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Master's degree 2
Political Economy (MSc) • University of Konstanz • Konstanz 2
University of Konstanz • University location 7

Master's degree
Political Economy (MSc)
University of Konstanz • Konstanz


Degree MSc Political Economy

Teaching language

Languages The programme is completely taught in English.

Programme duration 4 semesters

Beginning Winter semester

More information on The lectures and prep courses of this programme start in October. An optional orientation
beginning of studies course with an intensive German course is offered in September.

Application deadline 30 April for admission in October

Tuition fees per semester Varied

in EUR

Additional information on There are no tuition fees for students from EU/EEA countries.
tuition fees
International students from non-EU/EEA countries are required to pay a tuition fee of 1,500 EUR per
semester. International students who fulfil certain criteria do not have to pay tuition fees. To learn
more about tuition fees and scholarships, click here.

Combined Master's degree No

/ PhD programme

Joint degree / double No

degree programme

Description/content The Department of Economics and the Department of Politics and Administration offer a two-year
Master's programme in Political Economy.
The objective is to provide you with a modern and comprehensive, postgraduate education in
economics and political science that will allow you to conduct high-standard research in the
fascinating field of political economy.
The programme's focus is on training in quantitative theoretical and empirical methods, and on
the application of these methods to analyse challenging and topical issues in various policy fields,
such as social policy, public finance, education policy, trade policy, and security affairs.

Course Details

Course organisation Structure of the Programme

The programme comprises five modules:

Foundational courses in economics
Foundational courses in political science
Advanced seminars
Master's thesis

First semester
You are required to take one methods course, one foundational course in economics, and two
foundational courses in political science:

Research Design I
Advanced Microeconomics or Advanced Macroeconomics
"International Relations and European Integration" and "Comparative Public Policy and

Second semester
You will take one methods course, one foundational course in economics, one foundational course
in political science, and one elective advanced seminar:

Research Design II or Applied Econometrics

Political Economy (Dept. of Economics)
International Organisations and International Political Economy or Comparative Political
Economy (Dept. of Politics and Public Administration)
One advanced seminar

Third semester

You will choose one course (Applied Econometrics or Research Design II) and add two advanced
seminars of your choice.

Fourth semester

You will focus on your Master's thesis, which is accompanied by a colloquium.

A Diploma supplement will Yes

be issued

International elements
International guest lecturers
Specialist literature in other languages
International comparisons and thematic reference to the international context

Course-specific, integrated No
German language courses

Course-specific, integrated No
English language courses

The course of study can be No

taken entirely online
Digital learning and
teaching modules
Ilias e-learning platform

Description of e-learning In many of our courses, an e-learning platform is used to provide course material and information.

Participation in the e- No
learning course elements is

Can ECTS points be No

acquired by taking the
online programmes?

Can the e-learning No

elements be taken without
signing up for the course of

Costs / Funding

Tuition fees per semester Varied

in EUR

Additional information on There are no tuition fees for students from EU/EEA countries.
tuition fees
International students from non-EU/EEA countries are required to pay a tuition fee of 1,500 EUR per
semester. International students who fulfil certain criteria do not have to pay tuition fees. To learn
more about tuition fees and scholarships, click here.

Semester contribution The semester contribution amounts to approx. 160 EUR. A ticket covering public transport in
Konstanz is available at an additional cost of approx. 55 EUR.

Costs of living The cost of living for students in Konstanz is approx. 760 EUR per month.

Example of the average monthly living cost in Konstanz:

Rent (including utilities): 352 EUR

Food: 168 EUR
Clothing, laundry, personal hygiene: 42 EUR
Learning materials (books, copies): 20 EUR
Health insurance, medical care, medicine: 80 EUR
Phone, Internet, broadcasting fees: 31 EUR
Leisure time, culture, sports: 61 EUR

Funding opportunities Yes

within the university

Description of the above- For your stay, you will require a budget for daily life and certain study expenses. Most
mentioned funding international students finance their own studies. Side jobs allow students to earn extra money.
opportunities within the Students with great academic credentials and community service experience can apply for
university scholarships in Germany. In cases of unexpected financial hardship, the university will try to
help with emergency financial support.

Requirements / Registration

Academic admission Academic admission requirements include an above-average Bachelor's degree in economics or
requirements political science from a recognised university with a standard minimum study period of three years.
Students in the final year of their Bachelor's degree programme who have not yet graduated are
also welcome to apply.

Information about admission requirements and the application process

Language requirements For applicants whose mother tongue is not English, proof of English proficiency via one of the
following tests must be provided:

Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (minimum grade: C)

IELTS (minimum grade: 5.5)
TOEFL (minimum grade: 87 Internet-based)
Evidence of five years continuous English classes at the level of a German secondary school
with the minimum grade "befriedigend"
Completion of at least four classes held in English in a previous relevant degree programme

Application deadline 30 April for admission in October

Submit application to Information on admission requirements and how to apply

Please apply via our online application portal ZEuS.


Possibility of finding part- If you want to earn some extra cash while you study, you can get a student job. The university
time employment administration and many departments offer student assistant jobs. You can find a number of
advertisements for jobs both on and off campus on online platforms (in German):

Jobbörse Seezeit: the job portal of "Seezeit", which is our student services

Hilfskraftstellen an der Universität | Datenbank Career Service: our career service’s job portal

Jobs are also posted on the university’s notice boards in the foyer and canteen areas as well as in
the departments.

Accommodation There are a number of possibilities for accommodation for students: in apartments, flat shares, or
residence halls run by the university. Check out our website, where we provide an overview of the
different options as well as general tips. You can also contact the team of our International Office
for advice on housing.

Please note that it is important to begin your search for accommodation as early as possible since
our city and surroundings are very popular not only with students but also with families and
outdoor enthusiasts. Since both Switzerland and Lake Constance border Konstanz, the available
living space is limited and not always inexpensive.

Career advisory service The university's Career Service offers personalised advice as well as events on career orientation
and on how to find a job in Germany.

Specific specialist or non-
Welcome event
specialist support for
Buddy programme
international students and
doctoral candidates
Visa matters

The University of
Konstanz in Two
Research calls for curiosity,
dedication, and concentration. In this
short film, we would like to awaken
your curiosity about our research as
well as studying and teaching at the
University of Konstanz, our university
on the lake.


University of Konstanz
Flexible, communicative, strong in research: founded in 1966 as a reform university and situated in one of Germany's most attractive
regions, the University of Konstanz is one of the most successful universities in Germany and one of the leading younger universities
worldwide. This was confirmed by its placing seventh in the world and first in Germany in the 2016 ranking "THE 150 Under 50". Konstanz
has also been very successful in both phases of the German Excellence Initiative.

Our university is currently home to some 11,500 students enrolled in around 120 different degree programmes in the fields of mathematics
and natural sciences, humanities, politics, law, and economics. With students from more than 90 countries around the world, we are proud
to call our university an international community.

In Konstanz, you will find optimum conditions for research, studying, and teaching. The main focuses of research are on nanoscience and
material science, chemical biology, ecology, cultural sciences, and decision sciences. As a student, you will benefit from interdisciplinary
cooperation between departments as well as from first-rate teaching, which is directly influenced by our cutting-edge research. A wide
range of additional programmes and services complement your academic training and prepare you for your future career.

Our modern university is located on a beautiful hill above Lake Constance, with short distances on campus and an open-door policy that
will make it easy for you to feel at home. The University of Konstanz has been recognised for its measures promoting equal opportunity
and family-friendliness, and all the while, it seamlessly bridges work and study with everyday life and recreation.

Find out more about our university and student life in Konstanz on our website.

University location
History and geography

Konstanz is situated in southwest Germany in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg and shares its border with the Swiss town of
Kreuzlingen. It is beautifully located on the shores of the Rhine River and Lake Constance, central Europe's second-largest lake, where the
borders of Austria, Germany, and Switzerland converge. The lively university city with 84,000 inhabitants, among them more than 15,000
students, is the economic and cultural centre of the Lake Constance region. Take a stroll through the shopping mall and the historic centre
with its department stores and small specialist shops. Take a break in one of the many cafés, restaurants, ice cream parlours, pubs, and
wine bars.

Konstanz is not only a popular tourist destination but also an attractive business location (light industry, commerce, high technology). It is
a very safe place to live and offers a high quality of life with its excellent infrastructure and its diverse range of cultural and recreational
facilities. Konstanz has a long and rich historical tradition. The first settlements were erected in Konstanz Bay in 2000 BC, and the city was
given its name "Constantia" by the Romans in the fourth century AD. Konstanz has a well-preserved medieval town and numerous
historical buildings from the Romanesque, Gothic, and Baroque periods.

Culture and recreation

Konstanz has the perfect location for all kinds of outdoor leisure activities. The region has an excellent network of routes for walking,
cycling, and in-line skating tours. The beaches are a major attraction for relaxing in the sun and swimming in the lake or the Rhine. The lake
offers various water sports, such as sailing, canoeing, and diving, and the nearby Alps provide year-round enjoyment for skiers,
snowboarders, hikers, and climbers.

Konstanz is the home of the oldest running theatre in Germany and of the famous Southwest German Philharmonic Orchestra. There are
several museums and art galleries as well as art centres offering a broad spectrum of events: art and documentary exhibitions and
concerts in all genres of music.

Konstanz is also an ideal starting point for excursions to many attractions in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Liechtenstein. On the
city's doorstep are the famous gardens of Mainau Island and the Island of Reichenau, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. You can take boat
trips to beautiful towns around the lake, such as Meersburg, Überlingen, and Lindau. The lakeside town of Friedrichshafen is the home of
the Zeppelin, and the Austrian city of Bregenz is renowned for its summer festivals with spectacular opera and musical performances on a
floating stage in the lake. A boat trip along one of the most beautiful parts of the Rhine takes you to the magnificent Rhine Falls next to the
Swiss town of Schaffhausen. From Konstanz, you can easily reach major cities, such as Zurich, Basel, Strasbourg, Stuttgart, Munich, and

University of Konstanz
Department of Economics

Alexandra Morris

PO box: 137
Universitätsstraße 10
78464 Konstanz

[email protected]
Course website:



Last update 25.05.2020 04:47:37

International Programmes in Germany - Database

DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V.
German Academic Exchange Service
Section K23 – Information on Studying in Germany
(responsible: Judith Lesch)
Kennedyallee 50
D-53175 Bonn

Consortium for International Higher Education Marketing

The data used for this database was collected and analysed in good faith and with due diligence. The DAAD and the Content5 AG
accept no liability for the correctness of the data contained in the "International Programmes in Germany" and “Language and Short
Courses in Germany”.

The publication is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and by contributions of the participating
German institutions of higher education.

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