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Digimon Name De-Evolution

Alphamon Cyberdramon
Alphamon DoruGreymon
UlforceVeedramon AeroVeedramon
UlforceVeedramon Megadramon
Ebemon Meteormon
Ebemon Vademon
Ebemon MetalMamemon
Imperialdramon DM Paildramon
Imperialdramon FM Imperialdramon DM
Vikemon Shakkoumon
Vikemon Zudomon
Vikemon ShogunGekomon
VenomMyotismon Infermon
VenomMyotismon Myotismon
VenomMyotismon Wisemon
WarGreymon Mamemon
WarGreymon MetalGreymon
WarGreymon MetalGreymon (Blue)
Examon DoruGreymon
Examon RizeGreymon
Ophanimon Angewomon
Ophanimon Piximon
Gaiomon MetalGreymon
Gaiomon MetalGreymon (Blue)
Gaiomon RizeGreymon
ChaosGallantmon Shakkoumon
ChaosGallantmon WarGrowlmon
Gankoomon SuperStarmon
Gankoomon SkullMeramon
Kuzuhamon Cherrymon
Kuzuhamon Taomon
Kuzuhamon Crowmon
GranKuwagamon MegaKabuterimon
GranKuwagamon Okuwamon
GranKuwagamon Cherrymon
GroundLocomon Gigadramon
GroundLocomon CannonBeemon
GroundLocomon Datamon
Craniamon Andromon
Craniamon Knightmon
Kerpymon (Good) Antylamon
Kerpymon (Good) Shakkoumon
SaberLeomon GrapLeomon
SaberLeomon Panjyamon
SaberLeomon Monzaemon
Sakuyamon Silphymon
Sakuyamon Taomon
Sakuyamon Monzaemon
Jesmon Hackmon
ShineGreymon SkullGreymon
ShineGreymon MagnaAngemon
ShineGreymon RizeGreymon
Justimon Garudamon
Justimon Cyberdramon
Justimon SuperStarmon
Kentaurosmon Chirinmon
Kentaurosmon DoruGreymon
Seraphimon Chirinmon
Seraphimon MagnaAngemon
MegaGargomon CannonBeemon
MegaGargomon MachGaogamon
MegaGargomon Rapidmon
TigerVespamon Andromon
TigerVespamon CannonBeemon
TigerVespamon Rapidmon
Titamon Cyberdramon
Titamon SkullGreymon
Titamon Digitamamon
Dianamon Antylamon
Dianamon Meteormon
Dianamon Taomon
Diaboromon Antylamon
Diaboromon Infermon
Diaboromon Okuwamon
Creepymon SkullGreymon
Creepymon BlueMeramon
Gallantmon WarGrowlmon
Gallantmon MetalTyrannomon
Dynasmon AeroVeedramon
Dynasmon Silphymon
Leopardmon GrapLeomon
Leopardmon Knightmon
Leopardmon LM Leopardmon
HiAndromon Andromon
HiAndromon Vademon
HiAndromon MetalMamemon
Barbamon Myotismon
Barbamon BlueMeramon
BanchoLeomon GrapLeomon
BanchoLeomon Panjyamon
BanchoLeomon MachGaogamon
BanchoLeomon WereGarurumon (Blk)
Piedmon Myotismon
Piedmon Etemon
Piedmon Wisemon
Puppetmon Cherrymon
Puppetmon Pumpkinmon
Puppetmon Mamemon
PlatinumNumemon GoldNumemon
PlatinumNumemon Etemon
PlatinumNumemon SuperStarmon
PlatinumNumemon BlackKingNumemon
BlackWarGreymon Megadramon
BlackWarGreymon MetalGreymon (Blue)
BlackWarGreymon MetalTyrannomon
PrinceMamemon BlackKingNumemon
PrinceMamemon Mamemon
PrinceMamemon MetalMamemon
Plesiomon ShogunGekomon
Plesiomon Whamon
Plesiomon MegaSeadramon
HerculesKabuterimon MegaKabuterimon
HerculesKabuterimon Okuwamon
HerculesKabuterimon Vademon
Beelzemon Infermon
Beelzemon SkullMeramon
Belphemon SM Digitamamon
Belphemon SM Wisemon
Hououmon Garudamon
Hououmon Silphymon
Hououmon Piximon
Magnadramon MegaKabuterimon
Magnadramon Angewomon
Magnadramon Lillymon
Boltmon SkullMeramon
Boltmon Pumpkinmon
Boltmon BlueMeramon
Mastemon Angewomon
Mastemon LadyDevimon
MarineAngemon Zudomon
MarineAngemon Piximon
MarineAngemon Whamon
Minervamon Digitamamon
Minervamon Monzaemon
Minervamon Crowmon
Minervamon WereGarurumon (Blk)
MirageGaogamon Panjyamon
MirageGaogamon MachGaogamon
MirageGaogamon WereGarurumon
Machinedramon Gigadramon
Machinedramon Datamon
Machinedramon Megadramon
MetalEtemon Meteormon
MetalEtemon Etemon
MetalEtemon BlackKingNumemon
MetalGarurumon Chirinmon
MetalGarurumon Zudomon
MetalGarurumon WereGarurumon
MetalGarurumon (Blk)Datamon
MetalGarurumon (Blk)Rapidmon
MetalGarurumon (Blk)WereGarurumon
MetalGarurumon (Blk)WereGarurumon (Blk)
MetalSeadramon Gigadramon
MetalSeadramon Whamon
MetalSeadramon MegaSeadramon
RustTyranomon WarGrowlmon
RustTyranomon MetalGreymon
RustTyranomon MetalTyrannomon
Leviamon ShogunGekomon
Leviamon MegaSeadramon
Lilithmon Lilamon
Lilithmon LadyDevimon
Ravemon AeroVeedramon
Ravemon Garudamon
Ravemon Crowmon
Crusadermon Knightmon
Crusadermon MagnaAngemon
Rosemon Pumpkinmon
Rosemon Lilamon
Rosemon Lillymon
Lotusmon Lilamon
Lotusmon Lillymon
Lotusmon LadyDevimon
Imperialdramon PM Imperialdramon DM
Omnimon WarGreymon
Omnimon MetalGarurumon
Omnimon Zwart BlackWarGreymon
Omnimon Zwart MetalGarurumon (Blk)
Belphemon RM Belphemon SM
Lucemon SM Lucemon CM
Kerpymon (Blk) Antylamon
Kerpymon (Blk) MetalGreymon (Blue)
Beelzemon BM Beelzemon
Flamedramon Veemon
Magnamon Veemon
Rapidmon (Armor) Terriermon
Wisemon Wizardmon
Wisemon Clockmon
Wisemon Socerimon
WereGarurumon (Blk) Garurumon (Blk)
WereGarurumon (Blk) BlackGatomon
WereGarurumon Ogremon
WereGarurumon GaoGamon
WereGarurumon Garurumon
LadyDevimon Kyubimon
LadyDevimon Bakemon
LadyDevimon BlackGatomon
LadyDevimon IceDevimon
Lucemon CM Lucemon
Lillymon Sunflowmon
Lillymon Gatomon
Lillymon Togemon
Rapidmon Gargomon
Rapidmon Reppamon
Rapidmon Waspmon
Lilamon Kabuterimon
Lilamon Sunflowmon
Lilamon Vegiemon
RizeGreymon ExVeemon
RizeGreymon GeoGreymon
RizeGreymon Dorugamon
Crowmon Aquilamon
Crowmon Birdramon
Crowmon Peckmon
Monzaemon Kyubimon
Monzaemon Numemon
Monzaemon Frigimon
Digitamamon Ogremon
Digitamamon Nanimon
Digitamamon Vegiemon
SkullMeramon Wizardmon
SkullMeramon Ogremon
SkullMeramon Meramon
ShogunGekomon ShellNumemon
ShogunGekomon Gekomon
ShogunGekomon Seadramon
DoruGreymon Garurumon
DoruGreymon Cyclonemon
DoruGreymon Dorugamon
DoruGreymon Greymon (Blue)
Knightmon Clockmon
Knightmon Tankmon
Knightmon BlackGatomon
Knightmon Greymon (Blue)
Datamon Guardromon
Datamon Clockmon
Datamon Cyclonemon
Paildramon ExVeemon
Paildramon Stingmon
Panjyamon Garurumon
Panjyamon Meramon
Panjyamon Leomon
Pumpkinmon Woodmon
Pumpkinmon Togemon
Pumpkinmon Bakemon
Piximon Socerimon
Piximon Peckmon
Piximon Reppamon
BlackKingNumemon ShellNumemon
BlackKingNumemon GoldNumemon
BlackKingNumemon Numemon
BlueMeramon Devimon
BlueMeramon Bakemon
BlueMeramon Meramon
BlueMeramon Garurumon (Blk)
Vademon GoldNumemon
Vademon Sukamon
Vademon PlatinumSukamon
Whamon Ikkakumon
Whamon Gekomon
Whamon Seadramon
MagnaAngemon Ankylomon
MagnaAngemon ExVeemon
MagnaAngemon Angemon
MachGaogamon Ikkakumon
MachGaogamon GaoGamon
MachGaogamon Togemon
MachGaogamon Garurumon (Blk)
Mamemon Starmon
Mamemon Tyrannomon
Mamemon Meramon
MegaSeadramon ShellNumemon
MegaSeadramon Gekomon
MegaSeadramon Seadramon
Megadramon Greymon
Megadramon Cyclonemon
Megadramon Tyrannomon
WarGrowlmon Gargomon
WarGrowlmon Growlmon
WarGrowlmon Veedramon
MetalGreymon Growlmon
MetalGreymon Greymon
MetalGreymon Leomon
MetalGreymon (Blue) Greymon
MetalGreymon (Blue) Tyrannomon
MetalGreymon (Blue) Devimon
MetalGreymon (Blue) Greymon (Blue)
MetalTyrannomon Growlmon
MetalTyrannomon Tyrannomon
MetalTyrannomon Veedramon
MetalMamemon Guardromon
MetalMamemon Starmon
MetalMamemon PlatinumSukamon
MetalMamemon Geremon
MegaKabuterimon Kabuterimon
MegaKabuterimon Vegiemon
MegaKabuterimon Waspmon
Antylamon Gargomon
Antylamon Socerimon
Antylamon Peckmon
Andromon Guardromon
Andromon Clockmon
Andromon Tankmon
Meteormon Ankylomon
Meteormon Nanimon
Meteormon Leomon
Infermon Kurisarimon
Infermon Stingmon
Infermon Devimon
Myotismon Wizardmon
Myotismon Devimon
Myotismon Bakemon
Myotismon IceDevimon
AeroVeedramon Aquilamon
AeroVeedramon Birdramon
AeroVeedramon Veedramon
Etemon Sukamon
Etemon Numemon
Etemon PlatinumSukamon
Etemon Geremon
Angewomon Sunflowmon
Angewomon Gatomon
Angewomon Frigimon
Okuwamon Kuwagamon
Okuwamon Stingmon
Okuwamon Waspmon
Garudamon Aquilamon
Garudamon Angemon
Garudamon Birdramon
Gigadramon Growlmon
Gigadramon GeoGreymon
Gigadramon Tankmon
CannonBeemon Kuwagamon
CannonBeemon Tankmon
CannonBeemon Waspmon
GrapLeomon Guardromon
GrapLeomon GaoGamon
GrapLeomon Leomon
Cyberdramon Kurisarimon
Cyberdramon Veedramon
Cyberdramon BlackGatomon
Shakkoumon Ankylomon
Shakkoumon Angemon
Cherrymon Woodmon
Cherrymon Kabuterimon
Cherrymon Kuwagamon
Cherrymon IceDevimon
Silphymon Aquilamon
Silphymon Gatomon
SuperStarmon Sukamon
SuperStarmon Starmon
SuperStarmon Nanimon
SuperStarmon Geremon
SkullGreymon Ankylomon
SkullGreymon Greymon
Zudomon Ikkakumon
Zudomon Garurumon
Zudomon Frigimon
Taomon Woodmon
Taomon Kyubimon
Taomon Kurisarimon
Chirinmon Dorugamon
Chirinmon Birdramon
Chirinmon Reppamon
Sunflowmon Tentomon
Sunflowmon Palmon
Sunflowmon Lalamon
Seadramon Otamamon
Seadramon Syakomon
Seadramon Betamon
GeoGreymon Agumon
GeoGreymon Guilmon
GeoGreymon Hackmon
Sukamon Agumon
Sukamon Elecmon
Sukamon ToyAgumon
Starmon Gotsumon
Starmon ToyAgumon
Starmon Hagurumon
Starmon Solarmon
Stingmon Tentomon
Stingmon Falcomon
Stingmon Wormmon
Socerimon Impmon
Socerimon Gomamon
Socerimon Salamon
Tankmon Agumon (Blk)
Tankmon Armadillomon
Tankmon Gotsumon
Tyrannomon Agumon
Tyrannomon Agumon (Blk)
Tyrannomon Guilmon
Gatomon Terriermon
Gatomon Patamon
Gatomon Salamon
Devimon DemiDevimon
Devimon Lucemon
Devimon Lopmon
Togemon Gaomon
Togemon Palmon
Togemon Lalamon
Dorugamon Gazimon
Dorugamon Gabumon
Dorugamon Dorumon
Nanimon Elecmon
Nanimon Gazimon
Nanimon Goblimon
Numemon Otamamon
Numemon Gabumon
Numemon Betamon
Birdramon Patamon
Birdramon Biyomon
Birdramon Hawkmon
Bakemon Impmon
Bakemon Keramon
Bakemon DemiDevimon
Veedramon Gabumon
Veedramon Veemon
Veedramon Salamon
PlatinumSukamon Keramon
PlatinumSukamon Hagurumon
PlatinumSukamon Hackmon
BlackGatomon Impmon
BlackGatomon Renamon
BlackGatomon Lopmon
Vegiemon Palmon
Vegiemon Betamon
Vegiemon Lalamon
Vegiemon Gabumon (Blk)
Peckmon Kudamon
Peckmon Falcomon
Peckmon Hawkmon
Meramon Agumon
Meramon Guilmon
Meramon Hawkmon
Meramon Solarmon
Frigimon Gabumon
Frigimon Gomamon
Frigimon Salamon
Frigimon Gabumon (Blk)
Leomon Elecmon
Leomon Gaomon
Leomon Gazimon
Reppamon Kudamon
Reppamon Patamon
Reppamon Salamon
Reppamon Gabumon (Blk)
Waspmon Tentomon
Waspmon Dorumon
Waspmon Wormmon
IceDevimon Impmon
IceDevimon DemiDevimon
IceDevimon Wormmon
Aquilamon Biyomon
Aquilamon Falcomon
Aquilamon Hawkmon
Ankylomon Armadillomon
Ankylomon Gotsumon
Ankylomon Gomamon
Ikkakumon Gomamon
Ikkakumon Syakomon
Ikkakumon Terriermon
Wizardmon Impmon
Wizardmon Keramon
Wizardmon Lopmon
Woodmon Palmon
Woodmon Lalamon
Woodmon Renamon
ExVeemon Patamon
ExVeemon Falcomon
ExVeemon Veemon
Angemon Kudamon
Angemon Patamon
Angemon Lucemon
Ogremon Impmon
Ogremon Gaomon
Ogremon Goblimon
Guardromon ToyAgumon
Guardromon Dorumon
Guardromon Hagurumon
GaoGamon Gaomon
GaoGamon Gazimon
GaoGamon Goblimon
Kabuterimon Tentomon
Kabuterimon Biyomon
Kabuterimon Wormmon
ShellNumemon Otamamon
ShellNumemon Syakomon
ShellNumemon Betamon
Gargomon Gaomon
Gargomon Terriermo
Gargomon Lopmon
Garurumon Elecmon
Garurumon Gabumon
Garurumon Renamon
Garurumon (Blk) Gabumon (Blk)
Garurumon (Blk) Elecmon
Garurumon (Blk) Gazimon
Kyubimon DemiDevimon
Kyubimon Biyomon
Kyubimon Renamon
Growlmon Agumon (Blk)
Growlmon Guilmon
Growlmon Goblimon
Kurisarimon Gazimon
Kurisarimon Keramon
Kurisarimon DemiDevimon
Greymon Agumon
Greymon ToyAgumon
Greymon Hackmon
Greymon (Blue) Agumon (Blk)
Greymon (Blue) Guilmon
Greymon (Blue) Goblimon
Clockmon Gotsumon
Clockmon ToyAgumon
Clockmon Hagurumon
Clockmon Solarmon
Kuwagamon Tentomon
Kuwagamon Palmon
Kuwagamon Wormmon
Gekomon Otamamon
Gekomon Syakomon
Gekomon Betamon
Geremon Armadillomon
Geremon Elecmon
Geremon Solarmon
GoldNumemon Armadillomon
GoldNumemon Kudamon
GoldNumemon Hagurumon
Cyclonemon Agumon (Blk)
Cyclonemon Armadillomon
Cyclonemon Dorumon
Gazimon Pagumon
Gabumon Tsunomon
Gabumon (Blk) Tsunomon
Guilmon Koromon
Kudamon Wanyamon
Keramon Tsumemon
Gotsumon Motimon
Goblimon Tsunomon
Gomamon Bukamon
Syakomon Bukamon
Solarmon Motimon
Terriermon Nyaromon
Tentomon Motimon
ToyAgumon Koromon
Dorumon Wanyamon
Hagurumon Motimon
Patamon Tokomon
Hackmon Koromon
Palmon Tanemon
DemiDevimon Tsumemon
Biyomon Yokomon
Falcomon Tokomon
Veemon Tsunomon
Salamon Nyaromon
Betamon Bukamon
Hawkmon Tokomon
Lalamon Tanemon
Lucemon Tokomon
Renamon Tanemon
Lopmon Pagumon
Wormmon Yokomon
Gaomon Wanyamon
Otamamon Bukamon
Elecmon Yokomon
Impmon Pagumon
Armadillomon Nyaromon
Agumon (Blk) Tsumemon
Agumon Koromon
Wanyamon Botamon
Motimon Pabumon
Bukamon Poyomon
Yokomon Pabumon
Pagumon Kuramon
Nyaromon Punimon
Tokomon Poyomon
Tsumemon Kuramon
Tsunomon Punimon
Tanemon Pabumon
Koromon Botamon
Poyomon Baby
Botamon Baby
Punimon Baby
Pabumon Baby
Kuramon Baby
Skill can learn
Digimon Lookup Skill Lv De-Evolution
through level up
Reppamon Saint Knuckle II 10 Kudamon
Shining Laser I 18 Patamon
Please make sure there Aura 25 Salamon
there are no spaces at Gabumon (Blk)
the end of the name of
digimon you are searching
Digivolves Into Lv HP SP ATK DEF INT SPD ABI
Rapidmon 28 75 75
Piximon 26 75 80 80
Chirinmon 30 75 100 10
# Name Rank HP SP Atk Int Def
1 Kuramon Baby --- --- --- --- ---
2 Bubbamon Baby --- --- --- --- ---
3 Punimon Baby --- --- --- --- ---
4 Botamon Baby --- --- --- --- ---
5 Poyomon Baby --- --- --- --- ---
6 Koromon In-Training --- --- --- --- ---
7 Tanemon In-Training --- --- --- --- ---
8 Tsunomon In-Training --- --- --- --- ---
9 Tsumemon In-Training --- --- --- --- ---
10 Tokomon In-Training --- --- --- --- ---
11 Nyaromon In-Training --- --- --- --- ---
12 Pagumon In-Training --- --- --- --- ---
13 Pyocomon In-Training --- --- --- --- ---
14 Pukamon In-Training --- --- --- --- ---
15 Motimon In-Training --- --- --- --- ---
16 Wanyamon In-Training --- --- --- --- ---
17 Agumon Rookie 1620 98 195 93 162
18 BlackAgumon Rookie 1610 95 188 95 167
19 Armadillomon Rookie 1800 139 111 109 175
20 Impmon Rookie 920 178 122 178 109
21 Elecmon Rookie 1470 147 131 128 128
22 Otamamon Rookie 1470 164 91 177 124
23 Gaomon Rookie 1620 113 182 105 118
24 Gazimon Rookie 1560 115 187 98 108
25 Gabumon Rookie 1520 142 143 128 130
26 BlackGabumon Rookie 1490 137 148 123 138
27 Guilmon Rookie 1640 113 197 93 118
28 Kudamon Rookie 980 192 92 181 118
29 Keramon Rookie 1620 118 187 100 113
30 Gotsumon Rookie 1280 128 147 144 182
31 Goblimon Rookie 1640 90 179 90 169
32 Gomamon Rookie 1800 113 147 130 147
33 Syakomon Rookie 1410 159 92 176 135
34 Solarmon Rookie 1670 142 113 115 172
35 Terriermon Rookie 1130 147 133 133 124
36 Tentomon Rookie 1240 128 140 147 174
37 ToyAgumon Rookie 1750 141 116 107 176
38 Dorumon Rookie 1610 109 192 95 123
39 Hagurumon Rookie 1730 145 110 113 174
40 Patamon Rookie 1420 147 128 141 123
41 Huckmon Rookie 1620 98 182 102 167
42 Palmon Rookie 1780 109 157 129 144
43 DemiDevimon Rookie 1090 141 138 138 125
44 Piyomon Rookie 1370 147 134 134 128
45 Falcomon Rookie 1180 147 143 128 128
46 Veemon Rookie 1630 118 194 92 118
47 Salamon Rookie 930 182 98 183 113
48 Betamon Rookie 1410 160 100 177 125
49 Hawkmon Rookie 1130 142 148 132 128
50 Lalamon Rookie 1740 118 141 128 141
51 Lucemon Rookie 1770 207 98 272 153
52 Renamon Rookie 1470 147 138 138 123
53 Lopmon Rookie 1280 128 162 162 112
54 Wormmon Rookie 1250 125 146 144 175
55 IceDevimon Champion 1480 143 199 177 133
56 Aquilamon Champion 1280 162 158 138 138
57 Ankylomon Champion 1970 152 133 123 197
58 Ikkakumon Champion 1970 128 172 143 156
59 Wizardmon Champion 1080 202 113 207 123
60 Woodmon Champion 2120 118 163 138 157
61 Exveemon Champion 1570 172 153 143 143
62 Angemon Champion 1430 143 187 187 133
63 Ogremon Champion 1820 103 219 103 177
64 Guardromon Champion 1480 133 162 157 202
65 Gaogamon Champion 1180 162 158 148 143
66 Kabuterimon Champion 1380 138 162 170 192
67 KaratsukiNumemon Champion 1920 157 123 118 212
68 Gargomon Champion 1570 157 158 138 148
69 Garurumon Champion 1330 162 148 143 143
70 BlackGarurumon Champion 1330 162 158 128 153
71 Kyubimon Champion 1130 202 98 202 128
72 Growlmon Champion 1770 118 207 108 172
73 Chrysalimon Champion 1870 128 217 103 123
74 Greymon Champion 1820 113 212 103 177
75 BlackGreymon Champion 1870 113 217 98 177
76 Clockmon Champion 1570 177 103 197 150
77 Kuwagamon Champion 1770 108 217 98 172
78 Gekomon Champion 1670 182 107 192 138
79 Geremon Champion 2020 153 148 108 192
80 GoldNumemon Champion 1670 183 98 207 133
81 Cyclonemon Champion 1430 133 185 147 192
82 Sunflowmon Champion 1720 172 103 205 138
83 Seadramon Champion 1620 177 103 198 148
84 GeoGreymon Champion 1920 133 207 103 128
85 Sukamon Champion 2070 152 133 113 197
86 Starmon Champion 1620 152 153 140 158
87 Stingmon Champion 1720 128 207 113 118
88 Sorcermon Champion 1570 182 103 212 142
89 Tankmon Champion 1430 133 167 152 205
90 Tyrannomon Champion 1820 98 212 98 184
91 Gatomon Champion 1030 207 108 207 123
92 Devimon Champion 1480 143 192 184 128
93 Togemon Champion 1970 128 162 142 167
94 Dorugamon Champion 1770 128 202 108 133
95 Nanimon Champion 1560 133 162 152 197
96 Numemon Champion 2020 153 128 113 202
97 Birdramon Champion 1380 167 143 158 133
98 Bakemon Champion 980 212 103 202 118
99 Veedramon Champion 1770 123 202 103 172
100 PlatinumSukamon Champion 2020 152 123 123 202
101 BlackGatomon Champion 1080 197 123 197 128
102 Vegimon Champion 2020 123 167 136 160
103 Peckmon Champion 1230 167 153 143 133
104 Meramon Champion 1720 108 202 118 172
105 Frigimon Champion 2020 127 157 148 152
106 Leomon Champion 1770 108 207 110 182
107 Reppamon Champion 1230 172 143 148 148
108 Waspmon Champion 1770 118 197 113 143
109 MegaKabuterimon Ultimate 2070 169 138 153 227
110 Antylamon (Data) Ultimate 1380 177 173 163 158
111 Andromon Ultimate 1530 143 187 187 221
112 Meteormon Ultimate 1580 153 177 182 227
113 Infermon Ultimate 1920 143 262 113 133
114 Myotismon Ultimate 1780 162 207 207 143
115 AeroVeedramon Ultimate 2020 138 227 133 143
116 Etemon Ultimate 1670 187 153 178 168
117 Angewomon Ultimate 1280 227 108 252 138
118 Okuwamon Ultimate 1920 113 222 113 217
119 Garudamon Ultimate 1480 177 173 178 158
120 Gigadramon Ultimate 1730 143 191 167 212
121 CannonBeemon Ultimate 1430 177 178 148 188
122 Grapleomon Ultimate 2170 133 227 118 143
123 Cyberdramon Ultimate 2070 120 237 118 202
124 Shakkoumon Ultimate 2170 189 128 183 222
125 Cherrymon Ultimate 2270 152 167 163 187
126 Silphymon Ultimate 1480 192 168 173 168
127 SuperStarmon Ultimate 1720 182 171 158 183
128 SkullGreymon Ultimate 1820 118 267 108 212
129 Zudomon Ultimate 2270 128 204 153 182
130 Taomon Ultimate 1380 212 108 237 148
131 Chirinmon Ultimate 1380 187 173 173 168
132 Digitamamon Ultimate 2020 133 182 160 202
133 SkullMeramon Ultimate 2120 118 247 109 192
134 ShogunGekomon Ultimate 2620 140 167 148 167
135 DoruGreymon Ultimate 2070 123 225 123 212
136 Knightmon Ultimate 1630 158 189 177 222
137 Datamon Ultimate 1720 192 113 239 163
138 Paildramon Ultimate 1820 187 188 158 173
139 IceLeomon Ultimate 1820 182 173 160 163
140 Pumpkinmon Ultimate 2120 141 177 168 162
141 Piccolomon Ultimate 1430 177 153 183 153
142 BlackKingNumemon Ultimate 2220 167 133 133 232
143 BlueMeramon Ultimate 1630 158 207 192 138
144 Vademon Ultimate 1670 224 103 237 143
145 Whamon Ultimate 2320 137 177 173 177
146 MagnaAngemon Ultimate 1720 202 137 227 168
147 MachGaogamon Ultimate 2070 133 222 128 133
148 Mamemon Ultimate 2120 167 155 128 217
149 MegaSeadramon Ultimate 1870 197 125 222 163
150 Megadramon Ultimate 2020 118 222 108 207
151 WarGrowlmon Ultimate 2020 123 242 126 197
152 MetalGreymon Ultimate 2120 123 232 119 207
153 MetalGreymon (Virus) Ultimate 2260 123 237 108 202
154 MetalTyrannomon Ultimate 1580 153 184 172 242
155 MetalMamemon Ultimate 1480 148 177 182 217
156 Monzaemon Ultimate 2220 137 182 168 172
157 Yatagaramon Ultimate 1330 182 168 168 153
158 RizeGreymon Ultimate 2120 138 242 108 153
159 Lilamon Ultimate 1820 207 108 232 153
160 Rapidmon Ultimate 1720 167 163 168 158
161 Lillymon Ultimate 1280 217 113 227 138
162 Lucemon CM Ultimate 1880 188 222 262 158
163 LadyDevimon Ultimate 1280 227 138 222 138
164 WereGarurumon Ultimate 2020 133 242 118 133
165 BlackWereGarurumon Ultimate 2070 123 247 108 146
166 Wisemon Ultimate 1180 232 108 262 128
167 Alphamon Mega 1880 177 212 212 247
168 UlforceVeedramon Mega 2270 173 252 143 153
169 Ebemon Mega 1770 237 113 262 163
170 Imperialdramon DM Mega 2270 197 188 188 188
171 Imperialdramon FM Mega 2370 158 262 153 168
172 Vikemon Mega 2420 149 212 178 197
173 VenomMyotismon Mega 2030 169 252 207 148
174 Wargreymon Mega 2220 137 257 138 222
175 Examon Mega 2170 202 223 178 178
176 Ophanimon Mega 1230 247 143 257 208
177 Samudramon Mega 2220 143 267 133 173
178 ChaosGallantmon Mega 1830 188 237 222 183
179 Gankoomon Mega 2670 129 252 148 222
180 Kuzuhamon Mega 1920 222 123 257 178
181 Grankuwagamon Mega 2120 127 242 128 237
182 GranLocomon Mega 1630 163 198 187 277
183 Craniumon Mega 2270 197 168 178 272
184 Cherubimon (Good) Mega 1680 252 133 272 148
185 SaberLeomon Mega 2270 143 292 123 148
186 Sakuyamon Mega 1380 242 133 252 158
187 Jesmon Mega 2070 163 262 153 193
188 ShineGreymon Mega 2470 158 267 123 153
189 Justimon Mega 2120 138 257 138 217
190 Kentaurosmon Mega 1580 207 188 203 203
191 Seraphimon Mega 2020 221 133 262 193
192 MegaGargomon Mega 1970 186 198 168 188
193 TigerVespamon Mega 2220 148 257 138 158
194 Titamon Mega 2570 143 237 163 182
195 Dianamon Mega 1180 242 128 262 198
196 Diaboromon Mega 2270 158 307 118 148
197 Daemon Mega 1930 182 242 242 158
198 Gallantmon Mega 2020 202 198 198 203
199 Dynasmon Mega 2270 158 277 133 173
200 Leopardmon Mega 1380 252 163 247 158
201 Leopardmon LM Mega 1730 207 208 188 178
202 HiAndromon Mega 1680 163 207 192 242
203 Barbamon Mega 1870 243 123 297 178
204 BanchoLeomon Mega 2220 123 257 119 247
205 Piedmon Mega 1280 242 168 247 148
206 Puppetmon Mega 1630 163 217 202 227
207 PlatinumNumemon Mega 2470 186 138 153 242
208 BlackWargreymon Mega 2320 132 247 128 237
209 PrinceMamemon Mega 2270 191 148 153 237
210 Plesiomon Mega 2220 212 113 252 163
211 HerculesKabuterimon Mega 2320 182 158 168 232
212 Beelzamon Mega 2270 158 292 138 163
213 Belphemon SM Mega 2270 237 128 267 163
214 Hououmon Mega 1780 237 123 257 143
215 Magnadramon Mega 2420 227 128 247 173
216 Boltmon Mega 2170 122 262 123 222
217 Mastemon Mega 1830 193 232 232 178
218 MarineAngemon Mega 1580 262 103 267 133
219 Minervamon Mega 2170 158 272 158 158
220 MirageGaogamon Mega 2070 158 247 146 158
221 Machinedramon Mega 1730 163 227 182 247
222 MetalEtemon Mega 2270 182 178 133 252
223 MetalGarurumon Mega 1580 197 203 178 178
224 BlackMetalGarurumon Mega 1680 177 217 187 237
225 MetalSeadramon Mega 1970 207 138 232 188
226 RustTyranomon Mega 2270 122 282 113 222
227 Leviamon Mega 2370 164 222 193 212
228 Lilithmon Mega 1330 267 138 287 148
229 Ravemon Mega 1480 197 188 188 168
230 Crusadermon Mega 1680 207 193 193 188
231 Rosemon Mega 1870 210 193 198 178
232 Lotusmon Mega 1330 252 113 277 153
233 Imperialdramon PM Super Ult 2070 212 203 203 203
234 Omnimon Super Ult 2270 143 272 173 227
235 Omnimon Zwart Super Ult 1980 188 207 212 257
236 Belphemon RM Super Ult 2370 123 311 148 227
237 Lucemon SM Super Ult 1880 237 128 297 168
238 Flamedramon Armor 1670 147 168 138 148
239 Magnamon Armor 1730 173 222 202 272
240 Rapidmon (Armor) Armor 1630 163 212 212 242
Spd Skill
--- Increase accuracy and evasion by 1%.
--- Increase accuracy and evasion by 1%.
--- Increase accuracy and evasion by 1%.
--- Increase accuracy and evasion by 1%.
--- Increase accuracy and evasion by 1%.
--- Increase accuracy and evasion by 1%.
--- Increase accuracy and evasion by 1%.
--- Increase accuracy and evasion by 1%.
--- Increase accuracy and evasion by 1%.
--- Increase accuracy and evasion by 1%.
--- Increase accuracy and evasion by 1%.
--- Increase accuracy and evasion by 1%.
--- Increase accuracy and evasion by 1%.
--- Increase accuracy and evasion by 1%.
--- Increase accuracy and evasion by 1%.
--- Increase accuracy and evasion by 1%.
135 Increase damage dealt from fire skills by 15%.
134 Increase ATK by 15%.
111 Increase DEF by 15%.
161 Increase INT by 15%.
144 Increase damage dealt from thunder skills by 15%.
122 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Sleep status effect.
160 Increase evasion by 7%.
161 Increase damage dealt from dark skills by 15%.
145 Increase SPD by 15%.
145 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Stun status effect.
160 Increase ATK, DEF, INT and SPD by 5%.
164 Reduce the chance of receiving status effects by 50%.
160 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Death status effect.
111 Increase damage dealt from earth skills by 15%.
133 Increase critical chance by 15%.
123 Increase damage dealt from water skills by 15%.
122 Increase damage dealt from water skills by 15%.
116 Full immunity to Sleep.
176 Increase accuracy by 15%.
112 Full immunity to Paralyze.
110 Increase DEF by 15%.
160 Increase critical chance by 15%.
110 Increase damage dealt from thunder skills by 15%.
144 Increase damage dealt from light skills by 15%.
134 When HP is below 10%, ATK is increased by 50%.
123 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Poison status effect.
175 Increase damage dealt from dark skills by 15%.
145 Full immunity to Death.
177 Increase damage dealt from wind skills by 15%.
160 Increase ATK by 15%.
156 Increase HP restoration by 20%.
122 Reduce the efficiency of received negative effects by 5%.
178 Increase damage dealt from wind skills by 15%.
123 Full immunity to Poison.
168 Increase damage dealt from light skills by 15%.
147 Increase INT by 15%.
134 Increase damage dealt from earth skills by 15%.
110 Increase damage dealt from plant skills by 15%.
141 Full immunity to Panic.
207 Increase damage dealt from wind skills by 15%.
118 Increase DEF by 15%.
134 Increase damage dealt from water skills by 15%.
177 Increase INT by 15%.
132 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Panic status effect.
172 Increase ATK by 15%.
148 Increase damage dealt from light skills by 15%.
146 Increase critical chance by 15%.
188 Increase damage dealt from thunder skills by 15%.
202 Increase evasion by 7%.
120 Full immunity to Paralyze.
118 Increase the item drop rate from enemies.
162 Increase accuracy by 15%.
202 Increase SPD by 15%.
197 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Stun status effect.
187 Increase INT by 15%.
158 Increase ATK, DEF, INT and SPD by 5%.
172 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Death status effect.
153 Increase damage dealt from fire skills by 15%.
148 Increase ATK by 15%.
136 Increase damage dealt from thunder skills by 15%.
148 Increase damage dealt from plant skills by 15%.
134 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Sleep status effect.
117 Success in escapes becomes easier.
132 Increase YEN gain from battles.
120 When HP is below 50%, ATK is increased by 20%.
130 Full immunity to Poison.
132 Reduce the efficiency of received negative effects by 5%.
177 When HP is below 50%, ATK is increased by 20%.
118 Success in escapes becomes easier.
155 Increase combo occurrence and continuation chance by 10%.
192 Increase damage dealt from plant skills by 15%.
134 Full immunity to Panic.
120 Increase DEF by 15%.
146 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Stun status effect.
182 Increase HP restoration by 20%.
146 Increase damage dealt from dark skills by 15%.
134 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Poison status effect.
182 Increase critical chance by 15%.
120 Full immunity to Stun.
122 Increase the item drop rate from enemies.
192 Full immunity to Death.
187 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Panic status effect.
163 Increase ATK by 15%.
118 Increase EXP gain from battles.
177 Increase damage dealt from dark skills by 15%.
132 Increase damage dealt from plant skills by 15%.
212 Increase damage dealt from wind skills by 15%.
148 Increase damage dealt from fire skills by 15%.
134 Increase damage dealt from water skills by 15%.
146 Increase damage dealt from earth skills by 15%.
207 Reduce the chance of receiving status effects by 50%.
172 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Paralyze status effect.
131 Full immunity to Paralyze.
232 Restore 5% of maximum HP every turn.
134 Increase damage dealt from thunder skills by 15%.
128 Increase damage dealt from earth skills by 15%.
212 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Death status effect.
159 Increase damage dealt from dark skills by 15%.
212 Always get a head-start at the beginning of battle.
187 Reduce the received physical damage by 15%.
202 Increase HP restoration by 20%.
168 Increase damage dealt from plant skills by 15%.
207 Full immunity to Death.
139 Increase DEF by 15%.
207 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Paralyze status effect.
202 Increase SPD by 15%.
171 Increase combo occurrence and continuation chance by 10%.
131 Increase damage dealt from light skills by 15%.
144 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Panic status effect.
222 Increase damage dealt from wind skills by 15%.
174 Increase combo occurrence and continuation chance by 10%.
168 Increase ATK by 15%.
146 Increase damage dealt from water skills by 15%.
197 Increase INT by 15%.
232 Reduce the chance of receiving status effects by 50%.
146 Increase critical chance by 15%.
162 Full immunity to Stun.
141 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Sleep status effect.
165 Increase critical chance by 15%.
131 Increase DEF by 15%.
146 Increase scan value by 10%.
182 Increase damage dealt and received by 20%.
180 Increase damage dealt from earth skills by 15%.
155 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Panic status effect.
217 Increase the efficiency of given positive effects by 5%.
128 Increase the item drop rate from enemies.
168 Increase damage dealt from fire skills by 15%.
141 Full immunity to Dot.
144 Restore 5% of maximum SP every turn.
149 Increase damage dealt from light skills by 15%.
217 Increase evasion by 7%.
136 Full immunity to Stun.
146 Reduce the efficiency of received negative effects by 5%.
168 Increase accuracy by 15%.
165 Increase ATK, DEF, INT and SPD by 5%.
162 Increase damage dealt from fire skills by 15%.
159 Increase ATK by 15%.
131 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Stun status effect.
142 Full immunity to Sleep.
144 Increase damage dealt from neutral skills by 15%.
237 Increase damage dealt from wind skills by 15%.
202 When HP is below 50%, ATK is increased by 20%.
158 Full immunity to Poison.
197 Increase accuracy by 15%.
217 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Poison status effect.
188 Increase damage dealt from all skills by 5%.
202 Increase damage dealt from dark skills by 15%.
212 Increase SPD by 15%.
207 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Stun status effect.
192 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Dot status effect.
169 Increase damage dealt to Royal Knights by 20%.
257 Always get a head-start at the beginning of battle.
173 Full immunity to Dot.
202 Increase DEF and INT by 10%.
212 Increase ATK and SPD by 10%.
177 Increase damage dealt from water skills by 15%.
187 Increase damage dealt from dark skills by 15%.
189 Increase damage dealt from fire skills by 15%.
207 Increase accuracy and evasion by 5%, and critical chance by 10%.
212 Increase HP restoration by 20%.
217 Increase damage dealt and received by 20%.
193 Increase ATK & INT by 10%.
187 When HP is above 50%, ATKs that could kill you will leave you with 1 HP instead.
183 Full immunity to Panic.
189 Increase damage dealt from plant skills by 15%.
167 Increase DEF by 15%.
163 Reduce received damage by 10%.
217 Restore 5% of maximum HP every turn.
222 Increase damage dealt from earth skills by 15%.
232 Increase INT by 15%.
227 When HP is below 25%, SPD and evasion are increased by 25%.
217 When HP is below 50%, ATK is increased by 20%.
193 Increase combo occurrence and continuation chance by 10%.
247 Reduce the chance of receiving status effects by 50%.
179 Increase damage dealt from light skills by 15%.
198 Increase accuracy by 15%.
232 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Paralyze status effect.
173 Increase critical chance by 15%.
242 Increase damage dealt from water and light skills by 10%.
232 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Death status effect.
189 When HP is below 25%, ATK and INT are increased by 25%.
202 Increase ATK, DEF, INT and SPD by 5%.
237 Increase damage dealt from fire and wind skills by 10%.
247 Decrease skill SP consumption by 20%.
282 Increase evasion and critical chance by 5%, and SPD by 10%.
163 Increase damage dealt from thunder skills by 15%.
177 Restoration amount from HP & SP absorption is increased by 20%.
187 Increase damage dealt and received by 20%.
222 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Dot status effect.
163 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Panic status effect.
159 Increase EXP gain from battles.
189 Increase ATK by 15%.
169 Increase YEN gain from battles.
173 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Sleep status effect.
163 Full immunity to Paralyze.
227 Every turn, maximum HP is decreased by 5%, and attack is increased by 5%.
183 Full immunity to Sleep. Also when attacking, 30% chance to inflict Sleep status effect.
217 Full immunity to Death.
173 Increase the efficiency of given positive effects by 5%.
189 Full immunity to Stun.
198 Increase damage dealt from light and dark skills by 10%, and increase HP restoration by 10%.
212 Restore 5% of maximum SP every turn.
227 Increase damage dealt from neutral skills by 15%.
237 Increase evasion by 7%.
163 Full immunity to Sleep.
163 Reduce the received physical damage by 15%.
242 Increase SPD by 15%.
169 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Stun status effect.
173 Reduce the efficiency of received negative effects by 5%.
189 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Stun status effect.
177 When the target is Ultimate level or above, damage is increased by 15%.
232 When a physical attack is received, 10% of the damage is converted to SP.
267 Increase damage dealt from wind skills by 15%.
257 When you have the attribute advantage, increase damage dealt by 15%.
198 When attacking, 10% chance to inflict Poison status effect.
227 Full immunity to Poison.
207 When you have the attribute disadvantage, reduce damage recevied by 15%.
193 Increase SPD by 10%, and increase damage dealt from fire and water skills by 10%.
173 Increase DEF by 10%, and increase damage dealt from water and dark skills by 10%.
189 When attacking, 30% chance to inflict Death status effect If the target is Perfect level or below.
217 When you receive magic attacks, 10% of the damage is converted to HP.
192 When HP is below 50%, ATK is increased by 20%.
163 10% chance to reduce received damage by 30%.
163 Restore 3% of maximum HP & SP every turn.
tion by 10%.

vel or below.
Name Description
Earth Skills
Comet Hammer I Physical attack, 65 Earth damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Comet Hammer II Physical attack, 85 Earth damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Comet Hammer III Physical attack, 105 Earth damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Grand Rock I Magic attack, 55 Earth damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Grand Rock II Magic attack, 75 Earth damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Grand Rock III Magic attack, 95 Earth damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Awesome Quake I Physical attack, 30 Earth damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
Awesome Quake II Physical attack, 45 Earth damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
Awesome Quake III Physical attack, 75 Earth damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
Shock Physical attack, 40 Earth damage to one foe. Inflicts Stun status effect.
Wind Skills
Wind Claw I Physical attack, 65 Wind damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Wind Claw II Physical attack, 85 Wind damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Wind Claw III Physical attack, 105 Wind damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Sonic Void I Magic attack, 55 Wind damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Sonic Void II Magic attack, 75 Wind damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Sonic Void III Magic attack, 95 Wind damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Gale Storm I Physical attack, 30 Wind damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
Gale Storm II Physical attack, 45 Wind damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
Gale Storm III Physical attack, 75 Wind damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
Texture Blow Physical attack, 40 Wind damage to one foe. Inflicts Dot status effect.
Light Skills
Saint Knuckle I Physical attack, 65 Light damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Saint Knuckle II Physical attack, 85 Light damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Saint Knuckle III Physical attack, 105 Light damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Holy Light I Magic attack, 55 Light damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Holy Light II Magic attack, 75 Light damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Holy Light III Magic attack, 95 Light damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Shining Laser I Magic attack, 20 Light damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
Shining Laser II Magic attack, 35 Light damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
Shining Laser III Magic attack, 65 Light damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
Support End Magic attack, 30 Light damage to one foe. Prevents the use of support skills.
Dark Skills
Destruction Cannon I Physical attack, 65 Dark damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Destruction Cannon II Physical attack, 85 Dark damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Destruction Cannon III Physical attack, 105 Dark damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Nightmare I Magic attack, 55 Dark damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Nightmare II Magic attack, 75 Dark damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Nightmare III Magic attack, 95 Dark damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Hell Crusher I Magic attack, 20 Dark damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
Hell Crusher II Magic attack, 35 Dark damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
Hell Crusher III Magic attack, 65 Dark damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
Destruction Physical attack, 40 Dark damage to one foe. 10% chance to inflict Death.
Neutral Skills
Heavy Strike I Physical attack, 70 Neutral damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Heavy Strike II Physical attack, 90 Neutral damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Heavy Strike III Physical attack, 110 Neutral damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Power Energy I Magic attack, 60 Neutral damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Power Energy II Magic attack, 80 Neutral damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Power Energy III Magic attack, 100 Neutral damage to one foe. 95% accuracy.
Mach Rush I Physical attack, 35 Neutral damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
Mach Rush II Physical attack, 50 Neutral damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
Mach Rush III Physical attack, 80 Neutral damage to all foes. 95% accuracy.
Physical Drain Physical attack, 50 Neutral damage to one foe. Absorb 10% SP.
Spirit Drain Magic attack, 40 Neutral damage to one foe. Absorb 10% SP.
Character Reversal Magic attack, 30 Neutral damage to one foe. Inflicts Bug status effect.
Heal Skills
Heal Restores a little HP for one party member.
EX Heal Restores HP for one party member.
Final Heal Restores a lot of HP for one party member.
Aura Restores a little HP for all party members.
EX Aura Restores HP for all party members.
Final Aura Restores a lot of HP for all party members.
Revive Revive one fallen party member with 50% HP.
Perfect Revive Revive all fallen party members with full HP.
Anti-Poison Recover Poison from one party member and restore some HP.
Anti-Panic Recover Panic from one party member and restore some HP.
Anti-Paralysis Recover Paralyze from one party member and restore some HP.
Anti-Sleep Recover Sleep from one party member and restore some HP.
Anti-Stun Recover Stun from one party member and restore some HP.
Antidote Recover Dot from one party member and restore some HP.
Anti-Bug Recover Bug from one party member and restore some HP.
Restore Remove all status effects from one party member and restore some HP.
Dispel Remove basic debuffs from one party member and restore some HP.
Status Skills
Attack Charge Increases ATK of one member by 10%.
Attack Charge Field Increases ATK of all battle members by 10%.
Guard Charge Increases DEF of one member by 10%.
Guard Charge Field Increases DEF of all battle members by 10%.
Mental Charge Increases INT of one member by 10%.
Mental Charge Field Increases INT of all battle members by 10%.
Speed Charge Increases SPD of one member by 10%.
Speed Charge Field Increases SPD of all battle members by 10%.
Hit Charge Increases ACC of one battle member by 10%.
Agility Charge Increases EVA of one battle member by 10%.
Critical Charge Increases CRIT of one battle member by 10%.
Attack Break Reduces ATK of one enemy by 10%.
Attack Break Field Reduces ATK of all enemies by 10%.
Guard Break Reduces DEF of one enemy by 10%.
Guard Break Field Reduces DEF of all enemies by 10%.
Mental Break Reduces INT of one enemy by 10%.
Mental Break Field Reduces INT of all enemies by 10%.
Speed Break Reduces SPD of one enemy by 10%.
Speed Break Field Reduces SPD of all enemies by 10%.
Acceleration Boost Doubles damage output in the next turn.
Cross Counter Counterattacks the enemy when you receive a physical attack.
Reflect Mirror Counterattacks the enemy when you receive a magic attack.
Status Barrier Make one member immune to all status effects.
Safety Guard Make one member endure all attacks that could kill you once.
Chain Plus Increase COMBO for one member by 50%.
Chain Max Increase COMBO for one member by 100%.
Chain Minus Reduce COMBO for one enemy by 50%.
Chain Lost Reduce COMBO for one enemy by 100%.
Escape Dash Flee from a battle.
DS:CS Skill Listings by WillExis
This list compiles all the inherit skills in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth. It also lists all Digimon that can learn thes
Digimon are listed by in-game names.
Some info taken from Draken70's DS: CS Walkthrough

Digimon that can learn these skills and the levels they are learned.

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