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AirWave 8.2.

AirWave Failover Guide

This guide describes how to configure the AirWave failover server to monitor your network. This guide also
describes using AirWave to manage the failover process.

Contacting Support

Main Site

Support Site

Airheads Social Forums and Knowledge Base

North American Telephone 1-800-943-4526 (Toll Free)


International Telephone

Software Licensing Site

End-of-life Information

Security Incident Response Team (SIRT) Site:

Email: [email protected]

AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide AirWave Failover Guide | 1

Chapter 2
Initial Setup

Before setting up your failover server, you must have completed the AirWave installation. For instructions on
how to install AirWave, refer to the AirWave 8.2.6 Installation Guide.
The setup workflow includes:
l "Adding the Failover License" on page 2
l "Upgrading the Software Version" on page 2

Adding the Failover License

Follow these steps to add a failover license:
1. Open a Web browser, then enter your AirWave server's IP address in the address bar to connect to the
AirWave WebUI.
2. In the AirWave WebUI, navigate to Home > License, then click Add.
3. Enter your license key in the pop up window, and click Add.
4. Review the End User License Agreement, then click I Accept. The license you entered displays in the Licenses
table, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Failover License

Upgrading the Software Version

Here's what you need to know before you begin the upgrade:
l If your failover requirement is 1 or 2 missed polls, disable failover monitoring before performing the upgrade. For
information about disabling failover monitoring, see "Best Practice: Maximizing Availability During the Setup" on page
l If you upgrade from AirWave or earlier, you will no longer have root user access to the Linux shell after the
upgrade. Your system will be converted to use the new AMP CLI. For information about using the AMP CLI, see the
AirWave 8.2.6 User Guide. For information about upgrading the software, see "Upgrade from AirWave or
Earlier" on page 3.
l If you upgrade from AirWave 8.2.4 or later, you will use the new AMP CLI to install the upgrade package on your
system. For information about upgrading the software, see "Upgrading from AirWave 8.2.4 or Later" on page 3.
l If your network doesn't allow AirWave to connect to the Internet, you must manually download the software and
upload the software before performing the upgrade. For information about obtaining the software, see "Manually
Download the Software" on page 5.

AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide Initial Setup | 2

Best Practice: Maximizing Availability During the Setup
The failover server and all watched AMP servers must have the same AirWave software version. If needed, you
can have the failover server take over for a watched AMP while you upgrade the software on the server to
ensure high availability. Or, you can disable the failover server before you begin the upgrades.
To upgrade the software on the servers, follow these steps:
1. Disable failover polling on each managed node. Navigate to Home > Overview > Managed AMP page,
then select "No" to disable the Polling Enabled option.
2. Upgrade AirWave on all watched AMPs and Master Console; then upgrade AirWave on the failover AMP (see
"Upgrading the Software Version" on page 2.
3. Enable failover polling on each managed node. Navigate to Home > Overview > Managed AMP page, then
select "Yes" to enble the Polling Enabled option.

Upgrade from AirWave or Earlier

Follow these steps to upgrade from AirWave or earlier:
1. Log in to the AirWave server as the root user.
2. Run the upgrade utility:
#start_amp_upgrade -v 8.2.6
The upgrade utility looks for the local upgrade package.
After the download completes, the following message appears while the software compiles:
Validating the upgrade package...
Upgrade package is OK.
Using upgrade script extracted from local package.
Upgrade package found in local cache.
If the software is not available, manually download the software and then perform this step again.
3. After the AMP services restart, you will see the following message:
Setting up secure accounts...
Setting admin user name...
Admin Username (default 'ampadmin'):
Admin user is admpadmin
Setting admin password...
Admin Password:
Verify Password:
Removing alias for less...
AMPCLI Setup completed
Enter the new ampadmin password. If you don't enter a user name, AirWave uses the default "ampadmin".
4. After setting the password, you will see the following message:
Your system has been converted to use AMPCLI. You may now
log in as ampadmin. If you lose the password for ampadmin you
may log in as amprecovery (password recovery) on the console to reset
the ampadmin password
5. Finally, remove any OS user accounts to prevent unauthorized access.

Upgrading from AirWave 8.2.4 or Later

Follow these steps to upgrade from AirWave 8.2.4 or later:

3 | Initial Setup AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide

1. Log in to the AirWave server with the "ampadmin" user name and password. If you subsequently changed the
ampadmin user name and password, enter the current admin name and password. The AMP CLI displays the
following menu options.

2. Enter 7 to select Upgrade.

a. At the next prompt, enter 1 to select Upgrade AirWave Management Platform.

b. Enter 8.2.6.

c. Enter y to enable AirWave to connect to a proxy server. Or, you can enter N to bypass this step and go to
step d on page 5 to download the software. At the next prompt:
(1) Enter the server address and port number (for example, and port 22).
(2) Enter y to enter the proxy user name and password (for example, testuser and password).

AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide Initial Setup | 4

d. Enter 1 or 2 to log in to your customer portal with your support user name and password.

e. Follow the onscreen instructions to download the software.

Manually Download the Software

You can manually download the software if your AirWave server can't access the Internet.
1. Go to the Aruba Support Portal or the HPE My Networking Portal to download the upgrade image.
2. Click the upgrade package, then click Save and install the file later.
3. Upload the file:
n If you are upgrading from AirWave or earlier, copy the file to the AirWave server's /root directory
using an SCP file transfer application.
n If you are upgrading from AirWave 8.2.4 or later, upload the software:
(1) Log in to the AirWave server with the "ampadmin" user name and password. If you subsequently
changed the ampadmin user name and password, enter the current admin name and password.
The AMP CLI displays the following menu options.

(2) Enter 1 to upload the file from the AMP server to a source location using SCP to transfer the file.
(3) At the prompt, enter the location of the source file (for example, user@host:path. User is the name
of the account on the host computer, host is the hostname of the computer on which the source
file exists, and path is the location of the directory that contains the upgrade package).

5 | Initial Setup AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide

(4) At the prompt, enter the password on the source location.

Minimum Requirements
Ensure that you have sufficient disk storage, memory, and hardware or software versions. As additional features
are added to AirWave, increased hardware resources become necessary and hardware requirements vary by
version. For the most recent hardware requirements, refer to the AirWave 8.2.4 Server Sizing Guide on the Home
> Documentation page.

Supported Upgrades to AirWave 8.2.6

You can upgrade directly to AirWave 8.2.6 from the following software versions: 8.2.2,, 8.2.3,,
8.2.4,, 8.2.5, and If you are running earlier versions of AirWave, upgrade to AirWave 8.2.2
before upgrading to

AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide Initial Setup | 6

Chapter 3
Failover Basics

You can set up a failover server to monitor watched AirWave servers after you install the AirWave Failover
license. For information about installing licenses, see "Before You Begin" on page 1.

Master Console and Failover services require an access account to the managed AMPs. You typically add this
account into the Master Console and Failover local databases, and don't tie it to anyone’s personal access
account. As such, local database users don't respond to certificate authentication and fail when certificate
authentication is required. For more information, see "Disabling the Certificate Authentication Requirement"
on page 14.

The following sections will help you get started using AirWave server:
l "About the Failover Server" on page 7
l "Test the Failover Configuration" on page 8
l "Failover Monitoring" on page 11

About the Failover Server

The failover server:
communicates with the watched AirWave servers using SSH, SNMP, and AMON over port 443.
When you use AirWave for failover monitoring, the failover server:
1. Polls the watched AirWave servers.
2. Copies the nightly backup from each server to itself.
3. Restores the watched server from the most recent nightly backup during a failover event. The watched server
reboots and begins polling devices. There will be a gap in time between the last nightly backup of the watched
AirWave server, and the time of the restoration event.
4. Fails back to its failover role (after a manual back up).
Figure 2 shows the failover server taking over for AW-2 when AW-2 is offline. During this process, the failover
server keeps its IP address.

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Figure 2: Failover Process

Chapter 3

Test the Failover Configuration

You should validate your failover server to ensure that it is capable of taking over for a watched AirWave server.
Failover testing includes:
l "Adding a Watched AirWave Server" on page 8
l "Testing the Failover" on page 9
l "Testing the Failback" on page 9

Adding a Watched AirWave Server

When you add an AirWave server to the watched list, the failover server begins polling the watched AirWave
server and downloads the nightly backup. It is this backup that gets restored on the failover server when it takes
over for the watched AirWave server.
When fail over occurs, there will be a gap in time between the last nightly back up of the watched AirWave server
and fail over. During a planned fail over, such as an upgrade, you can shorten this loss period by running a
manual backup from the CLI and copying it to the /watched_amps directory.
Follow these steps to add a watched AirWave server:
1. Navigate to Home > Overview > Watched AMPs, then click Add.
2. Enter the AirWave server's hostname or IP address.
3. Enter the name used for logging in to the AirWave server.
4. Enter the password (alphanumeric without spaces) for the user being created, then confirm the password.
5. Enter how many polls are missed before the failover AMP triggers a failover event. By entering 3, as shown in
Figure 3, the failover server will trigger a failover event after 3 missed polls during 5-minute polling intervals.

8 | Failover Basics AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide

Figure 3: Adding a Watched AirWave Server

6. Click Add. The AirWave server you added displays in the Watched AMPs table, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Watched AMPs

Testing the Failover

Perform a test to validate that your watched AirWave server can fail over to the failover server. To test the
failover of a server, shut down the server for the minimum poll duration.
AirWave retries polling the AirWave server a number of times before it considers the AirWave server unavailable.
Several configuration options affect how long it takes to complete the SNMP polling, including the HTTP timeout,
SNMP polling interval, and missed poll threshold.

Testing the Failback

After the failover server fails over and becomes the primary, test the failback functionality.

These procedures will completely erase your existing AirWave installation and operating system and data from
your server. Any custom scripts, files, and backups MUST be saved to another server.

l "Restoring from a Backup" on page 10

l "Reinstating the Failover Server" on page 11

AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide Failover Basics | 9

Restoring from a Backup
If the data on the watched AirWave server is important and you want to restore the watched AirWave server
from a backup before failing back, follow these steps:
1. Restart the watched AirWave server online.
2. Log in to the CLI on the failover server as the admin user. The following CLI menu appears:

Figure 5: CLI Menu

3. Run the on-demand backup:

a. Select 4 to open the Backup menu and press Enter.
b. Select 1 to start the backup and press Enter.

Figure 6: Running the Backup

4. Configure the backup file transfer from the AirWave server to an external location:
a. Select 2 to configure the automatic transfer and press Enter.
b. Select 1 to set the backup destination and press Enter.

Figure 7: Opening the Backup Destination Menu

c. At the prompt, type the path of backup destination and press Enter.

10 | Failover Basics AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide

Figure 8: Entering the Backup Destination

d. At the prompt, type the password for the user account and Enter.

Figure 9: Entering the User Password

Reinstating the Failover Server

If you want to make the backup AirWave server the failover server, restore the nightly backup on the failover

Failover Monitoring
AirWave Failover is a pared down version of AirWave. The starting point where you can monitor your network is
the Home > Overview page. The header statistics at the top of the page display the status of your network,
while the navigation pane on the left provides access to several pages.
Here are some of the tasks you can do from the WebUI:
l Add watched AirWave servers. On the Home > Watched AMPs page, click Edit to add an AirWave server to the
watched list. For more information, see "Adding a Watched AirWave Server" on page 8.

l Configure SNMP polling. On the Home > Watched AMPs page, click to change the HTTP timeout, polling interval,
and missed poll threshold. For more information, see "Setting the SNMP Polling Period" on page 12.
l Manage your AirWave licenses. For more information, see "Adding the Failover License" on page 2.
l Update your user information. For information about changing the settings on the Home > User Info page, refer to
the AirWave8.2.6 User Guide.
l Manage triggers. On the System > Triggers page, click Add to create the Watched AMP Down trigger. For help
creating a failover trigger, see "Watched AMP Down Trigger" on page 12.
l Acknowledge alerts. For information about viewing and acknowledging alerts on the System > Alerts page, refer to
the AirWave8.2.6 User Guide.
l Select a backup. For information, see "Backup Files and Rotations" on page 11.

Backup Files and Rotations

When selecting a backup file, be sure to select the most relevant backup:
l Nightly backups. The failover server keeps these backups in /var/airwave-backup and the backups of watched
AirWaves in /var/airwave-backup/watched_amps. Backups are aged out by standard rotation.
l Failover backup. During a failover event, the failover server makes an on-demand backup and puts the file in the
/var/airwave-backup/watcher directory.

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SNMP Polling Period
AirWave polls devices according to the SNMP polling period. The default time between Up/Down SNMP polling
periods for each device in a group is 5 minutes.
To configure the polling period:
1. Log in to the watched AirWave server, navigate to Groups > Basic, then select the time period from the drop
down menu (see Figure 10).

Figure 10: Setting the SNMP Polling Period

2. Click Save and Apply.

3. Confirm the changes, then click Apply Changes Now. Or, you can click Schedule to apply the change later.

Watched AMP Down Trigger

You can create a Watched AMP Down trigger to generate an alert when the failover server loses
communication with the watched AirWave server. You can send an alert to an email address, or, if you use an
NMS tool, to an NMS server.
To add the trigger:
1. Log in to the watched AirWave server, navigate to System > Triggers, then click Add.
2. Set the severity of the event from normal to critical.
3. Enter a note to be included with the alert.
4. Select the delivery method. The information required depends on the delivery method you choose:
n Email requires email addresses for the sender and recipient.
n NMS requires at least one trap destination, which has been preconfigured on the AMP Setup > NMS
5. Select whether to suppress alerts if an alert is acknowledged. If you select No, an alert is sent everytime an
event is triggered.
6. Click Add to save the trigger.

12 | Failover Basics AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide

Figure 11: Adding a Watched AMP Down Trigger

The Watched AMP Down trigger displays in the Triggers table, as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Watched AMP Down Trigger

Figure 13: Setting the SNMP Polling Period

7. Click Save and Apply.

8. Confirm the changes, then click Apply Changes Now. Or, you can click Schedule to apply the change later.

Watched AMP Down Trigger

You can create a Watched AMP Down trigger to generate an alert when the failover server loses
communication with the watched AirWave server. You can send an alert to an email address, or, if you use an
NMS tool, to an NMS server.

AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide Failover Basics | 13

To add the trigger:
1. Log in to the watched AirWave server, navigate to System > Triggers, then click Add.
2. Set the severity of the event from normal to critical.
3. Enter a note to be included with the alert.
4. Select the delivery method. The information required depends on the delivery method you choose:
n Email requires email addresses for the sender and recipient.
n NMS requires at least one trap destination, which has been preconfigured on the AMP Setup > NMS
5. Select whether to suppress alerts if an alert is acknowledged. If you select No, an alert is sent everytime an
event is triggered.
6. Click Add to save the trigger.

Figure 14: Adding a Watched AMP Down Trigger

The Watched AMP Down trigger displays in the Triggers table, as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 15: Watched AMP Down Trigger

Disabling the Certificate Authentication Requirement

You might want to configure local database authentication, and in order to do so you should turn off the
certificate authentication requirement and add your PEM bundle. Although certificate authentication is not
required when disabled, certifcate authentication, or OCSP validation, will occur for users with certificates.
To disable certificate authentication:
1. From the WebUI, go to AMP Setup > Authentication, select Yes to enable certificate authentication.
2. For the "Require Certificate Authentication" option, select No.

14 | Failover Basics AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide

3. Enter your PEM certificate bundle in the text field.

4. Scroll down, then click Save.

AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide Failover Basics | 15

Appendix A
AMP Command Line Interface

About the Command Line Interface

AirWave provides a modular command line interface (CLI) that allows you to run a finite set of management tools
and configuration tasks. Some of these tasks include transferring files, enabling support connections, enabling
FIPS security, upgrading software, and configuring network interfaces.

CLI Access
A change introduced in AirWave 8.2.4 prevents the root user from being able to connect to the CLI. You can
access the CLI through an SSH connection by logging in to the AirWave server with the admin user created when
you install or upgrade your software to AirWave 8.2.4. or later. For information about the admin user, see the
AirWave 8.2.6 Installation Guide.
When the database is down and you access the CLI through an SSH connection, AirWave will skip the click
through agreement and advance to the AMP CLI menu.

How to Reset Your Password

If you forgot your CLI password, you can generate a recovery key and contact Technical Support to decode the
key and provide recovery password to you.
To reset your password:
1. From a local terminal, or the VM host console, log in using the amprecovery credentials:
<AMP server> login: amprecovery
Password: recovery
AirWave displays the following menu options.

Figure 16: Password Recovery Menu

2. Select 1 to generate the recovery key.

AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide Rev. 01 | February 2018

Figure 17: Generating the Recovery Key

3. Select 2 to upload the recovery key to another server using an SCP file transfer application.

4. At the prompt, enter the destination location for the file (for example, user@host:path. User is the name of
the account on the destination computer, host is the hostname or IP address of the computer on which the
file will be transferred, and path is the path of the destination folder).
5. At the prompt, enter the password on the destination computer.

Figure 18: Authenticating the Destination Computer

6. Send the recovery.gpg file to Technical Support for key translation.

17 AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide

7. Select 3 to activate the recovery password, then press y to continue.
8. Enter the password you received from Technical Support. If you enter the password incorrectly, the password
remains unchanged.

Figure 19: Activating the Recovery Password

9. Log out from the recovery user.

10.Log back in to the CLI as ampadmin using the recovery password:
<AMP server> login: <ampadmin>
Password: recovery password

Figure 20: Changing the Password

11.Select 9 to open the Security menu, then select 2 to reset the ampadmin password.
12.At the prompt, type a new password and press Enter.

CLI Options
Table 1 lists the CLI commands that are available in AirWave 8.2.6. If there are other important tasks that you
can't do from the CLI, contact technical support for help.
Table 1: CLI Options

Option Description
1 Upload File Uploads a file to the AMP server you're currently logged in to using SCP for Unix.

2 Download File Downloads a file from the local AMP to another server using SCP for Unix.

3 Delete File Deletes a file from the AMP server. Files shown for deletion might include downloaded
files, temporary files, and backup files.

4 Backup Displays AMP Backup options.

4-1 Backup Now Runs the back up now.

AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide 18

Option Description

4-2 Configure Automatic Sets the destination for the nightly backup files.

4-3 Local Backup Changes how many backups AirWave retains (maximum of 4).

5 Restore Displays restore options.

5-1 AMP Restore Restores the AMP server from an on-demand, nightly, or imported backup that you select.

5-2 VisualRF Restore Restores the VisualRF database from the VisualRF backup that you select.

6 Support Displays support options.

6-1 Show Tech Support Displays information about the AMP server to show technical support.

6-2 Generate Diagnostic Displays the compressed log collection for sending to customer support.

6-3 Initialize Support Loads the support_connection.tar file provided by customer support and creates the
Connection support user (by default, awsupport) and password.

6-4 Start Support Toggles on and off the support connection.


6-5 Delete Support User Deletes the awsupport.gpg file.

6-6 Show contents of Displays the encrypted support credentials.


7 Upgrade Displays upgrade options.

7-1 Upgrade AirWave Runs the AirWave software upgrade.

Management Platform

7-2 Upgrade OS Kernel Runs the kernel upgrade (requires rebooting the AMP server).

8 Advanced Displays system options.

8-1 Restart Application Restarts the AMP services.

8-2 Reboot System Reboots the AMP server.

8-3 Configure Network Configures network settings.


8-4 Set Hostname Sets the hostname of the AMP server.

8-5 Shutdown System Shuts down the AMP server gracefully.


9 Security Displays security options.

19 AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide

Option Description

9-1 Reset Web admin Resets the Web UI log in password for admin.

9-2 Change OS User Changes the CLI log in password.


9-3 Add SSL Certificate Installs the SSL certificate, used to establish secure web sessions, on your AMP server.

9-4 Add DTLS Installs the DTLS certificates, used to encrypt secure AMON traffic, on your AMP server.

9-5 Enable FIPS Toggles on or off FIPS 140-2 Approved Mode (reboot required action).

9-6 Show EngineID Displays the SNMPv3 engine ID.

9-7 Module Key Displays module key options.

9-7-1 Show Displays the PGP key used to create a custom module.

9-7-2 Save Saves the PGP key.

10 Custom Commands Displays custom command option.

10-1 Add New Menu Adds a new CLI menu module that you select (requires requesting module encrypted with a
Module module key from customer support).

b >> Back (or Ctrl+c) Returns to the previous menu.

c >> Cancel Cancels the key request.

11 VisualRF Restore Restores the file. Files shown for backup might include downloaded
files, temporary files, and backup files.
NOTE: If the STIG module is enabled on your system, this command option is unavailable.

12 Enter Commands Some read-only commands are available from this menu. To see a list of commands, type
a question mark (?) at the prompt. For more information, see Table 2.
NOTE: If the STIG module is enabled on your system, this command option is unavailable.

q Exits the CLI session.

Table 2 lists the running enter commands that are available when you select 12 from the CLI.

Table 2: Running Enter Commands

Command Description

? Displays the list of commands.

q Returns to CLI menu.

h Displays the history of commands you have typed.

h <pattern> Displays history of all commands, matching the specified <pattern> input.

AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide 20

Table 2: Running Enter Commands (Continued)

Command Description

ch Clears the history of commands displayed on the screen.

r Repeats the previous command.

r <number> Repeats the command, specified by the <number> from the history list.

r /x/y Repeats the previous command, replacing x with y.

clear Clears the terminal screen.

date Displays the current date and time.

date MMDDhhmm Changes the date and time on the AMP server.

top Displays the status of running processes.

daemons Displays the running daemons.

wd Displays the monitoring of running daemons, refreshing after 1-second intervals.

wd <n> Displays the monitoring of running daemons, refreshing after the <n> interval.

ls Lists the files in the AMP CLI directory.

NOTE: You can use shell patterns with *, ?, and [ ].

rm Removes files from the AMP CLI directory.

NOTE: You can use shell patterns with *, ?, and [ ].

rd Restarts the daemons.

psg <pattern> Displays the running processes, matching the <pattern> you typed.

pss <pattern> Displays the running processes like grep but shows more detailed information, matching
the <pattern> you typed.

show_tech_support Displays information about the AMP server to show technical support.

dbsize Displays the 30 largest database tables.

crr Displays the Red Hat version on your AMP server.

amp_version Displays the AirWave version on your AMP server.

df -h Shows disk space usage.

git diff Checks for patches.

hostname Displays the DNS name of the AMP server.

amp_backup Runs a backup and puts the file in the AMP CLI directory.

21 AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide

Table 2: Running Enter Commands (Continued)

Command Description

amp_restore <filename> Restores the AMP server from the backup.

remove_visualrf_cache Clears the visualrf_bootstrap file.

iptables -L Displays the IP tables.

dmidecode Displays the serial number of the AMP server. The serial number will display along with
BIOS information.

network Runs the network setup wizard.

service Lists all services and allows you to manage them.

service iptables status Displays the full status for IP tables.

service <service> Manages the <service> you typed.


qlog Lists the status of available qlog topics.

qlog enable <topic> Enables debugging. As files are created, they appear in the AMP CLI directory.
NOTE: If there is more than 1 qlog topic matching the substring, a numbered picklist will
be displayed. Enter the desired qlog topic number or multiple numbers separate by
spaces. You can give a unique prefix or a unique substring.

qlog disable <topic> Disables debugging for an individual topic.

NOTE: You can give a unique prefix or a unique substring.

qlog disable all Disables debugging for all qlog topics.

NOTE: If there is more than 1 qlog topic matching the substring, a numbered picklist will
be displayed. Enter the desired qlog topic number or multiple numbers separate by
spaces. You can give a unique prefix or a unique substring.

snoop Displays the list of work queue snoop debug topics.

NOTE: If there is more than 1 qlog topic matching the substring, a numbered picklist will
be displayed. Enter the desired qlog topic number or multiple numbers separate by
spaces. You can give a unique prefix or a unique substring.

snoop <topic> Enables work queue snoop debug for the desired topics.
NOTE: You can give a unique prefix or a unique substring.

snoop active Displays the active work queue snoop topics.

snoop stop <topic> Stops work queue snoop on the selected topic.
NOTE: You can give a unique prefix or a unique substring.

snoop stop all Stops all active work queue snoop debugging.

AirWave 8.2.6 | Failover Guide 22

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