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Running head: LEADERSHIP 1





Leadership in any organization is an essential aspect that guides, leads, motivates and

inspires people as they perform their activities. The leadership style utilized by leaders

determines the success factor of the organization. For instance, servant leadership help members

achieve goals by placing the needs of employees first and serving them to perform better.

Servant leaders do not sit to be served but rather serves their juniors. From a personal

perspective, I am endowed with competencies in making decisions, problem-solving, influencing

others by rallying support as well as managing work. When it comes to effective decision

making, every opinion and contribution of those I lead counts and informs final decision. In this

way, my team is motivated and feels part of the major changes within the organization. It also

creates a sense of belonging, ownership, and connection.

Conflicts within an organization are inevitable considering the diversity of the workforce

and the clients. The society we live in today comprises of people who have been brought up very

differently and subscribe to specific belief systems, cultures, and traditions. According to

Winston and Fields (2015), it is essential to understand that the level of diversity can be a source

of conflict, and therefore, a balance needs to be identified when disputes arise. In this vein,

problem-solving is a competence that all leaders must possess. I am efficient in assessing the

conflict at hand, listen to both parties and come up with possible solutions (Giles, 2016). As a

leader, I am able to set the vision and strategy that will be utilized to achieve the mission, plans

and vision of the organization. Leaders are best in planning and allocating resources, and I am

also great at taking tasks and being innovative (Winston & Fields, 2015). Typically, I can affirm

I am a servant leader, and this has significantly enabled employees to grow professionally, the

organization and I have also grown in the area of leadership. As a leader, I have demonstrated

ethics and integrity. I am a person of strong morals and principles while advocating for what is

right (Giles, 2016).

Communication is crucial when it comes to communicating the goals and expectations of

employees. Personally, I have gained and developed effective communication skills that have

enabled me to lead my team. Clarity in the expression of ideas and sharing of information that

can fuel the organization forward is made possible with effective communication platforms and

channels (Giles, 2016). Leadership involves the ability to create and effectively manage groups

and teams (Winston & Fields, 2015). I am able to achieve this by setting goals of teamwork,

remain transparent, be consistent and provide a reward system. I also lead my team as a role

model, and my juniors admire, draw inspiration and motivation from such exemplary

competencies (Winston & Fields, 2015).

Notably, from personal assessment, several adjustments need to be made to my

leadership approach to make it effective and achieve better outcomes. According to Baron and

Parent (2015), one of the adjustments to my leadership approach is ongoing training in the areas

of global leadership. It is undeniable and undisputed that the world has become a global village

and the level of exposure, experience and sharing among leaders will enhance my leadership as a

whole. Ongoing training will ensure that I keep up with emerging trends and also forecast on the

future of leadership when it comes to the individual, employee and organizational growth (Baron

& Parent, 2015). Another adjustment is the incorporation of healing. Healing involves emotional,

physical and mental wellness among employees. A majority of people are hurting in the work

environment that we have since they are quite exhausting. People have opted for suicide, and

therefore, it is my role to avert such instance by pooling social and emotional support program

for the purposes of sharing, healing, and recovery (Giles, 2016). Moreover, many people come

from broken families that have significantly caused emotional stress. Such people cannot

perform to their full potential and solving their emotional problems will be solving organization



Baron, L., & Parent, É. (2015). Developing authentic leadership within a training context: Three

phenomena supporting the individual development process. Journal of Leadership &

Organizational Studies, 22(1), 37-53.

Giles, S. (2016). The most important leadership competencies, according to leaders around the

world. Harvard Business Review, 1-6.

Winston, B., & Fields, D. (2015). Seeking and measuring the essential behaviors of servant

leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 36(4), 413-434.

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