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Random Rubble Masonry in cement mortar 1:5 in Superstructure

Considered Quantity : 1 Cube

Labour Costs Unit No.of Days Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
Skilled labor Labour Day 3 2,200.00 6,600.00
Unskilled labor Labour Day 4 1,600.00 6,400.00
Add for Small tools &
Scafolding 3% of 390.00
1 Sub-total for Labour 13,390.00

Material Costs Unit Qty Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
6" - 9" Rubble Cu 1.3 8,250.00 10,725.00
Cement Bag 5 990.00 4,950.00
Sand Cu 0.3 19,000.00 5,700.00
Water Gal 100 1.00 100.00
Sub-total for Materials 21,475.00

3 Total Basic Costs : (1)+(2) 34,865.0

4 Profit & Overheads (3) × 27% 9,762.20
5 Total Cost (3) + (4) 44,627.20
Unit Rate Rate for 1 Cube Rs/Cube 44,627.20
Rate for 1 m3 Rs/m3 15,769.33

Unit Rate for Random Rubble Masonry in cement mortar 1:5

Rs/m3 15,770.00
in Superstructure

Mixing & Placing of Grade C30 Concrete

Considerd Quantity : 1 Cube

1 Considered additional 5% of materials for wastage during handling

Labour for mixing of concrete

Ref No. Labour Costs No. of Men No.of Days Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)

Skilled labour 1 0.34 2,200.00 748.00

Unskilled labour 1 2 1,600.00 3,200.00
1 Sub-total for Labour 3,948.00

Equipment for mixing of concrete

Ref No. Equipment Cost No. of Units No.of Days Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)

Concrete Mixer 1 0.34 9,600.00 3,264.00

2 Sub-total for Plant 3,264.00

Materials for mixing of concrete

Ref No. Material Costs Unit Qty Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)

Cement Bag 31 990.00 30,690.00

Sand Cube 0.44 19,000.00 8,360.00
3/4 " Metal Cube 0.96 8,000.00 7,680.00
Water Gal 200 1.00 200.00
3 Sub-total for Materials 46,930.00

4 Total Basic Costs Rs/Cube 54,142.00

5 Add 5% of Wastage 2,707.10
6 Total Basic Costs for Grade C 30 Concrete Mixing Rs/Cube 56,849.10

Labour for Placing & Curing of concrete

Ref No. Labour Costs No. of Men No.of Days Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
Skilled labour 1 0.5 2,200.00 1,100.00
Unskilled labour 1 1.5 1,600.00 2,400.00
7 Sub-total for Labour 3,500.00

Equipment for placing & Curing of concrete

Ref No. Equipment Cost No. of Units No.of Hours Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
Concrete Vibrator 1 2.72 520.00 1,414.40

8 Sub-total for Plant 1,414.40

Materials for Placing & Curing of concrete
Ref No. Material Costs Unit Qty Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
Water Gal 100 1.00 100.00
9 Sub-total for Materials 100.00

10 Concrete C 30 mixing Rate for 1 Cube 56,849.10

11 Total Basic Costs : (7)+(8)+(9) +(10) 61,863.50

12 Profit & Overhead (11)× 27.0% 16,703.15
13 Total Cost (11)+(12) 78,566.65
14 Unit Rate (14)/Q Rs/ Cube 78,566.65
Rs/ m3 27,762.07

Unit Rate for Mixing & Placing of Grade C30 Concrete Rs/m3 27,763.00

225 mm thick Brick wall in cement sand 1:5 in Superstructure

Considered Qunatity : 1 Square

3 Considered additional 5% of materials for wastage during handling

Labour Costs No. of Units No.of Days Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
Skilled labour 1 2.25 2,200.00 4,950.00
Unskilled labour 1 3.75 1,600.00 6,000.00
Add for Small tools & Scafolding
3% of Labour
1 Sub-total for Labour 11,278.50

Material Costs Unit Qty Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
Bricks No 1090 10.00 10,900.00
Allow 5% of Wastage 545.00
Cement Bag 3 990.00 2,970.00
Sand Cu 0.2 19,000.00 3,800.00
Water Gal 115 1.00 115.00
3 Sub-total for Materials 18,330.00

4 Total Basic Costs : (1)+(2)+(3) 29,608.50

5 Profit & Overhead (4) × 27.0% 7,994.30
6 Total Cost (4)+(5) 37,602.80
7 Unit Rate (6)/Q Rs/sq 37,602.80
Rs/m2 4,046.06

Unit Rate for 225 mm thick Brick Wall Rs/m3 4,047.00

Clearing site and grubbing up all small trees not exceeding 500mm girth and including
bushes, scrubs, undergrowth hedges etc

Considered Quantity : 1 Square

Labour Costs No. of Men No.of Days Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
Unskilled labour 1 0.75 1,600.00 1,200.00
2.5% of Plant cost for
1 Sub-total for Labour 1,230.00

4 Total Basic Costs : (1)+(2)+(3) 1,230.00

5 Profit & Overhead (4) × 28.0% 344.40
6 Total Cost (4)+(5) 1,574.40
7 Unit Rate (6)/Q Rs/sq 1,574.40
Rs/m2 169.41

Unit Rate for Clearing site and grubbing up all small trees not
exceeding 500mm girth and including bushes, scrubs, Rs/m2 170.00
undergrowth hedges etc.

Removing top soil to a Depth not Exceeding 150 mm

Considered Quantity : 10 Square

Labour Costs No. of Men No.of Days Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
Unskilled labour 1 10.00 1,600.00 16,000.00
2.5% of Plant cost for
1 Sub-total for Labour 16,400.00

2 Total Basic Costs : 16,400.00

3 Profit & Overhead (2) × 28.0% 4,592.00
4 Total Cost (2)+(3) 20,992.00
5 Unit Rate (4)/Q Rs/sq 2,099.20
Rs/m2 225.87

Unit Rate for Removing top soil to a Depth not Exceeding 150 mm Rs/m2 226.00

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