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- A flow channel into which surface run-off from specified basin drains (recall the veins of watershed)
- Volume of water (liquid) per period
- Other terms used: flowrate, discharge, current
- It can be derived from the following equation

𝐴𝑥𝑑 𝑉
𝑄= = (eq. 1)
𝑡 𝑡


𝑄=𝑣𝑥𝐴 (eq. 2)

Q = flow
A = area
d = depth
V = volume
t = time
v = velocity

Notes on Streamflow
- Depending on the shape/area and the depth of water in that section of the channel (stream), flow varies.
- Equations 1 and 2 depicts how different parameters affect the behavior of the flow.
- In the figure below, fourth graph presents the relationship of gradient with flow. Gradient is the slope
of the stream or channel.

CE 405 – Handout 5 Page 1

Methods of Streamflow Measurement
Streamflow measurement methods can be divided into two categories: (a) direct measurement (b)
indirect measurement of discharge. Direct measurement of discharge includes (i) area-velocity method, (ii)
dilution techniques, (iii) electromagnetic technique, and (iv) ultrasonic method. Indirect method, on the other
hand, are (i) slope-area method and (b) hydraulic structures. In this module, we will briefly discuss five (5)
common methods. You may see different references for other methods mentioned.

For the updated field measurement methods, you may refer to online videos of Dr. Greg Pasternack
(Professor from UC Davis) on field hydrology. He discussed velocity measurement and streamflow
measurement separately. Recent technologies on velocity measurement such as electromagnetic velocity
sensor, ultrasonic doppler velocity meter, and acoustic doppler velocity profiler were also discussed.

1. Volumetric method
2. Gravimetric method
The first two method is applicable if the channel or the stream cross sectional area is small, and the flow
is relatively slow/laminar. It is the simplest and quickest method of determining the flow, thus may cause
inaccuracies on flow measurement of large channels.
These methods are performed by collecting water at a specific time interval. The amount of water collected
is measured (by volume or by weight) and this is where the two methods will differ. These two methods are
more applicable in laboratory setup.

3. Slope-area method
This method is most used by civil engineers in the design of channels (canals and drainage systems). It follows
the Manning’s Rational equation wherein the following figure represents the cross-sectional area of the

The Manning’s rational equation for velocity of water in the channel is:
𝑣 = 𝑅 2/3 𝑆 1/2

v = velocity
n = Manning’s roughness coefficient (see table below)
R = hydraulic radius, computed by dividing the channel area, A with its wetted perimeter, P

CE 405 – Handout 5 Page 2

S = slope of the channel

Depending on the type of channel, and the lining material it has, Manning’s roughness coefficient varies.
Below are table excerpts of Manning’s roughness coefficient from DPWH Design Guidelines, Criteria and
Standards: Volume 3 – Water Engineering Projects.

CE 405 – Handout 5 Page 3

For detailed reference on slope-area method, you may refer to an excerpt of the book: Brown, S., & Metcalfe,
R. A. (2014). The slope-area method for estimating continuous discharge. Ontario Ministry of Natural
Resources, Science and Research Branch, Aquatic Research and Monitoring Section. Online access is here.

4. Velocity-area method
This method is primarily used in the field and it is categorized into two types based on the device it will use.
a. Float Method
Float method uses a toy-boat or any floating object of specified shape and weight. This “float” is made to
travel at a specified distance of a channel. The travel time is of the float measured and correlated to the velocity
of the channel section.

You may refer to this link for detailed method and setup of float method.
b. Current Meter
This method was developed in the early 1600s to mechanically determine the streamflow of a high-current
and deep river channels. The current meter consists of a rotating element which rotates due to the reaction of
the stream current with an angular velocity proportional to the stream velocity. Current meters can be a
horizontal axis or vertical axis type.
In this method, the stream channel cross section is divided into numerous vertical subsections. In each
subsection, the area is obtained by measuring the width and depth of the subsection, and the water velocity is
determined using a current meter. The discharge in each subsection is computed by multiplying the subsection

CE 405 – Handout 5 Page 4

area by the measured velocity. The total discharge is then computed by summing the discharge of each
To determine the velocity of the stream using the current meter,

𝑣 = 𝑎𝑁𝑠 + 𝑏
v = velocity
Ns = number of revolutions per second of the meter
a, b = constants of the meter

5. Control-section method
Certain channels and streams have controlled sections where the area of the channel is suppressed with
hydraulic structure such as orifice, notches, weirs, flumes or sluice gates. These structures are installed in
sections of channels but their use is limited due to ranges of the head, debris and sediment load of the stream
including backwater effects produced by the stream.
The use of these structures is that these structures provide a unique control section in the flow such that the
discharge will become a function of the water surface elevation measured from the specific datum.
𝑄 = 𝑓(𝐻)
Where H is the water surface elevation measured from the specified datum.
There are different categories of hydraulic structures:
a. thin plate structure (orifice)
b. long base weirs (broad crested structures)
c. flumes (made of concrete, masonry, metal sheets)

Detailed discussion on these structures will be on your hydraulics subject.

CE 405 – Handout 5 Page 5

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