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by / moHameD refaat Hegazy

Help people anD allaH will Help you
*paracetamol  10-15 mg / kg / dose
Cetal 250 syrup Wt/4 cm Every 6- 8h
Cetal , pyral drops 2 drops / kg Every 6- 8h
Tempra , abimol syrup Wt /2 cm Every 6- 8h
Perfalgan(1000mg/100ml *<10kg3/4cm / kg Every 6- 8h
*>10kg1.5cm / kg

*Ibuprofen  10-15 mg / kg / dose

Flabu drops 2 drops / kg Every 6- 8h
Brufen , Ultrafen syrup Wt /2 cm Every 6- 8h
Contafever n syrup Wt/4 cm Every 6- 8h
Marcofen sup (100,300,500mg) Every 6- 8h

*Combination () ibuprofen & paracetamol

Megafen syrup Wt /2 cm Every 6- 8h

*Declophenac  0.5 -1 mg / kg / dose

Dolphin k,Cataflam drops 2 drops / kg Every 6- 8h
Catafly syrup (10mg/5ml) Wt /3 cm Every 6- 8h
Dolphin sup ( 12.5 , 25 mg ) Every 12h
Declophen amp 1 cm / 20 kg Better once

*ketoprofen  0.5 -1 mg / kg / dose

Ketofan susp Wt /3 cm Every 6- 8h
Ketofan amp (100mg/2ml)
*Ampicillin sulbactam
 150 mg/kg/day IV
 Dose is doubled in meningitis
 25-50 mg/kg/day PO
Unasyn,Unictam,Sigmacyn Wt/2 cm Every12h
susp (250mg/5ml) Wt/3 cm Every 8 h
Unasyn,Unictam vial Every12h
375 mg + 5cm salineWt cm
750 mg + 5cm salineWt/2cm
1500 mg + 5cm salineWt/4 cm

*Amoxicillin clavulanic
 25-50 mg / kg / day dose of Amoxicillin
 Augmentin,Curam,E-moxclav(156mg/5ml)susp125mg
 Augmentin,Curam,E-moxclav(312mg/5ml)susp250mg
 Augmentin,Curam,Emoxclav,Megamox(457mg/5ml)400m
g amoxicillin
 Megamox(228mg/5ml) susp 200mg amoxicillin
 Hibiotic ( 460mg/5ml ) susp 400mg amoxicillin
156 Wt / 2 cm Every 8 h
228 Wt / 3 cm Every 8 h
312 Wt / 4 cm Every 8 h
457,460 Wt/ 4 cm Every 12 h

*Azithromycin ( Macrolides )
 12 – 15 mg / kg / day  for 3 days
 20 mg / kg / day  Typhoid  for 7 days
Zithromax , Zithrokan , Xithrone Wt/4 cm Single dose
(200mg/5ml) before meal
Zithrokan (100mg/5ml) Wt/2 cm Single dose

*First Generation Chephalosporines

 50mg /kg/day
Duricef,Curisafe (125mg/5ml) susp Wt cm Every 12 h
Duricef,Biodroxil (250mg/5ml) susp Wt /2 cm Every 12 h
Biodroxil (500mg/5ml)susp Wt / 4 cm Every 12 h

*Second Generation Chephalosporines

1. Cefaclor
 20-40mg/kg/day
Ceclor,Bacticlor(125mg/5ml)susp Wt /2 cm Every 12 h
Ceclor,Bacticlor(250mg/5ml)susp Wt /4 cm Every 12 h

2. Cefuroxime
 50-100mg/kg/day
Cefumax (250mg/5ml)susp Wt/2 cm Every 12 h
Zinnat (125mg/5ml)susp Wt cm Every 12 h
Zinnat vial 250,750,1500 mg Every 12 h

*Third Generation Cephalosporines
1. Ceftriaxone
 50 mg/kg/day
 100mg/kg/day in meningi s
Cefaxon,Ceftriaxone,Wintriaxon,Xoraxon +5cmsaline Single/day
500mg Wt/2
Cefaxon,Ceftriaxone,Wintriaxon,Xoraxon +5cmsaline Single/day
1000mg Wt/4

2. Cefotaxime,Ceftazidime
 100mg/kg/day
Cefotax.Claforan,Fortum +5cm saline Wt cm Every 12h
250mg vial
Cefotax.Claforan,Fortum +5cm saline Wt/2 cm Every 12h
500mg vial
Cefotax.Claforan,Fortum +5cm saline Wt/4 cm Every 12h
1000mg vial

3. Cefixime
 8-14mg/kg/day
Suprax,Ximacef (100mg/5ml) susp Wt /4 cm Every 12h

*Fourth Generation Cephalosporins
 50-100mg/kg/dayiv
Maxipime,Wincef 500mg vial +5cm salineWt/2 Every 12 h
Maxipime,Wincef 1000mg vial +5cm salineWt/4 Every 12 h

 If used more than 7 – 10 days → renal func on should be
done & follow up is a must

1. Gentamicin
 4mg/kg/day  IV
Gentamicin 80mg/2ml 1cm+19 cm glucose 5 % Every 24 h
2cm/kg over 30 min

2. Amikacin
 15 mg/kg/day
Amikin 100mg/2ml 1cm + 4cm saline 1.5cm/kg Every 24 h

 Meronem has a menigitic & pseudomonal dose of 40
mg/kg/dose q8h,, but Tinam has NOT.
 Tinam may cause Convulsions
 Tinam is incompatible with Amikin, Gentamicin &
 Meronem  20 mg/kg/dose q8h
 Tinam  20-25 mg/kg/dose q12h
Meronem +25 cm saline Wt cm IV over 30 min Every 8 h
500 mg vial
Meronem +25 cm saline Wt/2 cm IV over 30 min
1000mg vial
Tinam 500 +25 cm saline Wt cm IV over 30 min Every12h
mg vial

 4mg+20mg /kg/day)
Septrin,Sutrim,Septazole susp Wt/2 cm Every 12 h

 Bacteremia 10 mg/kg/dose IVI over 1h
 Meningitis 15 mg/kg/dose IVI over 1h
Vancocin 500 mg vial +100cm saline2cm/kg Every 8 h

*Benzathine penicillin G
 50000 unit/kg
Depo-pen vial <27 kg  1/2 vial Every 3-4 weeks
>27 kg  vial

* Linezolid
 10mg/kg/dose
 G+ve bacteria e.g. MRSA, and glycopeptide-resistant
 Some Anerobes e.g. C perfringens, C difficile, and
Bacteroides fragilis
 Treatment is usually con nued for 10-28 d
 Linezolid is not used as empiric treatment
 not active against: Common Gram negative organisms,
Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Averozolid susp( 100 mg / 5 ml ) Wt/2 cm Every 8 h

*first line drugs
1. Isoniazid (INH)
 10-15mg/kg/day
Isocid , Inhibix tab 50 mg Single daily dose
Isocid forte tab 200 mg Single daily dose

2. Rifampicin or Rifampin
 10-20mg/kg/day on empty stomach
Rimactane,Rifam,Rifamox Wt/2 One hour Before
(100mg/5ml) cm breakfast
Rifampicin, Rifampin cap 150 mg One hour Before
Rifampicin, Rifampin, Rimactane cap 300 mg breakfast

Rimactazid tab 150 mg isoniazid+300 mg Single daily

rifampicin dose
Rimactazid pediatric 60 mg isoniazid+60 mg Single daily
tab rifampicin dose

3. Pyrazinamide
 20-40mg/kg/day
Piraldina , Pyrazinamide tab 500 mg Single daily dose

Rimcure pediatric tab 30mg isoniazid+60mg rifampicin+150mg

Rimcure tab 75mg isoniazid+150mg rifampicin+400mg

*Alternative drugs
1. Streptomycin (aminoglygoside)
 20-40mg/kg/day  IM
Streptomycin vial 1000mg +5cm saline Single daily

2. Ethambutol
 15-20mg/kg/day  oral
Etibi tab 500 mg Single daily

 10-20mg/kg/dose
 Duration of therapy  14 days (in localized infec ons)
or 21 days (in disseminated or CNS infec ons)
Zovirax 250mg/5ml vial 1cm+9cm saline Every 8 h
4cm/kg IVI over 1 h
Zovirax 200mg/5ml syrup Wt/2 cm Every 8 h
Zovirax tab 200 , 400 mg Every 8 h

 100,000 unit/dose oral
 Duration  7-10 days
Mycostatin , Fungistatin , Nystatin 1 ml (droper) Every 6 h

 30mg/dose  infants
 60mg/dose  children
 Duration  7-10 days
Daktarin , Miconaz , Micoban 1/4 spoon  infants Every 6 h
oral gel( 120mg/spoon) 1/2 spoon  children

 LD = 12-25 mg/kg (we use 12)
 MD = 6-12 mg/kg/dose (we use 6) IVI over 30 min q24h
Diflucan Wt/2 cm Every
(25mg/5ml) syrup 12 h
Diflucan IVI LD 6cm/kg+6cm/kg glucose 5%
(100mg/50ml) Over 30 min
MD3cm/kg+3cm/kg glucose 5% Every
Over 30 min 24 h

 Oral 50mg/kg/day  Amoeba  10 days
25 mg/kg/day  Giardia  7 days
 Infusion  LD 15mg/kg/dose
MD 7.5 mg/kg/dose
Flagyl , Amrizole Amoeba (double Wt)/3 cm Every 8 h
(125mg/5ml) susp Giardia  Wt /3 cm
Flagyl infusion LD 3cm/kg
(500mg/100ml) MD 1.5cm/kg Every 8 h

*Diloxanide furoate
 20mg/kg/day
 Duration  10 days
Furazol , Dilozole susp Wt/3 cm Every 8 h

*Chloroquine phosphate
 3 days treatment :
1. Day 1 ini al dose : 10mg/kg
 A er 6 h : 5mg/kg
2. Day 2  one dose : 5mg/kg
3. Day 3  one dose : 5mg/kg
Chloroquine Initial dose double (Wt/3) cm As above
(80mg/5ml) syrup Then  Wt/3 cm
Chloroquine tab 150 mg As above

 Safe from first day of life & in pregnancy & lactation
Antiver , Vermin Oxyuris5ml before Every week for 3
(100mg/5ml) susp breakfast weeks
Askaris & Ankylostoma Every 12 h for 3
5ml days
Antiver , Vermin The same but one tab The same
100mg tab

 Same as mebendazole
Fluver , Fluvermal Same as Same as
(100mg/5ml) mebendazole mebendazole
Fluver , Fluvermal Same as Same as
100mg tab mebendazole mebendazole

 Not safe in first 2 years of life & in pregnancy & lacta on
 400mg/dose
Alzental , Bendax Oxyuris20ml before Every week for 3
(100mg/5ml)susp breakfast weeks
Askaris & Ankylostoma Every 24 h for 3
20ml days
Vermizole Oxyuris10ml before Every week for 3
(200mg/5ml) susp breakfast weeks
Askaris & Ankylostoma Every 24 h for 3
10ml days
Alzental , Bendax Oxyuris2 tab before Every week for 3
, Vermizole breakfast weeks
200mg tab Askaris & Ankylostoma Every 24 h for 3
2 tab days

 Bilharziasis 40mg/kg single dose in middle of fa y meal
repeated a er 1week , a er 1 month & a er 6 months
 Strongloids & H.nana  25mg/kg single dose
Epiquantel Bilharziasis wt/3 cm Single
(600mg/5ml) Strongloids & H.nana Wt/4 cm dose
Praziquentel , 600 mg tab Single
Distocid dose

*Short Acting
 Duration4-6 h
1. Hydrocortisone
 Parentral  5-10mg/kg/dose – IV or IM
 Oral 2mg/kg/day
Solu-cortef vial, IM 1cm/10kg Every 6 h
Hydrocortisone amp IV vial + 10cm saline
(100mg/2ml) Wt/2 cm
Hydrocortone tab 10 , 20 mg Every 6 h

2. Prednisone or Prednisolone
 Oral2mg/kg/day
Predsol (5mg/5ml) Double Wt/3 cm Every 8 h
Predsol forte (15mg/5ml) Double Wt/6 cm Every 8 h
Hostacorten tab 5 mg

*Long Acting
 Duration8-12 h
1. Dexamethasone
 Parentral  0.25-0.5mg/kg/dose – IV or IM
 Oral 0.1-0.2mg/kg/day
Dexamethasone , IM 1cm/10kg Every
Epidron , Fortecortin IV1cm+3cm saline Wt/4 cm 12 h
(8mg/2ml) amp
Phenadone . Apidone Wt/3 cm Every
(0.5mg/5ml) syrup 8h

*Inhalation Corticosteroids
1. Beclomethasone
 100mcg/dose
Beclotide , Beclosone inhaler(50mcg/puff) 2 puffs Every 6-8 h
(through the mouth for persistent asthma)
Beconase spray (50mcg/puff) 1-2 Every 12 h
(through the nose for allergic rhinitis) puffs

2. Budesinide
 100-200mcg/dose
Pulmicort Turbuhaler (100,200mcg/puff) 1 puff Every 12 h
(through the mouth for persistent asthma)
Pulmicort nebulization solution 2501cm/5kg
(250,500mcg/2ml) 5001cm/10kg

Rhinocort spray (50mcg/metered dose) 1-2 Every 12 h
(through the nose for allergic rhinitis) puffs

3. Fluticasone
 50-100mcg/dose
Flixotide inhaler(50mcg/puff) 1-2 Every 12 h
(through the mouth for persistent asthma) puffs
Flixonase spray(50mcg/metered dose) 1-2 Every 12 h
(through the nose for allergic rhinitis) puffs

Sedatives & Hypnotics
 Sedativesrelieves anxiety without imparing consciousness
 Hypnotics induces sleep

*Chloral hydrate
 25-50 mg/kg/dose
 Short term use only (before CT)
 Onset within 10-15 min
 May cause bradycardia – Monitor HR
Chloral (500mg/5ml) syrup Wt/2 cm Single dose

Anticonvulsant & Antiepileptic
 LD = 0.3 – 0.5 mg/kg/ dose
 MD = 0.1 – 0.2 mg/kg/dose as needed usually q 2-4 h
Valium , Neuril amp 1cm + 4cm saline 
(10m/2ml) ‫ ﻃﺔ ا ﺴﻮﻟ ﻛ ﻠﻮ اﻻن‬٣٠
‫ ﺳﺎﻋﻪ‬٤-٢ ‫ ﻃﺔ ا ﺴﻮﻟ ﻛ ﻠﻮ‬١٠ ‫ﺛﻢ‬
Diazepam rectal tubes 5 mg , 10 mg

 LD: 20 mg/kg IV slowly over 10-15 min, with
refractory seizures
add 5 mg/kg doses, up to a total of 40 mg/kg
 MD = 3-4 mg/kg/dose q24h IV, IM, PO or PR (q12h
probably unnecessary)

Sominaletta amp 1cm + 4 cm saline Double Wt Every 24 h

(40 mg/ml) cm now , then Wt/2 cm
Sominaletta Syrup Wt cm Every 24 h
(15 mg/ 5 ml)
Sominaletta tab 15 , 60 mg Every 24 h

 LD = 15-20 mg/kg/IVI over 30 min
 MD = 4 - 8 mg/kg/IVI q 12 h
 NOT used in central line – NOT used IM (extravasation &
IM → necrosis)
Epanutin , Phenytoin 1cm+9cm saline 3-4cm /kg Every 12h
(250mg/5ml) amp now over 30 min, then Wt cm
Epanutin , Ipanten Wt cm Every 12h
(30mg/5ml) susp

 Sedative dose
- Shots → 0.05-0.15 mg/kg as needed, usually q 2-4 h IVI
over 5 min
- intranasal & sublingual route → 0.2 – 0.3 mg/kg/dose
- IVI → 0.01-0.06 mg/kg/h (0.06 X 24 X weight) = (1.44 X
 Anticonvulsant dose
-LD = 0.15 mg followed by Maintenance IVI = 0.06-0.4
Dormicum , LD 1cm + 4cm saline ‫ ﻃﺔ ﻧﺠﺔ‬١٥
Midathetic ‫ا ﺴﻮﻟ ﻛ ﻠﻮ‬
amp (5mg/ml) Maintenance IVI 1cm + 4cm saline1.5 XWt cm
‫ﺗﻀﺎف ﻋ ﻣﺤﺎﻟ ﻞ اﻟﻴﻮم‬

*Sodium Valporate
 20-30mg/kg/day
Convulex drops(300mg/ml) 1-2 drops Every 12 h
Depakine syrup Wt/4 cm Every 12 h

Inotropic Drugs
*Cardiac Glycosides
1. Digoxin
 LD 30-50 mcg/kg IV , IM , Oral by digitaliza on as follow:
o 1/2 dose ini ally
o 1/4 dose a er 8 h
o 1/4 dose a er another 8 h
 Maintenance dose 5-10 mcg/kg/day divided every 12 h
Lanoxin amp 2cm + 8cm glucose 5 % 
(0.5mg/2ml) LD
 Wt/2 cm initially
 Wt/4 cm a er 8 h
 Wt/4 cm a er another 8 h
MD  Wt/10 cm every 12 h
Lanoxin pediatric LD 
elixir  Wt/2 cm initially
( 50mcg/ml) ( oral )  Wt/4 cm a er 8 h
 Wt/4 cm a er another 8 h
MD  Wt/10 cm every 12 h

*Sympathomimetic Catecholamines
1. Adrenaline
 0.01 – 0.03 mg/kg/dose  IV ( Resuscitation )
Adrenaline amp (1mg/ml) 1 cm + 9 cm saline  1cm / 10 kg

2. Dopamine
 2 – 5 mcg/kg/min → Renal dose
 5 – 10 mcg/kg/min → Inotropic dose
 10 – 20 mcg/kg/min → Vaso-constrictor
Dopamine amp 10mcg/kg/min 
(200 / 5ml) %٥ ‫ ﺳﻢ ﺟﻠ ﻮز‬٢٤ ‫ﻛ ﻠﻮ ﺴﺘ ﻤﻞ ﺣ‬ ‫ وﺣﺪة ا ﺴﻮﻟ‬٣٦
‫ﺳﻢ اﻟﺴﺎﻋﻪ‬١ ‫ﻤﻌﺪل‬ ‫وﺗﻌ‬

3. Dobutamine
 2-25 mcg/kg/min IVI
Dobutrex amp 10mcg/kg/min 
(250 / 5 ml) %٥ ‫ ﺳﻢ ﺟﻠ ﻮز‬٢٤ ‫ﻛ ﻠﻮ ﺴﺘ ﻤﻞ ﺣ‬ ‫ وﺣﺪة ا ﺴﻮﻟ‬٢٨
‫ﺳﻢ اﻟﺴﺎﻋﻪ‬١ ‫ﻤﻌﺪل‬ ‫وﺗﻌ‬

Anti-arrhythmic Drugs
*Drugs for Brady-arrhythmia
1. Atropine
 IV (over 1 min) or IM: 0.01-0.03 mg/kg/dose q10-
15min; Maximum total dose of 0.04 mg/kg
 ET: 0.01-0.03 mg/kg/dose immediately followed by 1 mL NS
 PO: begin with 0.02 mg/kg/dose q4-6h, may increase
gradually to 0.09 mg/kg/dose
Atropine amp ( 1mg/ml) 1cm+9cm saline  0.1 cm /kg

*Drugs for supraventricular tachyarrhythmias

1. Verapamil
 0.1-0.2 mg/kg/dose IV over 2 min
Isoptin amp (5mg/2ml) 1cm + 9cm saline  Wt/2 cm

2. Propranolol
 Oral → 0.25 mg/kg/dose q6h → Then ↑ as needed to max
of 3.5 mg/kg/dose q6h
 IV → 0.01 mg/kg/dose q6h → Then ↑ as needed to max of
0.15 mg/kg/dose q6h
Inderal 10 mg Tab ‫ﺳﻢ ﻣﺎء ﻣﻘﻄﺮ و ﻌ‬١٠ ‫ اﻟﻘﺮص ﺤﻞ‬Every 6h
‫ر ــﻊ اﻟﻮزن‬

Anti-hypertensive Drugs
*TTT of hypertensive crisis
1. Nifedipine
 0.25-0.5 mg/kg/dose  sublingual or oral
Epilat , Adalat 10 mg ,20 mg Repeated every 30-60 min if

2. Furosemide
 2mg/kg/dose  IV or IM
Lasix amp (20mg/2ml) 1cm+9cm saline  Wt cm Every 12 h
Lasix tab ( 40mg) 1/2 tab + 10 cm sterile water Every 12 h
 Wt/2 cm

*TTT of non emergency hypertention

1. Captopril
 0.01 – 0.05 mg/kg/dose Up to 0.5 mg/kg/dose q12h
Capoten 25 gm tab 1/2 tab + 12.5 cm sterile water Every 12 h
 ‫ﻃﺔ ﻛ ﻠﻮ‬

*Osmotic Diuretics
1. Mannitol 20 %
 5-10 ml/kg  IV (Over 30min)
 Rapid reduction of increased intracranial pressure &
reduction of cerebral mass in case of edema
Mannitol 20 % ( 500ml 5-10 ml / kg Every 6 h for 2-3
bottle ) days

Nasal decongestants
*Local (nasal)
1. Oxymetazoline
Afrin ped , iliadin merck ped 1-2 drops Every 12 h

2. Xylometazoline
Otrivin ped , Balkis ped , Rhinex ped 1-2 drops Every 8 h

 These drops used in 3 months – 6 years

 Adult drops  a er 6 years
 Before 3 months use  lyse , physiomer , otrivin baby
saline nasal drops
*Systemic (oral)
1. Decongestant + Antihistamine
Sine up , Balkis syrup Wt/3 cm Every 8 h

2. Decongestant + Antihistamine + Antipyretic

Congestal syrup Wt/3 cm Every 8 h

Cough Suppressants
*Herbal Suppressants
Sina dry , Balsam , Herba < 1 year  2.5 cm Every 8 h
cough syrup >1 year  5 cm

*Chemical Preparations
Cough cut , Sinecod syrup Wt/3 cm Every 8 h
(good with asthma)
Tussivan N syrup Wt/3 cm Every 8 h
Tusscapine syrup
Sinecod , Selegon drops 1 drop / kg / day Before sleeping

*Suppositories for dry cough

Selegon supp 1 supp  10kg Before sleeping
Coughseed supp <2years infantile Before sleeping
>2years  children

Mycolytic Expectorent
*Herbal Preparations
 < 1 year  2.5 cm
 > 1 year  5 cm
 ‫ﺻ ﺎﺣﺎ وﻋ ا‬
Sinuc syrup (mild)
Sina-wet , Bronchicum syrup(moderate)
Broncho syrup (strong)
*Chemical Mycolytic
Bisolvon , Solvin , Ambroxol , Ultrasolve Wt/3 cm Every 8 h
Mucosolvin , Bronchopro syrup
Bisolvon , Solvin , Ambroxol drops 1 drop/kg Every 8 h
Osipect , Allvent syrup Wt/3 cm Every 8 h
(Mycolytic + Expectorant + B2 agonist)

*Selec ve B2 agonist
1. Salbutamol
 0.1-0.3mg/kg/dose PO q6-8h
 0.1-0.5 mg (0.02-0.1 mL)/kg/dose q2-6h via nebulizer
 100-200mcg/dose  inhalation
Ventolin , Vental , Farcoline , Wt/4 cm Every 6-8 h
Salbovent syrup (2mg/5ml)
Ventolin ,Vental inhaler(100mcg/puff) 1 puff Every 6-8 h
Ventolin diskus (200mcg/puff)
Ventolin , Farcolin nebulizer solution 0.5cm + Every 6-8 h
(5mg/ml) 2.5cm saline

2. Terbutaline
 0.1-0.2mg/kg/day  oral
 200mcg/dose  inhalation
Aironyl , Bricanyl syrup (1.5mg/5ml) Wt/4 cm Every 8 h
Bricanyl inhaler (200mcg/puff) 1 puff Every 8 h

*Anticholinergic drugs
1. Ipratropium
 75-175 mcg via jet nebulizer q6-8h
 25 mcg/kg/dose via nebulizer q8h
Atrovent inhaler 1-2 puff Every6h
Combivent inhaler
Atrovent , Combivent  250 (1cm/5kg) +2cm saline Every6h
(250 ,500 mcg/2ml)  500(1cm/10kg)+2cm saline
Nebulization solution

*Methylxanthine dervatives
 Theophylline
 LD: 8 mg/kg IVI over 30 min or PO
 MD (8-12h Later): 1.5-3 mg/kg/dose PO or IV q8-12h
Aminophylline (125,250 mg/5 mL) Amp Every 8 h
Minophylline , Etaphylline , 1cm / 10kg Every 8 h
Epicophylline (100mg/5ml)

*Caffaine Citrate
 LD: 20-25 mg/kg IV over 30 min or PO
 MD: 5-10 mg/kg/dose q24h IV slowly or PO
 Idiopathic Apnea of Prematurity
Caffeinospire (20 mg/ml) vial LD Wt cm Every 24 h
MDWt/4 cm
Caffeinospire (20 mg/ml) oral The same above Every 24 h

Asthma Controllers
*Inhaled corticosteroids
 As before
*Long ac ng B2 agonist
 Salmeterol
 25-50mcg/dose  inhalation
Serevent , Metrovent inhaler (25mcg/puff) 1 puff Every 12 h
Serevent , Metrovent discus (50mcg/puff)
Seretide discus,inhaler (100,250,500) 1 puff Every 12 h

*Leukotriene Modifiers
 Montelukast
 2 months – 6 years  4 mg (sachets)
 6 years – 15 years  5mg ( chewable tabs )
 > 15 years  10mg ( swallowed tabs )
Singular (4mg) sachet 1 sach Once daily at night
Singular , Montekal chew tab 1 chew Once daily at night
(5mg) tab
Montekal , Clear air tab(10mg) 1 tab Once daily at night

Drugs for Hyperacidity
Maalox , Mucogel , <2years  5 cm Every 6-8 h
Epicogel susp >2years  10-15 cm before eating
Maalox , Acicone For older children  1 tab Every 6-8 h
chewable tab

*H2 recpetors antagonists

1. Ranitidine
 2 mg/kg/dose PO q8h (max. 3 mg/kg q8h)
 (Term) 1.5 mg/kg/dose q8h IV slow push
 (Preterm) 0.5 mg/kg/dose q12h IV slow push
Zantac 1cm+12cm saline  Every 8-12 h
amp(50mg/2ml) Wt/2 cm
Zantac tab 150 , 300 mg Every 8 h

2. Famotidine
 0.25-0.5 mg/kg/dose IV q24h
 0.5-1 mg/kg/dose PO q24h
Antodine(20mg/2 1cm+9cm saline  Wt/2 Every 24 h
mL) amp cm
Antodine tab 20 , 40 mg Every 24 h

Antiemetic Drugs
1. Domperidone
 0.3 mg/Kg/dose
Motinorm ,Motilium Susp(5mg/5ml) Wt/3 cm Every 8 h

2. Ondansetron
 8 – 15 kg 2mg/dose
 15 – 30 kg  4mg/dose
 > 30 kg  8 mg/dose
Danset , Zofran , Danofran amp 4 , 8 mg Every 12 h

3. Trimebutine
 5 – 10 mg/kg/day
 Mainly in GERD
Gast-reg susp Wt/3 cm Every 8 h

Spasmolytic & Antiflatulant
*For neonates & young infants
Pedia water , Grip water 2.5 – 5 cm Every 6-8 h
syrup before feeding
Simethicone , Baby rest 2 drops/kg/dose Every 6-8 h
drops before feeding

*For children > 2 years

Viceralgine , Buscopan syrup Half Wt/3 cm Every 8 h
Viceralgine amp 1cm  20 kg Up to 4
Buscopan amp 1cm  40 kg Once daily

Antidiarrheal drugs
Aqua ream z , Zinc < 6 months  2.5 cm Once daily
origin syrup >6 months  5 cm For 10-14 d
Hydrosafe , Rehydro
zinc pack
Antinal , Streptoquine  Late infancy & early Every 8 h
childhood 5 cm
 Late childhood  10 cm

Laxative drugs
Duphalac , Lactulose Wt/4 cm Every 12 h
Laxomag susp Wt/2 cm Once before
Picolax , Normalax 1 drop/kg  max 15 When needed
drops drops
Glycerine sup 700mg  <2years When needed
1400mg  >2years

 From first day of life
Fenestil drops 1 drop / kg /day Every 12 h
Fenestil syrup Wt / 4 cm Every 12 h

 > 6 months of life

Zyrtec drops 1 drop / kg Every 24 h
before sleeping
Zyrtec , Histazine , Cetrak Wt/2 cm Every 24 h
syrup before sleeping

 > 1 year of life

Claritine syrup Wt/2 cm Every 24 h before sleeping

 > 2 years of life

Evastine syrup Wt/2 cm Every 24 h before sleeping

Avil retard amp (45mg/2ml) 1 cm  40 kg Every 12 h

o All Antihistaminic are contraindicated in BA & Acute

bronchitis except Claritine & Evastine

Hormonal Therapy
1. Thyroid hormone ( L-thyroxine )
 10-15 mcg/kg/day  neonatal period
 8-10 mcg/kg/day  infancy
 4-6 mcg/kg/day childhood
Eltroxin tab 50 , 100 mcg Every 24 h

2. Insulin
 Rapid acting insulin ( regular )
 DKA  IVI at a rate of 0.1 unit / kg / h un l glucose level
of 300mg/dl then discon nue infusion & give insulin
subcutaneous in dose of 0.2 – 0.4 unit/kg every 6-8 h for
24 h
 Mangment of ordinary case  0.5-1 unit/kg/day , 1/3 of
dose is regular insulin & 2/3 is intermediate insulin
Actrapid human insulin 40 , 100 units/ml
Humulin R human insulin 40 , 100 units/ml
Humulin R human insulin pen fill 100 units/ml

 Intermediate acting insulin

Monotard human insulin 40 , 100 units/ml
Humulin N human insulin 40 , 100 units/ml
Humulin N human insulin pen fill 100 units/ml

3. Antidiuretic hormone
 Desmopressin
 0.1-0.2 mg
Minirin tab (0.1 , 0.2) mg 1-2 tab Once daily before
Minirin nasal 1-2 puffs Once daily before
spray(10mcg/puff) sleeping

Vitamins and Minerals

1. Vitamin C
 Prophylactic  25 - 35 mg/day
 Therapeutic  100-200mg/day
Cevilene drops  Prophylactic  5 drops Once daily
(100mg/ml)(5mg/drop)  Therapeutic  10 drops Every 8 h

2. Vitamin D
 Prophylactic  400iu / day
 Therapeutic 3000-5000 iu / day orally for 3 weeks
 600,000 iu/dose-IM – once
Vidrop (100iu/drop) 4 drops Once daily
Pedical syp. (400iu + 50 mg ca /5ml) 5 cm Once daily
Decal B12 syp ,Vitacal syp , Calcical 5-10 cm Every 8 h
syp. (1000u/5ml)
Devarol-S amp (600,000u/ml) Amp Once not

3. Vitamin K
 Prophylactic  1 mg  IM  once
 Therapeutic  5-10 mg  IM , IV
Konakion MM pediatric amp. 1/2 amp At birth
Konakion amp (10mg/ml) 1/4 – 1/2 amp Every 12 h

4. Vitamin B complex
Beco- C or Medivit syp 5 cm Prophylactic once daily
Therapeutic  Every 8 h

5. Multivitamins
Bebe-vit drops Prophylactic5-10 drops Once daily
Therapeutic  1/2 -1 droper Every 12 h
Fruital , Polvital , 5 cm Once daily
Totavit syp

6. Iron
 Prophylactic2mg/kg/day
 Therapeutic  6 mg/kg/day
Hydroferrin drops Prophylactic1/4 droper Once daily
(50 mg/ml) Therapeutic 0.6 droper/10kg Every 12h
Ferose syp 3cm / 10kg Every 12h

7. Calcium
 Oral dose 40-80mg/kg/day
 IV dose  100-200mg/kg/day
Pedical , Cal-D-B12 Wt/2 cm Every 12 h
syp (50mg/5ml)
Ca gluconate amp.  Maintenance dose = Every 6 h
10% (100mg/ml) 0.5 - 1 ml/kg
 In hypocalcaemia =
1 – 2 ml/kg

8. Magnesium
 Resuscitation (Pulseless Torsades) 25-50 mg/kg
IV/intraosseous rapid infusion
 Hypomagnesemia25-50 mg/kg IVI over 30-60 min; q8-
12h for 2-3 doses
Magnesium sulphate 50% 0.1 cm/kg Every 8-12 h
Magnesium sulphate 10% 0.5 cm/kg Every 8-12 h

9. Potassium
 Oral dose  2-4 mEq/kg/day
Potassium syp. 15% (10mEq/5ml) Wt/3 cm Every 8 h

Eye medications
 Antibiotics
Tobrin eye drops 1-2 drops Every 6 h
Tobrex eye ointment Once daily b4 sleeping

 Decongestants
Prisoline or Nostamine 1-2 drops Every 6 h
E/N drops for 4 days

 Anti-allergic
Alomide or Epichrome eye drops 1-2 drops Every 8 h

 Corticosteroids
Isopto-Maxidex eye drops 1-2 drops Every 6 h

 Corticosteroids+ antibiotics
Tobradex , Isopto-Maxitrol eye drops 1-2 drops Every 6 h

Ear Medications
 Analgesic
Otocalm or Otal ear drops 1-2 drops Every 6 h

 Wax softeners
Remowax or Ear wax ear drops 1-2 drops Every 6 h

 Antibiotics
Otoxin or Otophenicol ear drops 1-2 drops Every 6 h

 Corticosteroids+ Antibiotics
Dexatrol E/E drops 1-2 drops Every 6 h

Topical Medication
*Protective agent
 Zinc olive lotion
 Baby cream

*Soothing agent
 Calamyl lotion
 Calamine lotion

*Topical Antibiotics
 Garamycin ointment
 Fucidin cream
*Topical Antifungals
 Daktarin cream
 Miconaz cream
 Candistan cream
 Mycostatin baby cream
*Topical antiparasitic
 Scabine lotion or cream 1%
 Licid , No lice lotion

*Topical Corticostroids
1. Mild to Moderate
 Dermatop cream
 Perderm cream
 Hydrocortison cream
2. Strong
 Betaderm cream
 Betnovate cream
 Elecon cream
3. Steroids and Antimicrobial combinations
 Hdrocortisone + Miconazole
 Daktacort cream
 Betamethasone + Miconazole + Neomycin
 Polyderm cream
 Betamethasone + Clioquinol + Gentamicin + Chlorocresol
 Quadriderm cream

*Burns Preparations
 Dermazin cream
*Oral Analgesics
 Dentinox teething gel
 Oracure gel
 Dentocalm paint
 BBC spray

Miscellaneous drugs
Immulant syp.(90mg/5ml) 5-10 cm Every12h
Immulant cap.(200mg) 1 cap Every12h
Hepaticum syp.( 50 mg/5ml) Wt/2 cm Every12h
Digestin syp 1-3 years  2.5 cm Every 8 h
3-12 years  5 cm
Uripan syp. (5mg/5ml) or 5-10 cm B4
tab. (5mg ) sleeping
Ursogall syrup(250 mg/ Wt/2 cm Every12h
Lacteol forte Sachets 0.5-1 sach +5cm sterile Every12h
Cholestran Sachets +10 cm sterile water Every12h
Wt cm
Folic acid tab 1/2 tab + 12 cm sterile 2 mes
water Wt/3 cm /week
L–Carnitine drops 300 1/4 droper /kg Once
mg/ml daily

Blood products
Packed RBCs 5 – 20 ml/kg Every 24 h
Fresh Frozen 10 – 20 ml/kg Every 24 h
Plasma Every 12 h in DIC
Platelets 5 – 10 ml/kg Every 24 h
Cryoprecipitate 5 – 10 ml/kg
IVIG 1 gm 500 – 900 mg/kg over 3 h After 24 h if
2.5gm needed


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