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Time: 5th April– 10thApril 2020


1. Answer ALLquestions in this paper.

2. All workings should be written in the respective subject exercise book.
3. Any need for consultation use the following phone numbers for teachers.
i. Sir Yohana 0769962485
ii. Sir Zabron 0757057265/0621912238
iii. Sir Msigala 0769622985/0684716417
iv. Sir Lupembela 0684874330/0757219175
v. Sir Lwaka 0752787754
vi. Sir Tumain 0766598767
vii. Sir Nicolaus 0768078981/0625609368
viii. Sir Elikana 0767033979
ix. Sir Martine 0759053233
x. Sir Mbena 0658228822
xi. Md. Leilah 0787438305
xii. Sir Kdibuka 0693113996


1. Define the following gender concepts.

(a) Gender stereotype. (b) Gender mainstreaming. (c) Gender roles
(d) Gender equity. (e) Gender equality (f) Gender balance.
2. With five points how road accidents can be tackled.
3. Gender inequality is the cry of Tanzanian population. How this problem can be


1. Analyze six effects of distance to water resources on the girl-child in Tanzania.

2. ‘’Forests are unevenly distributed ‘’. Discuss by giving five strong points.
3. With six points verify the statement that the earth is spherical.
4. With the aid of diagram describe the features of the ocean floor.
5. Give five uses of each of the following
(a) Maps (b) Scale (c) water


1. Which factors gave rise to the formation of Centralised states in Africa? (Give six
2. Describe six effects of early contacts between people of East Africa and that of
Middle and Far East.
3. What were the effects of discovery of fire during the middle and late Stone Age?
(give six points)
4. Discuss the major factors responsible for the rise of the Buganda Kingdom
5. Explain six economic activities that were practiced by Pre-colonial African societies.


1. The following pie chart shows the expenditure of peter’s Monthly salary. How much
money did he spend on voucher if his monthly salary was Tshs 360,000/

2. Given that (2a-1) (3b+1) = (3a) (28) find

3. In a box of 200 books, 150 have red colour and the rest have blue colour. What is the
percentage of each colour?.
4 1 1
4. By how much is the sum of 25 and 42 less than 810
5. Without using mathematical Tables, find
sin(100 + 200 ) − tan⁡(200 + 250 )
sin⁡(450 + 150 )
6. Given that⁡𝑙𝑜𝑔2 = 0.3010, evaluatelog⁡(2).
7. What must be added to 𝑞 (𝑞 − ) to make the expression a perfect squire? Write the
expression of the perfect squire.
8. Use Mathematical table to compute correct to 3 decimal places.
2 4 5 6 1
9. Given the fraction , , , find the fraction which is greater than
5 7 11 12 2
10. A real estate agent received 6% discount on the selling price of a house. If the
discount was Tshs. 888,000. What was the selling price of the house?

1. (a) Differentiate between:
i. Natural passive and Natural active immunity.
ii. Communicable and Non- communicable diseases.

(b) Mention six responsibilities/ things you need to do so that to remain healthy

2. Mention and explain the functions of four common parts which are found in both
plant and animal cells.
3. (a) Mention three functions of lipids in the body.
(b) Write the sources of food, and signs of deficiency of the following vitamins B1 ,
B2 , C and D.
4. Fungi are said to promote and destroy life in human being, in essay form explain how
they promote and destroy life in human being, (Give three points for each).


1. Study the Demand schedule below and answer the questions that follow:
Price of commodity (Tshs per unit) Quantity demanded
20 100
30 40
40 20
50 10
(a) Calculate the elasticity of Demand when price rises from Tshs. 20/= per unit
to Tshs. 30/= per unit.
(b) State whether it is elastic, inelastic or unitary and give reasons for your

2. The following are the balances of Kantupeni traders as at 31st December 2007
Closing stock Tshs. 32,500/=

Purchases Tshs. 25,000/=
Expenses Tshs. 8,000/=
Sales Tshs. 35,000/=
Opening stock Tshs. 28,000/=
(a) Gross profit (b) Net profit (c) The rate of stock turnover

3. Study the following Diagram and answer the questions below:

Prices D2
D1 S


S D1 D2

0 10 15 Quantity

(a) What does this changing position of the demand curve mean?
(b) Give four possible reasons for this changing of position of the demand curve.

4. The following balances were extracted from Joan’s Supermarket as at 31st December
Opening stock……………10,000/=
Closing stock……………12,500/=
You are required to find out the following:
(a) Average stock (b) Cost of goods sold (c) Gross profit (d) Net profit

(e) The rate of stock turn.

5. Denis Company bought goods for cash for Tshs. 20,000/= and sold at Tshs. 25,000/=.
Calculate the company’s: (a) Profit Margin (b) Mark up price

6. Kinyamwezi Company ordered ‘’Vitenge’’ From Urafiki Textile Mills. It normally

takes the company 10 days to receive a consignment from the date of sending an
order. The company’s daily sales volume is 20 pairs of vitenge and maintains a
minimum stock of 60 pairs of vitenge; calculate the company’s order point.

7. Study the given Table and answer the questions that follows:

Price(Tshs) 200 400 600 800 1000

Qty. Demanded (kgs) 1000 800 600 400 200
(a) Calculate the price elasticity of Demand if the price changes from Tshs. 400 to
Tshs 600.
(b) Comment on your answer in (a) above.

1. Tunga sentesi mbili zenye maana tofauti kwa kila neon kati ya maneno yafuatayo.
i. Kaa ii. Mbuzi iii. Tupaiv. Paa v. Kanga
2. Bainisha vipengele vinavyounda fani na maudhui katika kazi ya fasihi.
3. Taja njia nne za uhifadhi wa fasihi simulizi na uzipe (i) hadi (iv), ukionesha faida tatu
na hasara tatu kwa kila njia.
4. Nyumbua maneno yafuatayo ukionesha viambishi vya mofimu zilizounda maneno
i. Anacheza ii. Inafifia iii. Kikusikitishachoiv. Mnasali v. Shuleni
vi. Anavyooga.
5. Onesha matumizi ya mofimu (ki) katika maneno yafuatayo.
i. Kidogokidogo ii. Kikiisha iii. Kichupaiv. Kitupe v. Kidogokidogo
6. Eleza maana ya methali zifuatazo
i. Amepigwa chini. ii. Unanila kichogo iii. Unazunguka mbuyu
iv. Piga moyo konde v. Kila masika na mbu wake.
7. Wewe ni miongoni mwa watanzania wanaopenda kuishi maisha marefu, hivyo
unakerwa sana na tatizo la ajali za barabarani. Andika barua kwenye gazeti la uhuru
ukipendekeza kwa serikali hatua gani zichukuliwe ili kudhibiti ajali za barabarani.
Toa hoja tatu.

1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Mr. SamwelMasese and Mrs Regina Masese have two children, Benson and Ester. Mr.
Samwel has a sister called Diana who is married to David. Diana and David have three
children. Two of them are girls and the third one is a boy. The names of the girls are Larita
and Lisa, and the boy is called Stanley.
i. Mrs Regina is Mr. Masese's ...........................................
ii. Stanley is Lisa's ...........................................................
iii. Who is Diana to Mrs Regina Masese? ...........................................................................
iv. Who is Diana to Benson and Ester? ..............................................................................
v. Who is MrSamwel to Larita? ....................................................................................

2. March the items in column A with the correct correspondent in column B to make a
meaningful unit.
i. If you had followed my advice A. From three hours
ii. Students study hard B. Since morning
iii. My guest has being here C. Although it was raining
iv. If you give me a pen D. You wouldn't have got this terrible
v. Unless she runs fast we continued to disease
work E. In order to pass
F. I will be happy
G. She will not win the race

3. Write a composition of not less than 100 words about the day you will never forget;
starting with the words: One day......

1. An iron piece of mass 360g and a density of 6g/cm3. Is suspended by a rope so that it is
partially submerged (half way) in oil of density 0.9 g/cm3. Find the tension (force) in the

2. a) Explain how adding soap to the water would cause the oil and water to mix.
b) Mention Application of capillarity.

3. A 0.5kg ball is dropped from a height of 2.3 m above the floor. If on impact with the floor
it loses 3Jof energy, how high will it bounce?

4. a) Define the following terms.

i) Ferromagnetic material. ii) Paramagnetic material. iii) Electromagnets.
b) Mention five applications of magnets.

5. a) Define the factors affect resistance of conductor.

b) Three resistors 2Ω, 3Ω and 6Ω are connected in series to a 3V battery. What is the
current in the circuit?


1. (a) We normally use atomic numbers to identify elements. Why is it bad idea to use
atomic masses for the same purpose?

(b) A sample of chloride gas contains 75% of the isotope 3517cl. What is? the relative
atomic mass of chlorine?

2. (a)Mention any three uses of water

(b) Give reasons on the following

i) Hydrogen is used in filling ballons
ii) Iron bar left outside for two nights its colour changed into red brown.
iii) Spirit must be boiled through bath (water bath) or electronic burner.

3. (a) Draw a well labeled diagram for the preparation of oxygen gas in the laboratory
using KCLO3 and Mn02?

b) What is the importance of Mn02 in the reaction above?

c) Oxygen is collected by downwards displacement of water. Briefly explain why this

method is used

4. (a) Explain why the components of mixture with the same boiling points
Cannot be separated by fractional distillation method.
b) The nuclide rotation of element M is 147M.Calculate the following
i. number of protons
ii. number of neutrons
iii. mass number
iv. number of electrons

1. Mention six uses of books of prime entry.
2. Complete the following table by showing account to be debited and account to be

(i) Withdrew cash from bank for private use

(ii) Paid Feitoto, a creditor by cheque

(iii) Goods returned to us by Yunis

(iv) Received cash as loan from Babasota.

3. Classify the following accounts whether personal, Nominal or Real account.


(i) Hezekiah, a debtor

(ii) Bank loan

(iii) Capital

(iv) Drawings

(v) Wages

4. The following are Msoke’s Transactions for the Month of April 2013.
April 1. Sold to Musa 8 cartons of Cowboy at Tsh. 98,000 each; 9 cartons of Kimbo at
Tsh. 80,000 each ,less 5% trade discount in each case.

April 5: Sold to Akelo 7 cartons of Omo @ Tsh. 82,000; 3 cartons of Kimbo @ Tsh.
April 10. Sold to Mugisha 30 boxes of sweets @ Tsh. 25,000
April 25. Musa returned 3 cartons of Cowboy
April 30. Akelo returned 2 cartons of Omo
April 30. Mugisha returned 5 boxes of sweets.
(i) Sales journal
(ii) Sales returns journal
(iii)Ledger accounts
5. Show the journal entries to correct the following errors:
(i) Cheque paid by Maurice 350,000 was debited to bank and credited to Maurice.
(ii) Cash sales of goods for 1000 were completely not shown in the books.
(iii)Cash received 150,000 from Mwamba was shown in the books as 510,000.


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