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Hi, there! This is Chuck Wood calling from "Working People Magazine.

" We have
something good for you today: our biggest sale of the year! The price of our
magazine was $2.50 each. Now it's only $10 for ten magazines. That's $1
each. Call now! The number is 555-9663. Don't forget! That number was 555-
9663. Remember: "Working People Magazine" works for you!

there other sales during this year

Wrong Color
Today Ms. Green was very late for work. She waited for
the delivery of her new chair. But the delivery man brought the wrong chair. Ms. Green
called the store manager.
"I ordered a brown chair," she said, "not green!"
"Don't be angry," said the manager. "We all make mistakes, don't we?"
"Some people make bigger mistakes than others!" Ms. Green answered.
The manager found her order.
"Ha," he laughed. Another customer, Mr. Brown, ordered a green
chair and got your chair instead. Isn't that funny?"
"No, it isn't. I want my chair. I paid enough money for it," said Ms. Green. "Come to
the store now and get a different chair," he said.
But Ms. Green went to work instead. After work, she went to the store, but it was
already closed. A handsome young man was also there.
"I'm late," he said. "Now I have to wait until tomorrow for my green chair."
"Are you Mr. Brown?" she asked. "Yes, but ... "
"I can help you with your chair," said Ms. Green. And she smiled for the first time that

- What a lovely dress.

- Really? Do you like it?
- Of course. It's beautiful. Is it new?
- Yes. I bought it in Paris last week.
- Well, it's really nice.
- Thank you.

I was at a rock concert last night. All my friends were there, but it wasn't very

- good.
Hi. I just got back from Switzerland.
Where were you and Susan last night?
Oh, we were out.
Were you at the new French restaurant?
No, we weren't. Susan was at night school
and I was at the office.

What was that noise in the street?

- I don't know. Let's find out

- I found my notebook.
- Where was it?
- It was under the desk.

I buy food in the supermarket.

I went to the store but it was closed.

Delivery is in 10 days.

We can buy clothes and furniture in the department store.

I bought her a present at the gift shop.
That dress store is a good business - there are always customers in there.
You can order a new dress from the store.
I paid $500 for those shoes.

Buy your clothes on sale and save money.

I want to speak to the store manager about the TV I bought.d


department store
has everything you want under one roof. There are always sales so you can 

save money
. Is there something you want that Fringles doesn't have? No problem. You can 

the product. Fringles brings it to your home and you don't 

. Yes, free 

! "We give excellent service. We do 

good business
," says Robert Smith, the 

store manager

Announcer: Welcome to "Sheila's Kitchen." Today's program is about salads. Good

morning, Sheila.
Sheila: Hello, Mike. And good morning to all our listeners. When I was young,
we ate green salads - lettuce or cucumbers - with some salt and a
little lemon juice. My mother served the salad with meat, chicken, and
fish. But today, salads can be your meal. Salads are healthy summer
foods. And for dessert, some people like a fresh fruit salad. And now,
a few words about Durelle plates and dishes. You can cook in them,
bake in them, and freeze food in them, too. Buy Durelle products and
enjoy them in the kitchen and on your table. They are strong enough
for cooking. They are pretty enough for guests. Now let's return to our

Dieters Are Feeling Great!

by Virginia Vegan

Kim Fit, the famous woman basketball player, introduced her "Fit Feels

Great" diet book three months ago. Thousands of people are
already losing weight. "They feel wonderful! This diet is healthy and safe. You don't
need to buy special foods. Anyone can use my diet!"
David Meals is a 42-year-old businessman. He's doing the "Fit Feels Great"
diet. "Before, I only ate a piece of cake for breakfast. Now I understand
that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The body needs energy after a
long night without any food," he explains. Mr. Meals now eats some bread and some
fat-free cottage cheese for breakfast.
Rock singer Maxi is doing Kim Fit's diet, too, and she feels
terrific. Now, she never eats fried foods. She eats a lot
of turkey and chicken; they have less fat than ham and steak. Maxi also doesn't use
much salt. "I look ten years younger, don't I?" the superstar says.

- Would you like some cake?

- Ah, not right now, thanks.
- But it's really very good. Are you sure?
- Well, maybe just a small piece.
- Good. Here you are.
- Mmm. This is delicious.

- How much sugar do you want in your coffee?

- Not much, just a little.
- What about milk?
- Oh, lots of milk please.

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