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BKM-Z60/ 80B(Ⅲ )

Service Manual

1 PREFACE 错误!未定义书签。










5.1.1 E00 INTERRUPTED 10
5.1.2 E01 DOOR SW UNCLOSE 11
TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

5.1.16 E16 WATER-LACK ALARM 27




6.1.1 CHAMBER 37
6.1.6 WATER TANK 38
6.2.3 PRINTER 44
6.2.12 AIR FILTER 48




1 Cautions and attentions

This manual is applicable to the installation of the equipment.

In this Manual and the Operation Manual, the following signs are used to indicate the
operations to which attention must be paid or great importance must be attached:

Caution This sign is used to indicate the instruction to which great importance
must be attached.

Caution This sign is used to indicate the instruction to which great importance
must be attached.

This sterilizer can only be used to sterilize the medical devices and articles which can resist high
temperature and high humidity, and may not be used to sterilize oil and powder such as

Caution This sign is used to indicate the instruction which must be strictly
followed; otherwise personal safety may be jeopardized.

Before operating or maintaining the equipment, please carefully read and fully understand the
contents of every section of this Manual and the Operation Manual, especially the contents
marked with any of the above signs.

The Installation/Operation Manual must be properly kept, so as to prevent it from getting lost
or damaged, even slightly damaged.

Chloride ion is the important factor which may cause corrosion and damage of stainless steel. If
this sterilizer is used to sterilize any article which contains chloride ion, please use fresh water
to wash the inner wall of sterilizing chamber every day, so as to prevent the corrosion of
internal stainless steel caused by accumulated chloride ion and prolong the service life of the

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

2 Introduction

This product is a kind of automatic high pressure and high temperature rapid pulse vacuum
sterilizer which utilizes pressurized steam as sterilizing medium. It is used for sterilization of
small packing and small quantities objects in medical units where there is no vapor source or
convenient connecting to a vapor line.

A new-style vacuum system is used in this sterilizer to pump the sterilizing chamber to a state
that is close to a perfect vacuum. Firstly, the air is pumped to -80kPa. Then steam is injected and
the pressure rises to 60kPa. At last, it is pumped to a negative pressure state again. And the
program will be cycled several times. What has been pumped out is the mixture of air and
steam in the chamber. When the air is continuously decreased, steam is injected. And the steam
increases both the chamber pressure and the boiling point. So that a temperature over 100℃
can be acquired which solidify the somatic protein and makes denaturation on it. In this way
microorganisms are killed and the target of sterilization is achieved. Several times` deep vacuum
pumping and regular high-efficiency steam injection before sterilization can well penetrate
dressings, fabric, slender and long hollow instruments and multi-layer packaging instruments.
So the sterilization is quite reliable.

Outward Appearance:

S/N Component name S/N Component name
1 Water cap handle 17 Safety valve
2 Display screen 18 Chamber filter
3 Operation button 19 Drain joint
Steam generator drain ball-valve
4 Doo switch WD4 20
5 Printer(Optional) 21 Equipment back cover
Circulating water drain port(retained part
6 of the water, used for double water tank, 22 Breaker
conventional equipment is not configured)
Circulating water drain port (completely
drain the water, used for double water
7 23 Power line
tank, the conventional equipment is not
8 Drain port for clear water tank 24 Equipment feet
9 Equipment racks and trays 25 Water tank
10 Door lock hook 26 Equipment right cover
11 Equipment feet(supporting function) 27 Water tank cover
Pressure gauge for chamber and
12 Sealing door 28
steam generator
13 Door cover 29 Power switch
14 Door handle 30 USB connect port
15 Cooling hole 31 chamber filter
16 Side cover handle 32

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

3 System structure

3.1 Sterilizer main body

It is made of stainless and the designed pressure is -0.1/0.3MPa.

3.2 Control system

3.2.1 Master control system

Power supply module

Motor control module

Main control module Analog module control

3.2.2 Display System

a) Surface film button: there are altogether 5 buttons. Please refer to the operation manual
for details.

b) Display screen: LCD; it communicates with the master board via the winding displacement;
Snap the communication line connector into place of the display screen and master board
communication line slot.

Printer communication port

Printer power supply Dial switch

Dial switch

USB port

Screen communication port

Users could view real-time parameters from the LCD.

Communication line connector

Display dial switch:

It is to define the program transmission; all selections are OFF under normal running conditions.

Surface film winding displacement pins:

The winding displacement of the surface film button is directly inserted into the pins on the
display board.

3.2.3 Other Control Components

Pressure interlock

Air filter

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

Pressure transmitter

 Air filter: it filters the air entering the chamber, guaranteeing it is clean and sterile.
 Pressure transmitter: it detects the chamber pressure.
 Pressure interlock: when the touch terminal of the interlock becomes convex because of
the chamber pressure, the inching switch will be pressed. Then the door is locked, i.e., the
door can`t be opened for the pressure inside the chamber.
 Transformer: it indirectly supplies electricity of 24 V to the electromagnetic lock and door

3.3 Sealing door system

3.3.1 Driving ring
 The driving ring interlocks with the gears and the driving ring will be driven when the motor
rotates. During the rotation process of the motor, the driving ring rotates and makes the 4
door-lock hooks interlocked.
There is a door interlock device (electromagnetic lock) on the driving ring: when the door has
rotated in place and is being locked, the copper contact terminal of the electromagnetic lock
will get into the spacing hole of the driving ring electromagnetic lock and then the driving ring is
locked to avoid wrong actions.

Driving ring

Limit switch


Driving ring

Limit switch

Probe Limit switch

Motor and motor gears

Driving ring gears

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

Electromagnetic lock

Copper contact terminal of the

electromagnetic lock

Spacing hole of the

electromagnetic lock

3.3.2 Door Sealing

 Sealing door:
The door sealing part is composed of the sealing door and rubber gaskets.
When the door has been closed, the door safety lock of the door lock rotating shaft will
press in the door switch.

 Rubber gasket:
it is used to seal the door. To guarantee the sealing effect, no impurity should exist on the
surface of the rubber gasket.

Door handle

Door lock rotating axle

Door motor and gears

Safety lock door

pressing-in switch
Door lock hook

3.3.3 Door Opening & Closing

 Door handle: it is used to rotate the door lock rotating shaft, making the door safety lock
complete the operation on the door switch contact terminal.

 Door safety lock: it completes the door opening and closing process. Normally, the door will
get closed when the door switch is pressed in and it will get open when the door switch
contact terminal is loosened. Please refer to the operation manual for details.

4 Working principle

4.1 Technical principle

This product is a kind of automatic high pressure and high temperature rapid pulse vacuum
sterilizer which utilizes pressurized steam as sterilizing medium. To sterilize the objects, it
completely kills bacteria and viruses under the conditions of high pressure and high

4.2 Door working principle

When the door handle is rotating, it drives the door lock hook by the door lock rotating shaft to
press in or disconnect the door switch contact terminal. Normally, the door will be closed when
the door switch contact terminal is pressed in and the motor works; the door will be opened
when the door switch contact terminal is disconnected and the motor works.

Gears on the door motor and those on the driving ring occlude with each other. When the door
motor works, the gears drive the driving ring and the driving ring drives the door lock hook to
finish the door closing and opening actions.

4.3 Vacuum-pumping principle

Vacuum pumping pipelines are used in vacuum pumping. Circulating pump B1 pumps out the
water from the circulating water tank and guides it through pipelines to the hydraulic ejector.
Then the water enters the circulating water tank passing the bent pipe, and finally, the chamber
vacuum pumping can be finished.

5 Fault handling

5.1 Alarm information processing

Alarm Information Table

Serial Alarm Alarm content Remarks

1 code
E00 Interrupted
2 E01 Door SW unclose
3 E02 Cavity overheating
4 E03 Cavity wall overheating
5 E04 Sterilization low temperature
6 E05 Vacuum pumping overtime

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

Serial Alarm Alarm content Remarks

7 code
E06 Heating overtime
8 E07 Water injection overtime
9 E08 Motor jamming
10 E09 Motor work overtime
11 E10 Chamber overpressure
12 E11 Steam generator overpressure
13 E12 Chamber sensor failure
14 E13 Chamber wall sensor failure
15 E14 Steam generator sensor failure
16 E15 Pressure sensor failure
17 E16 Water shortage in purified water tank
18 E17 Water shortage in circulating water tank
19 E18 Circulating water tank overflow
20 E20 Door not locked firmly
21 E21 Steam generator water level failure
22 E23 Motor SW unclose
23 E50 Communic. Erro Communication Error

Caution: Please confirm that the wires have been connected

according to the wiring diagram before checking problems on
electricity and conducting the overhaul.

5.1.1 E00 Interrupted

The code E00 indicates that the program is interrupted during the operation. Select the icon
by pressing the increase/decrease button and press the OK button to enter into the exit
confirmation interface. Press the OK button again to exit the program. Now you will see ‘E00
Interrupted! Please wait’. Press the back button to when you see ‘Please back’.

Program running interface---exit confirmation interface---alarm prompts.

P1:XXXkpa T1:XXX.X℃
Preheat Are you sure to stop

Door State: Closed

P1:XXXkpa T1:XXX.X℃ P1:XXXkpa T1:XXX.X℃
E00 Interrupted! E00 Interrupted!
Please wait Please back
Door State: Closed Door State: Closed

5.1.2 E01 Door SW unclose

The code E01 indicates that poor closing of the door switch.

i. Check whether the door hook which driven by the door handle has completely pressed the
micro switch. If not,

 That means the door handle has not fully driven the door hook. Turn the door handle to
drive the door hook press the door switch WD4 (see the following picture).

 Check whether the door switch has been fixed well. Fasten the fixing screw.

Micro switch Ⅳ

ii. Check the wiring of the door switch. Find out the code and model number of the element.
The switch is wired as normal open (NO), i.e. there are two wires connected with the switch:
one is common port (COM) and the other is normal open port (NO). Use the millimeter to
measure and make sure the switch works well on both normal open and normal close.

WD4:Micro switch Ⅳ(door switch)

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

Please replace the micros witch if it does not work normally.

iii. Check whether the detectors of door signal on the main board works well.

5.1.3 E02 chamber overheating alarm

The E02 code indicates that the detected chamber temperature exceeds the setting value +4℃
(If the equipment is on standby status, please refer to the last sterilizing temperature).

i. Check whether the chamber pressure and temperature are correctly corresponding.

 Firstly, check whether the chamber pressure correctly corresponds with the pressure gage
(There will be about 10kPa difference between these two values.). If not, the possible
reason could be the failure detection of chamber pressure that causes chamber overheated.
Please replace the chamber temperature sensor or main board.

 Check whether the chamber temperature correctly corresponds with the pressure (134℃
corresponds about 220-230kPa). Check whether the chamber air-in valve has been well
sealed. If not, the steam may leak from the steam generator into chamber that causes
chamber overheating alarm. Please clean the solenoid valve and air-in pipeline.

For checking and cleaning the air-in pipeline, please disconnect the relevant pipeline (i.e. the
pipeline which connects with the steam generator, valve F2 and chamber.) Please refer to the
following procedures to clean the solenoid valve:

The valve lid


Rotate the screwdriver lightly

along the direction (2), and then
drag the screwdriver along the
direction (1). After that, remove
the lid.

After removing the lid, continue to

remove the rest of the parts with
force along the direction (4).

Thoroughly clean the parts after removing them. And then have a re-installation.

ii. The chamber pressure is far more than the saturated steam pressure value which
corresponds to the chamber temperature. Chamber temperature detection failure. Please
replace the chamber temperature sensor or main board.

5.1.4 E03 chamber wall overheating alarm

The E03 code indicates that the detected chamber wall temperature exceeds 160℃.

i. Check whether the heating film has been on the heating status all the time (Possible, the
indicating light of the heating film does not work but the signal is kept outputting).

Check whether there is voltage in wire 3# and H2#. If not, it means the main board works well.

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

ii. The inaccuracy of temperature detection. Please replace the platinum thermistor or
temperature detecting module.

For replacing the chamber temperature sensor or main board, please refer to the electrical

5.1.5 E04 sterilization low-temperature alarm

The detected chamber temperature is below the sterilization temperature more than 1min.

i. Check whether the pressure of steam generator is normal.

The pressure of steam generator should be kept in the range of 【240 280】kPa to guarantee a
good sterilization. Please refer to the pressure gage PG2 of the steam generator and the
pressure P2 which displayed on the screen to judge whether the pressure of the steam
generation during sterilization process is normal or not. If the pressure is low, check the electric
heat tube whether there is heating on it. If pressure is normal, go to next step.

To detect the heating tube current: detect the single heating tube current of the steam
generator by using the clip-on ammeter. The current of single tube should be 6A under the
condition of 220V50Hz. The normal value of heating tube resistance is about 37Ω.

ii. Check whether there is any leakage in the pipeline or door.

Remove the equipment outer cover. Check whether there is any obvious steam leakage (the
chamber pressure>100kPa).

 If there is any leakage, please fasten the pipeline till the leakage disappears.

 Check the door gasket if there is a door leakage.

Remove the door gasket and reinstall it. Make the broad side of the door gasket outwards while
the narrow side close to the door plate. Please refer to 6.3.3 Rubber gasket of the door.

iii. Check whether the steam intake valve and pipeline are blocked.

The sterilization low-temperature may caused by slow air injection. Check the chamber air-in
valve F2 and relevant pipeline to make sure that they are not blocked.

iv. Check whether the exhausting valve and the slow exhausting valve are tight.

 Clean both valves to avoid poor sealing caused by valve blocking.

 If the problem still cannot be solved,start the program till the chamber pressure reaches
100kPa. Now cut off the power and remove the wires of F5 and F3 (F3 and F5 are now in off
status). Check whether there is leakage in F3 or F5 (now the pipeline that connected with
F3, F5 and condenser LN1 is under high temperature).

v. Check whether the slow exhausting pipeline is expedited. Check whether the temperature
and pressure are correctly corresponded. If not, it is necessary to carry out this checking.

If the chamber is under high pressure (P1>50kPa), the opening and closing time of the slow
exhausting valve F5 is 3s and 10s respectively. At this moment the solenoid valve will exhaust
steam and water intermittently. Now the pipeline which connects valve F3 and condenser LN1 is
under high temperature. There is water discharged from this part of pipeline at the same time.

If the above phenomenon has not been found, it possibly the exhausting valve is blocked or the
solenoid valve has not been switched on.

 Please clean up the slow exhausting valve according to the valve disassembly step.

 Check whether the voltage of the two wires that control the solenoid valve and the voltage
between wire F5 and 3# are 220V while the solenoid valve F5 is working. If there is no
voltage please replace the main board. Please replace the solenoid valve if there is 220V

Note: To detect whether the solenoid valve has electricity, a ferric screw driver can be used to
contact the stainless steel part on the top of the solenoid valve. The magnetism will be felt if the
solenoid has electricity.

vi. Check whether the temperature detection is normal.

The detection of the platinum thermal may be abnormal when the five tests that mentioned
above are normal. And when the low-temperature alarm appearing, the pressure of the
chamber keep over 220kPa. We recommend that replace the temperature sensor.

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

PT100 connect cable


Remove the lead of platinum thermal from the main board. Pick the lead from wiring harness.
Use the spanner to unscrew the platinum thermal. If necessary, remove the driving ring and the
relevant pipeline for convenience.

5.1.6 E05 Vacuum Overtime Alarm

When it comes to the pulsation phase, vacuum time exceeds the predetermined time for 30

i. Inspect the chamber filter

Removing the filter and rinsing it with clean water.

Main-body filter installation position

When the equipment is in a cold state (pot wall is not hot), take out the filter to clean.
Place it in water, use a small brush kind tool to clean the surface filter, and rinse with water.

ii. Inspect whether the water tank filter is blocked.

Please refer to the following step:

Water tank filter has screw thread, while cleaning or replacing it, please rotate the filter
clockwise to remove it from the water tank. And decompose the filter as shown below, after
the decomposition use clear water and brush to clean the filter net. After cleaning the filter
recover and re install it back to water tank.

Filter net in the filter of the water tank

iii. Inspect whether the door gasket is correctly installed.

Check the rubber gasket and make sure it is evenly installed. If not, remove the door gasket and
clean it .Reinstall the gasket in the right direction. Make the broad side of door gasket outwards
while the narrow side close to the door plate. The method of reinstall the gasket is mentioned
in part 6.2.2.

iv. Inspect whether the vacuum pipe and PS are blocked.


Take apart the two parts of the PS and clean it. Make sure they are not blocked.

5.1.7 E06 Heating-up Overtime Alarm

Heating-up phase time exceeds 30min.

i. Inspect whether the steam generator pressure is normal. It should be about 250KPa. (This
depends on whether the heating pipe and the setting of the pressure switch are normal.)

Refer to the E04 for the judgment method of steam generator pressure.

ii. Check whether there is leakage in pipeline.

Remove the outer cover and inspect the pipe joints if there is an obvious leakage. (When
chamber pressure >100Kpa)
iii. Inspect the tightness of the exhausting valve and slow exhaust valve
Refer to the method in E04
iv. Inspect whether the slow exhausting valve could dewater well.

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

Refer to the method in E04

5.1.8 E07 Water injection overtime alarm

Water injection time exceeds 10min.

i. When the water reaches the high level, check whether the injection pump (B1) works well.
If the pump is not working, the pump impeller may get rust. Use a screwdriver to rotate the
impeller to make it work.
ii. Inspect whether the water tank filter is blocked
Rinse the filter (which is in the connecting pipe between injection pump and clean water tank).
Refer to the filter cleaning part in E06.
iii. The main board cannot detect the water level of the steam generator

 Check whether the wiring of the water level relay probe is normal. Make sure there is no
loosening wiring or poor contact.

 Check whether the water level relay wiring is loose and power supply is normal according
to the electrical drawings.

Water level signal indicator light

Voltage indicator light

If the pressure signal cannot be detected, it possibly because of the poor wiring of the relay
power line 36#.

 The breaker between the earth line EL of the water level relay and equipment outer cover is
poor that cause the water level signal cannot be detected. Make sure the earth lines are
mutually conductive.

 If the water level signal still cannot be detected, please remove the water level probe and
clean it according to the following procedures:

Firstly, remove the wires and mark each of the probes as 1, 2 and 3. The corresponding wire
numbers are 41#42#43# (high, medium and low level).

PTFE film to avoid water leakage

Low level probe High level probe

These are high, medium and low level probe respectively. Take the probes out and totally clean

5.1.9 E08 Motor card set alarm

The method is same as of E09.

5.1.10 E09 Motor working overtime alarm

i. Inspect the motor wirings

Firstly, open the door and press the micro switch. Wait for more than 30s and watching
whether the four locks in the door can move and lock rightly.

 If yes, it means the motor wirings are normal. Then do the same inspection in part ii.

 If not, please remove the side and top cover. Press the micro switch and use the clamp
meter to inspect the power supply of the door motor when the door locks starts moving.

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

Open the door and press the micro

switch. Wait for more than 30s and
watching whether the four locks in
the door can move and lock rightly.

Micro switch WD4

 If yes, please inspect if the wiring of the door motor is loose.

 If not, check whether the power line of motor is loose or falls off. Check whether the
power line of the travel switch which is in the pressure safety interlock falls off. Check
whether the little column of the pressure safety interlock has been normally separated
from the travel switch when there is no pressure in chamber.

Check whether the wires of travel switch in the pressure safety interlock is
loose, or whether the column of the pressure safety interlock is isolate with
the slice of the travel switch when there is no pressure in chamber.

Pressure safety interlock Micro switch

The wiring and contactors of the travel switch are as follows:

Two wires should be connected to the COM 1 and NO 3 respectively (i.e. wire 34# and 33#).

ii. Check whether the door is drooping.

Firstly remove the door handle, trim panel and door cover. Turn around the handle and press
the door appropriately to help close the door. Then check whether the door is in the middle of
the four door lock hooks and whether the gap between the edge of the door and the four door
lock hooks is even.

Trim panel Door plate

Door handle

Door cover

Check whether the gap between door plate and four

door lock hooks is coordinating.

 If the gap is even, please refer to iii for checking.

 If the gap is not even, it indicates the door plate is upper shift or dropping.

 Please open the side and top cover, check whether the upper hinges and the bolts
that connect to the body (Three bolts are upper and three are lower.) are loose. If
any, please lift the door reinforcing plate and put it in the middle of four door lock
hooks. Ensure the bolts are tightly fastened.

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

Body Upper hinges

Check whether the door fixed bolts

(Three bolts are upper and three are
lower.) are loose.

 Please check whether the door beam and hinges are loose. If any, please lift the
door beam and put it in the middle of four door lock hooks. Ensure the bolts are
tightly fastened.

Door beam Hinge

Check whether the door fixed bolts

(Three) are loose.

iii. Check whether the gap between four door lock hooks and the section of door plate is even.

 If yes, please check according to the part IV.

 If not, remove the fixed cotter pin of the door lock hook and pin roll. Swap the door lock
hook that with the biggest gap and door lock hook that with the smallest gap. Retesting.

Check whether the gap between
door lock-hook and door plate is
Pin roll

iv. Check whether the driving ring is bending.

 If not, please check according to part v.

 If yes, please remove the driving ring and reinstall after reshaping it, or, replace with a new
driving ring.

Driving ring Check whether the

driving ring is bending.

v. If the above methods have not solved the problems, we infer that the problems you faced
are not very serious.

Please apply the lubrication oil to the connection of driving ring and door lock hook ,the
connection of door lock hook and the door ,retest it .Please contact our technical department if
the product is breakdown again.

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

Please apply lubrication oil to the Please apply the lubrication oil to
connection of driving ring and the connection of door lock hook
door lock hook and the door.

5.1.11 E10 the chamber overpressure alarm.

Test the chamber pressure exceeds 260kpa.

i. Whether it’s the fault of chamber pressure detection.

Check whether the pressure of screen and the chamber pressure gage are accordant. It
indicates the inaccurate chamber pressure detection causes to the chamber overpressure alarm
if the pressure is not accordant. Then replace the chamber pressure transmitter .Please refer to
the following picture for the replacement, remove and installation.

Remove the screw. Identify the pressure transmitter of steam generator and chamber.

Remove the screw

Remove the upper

wire and take off
the wire. Twist off
the lower part
and replace the
new one.

Pressure transmitter Pressure transmitter of

of steam generator chamber

ii. Whether the slow exhausting valve can open normally and whether the pipe is clear.

Refer to the part iv and v that mentioned in E04 alarm information.

iii. Check whether the steam injection valve is not tightly sealed or in the opening status all
the time that causes that steam leaks from steam generator into chamber continually.

Check whether the chamber steam injection valve F2 is not tightly sealed that cause to the
steam leaks from the steam generator into the chamber and the chamber alarms for the

 Wash the solenoid valve and steam injection pipeline. Please refer to the E02 chamber
overheated alarm about the solenoid valve washing.

 Please replace the main board if the chamber steam injection valve is always opening when
the power is switched on.

5.1.12 E12 the fault of chamber sensor.

The temperature of chamber displays 0℃ or 250℃.

i. Problems of the chamber PT100 wiring.

Check the wiring of the main board PT100, please correct or tighten if the wiring is wrong or

ii. Check whether flat cables of all modules are loose.

Tighten the flat cables if they are loose and check whether it is recovered.

iii. The disconnection or fault of PT100

Detect whether the platinum resistance is fault if the wiring is normal. Detect its resistance
value (Between white line and arbitrary red line.). The resistance value is about 110Ω in the
status of chamber temperature (25℃).It is need to replace the PT100 if there is a large

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

difference between resistance value and the value in the diagram.

iv. The fault of control main board.

If the PT100 is normal, it indicates the part of analogue data module of the main board is
damaged .Please replace a new main board

5.1.13 E13 the fault of chamber wall sensor.

The temperature of chamber displays 0℃ or 250℃.

i. Problems of the chamber wall PT100 wiring.

Check the wiring of the main board PT100, please correct or tighten if the wiring is wrong or

ii. Refer to the E12 about the judgment methods of the platinum resistance fault.

iii. The fault of control main board.

If the PT100 is normal, it indicates the part of analogue data module of the main board is
damaged .Please replace a new main board

5.1.14 E14 steam generator sensor fault

Steam generator pressure -100kPa or 300kPa

i. Refer to board drawings, inspect whether the cable connection of pressure transmitter is
wrong or loosen, if there is error or loosen, correct or tighten it.

ii. View whether the display value of steam generator pressure gauge is very different from
the value of the LCD screen. If the difference is very big, please replace the pressure
transmitter, and the replacing method can be referred to the E10 alarm.

(This procedure must be executed on the condition that the power is off and the chamber of
steam generator is out of pressure.)

5.1.15 E15 pressure sensor fault

Pressure transmitter in chamber-100kPa or 300kPa

i. According to main board drawing, check if wiring connection of pressure transmitter is

wrong or loose. If yes, please correct it or fix it tightly.

ii. If there is no fault or looseness,please replace the pressure transmitter according to part i
in E10.

iii. If it still alarms after replacing the pressure transmitter, it indicates the connected analogue
data module to the cable is damaged .Please replace a new main board.

5.1.16 E16 water-lack alarm

It detects that the water level of the clean water box is below the water quality monitoring

i. Inspect whether the water level of the clean water tank is higher than the water quality
monitoring probe, if lower than the probe, please add water to the overflow port of the
clear water tank.

ii. Check whether the wiring of water quality monitoring probe is wrong or loose, if there is
error or loose, please correct or tighten it.
Wiring of the water-quality monitoring probe

Water quality monitoring probe

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

5.1.17 E20 the door has not been fully locked.

The signal of door micro switch cannot be detected during the operation.

i. Check if wiring is disconnected or virtual connection.

The wiring of micro switch and contactor condition are as follows:

The two wires should be connected to COM1 and NO3 respectively.

ii. Check if the door micro switch works normally.

Check the normally open and close point of micro switch by using multi-meter. Please replace
the micro switch if it does not work well.

iii. Check if electromagnetic lock is normal.

On normal pressure on which door could open and close,(If the barometric pressure is 0 kPa,
the pressure of opening/closing door is±5kPa. While if the barometric pressure is -5 kPa,the
pressure of opening/closing door is -10and 0 kPa,)The electromagnetic lock has about 24V DC
voltage. If it doesn’t have voltage you should check if transformer works normally.


Power model

Terminal between transformer

and mainboard

Checking method:The two red lines of transmitter TF1 are 220V AC input; the two blue lines are
24V AC output. Check voltage by using multi-meterand.

 If there is no voltage in the blue 24V AC lines, please replace the transformer.

 If the voltage of red lines and its terminal on main board is not 220V AC, please replace the
voltage module.

iv. The electromagnetic lock cannot fit the driving ring(The drive ring cannot reach the
position limiting hole.

Electromagnetic lock contacts

Limit driving ring bore

 Loosen the screw which is in the electromagnetic lock supporter. Adjust the position of the
electromagnetic lock to fit the driving ring.

 Adjust the bending angle of the off-position micro switch slice so that adjust the rotating
angle of driving ring to fit the driving ring.

 Please replace the driving ring if the problem cannot be solved by the above methods.

5.1.18 E21 water detection fault of the steam generator

The high water level signal of the steam generator can be detected but the low water level
signal cannot.

i. Please refer to wiring drawing and check if the wiring of the steam generator water level
relay is correct.

ii. Take out water level probe and check if the line connection of water level probe is correct.

For the procedure of removing the water level probe and judgment method please refer to the
part 4 E07.

iii. Insepct whether the probe PTFE sheath is intact or not, if there is crack, need to replace
the probe assembly. While inspecting, need to remove the three probes aftetr dismantling
the fixed screw, check whether there are cracks on the PTFE sheath, if there are cracks they
will cause the E21 alarm.

PTFE sheath

5.1.19 E23 MotorSW unclose

The code E23 indicates that poor closing of off-position disconnection of the motor.

i. Check whether the off position of the motor has pressed the micro switch well. If not,

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

please adjust the bending angle of the micro switch tablet.

Micro switch I

ii. Check the wiring of the off-position micro switch. Find out the code and model number of
the element. The switch is wired as normal open (NO), i.e. there are two wires connected
with the switch: one is common port (COM) and the other is normal open port (NO). Use
the multi-meter to measure and make sure the switch works well on both normal open and
normal close.

WD1:Micro switch Ⅰ(detecting micro-switch of door off position)

Please replace the micro switch if it does not work normally.

iii. Check whether the detectors of door signal on the main board works well.

5.1.20 E50 communication malfunction alarm

Check line connection between main board and screen. If the alarm still cannot be solved,
please replace the main board.

5.2 Other faults processing

5.2.1 Sterilizer main body

A) Main body leakage

After use for many years, the main body may start to leak steam. In this case, the equipment
should be stopped to use at once and be processed by professionals.

b) Severe chamber corrosion

The long-time use of the equipment and plenty of chlorine ions that exist in the water and
sterilized objects will accelerate the corrosion process. And when it happens, the equipment
needs to be maintained and processed by technicians and professionals.

Caution: Chlorine ions should be as fewer as possible in the

used water and sterilized objects to reduce possible

c) Pipeline leakage connecting with the main body

Re-connect the pipeline that leaks.

d) Safety valve error

i. The safety valve leaks. Screw it down, or replace it when necessary.

ii. The safety valve opens despite the fact that the pressure has not reached the set value.
Then calibrate the pressure of the safety valve (0.3 MPa).

iii. The safety valve still can`t open when the pressure has reached 0.3Mpa. Then cut off the
power source immediately and replace the safety valve.

Pull loop of the safety valve

Safety valve

Fixing terminal of the safety valve

Danger: The safety valve should be calibrated regularly to

guarantee safe running of the equipment.

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

Caution: Make some steam pass through the safety valve

monthly. Lift the pull loop to release the steam pressure.

Caution: The safety valve should be checked one time a year

by a professional department!

5.2.2 Control system

a) The main board has no electricity

i. The power switch is turned off

(including the power supply switch, circuit breaker switch and rocker switch).

ii. Abnormal power signals

(rated value of the power supply: AC220V 50Hz; fluctuating range: ±10%)

iii. The fuse of the power supply module gets damaged.

b) The power supply module is abnormal.

i. The output of the power source module is abnormal. The signals of the DC5V voltage that
supplies electricity to the main board printer and the signals of the DC24V voltage that
supplies electricity to the electromagnetic lock are both abnormal. If the working state of
the power source supply and the transformer is normal, please replace the power source
module or adjust the power source supply.

ii. The power source module is damaged. Check whether there are any electronic components
that apparently get damaged. If there are, replace the components or the main board

iii. Replace the fuse or the power source module. If there is any difficulty in doing this, please
connect the manufacturer.

c) Abnormal input and output

i. It has input signals all the time or has no input signals all the time. Please refer to E01
Alarm Processing Measures for checking methods. Replace the main board or the master
control module if it is the problem of the main board.

ii. It has output signals all the time or has no output signals all the time. Check whether the
output signals are normal. If they are, replace the main board.

d) Abnormal analog quantity detection

i. The temperature detection is abnormal: judge whether the PT100 works normally
according to E12 Alarm Processing Measures III. Replace the analog module if the PT100
works normally (there is no problem with the wiring condition of the module).
ii. The pressure detection is abnormal:

 Chamber pressure transmitter:

Replace the chamber pressure transmitter if the difference between equipment pressure
and the pressure displayed in pressure gauge (greater than 20kpa). If the error still exists
after replacing the pressure transmitter please replace the main board.

 Steam generator pressure transmitter:

Replace the steam generator pressure transmitter if the difference between equipment
pressure and the pressure displayed in pressure gauge (greater than 20kpa). If the error still
exists after replacing the pressure transmitter please replace the main board..

e) Abnormal motor module

i. Abnormal input of the motor module: measure whether the DC24V input of the motor
module is abnormal. If abnormal, check the power source module and the transformer.

ii. Abnormal output of the motor module: measure whether the DC24V output of the motor
module is abnormal. Check the input voltage of the motor module or replace main board.

f) Abnormal display screen system

i. The words displayed on the screen are abnormal: unrecognizable codes or random words
are displayed. Please replace the display screen when there is nothing wrong with the
winding displacement.

ii. Abnormal brightness of the display screen

 Check whether the power source of all the parts is working in normal state.

 Modify the brightness contrast parameters of the display screen referring to the parameter
setting part in the operation manual.

 If the problem still can`t be solved, please replace the display screen.

iii. The buzzer does not ring when pressing the buttons on the screen. Replace the display

iv. Surface film error

 Wiring error of the surface film

Check whether the direction of the inserting needles is correct. There are altogether six
needles, each of them having two marks 1 and 6 at the two ends.

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Correct wiring:

 Buttons error: replace the surface film.

g) Abnormal printer

i. The power supply of the printer is abnormal.

Check whether the power supply voltage of the printer is DC5V (±10%) with a universal
meter or other tools.

ii. Unrecognizable code of the printer

 Check and confirm that the signal wires are normally connected.

 Check and confirm that the position of the toggle switch of the printer is right.

 Printer error: replace it.

iii. Paper jam of the printer

 Reinstall the printing paper referring to the printer manual.

iv. The printer won`t print

 Make sure the printer is in opening state.

Including the printing mode set of the program and the printer power switch
(the indicating light shines).

 The printer won`t move the paper.

Check whether there is any paper left and whether the printing mode of the program is in
opening state.

h) Abnormal relay output

i. Abnormal relay of the main heating, auxiliary heating, injection pump and circulating

Check the wiring conditions according to the wiring diagram. Replace the relay if it has output
all the time or has no output all the time.

ii. Abnormal water level relay

 Check whether the power indicator of the water level relay is normal.

 The indicating light of the relay signals will shine when the wires of the water level probe
respectively conducts with the equipment cover. If the water level signal indicator of the
relay doesn’t shine, please replace the water level relay.

Checking methods:
normally the relay signal indicator of low water level will shine when the low level wires
conduct with the equipment cover; the relay signal indicator of high water level will shine when
the high level wires conduct with the equipment cover. The median level signals remain to be
used as high level signals: when the high water level disappears and the median water level has
signals (the median water level wires conduct with the cover), the high water level signals won`t

DC 24V power Signal output

High water level signal indicator

Low water level signal indicator

Water level probe wiring


Caution: The earth wire should be reliably connected, or the signals

will not be detected!

i) Abnormal transformer

If the input power source signals of the transformer are normal(rated value: AC220V 50Hz) and
the output voltage DC24 (±20%) of the transformer is abnormal, please replace the

5.2.3 Sealing door system

a) The door leaks

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

i. The door is not closed in place.

Close and open the door according to the operation manual.

ii. The rubber gasket of the door is not properly installed.

Please refer to the Parts Replacement part of this manual and reinstall a clean rubber
gasket after opening the door.

iii. The rubber gasket is aging.

Please refer to the Parts Replacement part of this manual and replace the rubber gasket.

b) The door can`t be opened or closed

i. Motor error

 Check whether the working voltage of the motor is at rated value (DC 24 V).
If it is not, please check the main board and wiring conditions.

 If the motor voltage is normal, it indicates that the motor is damaged. Replace it please.

 The motor gears rotate not smoothly. Smear some molybdenum disulfide to lubricate it.
If the gears are not firmly occluded or have torn and worn heavily, please adjust or replace
the gears.

ii. Electromagnetic lock error

 The electromagnetic lock cannot gain electricity. Check the electromagnetic output of the
main board, and if there is no output, check whether the output voltage of the transformer
and the main board is normal.

 The electromagnetic lock is jammed and cannot withdraw. Check whether the mechanical
parts aren`t harmonious with each other. Adjust the fixing condition of the driving ring and
the electromagnetic lock to make the electromagnetic lock move smoothly.

iii. Driving ring error

 The driving ring won’t rotate. Check the mechanical interlock system and smear some
molybdenum disulfide for lubrication when it won`t rotate because of powerful friction

5.2.4 Pipeline System

a) Pipeline leakage

i. Connection problem: fasten the connecting end of the pipeline.

ii. Aging problem of the pipeline (especially PTFE pipes): replace the problem pipes.

b) Pipeline jamming

Take apart the pipeline and clean the pipes with a long and slim tool to make them unblocked.

6 Cleaning & maintenance

6.1 Cleaning & maintenance

6.1.1 Chamber

Wipe the cavity wall with a clean cloth or other cleaning tools.

6.1.2 Tray and shelf

The same cleaning method with the above one

6.1.3 The filter screen of the chamber

When the equipment is in a cold state (pot wall is not hot), take out the filter to clean.
Place it in water, use a small brush kind tool to clean the surface filter, and rinse with water.

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

6.1.4 Electromagnetic valve

The valve lid


Rotate the screwdriver lightly

along the direction ②, and then
drag the screwdriver along the
direction①. After that, remove
the lid.

After removing the lid, continue

to remove the rest of the parts
with force along the direction

Thoroughly clean the parts after removing them. And then have a re-installation.

6.1.5 Rubber gasket of the door

Rubber gasket of the door

Wipe it clean with a cleaning tool and install it when it is clean.

6.1.6 Water tank

Remove the top cover and then wipe the interior of the circulating water tank and the purified
water tank.
Water quality monitoring probe Water tank filter

The washing of
water tank filter

6.1.7 Water level probe

Burnish or scrub the probe after removing it to clean off the scale incrustation on the surface.

Position of water
level probe

PTFE film: to
avoid leakage.

Low level probe High level probe

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

6.1.8 Hydraulic ejector

Because of long time use, precipitates will form and the hydraulic ejector is likely to be jammed.
Its performance, especially vacuum pumping performance, will be heavily affected by that. So
when necessary tear the hydraulic ejector down and clean or replace it.

Hydraulic ejector

6.2 Parts replacement

To view the inner parts of the equipment please remove the corresponding cover.

 To remove the top cover please twist the screws and pull off the cover.

 Each cover has two screws. Twist the screws and pull off the cover by holding the handle.

 To remove the back cover, please twist all the screws.

Side cover Top cover Back cover Handle

6.2.1 Equipment control parts

i. Main board

There are two parts on the board: main board control part and water level detecting module.

4 retaining
screws of the

1 retaining screw
of the module

 Replace the whole main board: firstly cut off the electricity of the equipment and tear
down the connecting wires. Then use a screwdriver to tear down the 4 retaining screws of
the main board. After that, the main board can be removed.

 Replace water level detecting module: firstly cut off the electricity of the equipment. There
is no need to remove the whole control panel. Only remove the corresponding screw then
the module can be taken off.

ii. Relay

Remove the relay from the retaining slide way following the method below. And then replace it
with a new one according to the wiring diagram.

iii. Transformer

After removing the transformer, replace it with a new one and connect the wires according to
the elementary diagram.

• Tear down the transformer. • Replace it with a new one.

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

iv. Surface film and display screen

Remove the flat cable. Take off the surface film and paste a new one. Insert and connect the
inserting needles of the winding replacement according to the following ways.

When replacing the display screen, disconnecting all the lines connecting to the screen, then
remove the four screws fixing display screen, and then the screen can be removed, and then
replace with a new one.

Position of fixed screw

for display screen
(total 4 pieces)

Please close to the

right side to connect.

6.2.2 Rubber gasket of the door

S/N Component Name S/N Component Name

1 Sealing door 4 Sealing ring
2 Door handle 5 Sealing groove
3 Door cover
While install the sealing door, install the sealing gasket into the sealing groove accord to
method of diagram, and in the installation process can install according to the installation
Firstly install door sealing gasket into the bottom of the sealing groove, and then along the
direction of the arrow push the door sealing gasket into the sealing groove step by step, finally
smooth the whole door sealing gasket.
Instruction: The door sealing gasket must be installed correctly according to the diagram, can
not be installed in wrong direction, otherwise it will appear the problems of air leakage, water
leakage, difficult vacuum.

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

6.2.3 Printer

Open the printer lid and remove the screws.


Rotate wrench
Printer paper cover

Paper tearing
LF button

Close the printer

Printer paper

 Unsheathe the circumrotated wrench from the position the arrow point to as shown in
Fig.1 and circum-gyrate it until the paper cover opened as shown in Fig 2.
 Undrawn the paper cover, and insert the paper into the printer, then pull out a small
amount of paper. Notice the direction of the paper according to Fig.4.
 Close the paper cover. Press the platen roller back to the printer head, then push the
circumrotated wrench to the original position.
 Power the printer on, then press LF button, make the print head to run, and the paper
will come out. Turn off the power.
6.2.4 Electromagnetic valve

 Tear down the electromagnetic valve and install a new one with the same type.

F2 F4 F5 F3

 Install a new one.

6.2.5 Heating pipe

Drain the steam generator first and then tear down the heating pipe and install a new one.

 Tear down the connecting wires of the heating pipe.

Remove this

Remove these three

red lines.
 Tear down the retaining screws of the heating pipe.

Tear down the retaining screws of the

heating pipe with an inner- hexagon-driver

 Replace it with a new one.

6.2.6 Heating film

Tear down the heating film and then install a new one.

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

 Tear down the cover on the top and tear apart the insulating layer.

Tear apart the insulating layer to

expose the heating film.

Tear down the spring and the

heating film.

 Install a new one.

6.2.7 Water level probe

Please dismantle it refer to 6.1.8 water level probe cleaning step.

The 3 water level probes must be torn down together. It is not

permitted to tear down one of the solely, or the accuracy of water
level detection will be affected!

6.2.8 Hydraulic ejector

Replacement steps for water ejector can refer to 6.1.9 water ejector cleaning step.

6.2.9 Pressure transmitter

Remove the screw. Identify the pressure transmitter of steam generator and chamber.

Remove the upper

wire and take off
the wire. Twist off
the lower part
and replace the
new one.

Pressure transmitter Pressure transmitter

of steam generator of chamber

6.2.10 Temperature transmitter

i. Chamber temperature transmitter

It is located on the bottom of the equipment. Take off the main board and the transmitter wire.
Remove the temperature transmitter and replace the new one.

Chamber temperature transmitter

Remove it

ii. Chamber wall temperature transmitter

It is located on the side back of the equipment. Open up the insulating layer and remove the
damaged transmitter. Replace the new one.

Chamber wall temperature transmitter

Wire outlet

Remove the damaged

transmitter and replace a
new one.

6.2.11 Chamber wall temperature controller

Remove the wire of the temperature controller by loosening the screws and replace the new

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Remove the screws.

6.2.12 Air filter

Remove this part.

6.2.13 Circulating pump

Before removing the circulating pump, firstly dismantle the pump power line (see graph of
replacing the relay in the circulating pump), remove the pump pipeline connection, use wrench
to removed the pump fixed screw, and the pump can be removed it, and replace with a new

Cable B1 is connection
line for circulation pump

Fixed screw for

circulating pump

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

Appendices-01 Master control module

TD-XT-G002-002 V2.04-EN

Appendices-02 High-voltage electrical box wiring diagram

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Appendices-03 Piping diagram


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