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COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering (Islamabad Campus)

Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation

LAB # 6
Probe Feed Patch Antenna
Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation

This Lab is intended to show you how to create, simulate, and analyze a Probe Feed
Patch Antenna shown in Fig (1), using the Ansoft HFSS.

Fig (1): Probe Feed Patch Antenna.

Note: Lab-6 is the pre-requisite of this Lab.

Pre Lab Task:

Calculate the Length and width of patch antenna for given below parameters.
Frequency = f = 3.5 GHz,
Height of substrate = h = 3.2 mm
Permittivity of substrate = ε = 2.2

Lab-7. Probe Feed Patch Antenna
Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation

Lab-7. Probe Feed Patch Antenna
Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation

In Lab Task-1: Probe Feed Patch Antenna for f = 2.4GHz

Units: cm
Material: Rogers RT/duroid 5880(tm)

Create Antenna Geometry

• Draw a box with

Name: sub1
Box position Opposite Corner
X: -5.0 dX: 10
Y: -4.5 dY: 9
Z: 0.0 dZ: 0.32

• Draw a rectangle with

Name: inf_GND
Box position Opposite Corner
X: -5.0 dX: 10
Y: -4.5 dY: 9
Z: 0.0 dZ: 0

Assign Perfect E Boundary to inf_GND

Name: PerfE_inf_GND
Infinite Ground Plane: Checked.

Lab-7. Probe Feed Patch Antenna
Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation

• Draw a Circle with

Name: cut_out
Circle position Radius
X: -0.5 dX: 0.16
Y: 0.0 dY: 0.0
Z: 0.0 dZ: 0.0

Subtract cut_out from inf_GND to complete infinite Ground.

• Draw a rectangle with

Name: patch
Box position Opposite Corner
X: -2.0 dX: 4
Y: -1.5 dY: 3
Z: 0.32 dZ: 0.0

Assign Perfect E Boundary to patch

Name: PerfE_patch
Infinite Ground Plane: Unchecked.

Set Material: Vacuum

• Draw a Cylinder with

Name: coax
Cylinder position Radius Height
X: -0.5 dX: 0.16 dX: 0.0
Y: 0.0 dY: 0.0 dY: 0.0
Z: 0.0 dZ: 0.0 dZ: -0.5

Lab-7. Probe Feed Patch Antenna
Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation

Set Material: Pec

• Draw a Cylinder with

Name: coax_pin
Cylinder position Radius Height
X: -0.5 dX: 0.07 dX: 0.0
Y: 0.0 dY: 0.0 dY: 0.0
Z: 0.0 dZ: 0.0 dZ: -0.5

• Draw a Cylinder with

Name: probe
Cylinder position Radius Height
X: -0.5 dX: 0.07 dX: 0.0
Y: 0.0 dY: 0.0 dY: 0.0
Z: 0.0 dZ: 0.0 dZ: 0.32

Create Wave Port Excitation

Create a Wave Port and excite it.

Circle position Radius

X: -0.5 dX: 0.16
Y: 0.0 dY: 0.0
Z: -0.5 dZ: 0.0

Create Air
Create the Air of shape Box. Also create the Radiation Boundary and Radiation Setup.

Lab-7. Probe Feed Patch Antenna
Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation

Box position Opposite Corner
X: -5.0 dX: 10
Y: -4.5 dY: 9
Z: 0.0 dZ: 3.32

Radiation Boundary:
Graphically select all the faces of the air object except the face at Z= 0.0 cm.

Creating an Analysis Setup

Define Solution Setup and Frequency Sweep and Analyze the model you have created.

 Solution Frequency: 2.4 GHz

 Maximum Number of Passes: 20
 Maximum Delta S per Pass: 0.02

o Sweep Type: Fast.

o Frequency Setup Type: Linear Step.
Start: 2.0 GHz
Stop: 3.0 GHz
Step Size: 1 MHz

Create Modal S-Parameter Plot - Magnitude

Create report (Modal S-Parameter Plot and Radiation Pattern) of the model.

Create Far Field Radiation Pattern

Create far field (2-D radiation pattern and 3-D polar plot) of the Model.

Lab-7. Probe Feed Patch Antenna
Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation

In Lab Task-2: Design Probe Feed Patch Antenna for f = 3.5 GHz and create
Reports of the Model, also find out:

 Lower & Higher Frequencies

 Bandwidth of Antenna
 Gain of Antenna
 Return loss

Lab Assessment

Pre Lab /5
Performance /5 /25

Results /5

Viva /5
Critical Analysis /5
Instructor Signature and Comments

Lab-7. Probe Feed Patch Antenna

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