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Republic of the Philippines


Matti, Digos City, Davao del Sur
Prepared by: Prof. Ariel C. Balio Jr., LPT

I. Important Events in Philippine History

July 3, 1892 La Liga Filipina (founded by Rizal) was to be a sort of
mutual aid and self-help society, dispensing scholarship
funds and legal aid, loaning capital and setting up
cooperatives. The league’s motto Unus Instar Omnium
(one like all) served as an avowal of their ideals.
July 7, 1892 Foundation of (Kataastaasan Kagalang-galangang na
Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan) KKK with a radial
platform: to secure independence and freedom of the
Philippines by force.
August 19, 1896 The Spanish authorities discovered the Katipunan
when Teodoro Patiño exposed what he knew to Fr.
Mariano Gil.
August 23, 1896 In the yard of Juan Ramos, the son of Melchora
Aquino, the Katipuneros tore up their cedulas shouting –
Long Lived the Philippines thus making the so called – Cry
of Pugad Lawin. It officially started the Philippine
revolution against Spain.
August 30, 1896 Governor- General Ramon Blanco issued a decree
declaring the provinces of Manila, Cavite, Laguna,
Batangas, Bulacan, Pampanga, Tarlac, and Nueva
Ecija in a state of war and placing them under
martial law.
Dec. 30, 1896 Execution of Rizal
35 years old, 7:03 am, Paco Cemetery
March 22, 1897 The Tejeros Convention. The Magdalo faction under
Baldomero Aguinaldo and Magdiwang under
Mariano Alvarez agreed to convene in Tejeros (now part
of Gen. Trias) to settle their differences and to establish a
new government that would replace the Katipunan.
May 10, 1897 Execution of Bonifacio brothers (Andres and
Procopio) after being found guilty of treason and sedition
by a military court.
November 1, 1897 Establishment of Biak-na-Bato Republic. The Biak-na-
Trinidad Tecson- Bato constitution was signed. It was prepared by Felix
Mother of Biak na Bato Ferrer and Isabelo Artacho, who coped, almost
word for word the Cuban constitution known as
Jimaguayu Constitution.
December 14, 1897 Pact of Biak-na-Bato, a ceasefire between the Spanish
colonial Governor-General Fernando Primo de
Rivera and the revolutionary leader Emilio Aguinaldo was

V. American Colonization

A. Coming of the Americans (February 08, 1898)

April 25, 1898 The United States declared war on Spain following the
sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana harbor of
February 15, 1898
May 1, 1898 George Dewey lead a U.S. naval squadron into Manila Bay in
the Philippines and destroyed the anchored Spanish fleet in
a leisurely morning engagement that cost only seven
American seamen wounded. Manila itself was occupied by
U.S troops by August.
May 19, 1898 Aguinaldo arrived in the Philippines and continued the
Filipinos fight against the Spaniards.
May 24, 1898 Aguinaldo declared Dictatorial Government
June 12, 1898 Between four or five in the afternoon, Aguinaldo in the
presence of a huge crowd, proclaimed the independence
of the Kawit, Cavite. The Philippine National Flag
made in Hongkong by Marcela Agoncillo was
officially hoisted for the first time and Marcha
Nacional Filipina (Philippine National March)
composed by Julian Felipie was played. The act of the
Declaration of Independence was prepared by
Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista.
 San Francisco de Malabon Band – known for
being the first marching band to play the Philippine
National Anthem “Lupang Hinirang”. 
June 23, 1898 Aguinaldo changed the form of government form
dictatorial to revolutionary government.
August 13, 1898 Mock Battle of Manila
-Spaniards surrender to Americans.
-Gov. Gen Diego de los Rios, the last Spanish governor
general in the Philippines transferred his headquarters to
August 14, 1898 - American established Military Government.
December 10, 1898 The Spanish-American War ended with the signing of the
Treaty of Paris. It established the independence of Cuba,
cede Puerto Rico and Guam to the United States, and
allowed the victorious power to purchase the Philippine
Island from Spain for $20 million.
Felipe Agoncillo – was given the task of persuading the
US government to recognize the Malolos Republic in the
Paris Peace talks.
December 21, 1898 US President William McKinley proclaimed the policy
- Benevolent Assimilation. He emphasized the
Filipino should be trained for self-government.

B. The First Philippine Republic

September 15, 1898 The Malolos Congress convened in Barasoain Church and
Pedro Paterno was elected as its president.
January 21, 1899 The Malolos Constitution drafted by a committee headed
by Felipe Calderon was proclaimed transforming the
government into what is known today as the First
Philippine Republic.
January 23, 1899 Inauguration of the First Philippine Republic
popularly known as the Malolos Republic amidst colorful
ceremonies at the Barasoain Church, Malolos, Bulacan with
Aguinaldo as its president.
 Malolos Republic – the first Republic in Asia
 El Heraldo de la Revolucion – official newspaper
of the Republic.

C. The Philippine-American War, 1899-1902

 On February 4, 1899, an American soldier, Private Willaim Grayson

shot a Filipino soldier at the bridge of San Juan, Manila. This marked the
beginning of the Philippine-American War, which lasted for three years and
resulted in the death over 4,200 American and over 20,000 Filipino

D. The Capture of Aguinaldo

 On March 23, 1901, carrying the order of General Arthur MacArthur,

General Frederick Funston and his troops captured Aguinaldo in
Palanan, Isabela, with the help of some Filipinos called the Macabebe
Scouts who had joined the Americans’ side.
 On April 1, 1901, at the Malacañan Palace in Manila, Aguinaldo swore an
oath accepting the authority of the United States over the Philippines and
pledging his allegiance to the American Government.
 On April 19, he issued a Proclamation of Formal Surrender to the United
States, telling his followers to lay down their weapons and give up the fight.
 Teodoro Patiño – traitor in KKK

E. Continuous Resistance against the Americans

 General Miguel Malvar – took over the leadership of the Filipino war
against the Americans. He launched all-out offensive against the American-
held towns in Batangas region.
 General Simeon Ola – last revolutionary general to surrender to the
 Macario Sakay – established the Republika ng Katagalogan or Tagalog
 On July 04, 1902 – President Theodore Roosevelt officially declared
an end of the Philippine-American War after the surrender of Malvar,
Sakay and other Filipino leaders.

F. American Colonial Policy

1. Military Government, 1898-1901

 Under this set-up, Philippines was governed directly by the president of the
United States. The powers of the US presidents were exercised in country by
the American military governor.
 Military governor in the country
- Wesley Merrit
- Elwell Otis
- Arthur MacArthur
 The first Philippine Commission (Schurman Commission)
- Headed by Dr. Jacob Schurman
- To investigate conditions in the islands and make recommendations
 The Second Philippine Commission (Taft Commission)
- Chaired by William Howard Taft
- Tasked to establish a civil government in the country and train Filipinos in

2. Civil Government

 William Howard Taft – first civil governor

- Adopted the policy of The Philippines for the Filipinos
 Frank Murphy – last civil governor general
 Philippine Commission – lawmaking body
 Philippine Bill/Organic Act of 1902 or Cooper Act
- It provided the extension of the United State Bill of Rights to the
Filipinos and guarantees the establishment of an elective Philippine
- Appointment of two Filipino resident commissioners to represent the
country in the US Congress without voting rights.
- Two resident commissioners: Pablo Ocampo, Benito Legarda
 Period of Suppressed Nationalism
- Flag Law – prohibited the public display of the Filipino flag and other
symbols used by the resistance against the US.
- Sedition Law – imposed a death penalty or a long-term prison on
anyone who advocate separation/independence form the United State
even by peaceful means.
- Brigandage Act – punished with death or prison term of not less than
20 years for members of an armed band.
 Federal Party – first political party in the Philippines
 Philippine Assembly – lower house of the Philippine Legislature the Philippine
Commission was its upper house.
- Formally inaugurated on October 16, 1907.
- Sergio Osmeña – elected speaker of the house/Philippine assembly
- Manuel L. Quezon – Majority floor leader
- Gabaldon Act – first legislation enacted by the Philippine Assembly
which allocated one million peso the establishment of barrio schools
throughout the Philippines.
 The Filipinization – is a gradual or general replacement of Americans by
Filipinos in government service. It was a policy expressed American’s
intentions of training Filipinos for self-government.
- By 1901 Cayatano Arellano was appointed chief of the supreme court.
- Gov. Gen Francis Burton Harrison. It was during his term when
Filipinization was fully implemented in the Philippines.
 Jones Law or Philippine Autonomy Act
- Sponsored by William Atkinson Jones
- Law contained a preamble declaring the independence would be granted
to the Filipino people as soon as stable government could be established
in the Philippines
- Provide bicameral legislature with upper house called Senate and
lower house called House of Representatives.
- Cabinet Crisis of 1923 – happened when governor Leonard Wood
governed the country without the cooperation of the legislature.
 Wood-Forbes Mission
- Sent by US President Warren G. Harding for his desire to know the
true state of the Philippines.
- Reported that Philippines was not ready for independence due to poor
financial state of the country, bankruptcy of the Philippine National
Bank and instability of the government.
 Educational Development
- Act No. 74 by the Taft Commission – established of the public-
school system in the Philippines
- Compulsory teaching of English in school, recruitment of trained
teachers in the US, and the abolition of compulsory religious instruction.
- Thomasites – first American teachers arrive in Manila on August 23,
1901, board the ship Thomas.
- Pensionados – promising Filipinos who were given the opportunity by
the American government to pursue higher education degrees in the
United States.

3. Transition to Independence: Before Commonwealth Period

Independence Missions:
 Commission on Independence – created by the Philippines Legislature.
The commission recommended the sending of independence missions to US.
 OSROX Mission – led by Osmeña and Roxas. Its main task is to secore an
independence law for the Philippines to US Congress.
 Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act – granting the Philippine Independence for 12
years but reserving the military and naval bases for the United State.
 Tydings-McDuffie Law of Independence Law
- Provided for 10 year transition period to independence under which
the Commonwealth of the Philippines would be established,
preparatory to the granting of complete independence on July 4,
 The 1935 Constitution
- gratified on May 15, 1935
- Gregorio Perfecto – delegate from Manila who signed the
constitution on his blood.
- September 17, 1935 – first election under this constitution
- President – Manuel L. Quezon
- Vice President – Sergio Osmeña
 Commonwealth Period
- Pres. Manuel Quezon -father of social justice/ father of National
- Established court of Industrial Relations to resolves Labor disputes.
Eight-hour labor act and the minimum wage law.
- Anti-Dummy Law – law that punishes Filipinos who would allow
themselves to used as fronts by alien businessman and investors.
- Philippine Immigration Law – a law that limits the number of
immigrants permitted annually to the market.
- Sakdalism – a popular movement founded by Benigno Ramos. It has
its weekly tabloid which became the vehicle of bitter denunciation of
the ruling oligarchy.
- Union Obrera Democratica – first labor in the Philippines
founded by Isabelo de los Reyes.

VI. Japanese Occupation

 Decmeber 7, 1941 – Japan attacked the American Naval base in Pearl

Harbor in Hawaii. The following day, December 8, 1941 US declared war
against Japan.
 United State Armed Forces of the Far East (USAFFE) combined forces
of American and Filipinos soldiers under the command of General MacArthur.
 Gen. Masaharu Homma – the commander-in-chief of the Japanese
Imperial Forces in the Philippines.
 December 26, 1941 – MacArthur declared Manila an open city to protect
the civilians, withdrawing guns in accord with international law.
 March 11, 1942 – MacArthur proceeded to Australia, famously telling the
reporters there. “I shall return”
 April 9, 1942 - Gen. Edward King, commander of Bataan forces
surrendered to Japanese.
 April 10, 1942 – the Death March began in Mariveles and Cabcaben.
The Filipino-American troops were forced to march from Bataan to San
Fernando, Pampanga. The 76,000 captured soldiers were forced to embark
on the infamous “Death March” to a prison camp more than 100 kilometers
north. An estimated 10,000 prisoners died due to thirst, hunger and
 Ferdinand Marcus joined Death March.
 May 06, 1942 – Gen. Wainwright, commander of Corregidor forces
surrendered to Japanese.
VII. Philippine Presidents

1. Emilio Aguinaldo (1899-1901) 1st Republic

 Started as a member of the Magdalo chapter at the revolutionary
government at the Tejeros Convention and later Biak-na-Bato Republic.
 Youngest president at age of 28
 Longest living president (94 years old)

2. Manuel L. Quezon (1935-1944) Commonwealth

 First Filipino President of the Commonwealth under American Rule.
 known as the “Father of National Language”
 Initiated women’s suffrage in the Philippines.
 1st senate president elected as the president of the Philippines.
 Dies in tuberculosis at New York

3. Jose P. Laurel (1943-1945) 2nd Republic

 President of the 2nd Republic and known as the “Puppet President”
 Established Lyceum of the Philippines
 Government caretaker during world war II.

4. Sergio Osmena, Sr. (1944-1946) Commonwealth

 2nd Philippine president during the Commonwealth
 1st Filipino National Leader under the American regime who became as the
speaker of the Philippine Assembly
 Vice-president during Quezon’s Regime

5. Manuel Roxas (1946,1948) 3RD Republic

 First president of the third Republic
 Signed the Treaty of General Relations -based -on this treaty, the United
States withdrew and surrendered all rights of the supervision, control or
sovereignty over the Philippines
 Philippine Trade Act, also known as the Bell Trade Act, provided for
the continuation of free trade with the Philippines and the United States from
 Philippine Rehabilitation Act, also known as the Tydings
Rehabilitation Act, resulted to the creation of the Philippine War Damage
Commission to take charge of war damage payments.
 Parity Rights – grant US citizens and corporations the same rights as
Filipinos in the utilization and exploitation of Philippine natural Resources.
 Military Base Agreement – gave US free use of 23 base sites for 99 years
(shortened to 25 years in 1959) renewable in the expiration of the treaty.

6. Elpidio Quirino (1948-1935) 3rd Republic

 two principal objectives:
- economic reconstruction
- restoration of people’s trust and confidence in the government.
 Created the President’s Action Committee on Social Amelioration
(PACSA) and the Agricultural Credit Cooperatives Financing
Administration (ACCFA) to help farmers in marketing their crops.
 Established rural banks to provide credit facilities in the barrios
 Total Economic Mobilization Program – to employ natural resources,
manpower, and technical knowledge for economics progress.
 Established (LASEDECO Law Settlement and Development Corp.)
for landless farmers.

7. Ramon Magsaysay (1953-1957) 3rd Republic

 Man of the Masses. He promised to give common tao justice.
 Established the NARRA. (National Rehabilitation and Resettlement
Administration) to continue the resettlement program of previous
 Opened the gates of Malacañang Palace to the masses.
 Taruc unconditionally surrendered after four months of negotiations.
 Died in a fatal airplane crash at Mt. Manunggal in Cebu on March 17,
 Presidency referred to as Golden Years due to lack of corruption.

8. Carlos P. Garcia (1957-1961) 3rd Republic

 He was among the founders of Association for Southeast Asia, precursor
of the ASEAN.
 Known as the “Filipino First” policy – the policy gave priority to Filipinos
over foreigners in the acquisition of land and capital in the operation of
business, trade and industry.
 Austerity Program – involves temperate spending, less imports, and less
extravagant consumption.

9. Diosdado Macapagal (1961-1965) 3rd Republic

 “Poor boy from Lubao”
 Issued executive order shifting Philippine Independence Day from the
traditional July 4 to June 12.
 RA 3844 or the Agricultural Land Reform Code was signed into a law
- Under this law, share tenancy system in agriculture ad to be replaced with
agriculture had to be replaced with agriculture had to be replaced with
agricultural leasehold system. It provided for the purchase of private
farmlands and distribution of lots to landless tenants on easy terms.
 Established Land Bank of the Philippines to support the country’s
agrarian reform program.
 Formation of MAPHILINDO, a confederation of Malaysia, Philippines and
Indonesia on August 5, 1957.
 Moved the Independence Day from July 4 to June 12.
 Place Philippine peso in the currency exchange market and signed
minimum wage law.

10. Ferdinand Marcos (1965-1986) 4th Republic

 1st and only president in the 4th Republic.
 Promised to make this country Great Again, ruled for 21 years
 Only president to be reelected for second term.
 First president who took his oath in native language
 Work for the changing of 1934 constitution and result was the constitution of
1973 providing for a parliamentary government.
 Declared Martial Law on September 21, 1972 of Proclamation No.
1081 because of the deteriorating peace and order in the country
 Abolished congress upon the declaration of Martial Law
 The later part of his regime was popularly as dictatorship.

BENIGNO AQUINO was assassinate in 1983 which generate protest and demonstration
that culminated in the EDSA Revolution were the People’s Power was manifested. This put to
an end for 20 years rule of Ferdinand Marcos, Corazon Aquino, widow of Benigno Aquino
assumed the presidency in February 25, 1986. (Aquino-Marcos People’s

11. Corazon C. Aquino (1986-1992) 5th Republic

 First women President of the Philippines and in Asia (February 25, 1986)
 Restored democracy
 Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG) was created
to recover the ill-gotten wealth taken by corrupt government officials.
 Convened a Constitutional Commission that drafted the Philippine
Constitution which was ratified by the people on Feb. 2, 1987.
 Signed the Family Code of 1987 and 1191 Local Government Code
( Aquilino Pimentel, Father of Local Government Code)
 Aquino-Marcus People’s Power I

12. Fidel V. Ramos (1992-1997) 5th Republic

 known for his Philippines 2000 which is meant to make the Philippines an
economically developed country.
 Launched Social Reform Agenda to win the war against poverty. Its main
components were the following: expansion of jobs and skills training
opportunities, improvement of public housing, more responsive delivery of
basin education and primary health care and establishment of mechanism for
effective participation of the poor in social life.
 Philippine Stock Exchange become an international favorite during his
 Signed peace agreement with the Rebel Moro National Liberation Front.

13. Joseph E. Estrada (1998-2001) 5th Republic

 Known for his “Erap para sa Mahihirap” program, which focuses on
alleviating the socio-economic condition of the poor. His flagship is “Jeep ni
 He was impeached on November but in January, People Power II took place
when the senators voted not to open and envelope containing the evidences
against him.
 Was pro-poor but was overthrown in an EDSA II People Power Revolution in
2001 due to plunder.

14. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (2001-2004) 5th Republic

 2nd female President who oversaw road and infrastructure improvements
with higher economic growth than presidents before her.
 In her term, peso become the best performing currency of the year in Asia in
 Implemented eVAT Law
 Flagship ‘Strong Republic”
 A controversial leader who resisted several military coups. She assumed the
presidency after the resignation of Joseph Estrada in 2000 and maintained
power for 10 years.
 Different corruption issues such as fertilizer scam, ZTE broadband deal,
involvement in jueteng by Congressman Arroyo among others.

15. Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III (2010-2016) 5th Republic

 The 15th President of the Philippines since 2010. Aquino is a Fourth
Generation Politician and is currently the chairman of the Liberal Party. His
political flagship is “Daang Matuwid”, this is to curtain government
 Won in the first ever automated election.
 Created the No Wang-Wang (street siren) policy
 Initiated K-12 Education.

16. Rodrigo “Rody” Roa Duterte 5th Republic

 also known as Digong, is a Filipino politician and jurist who is the 16 th
and the current President of the Philippines, and Chairman of the
Association of the South East Asian Nation for 2017
 He is the First Mindanaoan to hold the office, and the fourth of visayan
descent. At 71 years old, Duterte is the oldest person to assume the Philippines
presidency, superseding Sergio Osmeña and Fidel Ramos respectively.
 Duterte was among the longest-serving mayor in the Philippines,
serving seven terms totaling more than 22 years in office.
 Flagship – Change is Coming!
 Battle of Marawi also known as the Marawi was a five-month long armed
conflict in Marawi, Lanao del Sur, the started on May 23 2017
 RA 10963 – Tax Reform for Accreditation and Inclusion

“Stay positive, work hard and make it happen.”

First in the Philippines

 First Filipino Christians – Rajah Humabon and Rajah Kolambu

 First Filipino Priest – Martin Lakandula was ordained as an Augustinian priest in
 First President from Mindanao – Rodrigo Duterte
 First Battle – Battle of Mactan (April 27, 1521)
 First Spanish governor General – Miguel Lopez de Legaspi
 First archbishop – Domingo Salazar
 First Revolt – revolt of Esteban Taes
 First man who used Filipino as title of citizenship – Luis Rodriguez Varela
 First Republic – Malolos Republic
 Frist president of Katipunan – Deodato Arillano
 First Army Chief – General Artemio Recarte
 First American Civil Governor – William Howard Taft
 First Filipino Chief Justice – Cayetano Arellano
 First Labor Union – Union Obrera Democratica founded by Isabelo delos Reyes
 First speaker of the Philippine Assembly – Sergio Osmiña
 First women senator – Geronima Pecson
 First National Artist – Fernando Amorsolo
 Napoleon Abueva – recently awarded national artist for Sculpture

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