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Dating Conversation

ran into: to unexpectedly Joe: Hey, I ran into my friend Jackie today downtown.
see someone
Kristin: Hey, you used to work with her right?

Joe: Yeah, yeah, I don’t think you’ve met her yet, but, uh…

Kristin: Yeah, I can’t believe I haven’t met her actually, but…

Joe: Yeah, y’know I, well, I don’t see her that often. I guess…

Kristin: Oh.

Joe: …one of the reasons I don’t see her that often is because she’s been really
busy, uh, because she’s in a new relationship she said.

Kristin: Oh!

Joe: Yeah, you should have seen her. It was like, uh, it was so cute to see her. She
bursting at the seams: was like bursting at the seams she was so happy.
very happy
Kristin: [laugh]

Joe: Because I guess the relationship is going really well, so…

Kristin: Oh, that’s good.

Joe: Yeah, I’m really happy to see it too because I know that she’s been really
looking for someone: looking for someone. And, uh, y’know she’d been doing the online dating thing for, I
trying to find someone to don’t know, over a year. And, I mean it seemed like she was having, uh, she wasn’t
date having a lot of luck with it, so…

Kristin: Oh really.

Joe: Yeah.

Kristin: Well, it’s good she’s finally found someone that she’s compatible with.

Joe: Yeah. I remember when she first started out she told me about this one guy
total loser: someone she met and he was a total loser. I mean, one thing that I remember she said was
who is unsuccessful that he asked her to go out to this nice restaurant. And, y’know, she wasn’t planning 1
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Dating Conversation

on, uh, having him pay for the date. Y’know, she was like, okay, well, y’know, I have
money just in case. And, uh, he made her pay for the whole date.

Kristin: [laugh] Oh my god!

Joe: I know! What the…[laugh]…. So that was really, y’know, that was really a bad

Kristin: [laugh]

Joe: …to the, to that guy and to the online dating world.

Kristin: Yeah, I would say so.

went out with / go out Joe: Because that was the first person she went out with.
with: to go on a date with

blind date / blind Kristin: [laugh] Well, speaking of blind dates, coz online dating is pretty much blind
dating: to go out on a dates…
date with someone you
have never met Joe: Yeah.
in touch (with): to be in
contact (with) Kristin: …or blind dating, I should say, um.... There’s, I have a friend that I am no
longer in touch with and before we lost touch I can remember her telling me a story
lost touch: no longer in
contact with
about going out on a blind date. And this guy, he was such a total loser, he showed
up. He was already two sheets to the wind. That was her first impression of him.
two sheets to the wind: This guy was just trashed.
very drunk; drank too
much alcohol
Joe: And he stunk of alcohol?
trashed: very drunk
Kristin: Yeah!

Joe: Oh great.

Kristin: Yeah, exactly. Yeah, needless to say, that, that date was a disaster. She
didn’t want to see him again.

Joe: Yeah.

Kristin: But, yeah, I mean she had a horrible time with, um, dating. I mean she went
on a lot of blind dates and, just.... They were all pretty disastrous actually. But I will 2
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Dating Conversation
head and shoulders say before we lost touch she finally met someone that was h-, head and shoulders
above the rest: much above the rest.
better than other things

Joe: Oh, that’s great. Yeah.

Kristin: Yeah.

Joe: You know, ah, it’s funny to hear Bill speaking about, uh, all the times he’s gone
out on, y’know, blind dates through y’know that, people he met over the internet.
Because he’s been doing it for a couple of years. And he, he just always has a funny
funny spin on things: spin on things when he tells a story. I don’t even know where he comes up with
funny way of looking at some of this stuff. It’s so funny.

cracks me up: makes Kristin: Oh, that guy cracks me up.

me laugh
Joe: Yeah, yeah, I know. But, uh, he actually, I think one of his problems is.... The
guy’s like 35 and he’s trying to date 20 year olds, so, you know…

Kristin: Oh no.

Joe: …of course there’s going to be like a big difference in, uh, interests and, uh,
usually maturity also.

a recipe for disaster: Kristin: Yeah! That’s just, that seems like it would be a recipe for disaster.
something that is likely to
end badly Joe: Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re saying, so…
a good bit: a lot

a good bit: a lot

Kristin: Well, I think, um, dating has really changed a good bit, y’know, back in the
day, when my…our parents were dating. It was just so different.
back in the day: a long
time ago
Joe: Oh, it was totally a different story then.
a different story: not the
same as Kristin: I mean for one thing, well, moving even beyond dating. Like once people
got serious, they didn’t live together before they got married.

Joe: No, no.

Kristin: You know? And I…

Joe: That was like, viewed as a sin… 3
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Dating Conversation

Kristin: Yeah!

Joe: …because the world, y’know, here in these.... Here it was a lot more, uh, it was
a much more religious time.

Kristin: Right. But I’d even be willing to bet that they didn’t have sex before

Joe: Oh, c-, I think that they were saying they didn’t have sex before marriage but I’m
sure it was happening…

Kristin: You think?

behind closed doors: Joe: …behind closed doors. Oh definitely! Come on, y’know!
done in private; not
happening where people Kristin: Well, where would they do it? Go park a car?
can see it

Joe: Well that is one, that is one, yeah, I think they did actually. Because back then
people would live at home until they got married.

Kristin: Right.

Joe: So they would, I think they would have to go.... I mean it was kind of rare for
someone to move out of the house before they got married. So, y’know, they
probably didn’t have their own apartment. So…

Kristin: Right.

Joe: Yeah, and y’know…

Kristin: Well, speaki-…

Joe: …another…

Kristin: …I’m sorry. Go ahead…

Joe: …thing that was really weird, if you think about it also, is people just didn’t get
divorced back then. 4
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Dating Conversation

Kristin: Right, right.

Joe: Like now, I, I heard something and I, I think this is pretty accurate. 50 percent
of all marriages here in the United States end in divorce.

Kristin: Oh my god.

Joe: I mean, it’s crazy to, y’know, that you and I, uh, we’re both like, y’know, uh,
have parents who are still together. It’s kind of…

Kristin: Uh-huh.

Joe: …it's, uh, it's uncommon, I guess…

Kristin: It is.

Joe: …is the word I’m looking for. Because when you look at our friends, um, most
of them have parents that are divorced, who are divorced, excuse me.

the norm: common Kristin: Yep. Yeah, we’re definitely not the norm, or our families aren’t. But, you
know, it made me think, um, speaking of living together. My mom, I was talking about
shacking up: when an it with her the other day and she actually called it shacking up.
unmarried man and an
unmarried woman live
together; when a man Joe: Oh, that’s funny. That’s like a term that’s no longer used.
and a woman who are
dating live together but Kristin: Yeah.
are not married 5
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