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Joahna Marie B.

Sacdalan Values Education

Reflection Paper on Outreach Program at Tanglaw Pag-asa

The Bible commands us, “You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to
your poor, and to your needy, in your land.”  (Deuteronomy 15:11)

My heart felt light and excited when we were packing the things that we would
give to the center. It doesn’t matter how big or small the gifts are, because I know that
even small donations have an impact and have the potential to drastically improve the life
of an individual. And those gifts came from our own allowance and surely from our

hearts, so I know that it will be appreciated . The thought of helping someone even you

know that you are not that well-off was really overwhelming . Those gifts were just
material things and temporary, but I believe that it would have a big impact to the heart of
each youth in the center. I felt really proud of what I and my classmates have done and

given to the youth of Tanglaw Pag-asa.

It was not my first time to do this kind of outreach program, but the feeling of
excitement was still the same, and the urge to reach out, talk to the youth in the center
and share some of my knowledge to them was overwhelming . I am also aware that it
wasn’t their choice to be in the center, and maybe they have been longing and missing
their family, but I felt relief when I see the smiles in their faces . This kind of opportunity

to help other people is something to be cherished . I hope that even they are in the center
because they did something wrong and disobeyed the law, they would still feel that they
are human being and their community is still here to support and guide them in the right

With this, I learned a lot of life lessons. I learned to appreciate things around me,

especially God’s countless blessings that I did not pay much attention to before . I am

very fortunate to be at school taking the course that I really want . I am fortunate to have

family and friends who have been guiding, caring and loving me . This experience also

taught me that life is not all about receiving, but also giving and sharing what I can offer .
No matter what our status in life, rich or poor, we must remember that God is counting on
us to help the needy.

The outreach program made me realize that we could make an ordinary day a
special and meaningful one by helping and doing good deeds for other people . I also

became inspired to persevere more in life so that I can be a big help for the less fortunate.

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