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Management by Objective (MBO) is a performance appraisal method that specifies the

performance goals that an individual and manager identify together. MBOs are good for
employees who have a range of flexibility and control over their job, but they can be used in
many other jobs as well. Successful MBO's are aligned with team/department and organizational
goals. This ensures individual performance contributes to overall organizational performance.
For a quick refresher before starting this activity, review Video 2.2.3.

Your Tasks:

1. Job Title and Description: Decide what job you will work with. If you are currently
working (but not supervising anyone), you can choose to develop your own employee
performance objectives. If you are currently supervising someone, you could help them
develop their employee performance objectives. What is the job title? Write a brief job
description (one to two paragraphs) for the job/employee and the typical things an
employee might do from day to day (such that if a person were unfamiliar with the job,
they would know what the job does after reading your description).
2. Organization (or Department or Team) Goals: Find a copy of your team, department
or organization goals. Start with your team first. If none exist, then try to find department
goals. If none exist, then try to find a copy of your organization’s goals. If organization
goals do not exist, then try to write up some yourself (written for the team/department
level). What are the goals of your department, team or organization? (Note, we will use
organization goals, but this can refer to organization, department or team goals:
whichever you will use)
3. Employee Performance Objectives (MBOs): Write three "Employee Performance
Objectives" (MBOs) that support organization/Department goals. They may be written as
short statements or a phrase. Two of your objectives should be strongly work-related.
One of your objectives should be more personal-growth related (but still related to the job
and organizational/department goals).
4. Major Tasks: Write three "Major Tasks" the employee will need to do within each MBO
to help the Organization/Team achieve its larger goals. The Major Tasks should be
written as sentences and adhere to the SMART criteria (specific, measurable,
achievable, relevant, time-bound).
5. Write a Justification for Each MBO. Write one to two paragraphs describing how the
Employee Performance Objective supports the organization/department/team in
achieving its goals.
Job Title: Placement Officer in a Private University

Job Description:

1. To bring Companies for Campus Recruitment for Fresher’s studying in different courses.
2. To conduct Job Fairs.
3. To conduct Guest Lectures spread across various verticals and industries.
4. To conduct HR Conclaves with in the University and outside.
5. To attend various HR Conclaves to represent the University.
6. To make Calls, E-mails and get connected over LinkedIn with various HR,CTO and Co-founders of
the Company.
7. To get appointments for the meeting and meeting the HR for convincing them to come for
Campus Recruitments.
8. To conduct the Campus drives for different Courses. Getting the entire end to end process done.
9. Ensuring selection of the Students in the Campus Drives
10. Coordinating with the HR’s for the Offer Letters of the Students
11. Ensuring the Joining of the Students in the respective companies in which they are selected
12. Be in touch with the Alumni’s to get the feedback about the Companies in which they are
working to call them to University if they are already not visiting before.
13. Search various Job Portals and maintaining the database of the companies.

Team Goal:

To ensure 2000 Students gets Placed in different Companies in the next 1 year (June 2020-June 2021) for
the various domains like Management, Engineering, and Hotel Management.

Departmental Goal:

To ensure the entire passing out batch of 2021 having 10,000 Students gets placed irrespective of
whatever discipline they belong in the next one year from June 2020-June2021.

Organizational Goal:

To ensure 100 % Placement of the entire batch of 2021 passing out Students by coordinating with the
Department of Career Services and the respective Front and backend department.
Management by Objectives:

1. 100 Companies for On-Campus Recruitments :

To bring 100 Companies to the University in the entire one year (June 2020-June2021) so that the
Organizational Goal of getting the entire 2021 batch placed with 100 % Placement is achieved.

2. Conduct 25 National Level Hackathons, 15 Guest Lectures and 3 HR Conclaves:

To ensure that the respective teams and the department of Career Services is able to conduct at-
least minimum of 25 National Hackathons for different IT based companies which haven’t visited
the University campus before .To conduct various 3 HR Conclaves and 15 Guest Lectures for the
brand Building of the University in the 1 Year of time (June 2020-June 2021).

3. Getting Connected to 100 New HR’s every month:

To establish new connects with the at least 500 New HR’s every month for own Personal network
building and which would ultimately help the organization in the longer run and meet the first
objective of hosting 100 Companies in the University for the On Campus Process.


100 Companies for On-Campus Recruitments.

1. Hosting at-least 1 On Campus Drives a day with in the Campus for different courses so that the
objective of achieving the target of bringing 100 companies is achieved.
2. Coordinating with at-least 15 HR’s on weekly basis for the Upcoming Campus Drives with in the
3. Conducting at-least 1 Off-Campus/Virtual drives in a week and 4 Off-Campus/Virtual drives in a
month so that the objective of achieving the target of bringing 100 companies is achieved.

Getting connected to 100 New HR’s every month

1. Making at-least 50 Phone Calls a day to fresh new Companies and in total 1000 + Calls in a
month to reach out the different HR’s so that Objective of making a strong connection with
atleast 100 New HR’s is achieved.
2. Sending at-least 25-30 Mails a day and 600 + Mails a month to introduce the University to the
different HR’s across different sectors and different parts of the Country is made so that
objective of making a strong connection with atleast 100 New HR’s is achieved.
3. Getting Appointment and Meeting at-least 25 HR’s a week or 500 + HR’s a month in person so
that objective of making a strong connection with atleast 100 New HR’s is achieved.
Conduct 25 National Level Hackathons, 15 Guest Lectures and 3 HR Conclaves

1. Making at-least 5 Phone Calls a day to fresh IT and other sector Companies and in total 150 +
Calls in a month to reach out the different HR’s so that Objective of 25 National Level
Hackathons, 15 Guest Lectures and 3 HR Conclaves is achieved.

2. Sending at-least 5 Mails a day and 150 + Mails a month to introduce the University to the
different HR’s across different sectors and different parts of the Country so that to invite them
to the University for conducting Hackathons ,doing Guest Lectures and also hosting HR
Conclaves and by this the objective of conducting 25 National Level Hackathons, 15 Guest
Lectures and 3 HR Conclaves would be achieved.

3. Getting Appointment and Meeting at-least 3 HR’s a week or 10 + HR’s a month in person so that
objective of hosting them for 25 National Level Hackathons, 15 Guest Lectures and 3 HR
Conclaves is achieved.

Importance of each of the MBO’s :

1. Importance of 100 Companies for On-Campus Recruitments

The intention is that every employee involved is able to get his/her set of Students getting placed so that
if each individual is able to bring 100 Companies in one single year then the objective of getting 100 %
Placement and all the 10,000 Students will be achieved if all the individuals and the Team put together is
able achieve their targets.100 Companies by an individual means on an average 700- 1,000 Students
getting placed by the effort that particular individual.

2. Importance of Conducting 25 National Level Hackathons, 15 Guest Lectures and 3 HR Conclaves:

If the designated employee is able to host 25 National Level Hackathons, 15 Guest Lectures and 3 HR
Conclaves in a month so it means all the new Companies which has never come to the Campus before or
they were not aware about the quality of the Students would now be willing to evaluate the Students of
the University so the over Organizational goal of getting 100 % placement is strengthened.

3.Importance of Getting Connected to 100 New HR’s every month

If a designated employee is able to get connected to 100 New HR’s every month and builds a strong
relation that means atleast 25 Companies would come to the Campus spread across the year for the
every 100 new connections made on monthly basis. New Connections also strengthen the Network of
the individual which help him/her and also the organization in the longer Run.

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