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1. Write 0.546 in the form of a/b where 𝑏 ≠ 0

2. Find the value of 𝑥 + 𝑦 + 2𝑧 − 12, 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑥 = 5 , 𝑦 = 8 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑧 = 9

3. The number of students who sat for the primary school leaving
Examination (PSLE) in 2013 was 844938. Express this number in three
significant figures
4. Find the value of x in the equation = 0.03

5. Simplify the expression 7(3𝑚 + 𝑛)4(𝑚 − 3𝑛) − 𝑚

5 3
6. Simplify the expression ( )

7. If N is a number such that when multiplied by 0.75 gives 1. Find the

value of N
8. Rationalize the denominator of the following

9. Jacob’s hospital is 20km from his home; if he goes to the hospital daily,
how many kilometers does he travel in 150days?

10. Find the value of a/b given that 3𝑎 × 5𝑏 = 6750

11. Represent 3𝑥 + 4 ≥ 25 on a number line

12. Find m if 2𝑚+5 = 32−𝑚

13. Express R as the subject of 𝑉 =

14. Given that 3𝑥 + 𝑦 = 19 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑥 + 3𝑦 = 1, find the value of 2𝑥 + 3𝑦

15. Convert the expression 4 × 10−2 into decimal number

16. Find the value of x; =3

17. By selling a set of television at 600,000/= Mr. price makes 20% loss,
calculate the price
18. Evaluate 2 log 5 + 4 log 2 − log 64

log 16+log 81
19. Simplify
log 27+log 8
20. Solve the following simultaneous equations by elimination
5𝑥 + 2𝑦 = 16
𝑥 − 3𝑦 = 10
21. Use mathematical tables to calculate;

22. Solve for x in the equation 9𝑥−3) × 81(1−𝑥) = 27−𝑥

23. Write 4log 2 − log 64 as a single logarithmic expression
𝑥−𝑦 2
24. If the value of 𝑦 = 2, 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑥 𝑖𝑛 =7
25. Write 27800000000 as standard form

1. Select the correct answer for each of the following items and write its letter in the box provided
i) In biology experiments are used to test
A. Facts
B. Hypothesis
C. Laws
D. Problems
ii) The basic importance of all laboratory rules is to
A. Avoid dirt in the laboratory
B. Prevent students from entering the laboratory
C. Reduce accidents in the laboratory
D. Reduce the use of chemicals in the laboratory
iii) The outer most living structure that identity a plant cell is the presence of
A. Cytoplasm C. Cell wall
B. Vacuole D. Cell membrane
iv) Which of the following is a chemical substance that catch fire easily
A. Corrosive C. Flammable
B. Oxidant D. Irritant
v) The part of the light microscope that raises and lower the body tube to bring the image into
focus is
A. Limb C. Eyepiece
B. Mirror D. Course adjustment knob
vi) Which of the following is a risk behavior
A. Alcoholism C. Being patient
B. Sharing toiles with HIV victim D. Shaking hands with HIV victim
vii) The best way a student can avoid sexually transmitted diseases is to
A. Abstain from sex C, Have only one partner
B. Use condoms D. Use contraceptive pills
viii) Which of the following is used to control all activities in a plant cell
A. Cell wall
B. Cytoplasm
C. Cell vacuole
D. Nucleus

ix) The scientific name of any organism consists of two name namely
A. Phylum and class
B. Class and species
C. Order and genus
D. Genus and species

x) Which of the following is a member of kingdom protoctista

A. Yeast
B. Mushroom
C. Euglena
D. Bacteria

2. Write TRUE for the correct statement and FALSE for the incorrect statement
i) A cell organelle responsible for respiration process is chloroplast ………………….
ii) Plant cells possess cellulose cell walls while animal cell do not have ………………
iii) Botanists study both plants and animals ……………………………………..
iv) Materials which can be recycled include aluminium cans and magazines …………..
v) All living things are made up of small units known as cell …………………………
vi) All bacteria are harmful …………………………………..
vii) Lack of roughage in the diet causes constipation ………………………………….
viii) People with HIV/AIDS should be stigmatized ………………………………
ix) The largest group in classification is the Kingdom ………………………………
x) A person who takes too much carbohydrates and fats develops obesity ……………

3. a) What is classification?

b) List four advantages of fungi

i) ……………………………………………………………………………………
ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………
iii) ……………………………………………………………………………………
iv) ……………………………………………………………………………………
c) Outline two disadvantages of fungi
i) ……………………………………………………………………………………...
ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………..

4. a) What is laboratory?

b) Outline four good features of a good laboratory
i) ……………………………………………………………………………………

ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………

iii) ……………………………………………………………………………………

iv) ……………………………………………………………………………………

c) Mention one function of each of the following apparati

i) Petri dish ……………………………………………………………………………..

ii) Mortar and pestle …………………………………………………………………….

iii) Hand lens ……………………………………………………………………………

iv)Thermometer …………………………………………………………………………

5. a) What do you understand by the term “personal hygiene”


b) State four principles of personal of personal hygiene

i) ……………………………………………………………………………………
ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………
iii) ……………………………………………………………………………………
iv) ……………………………………………………………………………………

c) State four principles of good manner

i) ……………………………………………………………………………………
ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………
iii) ……………………………………………………………………………………
iv) ……………………………………………………………………………………

6. a) What is First Aid?


b) List four components of the First Aid Kit

i) ……………………………………………………………………………………

ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………

iii) ……………………………………………………………………………………

iv) ……………………………………………………………………………………

c) State the procedures of giving First Aid to a person who has been bitten by a snake.

7. a) What is nutrition

b) Outline the basic food substances needed in the diet of a human


c) Give one example of two organisms living as partners in each of the following symbolic
mode of nutrition
i) Commensalism …………………………………………………………………

ii) Mutualism ………………………………………………………………………..


iii) Parasitism ………………………………………………………………………


8. a) Outline the general features of members in kingdom Plantae

b) Outline the main characteristics of members in division bryophyte
c) What are the advantages of ferns?

1. Write latter of the correct answers in the table provide below
i) Chemistry is a study of
A. The chemicals in the laboratory
B. Experiments carried out in the laboratory ( )
C. The composition ,structure and properties of matter
D. All scientific processes

ii) The process of chlorination in water treatment aims at

A. Killing micro – organism C. Softening water ( )
B. Forming suspension D. Removing bad odour

iii) Matter can be generally be defined as anything which occupies space and has mass
A. At the bottom of deep oceans
B. The place where there is an absolute vacuum
C. In the air around us, the atmosphere ( )
D. Deep down in the Earth’s crust
iv) Copper oxide is changed to copper metal using
Hydrogen. This means
A. Copper oxide is oxidized to copper metal
B. C. Hydrogen is reduced to water
C. Hydrogen is an strong oxidizing agent ( )
D. Hydrogen is strong reducing agent
v) “Striking back” means
A. Flame burning inside the barrel when air hole is open
B. Luminous flame ( )
C. Flame burning inside the barrel when air hole is closed
D. D. Non luminous flame
vi)One of the gas which is not found in the atmosphere
A. Carbon dioxide C. Hydrogen ( )
B. Helium D. Oxygen
vii) The process which cause the impurities to clump and sink to the bottom
A. Precipitation C. Crystallization
B. Coagulation D. Collection ( )
viii) Water is a universal solvent because
A. It is available everywhere
B. C. It boils at 1000C ( )
C. It dissolves most of the solvents
D. It dissolves most of the crystal compounds

ix) A gas was passed into a test tube containing limewater. The lime water turned milky. This
gas was most likely
A. Sulphur dioxide(SO2) C. Carbon dioxide(C02)
B. Carbon monoxide(CO) D. Nitrogen dioxide(NO2)

x) Which of the following is a colour change when cobalt chloride paper is used to test the
presence of water?
A. White when dry and pink when wet.
B. Blue when dry and pink when wet
C. Yellow when dry and pink when wet ( )
D. Pink when dry and blue when wet

2. Match the item in List A with a response in list B by writing its letter below the number of
corresponding item in table provided.
i) Method of recovering both solute and solvent A. Layer separation.
from liquid. B. Chromatography.
ii) Method of separating two miscible liquids which C. Simple distillation.
their boiling points are close together. D. Condensation.
iii) Method of separating two immiscible liquids. E. Hand picking.
iv) Method of separating two solids by heating in a F. Fractional Distillation.
way that one changes its state directly to gas. G. Sieving.
v) Method of separating colored components using a H. Solvent extraction.
moving solvent on materials that absorb such a I. Evaporation.
solvent. J. Sublimation.
vi) A suitable method of separating edible oils from K. Magnetization.
seeds. L. Magnetism.
vii) Method of separating solid mixtures containing M. Decantation.
Iron. N. Filtration.
viii) Method of separating an insoluble solid from a
ix) Method of separating a soluble solid and a
x) Method of separating liquids which forms a
suspension with solvent.

Item i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x

3. (a) what is rusting? _________________________________

b) Mention three conditions necessary for rusting

i) ____________________________________
ii) __________________________________

c) List four methods of protecting rust.

iv) ______________________________________

4. How can you test the following?

i) Presence of water moisture in air.

ii) Presence of carbon dioxide in air.

5. (a) Differences between a solution and suspension are;-
Solution suspension




(b) Write the chemical symbol of the following

i) Silver ……… ii) Lead………..(iii) Iron…………
(iv) Tin………(v) Gold…….

6. (a) Define scientific procedures______________________________


b) Mention two areas where scientific procedures are applied.

(i) ……………………………………………………

c) List the six (6) scientific procedures for investigation


d) Explain the three factors which effects a problem being investigated


7. (a).Explain the following terms
i) Scald ……………………………………………………..

ii) Bruises………………………………………………………………………………………

iii) Fainting………………………………………………………………………………..........

(b) What are the five procedures which can be used to help a victim of suffocation?

i) ……………………………………………………………..

ii) ……………………………………………………………..

iii) …………………………………………………………….



8. When Zinc granules are made to react with dilute Hydrochloric acid Gas Q is produced
i) Name Gas Q ………………………………………..

ii) Give two physical properties of gas Q

a) ……………………………………………………………
b) ……………………………………………………………

iii) Mention two Chemical properties of gas Q

a) …………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………
iv) Mention a method with which gas Q is collected.
v) Why gas Q is collected by a method you have mentioned in (iv) above
vi) What is a test for gas Q? …………………………………………………………

vii) Write a word equation for preparation of gas Q

viii) Mention four uses of gas Q

a) …………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………
c) …………………………………………………………
d) …………………………………………………………

ix) Draw a well labeled diagram for Laboratory preparation of

gas Q

9. (i) What do you understand by?

a)Reduction ………………………………………………

b) Oxidation……………………………………………………………………………………

c) Water treatment …………………………………………


d)Water purification……………………………………
ii) Mention five Economic uses of water
a) …………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………
c) …………………………………………………………
d) …………………………………………………………
e) …………………………………………………………

(iii) With the aid of a well labeled diagram explain the process of water cycle.

1. Read each of the following statements carefully and write the letter of the correct answer in the box
provided below:
(i) One of the following is NOT a component of our nation.
A. Language
B. History
C. Constitution
D. Culture.
(ii) The flag of the Unite Republic of Tanzania was officially hoisted on:
A. 26th April 1964
B. 26th April 1961
C. 09th December 1961
D. 09th December 1962.
(iii) Tanzania conducts general National elections after every
A. Five terms
B. Five years
C. Five periods
D. Five sessions.

(iv) The government which temporarily is in power for waiting general election is known as:
A. Revolutionary government
B. Anarchy government
C. Transitional government
D. Communist government.

(v) The following is a type of family which consists of a father, mother and children.
A. Nuclear family
B. Extended family
C. Single-parent family
D. Monogamy family.

(vi) Type of citizenship whereby a child is not born in Tanzania and one of his or her parent is a
citizen of Tanzania is known as
A. Citizenship by marriage
B. Citizenship by descent
C. Citizenship by birth
D. Citizenship by naturalization.

(vii) The Commander chief in charge of Tanzania military is

A. Davis Mwamunyange
B. President Jakaya Kikwete
C. Robert Manumba
D. Robert Mboma.

(viii) One of the following is NOT a source of life skills

A. Peer groups
B. Family
C. Schools
D. National army.

(ix) One of the following is NOT an importance of road sign.

A. They make road users to be aware of what is ahead
B. They make road users to minimize road accident
C. They help road users to use the road safety
D. They help road users to drive speed.

(x) One of the following is a country which is associated by Union form of government.
A. Swaziland
B. Tanzania
C. United States of America
D. England.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x)

2. Match the items in LIST A with the correspondent answer from LIST B and write the correct letter
in the box provided below

i) Generating alternatives
ii) Boys are given high priority over girls in education.
iii) New year
v) Jordan
vi) Freedom of associations
vii) Karume Day
viii) Sleeping in the class while teacher is teaching
ix) Traditional initiation
x) Rule of law

A. 07th April after every five years.
B. Features of democracy
C. Encourage early marriage
D. Gender mainstreaming
E. Effective problem solving
F. Absolute monarchy
G. Improper behavior
H. Features of government
I. Universal public holiday
J. 07th April every year
K. Encourage extended family
L. Constitution Monarchy
M. Problem solving
N. Gender discrimination
O. Fighting for women rights in Tanzania
P. Because of tiredness of students
Q. Fighting for human rights in Tanzania.
R. Political public holiday
S. No one is above the law
T. No one is above the law accept President of the country.

LIST A (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x)

3. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
(i) Mei Mosi is an example of political public day. __________________
(ii) The former U.S.S.R was under federal form of government. __________
(iii) Problem identification is NOT a way of solving problem. __________
(iv) Tanzania is both union and republic government. ________________
(v) Developing self discipline is among of the importance of courtship. ____
(vi) National language is both a component of nation and national symbol___
(vii) Anna Makinda is a first woman speaker of Tanzania parliament. ____
(viii) Sovereignty is the freedom that a country has to govern itself. _____
(ix) Asha Rose Migiro is a first woman to hold the title of Deputy UN General Secretary._______
(x) Living in a country for at least five years is among of the conditions for a person applying
Tanzania citizen ship. _________

4. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

The quality of healthy in Tanzania has currently been improved. Better curative and preventive health
services are offered. There are now better and advanced medical equipment in the regional and referral
hospitals that the way the situation was in the past. He medical personnel of the present time are more
quipped than the previous time.

At the preventive level the government has improved nutrition, the environmental health, reproductive
health like material and children health, control of infectious disease like HIV/AIDS, cholera,
Tuberculosis, leprosy and diarrhea.
The accessibility of the Tanzania public to medical services is now better than the previous days. It
has been so because the government has improved and expanded the transport system in different part
of the area. In addition to that more government and private health centres have been built in different
parts of our country for people to have access to. With these efforts, the provision of medical services
has become more encouraging than it was before.

Despite of the fact that provision of health services are encouraging, still the distribution of quality
health services in Tanzania is very poor. Most of the health centres with the highest quality are still
concentrated in towns and cities. In rural areas the government has built some health centres but many
of them suffer from inadequate supply of medicines and medical personnel.

(a) Propose the possible title of this passage.

(b) From your own experience suggest any two (2) possible prevention of cholera.

(c) Outline two referral hospitals which you know from Tanzania.

(d) According to the passage what are the criteria for measuring ‘’quality of the health services’’

(e) What makes differences in the quality of health services between urban (town/cities) and rural
5. (a) Define the following terms
(i) Life skills______________________________________________

(ii) Government________________________________________________________________

(iii) Problem solving


(iv) National anthem __________________________________________

(v) Courtship__________________________________________________________________
(b) Outline any five importances of life skills.
i) ______________________________________________________________________________
ii) _____________________________________________________________________________
iv) ______________________________________________________________________________
v) ……………………………………………………………………………………………

(c) With clear example differentiate between the following forms of

(i) Constitution and Absolute Monarchy_________________________

(ii) Federal and Union government________________________________


(d) Mention any five events that may lead our National Anthem to be

i) _______________________________________________________________________
ii) ______________________________________________________________________
iii) ______________________________________________________________________
iv) _______________________________________________________________________
v) _______________________________________________________________________

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follows
The Maasai of east Africa live in land with plenty of lions. They keep large herds of cattle and so
they are naturally enemies of lions. Every young Maasai tries to show how courageous he is. If he
kills a lion, he smears its Blood on his spear and his friends consider him to be a brave man. A
Maasai who kills a lion is considered a real hero.

The killing of a lion must be done in a special way. A group of twenty or thirty young Maasai looks
for a lion and comes up to it from all sides. They wear no clothes or ornaments that might hamper
them. They carry only their spears and shields. As they see a lion, they immediately throw their
spears at it, usually killing it before it can attack them. The first spearman to spread blood on his
spear is considered to be the killer of the lion.

a) Write your answers in the space provided for each question
i) The Maasai keep large herds of ………………, and so they are naturally enemies of lions

ii) For a Maasai to prove himself a real hero he has to
iii) When hunting, the Maasai kill the lion as soon as they see it to avoid..........................
iv) A Maasai who has killed a lion is identified by ……
v) Suggest a suitable title of this passage
………………………. ……………………………


2. Match each sentence in column A with the word in column B by writing the correct letter beside
the item number. Item(vi) has been used as an example

i)A completely round flat shape A. Triangle

A flat shape with three straight lines B. Pyramid
A shape that have four straight equal sides and four angles C. Rectangle
A flat shape with four straight sides two of which are D. Cone
longer than the other two E. Circle
v) A flat shape with at least five or more angles F. Polygon
vi) A shape with square or triangle base and sloping sides that G. Cylinder
meet in a point at the top H. Square
Column A i ii iii iv v vi

Column B B

3. a) Re – arrange the following sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph.
Sentence number 6 has been used as an example

A. The baby who was crying was my young brother

B. His name was called Usinitelekeze
C. As I was watching the television, I suddenly heard a cry of a baby.
D. I was in the sitting room watching television
E. Usinitelekeze was crying because, he was left alone in the bed room
F. I then rushed in the room so that I could him
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

b) Use the following telephone conversation to complete the telephone message given:
A: 10209, can I help you? Anitha speaking
B: May I speak to Musa?
A: One minute please …………..I’m sorry, he’s out.
Can I take a Massage for him?
B: Yes, Could you please tell him that his son has got an
A: My God! What your number?
B: 444330, Chambuso - Traffic police department
A: Thank you and good bye.


Date: 18 May, 2012

From (i) …………………….. Time: 7:00AM

TEL: (3)………………………. TO; (2) …….

MASAAGE (4)………………………………………………………


Message taken by:

(5) ……………………………………………………………………


4. In the following sentences fill in the blank spaces
a) The son of your son is your ………………………………
b) The sister of your wife is your …………………………
c) The son of your brother is your …………………………
d) The brother of your father is your ……………………
e) The daughter of your sister is your ………………………

5. a) Complete the following sentences by using word given in the list.

in, on, from, to, at, by

i) Salama wakes up ………… 6:00 a.m

ii) John is suffering ………………… Malaria
iii) Bukagile goes to school ………….. a car
iv) Kali lives ……………….. Dar – es – Salaam
v) Masasila goes to the market …………. Foot

b) Fill in the blank spaces with the correct from of the word
in the brackets

i) Asha ………………….. Her uniform now (wash)

ii) Mariam ………………….. (go) to the market now
iii) My mother ………………cooking rice when I arrived home yesterday (be)
iv) Upendo (be write) ……………………….a letter now
v) Baraka (eat) …………………


1. Read each of the following statements carefully and write the letter of the correct answer in the
box provided below:
(xi) Which one of the following statement is not true about History?
E. Helps learners to critically assess historical events ( )
F. Helps learners to know past achievements and failures of man
G. Helps learners to loose a sense of nationalism and patriotism
H. Helps leaners to get skills for their future careers
(xii) The theory of evolution was proposed by
E. Charles Darwin
F. Carl Peters ( )
G. Donald Cameroon
H. Lous Leakey
(xiii) The history which is handed down by word of mouth is known as:
E. Archaelogy
F. Anthropology
G. Oral tradition
H. Linguistics
(xiv) The system of land ownership in Buhaya was known as
E. Nyarubania
F. Umwinyi
G. Busulo
H. Ubugabire
(xv) The division of ages groups among the society took into consideration the following
economic activities except:
E. Grazing and milking
F. Metal working
G. Defense and offence
H. Guidance and religious leadership

2. Match the items in LIST A with the correspondent responses in LIST B by writing the correct
letter of response below the corresponding item number in the provided

i) A period of ten years A. Anno Domino
ii) The year of the lord B. Before Christ
iii) The year in which sultan Seyyid Said shifted his capital C. Decade
to Zanzibar D. 1840
iv) The period of one hundred years E. Century
v) The period when man made and used pebble and F. Early stone age
chopping tools G. 622AD
vi) The period when Muhammad fled from Mecca to H. 15th century
Madina I. 1652
vii) The period in which Portuguese came in east Africa J. 1650
viii) Average differences in age between chidren and their K. Middle stone age
parents L. Millennium
ix) A century in which the year 2016 is found M. 21st century
x) The year in which the Dutch established their permanent N. Period
settlement at the cape O. Generation
LIST A (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x)

3. Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order by writing their roman numbers in the
table provided
i) Regular trade contacts between east Africa and the middle east began in the 8th
ii) Effective Oman control was established during the second half of the 19th century
iii) Trade contacts led to the growth of east African coastal city states
iv) Later this prosperity was disturbed by the Portuguese invasion
v) In 1698 the Oman Dultanate collaborated with east African people to defeat them
EVENT 1 2 3 4 5
4. Complete each of the following statements with the correct historical facts
i) The dominant form of social organization in pastoralists societies was called

ii) The place in east Africa where the skull of earliest man was discovered is known as
iii) A place where the private and public documents are stored …………
iv) The first Portuguese to reach India was called ………………………....
v) The region around Lake Victoria is called ……………………………..

5. Briefly explain the following;

i) Evolution ……………………………………………………………………

ii) Patrilineal society …………………………………………………………...


iii) Communalism ………………………………………………………………


iv) Interactions ……………………………………………………………......……………


v) Mfecane ………………………………………………………………………………..
6. List down five (5) reasons why sultan seyyid Said shifted his capital to Znzibar

i) ……………………………………………………………………………
ii) ………………………………………………………………………………
iii) ………………………………………………………………………………
iv) ………………………………………………………………………………
v) ………………………………………………………………………………


1. Soma shairi lifuatalo kisha jibu maswali.

Ulimi ninakuasa, nisemayo usikie,
Mwenzio sijenitosa, nafasi sijejutia,
Ninachokuomba hasa, unifanye nivutie,
Ewe ulimi sikia, mwenzio usijeniponza.

Usije nipa machungu, na watu kuwarukia,

Sitengane na wezangu, na wao kunichukia,
Hayo yapo juu yangu, usemapo yaso njia,
Ewe ulimi sikia, mwenzio usijeniponza.

Usiropoke ropoke, kwa mwenzio kwanza sema,

Usipachike pachike, maneno yasiyo mema,
Useme wanufaike, kwa kauli yako njema,
Ewe ulimi sikia, mwenzio usijeniponza.

i) a) Shairi linatoa ujumbe gani?
b) Andika kichwa cha shairi
c) Shairi limetumia muundo gani? Kwa nini
d) Mshairi ametumia mtindo gani?
e) Nini dhamira ya mtunzi

ii) Fupisha shairi hili kwa ubeti mmoja


2. Sentensi zifuatazo zina makosa, ziandike vizuri kwa kuepusha makosa hayo:-
a) Tulikaribishwa chai rangi na maandazi
b) Wasichana wa kike wanaitwa
c) Kiboko kinaogelea
d) Mwaka huu mvua zitanyesha sana
e) Angefika Angaliniona

3. Toa maana mbili zinazosababisha utata katika maneno yafuatayo:-

i) Mbuzi ii) Kaa iii) Tupa iv) Kata v) Kombe
vi) Panda vii) Paa viii) Kinga ix) Korongo x) Tai

4. Toa maana ya istilahi zifuatazo;-

i) Rejesta ii) Misimu iii) Utata iv) Vigano v) Methali
vi) Mofimu vii) Visasili viii) Viambishi ix) Mizani
x) Mshororo

5. Bainisha mofimu zilizomo katika maneno yafuatayo:-
i) Anaimba ii) Waliongozana iii) Tumemsomesha
iv) Alinipenda v) Tutaezeka

6. Andika methali yenye maana sawa na methali zifuatazo:-
i) Usisahau ubaharia kwa ajili ya unahodha
ii) Haba na haba hujaza kibaba
iii) Mchelea mwana kulia hulia mwenyewe
iv) Hakuna mwanzo usiokuwa na mwisho
v) Bandu bandu humaliza gogo

7. Andika barua kwa dada yako aitwaye Mtwana Mbwana, anayeishi Arusha S.L.P 20. Ukimueleza
kwamba utakwenda kwake likizofupi ya Pasaka.
Wewe ni Tiamaji baba yako pangupakavu wa .S.L.P 33 Iringa.


1. Write the letter of the correct answer in the box provided for each of the following questions.
(i) Physics is the scientific study of nature which deals with
A. Behavior of the space
B. Behavior of the universe
C. Conservation of energy only ( )
D. Reactions of matter

(ii) An auto mechanic wants to measure the length of an object in the accuracy of 0.01cm which
of the following instruments can be used.
A. Meter rule
B. Micrometer screw gauge
C. Tape measure ( )
D. Vermeer caliper

(iii) If the up thrust is greater than the weight of a body, them the body;
A. Floats imperfectly
B. Floats perfectly ( )
C. Rises
D. Sinks

(iv) Small insects like mosquitoes are able to walk on the surface of water because of;
A. Capillarity
B. Plasticity
C. Surface area ( )
D. Surface tension

(v) A stone of mass 500g is lifted through a height at 2m. The energy possessed by the stone is
known as:-
A. Chemical energy
B. Kinetic energy
C. Mechanical energy ( )
D. Potential energy

(vi) A negatively charged rod is brought near the cap of a negatively charged electroscope. The
divergence at the gold leaf will:
A. Decrease
B. Decrease and then increase
C. Increase ( )
D. Increase and then decrease
(vii) Spreading movements of smoke in air:
A. Osmosis
B. Brownian movement
C. Diffusion ( )
D. Capillarity
(viii) A process of removing magnetism from a material is known as:
A. Magnetic field
B. Magnetization
C. Demagnetization ( )
D. Polarization

(ix) A current of 0.2A flows through a resistor of 20Ω. The potential difference across the
Resistor is
A. 0.4V B. 4 V C. 40 V D. 100 V ( )

(x) When walking a man exhibits the following equilibrium

A. Clockwise B. Neutral C. Stable D. Unstable ( )

2. Match each item in LIST A with a response in LIST B by writing its letter below the number at the
corresponding item in the table provided.

i) Used to determine relative density 1. A. Capillarity
ii) Used for seeing objects which are out of direct 2. B. Measuring cylinder
vision 3. C. Formed behind the mirror
4. E. Retardation
iii) The rising of oil in the wick of the lamp
5. F. Periscope
iv)Not used for making spectacles 6. G. Density bottle
v) Effects of low pressure at high altitudes 7. H. Moon
vi)Apparent weight at a floating body 8. I.Zero
vii) Used to determine relative density. 9. J. Upthrust is small
viii) Virtual image 10. K. Nose bleeding
ix)A natural non luminous object 11. M. Opaque material
12. N. Translucent material
x) To a system moving with uniform velocity

LIST (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x)

3. Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer in the spaces provided.
(i) A device that is used to test for the sign of charge is called…………………………
(ii) In the First Aid Kit, a bandage or a plaster is used for…………………………………
(iii) The process of removing magnetism from a bar magnet is known as…………………
(iv) The type of frictional force experienced by a spherical body moving in water is
(v) The ratio of the mass of a body to its volume is called………………………………
4. (a) Define the term velocity…………………………………………………………..………..
(b) An object travelling at 8m/s accelerates at 2m/s2 for 6 seconds. Calculate its
final velocity

5. (a) Define pressure and state its 51 Unit……………………………………………………….

(b) A rectangular block weighting 350N has dimensions 30cm x 20cm x 10cm. Calculate
the minimum pressure of the block.

6. (a) Define:
(i) Fundamental interval of a thermometer
(ii) Energy…………………………………………………………………………………

(b) Mr. Kimaro whose mass is 60kg finds that he can go up a flight of 45 steps each 20cm
in 6sec. Assume g = 10m/s2, find

(i) Work done on Mr. Kimaro

(ii) Power

7. (a) Define the following:

(i) An ammeter ……………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) A voltmeter…………………………………………………………………………….
(iii) A resistor ………………………………………………………………………………….

(b) You are given a set of the following; a switch, a cell, an ammeter, a voltmeter, a resistor and
connecting wires. Draw a complete circuit diagram to show the arrangement such that the current
can flow.

8. (a) State the law of flotation…………………………………………………………………….
(b) A piece of cork of volume 100cm3 and density 0.25g/cm3 is floating on water: Calculate
(i) The Mass of the cork
(ii) The Volume of the cork immersed in water.

9. (a) Write three equation of linear motion

(b) A body moves with velocity of 30m/s is accelerated uniformly to a velocity of 50m/s in
5 seconds.
(i) Sketch the graph to show the motion of the body
(ii) What is the acceleration of the body?
(iv) Calculate the distance travelled by the body
10. a) Explain why efficiency of machine is always less tha 100%
b) Draw a pulley system of five (5) pulleys
c) A block and tacke system of 5 pulleys is used to raise a load of 500N steadily through a height of
20m. The work done against friction is then 2000J. Calculate
i) The work done by the system
ii) Efficiency of the system
iii) The effort applied

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer and write its letter in the box provided.
(i) Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A Assets – Capital = Liabilities.
B Liabilities + Capital = Assets.
C Liabilities + Assets = Capital.
D Assets – Liabilities = Capital.

(ii) Which of the following is a liability?

A. Machinery B. Motor vehicles
C. Account payable for goods D. Cash at bank

(iii) Which of the following best describes the meaning of sales?

A Goods bought for cash.
B Goods bought on credit. C
Goods bought for resale.

D. Goods paid for cash and credit.

(iv) What is meant by book keeping?

A An art of recording business

transactions. B An art of recording cash

C An art of recording bank transactions.

D An art of recording cash and credit transaction.
(v) Which of the following is correct?

A. Profit does not change capital.

B. Capital can only come from profit.
C. Profit increases capital.

(vi) In government accounting a term family include an officer’s

A wife and children B. father, wife and children and all relatives
C. mother, father, wife and children D. mother, wife and children
(vii) Net profit is calculated in the
A. trading account B. trial balance
C. balance sheet D. profit and loss account

(viii) The gross profit can be described as

A. excess of sales over cost of goods sold

B. sales less purchases
C. cost of goods sold plus opening stock
D. net profit less expensesof the period

(ix) The sales day book can be described as

A. part of the double entry system
B. a list of credit sales
C. a list of supplier accounts
D. part of real accounts

(x) A debit balance of sh. 25,000 in a cash account shows

A. that A there was sh. 25,0000 cash in hand
B. cash has been overspent by sh. 25,000
C. sh. 25,000 was the total of cash paid out
D. the total of cash received was less than 25,000

2. Match the items is Column Awith the responses in Column Bby writing the letter of the
correct response below the item number in the table provided.
Column A Column B
(i) The amount of resources invested in the business by the owner. A Tangible assets
(ii) The property belonging to the business. B Bank balance
C Current assets
(iii) The property acquired or created and held permanently by the
business. D Revenue receipts
(iv) The property than one can touch and see. E Fixed assets
F Current liabilities
(v) A statement of the financial position of an enterprise as at a
given date. G Business
(vi) The property belonging to a business which is of a temporary H Capital
I Cash balance
(vii) Activities involving transfer of money or goods from one
J Trial balance
person to another.
K Credit purchases
(viii) A schedule of balances, both credit and debit, extracted from
L Assets
the accounts in the ledger.
(ix) The claims for which must be paid in full, within a short period. M Drawings
N Transactions
(x) The business owner reduces the business resources for personal
use. O Balance sheet

Column A (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x)

Column B

3. (a) Mention three classes of accounts.

(b) Name two sides of account.



4. Identify the accounts affected by the following transaction and show action to take in
recording the accounts in the double entry system
Transaction Account to be credited Account to be debited
i) Owner put cash into business.
ii) Bought goods for cash.
iii) Sold goods for cash.
iv) Received cash for rent.
v) Owner withdraws cash from
business for personal use

5. Using the information provided, prepare a trial balance. The following balances
were extracted from the books of Mkubwa Nawenawe

Cash in hand 134,000

Cash at bank 307,500
Stock at the beginning 600,000
Furniture and fittings 915,000
Machinery 1,000,000
Debtors: Mapipa 25,000
Mbala 200,000
Majanga 35,000
Purchases 220,000
Wages 48,000
Rent 80,000
Electricity 6,000
Sundry Expenses 14,000
Discount allowed 2,500
Creditors: Joti 7,000
Mpoki 45,000
Sunche 120,000
Sales 945,000
Discount received 20,000
Capital 2,472,500

6. Lupelo started business on 1stJanuary, 2014 having transferred sh. 96,000 from his private
bank account to the business office. During the month of January he carried out the
following transactions:
January 1 Paid sh. 4,800 for rent for the month and made purchase of sh. 38,300.
2 Paid sh. 3,800 for stationery and sh. 1,920 for stamps.
4: Cash sales sh. 17,280 and purchased goods for cash sh. 60,000.
7:Paid sh. 2,880 in respect of wages to assistant.
10: Borrowed sh. 48,000 from Katondo, a friend

13 Bought a used pick-up for sh. 92,160 from Karanga against sh. 19,200

19 Cash sales sh. 42,240.

20 Paid wages for two weeks, sh. 5,760.

21 Cash sales sh. 40,000.

22 Commission received for sh. 20,000.

23 Bought goods from Webuye Wholesalers Ltd, for sh. 62,400 on credit.

29 Drew sh. 28,800 for private use.

30 Cash sales sh. 26,880.

31 Paid another sh. 57,600 off pick-up account.

Write up Lupelo’s one column cash book.

7. From the following particulars extracted from the books of a trader, prepare trading
account for the year ending 30thDecember 2013.
Transactions Sh.

Sales 155,000
Sales returns 8,000
Purchases 140,000
Purchases returns 18,500
Carriage inwards 12,000
Warehouse wages 10,000
Opening stock 1January, 2013 55,000
Closing stock 31December, 2013 85,000


1. For each of the following items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer and write its letter in the
box provided

i) The process of selling goods and services to other countries is called

A. Home trade
B. International trade ( )
C. Retail trade
D. Export trade

ii) Variable cost vary with the level of

A. Out put
B. Time
C. Input ( )
D. Quantity

iii) Which of the following is the best feature of the multiple shops?
A. Providing self service to customers
B. Stocking variety goods from different producers
C. Stocking similar goods and often similar in appearance ( )
D. Stocking similar goods under one roof and one management

iv) The main branch of production are

A. Commerce, industry and trade
B. Commerce, industry and public service
C. Commerce, industry and direct services ( )
D. Commerce, industry and personal services

v) The shop which sell product of one manufacturer only are called
A. Supermarket shops
B. Tied shops
C. Single shops ( )
D. Mobile shops

vi) Which of the following is a reward for land as a factory of production?

A. Interest
B. Profit
C. Wage ( )
D. Rent

vii) A warehouse where imported goods are kept for customs clearance is called
A. Specialized warehouse C. Public warehouse
B. Bonded warehouse D. Private warehouse ( )

viii) Which of the following services is normally rendered by wholesalers to the
A. Providing capital.
B. Providing transport.
C. Providing advice. ( )
D. Providing variety of goods.

ix) An art of making goods and services known to the public is known as
A. Marketing
B. Sales promotion
C. Advertising ( )
D. Communication

x) Advertising is a process of
A. Selling goods
B. Creating awareness
C. Producing goods ( )
D. Buying goods

2. Match the items in list A with the correct responses in list B by writing the letter of the
correct response below the number of the corresponding item in the table provided

i. Buying and selling of goods and services inside or outside the A. Foreign trade
country. B. Barter trade
ii. Buying and selling of goods and services inside the country. C. Retail trade
iii. Buying of goods in bulk from the producer and selling them D. Warehousing
in reasonable quantities to retailers. E. Trade
F. Transportation
iv. Buying and selling of goods where by exchange involves G. Commerce
goods by goods H. Wholesale trade
v. Selling of goods and services to other countries. I. Auxiliary to trade
vi. Activities that facilitate buying and selling of goods and J. Advertising
services inside and outside the country. K. Export trade
L. Production
vii. Buying of goods from the wholesalers in large quantities and M. Communication
selling them to the consumers in smaller quantities. N. Import trade
viii. Buying of goods and services from outside the country O. Home trade
ix. Buying and selling of goods and services beyond a country’s
x. The movement of goods and services from one place to
another whether inside or outside the country

LIST A i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x)

3. Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with correct word (s):
i. Goods which are used in production of other goods in production process are
called ……………………………………

ii. The paths through which products follow from the producer to the final
consumer is known as …………………………………………..

iii. The table which show the quantity of goods supplies against their prices is called

iv. Small scale retailers who move from place to place carrying their goods on their
shoulders are called ………………………………………

v. …………………is an ability of a commodity to satisfy human needs or wants.

vi. The costs of production which do not change according to the level of output are
called …………………………

vii. Creation of goods and services to satisfy human wants is known as


viii. An arrangement of stocks in a warehouse in a way that old stocks can easily be
identified from new one is known as …………………………………….

ix. Goods which are used directly by the final consumers are categorized as …….

x. A large building which is specifically made for the storage of goods before use is
called ………………………………………..

4. The following details were extracted from the book of Makoko for the year ending
Purchases ………………………… Shs. 500,000
Opening stock …………………..... Shs. 80,000
Closing stock……………………… Shs. 4 0,000
Minimum stock level…………….... Kg. 120
Daily sales volume………………….. Kg. 80
Delivery time………………………. 5 days

By using the information given above, calculate the following showing clearly all the

a) Average stock

b) Cost of goods sold

c) Rate of stock turn

d) Order point

e) Mark –up

5. a) Define stock administration


b) Mention and explain function of stock administration


6. a) Define ‘’warehouse’’

b) Mention and explain reason for warehousing



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