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Strength & Conditioning for Basketball

By Charles Stephenson & Ernie Rimer


Big Jumpers
Fast Sprinters
Explosive Change of Direction…ers
We need Fast Sprinters, Big Jumpers,
& Explosive Change of Direction..ers.

How do we accomplish this?

Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Strength and/or Plyometric Training Works

Harries et al., (2012) J of Sci & Med in Sport

Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Olympic Variations
Floor vs. Hang?
Catch vs. Pull?

Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Olympic Variations – From the floor to the hang?

Comfort et al (2011b) JSCR

Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Olympic Variations – From the Floor to the hang?

Comfort et al (2011) JSCR

Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Olympic Variations from the Hang

Suchomel et al (2014) JSCR

Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Power Decreases w/Increasing Load

There may be an optimal load, but training across

loads improves the entire power profile Comfort et al (2012) JSCR
At the end of the day…
We use the hang
We emphasize the pull
We use a variety of loads
Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Strength Training

Arnold vs. Ronnie?

Double vs. Single?

Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Double Leg Strength Training
Big strength gains in Back and Quarter Squat…
but NO change in sprint performance

Harris et al., (2000) JSCR

Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Double Leg Strength Training
20% Gain in 1RM Squat = 2% Improvement in Sprint time

Back Squat: 330 → 395 lbs

3/4 Court: 3.3 → 3.22 s
Can we accomplish 2% another way?....Stay Tuned.
Wilson et al., (1996) E J Appl Physiol
Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Single Leg Strength Training

“Single Leg Squat”

“Pitcher’s Squat”
“Bulgarian Squat”
“Rear Foot Elevated”

McCurdy et al., (2010) J Sport Rehabil

Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Single Leg Strength Training
Single Leg Squat had ↑ Glute Activation
Single Leg Squat had ↑ Hamstring Activation
Single Leg Squat had ↑ Hamstring:Quad Activation Ratio (Quad Dom.)

Quad:Hamstring Activation:
Single Leg Squat: 1.67
Double Leg Squat: 4.87 = ~3x More Quad Dominant
McCurdy et al., (2010) J Sport Rehabil
Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Single Leg Strength Training
Improvements on Trained Leg with crossover to the Untrained Leg

Munn et al., (2004) JAP

Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Single Leg Strength Training & Performance

Unilateral Strength Training ↑ Spike Approach Height

NCAA Div I ♀ Volleyball Players
- Unilateral Strength Training 3d/wk for 10 weeks
SL Squat, Lunge, Step Ups, SL DB Power Clean, SL Pogo, SL CMJ

Langford et al., (2004) International Journal of Volleyball Research

Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Double vs Single Leg Strength & Plyo Training
n= 23 ♂ & 16 ♀ assigned to one of two training groups
- Unilateral Lower Extremity Strength & Plyometric Training 2d/week for 8 weeks
- Bilateral Lower Extremity Strength & Plyometric Training 2d/week for 8 weeks

From Pre- to Post-Training, Both Groups significantly (p<.05) increased:

- 5RM Backs Squat
- 5RM Modified Single Leg Squat
- Double Leg Countermovement Jump
- Single Leg Countermovement Jump
Compared to Bilateral Training Group, the Unilateral Training Groups
- Had greater increases in Single Leg Countermovement Jump

McCurdy et al., (2005) JSCR

Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Double vs Single Leg Strength & Plyo Training
- Unilateral Plyometric Training 2d/week for 12 weeks Effect Size = Post – Pre
- Bilateral Plyometric Training 2d/week for 12 weeks
Tested Pre-Training, Mid-Training (7 wks),Post-Training (12 SD
1.02 0.62
1.46 1.68 Unilateral Plyometrics
0.54 0.70 - Earlier Adaptations
0.83 - ↑ UL Performance
1.03 0.95
0.50 0.60
Bilateral Plyometrics
1.0 0.85 - Less Detraining
1.13 1.67
0.75 1.00

1.18 0.78
1.96 1.18
1.57 0.78

Makurak et al., (2011) JSCR

Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Unilateral Training in Horizontal Direction
8 weeks of Sprint & Plyo Training:
50% of plyo exercises were unilateral-horizontal actions
Remember 20% gain in
Back Squat to get 2%
improvement in
Sprint…Same result from
sprint and plyo program:
2.6% improvement in 10 m
~2% improvement in 40 m

Rimmer & Sleivert, (2000) JSCR

Jump, Sprint, & Agility
Unilateral Training in Horizontal Direction

“Several longitudinal studies … have attempted to improve COD

performance with [traditional] resistance training…each of these studies
has failed to improve COD performance.”
Fry et al., (1991). JSCR
Cronin et al., (2003). J Sport Sci
Hoffman et al., (2004). JSCR
Tricoli et al., (2005). JSCR
Hoffman et al., (2005). JSCR

McBride et al., (2002). JSCR “is the only COD training study that has
incorporated jumping with an external load…” and showed
improvement in COD performance.

“Unilateral and bilateral horizontal jump training contributed more to

the improvements in COD performance than vertical jump training...”

Brughelli et al., (2008). Sports Med

Double versus Single Leg Training
At the end of the day, the published data suggests
Single Leg ↑ Single Leg Power Fast increases in Sports
↑ Sprint & Agility Performance with
↑ Short Term Results reductions in Low Back
↓ Decreased Load on Spine Pain and ACL risk
↓ Quad Dominance
↑ Long Term Results
Continued increases in
100% MVC (EMG)
Both muscle size, strength, &
↑ Testosterone Release
power, which leads to
↑ Cross Sectional Area
improved sports
↑ Double Leg Strength
performance and reduced
↑ DL Power (VJ)
rate of injury.
↑ Single Leg Strength
Long lasting effects with a
↓ Detraining Effect
reduced risk of injury.
Double Leg ↑ Range of Motion
We now have Faster Sprinters, Bigger Jumpers,
& More Explosive Change of Direction..ers.

Do we only do it once?
AEROBIC Mobility



Slide Credit:
Andy Walshe, Red Bull
Basketball Physiology
Assessment Lactate Threshold
& VO2 Max Protocol

Lactate Threshold
& VO2 Max Results

New Training Zones New Training Goals

Percentile Ranks
Basketball Physiology
Lactate Threshold: The upper limit of blood lactate concentration (mmol/L)
when lactate removal is equal to elimination (~ 4 mmol/L).

Individual Training Zones

vVO2 =
10.5 mph
L4 = 4 mmol = 9.0 mph

L2 = 2 mmol = 7.0 mph

Basketball Physiology At 9 mph, one guy is just
Strong versus Poor Physiology
getting started, the other is
done…What happens when
the tempo rises?

Hi Tempo

L4 = 7.0 mph
L4 = 9.0 mph
Basketball Physiology
Basketball Coincidently Happens at ~4 mmol/L

Nazaraki et al., (2008) Scan J Med Sci Sports

Basketball Physiology
Field Tests: Aerobic Capacity

Field Tests for VO2 max:

20 m Beep Test
1.5 mile run

Estimated vVO2 = Average Pace of the 1.5 mile run

(e.g. 9 min = 10 mph)
Sample Session: 3 x 3 min @ vVO2 w/3 min active recovery

Estimated L4 pace ~ 75-85% of estimated vVO2

4 x 5 min @ L4 w/5 min active recovery
Basketball Physiology
Stronger VO2 Max = More Frequent Action on the Court

PAM = Percent Total Time Active Movements (Running & Jumping)

Nazaraki et al., (2008) Scan J Med Sci Sports

Basketball Physiology
Field Tests: Repeated Sprint Ability

Remember: We want big jumpers, fast sprinters,

explosive change of direction…ers, but we want
them to do it over and over again!

Increased VO2 max = Increased Repeated Sprint Performance

10 x 20 m, every 20 s
Basketball Physiology
At the end of the day, the published data suggests…
“Aerobic fitness enhances recovery from high intensity
intermittent exercise through…”
- “improved lactate removal”
- “enhanced PCr regeneration”

“The ability to recover quickly is critical if subsequent bouts of

all-out activity are required, as in many team sports.”
- “adaptations associated with endurance training should
enhance recovery from high intensity intermittent
- “the literature supports aerobic fitness as a means of
improving recovery from high intensity intermittent
Tomlin & Wenger, (2001) Sports Medicine
Strength, Power & Aerobic Training?
Concurrent Training Methods

Wilson et al., (2012) JSCR

Strength, Power & Aerobic Training?
Concurrent Training Methods

Wilson et al., (2012) JSCR

We Run!
AEROBIC Mobility



Slide Credit:
Andy Walshe, Red Bull
Thank You
Rear Foot Elevated Squat had ↑ Glute & Hamstring Activation
Balances Anterior & Posterior Chain Strength Ratios

McCurdy et al., (2010) J Sport Rehabil

Quad:Hamstring Activation:
Single Leg Squat: 1.67
Double Leg Squat: 4.87 = ~3x More Quad Dominant

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