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Surgical Management of

Tu r b i n a t e H y p e r t ro p h y
Regan W. Bergmark, MD, Stacey T. Gray, MD*

 Turbinate hypertrophy  Turbinates  Nasal obstruction  Turbinate reduction

 Inferior turbinate reduction can be accomplished through a variety of techniques, such as
submucosal resection, radiofrequency ablation, laser reduction surgery, and partial or
complete turbinectomy approaches.
 Inferior turbinate reduction shows positive results in improving nasal obstruction symp-
toms postoperatively, but efficacy may decrease over time.
 Bleeding and crusting are the most common complications of turbinate surgery.
 Empty nose syndrome is a rare but morbid complication that is generally associated with
significant removal of the inferior turbinate.
 High-quality clinical trials comparing techniques and assessing long-term outcomes are
largely lacking; more research is needed.


Turbinate surgery for nasal obstruction generally involves reducing the size of the
inferior turbinate. Turbinate surgery has been a common otolaryngologic proced-
ure since the late 1800s.1 Initially, total inferior turbinectomy was advocated.
This typically involved medializing the inferior turbinate and using a scissors or
blade to fully resect the turbinate. Due to complications, such as bleeding, signif-
icant crusting, and atrophic rhinitis, and concerns about nonphysiologic air turbu-
lence, total turbinectomy was largely abandoned. More recently, turbinate
reduction procedures have been advocated and a variety of surgical options
have been developed.1

Disclosure Statement: The authors did not receive financial support specifically for this project,
but all authors have academic research grant funding for their other work. Dr R.W. Bergmark
has research grant funding from the American Board of Medical Specialties Visiting Scholars
Program and the Gliklich Healthcare Innovation Scholars Program. Dr S.T. Gray has no
Department of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Massachusetts Eye and Ear, 243
Charles Street, Boston, MA 02114, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Otolaryngol Clin N Am - (2018) -–-
0030-6665/18/ª 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Bergmark & Gray

The inferior turbinate is composed of the bony turbinate, the submucosal tissue and
the overlying mucosa. Surgical procedures involve resecting, ablating or crushing
part, or all, of the turbinate to increase the size of the nasal airway. The appropriate
choice of procedure may depend on a patient’s anatomy and other concurrent pro-
cedures performed (such as septoplasty or septorhinoplasty) as well as the presence
or absence of other comorbidities such as allergic rhinitis. A clinical consensus state-
ment from the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery on sep-
toplasty with or without inferior turbinate reduction states that (1) “inferior turbinate
hypertrophy can be an independent cause of nasal obstruction in the septoplasty pa-
tient” and (2) “inferior turbinoplasty is an effective adjunctive procedure to septoplasty
for patients with inferior turbinate hypertrophy.”2 In regard to patients with inferior
turbinate hypertrophy and allergic rhinitis, the American Academy of Otolaryngology
Head and Neck Surgery clinical practice guidelines on allergic rhinitis state that
“clinicians may offer inferior turbinate reduction in patients with [allergic rhinitis] with
nasal airway obstruction and enlarged inferior turbinates who have failed medical



Efficacy is best evaluated through patient reported outcomes measures. The Nasal
Obstruction Symptom Evaluation instrument and visual analog scales are frequently
used. Quantitative measures of nasal airflow, resistance, or volume do not necessarily
correlate well with patient perception of effectiveness. Importantly, long-term fol-
low-up after turbinate surgery is needed to further quantify surgical effectiveness;
unfortunately, long-term outcomes are frequently lacking in the published literature
(see Emily Spataro and Sam P. Most’s article, “Measuring Nasal Obstruction
Outcomes,” in this issue, for more information on measurement of outcomes of turbi-
nate surgery and other nasal obstruction treatment).


Major complications of inferior turbinate surgery are rare. Failure of the procedure to
resolve nasal obstruction, either in the near term or long term, is the most common
issue. Bleeding and crusting are the most frequently described complications. These
complications have been reported more frequently with more aggressive techniques
that include greater resection of the turbinate or surgery in the more posterior aspect
of the turbinate, given the origin of the blood supply posteriorly. Bone necrosis, syn-
echiae, anosmia, and atrophic rhinitis have been described but are rare and generally
associated with more aggressive procedures.1 Empty nose syndrome is a rare compli-
cation associated with turbinate surgery and is discussed more thoroughly later.


Randomized clinical trials with robust study design are largely lacking for inferior turbi-
nate surgery despite the use of this technique for more than 120 years. Therefore, the
authors are largely unable to draw comparative conclusions about the benefits and
drawbacks of specific techniques and thus offer an overview of the different proced-
ures available with some common advantages and drawbacks for each technique. A
Cochrane review in 2010 did not find any studies that met inclusion criteria of random-
ized controlled trials comparing inferior turbinate surgical techniques or comparing
inferior turbinate surgery to medical management of turbinate hypertrophy.4 The
Surgical Management of Turbinate Hypertrophy 3

main problems with existing studies that did not meet Cochrane inclusion criteria
included lack of randomization, lack of long-term follow-up, lack of disease specificity
(ie, combining allergic and nonallergic rhinitis patients), combining adult and pediatric
patients, and small sample size.
From a value standpoint, there are insufficient published data on cost differences
between techniques to make a recommendation on the most financially respon-
sible approach. The equipment costs are different (ie, laser, microdébrider, simple
blade, and radiofrequency ablation device) and may depend on the use of those
tools by the surgeon and facility or hospital for other cases or within the same
case for other portions of the procedure. Laser inferior turbinate surgery, for
example, was written about extensively in the 1990s, with the purported benefits
that it could be performed in the office without general anesthesia. Costly laser
equipment, however, was needed.5 For inferior turbinate reduction with septo-
plasty, there is significant cost variability based on surgeon, facility, operative
time, equipment needs, and associated complications.6 Future studies examining
the costs of inferior turbinate reduction in isolation, and when bundled with
other procedures, would help determine value for this specific component of the


Partial turbinectomy has been described with multiple different techniques, such as
cold resection of part of the turbinate. Many techniques leave a portion of the ante-
rior head for nasal humidification and the posterior aspect to decrease the risk of
bleeding. Medial flap turbinoplasty has been described as a way to reduce the
turbinate size with preservation of mucosa. The medial mucosal flap is elevated
and left intact and the turbinate bone and lateral mucosa are resected. The
branches of the inferior turbinate artery must be cauterized during this procedure.
Good long-term results have been described with this technique although more
studies are needed.7


Submucosal resection involves preservation of the mucosa and bone with reduction of
the submucosal tissue. Multiple techniques exist; a common technique involves using
a number 15 blade to make an incision in the anterior head of the inferior turbinate and
then a powered instrument, such as a small microdébrider can be introduced to resect
the submucosa. The theory behind submucosal resection is that it preserves ciliary
function and mucociliary clearance by protecting the mucosa but removes the tissue
that is hypertrophied and leads to nasal obstruction.
Evidence Base
Submucosal resection with powered instrumentation rarely has been studied in the
absence of concurrent procedures. Good long-term results have been demonstrated
in small studies,8 and other studies have shown good results when combined with
turbinate lateralization,9 but more research is needed.


Various lasers have been used for turbinate reduction. CO2, diode, Ho:YAG, Nd:YAG,
argon-ion, and potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) laser systems have been
4 Bergmark & Gray

described in the literature. Laser turbinate reduction has been described with many
different techniques, such as contact, noncontact, or interstitial. Lasers have been
described in the operating room and in the outpatient clinic setting with topical

Evidence Base
Laser turbinate reduction was popularized in the 1990s, with a proliferation of research
during that time, and less so in the past 10 years. One review stated that laser turbinate
reduction could be done in the outpatient setting under local anesthesia but was
generally less effective long term compared with submucosal resection, turbinoplasty
(partial reduction), or turbinectomy.10 Some investigators have described good long-
term results with relief of nasal obstruction in a majority of patients at 2 years to 5 years
postoperatively.11,12 Other investigators have likewise endorsed good effectiveness of
laser inferior turbinate reduction as long as the nasal obstruction is due to swollen soft
tissue of the interior turbinate.13 No high-quality studies demonstrate significant differ-
ences in techniques that would lead to a strong recommendation for a specific laser
type. In 1 comparison between laser types, there were no statistically significant dif-
ferences in outcomes, with approximately half of patients reporting subjective
improvement at 1 year.14 The varying lasers do have different tissue penetration
and field effects. For example, CO2 laser has a more narrow field effect with more tar-
geted effects but also a higher potential risk for bleeding complications than other la-
sers discussed in this article.15 One study showed that 84% of patients who
underwent diode laser inferior turbinate reduction surgery had improvement of symp-
toms at 1 year.16


Outfracture of the inferior turbinate is accomplished by compressing the inferior turbi-
nate laterally or inferolaterally until the bony turbinate fractures. It is generally accom-
plished with a blunt instrument, such as a Boise elevator or Freer elevator. Some
surgeons infracture the turbinate first (pull the inferior aspect of the turbinate medially)
prior to outfracture of the turbinate.

Evidence Base
Inferior turbinate outfracture is commonly used during nasal surgeries with minimal
side effects but generally has not shown lasting duration of symptomatic improve-
ment. In many studies, it appears the turbinate either remedializes or continues to hy-
pertrophy such that benefit is lost. Therefore, turbinate outfracture is generally used in
combination with an additional technique to improve nasal airflow, such as turbinate
reduction or septoplasty.17
A recent study showed that after outfracture, the bony turbinate remains
lateralized at 6 months postoperatively, but that the overlying soft tissue hypertro-
phies in a compensatory fashion.18 CT scans were performed preoperatively
and 6 months postoperatively on patients. The distance to the inferior turbinate
bone from the median line increased, showing that the turbinate bone remained
lateralized; the width of the bone was also smaller.18 The soft tissue of the
inferior turbinate increased, however, between preoperative and postoperative
CT scans, demonstrating compensatory hypertrophy.18 The investigators
concluded that a volume reduction surgery should be performed in addition to
Surgical Management of Turbinate Hypertrophy 5


Radiofrequency volumetric tissue reduction (RFVTR) of the inferior turbinate is one of
the most common methods of reducing the soft tissue component of the turbinate.
Monopolar or bipolar radiofrequency can be used; newer radiofrequency techniques
have also been tested. A long, sharp turbinate blade for the monopolar can be used,
which is inserted into the inferior turbinate and turned on to reduce the inferior turbi-
nate submucosal tissue while attempting to spare the majority of the mucosal surface.
Other techniques include direct application of the monopolar or bipolar to the external
turbinate rather than through a submucosal application.

Evidence Base
Studies generally demonstrate short-term improvement, with more limited studies on
long-term follow-up. A randomized clinical trial with 22 patients with a crossover design
demonstrated short-term superiority of bipolar radiofrequency ablation compared with
placebo 6 weeks to 8 weeks after intervention.19 A study of 40 patients undergoing
radiofrequency inferior turbinate reduction demonstrated improvement of symptoms
as well as odor thresholds at 2 years postoperatively.20 Improvement in patient-
reported outcome measures and objective measures of nasal airflow has also been
demonstrated 3 years from time of treatment.21 At 3 years, a majority of patients under-
going RFVTR showed some sustained reduction in symptoms, although patients with
allergic rhinitis had a greater likelihood of symptom relapse versus those without allergic
rhinitis.22 Ciliary function and mucociliary clearance are generally preserved long term
with this technique. For example, in 1 study, ciliary function returned to normal by
3 months after radiofrequency ablation, and no changes were noted in mucociliary
clearance in an even shorter time frame (1 month, 2 months, or 3 months).23

Differences in Type of Radiofrequency

One randomized single-blind study between bipolar and monopolar radiofrequency
ablation showed no difference at 6 months in level of improvement, although in the first
week, the monopolar group had more symptomatic relief and less pain. Overall, the
monopolar was used for greater treatment duration than the bipolar.24 One randomized
study on temperature-controlled radiofrequency versus bipolar radiofrequency found
no difference in outcomes at 1 year, but the bipolar procedure was faster.25 A new radio-
frequency method, quantic molecular resonance, has also recently been described,26
but needs to be compared with other turbinate reduction techniques. A randomized
noncontrolled study comparing radiofrequency turbinate volume reduction versus
radiofrequency assisted turbinate resection demonstrated improvements in symptoms
at 6 months postoperatively that were similar between groups but more adverse events
and slightly higher postoperative morbidity in the turbinate resection group.27


Other techniques for inferior turbinate reduction or resection have been described.
Coblation has been studied in short-term studies.28 Cryotherapy and ultrasound-
assisted reduction have also been described.17,29


A recent Cochrane review4 found no randomized controlled trials up through mid-2010

meeting the criteria for inclusion. Subsequently, a brief literature review published in
6 Bergmark & Gray

the Laryngoscope in 201328 examined 5 prospective randomized trials.9,30–33 All 5

studies were completed and published prior to the Cochrane review, and none met
the more stringent Cochrane study guidelines for inclusion. The Laryngoscope article
concluded, “submucosal resection combined with lateral displacement is the most
effective at decreasing nasal obstruction caused by inferior turbinate hypertrophy.
In the turbinoplasty group, based on the current evidence, microdebrider-assisted
and ultrasound turbinate reduction have been shown to be the most effective. A pro-
spective randomized trial comparing the microdebrider assisted and ultrasound turbi-
nate reduction has not yet been performed.”28 Overall, technique decisions are often
made based on decision to perform the procedure in the office or in the operating
room, concurrent with other procedures, cost, potential complications, surgeon famil-
iarity, and comfort.34 More studies are needed to determine if there are clinically sig-
nificant differences in long-term outcomes or complications based on technique.34
Microdébrider Versus Radiofrequency
A 2015 meta-analysis comparing radiofrequency ablation with microdébrider inferior
turbinate reduction found that both techniques were effective in improving visual
analog scale–rated nasal obstruction and acoustic rhinomanometry results, but me-
dian follow-up was only 6 months.35 They demonstrated no significant differences
in outcomes based on technique.35 That study focused on the primary outcome
measures of a visual analog scale for nasal obstruction and secondary outcomes
measure of acoustic rhinomanometry results (study size range, N 5 7–197). On their
quality-assessment scale of 0 to 3 (3 is best quality), the mean study score was
1.35 (median 1.0).
Medial Flap Turbinoplasty Versus Submucosal Electrocautery
Medial flap turbinoplasty is a method to reduce turbinate volume while protecting the
turbinate mucosa.7 A randomized controlled trial of patients undergoing submucosal
powered tissue reduction with either submucosal electrocautery or medial flap turbi-
noplasty stated that the medial flap turbinoplasty produced the best long-term results
at 60 months, whereas electrocautery produced the most postoperative crusting.36
Laser Versus Radiofrequency
One study raised the concern that mucociliary clearance was significantly disturbed
with CO2 laser ablation compared with radiofrequency tissue ablation and partial tur-
binectomy at 12 weeks postoperatively, although the study was small.37 A separate
study of inferior turbinate reduction in a pig model showed that although Nd:YAG
and KTP laser reduction as well as radiofrequency tissue reduction techniques all
had functional cilia and volume reduction at 6 weeks after the procedure, there
were more histopathologic healing complications associated with the 2 laser groups,
such as dilated mucus glands.38 Radiofrequency treatment and diode laser had similar
efficacy at 3 months in another small, randomized trial.39 Patients had more intraoper-
ative discomfort with the radiofrequency treatment and yet more patients said they
would choose that treatment in the future.39
Coblation Versus Other Techniques
In 1 comparison, radiofrequency ablation and coblation were found equally effective in
the short term, but their effectiveness diminished by 3 years.40 Coblation and micro-
débrider inferior turbinate reduction were equivalent in short-term outcomes in
another study, with significant inferior turbinate size reduction and reduction in nasal
obstruction symptoms. The coblation group also had less postoperative pain.41
Surgical Management of Turbinate Hypertrophy 7


The benefit of inferior turbinate reduction concurrent with septorhinoplasty is unclear,

and more rigorous and larger randomized controlled trials are needed. A recent ran-
domized clinical trial of 50 patients comparing partial inferior turbinate resection (pos-
terior one-third) versus no turbinate surgery during functional septorhinoplasty found
no changes in general or disease-specific quality-of-life outcomes or complications
between patients in the 2 groups. Operative times were significantly longer in the turbi-
nate surgery group (212 minutes vs 159 minutes).42 Another randomized clinical trial
found no difference between septorhinoplasty alone and septorhinoplasty with inferior
turbinate reduction in quality of life and acoustic rhinomanometry findings at 3 months,
although fewer patients who had undergone turbinate reduction were on topical intra-
nasal corticosteroids.43 Nasal obstruction concerns during septorhinoplasty are dis-
cussed further in Douglas Sidle and Katherine Hicks’s article, “Nasal Obstruction
Considerations in Cosmetic Rhinoplasty,” in this issue.



The anterior head of the inferior turbinate, which is believed to contribute most sub-
stantially to nasal obstruction symptoms, does not seem to drive otologic symptoms.
A recent randomized placebo (sham procedure)-controlled clinical trial of the effect of
turbinate surgery on eustachian tube dysfunction problems found no significant differ-
ences between groups.44 Patients undergoing turbinate surgery, as well as patients
undergoing a sham procedure, had significant improvements in the Eustachian
Tube Dysfunction Questionnaire scores. Patients in the intervention group underwent
microdébrider surgery, diode laser, or radiofrequency ablation of the anterior half of
the turbinate. Tympanometry was not different between groups at 3 months. There-
fore, the study did “not support the use of reduction of the anterior half of the inferior
turbinate as the sole procedure intended to treat ear symptoms.”44 More studies are
needed, particularly with attention to techniques addressing the posterior half of the
inferior turbinate.


Empty nose syndrome is a rare condition in which patients have substantial subjective
nasal obstruction despite significant space for airflow in the nasal cavity. Empty nose
syndrome almost exclusively seen in patients who have had turbinate surgery and is
classically described as a complication of complete resection of the inferior turbinates.
It is associated with reduced inferior turbinate volume, when comparing patients with
this condition to control patients (patients who had undergone pituitary adenoma
resection and did not have empty nose syndrome).45 It was the reason, however,
why less aggressive approaches to inferior turbinate resection became more popular.
A recent study on 6 patients with empty nose syndrome found that nasal airflow was
streamlined and jetlike in the middle meatus region, with limited airflow in the region of
the inferior turbinates.46 The authors also found evidence of potential sensory impair-
ment, with reduced trigeminal nerve function as evidenced by impaired lateral detec-
tion tests of menthol.46


Although a large number of published articles exist on turbinate reduction or

resection, high-quality randomized clinical trials are limited. Submucosal resection,
8 Bergmark & Gray

radiofrequency ablation, laser reduction, and limited resection are the most commonly
described techniques, without sufficient long-term data to make strong recommenda-
tions between them. Inferior turbinate outfracture alone seems ineffective. Total resec-
tion of the inferior turbinate should not be performed for nasal obstruction, based on a
small but real risk of empty nose syndrome. More long-term studies are needed to
determine long-term efficacy and to distinguish any clinically significant differences
in outcomes between techniques.


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