Design Methods For Reinforced Concrete Pipe

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Traditionally, there are two methods of structural designs that have been used for
designing buried concrete pipe, these being the Indirect Design method and the
Direct Design method. While the direct design procedures have been used for over
40 years and have long been included in detail in Section 17 of the AASHTO
Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, most engineers and designers are
more familiar with the indirect method when specifying concrete pipe.

By definition, Direct Design is designing specifically for the field condition

anticipated loads and the resulting moments, thrust and shear caused by such
loadings. Indirect Design (D-Load concept) is designing for a concentrated test load
that is determined by the relationship of field calculated moment to the test
moment for the same load. This relationship is called a bedding factor.

The bending moment in a 3-edge bearing test is expressed as:

M3EB = 0.159 Load (D + E)

The controlling bending moment in field is expressed as:

MF = MFI - 0.375 tNFI - 0.125 NFI C

By using the field load in the M3EB equation, which is equal to 2 times the thrust at
the side of the pipe, the test moment is calculated.

The bedding factor is then determined by dividing M3EB by MF.

In the above equations, the terms are:

NFS = Field thrust at side

NFI = Field thrust at invert

MFI = Field moment at invert

t = Wall thickness

D = Pipe inside diameter

C = Concrete cover CL of steel

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The direct design procedure, in the past, applied the forces acting on the pipe using
the "Paris" or "Olander" force distribution. In recent years, based on a 20-year in-
depth study of pipe-soil interaction, a modified soil pressure distribution has been
developed as a function of soil type and compaction. These soil pressure
configurations are called the Heger distribution, and are referred to as Type I
through Type IV, depending on pipe bedding, soil type, and compaction level. All
four types have been incorporated into ASCE, AASHTO and ACPA standards. A
significant point relative to the Heger distribution is that the difficulty in obtaining
specified soil compaction under the haunches of the pipe has been recognized in the
soil pressure distribution by conservatively assuming all installations will have voids
and soft inclusion in the haunch area.


1. Establish the pipe diameter and wall thickness.

2. Select the Standard Installation to be used, Type I, II, III or IV.

3. Determine the vertical earth and live load forces acting on the pipe.

4. For the type of installation selected, determine the moments, thrusts and
shears due to the applied loads. For each type installation design coefficients
have been developed for the determination of the critical moments, thrusts
and shears. Such coefficients are presented in the Concrete Pipe Technology
Handbook, published by the American Concrete Pipe Association.

5. The structural design of the pipe is performed using established reinforced

concrete design principles. Such design will include five performance modes:

• Flexural
• Diagonal tension
• Radial tension
• Concrete compression
• Service load crack control


1. Establish the pipe diameter and wall thickness.

2. Select the Standard Installation to be used, Type I, II, III or IV.

3. Determine the vertical earth load and live load forces acting on the pipe.

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4. Select the earth load and live load bedding factors for the selected
installation (the live load bedding factor can not be greater than the earth
load bedding factor). These bedding factors are presented in the ACPA
publication Design Data 40 and in AASHTO Standard Specifications for
Highway Bridges.

5. Divide the earth load and live load by their respective bedding factors and by
the pipe diameter to determine the required D-Load strength. This D-Load is
the service load condition.

In comparing Indirect Design (D-Load) with Direct Design, one recognizes in the 3-
edge bearing test (D-Load) the maximum moment and shear is at the same
location which is not the case in the field. Also, in view of the concentrated load and
reaction that exists in the indirect (D-Load) design test, failure modes can exist that
are not typical for the Direct Design pipe, which often require special steel
reinforcing assemblies that are unnecessary in the field.

While either of these methods can be used with reliability, the direct design method
is best suited for the larger diameters of pipe and high load installations.

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