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Translated by Antoon Postma,SVD
Ako mana manrisgan
sa may panayo pinggan
sa may tupas balian
ako ud nakarisgan
tinambong bahayawan
sinag-uli batangan.

I would like to take a bath,

scoop the water with plate,
wash the hair with lemon juice
but I could not take a bath,
because the river is dammed
with a lot of sturdy trunks!
Anong si kanaw bulan
sinmalag na rantawan
kabaton lugod ginan
salhag mabalaw diman
no ga tayo di ngaran
kang way inunyawidan
palalay ngatay huytan
buhok ngatay tawidan
unhunon sab araw man
tida ti kanaw bulan
tida kuramo diman
may bantod pagpaday-an
may ratag pagrun-ugan
may ili pag-alikdan

Look! The moon so full and bright

shining in front of the house
How can you explain to me,
that the rays are soft and cool?
If a man like us he were,
I would hold him by the hand!
Seize the hair to keep him back!
Grasp the clothes and make him stay!
But how could I manage that!
It is the moon in the sky!
The full moon staining so bright
Going down beyond the hills,
disappearing from the palin,
out of sight beyond the rocks.
The young farmer
Maria makiling
Mountain province of laguna

Prepared by : Catherine Neric


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