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Simple Fixed-Point Iteraton

• Rearrange the functon so that x is on the

lef side of the equuaton:u
f ( x) 0  g ( x)  x
xi 1  g ( xi )
• Bracketing methods are “convergent”.
• Fixed-point methods may sometime “diverge”,
depending on the stating point (initial guess)
and how the function behaves.
Simple Fixed-Point Iteraton
1. f ( x )  x  x 2 x 0
g ( x)  x 2  2
g ( x)  x  2
g ( x) 1 

2. f(x) = x 2-2x+3  x = g(x)=(x2+3)/2

3. f(x) = sin x  x = g(x)= sin x + x
3. f(x) = e-x- x  x = g(x)= e-x
Simple Fixed-Point Iteraton Convergence

• x = g(x) can be
expressed as a pair of
y1= x
y2= g(x)…. (component
• Plot them separately.
Simple Fixed-Point Iteraton Convergence

x i 1  g (x i )      1
Suppose that the true root:
x r  g (x r )      2
Subtracting  1 from  2 
x r  x i 1  g ( x r )  g ( x i )    (3)
Simple Fixed-Point Iteraton Convergence

Derivatve mean value theorem:u

If g(x) are contnuous in [a,b] then there exist at
least one value of x= within the interval such
' g b   g  a
g   

i.e. there exist one point where the slope parallel to the line
joining (a & b)
Simple Fixed-Point Iteraton Convergence
x r  x i 1  g (x r )  g (x i ) 
Let a x i and b x r
' g xr   g xi 
g   
xr  xi
g  x r   g  x i   x r  x i  g   
then x r  x i 1  x r  x i  g '   
E t ,i 1 g '    E t ,i
If g     1.0 the error decreases with each iteration
If g     1.0 the error increases with each iteration
Simple Fixed-Point Iteraton Convergence

• Fixed-point iteraton converges if :u

g (x )  1 (slope of the line f (x ) x )
• When the method converges, the error
is roughly proportonal to or less than
the error of the previous step, therefore
it is called “linearly convergent.”
Simple Fixed-Point Iteraton-Convergence
Example: Simple Fixed-Point Iteraton

f(x) = e-x - x f(x)

f(x)=e-x - x
1. f(x) is manipulated so that we get
x=g(x) g(x) = e-x
Root x
2. Thus, the formula predictng the
new value of x is:u xi+1 = e-x

f1(x) = x
3. Guess xo = 0
4. The iteratons contnues tll the g(x) = e-x
approx. error reaches a certain
limitng value
Example: Simple Fixed-Point Iteraton

i xi g(xi) ea% et%

0 0 1.0
1 1.0 0.367879 100 76.3
2 0.367879 0.692201 171.8 35.1
3 0.692201 0.500473 46.9 22.1
4 0.500473 0.606244 38.3 11.8
5 0.606244 0.545396 17.4 6.89
6 0.545396 0.579612 11.2 3.83
7 0.579612 0.560115 5.90 2.2
8 0.560115 0.571143 3.48 1.24
9 0.571143 0.564879 1.93 0.705
10 0.564879 1.11 0.399
Example: Simple Fixed-Point Iteraton

i xi g(xi) ea% et%

0 0 1.0
1 1.0 0.367879 100 76.3
2 0.367879 0.692201 171.8 35.1
3 0.692201 0.500473 46.9 22.1
4 0.500473 0.606244 38.3 11.8
5 0.606244 0.545396 17.4 6.89
6 0.545396 0.579612 11.2 3.83
7 0.579612 0.560115 5.90 2.2
8 0.560115 0.571143 3.48 1.24
9 0.571143 0.564879 1.93 0.705
10 0.564879 1.11 0.399

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