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Internet sourcing techniques

Internet recruiting is slowly but surely catching on in this part of the world. Time is not far off when
we will have to increasingly employ internet search for finding resumes, but of course this is
besides the traditional method of sourcing.

I’ve been doing a bit of research on the net and managed to compile some of the most commonly
used techniques for internet recruiting and am glad to share this with you.

Before we try and understand the techniques for internet recruiting let us first understand what
are the search engines mostly used by experience recruiters.

Some recommended search engines on the Web:


The search strings for each of these search engines will vary and therefore to maximize your
search please do read the tutorials in advance from the respective search engines site.

What techniques to use and when and under what circumstances to use will depend on how well
you master each techniques. To achieve optimum success one must also have a fairly good idea
about the recruitment industry, the specific job requirement, the key words within the requirement
and also differentiate the "mandatory skills" from "good to have skills."

Some of the most common internet search techniques are as given below.

A method of looking inside a specific web site to find what's there. Using this technique, recruiters
can find documents and web pages that aren't directly accessible via links on the main public
home page. When you 'x-ray' a website, you effectively get to examine every document that
resides there so long as they are not behind firewalls or password protected.
Example: To find any “software engineer” - could be a document/file or a word/phrase within a
document that resides within the website
In Altavista search - AND software engineer
In Google search - AND software engineer

Flipping is an effective method used to find the relationships between web pages based on how
they are hyperlinked together. This search is especially useful for finding people who have links to
the company or have worked for a specific company.
Example: To find any “software engineer” – could be a document/file or word/phrase that links
back to
In Altavista search - AND software engineer
In Google search - AND software engineer

As the name suggest Peeling back is the process of “retracing the path” of the url especially when
one gets an Error 404 (File not found). This process is engage so as to locate the information
elsewhere on the site or locate the specific “root” folder where one can find similar or additional
data specific or related to the search.
Example: By peeling back or keying backspace starting from the point where the url ends we can
then access the people link from the homepage and find the names of all the faculty

Harvesting involves reviewing a document, such as a resume or home page, and finding key
words, links, references and locations that assist with subsequent searches.


By constructing complex search strings and conducting the search in major search engines one
can hone in on the exact information/resources with great accuracy.

Some of the commonly used key words for a search string are given as below.
Common resume Words: Resume, Homepage, CV, Vitae, Bio, Qualifications, Objective,
Experience, Education, References, "Work History", "Technical skills", "Project duration"
Common words to avoid: Submit, Opening, Recruiter, Send, Benefits, Requirements,
Opportunity, Apply, Job, Jobs, Careers, Eoe, Reply, "my client".

Example on how to construct a complex search strings:

Requirement: A project manager with PMI certification or a 6 Sigma black belt having atleast 5
years of project management within an Investment bank in the areas of Equities connectivity or
trading software development. Must have good technical skills in J2EE, EJB, Websphere, XML
and DB2.

Search strings credit to – Glenn Gutmacher of Advanced Online Recruiting Techniques

(intitle:~cv OR inurl:~cv OR intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) "project manager" Java "investment
bank" ("equities connectivity" OR trading software) -inurl:~efinancial*
Search result: 87 pages

(intitle:cv OR inurl:cv OR intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) “project manager” Java "investment
bank" "equities connectivity" OR trading software -eoe -opening -post -preferred -reply -send –
Search result: 1,740 pages

Live Search:
(intitle:cv inurl:cv intitle:resume inurl:resume) prefer:resume “project manager” Java "investment
bank" "equities connectivity" trading software -job -jobs –careers
Search result: 10,038 pages

The search results from the above three searches gives us different amount of results and the
task of sieving through the hundreds of pages sounds rather a dauting task. However, the strings
above could still be further refined so as to achieve a much more specific results. For example by
including SCJP or Sun certification or SDLC, etc I believe one can derived at a much more
accurate results.

If you, by applying the techniques as discussed above expects resumes to pop out every time
you hit the search button you might end up disappointed and even frustrated. The internet is a
storehouse of information and is just an augment to a recruiting process vis-a-vis bigger and
better hunting ground and not a complete substitute.

*** Happy hunting folks!***


Example: “pharmaceutical sales”
Use double quotes when you want to find an exact phrase

Example: +sales +marketing
Use the plus sign to require certain keywords in your search results, its like using the
word “and” in a boolean search

Example: -jobs
Use the minus sign to exclude certain terms from your searches.

Example: java
Use this command to search a specific website

Example: domain:uk
Use the domain command to restrict your results to a specified domain.

Example: url:resume
Use this command to find keywords in the URL of a website.

Use this command to find pages that link to a particular webpage.

Example: title:cv
Use this command to find pages with certain keywords in the title.


Be sure to check out the video so you can see create some searchstrings with these search
Do you want to see more live demos of online searchengines? Let me know… (Smile)

Happy Hunting!

Jim Stroud

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