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Review Article

Food-drug interactions precipitated by fruit juices

other than grapefruit juice: An update review

Meng Chen a, Shu-yi Zhou b, Erlinda Fabriaga b, Pian-hong Zhang c,

Quan Zhou a,*
Department of Pharmacy, The Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou
310009, Zhejiang Province, People's Republic of China
ULink College of Shanghai, Shanghai 201615, People's Republic of China
Department of Clinical Nutrition, The Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, People's Republic of China

article info abstract

Article history: This review addressed drug interactions precipitated by fruit juices other than grapefruit
Received 19 October 2017 juice based on randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Literature was identified by searching
Received in revised form PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus and Web of Science till December 30 2017. Among 46
5 January 2018 finally included RCTs, six RCTs simply addressed pharmacodynamic interactions and 33
Accepted 8 January 2018 RCTs studied pharmacokinetic interactions, whereas seven RCTs investigated both phar-
Available online 15 February 2018 macokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions. Twenty-two juice-drug combinations
showed potential clinical relevance. The beneficial combinations included orange juice-
Keywords: ferrous fumarate, lemon juice-99mTc-tetrofosmin, pomegranate juice-intravenous iron
Drug metabolism during hemodialysis, cranberry juice-triple therapy medications for H. pylori, blueberry
Fruit juices juice-etanercept, lime juice-antimalarials, and wheat grass juice-chemotherapy. The po-
Foodedrug interaction tential adverse interactions included decreased drug bioavailability (apple juice-
Randomized controlled trials fexofenadine, atenolol, aliskiren; orange juice-aliskiren, atenolol, celiprolol, montelukast,
Transporters fluoroquinolones, alendronate; pomelo juice-sildenafil; grape juice-cyclosporine),
increased bioavailability (Seville orange juice-felodipine, pomelo juice-cyclosporine, or-
ange-aluminum containing antacids). Unlike furanocoumarin-rich grapefruit juice which
could primarily precipitate drug interactions by strong inhibition of cytochrome P450 3A4
isoenzyme and P-glycoprotein and thus cause deadly outcomes due to co-ingestion with
some medications, other fruit juices did not precipitate severely detrimental foodedrug
interaction despite of sporadic case reports. The extent of a juice-drug interaction may
be associated with volume of drinking juice, fruit varieties, type of fruit, time between juice
drinking and drug intake, genetic polymorphism in the enzymes or transporters and
anthropometric variables. Pharmacists and health professionals should properly screen for
and educate patients about potential adverse juice-drug interactions and help minimize
their occurrence. Much attention should be paid to adolescents and the elderly who ingest
medications with drinking fruit juices or consume fresh fruits during drug treatment.
Meanwhile, more researches in this interesting issue should be conducted.

* Corresponding author. Department of Pharmacy, The Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Jiefang Road
No 88, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou 310009, Zhejiang Province, People's Republic of China. Fax: þ86 571 8702 2776.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Q. Zhou).
1021-9498/Copyright © 2018, Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
S62 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) S S 6 1 eS S 7 1

Copyright © 2018, Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan. Published by Elsevier Taiwan
LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

juice was stopped for one week and dropped to 17.82 mg/L two
1. Introduction weeks after restarting with usual daily consumption of noni
juice under the same dose of phenytoin. The possible mech-
According to Joint Commission International (JCI) Accreditation anism was the inducible effect of noni juice on CYP2C9 which
Standards for Hospitals (6th Edition), the hospital should provide primarily accounted for phenytoin elimination [7]. Because
information about any medications associated with food in- noni juice is a popular beverage for some consumers, clini-
teractions and list foods that are contraindicated according to cians should be aware of this clinically significant juice-drug
the patient's care needs. Also, actual or potential foodedrug interaction and request epileptic patients not use noni juice
interactions should be checked during appropriateness re- while receiving phenytoin therapy.
view of prescriptions [1]. Farkas et al. observed the discrepancies between in vitro
Fruit juice is a beverage produced by squeezing or crushing and clinical studies regarding the interactions between pre-
fresh fruit (e.g., apple, orange, grape, cranberry, grapefruit, scription drugs and over ten fruit beverages [8]. Dolton, Bailey,
pomegranate, blueberry), and often consumed for its and An reviewed the literature on interactions between clin-
perceived health benefits. Meanwhile, medications may be ically used OATP substrates and fruit juice consumption
ingested with common fruit juices by patients. It is an inter- [9e11]. These reviews have enriched international community
esting and practical issue regarding whether fruit juice could knowledges on fruit juice-drug interactions. However, many
precipitate drug interactions. randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of drug interactions
Grapefruit juice (GFJ)-drug interactions have received precipitated by fruit juices other than GFJ have been con-
extensive interests from the scientific, medical, regulatory ducted in recent years; however, a review on these RCTs has
and general communities because GFJ can strongly interfere not been available. RCTs are considered to provide the most
with the disposition of substrates of cytochrome P450 (CYP)3A reliable evidence on the effectiveness of interventions
and/or P-glycoprotein (P-gp). More than 85 medications are because the processes used during the conduct of an RCT can
known to interact with GFJ, and about one-half of these in- minimize the risk of confounding factors affecting the results
teractions have the potential to cause serious adverse events [12]. Therefore, we present an update narrative review, based
[2]. For example, when simvastatin was ingested with GFJ, the on RCTs rather than sporadic case reports and non-RCTs, to
mean peak serum concentration (Cmax) (indicator of the rate of investigate whether fruit juices other than GFJ could precipi-
absorption) and the area under the serum tate significant foodedrug interactions.
concentrationetime curve (AUC) (indicator of the extent of
absorption) of simvastatin were increased 12.0-fold and 13.5-
fold, respectively, compared with water control [3]. In other 2. Methods
words, one tablet of simvastatin with a glass of GFJ can be like
taking 12 tablets with a glass of water, increasing the risk of Relevant literature was identified by searching PubMed,
liver and muscle damage. Recently, a new update from the Cochrane Library, Scopus and Web of Science till December 30
U.S. Food and Drug Administration advises against taking 2017. For PubMed, the query was “title/abstract: juice or jui-
some medications with GFJ [4]. ces” and “all fields: drug or medication or pharmacokinetics or
In terms of fruit juices other than GFJ, there are a few drug interaction or combination therapy”, with a filter of
sporadic case reports of foodedrug interactions which are “language: English; article type: randomized controlled trials”.
vital for pharmacovigilance and serve to stimulate practi- For Cochrane Library, the query was “record title: juice or
tioners to be alert for potential adverse outcomes. For juices” and “all text: drug or medication or pharmacokinetics
example, lime juice could significantly increased the or drug interaction or combination therapy”, with a filter of
bioavailability, antiepileptic activity and toxicity of carba- “publication type: randomized controlled trials”. For Scopus,
mazepine [5]. An elderly man receiving usual maintenance the query was “article title, abstract, keywords: juice or jui-
dose of warfarin experienced fatal internal hemorrhage after ces”, “all fields: drug or medication or pharmacokinetics or
co-ingestion of cranberry juice for two weeks. The adverse drug interaction or combination therapy” and “article title,
event was assumed to be associated with cranberry flavonoids abstract, keywords: randomized controlled trials”, with a filter
competition for the enzymes that normally inactivate of “language: English; publication type: article”. For Web of
warfarin [6]. Kang et al. reported a case of unsafe interaction Science, the query was “topic: juice or juices”, and “topic: drug
between a commercial product of noni (Morinda citrifolia L) or medication or pharmacokinetics or drug interaction or
juice and phenytoin. Persistent subtherapeutic phenytoin combination therapy”, with a filter of “language: English;
levels (<10 mg/L) and poor seizure control were observed in a “document type: clinical trial”. The number of articles iden-
epileptic patient who coadministered noni fruit juice daily. tified in PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus and Web of Sci-
However, the level of phenytoin raised to 25.34 mg/L after noni ence was 532, 361, 192 and 318, respectively. After eliminating
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) S S 6 1 eS S 7 1 S63

duplicate documents, five hundred and thirty-two articles volume of apple juice [13]. Although the authors did not
were further screened. examine which apple juice ingredients were responsible for
Inclusion criteria included fruit juices other than GFJ-drug the observed effects, their previous in vitro study showed that
interaction studies. Exclusion criteria were articles with title a mixture of four flavonoids at concentrations present in
containing GFJ but not other fruit juices, and articles actually apple juice (i.e., phloridzin 16.8 mmol/L, phloretin 0.20 mmol/L,
irrelevant to the juice-drug interaction topics. After reviewing hesperidin 0.25 mmol/L, and quercetin 0.50 mmol/L) could
the summary of each article, 481 articles were directly significantly inhibit OATP2B1-mediated uptake of estrone-3-
excluded because of actually irrelevant topics (n ¼ 370) and sulfate [14]. Luo et al. revealed dose-dependent apple
only discussing GFJ-related juice-drug interactions (n ¼ 111). juiceefexofenadine interaction in healthy subjects. A moder-
Forty-six articles were finally included under this search ate to large juice-drug interaction is caused by a larger volume
strategy and inclusion/exclusion criteria. The full text of each of apple juice (e.g., 300e600 ml), whereas the effect of a small
included article was critically reviewed, and valuable infor- volume (e.g., 150 ml) appears to be minimal [15]. Drinking
mation was summarized by data interpretation. apple juice (1200 ml/day) could significantly decrease fex-
ofenadine AUC compared with water (1342 ± 519 vs.
284 ± 79.2 ng h/ml, P < 0.05) and the decrease in fexofenadine
3. Results AUC was significantly less in subjects carrying the solute
carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1
3.1. General information (SLCO2B1) c.1457C > T allele [16]. In vitro drug transport studies
and human volunteer study showed that apple juice at 5% of
Eight RCTs were conducted in true patients whereas 38 RCTs normal strength markedly reduced human OATP activity
were carried out in healthy volunteers. Six RCTs addressed rather than P-gp activity and decreased the AUC and Cmax of
juice-related pharmacodynamic interactions and 33 RCTs fexofenadine, to 30%e40% of those with water [17]. Taken
studied pharmacokinetic juice-drug interactions, whereas together, to maximize the effects of fexofenadine, it is rec-
seven RCTs investigated both pharmacokinetic and pharma- ommended that fexofenadine should be taken with water.
codynamic juice-interactions. Apple juice ingestion could greatly reduce the plasma
Twenty-two juice-drug combinations showed potential or concentrations by 84% and renin-inhibiting effect of aliskiren,
actual clinical relevance (Table 1). The potential beneficial probably by inhibiting its OATP2B1-mediated influx in the
juice-drug interactions included orange juice-ferrous fuma- small intestine. Concomitant intake of aliskiren with apple
rate, lemon juice-99mTc-tetrofosmin, pomegranate juice- juice is best avoided [18].
intravenous iron during hemodialysis, cranberry juice-triple Apple juice could markedly reduce atenolol AUC in a dose-
therapy medications for H. pylori, blueberry juice- dependent manner [i.e., the geometric mean AUC ratios of
etanercept, lime juice-antimalarials, and wheat grass juice- apple juice versus water were 0.18 (1200 ml) and 0.42 (600 ml)].
chemotherapy. The potential adverse interactions included The apple juiceeatenolol interaction is not assumed to involve
decreased drug bioavailability (apple jucie-fexofenadine, OATP2B1 because atenolol is not an OATP2B1 substrate and
atenolol, aliskiren; orange juice-aliskiren, atenolol, celiprolol, genetic variation of SLCO2B1 c.1457C > T had a negligible effect
montelukast, fluoroquinolones, alendronate; pomelo juice- on the pharmacokinetics of atenolol [19]. Very recently, the
sildenafil; grape juice-cyclosporine), and increased bioavail- specific mechanism was uncovered, i.e., plasma membrane
ability (Seville orange juice-felodipine, pomelo juice- monoamine transporter (PMAT/SLC29A4) was involved in in-
cyclosporine, orange-aluminum containing antacid). testinal atenolol absorption and it was sensitive to the flavo-
Different from the fact that drinking GFJ with some medi- noids contained in apple juice. Phloretin, quercetin and
cations can be deadly, other fruit juices did not precipitate quercetin-3ß-d-glucoside were found to extensively inhibit
severe adverse juice-drug interaction in this review. For drugs PMAT-specific atenolol uptake whereas rutin (a diglycoside of
with narrow therapeutic window, only cyclosporine was quercetin) and phlorizin (a monoglycoside of phloretin)
confirmed to have drug interactions with fruit juices other showed weaker inhibitory activity [20]. PMAT seemed more
than GFJ (i.e., bioavailability of cyclosporine was moderately sensitive to unglycosidated or less glycosidated forms of
increased by pomelo juice and moderately decreased by grape flavonoids.
juice). Drinking apple juice (1200 ml/day) has little effect on the
pharmacokinetics of midazolam (CYP3A probe), indicating the
3.2. Fruit juice-drug combination lack of modulatory effect on CYP3A activity [16].
Some patients are unable to ingest the intact pills, so the
3.2.1. Apple juice feasibility of taking the drug by dispersion in fruit juice should
One-time ingestion of 400 ml 10% apple juice could signifi- be investigated. Sprinkling the contents of ramipril capsule
cantly decrease the AUC for (R)- and (S)-fexofenadine by 49% into apple juice had no effects on the pharmacokinetics and
and 59%, respectively, and prolonged the time to reach the pharmacodynamics in the healthy elderly volunteers [21]. The
maximum plasma concentration (Tmax) of both enantiomers bioavailability of deferasirox and cyclosporine microemulsion
(P < 0.001) in healthy Japanese volunteers. The underlying oral solution were unaltered when the drug was dispersed
mechanism is that apple juice probably inhibits intestinal with orange or apple juice compared with dispersion in water
organic anion transporting polypeptide 2B1 (OATP2B1)-medi- [22,23]. Lansoprazole capsules could be administered by
ated transport of fexofenadine, and that the OATP2B1 inhibi- mixing the capsule contents with apple juice for nasogastric
tion effect does not require repeated ingestion or a large administration [24].
Table 1 e Significant drug interactions precipitated by fruit juices based on RCTs.
Juices Object drugs PK/PD effects
Apple juice Fexofenadine [13e16], aliskiren [18], atenolol [19] Great decrease (Y) in drug bioavailability and potential lower (Y)
Orange juice Aliskiren [18], atenolol [25], celiprolol [27], montelukast [28], Great decrease (Y) in drug bioavailability and potential lower (Y)
alendronate [35], clofazimine [36] efficacy
Fluoroquinolones [31e34] Great decrease (Y) in drug bioavailability, potential higher ([) risk of
therapeutic failures and subsequent bacterial resistance
Ferrous fumarate [29] Substantially enhanced ([) iron absortption and its anti anemia
Aluminum-containing antacid [30] Greatly enhanced ([) aluminum absorption and increased ([)

j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) S S 6 1 eS S 7 1
aluminum toxicity
Seville orange juice Felodipine [40] Significant increase ([) in AUC of felodipine and decrease (Y) in the
dehydrofelodipine-felodipine AUC ratio (an index of CYP3A4
Pomelo juice Cyclosporine [42] Significant increase ([) in AUC and Cmax, and potential higher ([)
risk of supratherapeutic concentrations of cyclosporine
Sildenafil [43] Significantly reduced (Y) bioavailability and potential reduced (Y)
Grape juice Cyclosporine [44] Significantly decreased (Y) bioavailability and potential higher ([)
risk of subtherapeutic concentrations of cyclosporine
Phenacetin [45] Marked reduction (Y) in AUC and Cmax, and a delay in time to peak
Lemon juice Tc-tetrafosmin [47] Enhanced ([) hepatobiliary excretion and improved ([) myocardial
SPECT image quality
Pomegranate juice Intravenous iron during hemodialysis [51] Attenuation (Y) in oxidative stress and inflammation induced by
intravenous iron
Cranberry juice Triple therapy medications for H. pylori [55] Higher ([) eradication rate of H. pylori eradication in females
Blueberry juice Etanercept [56] Significantly improved ([) efficacy and reduced (Y) side effects of
Lime juice Antimalarials (artemether and camoquine) [57] Improved ([) antimalarial efficacy
Wheat grass juice Chemotherapy (fluorouracil, adriamycin and cytoxan) [59] Significantly reduced (Y) side effects of chemotherapy

Notes: PK, pharmacokinetics; PD, pharmacodynamics; CYP, cytochrome P450; SPECT, single photon emission computed tomography; Cmax, peak serum concentration; AUC, area under the serum
concentrationetime curve.
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3.2.2. Orange juice toxicity of excessive intake of aluminum, orange juice should
Orange juice could reduce the Cmax, AUC and renin-inhibiting not be concomitantly taken with aluminum containing
effect of aliskiren by 80%, 62% and 87%, probably by inhibiting antacids.
the OATP2B1-mediated aliskiren influx in the small intestine Calcium-fortified orange juice could lead to lack of bio-
[18]. Concomitant intake of aliskiren with orange juice is best equivalence of fluoroquinolones (e.g., levofloxacin, gati-
avoided. floxacin and ciprofloxacin) in healthy volunteers when drug
Orange juice three times daily for 3 days could decrease the and juice are coadministered [31e33]. The underlying mech-
Cmax and AUC of atenolol by 49% and 40%, respectively anism may involve chelating interactions and/or competition
(P < 0.01), but it did not change the elimination half-life of between fluoroquinolone and components of the orange jui-
atenolol. Meanwhile, volunteers exhibited significantly higher ces for intestinal transporters. Another study compared the
average heart rate during the orange juice phase than during bioequivalence of single doses of oral ciprofloxacin in healthy
the water phase (P < 0.01) [25]. Coadministration of atenolol volunteers when coadministered with water, orange juice, or
with orange juice may need drug dose adjustment; otherwise calcium-fortified orange juice. The Cmax and AUC of cipro-
they should be ingested separately. Considering the latest floxacin significantly decreased in the presence of both forms
finding that atenolol is a substrate of PMAT which is sensitive of the orange juice, carrying the potential to significantly
to apple juice [20], it is very necessary to confirm whether decrease clinical efficacy and increase antibiotic resistance.
orange juiceeatenolol interaction involves PMAT-mediated Therefore ingestion of the orange juice with fluoroquinolones
intestinal transport. should be discouraged [34].
Orange juice three times daily for 3 days could greatly Orange juice could reduce the bioavailability of alendro-
reduce the bioavailability of celiprolol (i.e., Cmax and AUC nate and clofazimine by approximately 60% and 18%,
decreased by 89% and 83%, respectively whereas Tmax respectively [35,36]. Orange juice had no potential risk of in-
increased from 4 to 6 h despite of insignificant difference in teractions with deferasirox, cycloserine, ethionamide, and
the hemodynamic variables between the juice phase and diltiazem [22,37e39].
water phase) [26]. The concentrations of celiprolol are so
substantially decreased that this interaction is likely to be of 3.2.3. Seville orange juice
clinical relevance. The mechanisms for this interaction may Seville orange is also commonly known as bitter orange or
be as follows: (1) Intake of acidic orange juice (pH approxi- sour orange. Compared with common orange juice, Seville
mately 3.5) may lower the pH in the intestinal lumen and thus orange juice could increase felodipine AUC by 76% and the
decrease the amount of un-ionized celiprolol (the absorbable metabolite-parent AUC ratio most probably by inactivation of
form) because celiprolol is a relatively hydrophilic base with a intestinal CYP3A4 [40]. Different from significant interaction
pKa of 9.5. (2) Chemical constituents in orange juice may between GFJ and cyclosporine, Seville orange juice had no
modulate the function of transporters in the intestinal wall. significant effect on cyclosporine disposition [41]. The under-
Hesperidin contributes predominantly to the inhibition of lying mechanism may be that GFJ inhibits both intestinal-
OATP2B1-mediated estrone-3-sulfate uptake by orange juice, mediated CYP3A4 metabolism and P-gp efflux of cyclo-
with the ratio of inhibitor concentration in the juice to the sporine whereas Seville orange juice only selectively “knocks
inhibitor concentration giving half-maximum inhibition ([C]/ out” intestinal CYP3A4 and does not alter the enterocyte
IC50) being 124 [14]. Considering the clearly confirmed effect of concentration of P-gp. It indicates that only drugs whose
SLCO2B1 polymorphism on the AUC of celiprolol at the ther- bioavailability is more significantly determined by enterocyte
apeutic dose [27], and the inhibitory effect of orange juice on CYP3A4 and less dependent on P-gp are susceptible to drug
OATP2B1 [14,18], the orange juiceeceliprolol interaction interactions induced by Seville orange juice ingestion.
probably involves OATP2B1-mediated mechanism.
Compared with co-ingestion with sports drink Gatorade 3.2.4. Pomelo juice
control, co-ingestion with orange juice had a minimal effect on Pomelo juice could increase the bioavailability of cyclo-
the AUC of montelukast in adolescents and young adults 15e18 sporine, possibly by inhibiting CYP3A or P-gp activity (or both)
years old with asthma. However, a significant reduction in AUC in the intestine [42]. For sildenafil, pomelo juice produced an
of montelukast was detected with orange juice relative to effect opposite to that expected (i.e., the bioavailability of
Gatorade in SLCO2B1 c.935G/G homozygote [28]. The underlying CYP3A4-metabolized sildenafil is assumed to be increased by
mechanism may be that montelukast is a substrate of pomelo juice, however, it was reduced by 40% by co-
OATP2B1 and subjects carrying SLCO2B1 c.935 wild homozygote ingestion). The reduced bioavailability of sildenafil may be
are more susceptible to intestinal uptake inhibition by orange attributed to an effect of pomelo juice on uptake transporters
juice. or a physicochemical interaction between sildenafil and some
Orange juice could significantly enhance the absorption of constituents in pomelo juice [43]. To avoid the reduced effi-
ferrous fumarate in young children [29], and vitamin C in the cacy of sildenafil, consumers should be advised not to drink
juice is likely responsible for this effect. Orange juice could pomelo juice before or immediately after taking sildenafil.
greatly enhance aluminum absorption (i.e., about 10-fold in-
crease in 24 h urinary aluminum excretion following coad- 3.2.5. Grape juice
ministration of aluminum-containing antacids). Citric acid in Grape juice is different from GFJ although some people may
orange juice may primarily account for substantially erroneously substitute grape juice for GFJ. Purple grape juice
enhancing the absorption of aluminum [30]. To avoid the (200 ml) could significantly decrease oral cyclosporine AUC by
S66 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) S S 6 1 eS S 7 1

30% and Cmax by 28% in healthy volunteers while not altering did not significantly affect the disposition of cyclosporine
the elimination half-life, indicating that this juice-drug [42].
interaction probably occurred in the absorption process In patients with atrial fibrillation on a stable dose of
(bioavailability) rather than in the elimination process [44]. warfarin for 3 months, daily consumption of 250 ml cranberry
The underlying mechanism may involve CYP3A4 activation by juice had no significant effect on prothrombin time [54].
grape juice or physicochemical interaction (e.g., constituents Cranberry juice 240 ml once daily for 2 weeks had no effect on
in grape juice bound to cyclosporine) in the gastrointestinal plasma levels of warfarin in patients on stable warfarin anti-
tract. To avoid blood cyclosporine level below the therapeutic coagulation despite that international normalized ratio (INR)
window, the co-ingestion of cyclosporine with purple grape temporally elevated significantly at a single time point. The
juice should be discouraged. augmented warfarin anticoagulation following cranberry
Ingestion of 200 ml grape juice could reduce plasma con- juice ingestion in case reports may represent a chance tem-
centrations of phenacetin and increase paracetamol to poral association [53].
phenacetin AUC ratios (CYP1A2 probe) following a single oral The addition of cranberry juice (250 ml twice daily) to tri-
dose of 900 mg phenacetin. The pharmacokinetic changes ple therapy with omeprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin
may be attributed to enhanced first-pass metabolism of could improve the rate of H. pylori eradication in female pa-
phenacetin due to CYP1A2 activation by flavonoids in grape tients [55]. Although cranberry constituents had anti-
juice or desaturation of CYP1A2 secondary to a slower rate of adhesion activity on H. pylori in vitro, the underlying mech-
phenacetin absorption [45]. anism for synergistic effect of cranberry juice is still unclear.
Although grape juice could impair CYP2C9 activity in vitro,
it did not alter the clearance of flurbiprofen (CYP2C9 probe) in 3.2.9. Blueberry juice
humans, making a pharmacokinetic interaction with warfarin A combination therapy of blueberry juice and etanercept in
unlikely [46]. Grape juice has no significant influence on the patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis under the age of 16
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of diltiazem years could significantly reduce the disease severity and side
extended release in healthy subjects [39]. effects caused by etanercept, and thus it is a potential method
for the therapy of this disease. This clinically beneficial juice-
3.2.6. Lemon juice drug interaction may attribute to the reduced levels of
Drinking 250 ml of diluted lemon juice could accelerate the interleukin-1 alpha and beta, and the increased level of
transit of tetrofosmin through the liver parenchyma and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist brought by blueberry [56].
improve image quality on 99mTc-tetrafosmin myocardial single
photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in male pa- 3.2.10. Lime juice
tients. A drink of lemon juice may be recommended as a simple Malaria parasite clearance in children with acute uncompli-
technique to decrease extra-cardiac activity on 99mTc-tetra- cated malaria could be enhanced when lime juice was coad-
fosmin cardiac SPECT [47]. The mechanism may be that lemon ministered with World Health Organization recommended
juice is rich in vitamin C with a pH as low as 2.0 and its acidic antimalarials (artemether and camoquine). The mechanism
characteristics could facilitate bile secretion and hepatic clear- of lime juiceeantimalarials interaction may be related to high
ance of tetrofosmin by increasing the secretion of secretin. antioxidant property of vitamin C and flavonoid compounds,
and the alkalinizing effects of juice rich in vitamin C [57].
3.2.7. Pomegranate juice Considering that lime juice could inhibit CYP3A4 [5], and
Despite of CYP2C9 inhibition in vitro, pomegranate juice did not CYP3A4 plays an important role in drug metabolism of arte-
impair oral clearance of flurbiprofen and CYP2C9 activity in mether, mefloquine, and lumefantrine [58], it is necessary to
human volunteers, and can be consumed by patients taking conduct pharmacokinetic interaction study of lime juice and
CYP2C9 substrates with negligible risk of pharmacokinetic these CYP3A4-metabolized antimalarials.
interaction [48]. Two weeks' consumption of pomegranate juice
did not significantly alter the pharmacokinetics of single sub- 3.2.11. Wheat grass juice
therapeutic doses of midazolam compared with water [49]. A pilot RCT revealed that wheat grass juice 60 ml orally daily
Compared to GFJ, pomegranate juice did not impair clearance of taken during chemotherapy (fluorouracil, adriamycin and
oral or intravenous midazolam, suggesting the lack of inhibitory cytoxan) in breast cancer patients could reduce myelotoxicity
effect on CYP3A activity [50]. Pomegranate juice intake could and need for granulocyte colony-stimulating factors support,
attenuate the increase in systemic oxidative stress and without any substantial compromise in the efficacy of
inflammation induced by intravenous iron during hemodialy- chemotherapy [59]. The beneficial effects of wheat grass juice
sis. Such beneficial effects are probably due to the pomegranate may be due to its high antioxidant activity of phenolic com-
juice's potent antioxidant contents such as polyphenols [51]. pounds and several flavonoids [60].

3.2.8. Cranberry juice

Daily ingestion of cranberry juice for 10 days did not alter the 4. Discussion
pharmacokinetics of warfarin, tizanidine and midazolam, a
cocktail of probes of CYP2C9, CYP1A2, and CYP3A4 [52]. 4.1. Mechanism of drug interaction
Cranberry juice did not impair the CYP2C9-mediated clear-
ance of flurbiprofen and plasma levels of warfarin enantio- The possible mechanisms of juice-drug interactions were
mers in humans [46,53]. Drinking a glass of cranberry juice illustrated in Table 2. This review showed that apple juice and
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) S S 6 1 eS S 7 1 S67

orange juice had no substantial inhibitory effects on CYP3A4 apple juice may provide an innovative method for prophylaxis
and P-gp compared with GFJ. Interestingly, in the case of of troublesome late-onset diarrhea in irinotecan therapy by
OATP2B1, apple juice and orange juice, but not GFJ, had long- inhibition of OATP2B1. This assumption has been confirmed
lasting inhibitory effect on OATP2B1-mediated drug absorp- in mice study but human studies have not yet been carried out
tion [61]. The reduced bioavailability of aliskiren in the pres- among cancer patients [66]. A non-RCT study showed that
ence of both apple juice and orange juice is due to OATP2B1 orange juice (800 ml over 3 h) could significantly increase the
inhibition, whereas the decreased aliskiren absorption caused bioavailability of pravastatin in healthy volunteers [67]. It is
by GFJ involved OATP1A2 inhibition [62]. necessary to conduct more clinical trials to address whether
Among constituents of GFJ, furanocoumarins (bergamottin alterations of intestinal OATP2B1 function by apple juice and
and 60 ,70 - dihydroxybergamottin) and flavonoid (naringin) are orange juice could result in clinically significant interactions
known to inhibit CYP3A and OATP1A2, respectively [63]. with OATP2B1 substrates.
Naringin and naringenin in GFJ can inhibit transport by P-gp. Intestinal CYP3A4 activation, rather than CYP3A4 induc-
Pomelo contains as much 60 ,70 - dihydroxybergamottin as tion, was assumed to involve in interaction between one-time
grapefruit, but it has significantly less bergamottin than ingestion of grape juice and cyclosporine [44]. Similarly, grape
grapefruit. The inhibitory effects of Seville orange juice on juiceephenacetin interaction may involve enhanced first-
CYP3A are probably due to the high concentration of berga- pass metabolism of phenacetin due to CYP1A2 activation by
mottin (5 mmol/L) and 60 ,70 - dihydroxybergamottin (36 mmol/L) grape juice [45]. It is necessary to further investigate whether
in the juice. Orange juice and apple juice only contain trace and how grape juice exerts the effects of metabolizing enzyme
amounts of furanacoumarins so that they do not have capa- activation.
bility of interacting with CYP3A [8]. A mixture of phloridzin,
phloretin, hesperidin, and quercetin at the concentrations 4.2. Factors determining the strength of juice-drug
present in apple juice could significantly inhibit OATP2B1. interaction
Hesperidin is the major OATP2B1 inhibitor in orange juice [14].
Currently, OATP2B1 exhibits an increasing number of drug There are some factors determining the strength of juice-drug
substrates, including fexofenadine, aliskiren, celiprolol, interaction:
montelukast, some HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins),
glibenclamide, and SN-38 (active metabolite of irinotecan) (1) The amount of co-ingested juice. For example, apple
[13,18,27,28,64e66]. In vitro study confirmed the inhibitory juice had dose-dependent interactions with fex-
effect of orange juice on intestinal absorption of glibencla- ofenadine and atenolol. It may be attributed to
mide [65]. OATP2B1 contributes to the uptake of SN-38 by in- concentration-dependent inhibitory effects of constit-
testinal tissues, triggering gastrointestinal toxicity observed in uents present in apple juice on OATP2B1-mediated
irinotecan therapy (e.g., late-onset diarrhea). Co-ingestion of fexofenadine uptake and PMAT-mediated atenolol

Table 2 e The mechanisms for significant pharmacokinetic interactions between fruit juices and drugs.
Mechanisms Precipitant Object drugs
Modulation of metabolizing enzymes
CYP3A4 inhibition Grapefruit juice CYP3A4 substrates [2,4]
Pomelo juice Cyclosporine [42]
Seville orange juice Felodipine [40]
CYP3A activation Grape juice Cyclosporine [44]
CYP1A2 activation/desaturation Grape juice Phenacetin [45]
Modulation of transporters
OATP2B1 inhibition Apple juice Fexofenadine [13e17], aliskiren [18]
Orange juice Aliskiren [18], montelukast [28], celiprolol [26]
OATP1A2 inhibition Grapefruit juice Aliskiren [62]
PMAT inhibition Apple juice Atenolol [19]
Orange juice Atenolol [25]
P-gp inhibition Grapefruit juice P-gp substrates [2,4]
Pomelo juice Cyclosporine [42]
Physicochemical interaction
Chelation Orange juice Fluoroquinolones [31e34]
Formation of readily absorbable aluminiumlecitrate complexes Orange juice Aluminum containing antacid preparations [30]
Formation of soluble vitamin Ce iron chelate complex Orange juice Ferrous fumarate [29]
Formation of an insoluble complex between drug and some Grape juice Cyclosporine [44]
components of the juice in the gastrointestinal tract Pomelo juice Sildenafil [43]
pH change Orange juice Celiprolol [26]

Notes: OATP, organic anion transporting polypeptide; PMAT, plasma membrane monoamine transporter; CYP, cytochrome P450; P-gp, P-
S68 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) S S 6 1 eS S 7 1

[15,19]. Larger volume of fruit juice intake results in atorvastatin (n ¼ 1), cranberry juice-warfarin (n ¼ 7), pome-
higher inhibitor concentration, [C]/IC50 value and granate juice-warfarin (n ¼ 2), pomegranate juice-
interaction degree. rosuvastatin (n ¼ 1), concentrated pomegranate juice-
(2) Fruit varieties. For example, intake of Seville orange tacrolimus (n ¼ 1), Lycium barbarum (goji) juice-warfarin
juice could increase felodipine AUC by 76% via inacti- (n ¼ 1). The adverse clinical outcome due to juice-drug com-
vation of intestinal CYP3A4 [40]. However, common binations derived from these case reports did not occur in the
orange juice had no significant effect on felodipine included RCTs of this review, indicating that RCTs investi-
disposition. For tangerine, the most common type of gating juice-drug interactions in true patients may reflect a
mandarin orange, its juice had no appreciable effect on realistic clinical scenario and overcome the limitation of RCTs
CYP3A4 in humans because it did not affect the total performed in healthy volunteers under standardized condi-
AUC values, elimination half-life, or AUC ratios (10 - tions. Meanwhile, due to intersubject variability, patients and
hydroxymidazolam/midazolam) in healthy volunteers clinicians should still keep vigilant about the drug effect's
[68]. changes brought by co-ingestion of fruit juices even if RCTs
(3) Type of juice. For example, pomelo juice could increase reveal neutral juice-drug interactions.
the bioavailability of cyclosporine whereas purple grape
juice could significantly decrease oral cyclosporine 4.4. Fruit juices versus whole fruit
bioavailability [42,44].
(4) Time between juice drinking and drug intake. Ingestion If there is a clinical concern for a drug interaction with com-
of GFJ concomitantly with or 2 h before fexofenadine mercial fruit juice, it is worthy to consider this concern might
decreased the drug AUC by 52% and 38% respectively also apply for the whole fruit, and vice versa. For example,
whereas GFJ ingested 4 h before the drug intake had no both unprocessed grapefruit and commercial GFJ could cause
effect [63], indicating that the extent of the interaction a drug interaction with felodipine (CYP3A4 probe). 60 ,70 -Dihy-
may decrease with prolonging time between GFJ and droxybergamottin and naringin are present at higher con-
drug intake. It is necessary to investigate how long the centrations in grapefruit segments relative to commercial GFJ
inhibitory effect of other fruit juices on intestinal while bergamottin is detected at higher level in commercial
transporters and metabolizing enzymes would persist GFJ [69]. Therefore, any therapeutic concern for a drug inter-
and whether the interval of drinking other fruit juices action with GFJ should be extended to the scenario with whole
and drug intake would affect the extent of juice-drug fruit.
interaction. For other fruits, currently there is no direct comparison of
(5) Genetic polymorphism in the enzyme or transporter. whole fruit and fruit juice in the terms of drug interaction
For example, apple juice decreased fexofenadine AUC potential in human. Anlamlert et al. investigated the effect of
more significantly in subjects carrying the SLCO2B1 pomelo pulp on the pharmacokinetics of cyclosporine in
c.1457C > T allele and orange juice caused a significant healthy Thai volunteers who received 250 g of pomelo pulp or
reduction in montelukast AUC in SLCO2B1 c.935G/G 250 ml of water 1 h before drug administration and once again
homozygotes [16,28]. 10 min following drug administration. Coadministration of
(6) Anthropometric variables. For example, enhancement pomelo pulp increased the mean AUC and Cmax values of
of ferrous fumarate absorption in small children by or- cyclosporine by 28.8% and 36.1%, respectively [70]. These
ange juice was significantly positively related to height, pharmacokinetic changes were in close agreement with the
weight, and age [29]. A significant beneficial effect of the results derived from the study of pomelo juiceecyclosporine
orange juice was seen only in children older than 6 interaction in healthy volunteers [42], suggesting that the
years of age. For combination use of cranberry juice and active components in pomelo pulp are sufficient to increase
triple therapy medications (omeprazole/amoxicillin/ oral bioavailability of cyclosporine.
clarithromycin) for H. pylori, only female subjects Egashira et al. reported a case of considerable increase in
exhibited synergistic therapeutic effect (i.e., the eradi- the blood level of tacrolimus after intaking a little less than
cation rate was significantly higher in the cranberry 100 g of pomelo in a renal transplant recipient. The pharma-
coadministration phase than in the placebo-controlled cokinetic change was attributed to inhibitory effects of pomelo
phase) [55]. on CYP3A4 and/or P-gp in the small intestine [71]. Although
pomelo juice-tacrolimus interaction in human has not been
evaluated, it was confirmed in rats with the inhibitory effect of
4.3. Case reports versus RCTs 100% pomelo juice lasting 3 days after ingestion [72].

Considering that only seven RCTs were conducted in patients, 4.5. Adolescents and elderly adults
we retrieved case reports by performing a PubMed search till
September 30 2017, using a query “title/abstract: juice or jui- Self-medication, often without adult guidance, has been re-
ces” and “all fields: drug or medication or pharmacokinetics or ported to be a common practice during adolescence. The
drug interaction or combination therapy”, with a filter of prevalence rate of self-medication with prescribed and over-
“language: English; article type: case reports”. One hundred the-counter (OTC) medications was 89.2% among high
and ten papers were identified. Fourteen case reports of drug school students [73]. Westerlund et al. also demonstrated that
interactions precipitated by fruit juices other than GFJ were as OTCs and prescription drugs were frequently used in adoles-
follows: noni juice-phenytoin (n ¼ 1), cranberry juice- cents of high school with a high prevalence of drug-related
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) S S 6 1 eS S 7 1 S69

problems [74]. Because adolescence is a key period when an

individual takes first steps towards self-care and self- Acknowledgments
medication, and the health care habits developed during
adolescence may be carried over into adulthood, early health This work was supported by National Natural Science Foun-
education strategies for establishing rational medication use dation of China (grant 81373488).
in this age group should be applied. Meanwhile, a consump-
tion pattern survey in the U.S. showed that 100% fruit juice
consumption was highest among children and declined
sharply with age while whole fruit consumption was highest
among older adults [75]. A school-based survey conducted by
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