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ME F341 Prime Movers & Fluid

Course Introduction & Handout
Abhilash K. Tilak
BITS Pilani
K K Birla Goa Campus Department of Mechanical Engineering
Introduction to the Course

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Prime Movers

I Any machine (or component of a machine) that converts

energy from a source energy into ’mechanical’ energy.
Source Prime Mechanical
Energy Mover energy

I Example: Steam turbine in power plants, Engine in


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Fluid Machines

Fluid Mechanical
machine energy
in fluid

I Example:Turbines,Compressors,Pumps,Fans etc.
Hydraulic machines?
I Fluid machines using liquid mainly water.

I Example: Hydraulic turbines,pumps

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I The word turbo is of Latin origin and implies that which spins
or whirls around.
I An important class of fluid machine has, as its characteristic,
the transfer of energy between a continuous stream of fluid
and an element rotating about a fixed axis.
I Turbomachines are subset of Hydraulic machines.
I Example: Pumps,compressors,fans and turbines.
I Two categories: 1) Power producing 2) Power absorbing

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Classification of Fluid machines

Classification of Fluid machines

Direction of Principle of Direction of fluid

Type of fluid
energy transfer operation path in the rotor

Power Power Dynamic Static Radial Axial

Liquid Gas
absorbing producing action action Flow Flow

−Hydraulic −Air/Gas −Roto− −Positive

−Turbines Turbines Turbines dynamic displacement
−Pumps −Compressors machines machines

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Course Handout

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Dr. Vadiraj Hemadri (IC)

Office: A-313/9
Email: [email protected]

Abhilash K. Tilak
Office: CC-109
Email: [email protected]

Abhilash K. Tilak,
Dr. Shibu Clement,
Dr. Ranjit S. Patil,
Naveen K.S.

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Course Handout

Objective of the course:

The Course is intended to familiarize the students with theoretical
analysis of energy conversion devices. The focus will be on discussion
of working principles, selection criterion and design considerations
as well as performance and application aspects of fluid machines.
1. Kadambi V & Manohar Prasad; An Introduction to Energy Con-
version Volume III; New Age International (P) limited; Second
Ed., 2011.
2. Laboratory manual “Prime Movers and Fluid Machines”; Ed-
ucational Development Division, BITS Pilani K.K. Birla Goa

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Reference books:
1. R. K. Bansal, A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic
Machines, 9th Edition, Laxmi Publications Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Gorla and Khan, Turbomachinery - Design and Theory, CRC
Press, New Delhi. (Taylor and Francis)
3. R. Yadav, Steam and Gas Turbines and Power Plant Engineer-
ing, 7th Revised Edition, Central Publishing House, Allahabad.

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Course Plan:
1. Introduction & Dimensional analysis
Principles of turbo machines; Classification; Energy exchange
in turbo machines. Dimensional analysis. Analysis of impact
of jets on stationary and moving blade and a series of blades;
Fundamental equation of hydraulic machines.
2. Hydraulic Turbines
Hydraulic impulse turbines-Pelton Turbine: Construction, work-
ing and analysis. Hydraulic reaction turbines- Francis Turbine:
Construction, working and analysis. Draft tube theory. Hy-
draulic reaction turbines- Kaplan Turbine: Construction, work-
ing and analysis. Characteristic curves for Hydraulic turbines.

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3. Centrifugal Pumps
Classification; Basic equations of analysis; Curvature of blades;
Velocity triangles; Characteristic curves and effect of series and
parallel arrangement of multiple pumps.
4. Reciprocating Pumps
Methods of analysis; Acceleration and friction effects; Effect of
using air vessels.
5. Steam Impulse Turbines
Analysis of Steam Impulse turbines; Concept of compounding
of steam turbines; velocity diagrams of moving blades.
6. Steam Reaction Turbines
Analysis; degree of reaction; stage efficiency; turbine efficiency
& reheat factor; losses in steam turbines; governing.

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7. Reciprocating Compressors
Classification; Multi stage compression with inter cooling
8. Centrifugal Compressors
Analysis of Centrifugal compressor; Slip in centrifugal compres-
sors; Stagnation values in centrifugal compressors.
9. Axial flow Compressors
Axial flow compressors: Cascade flow; Velocity triangles; Work
done and Degree of reaction.
10. Gas Turbines
Analysis of Gas turbines; elementary design; gas turbine blad-

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Evaluation Scheme

Weightage (%),
Component Duration Date and Time Nature
Quiz-I — 5% (15 M) Before Mid-Sem OB
Mid Sem Exam 90 min 30% (90 M) CB
(4:00-5:30 P.M.)
15% (45 M) +
performances + - Continuous OB/CB
5% (15 M)
Final Lab Exam
Quiz-II — 5% (15 M) Before Compre OB
3 hours 40%, (120 M) 04/05/19 (AN) CB

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Class Timings: T, Th, S at 12-12:50 P.M. in A-602

Lab Timings:
Section No. Day & Time
1. Tuesday (04:00 P.M. - 06:00 P.M.)
2. Wednesday (04:00 P.M. - 06:00 P.M.)

I Student should come on time for lab.

I Batch number, turn of each batch etc. will be notified through
I Make-up will be granted for genuine cases only. Certificate from
the medical center must accompany make-up application.
I Mobile Phone & Eatables are not allowed in the Lab.
Wearing shoes is compulsory.

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Report Writing

While writing report, you have to write

I Batch & Experiment Number
I Objective
I Observation table
I Sample calculation
I Graph if any
I Conclusions
You have to submit only 1 report per batch.

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