vibration IEC60255-21-1 Response - Class 1
Endurance - Class 1
Shock and Bump IEC60255-21-2 Shock Response Class 1
Shock Withstand Class 1
Bump Class 1
Seismic IEC60255-21-3 Class 1
High Voltage Environment
Dielectric Withstand IEC60255-5 2kVrms for 1 minute between all terminals and earth.
2kVrms for 1 minute between independent circuits.
1kVrms for 1 minute across normally open contacts.
High Voltage Impulse IEC60255-5 Three positive and three negative impulses of 5kV(peak),
1.2/50μs, 0.5J between all terminals and between all
terminals and earth.
Electromagnetic Environment
High Frequency IEC60255-22-1 Class 3 1MHz 2.5kV applied to all ports in common mode.
Disturbance 1MHz 1.0kV applied to all ports in differential mode.
Electrostatic Discharge IEC60255-22-2 Class 3 6kV contact discharge.
IEC60255-22-2 Class 4 15kV air discharge.
Radiated RF IEC60255-22-3 Field strength 10V/m for frequency sweeps of 80MHz to
Electromagnetic 1GHz. Additional spot tests at 80, 160, 450, 900 and
Disturbance 1890MHz.
Fast Transient IEC60255-22-4 Class 4 4kV, 2.5kHz, 5/50ns applied to all inputs.

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Appendix K
Symbols Used in Scheme Logic

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Symbols used in the scheme logic and their meanings are as follows:

Signal names
Marked with : Measuring element output signal
Marked with : Binary signal input from or output to the external equipment
Marked with [ ] : Scheme switch
Marked with " " : Scheme switch position
Unmarked : Internal scheme logic signal

AND gates

A A B C Output
B & Output 1 1 1 1
Other cases 0

A B C Output
B & Output 1 1 0 1
C Other cases 0

A B C Output
B & Output
1 0 0 1
C Other cases 0

OR gates

A A B C Output
B ≥1 Output 0 0 0 0
C Other cases 1

A B C Output
B ≥1 Output 0 0 1 0
C Other cases 1

A B C Output
B ≥1 Output 0 1 1 0
C Other cases 1

⎯ 118 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

Signal inversion

A Output
A 1 Output 0 1
1 0


t 0 Delayed pick-up timer with fixed setting

XXX: Set time

0 t Delayed drop-off timer with fixed setting

XXX: Set time

t 0 Delayed pick-up timer with variable setting

XXX - YYY: Setting range

0 t Delayed drop-off timer with variable setting

XXX - YYY: Setting range

One-shot timer
A Output


XXX - YYY: Setting range

S R Output
S 0 0 No change
F/F Output 1 0 1
R 0 1 0
1 1 0

Scheme switch

A Switch Output
A Output
1 ON 1
Other cases 0

Switch Output
+ Output
ON 1

⎯ 119 ⎯
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Appendix L
Setting Calculation

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6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

1. Setting of DIF

Model circuit:





1) Resistance of CT secondary winding ............................... RS2 = 1.5 ohms

2) Resistance of secondary wiring for CT connecting lead loop – most onerous

case .................................................................................. RL2 = 1.0 ohm

3) Maximum through fault current ...................................... IFmax = 50kA

4) CT ratio ............................................................................ N = 800

5) Number of CTs connected to GRB150 ............................ n = 14

6) CT secondary excitation current at GRB150 setting voltage

.......................................................................................... Ie = 3mA
7) GRB150 input impedance................................................. ZR = 667 ohms

8) CT knee-point voltage ...................................................... Vk= 1000V

9) Minimum internal fault current ........................................ IFmin = 1000A

Setting calculations :
1) Calculate voltage setting value.
VR ≥ 1.2 (RS2 + RL2) × IFmax / N
≥ 1.2 × (1.5 ohms + 1.0 ohm) × 50000 / 800
≥ 188V
2) Calculate minimum operating current value for internal fault.
Imin = (n Ie + Ir + I) N
= (n Ie + Ir + VR / ZR) N
= (14 × 0.003 A + 188 / 667 ohms) × 800

⎯ 122 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 7 9 0

= 259A
Ir is neglected because it is less than 0.1 mA referring to voltage-current characteristic of
the varistor shown below.

Setting checks:
1) Check that the setting voltage value VR is smaller than half of the CT knee-point voltage
Vk .
1000 / 2 = 500 V > 188V

2) Check that the minimum internal fault current IFmin is larger than the minimum operating
current value Imin.
1000A > 259A
Note: The current sensitivity Imin can be reduced by connecting a shunt resistor across the
relay/varistor unit input. To reduce it from 259A to 400A for example, connect a
resistor of 1067 ohms[= 188V×800/(400A-259A)].




(V) 1200






0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000

Current (A)

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2. Setting of DIFSV

The setting of DIFSV is determined from the maximum erroneous voltage which is generated due
to the following two factors under normal service conditions.
• CT turns ratio errors
• Error due to differences in the respective lengths of the CT secondary connecting
leads to the paralleling point of the differential circuit

Erroneous voltage Ver1 due to CT turns ratio errors:

The maximum erroneous voltage Ver1 is given by the following equation:
Ver1 = ZR × ILmax × CTer
ZR: relay impedance
ILmax: maximum load current (= rated current, for example)
CTer: maximum CT turns ratio error (= 0.25 %, for example)
Ver1 = 667 ohms × 5 A × 0.0025
When the busbar is configured with parallel feeders, the maximum load current of the feeder may
increase by up to 1.8 times rated current when one of the feeders is opened.
Ver1 = 667 ohms × 1.8 × 5 A × 0.0025
≒15 V

Erroneous voltage Ver2 due to differences in the respective lengths of the CT secondary
connecting leads to the paralleling point of the differential circuit:
The maximum erroneous voltage Ver2 must not exceed (RS + RL) × ILmax for the most onerous case,
Ver2 < (RS + RL) × ILmax
< (1.5 ohms + 1.0 ohm) × 5A
< 12.5 V
In a busbar configured with parallel feeders, the load current may increase transiently by up to 1.8
times when one of the parallel feeders is opened. Then assuming that the feeders are fully loaded
under normal conditions,
Ver2 < (1.5 ohms + 1.0 ohm) × 1.8 × 5A
< 22.5 V

DIFSV should be set to satisfy the following equation:

DIFSV > Ver1 + Ver2 = 15 V + 12.5 V = 27.5 V for single feeder busbar
= 15 V + 22.5 V = 37.5 V for parallel feeder busbar

DIFSV = 30 V for single feeder busbar

= 40 V for parallel feeder busbar

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Appendix M
IEC60870-5-103: Interoperability and

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IEC60870-5-103 Configurator
IEC103 configurator software is included in a same CD as RSM100, and can be installed easily as
Installation of IEC103 Configurator
Insert the CD-ROM (RSM100) into a CDROM drive to install this software on a PC.
Double click the “Setup.exe” of the folder “\IEC103Conf” under the root directory, and operate it
according to the message.
When installation has been completed, the IEC103 Configurator will be registered in the start
Starting IEC103 Configurator
Click [Start]→[Programs]→[IEC103 Configurator]→[IECConf] to the IEC103 Configurator
Note: The instruction manual of IEC103 Configurator can be viewed by clicking
[Help]→[Manual] on IEC103 Configurator.

IEC60870-5-103: Interoperability
1. Physical Layer
1.1 Electrical interface: EIA RS-485
Number of loads, 32 for one protection equipment
1.2 Optical interface
Glass fibre (option)
ST type connector (option)
1.3 Transmission speed
User setting: 9600 or 19200 bit/s

2. Application Layer
One COMMON ADDRESS OF ASDU (identical with station address)

3. List of Information
The following items can be customized with the original software tool “IEC103 configurator”.
(For details, refer to “IEC103 configurator” manual No.6F2S0839.)
- Items for “Time-tagged message”: Type ID(1/2), INF, FUN, Transmission condition(Signal
number), COT
- Items for “Time-tagged measurands”: INF, FUN, Transmission condition(Signal number),
COT, Type of measurand quantities
- Items for “General command”: INF, FUN, Control condition(Signal number)
- Items for “Measurands”: Type ID(3/9), INF, FUN, Number of measurand, Type of

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measurand quantities
- Common setting
• Transmission cycle of Measurand frame
• FUN of System function
• Test mode, etc.
Note: To be effective the setting data written via the RS232C, turn off the DC supply of the relay and
turn on again.

3. 1 IEC60870-5-103 Interface
3.1.1 Spontaneous events
The events created by the relay will be sent using Function type (FUN) / Information numbers
(INF) to the IEC60870-5-103 master station.
3.1.2 General interrogation
The GI request can be used to read the status of the relay, the Function types and Information
numbers that will be returned during the GI cycle are shown in the table below.
For details, refer to the standard IEC60870-5-103 section 7.4.3.
3.1.3 Cyclic measurements
The relay will produce measured values using Type ID=3 or 9 on a cyclical basis, this can be read
from the relay using a Class 2 poll. The rate at which the relay produces new measured values can
be customized.
3.1.4 Commands
The supported commands can be customized. The relay will respond to non-supported commands
with a cause of transmission (COT) of negative acknowledgement of a command.
For details, refer to the standard IEC60870-5-103 section 7.4.4.
3.1.5 Test mode
In test mode, both spontaneous messages and polled measured values, intended for processing in
the control system, are designated by means of the CAUSE OF TRANSMISSION ‘test mode’.
This means that CAUSE OF TRANSMISSION = 7 ‘test mode’ is used for messages normally
transmitted with COT=1 (spontaneous) or COT=2 (cyclic).
For details, refer to the standard IEC60870-5-103 section 7.4.5.
3.1.6 Blocking of monitor direction
If the blocking of the monitor direction is activated in the protection equipment, all indications and
measurands are no longer transmitted.
For details, refer to the standard IEC60870-5-103 section 7.4.6.

3.2 List of Information

The followings are the default settings.

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List of Information
IEC103 Configurator Default setting
INF Description Contents GI Type COT FUN DPI
ID Signal No. OFF ON
Standard Information numbers in monitor direction
System Function
0 End of General Interrogation Transmission completion of GI items. -- 8 10 255 -- -- --
0 Time Synchronization Time Synchronization ACK. -- 6 8 255 -- -- --
2 Reset FCB Reset FCB(toggle bit) ACK -- 5 3 217 -- -- --
3 Reset CU Reset CU ACK -- 5 4 217 -- -- --
4 Start/Restart Relay start/restart -- 5 5 217 -- -- --
5 Power On Relay power on. Not supported -- -- --
Status Indications
If it is possible to use auto-recloser, this item is set
16 Auto-recloser active Not supported
active, if impossible, inactive.
If protection using telecommunication is available,
17 Teleprotection active Not supported
this item is set to active. If not, set to inactive.
If the protection is available, this item is set to 1, 7, 9, 12,
18 Protection active GI 1 217 155 1 2
active. If not, set to inactive. 20, 21
1, 7, 11, 12,
19 LED reset Reset of latched LEDs -- 1 217 149 -- 2
20, 21
Block the 103 transmission from a relay to control
20 Monitor direction blocked GI 1 9, 11 217 131 1 2
system. IECBLK: "Blocked" settimg.
Transmission of testmode situation froma relay to
21 Test mode GI 1 9, 11 217 132 1 2
control system. IECTST "ON" setting.
When a setting change has done at the local, the
22 Local parameter Setting Not supported
event is sent to control system.
1, 7, 9, 11,
23 Characteristic1 Setting group 1 active GI 1 176 133 1 2
12, 20, 21
1, 7, 9, 11,
24 Characteristic2 Setting group 2 active GI 1 176 134 1 2
12, 20, 21
1, 7, 9, 11,
25 Characteristic3 Setting group 3 active GI 1 176 135 1 2
12, 20, 21
1, 7, 9, 11,
26 Characteristic4 Setting group 4 active GI 1 176 136 1 2
12, 20, 21
27 Auxiliary input1 Binary input 1 No set
28 Auxiliary input2 Binary input 2 No set
29 Auxiliary input3 Binary input 3 No set
30 Auxiliary input4 Binary input 4 No set
Supervision Indications
32 Measurand supervision I Zero sequence current supervision Not supported
33 Measurand supervision V Zero sequence voltage supervision Not supported
35 Phase sequence supervision Negative sequence voltage supevision Not supported
36 Trip circuit supervision Output circuit supervision Not supported
37 I>>backup operation Not supported
38 VT fuse failure VT failure Not supported
39 Teleprotection disturbed CF(Communication system Fail) supervision Not supported
46 Group warning Only alarming GI 1 1, 7, 9 176 104 1 2
47 Group alarm Trip blocking and alarming GI 1 1, 7, 9 176 102 1 2
Earth Fault Indications
48 Earth Fault L1 A phase earth fault No
49 Earth Fault L2 B phase earth fault No
50 Earth Fault L3 C phase earth fault No
51 Earth Fault Fwd Earth fault forward Not supported
52 Earth Fault Rev Earth fault reverse Not supported

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IEC103 Configurator Default setting

INF Description Contents GI Type COT FUN DPI
ID Signal NO. OFF ON
Fault Indications
64 Start/pick-up L1 A phase, A-B phase or C-A phase element pick-up No set
65 Start/pick-up L2 B phase, A-B phase or B-C phase element pick-up No set
66 Start/pick-up L3 C phase, B-C phase or C-A phase element pick-up No set
67 Start/pick-up N Earth fault element pick-up No set
68 General trip Any trip -- 2 1, 7 217 162 -- 2
69 Trip L1 A phase, A-B phase or C-A phase trip No set
70 Trip L2 B phase, A-B phase or B-C phase trip No set
71 Trip L3 C phase, B-C phase or C-A phase trip No set
72 Trip I>>(back-up) Back up trip Not supported

73 Fault location X In ohms Fault location Not supported

74 Fault forward/line Forward fault Not supported

75 Fault reverse/Busbar Reverse fault Not supported
Teleprotection Signal
76 Carrier signal sending Not supported

77 Teleprotection Signal received Carrier signal receiving Not supported

78 Zone1 Zone 1 trip Not supported

79 Zone2 Zone 2 trip Not supported
80 Zone3 Zone 3 trip Not supported
81 Zone4 Zone 4 trip Not supported
82 Zone5 Zone 5 trip Not supported
83 Zone6 Zone 6 trip Not supported
84 General Start/Pick-up Any elements pick-up No set
85 Breaker Failure CBF trip or CBF retrip Not supported
86 Trip measuring system L1 Not supported
87 Trip measuring system L2 Not supported
88 Trip measuring system L3 Not supported
89 Trip measuring system E Not supported
90 Trip I> Inverse time OC trip Not supported
91 Trip I>> Definite time OC trip Not supported
92 Trip IN> Inverse time earth fault OC trip Not supported
93 Trip IN>> Definite time earth fault OC trip Not supported
Autoreclose indications
128 CB 'ON' by Autoreclose CB close command output Not supported
CB 'ON' by long-time
129 Not supported
130 Autoreclose Blocked Autoreclose block Not supported

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IEC103 configurator Default setting

INF Description Contents Type
144 Measurand I <meaurand I> No 0
145 Measurand I,V <meaurand I> No 0
146 Measurand I,V,P,Q <meaurand I> No 0
147 Measurand IN,VEN <meaurand I> No 0
Measurand IL1,2,3, VL1,2,3,
148 Vda, Vdb, Vdc measurand <meaurand II> -- 9 2, 7 217 9
Generic Function
240 Read Headings Not supported
Read attributes of all entries
241 Not supported
of a group
243 Read directory of entry Not supported
244 Real attribute of entry Not supported
245 End of GGI Not supported
249 Write entry with confirm Not supported
250 Write entry with execute Not supported
251 Write entry aborted Not supported

Details of MEA settings in IEC103 configurator

INF MEA Tbl Offset Data type Limit Coeff
Lower Upper
148 (empty)
Vda 1 0 short 0 4096 1.8998
Vdb 1 2 short 0 4096 1.8998
Vdc 1 4 short 0 4096 1.8998

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Default setting
INF Description Contents Control Type
Selection of standard information numbers in control direction
System functions
Initiation of general
0 -- 7 9 217
0 Time synchronization -- 6 8 217
General commands
16 Auto-recloser on/off Not supported
17 Teleprotection on/off Not supported
18 Protection on/off (*1) ON/OFF 20 20 217
19 LED reset Reset indication of latched LEDs. ON 20 20 217
23 Activate characteristic 1 Setting Group 1 ON 20 20 217
24 Activate characteristic 2 Setting Group 2 ON 20 20 217
25 Activate characteristic 3 Setting Group 3 ON 20 20 217
26 Activate characteristic 4 Setting Group 4 ON 20 20 217
Generic functions
Read headings of all defined
240 Not supported
Read values or attributes of all
241 Not supported
entries of one group
Read directory of a single
243 Not supported
Read values or attributes of a
244 Not supported
single entry
General Interrogation of
245 Not supported
generic data
248 Write entry Not supported
249 Write entry with confirmation Not supported
250 Write entry with execution Not supported

(∗1) Note: While the relay receives the "Protection off" command, " IN SERVICE LED" is off.

Details of Command settings in IEC103 configurator

Sig off Sig on Rev Valid time
18 187 187 ✓ 0
19 0 188 200
23 0 193 1000
24 0 194 1000
25 0 195 1000
26 0 196 1000

✓: signal reverse

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Description Contents Comment
Basic application functions
Test mode Yes
Blocking of monitor direction Yes
Disturbance data No
Generic services No
Private data Yes
Max. MVAL = rated
value times
Current L1 Ia No
Current L2 Ib No
Current L3 Ic No
Voltage L1-E Vda Configurable
Voltage L2-E Vdb Configurable
Voltage L3-E Vdc Configurable
Active power P P No
Reactive power Q Q No
Frequency f f No
Voltage L1 - L2 Vab Configurable

Details of Common settings in IEC103 configurator

- Setting file’s remark: GRB150_1.00
- Remote operation valid time [ms]: 4000
- Local operation valid time [ms]: 4000
- Measurand period [s]: 2
- Function type of System functions: 217
- Signal No. of Test mode: 132
- Signal No. for Real time and Fault number: 162

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GI: General Interrogation (refer to IEC60870-5-103 section 7.4.3)
Type ID: Type Identification (refer to IEC60870-5-103 section 7.2.1)
1 : time-tagged message
2 : time-tagged message with relative time
3 : measurands I
4 : time-tagged measurands with relative time
5 : identification
6 : time synchronization
8 : general interrogation termination
9 : measurands II
10: generic data
11: generic identification
20: general command
23: list of recorded disturbances
26: ready for transmission for disturbance data
27: ready for transmission of a channel
28: ready for transmission of tags
29: transmission of tags
30: transmission of disturbance values
31: end of transmission
COT: Cause of Transmission (refer to IEC60870-5-103 section 7.2.3)
1: spontaneous
2: cyclic
3: reset frame count bit (FCB)
4: reset communication unit (CU)
5: start / restart
6: power on
7: test mode
8: time synchronization
9: general interrogation
10: termination of general interrogation
11: local operation
12: remote operation
20: positive acknowledgement of command
21: negative acknowledgement of command
31: transmission of disturbance data
40: positive acknowledgement of generic write command
41: negative acknowledgement of generic write command
42: valid data response to generic read command
43: invalid data response to generic read command
44: generic write confirmation
FUN: Function type (refer to IEC60870-5-103 section
DPI: Double-point Information (refer to IEC60870-5-103 section
DCO: Double Command (refer to IEC60870-5-103 section

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IEC103 setting data is recommended to be saved as follows:

(1) Naming for IEC103setting data

The file extension of IEC103 setting data is “.csv”. The version name is recommended to be
provided with a revision number in order to be changed in future as follows:
First draft: ∗∗∗∗∗∗_01.csv
Second draft: ∗∗∗∗∗∗_02.csv
Third draft: ∗∗∗∗∗∗_03.csv
Revision number
The name “∗∗∗∗∗∗” is recommended to be able to discriminate the relay type such as GRZ100 or
GRL100, etc. The setting files remark field of IEC103 is able to enter up to 12 one-byte
characters. It is utilized for control of IEC103 setting data.

(2) Saving theIEC103 setting data

The IEC103 setting data is recommended to be saved in external media such as FD (floppy disk)
or CD-R, not to remain in the folder.

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No. Phenomena Supposed causes Check / Confirmation

Object Procedure
1 Communication Address setting is incorrect. BCU Match address setting between BCU and relay.
trouble (IEC103
RY Avoid duplication of address with other relay.
communication is
not available.) Transmission baud rate setting is BCU Match transmission baud rate setting between
incorrect. BCU and relay.
Start bit, stop bit and parity settings of BCU Go over the following settings by BCU. Relay
data that BCU transmits to relay is setting is fixed as following settings.
incorrect. - Start bit: 1bit
- Stop bit: 1bit
- Parity setting: even
The PRTCL1 setting is incorrect. (The RY Change the PRTCL1 setting. Relation between
model with PRTCL1 setting.) PRTCL1 setting and available transmission
protocol is referred to the following table.

RS485 port at the PRTCL1 PRTCL1

back of the relay =HDLC =IEC
COM2 (CH2) IEC ―

RS485 or optical cable interconnection Cable - Check the connection port.(CH1/CH2)

is incorrect. - Check the interconnection of RS485 A/B/COM
- Check the send and received interconnection of
optical cable.
The setting of converter is incorrect. Converter In the event of using G1IF2, change the DIPSW
(RS485/optic conversion is executed setting in reference to INSTRUCTION MANUAL
with the transmission channel, etc.) (6F2S0794).
The relationship between logical “0/1” of BCU Check the following;
the signal and Sig.on/off is incorrect. (In Logical0 : Sig.on
the event of using optical cable)
Terminal resistor is not offered. cable Impose terminal resistor (150[ohms]) to both ends
(Especially when RS485 cable is long.) of RS 485 cable.
Relay cannot receive the requirement BCU Check to secure the margin more than 15ms
frame from BCU. between receiving the reply frame from the relay
and transmitting the next requirement frame on
(The timing coordination of sending and
receiving switch control is irregular in
half-duplex communication.)
The requirement frame from BCU and BCU Check to set the time-out of reply frame from the
the reply frame from relay contend. relay.
(The sending and receiving timing Time-out setting: more than 100ms (acceptable
coordination is irregular in half-duplex value of response time 50ms plus
communication.) margin)

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No. Phenomena Supposed causes Check / Confirmation

Object Procedure
2 HMI does not The relevant event sending condition is RY Change the event sending condition (signal
display IEC103 not valid. number) of IEC103 configurator if there is a setting
event on the SAS error. When the setting is correct, check the signal
side. condition by programmable LED, etc.
The relevant event Information Number RY Match the relevant event Information Number
(INF) and/or Function Type (FUN) may (INF) or Function Type (FUN) between the relay
be different between the relay and SAS. and SAS.
The relay is not initialised after writing RY Check the sum value of IEC103 setting data from
IEC103 configurator setting. the LCD screen. When differing from the sum
value on IEC103 configurator, initialise the relay.
It changes to the block mode. RY Change the IECBR settling to Normal.
3 Time can be BCU does not transmit the frame of time BCU Transmit the frame of time synchronisation.
synchronised with synchronisation.
The settling of time synchronisation RY Change the settling of time synchronisation
source is set to other than IEC. source to IEC.
(Note) BCU: Bay control unit, RY: Relay

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Appendix N
Timing Chart of Cold load Condition

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Timing Chart of Cold Load Status Judgment

(1) Function 1:
Setting: [TCLP]= should be set.
[TCLE],[TCLR]=Not applied.
From CB close command output, the cold load condition is judged for a time.
CB closing CB open

CB closing command


TCLP one-shot timer

(3) Function 2:
Setting: [TCLP]=Not applied.
[TCLE],[TCLR]=should be set.
From CB contact closing, the cold load condition is judged for a time.
CB closing CB open

CB contact CLOSE



TCLR Off-delay timer TCLE On-delay timer

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Appendix O

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GRB150 − B− 0− 0−

High-impedance Differential Relay GRB150
- Single-phase protection (with EB-101) 101
- Three-phase protection (with EB-102) 201
50Hz, 110V/125Vdc 1
60Hz, 110V/125Vdc 2
50Hz, 220V/250Vdc 5
60Hz, 220V/250Vdc 6
50Hz, 48V/54V/60Vdc A
60Hz, 48V/54V/60Vdc B

Dual RS485 3
LED label:
Standard None
Option: User configurable LED label J

EB-101: Varistor unit for single phase
EB-102: Varistor unit for three phase

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Version-up Records
Version Date Revised Section Contents
0.0 Jan. 19, 2004 ---- First issue
0.1 Apr. 28, 2004 6.4, 6.5 Modified Figures 6.4.1, 6.4.2 and 6.5.1
Appendices Modified the Appendix M and added the Appendix N.
0.2 May 20, 2004 Appendix B Changed the name of No.131.
0.3 Aug. 24, 2004 3.2.1 Modified the description of Binary input signals.
4.5 Modified the description.
6.7.2 Modified the description of Note.
Appendices Modified the Appendix J and M.
0.4 Feb. 25, 2005 Appendices Modified the Appendix D and M.
0.5 Jan. 31, 2006 Appendices Appendices Modified the Appendix I, J and N.
0.6 Apr. 06, 2006 3.2.1 Modified the description.
4.1.2 Modified the description.
Appendices Appendix F, J and N.
0.7 Jan. 15. 2007 2.2.3 Modified the description about secondary winding resistance.
4.4, 4.5 Modified the description.
Appendices Added the item ‘LCD and Button operation Instruction’ in Appendix D, and
modified Appendix M.
0.8 Aug.01, 2007 4.2.1 Modified the description.
Appendices Modified Appendix D, M and N
0.9 May. 21, 2009 2.3.1 Added the title ‘High-impedance differential protection’.
2.3.2 Added ‘2.3.2 Cold Load Protection’.
2.4 Modified the setting range table.
3.2.1 Modified Table 3.2.2 and figure 3.2.1.
3.4.2 Modified Table 3.4.1.
3.4.3 Modified the description.,, Modified the description.,
Appendices Modified Appendix B, D, F, G and J, and added Appendix N.
Old Appendix N shifted to Appendix O.
1.0 Jun. 11, 2009 2.3.2 Modified the description and Figure 2.3.2.
3.1 Modified Figure 3.1.4.
Appendices Modified Appendix F.
1.1 Oct. 2, 2017 --- Republished under spin-off company

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