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Hepatitis E

Hepatitis E, caused by the hepatitis E virus, is generally a mild and short-term infection, it also
spreads through fecal-oral route. Person to person transmission is rare.

 Hepatitis E is the most common cause of hepatitis in pregnancy.

 Incubation period 40 days

 More common in young adults (15-40 year

Mode of transmission:-

 M/c Feco/Oral route.

 Rare - vertical transmission


 Serological test


 There is antiretroviral treatment.

 No specific immunoglobulin prophylaxis is available.

 However, doctors may recommend some tips to support the body while it is recovering
from the infection these include..

 Mentain balanced diet.

 Drinking plenty of liquids, especially water.

 Resting

 Avoid alcohol

 Hand washing before eating and after toilet.

 Hygiene mentain.

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