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Topic : Anaerobic Digester conditions , methane generation

Date : 27/4/2020

Specific Biogas Production potential & Methane content for several wastes

Wastes Average dry matter Biogas Potential L/Kg Methane Content

content (wt%) Substrate

Wheat Straws 86.5 367 78.5

Barley Straws 84 380 77
Lucene 22.5 445 77.7
Grass 16 557 84
Corn Silage 34 108 52
Corn Stalks 86 309 -
Dried Leaves 12.5 260 58
Beet leaves 13.5 501 84.8
Poultry Wastes 27.5 502 68
Cattle manure 14 260-280 50-60
Horse Dung 27.5 200-300 66
Sheep Dung 25 320 65
Pig Manure 13.5 480 60

Factors Affecting /Influencing Plant Performance are:

 Solid Content in feed wastes

 C/N ratio (it provides nitrogen for growth of microorganisms)
 Temperature
 PH
 Retention time

Suitable Condition for Digestion

 Solid Content in wastes - 8%

 C/N Ratio -20:1 to 30:1
 Temperature : 25 Deg to 35 Deg
 Ph :6.8 to 7.2
 Retention time : 60-90 Days , For Mesophilic Digestion(temp around 35 deg ) its >20 days

C/N Ratio of some wastes

Material C/N Ratio
Dry Rice straw 67:1
Dry Wheat straw 87:1
Corn Stalks 53:1
Fallen Leaves 41:1
Wild Grass 27:1
Fresh Cattle Dung 25:1
Fresh Pig Manure 13:1
Human Wastes 29:1

Variation of Biogas Production Rate(m3/kg total solid ) with Temp











Pig Manure Cattle Dung Human Wastes Rice Straw Wheat Straw Green Grass

35 Deg C 25 Deg C 8 Deg C

Digester volume Calculation

Example of Digestor Volume Calculation :

Given condition : 10cows with 10kg dung /day ; TS content : 16% ; HRT :40 Days

Solution :

Total Discharge /Day = 100kg/day .

TS of fresh Discharge =100kg*.16= 16kg

Our favorable digester condition is 8% TS

For making that we need to add 100kg of water so the concentration of TS decreases to 8%

So total discharge /day becomes = 200kg/day

Working Volume of digester = Vgst +Vd =Q*HRT{200KG/DAY}

Vgst +Vd = 200kg/day *40Days

=8000KG =8m3

Vgst + Vd = 80% of V

So total V = 10m3

Vcol =0.05 *V = 0.5m3

Vgst =0.5 *(Vgst +Vd +Vsl )*K = 1.9m3

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